def delete_word(): """Delete a word from the dictioary Admins are able to delete a whole word object and animation from the database query parameter: /dictionary/delete?input=someword no request body :rtype: None """ input_ = request.args.get('input', None) if not input_: return Response('Word not found', 204) input_ = ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, input_)).lower() if Dictionary.objects(word=input_): try: url = Dictionary.objects.get(word=input_).url url = url.split('/') s3_helper.delete_file_from_s3(url[-1]) Dictionary.objects(word=input_).delete() except Exception as e: print(str( + ' ', e) return Response('Failed: error deleting word', 501) return Response('Success: word deleted from the dictionary', 200) return Response('Word not found', 204)
def deny_word(): """Deny words, remove the file from the S3 bucket and not the DB Deletes the specified word from the S3 bucket and removes the URL field for that word request body :rtype: None """ if request.content_type != 'application/json': return Response('Failed: Content-type must be application/json', 415) r = request.get_json() if 'word' not in r: return Response('Failed: invalid request', 400) if len(r['word']) == 0: return Response('Failed: no words provided', 400) for e in r['word']: if Dictionary.objects(word=e): try: word = Dictionary.objects.get(word=e) if word.url == None: return Response('Failed: word has no url field', 400) url = word.url word.update(unset__url=1) url = url.split('/') s3_helper.delete_file_from_s3(url[-1]) except Exception as e: print(str( + ' ', e) return Response('Failed: error deleting word', 501) return Response('Success: words deleted', 200)
def add_word(): """Add a word to an existing module An admin will be able to add a word to an existing module request body :rtype: None """ if request.content_type != 'application/json': return Response('Failed: Content-type must be application/json', 415) r = request.get_json() if 'word_id' or 'module_id' not in r: return Response('Failed: invalid request', 400) derr = Dictionary.error_checker(r['word_id']) merr = Module.error_checker(r['module_id']) if derr: return derr elif merr: return merr word = Dictionary.objects.get(id=r['word_id']) Module.objects(id=r['module_id']).update_one(push__words=word) return Response('Success: word added to module', 200)
def add_word(): """Add a word to the dictionary Admins are able to add an ASL animation to our dictionary path parameter: /admin/dictionary/create request body :rtype: None """ if 'file' not in request.files: return Response('Failed: missing file', 400) file = request.files['file'] r = request.form.to_dict() """ These attributes are also available file.filename file.content_type file.content_length file.mimetype """ if file: file.filename = secure_filename(file.filename) w = enchant.Dict("en_US") word = ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, r['word'])).lower() # if it's an actual word try to upload the word if w.check(word): try: output = s3_helper.upload_file_to_s3(file) if Dictionary.objects(word=word): Dictionary.objects(word=word).update_one( url=output, in_dictionary=True) else: Dictionary(word=word, url=output, in_dictionary=True).save() except Exception as e: print(str( + ' ', e) return Response('Failed: error uploading word', 501) else: return Response( 'Failed: word provided is not a vaild english word', 400) else: return redirect('/admin/create') return Response('Success', 200)
def get_words(): """Get all words in the dictionary Returns a JSON response contianing the word and id of all words in the db path parameter: /dictionary no request body :rtype: JSON """ return Response(Dictionary.objects(in_dictionary=True).only('word').to_json(), 200, mimetype='application/json')
def get_word(word): """ GET: Get a word in the dictionary Returns a JSON response contianing the word document of the word requested path parameter: /dictionary/{word} no request body :rtype: JSON POST: Request that we add a word to our dictionary Increments the times requested counter for a word path parameter: /dictionary/{word} no request body :rtype: None """ word = ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, word)).lower() if request.method == 'GET': o = Dictionary.objects.get_or_404(word=word, in_dictionary=True) return Response(o.to_json(), 200, mimetype='application/json') if request.method == 'POST': w = enchant.Dict("en_US") if w.check(word): if Dictionary.objects(word=word, in_dictionary=False): Dictionary.objects(word=word).update_one( upsert=True, inc__times_requested=1) elif Dictionary.objects(word=word, in_dictionary=True): return Response('Failed: word already exists', 409) else: Dictionary(word=word, times_requested=1).save() else: return Response('Failed: word provided is not a vaild english word', 400) return Response('Success: request received', 200)
def approve_word(): """Approve words and make them publicly available Sets the in_dictionary value to true for the words sent request body :rtype: None """ if request.content_type != 'application/json': return Response('Failed: Content-type must be application/json', 415) r = request.get_json() if 'word' not in r: return Response('Failed: invalid request', 400) if len(r['word']) == 0: return Response('Failed: no words provided', 400) for e in r['word']: Dictionary.objects(word=e).update(in_dictionary=True) return Response('Success, updated the dictionary', 200)
def list_words(): """Get a list of all words that have have not been approved yet. Returns a list of all word objects that have been uploaded to our crowdsorcing page but have not been approved :query param start: Where the user wants the list to start :type submission_id: int :query param limit: How many words the user wants per page :type quiz: int :rtype: JSON """ start = request.args.get('start', None) if start: start = int(start) if start >= Dictionary.objects(in_dictionary=False, url__exists=1).count(): start = 0 else: start = 0 limit = request.args.get('limit', None) if limit: limit = int(limit) if limit < 5 or limit > 100: limit = 20 else: limit = 20 return Response(Dictionary.objects( in_dictionary=False, url__exists=1).order_by('-word')[start:limit].to_json(), 200, mimetype='application/json')
def get_stats(): """Get top most requested words Returns a list of JSON objects with the top 'N' where 5 <= N <= 100 most downloaded words. query parameter: /stats?limit=somenumber where 5 <= somenumber <= 100 no request body :rtype: List[Dictionary] """ limit = int(request.args.get('limit')) if limit < 5 or limit > 100: limit = 20 o = Dictionary.objects(in_dictionary=False).order_by( '-times_requested')[:limit] return Response(o.to_json(), mimetype='application/json')
def add_questions(id_, r): if 'questions' not in r: return Response('Failed: no questions provided', 400) for e in r['questions']: if 'word' not in e: return Response('Failed: word not provided', 400) if not ObjectId.is_valid(e['word']): return Response('Failed: invalid Id', 400) if not Dictionary.objects(id=e['word'], in_dictionary=True): return Response('', 204) for e in r['questions']: try: question = Question( question_text=e['question_text'], word=e['word']) Quiz.objects(id=id_).update_one(push__questions=question) except Exception as e: print(str( + ' ', e) return Response('Failed: invalid request', 400)
def create_module(): """Create a module An admin will be able to create a new learning module request body :rtype: None """ if request.content_type != 'application/json': return Response('Failed: Content-type must be application/json', 415) r = request.get_json() # build and save the module try: mod = Module(module_name=r['module_name'], details=r['details']) except Exception as e: print(str( + ' ', e) return Response('Failed: Bad request', 400) # save it so we have an Id to reference # if a parent is not provided then the new module is the new head of the module list if 'parent' not in r: # checks to make sure it is not the first module if Module.objects(parent__exists=0, # find the module with no parent node and upsert parent to new modules id Module.objects(parent__exists=0).update_one(upsert=True, # get the parent if it exists if 'parent' in r: err = Module.error_checker(id=r['parent']) # if parent id is wrong throw error if err: return err # else get parent object and add it to the new module parent = Module.objects.get(id=r['parent']) mod.parent = # if there is a child get the id of the child just in case we need to revert it if Module.objects(parent=r['parent']): old_id = Module.objects.get(parent=r['parent']).id # change the childs parent id to be the new module id Module.objects(parent=r['parent']).update_one( # if the user provided a list of words the verify them and add them to the module if 'words' in r: for i in r['words']: # a word id is wrong return error err = Dictionary.error_checker(i) if err: mod.delete() return err # get the word object and add it to the module word array word = Dictionary.objects.get(id=i) Module.objects( # if the user provided a list of quizzes the verify them and add them to the module if 'quiz' in r: for i in r['quiz']: # a quiz id is wrong return error err = Quiz.error_checker(i) if err: mod.delete() return err quiz = Quiz.objects.get(id=i) Module.objects( try: except Exception as e: print(str( + ' ', e) if old_id: Module.objects(parent=r['parent']).update_one(parent=old_id) return Response('Success', 200)
def add_all(): # adds words try: word_test = Dictionary(word='test', url='', in_dictionary=False, times_requested=7) word_hello = Dictionary(word='hello', url='', in_dictionary=True, times_requested=2) word_sick = Dictionary(word='sick', url='', in_dictionary=False, times_requested=1) word_foo = Dictionary(word='foo', url='', in_dictionary=True, times_requested=10) word_bar = Dictionary(word='bar', url='', in_dictionary=True, times_requested=30) word_food = Dictionary(word='food', url='', in_dictionary=False, times_requested=5) word_goodbye = Dictionary(word='goodbye', url='', in_dictionary=True, times_requested=1) word_pizza = Dictionary(word='pizza', url='', in_dictionary=True, times_requested=7) word_hack = Dictionary(word='hack', url='', in_dictionary=False, times_requested=30) word_computer = Dictionary(word='computer', url='', in_dictionary=False, times_requested=10) # import json # print(word_test.to_json()) q0 = Question(question_text='Sign for test', word=word_test) q1 = Question(question_text='Sign for hello', word=word_hello) q2 = Question(question_text='Sign for sick', word=word_sick) q3 = Question(question_text='Sign for foo', word=word_foo) q4 = Question(question_text='Sign for bar', word=word_bar) q5 = Question(question_text='Sign for food', word=word_food) q6 = Question(question_text='Sign for goodbye', word=word_goodbye) q7 = Question(question_text='Sign for pizza', word=word_pizza) q8 = Question(question_text='Sign for hack', word=word_hack) q9 = Question(question_text='Sign for computer', word=word_computer) quiz_1 = Quiz(quiz_name='Test quiz 1', details='This is the first test quiz', questions=[q0, q1, q2, q3, q4]) quiz_2 = Quiz(quiz_name='Test quiz 2', details='This is the second test quiz', questions=[q5, q8, q9]) quiz_3 = Quiz(quiz_name='Test quiz 3', details='This is the third test quiz', questions=[q3, q5, q6, q7]) quiz_4 = Quiz(quiz_name='Test quiz 4', details='This is the forth test quiz', questions=[q6, q8]) mod_1 = Module(module_name='Test module 1', details='This is the first module', words=[ word_computer, word_test, word_hello, word_sick, word_foo, word_bar, word_hack, word_food ], quiz=[quiz_1, quiz_2]) mod_2 = Module( module_name='Test module 2', details='This is the two module', words=[word_foo, word_food, word_goodbye, word_pizza, word_hack], quiz=[quiz_3]) mod_3 = Module(module_name='Test module 3', details='This is the three module', words=[word_goodbye, word_hack], quiz=[quiz_4]) mod_3.parent = mod_2.parent = user_1 = User(username='******', firstname='jon', lastname='wick', dob='1964-09-02') user_1.creation_date = '2019-09-13 15:47:18.171396' comp1 = Completed_Modules(, module_name=mod_1.module_name) user_1.completed_modules = [comp1] ans0 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=q0.word.word, correct_answer=q0.word.word) ans1 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=q1.word.word, correct_answer=q1.word.word) ans2 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=word_bar.word, correct_answer=q2.word.word) ans3 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=q3.word.word, correct_answer=q3.word.word) ans4 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=q4.word.word, correct_answer=q4.word.word) sub_1 = Submission(user_id=user_1, quiz_id=quiz_1, module_id=mod_1, user_answers=[ans0, ans1, ans2, ans3, ans4], grade=4) ans5 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=q3.word.word, correct_answer=q3.word.word) ans6 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=q5.word.word, correct_answer=q5.word.word) ans7 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=q6.word.word, correct_answer=q6.word.word) ans8 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=q7.word.word, correct_answer=q7.word.word) sub_2 = Submission(user_id=user_1, quiz_id=quiz_3, module_id=mod_2, user_answers=[ans5, ans6, ans7, ans8], grade=4) ans9 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=word_foo.word, correct_answer=q6.word.word) ans10 = UserAnswers(, user_answer=word_bar.word, correct_answer=q8.word.word) sub_3 = Submission(user_id=user_1, quiz_id=quiz_4, module_id=mod_2, user_answers=[ans9, ans10], grade=0) except Exception: print("An error occured filling the database.") print("================== ERROR =====================") traceback.print_exc() print("==============================================") print("Cleaning up ...") myclient.drop_database("asl_tutor") print("Done")