Esempio n. 1
 a.ShortCode = code
 a.NeuteredDate = asm.getdate_mmddyy(row["SpayNeuterPerformedDate"])
 if a.NeuteredDate is not None:
     a.Neutered = 1
 # 1 = neutered, 2 = spayed, 3 = entire, 5 = unknown
 if row["sysAlteredChoicesID"] == "1" or row["sysAlteredChoicesID"] == "2":
     a.Neutered = 1
 a.Markings = row["DistinguishingMarks"]
 a.HealthProblems = row["Condition"]
 a.AnimalComments = row["Description"]
 a.Weight = asm.atoi(row["Weight"])
 a.IsNotAvailableForAdoption = 0
 location = asm.find_value(cshelterareas, "sysShelterAreasID",
                           row["sysShelterAreasID"], "ShelterArea")
 pen = asm.find_value(cpens, "sysPensID", row["sysPensID"], "Pen")
 a.ShelterLocation = asm.location_from_db(location, 1)
 a.ShelterLocationUnit = pen
 a.Sex = asm.getsex_mf(
     asm.find_value(cgenders, "sysGenderChoicesID",
                    row["sysGenderChoicesID"], "GenderChoice"))
 a.Size = 2
 color1 = asm.find_value(ccolors, "sysCoatColorsID", row["ColorPrimaryID"],
 color2 = asm.find_value(ccolors, "sysCoatColorsID",
                         row["ColorSecondaryID"], "Description")
 a.BaseColourID = asm.colour_id_for_names(asm.fw(color1), asm.fw(color2))
 #a.IdentichipNumber = row["MICROCHIP"]
 breed1 = asm.find_value(cbreeds, "sysBreedsID", row["sysBreedPrimaryID"],
 breed2 = asm.find_value(cbreeds, "sysBreedsID", row["sysBreedSecondaryID"],
Esempio n. 2
    comments = "Breed: " + d["Breed"] + "/" + d["Cross_Breed"]
    comments += "\nSpecies: " + d["Species"]
    comments += "\nMicrochip Type: " + d["Microchip_Type"]
    comments += "\nSize: " + d["Size"]
    comments += "\nCondition: " + d["Animal_Condition"]
    a.HiddenAnimalDetails = comments

    entrycomments = "Pound Reason: " + d["Pound_Reason"]
    entrycomments += "\nWhere Found: " + d["Where_found"]
    entrycomments += "\nStreet Found: " + d["Street_Found_In"]
    a.ReasonForEntry = entrycomments
    a.EntryReasonID = 17  # Surrender
    #if d["InShelterSearchFlag"] == "N":
    #    a.Archived = 1
    if d["Animal_Location"] != "":
        a.ShelterLocation = asm.location_from_db(d["Location"])
    if d["Animal_Unit"] != "": a.ShelterLocationUnit = d["Unit"]

# Animal log, recording medical history and linking adoptions/surrenderers/etc
for d in asm.csv_to_list(LOG_FILENAME, remove_non_ascii=True):

    if d["Animal_Identifier"] not in ppa: continue
    a = ppa[d["Animal_Identifier"]]
    o = uo
    if d["People_ctr"] != "": o = ppo[d["People_ctr"]]
    ed = getdate(d["Entry_date"])
    if not ed: continue

    if d["Weight"] != "0" and d["Weight"] != "":
            a.Weight = float(d["Weight"])
Esempio n. 3
     a.AnimalName = "(unknown)"
 a.DateBroughtIn = getdate(d["Date brought in"])
 if a.DateBroughtIn is None:
     a.DateBroughtIn =
 if "Date Of Birth" in d and d["Date of Birth"].strip() != "":
     a.DateOfBirth = getdate(d["Date of Birth"])
     a.DateOfBirth = asm.subtract_days(a.DateBroughtIn, 365)
 a.EstimatedDOB = d["Estimate"] == "Yes" and 1 or 0
 a.CreatedDate = a.DateBroughtIn
 a.LastChangedDate = a.DateBroughtIn
 if d["Old number (notes field)"] != "":
     a.ShortCode = d["Old number (notes field)"]
 a.ReasonForEntry = d["Reason for Entry"]
 a.ShelterLocation = asm.location_from_db(d["Internal Location"])
 a.Sex = asm.getsex_mf(d["Sex"])
 a.BreedID = "COALESCE((SELECT ID FROM breed WHERE BreedName LIKE '%s' LIMIT 1), 1)" % d[
     "Breed 1"]
 if d["Breed 2"].strip() == "" or d["Breed 2"] == "NULL":
     a.Breed2ID = a.BreedID
     a.BreedName = asm.breed_name_for_id(a.BreedID)
     a.CrossBreed = 0
     a.Breed2ID = "COALESCE((SELECT ID FROM breed WHERE BreedName LIKE '%s' LIMIT 1), 1)" % d[
         "Breed 2"]
     a.BreedName = asm.breed_name_for_id(
         a.BreedID) + " / " + asm.breed_name_for_id(a.Breed2ID)
     a.CrossBreed = 1
 a.BaseColourID = asm.colour_id_for_name(d["Colour"])
 a.Markings = d["Markings"]
Esempio n. 4
 a.ShelterCode = code
 a.ShortCode = code
 a.NeuteredDate = asm.getdate_mmddyy(row["SpayNeuterPerformedDate"])
 if a.NeuteredDate is not None:
     a.Neutered = 1
 # 1 = neutered, 2 = spayed, 3 = entire, 5 = unknown
 if row["sysAlteredChoicesID"] == "1" or row["sysAlteredChoicesID"] == "2":
     a.Neutered = 1
 a.Markings = row["DistinguishingMarks"]
 a.HealthProblems = row["Condition"]
 a.AnimalComments = row["Description"]
 a.Weight = asm.atoi(row["Weight"])
 a.IsNotAvailableForAdoption = 0
 location = asm.find_value(cshelterareas, "sysShelterAreasID", row["sysShelterAreasID"], "ShelterArea")
 pen = asm.find_value(cpens, "sysPensID", row["sysPensID"], "Pen")
 a.ShelterLocation = asm.location_from_db(location, 1)
 a.ShelterLocationUnit = pen
 a.Sex = asm.getsex_mf(asm.find_value(cgenders, "sysGenderChoicesID", row["sysGenderChoicesID"], "GenderChoice"))
 a.Size = 2
 color1 = asm.find_value(ccolors, "sysCoatColorsID", row["ColorPrimaryID"], "Description")
 color2 = asm.find_value(ccolors, "sysCoatColorsID", row["ColorSecondaryID"], "Description")
 a.BaseColourID = asm.colour_id_for_names(asm.fw(color1), asm.fw(color2))
 #a.IdentichipNumber = row["MICROCHIP"]
 breed1 = asm.find_value(cbreeds, "sysBreedsID", row["sysBreedPrimaryID"], "Breed")
 breed2 = asm.find_value(cbreeds, "sysBreedsID", row["sysBreedSecondaryID"], "Breed")
 a.BreedID = asm.breed_id_for_name(breed1)
 a.Breed2ID = asm.breed_id_for_name(breed2)
 # Not sure if this was customer specific with the (Mix) (Purebred) -
 # needs checking on future conversions
 if breed2 == "(Mix)": 
     a.Breed2ID = 442