def tokenCharge(self, payref, item_description=""): payments = self.getPayments(payref) total_charge_sum = sum( round(r.DONATION, 2) + (r.VATAMOUNT if r.VATAMOUNT > 0 else 0) for r in payments # add VAT for consistency with other payment providers ) / 100.0 client_reference_id = "%s-%s" % (self.dbo.database, payref) # prefix database to payref OwnerID = payments[0].OWNERID p = asm3.person.get_person(self.dbo, OwnerID) if not asm3.utils.is_valid_email_address(p.EMAILADDRESS): raise Exception(_("Invalid email address")) url = "" params = { "Operation": "2", # charge + create token, "TerminalNumber": asm3.configuration.cardcom_terminalnumber(self.dbo), "UserName": asm3.configuration.cardcom_username(self.dbo), "codepage": "65001", # unicode "TokenToCharge.DocTypeToCreate": asm3.configuration.cardcom_documenttype(self.dbo), # 3 = nonprofit receipt "TokenToCharge.SumToBill": str(total_charge_sum), "TokenToCharge.CoinID": "1", # TODO: not critical - use ASM currency "TokenToCharge.UniqAsmachta": client_reference_id, "InvoiceHead.CustName": asm3.utils.decode_html(p.OWNERNAME)[:50] , "InvoiceHead.CustAddresLine1": asm3.utils.decode_html(p.OWNERADDRESS)[:50], "InvoiceHead.CustCity": asm3.utils.decode_html(p.OWNERTOWN)[:50], "InvoiceHead.CustMobilePH": asm3.utils.decode_html(p.MOBILETELEPHONE)[:50], "InvoiceHead.ExtIsVatFree": "true",# no VAT for nonprofit receipts. TODO: config? "InvoiceHead.SendByEmail": "false", # TODO: not critical - config? "InvoiceHead.Language": "he", # TODO: not critical - config / use locale? "InvoiceHead.Email": p.EMAILADDRESS, "TokenToCharge.Token": asm3.person.get_extra_id(self.dbo, p, "Cardcom_Token"), "TokenToCharge.CardValidityMonth": asm3.person.get_extra_id(self.dbo, p, "Cardcom_CardValidity").split("/")[0], "TokenToCharge.CardValidityYear": asm3.person.get_extra_id(self.dbo, p, "Cardcom_CardValidity").split("/")[1][-2:], "TokenToCharge.IdentityNumber": asm3.person.get_extra_id(self.dbo, p, "Cardcom_CardOwnerID") } for p in self.getInvoiceItems(payments): params.update(p) asm_debug("params: %s" % params, "cardcom.tokenCharge", self.dbo) r = asm3.utils.post_form(url, params) if not r["status"] < 400: raise Exception("Response not ok: %s %s" % (r["status"], r["response"])) results = asm3.utils.parse_qs(r["response"]) asm_debug("parsed response: %s" % results) if results["ResponseCode"] != "0":"Bad Cardcom operation response %s: %s" % (results['ResponseCode'], results['Description']), "cardcom.tokenCharge", self.dbo) raise ProcessorError("Bad Cardcom operation response %s: %s" % (results['ResponseCode'], results['Description'])) trxid = "%s/%s" % (results.get('InvoiceResponse.InvoiceNumber',''), results.get('InternalDealNumber','')) rcvd = asm3.utils.cint(results.get("ExtShvaParams.Sum36", total_charge_sum / 100.0)) self.markPaymentReceived(payref, trxid, rcvd, 0, 0, r["response"]) InvoiceResponseCode = results.get("InvoiceResponse.ResponseCode") if InvoiceResponseCode != "0":"Invoice not created for %s. Response code: %s" % (payref, InvoiceResponseCode), "cardcom.tokenCharge", self.dbo)
def receive(self, rawdata): asm_debug(rawdata, "cardcom.receive", self.dbo) # make request to retrieve more information on the transaction params = asm3.utils.parse_qs(rawdata) url = "" params = { "codepage": "65001", # unicode "terminalnumber": params["terminalnumber"], "username": asm3.configuration.cardcom_username(self.dbo), "lowprofilecode": params["lowprofilecode"] } r = asm3.utils.get_url(url, params=params) if r["status"] < 400: # parse results raw_results = r["response"] results = asm3.utils.parse_qs(raw_results) #check if results.get("OperationResponse") != "0":"Bad Cardcom operation response %s: %s" % (results['OperationResponse'], results['OperationResponseText']), "cardcom.receive", self.dbo) raise ProcessorError("Bad Cardcom operation response %s: %s" % (results['OperationResponse'], results['OperationResponseText'])) #if results.get("DealResponse") != "0": #"Bad Cardcom Deal response %s" % results['DealResponse'], "cardcom.receive", self.dbo) # raise ProcessorError("Bad Cardcom deal response %s" % results['DealResponse']) #ReturnValue contains db-payref. Extract payref client_reference_id = results.get("ReturnValue","") payref = client_reference_id[client_reference_id.find("-")+1:] asm_debug("payref: %s" % payref) # Check the payref is valid if not self.validatePaymentReference(payref):"payref '%s' failed validation" % payref, "cardcom.receive", self.dbo) raise PayRefError("payref '%s' is invalid" % payref) # Do nothing if we already received payment for this payref if self.isPaymentReceived(payref):"cannot receive payref '%s' again, already received.", "cardcom.receive", self.dbo) raise AlreadyReceivedError("payref '%s' has already been processed." % payref) #Combine Invoice Number + DealNumber trxid = "%s/%s" % (results.get('InvoiceNumber',''), results.get('InternalDealNumber','')) rcvd = asm3.utils.cint(results.get("ExtShvaParams.Sum36")) # get payments payments = self.getPayments(payref) # get owner ID in order to add/update token information OwnerID = payments[0].OWNERID # Mark our payment as received with the correct amounts self.markPaymentReceived(payref, trxid, rcvd, 0, 0, raw_results) user = "******" Token = results.get("Token") TokenExDate = results.get("TokenExDate") CardOwnerID = results.get("CardOwnerID") CardValidity = "%s/%s" % (results.get('CardValidityMonth'), results.get('CardValidityYear')) Last4Digits = results.get("ExtShvaParams.CardNumber5") CCType = results.get("ExtShvaParams.CardName") CCOwner = results.get("ExtShvaParams.CardOwnerName") if Token is not None: asm_debug("OwnerID=%s" % OwnerID) p = asm3.person.get_person(self.dbo, OwnerID) asm_debug("p=%s" % p) asm3.person.set_extra_id(self.dbo, user, p, "Cardcom_Token", Token) asm3.person.set_extra_id(self.dbo, user, p, "Cardcom_TokenExDate", TokenExDate) asm3.person.set_extra_id(self.dbo, user, p, "Cardcom_CardOwnerID", CardOwnerID) asm3.person.set_extra_id(self.dbo, user, p, "Cardcom_CardValidity", CardValidity) asm3.person.set_extra_id(self.dbo, user, p, "Cardcom_Last4Digits", Last4Digits) asm3.person.set_extra_id(self.dbo, user, p, "Cardcom_CCType", CCType) asm3.person.set_extra_id(self.dbo, user, p, "Cardcom_CCOwner", CCOwner) InvoiceResponseCode = results.get("InvoiceResponseCode") if InvoiceResponseCode != "0":"Invoice not created for %s. Response code: %s" % (payref, InvoiceResponseCode), "cardcom.receive", self.dbo) return
def checkoutUrl(self, payref, return_url="", item_description=""): asm_debug("%s %s %s" % (payref, return_url, item_description), "cardcom.checkoutUrl", self.dbo) payments = self.getPayments(payref) total_charge_sum = sum( round(r.DONATION, 2) for r in payments ) client_reference_id = "%s-%s" % (self.dbo.database, payref) # prefix database to payref OwnerID = payments[0].OWNERID p = asm3.person.get_person(self.dbo, OwnerID) if not asm3.utils.is_valid_email_address(p.EMAILADDRESS): raise Exception(_("Invalid email address")) url = "" params = { "TerminalNumber": asm3.configuration.cardcom_terminalnumber(self.dbo), "UserName": asm3.configuration.cardcom_username(self.dbo), "SumToBill": str(total_charge_sum / 100.0), "CoinID": "1", # TODO: not critical - use ASM currency "Language": "he", # TODO: not critical - config / use locale? "SuccessRedirectUrl": asm3.configuration.cardcom_successurl(self.dbo), # "", "ErrorRedirectUrl": asm3.configuration.cardcom_errorurl(self.dbo), # "", "APILevel": "10", "IsVirtualTerminalMode": "true", "codepage": "65001", # unicode "ReturnValue": client_reference_id, "IndicatorUrl": "%s/pp_cardcom" % BASE_URL, } # determine operation by total charge amount. If charge amount>0, charge and create token (this will also create a tax document). If charge amount==0, only create token more_params = {} if total_charge_sum > 0: more_params = { "Operation": "2", # charge + create token "DocTypeToCreate": asm3.configuration.cardcom_documenttype(self.dbo), # 3 = nonprofit receipt "InvoiceHead.CustName": asm3.utils.decode_html(p.OWNERNAME)[:50] , "InvoiceHead.CustAddresLine1": asm3.utils.decode_html(p.OWNERADDRESS)[:50], "InvoiceHead.CustCity": asm3.utils.decode_html(p.OWNERTOWN)[:50], "InvoiceHead.CustMobilePH": asm3.utils.decode_html(p.MOBILETELEPHONE)[:50], "InvoiceHead.ExtIsVatFree": "true",# no VAT for nonprofit receipts. TODO: config? "InvoiceHead.SendByEmail": "true", # TODO: not critical - config? "InvoiceHead.Language": "he", # TODO: not critical - config / use locale? "InvoiceHead.Email": p.EMAILADDRESS, } for p in self.getInvoiceItems(payments): more_params.update(p) else: # if total_charge_sum == 0: more_params = { "Operation": "3" # only create token } params.update(more_params) asm_debug("params: %s" % params, "cardcom.checkoutUrl", self.dbo) r = asm3.utils.post_form(url, params) asm_debug("response %s, text: %s" % (r["status"], r["response"]), "cardcom.checkoutUrl", self.dbo) if not r["status"] < 400: raise Exception("Response not ok: %s %s" % (r["status"], r["response"])) cardcom_reply = asm3.utils.parse_qs(r["response"]) if "url" not in cardcom_reply: raise Exception("No url in response text: %s" % r["response"]) asm_debug("return cardcom url: %s" % cardcom_reply['url'], "cardcom.checkoutUrl", self.dbo) return cardcom_reply['url']