Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.global_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port1,
        self.history_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port2,
        self.config_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port2,
        self.history_db_cache = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_cached_port,

        if c.ptr_host and c.ptr_port:
            # PTR record lookup configured
            self.ptr_redis = redis.Redis(host=c.ptr_host, port=c.ptr_port)
            self.has_ptr = True
            self.has_ptr = False
        if HAS_IPASN and c.ipasn_host and c.ipasn_port:
            # IP ASN history lookup configured
            self.ipasn = IPASN(host=c.ipasn_host, port=c.ipasn_port)
            self.has_ipasn = True
            self.has_ipasn = False
        if HAS_ASN_HIST and c.asn_host and c.asn_port:
            # ASN Description history configured
            self.asnhistory = ASNHistory(host=c.asn_host, port=c.asn_port)
            self.has_asnhistory = True
            self.has_asnhistory = False
Esempio n. 2
def handler(q=False):
    if q is False:
        return False
    request = json.loads(q)
    if request.get('AS'):
        toquery = request['AS']
        misperrors['error'] = "Unsupported attributes type"
        return misperrors

    if not request.get('config') and not (request['config'].get('host') and
                                          request['config'].get('port') and
        misperrors['error'] = 'ASN description history configuration is missing'
        return misperrors

    asnhistory = ASNHistory(host=request['config'].get('host'),
                            port=request['config'].get('port'), db=request['config'].get('db'))

    values = ['{} {}'.format(date.isoformat(), description) for date, description in asnhistory.get_all_descriptions(toquery)]

    if not values:
        misperrors['error'] = 'Unable to find descriptions for this ASN'
        return misperrors
    return {'results': [{'types': mispattributes['output'], 'values': values}]}
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self):
        self.global_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port1, db=c.redis_db_global, host=c.redis_hostname1)
        self.history_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port2, db=c.redis_db_history, host=c.redis_hostname2)
        self.config_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port2, db=c.redis_db_config, host=c.redis_hostname2)
        self.history_db_cache = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_cached_port, db=c.redis_cached_db_history, host=c.redis_hostname1)

        if c.ptr_host and c.ptr_port:
            # PTR record lookup configured
            self.ptr_redis = redis.Redis(host=c.ptr_host, port=c.ptr_port)
            self.has_ptr = True
            self.has_ptr = False
        if HAS_IPASN and c.ipasn_host and c.ipasn_port:
            # IP ASN history lookup configured
            self.ipasn = IPASN(host=c.ipasn_host, port=c.ipasn_port)
            self.has_ipasn = True
            self.has_ipasn = False
        if HAS_ASN_HIST and c.asn_host and c.asn_port:
            # ASN Description history configured
            self.asnhistory = ASNHistory(host=c.asn_host, port=c.asn_port)
            self.has_asnhistory = True
            self.has_asnhistory = False
Esempio n. 4
class BGPRanking(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.global_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port1,
        self.history_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port2,
        self.config_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port2,
        self.history_db_cache = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_cached_port,

        if c.ptr_host and c.ptr_port:
            # PTR record lookup configured
            self.ptr_redis = redis.Redis(host=c.ptr_host, port=c.ptr_port)
            self.has_ptr = True
            self.has_ptr = False
        if HAS_IPASN and c.ipasn_host and c.ipasn_port:
            # IP ASN history lookup configured
            self.ipasn = IPASN(host=c.ipasn_host, port=c.ipasn_port)
            self.has_ipasn = True
            self.has_ipasn = False
        if HAS_ASN_HIST and c.asn_host and c.asn_port:
            # ASN Description history configured
            self.asnhistory = ASNHistory(host=c.asn_host, port=c.asn_port)
            self.has_asnhistory = True
            self.has_asnhistory = False

    def get_ptr_record(self, ip):
        # Get PTR Record when looking for an IP
        if self.has_ptr:
            return self.ptr_redis.get(ip)

    def get_asn_descriptions(self, asn):
        if not self.has_asnhistory:
            publisher.debug('ASN History not enabled.')
            return [, 'ASN History not enabled.']
        desc_history = self.asnhistory.get_all_descriptions(asn)
        return [(date.astimezone(tz.tzutc()).date(), descr)
                for date, descr in desc_history]

    def get_ip_info(self, ip, days_limit=None):
            Return informations related to an IP address.

            :param ip: The IP address
            :param days_limit: The number of days we want to check in the past
                (default: around 2 years)
            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the output:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            'ip': ip,
                            'days_limit' : days_limit,
                            'ptrrecord' : '',
                                        'asn': asn,
                                        'interval': [first, last],
                                        'block': block,
                                        'timestamp': timestamp,
                                                [date, descr],
        if days_limit is None:
            days_limit = 750
        to_return = {'ip': ip, 'days_limit': days_limit, 'history': []}
        if self.has_ptr:
            to_return['ptrrecord'] = self.get_ptr_record(ip)
        if not self.has_ipasn:
            publisher.debug('IPASN not enabled.')
            to_return['error'] = 'IPASN not enabled.'
            return to_return
        if not ip:
            to_return['error'] = 'No IP provided.'
            return to_return
        for first, last, asn, block in self.ipasn.aggregate_history(
                ip, days_limit):
            first_date = parser.parse(first).replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()).date()
            last_date = parser.parse(last).replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()).date()
            if self.has_asnhistory:
                desc_history = self.asnhistory.get_all_descriptions(asn)
                valid_descriptions = []
                for date, descr in desc_history:
                    date = date.astimezone(tz.tzutc()).date()
                    test_date = date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
                    if last_date < test_date:
                        # Too new
                    elif last_date >= test_date and first_date <= test_date:
                        # Changes within the interval
                        valid_descriptions.append([date.isoformat(), descr])
                    elif first_date > test_date:
                        # get the most recent change befrore the interval
                        valid_descriptions.append([date.isoformat(), descr])
                publisher.debug('ASN History not enabled.')
                valid_descriptions = [
                    'ASN History not enabled.'
            if len(valid_descriptions) == 0:
                if len(desc_history) != 0:
                    # fallback, use the oldest description.
                    date = desc_history[-1][0].astimezone(tz.tzutc()).date()
                    descr = desc_history[-1][1]
                    valid_descriptions.append([date.isoformat(), descr])
                    # No history found for this ASN
                    if last_date >, 1, 1):
                        # ASN has been seen recently, should not happen
                        # as the asn history module is running since early 2013
                            'Unable to find the ASN description of {}. IP address: {}. ASN History might be down.'
                            .format(asn, ip))
                        ['0000-00-00', 'No ASN description has been found.'])
            entry = {}
            entry['asn'] = asn
            entry['interval'] = [first_date.isoformat(), last_date.isoformat()]
            entry['block'] = block
            entry['timestamp'] = self.get_first_seen(asn, block)
            entry['descriptions'] = valid_descriptions
        return to_return

    def asn_exists(self, asn):
        return self.global_db.exists(asn)

    def get_default_date(self, delta_days=1):
        return self.get_default_date_raw(delta_days).isoformat()

    def get_default_date_raw(self, delta_days=1):
           Get the default date displayed on the website.
        delta = datetime.timedelta(days=delta_days)
        timestamp = self.history_db.get('latest_ranking')
        if timestamp:
            default_date_raw = parser.parse(
                timestamp.split()[0]).date() - delta
            default_date_raw = - delta
        return default_date_raw

    def get_last_seen_sources(self, asn, dates_sources):
            Return a dictionary conteining the last date a particular ASN
            has been seen by a source.
        if not self.asn_exists(asn):
            return {}
        string = '{asn}|{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'
        s_dates = dates_sources.keys()
        p = self.history_db.pipeline()
        for date in s_dates:
            sources = dates_sources[date]
            if len(sources) > 0:
                    for source in sources
        asns_found = p.execute()
        i = 0
        to_return = {}
        for date in s_dates:
            sources = dates_sources[date]
            if len(sources) > 0:
                for source in sources:
                    if to_return.get(source) is None and asns_found[i]:
                        to_return[source] = date
                    i += 1
        return to_return

    def get_all_ranks_single_asn(self,
            Get all the ranks on a timeframe for a single ASN.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
                            YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],

            :param with_details_sources: Returns the details by sources if True

            :rype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the output:

                    .. code-block:: python

                                            (source1, rank),
                                            (source2, rank),
                                    'total': sum_of_ranks,
                                    'description': description

                    The details key is only present if
                    ``with_details_sources`` is True.
        to_return = {}
        if with_details_sources is None:
            with_details_sources = False
        if not self.asn_exists(asn):
            return to_return
        string = '{asn}|{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'
        p = self.history_db.pipeline()
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            if len(sources) > 0:
                    for source in sources
        ranks = p.execute()
        i = 0
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            impacts = self.get_all_weights(date)
            if len(sources) > 0:
                to_return[date] = {}
                zipped_sources_rank = zip(sources, ranks[i])
                if with_details_sources:
                    to_return[date]['details'] = list(zipped_sources_rank)
                to_return[date]['description'] = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
                to_return[date]['total'] = 0
                for s, r in zipped_sources_rank:
                    if r is not None:
                        to_return[date]['total'] += float(r) * float(
                i += 1
        return to_return

    def existing_asns_timeframe(self, dates_sources):
            Get all the ASNs seen in the lists on a timeframe.
        asns_keys = []
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
                '{date}|{source}|asns'.format(date=date, source=source)
                for source in sources
        p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
        [p.smembers(k) for k in asns_keys]
        asns_list = p.execute()
        return set.union(*asns_list)

    def get_all_ranks_all_asns(self,
            Get all ranks for all the ASNs on a timeframe.

            :param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
                            YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],

            :param with_details_sources: Also returns the ranks by sources

            :rype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                                    asn1 :
                                                    (source1, rank),
                                                    (source2, rank),
                                            'total': sum_of_ranks,
                                            'description': description

                    The details key is only present if
                    ``with_details_sources`` is True.
        asns = self.existing_asns_timeframe(dates_sources)
        to_return = {}
        for asn in asns:
            details = self.get_all_ranks_single_asn(asn, dates_sources,
            for date, entries in details.iteritems():
                if to_return.get(date) is None:
                    to_return[date] = {}
                to_return[date][asn] = entries
        return to_return

    def get_all_blocks(self, asn):
            Expose the list of blocks announced by an AS.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :rtype: Set of ip blocks
        return self.global_db.smembers(asn)

    def get_all_blocks_description(self, asn):
            Get the most recent description of all the blocks announced by an AS

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :rtype: List

                .. note:: Format of the list:

                    .. code-block:: python

                        [asn, [(block, description), ...]]
        blocks = self.get_all_blocks(asn)
        if len(blocks) > 0:
            block_keys = [
                '{asn}|{block}'.format(asn=asn, block=block)
                for block in blocks
            p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
            [p.hgetall(block_key) for block_key in block_keys]
            ts_descr = p.execute()
            i = 0
            block_descr = []
            for block_key in block_keys:
                if ts_descr[i] is not None:
                    asn, block = block_key.split('|')
                    most_recent_ts = sorted(ts_descr[i].keys())[0]
                    descr = ts_descr[i][most_recent_ts]
                    block_descr.append((block, descr))
                i += 1
            return asn, block_descr
            return asn, []

    def get_first_seen(self, asn, block):
            Get the oldest timestamp where the block has been announced by the AS
        timestamps = self.global_db.hkeys(asn + '|' + block)
        if timestamps is not None and len(timestamps) > 0:
            return timestamps[0]
        return None

    def get_block_descriptions(self, asn, block):
            Return all the descriptions of a block, in a listed sorted by
            timestamp (new => old)

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param block: IP Block you are looking for

            :rtype: List

                .. note:: Format of the list:

                    .. code-block:: python

                        [asn, block, [(ts, descr), ...]]
        ts_descr = self.global_db.hgetall('{}|{}'.format(asn, block))
        timestamps = sorted(ts_descr.keys(), reverse=True)
        descriptions = [(t, ts_descr[t]) for t in timestamps]
        return asn, block, descriptions

    def get_all_blocks_descriptions(self, asn):
            Return all tuples timestamp-description of all the blocs announced
            by an AS over time.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :rtype: List

                .. note:: Format of the list:

                    .. code-block:: python

                        [   asn,
                                        (timestamp, description),
        blocks_descriptions = {}
        for block in self.get_all_blocks(asn):
            asn, block, descriptions = self.get_block_descriptions(asn, block)
            blocks_descriptions[block] = descriptions
        return asn, blocks_descriptions

    def asn_desc_via_history(self, asn):
        if self.has_asnhistory:
            asn_descr = self.asnhistory.get_last_description(asn)
            if asn_descr is None:
                # The ASN has no descripion in the database
                # publisher.error(\
                #        'Unable to find the ASN description of {}. ASN History might be down.'.\
                #        format(asn))
                asn_descr = 'No ASN description has been found.'
            publisher.debug('ASN History not enabled.')
            asn_descr = 'ASN History not enabled.'
        return asn_descr

    def get_asn_descs(self, asn, date=None, sources=None):
            Get all what is available in the database about an ASN for
            one day

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
            :param sources: List of sources (default: the available sources
                            at ``date``)
            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                                'date': date,
                                'sources': [source1, source2, ...],
                                'asn': asn,
                                'asn_description': asn_description,
                                                block: [[ts, descr], ...],
                                                block: [[ts, descr], ...],
                                                'description': description,
                                                'timestamp': ts,
                                                'old_descr': [(timestamp, description), ...]
                                                'nb_of_ips': nb,
                                                'sources': [source1, source2, ...]
                                                'rank': subnet_rank

        if not self.asn_exists(asn):
            # The ASN does not exists in the database
            return None

        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        day_sources = self.daily_sources([date])
        if sources is None:
            sources = list(day_sources)
            if not isinstance(sources, list):
                sources = [sources]
            sources = list(day_sources.intersection(set(sources)))
        asn_descr = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
        to_return = {
            'date': date,
            'sources': sources,
            'asn': asn,
            'asn_description': asn_descr,
            asn: {}

        key_clean_set = '{asn}|{date}|clean_set'.format(asn=asn, date=date)
        for ip_block in self.get_all_blocks(asn):
            # Get descriptions
            asn, block, ts_descr = self.get_block_descriptions(asn, ip_block)
            # Find out if the block has been seen these day
            p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
                p.scard('{}|{}|{}|{}'.format(asn, ip_block, date, source))
                for source in sources
            ips_by_sources = p.execute()
            nb_of_ips = sum(ips_by_sources)

            if nb_of_ips == 0:
                if ip_block in self.history_db.smembers(key_clean_set):
                    if to_return[asn].get('clean_blocks') is None:
                        to_return[asn]['clean_blocks'] = {}
                    to_return[asn]['clean_blocks'][ip_block] = ts_descr
                    if to_return[asn].get('old_blocks') is None:
                        to_return[asn]['old_blocks'] = {}
                    to_return[asn]['old_blocks'][ip_block] = ts_descr
                impacts = self.get_all_weights(date)
                # Compute the local ranking: the ranking if this subnet is
                # the only one for this AS
                i = 0
                sum_rank = 0
                sources_exists = []
                for source in sources:
                    sum_rank += float(ips_by_sources[i]) * float(
                    if ips_by_sources[i] != 0:
                    i += 1
                local_rank = sum_rank / IPy.IP(ip_block).len()
                to_return[asn][ip_block] = {
                    'description': ts_descr[0][1],
                    'timestamp': ts_descr[0][0],
                    'old_descr': ts_descr[1:],
                    'nb_of_ips': nb_of_ips,
                    'sources': sources_exists,
                    'rank': local_rank
        return to_return

    def get_all_weights(self, date=None):
            Get the weights for all the sources.

            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)

            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            source: date,
        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        sources = self.daily_sources([date])
        to_return = {}
        if len(sources) > 0:
            impacts = self.config_db.mget(sources)
            to_return = dict(zip(sources, impacts))
        return to_return

    def daily_sources(self, dates):
            Get the sources parsed during a list of dates

            :param dates: List of dates

            :rtype: Set of sources for each date

        if len(dates) == 1:
            return self.global_db.smembers(
            p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
            [p.smembers('{date}|sources'.format(date=date)) for date in dates]
            return p.execute()

    def get_ips_descs(self, asn, block, date=None, sources=None):
            Get all what is available in the database about an subnet for one day

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param asn_timestamp: First the subnet has been seen in the db
                                  (for this ASN)
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
            :param sources: List of sources (default: the available sources
                            at ``date``)

            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            'date': date,
                            'sources': [source1, source2, ...],
                            'asn': asn,
                            'asn_description': asn_description,
                            'block': block
                                            'sources': [source1, source2, ...],
                                            'ptrrecord': ''


        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        day_sources = self.daily_sources([date])
        if sources is None:
            sources = list(day_sources)
            if not isinstance(sources, list):
                sources = [sources]
            sources = list(day_sources.intersection(set(sources)))
        asn_descr = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
        to_return = {
            'date': date,
            'sources': sources,
            'asn': asn,
            'asn_description': asn_descr,
            'block': block,
            block: {}
        asn_block_key = '{asn}|{b}|{date}|'.format(asn=asn, b=block, date=date)
        pipeline = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
            for source in sources
        ips_by_source = pipeline.execute()
        i = 0
        for source in sources:
            ips = ips_by_source[i]
            for ip_details in ips:
                ip, timestamp = ip_details.split('|')
                if to_return[block].get(ip) is None:
                    to_return[block][ip] = {'sources': [], 'ptrrecord': None}
            i += 1
        if self.has_ptr:
            for ip in to_return[block]:
                to_return[block][ip]['ptrrecord'] = self.get_ptr_record(ip)
        return to_return

    def get_stats(self, dates_sources):
            Return amount of asn and subnets found by source on a list of days.

            :param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources

            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the Dictionary

                    .. code-block:: python

                                            source : [nb_asns, nb_subnets],
                                    'total_asn': total_asn
                                    'total_subnets': total_subnets

        to_return = {}
        p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            to_return[date] = {}
            for source in sources:
                current_key = '{date}|{source}|asns'.format(date=date,
                p.scard(current_key + '_details')
        cards = p.execute()
        i = 0
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            to_return[date] = {'sources': {}}
            total_asn = 0
            total_subnets = 0
            for source in sources:
                nb_asns = cards[i]
                nb_subnets = cards[i + 1]
                total_asn += nb_asns
                total_subnets += nb_subnets
                    {source: (nb_asns, nb_subnets)})
                i = i + 2
            to_return[date]['total_asn'] = total_asn
            to_return[date]['total_subnets'] = total_subnets
        return to_return

    # Need cached database
    def cache_get_dates(self):
            **From the temporary database**

            Get a list of dates. The ranking are available in the cache database.
        return sorted(self.history_db_cache.smembers('all_dates'))

    def cache_get_stats(self):
            Return amount of asn and subnets found by source from the cache.
        dates = self.cache_get_dates()
        dates_sources = dict(zip(dates, self.daily_sources(dates)))
        return self.get_stats(dates_sources)

    def cache_get_daily_rank(self, asn, source='global', date=None):
            **From the temporary database**

            Get a single rank.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param source: Source to use. global is the aggregated view for
                           all the sources
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)

            :rtype: List

                .. note:: Format of the list

                    .. code-block:: python

                        [asn, asn_description, date, source, rank]
        if source is None:
            source = 'global'
        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        histo_key = '{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(
            date=date, source=source, ip_version=c.ip_version)
        asn_descr = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
        return asn, asn_descr, date, source, self.history_db_cache.zscore(
            histo_key, asn)

    def cache_get_position(self, asn, source='global', date=None):
            **From the temporary database**

            Get the position of the ASN in the zrank.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param source: Source to use. global is the aggregated view for
                           all the sources
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)

            :rtype: Integer, position in the list and size of the list.

                .. note:: if None, the zrank does not exists (source or date invalid)
        if source is None:
            source = 'global'
        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        histo_key = '{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(
            date=date, source=source, ip_version=c.ip_version)
        return self.history_db_cache.zrevrank(
            histo_key, asn), self.history_db_cache.zcard(histo_key)

    def cache_get_top_asns(self,
            **From the temporary database**

            Get worse ASNs.

            :param source: Source used to rank the ASNs. global is the
                           aggregated view for all the sources
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
            :param limit: Number of ASNs to get
            :param with_sources: Get the list of sources where each ASN has
                                 been found.

            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the Dictionary

                    .. code-block:: python

                            'source': source,
                            'date': date,
                            'size_list': size,
                                        (asn, asn_description, rank),
                                        set([source1, source2, ...])

                    The set of sources is only presetn if ``with_sources``
                    is True

        if source is None:
            source = 'global'
        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        if limit is None:
            limit = 100
        if with_sources is None:
            with_sources = True
        histo_key = '{date}|{histo_key}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(
            date=date, histo_key=source, ip_version=c.ip_version)
        to_return = {
            'source': source,
            'date': date,
            'size_list': self.history_db_cache.zcard(histo_key),
            'top_list': []
        ranks = self.history_db_cache.zrevrange(histo_key, 0, limit, True)
        if ranks is None:
            return to_return
        temp_rank = []
        for asn, rank in ranks:
            if asn == '-1':
            asn_descr = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
            temp_rank.append((asn, asn_descr, rank))
        if not with_sources:
            to_return['top_list'] = temp_rank
            p = self.history_db_cache.pipeline(False)
            [p.smembers('{}|{}'.format(date, rank[0])) for rank in temp_rank]
            to_return['top_list'] = list(zip(temp_rank, p.execute()))
        return to_return
Esempio n. 5
class BGPRanking(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.global_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port1, db=c.redis_db_global, host=c.redis_hostname1)
        self.history_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port2, db=c.redis_db_history, host=c.redis_hostname2)
        self.config_db = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_port2, db=c.redis_db_config, host=c.redis_hostname2)
        self.history_db_cache = redis.Redis(port=c.redis_cached_port, db=c.redis_cached_db_history, host=c.redis_hostname1)

        if c.ptr_host and c.ptr_port:
            # PTR record lookup configured
            self.ptr_redis = redis.Redis(host=c.ptr_host, port=c.ptr_port)
            self.has_ptr = True
            self.has_ptr = False
        if HAS_IPASN and c.ipasn_host and c.ipasn_port:
            # IP ASN history lookup configured
            self.ipasn = IPASN(host=c.ipasn_host, port=c.ipasn_port)
            self.has_ipasn = True
            self.has_ipasn = False
        if HAS_ASN_HIST and c.asn_host and c.asn_port:
            # ASN Description history configured
            self.asnhistory = ASNHistory(host=c.asn_host, port=c.asn_port)
            self.has_asnhistory = True
            self.has_asnhistory = False

    def get_ptr_record(self, ip):
        # Get PTR Record when looking for an IP
        if self.has_ptr:
            return self.ptr_redis.get(ip)

    def get_asn_descriptions(self, asn):
        if not self.has_asnhistory:
            publisher.debug('ASN History not enabled.')
            return [, 'ASN History not enabled.']
        desc_history = self.asnhistory.get_all_descriptions(asn)
        return [(date.astimezone(tz.tzutc()).date(), descr) for date, descr in desc_history]

    def get_ip_info(self, ip, days_limit=None):
            Return informations related to an IP address.

            :param ip: The IP address
            :param days_limit: The number of days we want to check in the past
                (default: around 2 years)
            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the output:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            'ip': ip,
                            'days_limit' : days_limit,
                            'ptrrecord' : '',
                                        'asn': asn,
                                        'interval': [first, last],
                                        'block': block,
                                        'timestamp': timestamp,
                                                [date, descr],
        if days_limit is None:
            days_limit = 750
        to_return = {'ip': ip, 'days_limit': days_limit, 'history': []}
        if self.has_ptr:
            to_return['ptrrecord'] = self.get_ptr_record(ip)
        if not self.has_ipasn:
            publisher.debug('IPASN not enabled.')
            to_return['error'] = 'IPASN not enabled.'
            return to_return
        if not ip:
            to_return['error'] = 'No IP provided.'
            return to_return
        for first, last, asn, block in self.ipasn.aggregate_history(ip, days_limit):
            first_date = parser.parse(first).replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()).date()
            last_date = parser.parse(last).replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()).date()
            if self.has_asnhistory:
                desc_history = self.asnhistory.get_all_descriptions(asn)
                valid_descriptions = []
                for date, descr in desc_history:
                    date = date.astimezone(tz.tzutc()).date()
                    test_date = date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
                    if last_date < test_date:
                        # Too new
                    elif last_date >= test_date and first_date <= test_date:
                        # Changes within the interval
                        valid_descriptions.append([date.isoformat(), descr])
                    elif first_date > test_date:
                        # get the most recent change befrore the interval
                        valid_descriptions.append([date.isoformat(), descr])
                publisher.debug('ASN History not enabled.')
                valid_descriptions = [, 'ASN History not enabled.']
            if len(valid_descriptions) == 0:
                if len(desc_history) != 0:
                    # fallback, use the oldest description.
                    date = desc_history[-1][0].astimezone(tz.tzutc()).date()
                    descr = desc_history[-1][1]
                    valid_descriptions.append([date.isoformat(), descr])
                    # No history found for this ASN
                    if last_date >, 1, 1):
                        # ASN has been seen recently, should not happen
                        # as the asn history module is running since early 2013
                        publisher.error('Unable to find the ASN description of {}. IP address: {}. ASN History might be down.'.format(asn, ip))
                    valid_descriptions.append(['0000-00-00', 'No ASN description has been found.'])
            entry = {}
            entry['asn'] = asn
            entry['interval'] = [first_date.isoformat(), last_date.isoformat()]
            entry['block'] = block
            entry['timestamp'] = self.get_first_seen(asn, block)
            entry['descriptions'] = valid_descriptions
        return to_return

    def asn_exists(self, asn):
        return self.global_db.exists(asn)

    def get_default_date(self, delta_days=1):
        return self.get_default_date_raw(delta_days).isoformat()

    def get_default_date_raw(self, delta_days=1):
           Get the default date displayed on the website.
        delta = datetime.timedelta(days=delta_days)
        timestamp = self.history_db.get('latest_ranking')
        if timestamp:
            default_date_raw = parser.parse(timestamp.split()[0]).date() - delta
            default_date_raw = - delta
        return default_date_raw

    def get_last_seen_sources(self, asn, dates_sources):
            Return a dictionary conteining the last date a particular ASN
            has been seen by a source.
        if not self.asn_exists(asn):
            return {}
        string = '{asn}|{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'
        s_dates = dates_sources.keys()
        p = self.history_db.pipeline()
        for date in s_dates:
            sources = dates_sources[date]
            if len(sources) > 0:
                [p.exists(string.format(asn=asn, date=date, source=source, ip_version=c.ip_version)) for source in sources]
        asns_found = p.execute()
        i = 0
        to_return = {}
        for date in s_dates:
            sources = dates_sources[date]
            if len(sources) > 0:
                for source in sources:
                    if to_return.get(source) is None and asns_found[i]:
                        to_return[source] = date
                    i += 1
        return to_return

    def get_all_ranks_single_asn(self, asn, dates_sources, with_details_sources=False):
            Get all the ranks on a timeframe for a single ASN.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
                            YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],

            :param with_details_sources: Returns the details by sources if True

            :rype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the output:

                    .. code-block:: python

                                            (source1, rank),
                                            (source2, rank),
                                    'total': sum_of_ranks,
                                    'description': description

                    The details key is only present if
                    ``with_details_sources`` is True.
        to_return = {}
        if with_details_sources is None:
            with_details_sources = False
        if not self.asn_exists(asn):
            return to_return
        string = '{asn}|{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'
        p = self.history_db.pipeline()
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            if len(sources) > 0:
                p.mget([string.format(asn=asn, date=date, source=source, ip_version=c.ip_version) for source in sources])
        ranks = p.execute()
        i = 0
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            impacts = self.get_all_weights(date)
            if len(sources) > 0:
                to_return[date] = {}
                zipped_sources_rank = zip(sources, ranks[i])
                if with_details_sources:
                    to_return[date]['details'] = list(zipped_sources_rank)
                to_return[date]['description'] = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
                to_return[date]['total'] = 0
                for s, r in zipped_sources_rank:
                    if r is not None:
                        to_return[date]['total'] += float(r) * float(impacts[s])
                i += 1
        return to_return

    def existing_asns_timeframe(self, dates_sources):
            Get all the ASNs seen in the lists on a timeframe.
        asns_keys = []
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            asns_keys.extend(['{date}|{source}|asns'.format(date=date, source=source) for source in sources])
        p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
        [p.smembers(k) for k in asns_keys]
        asns_list = p.execute()
        return set.union(*asns_list)

    def get_all_ranks_all_asns(self, dates_sources, with_details_sources=False):
            Get all ranks for all the ASNs on a timeframe.

            :param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
                            YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],

            :param with_details_sources: Also returns the ranks by sources

            :rype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                                    asn1 :
                                                    (source1, rank),
                                                    (source2, rank),
                                            'total': sum_of_ranks,
                                            'description': description

                    The details key is only present if
                    ``with_details_sources`` is True.
        asns = self.existing_asns_timeframe(dates_sources)
        to_return = {}
        for asn in asns:
            details = self.get_all_ranks_single_asn(asn, dates_sources, with_details_sources)
            for date, entries in details.iteritems():
                if to_return.get(date) is None:
                    to_return[date] = {}
                to_return[date][asn] = entries
        return to_return

    def get_all_blocks(self, asn):
            Expose the list of blocks announced by an AS.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :rtype: Set of ip blocks
        return self.global_db.smembers(asn)

    def get_all_blocks_description(self, asn):
            Get the most recent description of all the blocks announced by an AS

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :rtype: List

                .. note:: Format of the list:

                    .. code-block:: python

                        [asn, [(block, description), ...]]
        blocks = self.get_all_blocks(asn)
        if len(blocks) > 0:
            block_keys = ['{asn}|{block}'.format(asn=asn, block=block) for block in blocks]
            p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
            [p.hgetall(block_key) for block_key in block_keys]
            ts_descr = p.execute()
            i = 0
            block_descr = []
            for block_key in block_keys:
                if ts_descr[i] is not None:
                    asn, block = block_key.split('|')
                    most_recent_ts = sorted(ts_descr[i].keys())[0]
                    descr = ts_descr[i][most_recent_ts]
                    block_descr.append((block, descr))
                i += 1
            return asn, block_descr
            return asn, []

    def get_first_seen(self, asn, block):
            Get the oldest timestamp where the block has been announced by the AS
        timestamps = self.global_db.hkeys(asn + '|' + block)
        if timestamps is not None and len(timestamps) > 0:
            return timestamps[0]
        return None

    def get_block_descriptions(self, asn, block):
            Return all the descriptions of a block, in a listed sorted by
            timestamp (new => old)

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param block: IP Block you are looking for

            :rtype: List

                .. note:: Format of the list:

                    .. code-block:: python

                        [asn, block, [(ts, descr), ...]]
        ts_descr = self.global_db.hgetall('{}|{}'.format(asn, block))
        timestamps = sorted(ts_descr.keys(), reverse=True)
        descriptions = [(t, ts_descr[t])for t in timestamps]
        return asn, block, descriptions

    def get_all_blocks_descriptions(self, asn):
            Return all tuples timestamp-description of all the blocs announced
            by an AS over time.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :rtype: List

                .. note:: Format of the list:

                    .. code-block:: python

                        [   asn,
                                        (timestamp, description),
        blocks_descriptions = {}
        for block in self.get_all_blocks(asn):
            asn, block, descriptions = self.get_block_descriptions(asn, block)
            blocks_descriptions[block] = descriptions
        return asn, blocks_descriptions

    def asn_desc_via_history(self, asn):
        if self.has_asnhistory:
            asn_descr = self.asnhistory.get_last_description(asn)
            if asn_descr is None:
                # The ASN has no descripion in the database
                # publisher.error(\
                #        'Unable to find the ASN description of {}. ASN History might be down.'.\
                #        format(asn))
                asn_descr = 'No ASN description has been found.'
            publisher.debug('ASN History not enabled.')
            asn_descr = 'ASN History not enabled.'
        return asn_descr

    def get_asn_descs(self, asn, date=None, sources=None):
            Get all what is available in the database about an ASN for
            one day

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
            :param sources: List of sources (default: the available sources
                            at ``date``)
            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                                'date': date,
                                'sources': [source1, source2, ...],
                                'asn': asn,
                                'asn_description': asn_description,
                                                block: [[ts, descr], ...],
                                                block: [[ts, descr], ...],
                                                'description': description,
                                                'timestamp': ts,
                                                'old_descr': [(timestamp, description), ...]
                                                'nb_of_ips': nb,
                                                'sources': [source1, source2, ...]
                                                'rank': subnet_rank

        if not self.asn_exists(asn):
            # The ASN does not exists in the database
            return None

        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        day_sources = self.daily_sources([date])
        if sources is None:
            sources = list(day_sources)
            if not isinstance(sources, list):
                sources = [sources]
            sources = list(day_sources.intersection(set(sources)))
        asn_descr = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
        to_return = {'date': date, 'sources': sources, 'asn': asn, 'asn_description': asn_descr, asn: {}}

        key_clean_set = '{asn}|{date}|clean_set'.format(asn=asn, date=date)
        for ip_block in self.get_all_blocks(asn):
            # Get descriptions
            asn, block, ts_descr = self.get_block_descriptions(asn, ip_block)
            # Find out if the block has been seen these day
            p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
            [p.scard('{}|{}|{}|{}'.format(asn, ip_block, date, source)) for source in sources]
            ips_by_sources = p.execute()
            nb_of_ips = sum(ips_by_sources)

            if nb_of_ips == 0:
                if ip_block in self.history_db.smembers(key_clean_set):
                    if to_return[asn].get('clean_blocks') is None:
                        to_return[asn]['clean_blocks'] = {}
                    to_return[asn]['clean_blocks'][ip_block] = ts_descr
                    if to_return[asn].get('old_blocks') is None:
                        to_return[asn]['old_blocks'] = {}
                    to_return[asn]['old_blocks'][ip_block] = ts_descr
                impacts = self.get_all_weights(date)
                # Compute the local ranking: the ranking if this subnet is
                # the only one for this AS
                i = 0
                sum_rank = 0
                sources_exists = []
                for source in sources:
                    sum_rank += float(ips_by_sources[i]) * float(impacts[source])
                    if ips_by_sources[i] != 0:
                    i += 1
                local_rank = sum_rank / IPy.IP(ip_block).len()
                to_return[asn][ip_block] = {'description': ts_descr[0][1], 'timestamp': ts_descr[0][0],
                                            'old_descr': ts_descr[1:], 'nb_of_ips': nb_of_ips,
                                            'sources': sources_exists, 'rank': local_rank}
        return to_return

    def get_all_weights(self, date=None):
            Get the weights for all the sources.

            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)

            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            source: date,
        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        sources = self.daily_sources([date])
        to_return = {}
        if len(sources) > 0:
            impacts = self.config_db.mget(sources)
            to_return = dict(zip(sources, impacts))
        return to_return

    def daily_sources(self, dates):
            Get the sources parsed during a list of dates

            :param dates: List of dates

            :rtype: Set of sources for each date

        if len(dates) == 1:
            return self.global_db.smembers('{date}|sources'.format(date=dates[0]))
            p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
            [p.smembers('{date}|sources'.format(date=date)) for date in dates]
            return p.execute()

    def get_ips_descs(self, asn, block, date=None, sources=None):
            Get all what is available in the database about an subnet for one day

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param asn_timestamp: First the subnet has been seen in the db
                                  (for this ASN)
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
            :param sources: List of sources (default: the available sources
                            at ``date``)

            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the dictionary:

                    .. code-block:: python

                            'date': date,
                            'sources': [source1, source2, ...],
                            'asn': asn,
                            'asn_description': asn_description,
                            'block': block
                                            'sources': [source1, source2, ...],
                                            'ptrrecord': ''


        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        day_sources = self.daily_sources([date])
        if sources is None:
            sources = list(day_sources)
            if not isinstance(sources, list):
                sources = [sources]
            sources = list(day_sources.intersection(set(sources)))
        asn_descr = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
        to_return = {'date': date, 'sources': sources, 'asn': asn, 'asn_description': asn_descr, 'block': block, block: {}}
        asn_block_key = '{asn}|{b}|{date}|'.format(asn=asn, b=block, date=date)
        pipeline = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
        [pipeline.smembers('{asn_b}{source}'.format(asn_b=asn_block_key, source=source)) for source in sources]
        ips_by_source = pipeline.execute()
        i = 0
        for source in sources:
            ips = ips_by_source[i]
            for ip_details in ips:
                ip, timestamp = ip_details.split('|')
                if to_return[block].get(ip) is None:
                    to_return[block][ip] = {'sources': [], 'ptrrecord': None}
            i += 1
        if self.has_ptr:
            for ip in to_return[block]:
                to_return[block][ip]['ptrrecord'] = self.get_ptr_record(ip)
        return to_return

    def get_stats(self, dates_sources):
            Return amount of asn and subnets found by source on a list of days.

            :param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources

            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the Dictionary

                    .. code-block:: python

                                            source : [nb_asns, nb_subnets],
                                    'total_asn': total_asn
                                    'total_subnets': total_subnets

        to_return = {}
        p = self.global_db.pipeline(False)
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            to_return[date] = {}
            for source in sources:
                current_key = '{date}|{source}|asns'.format(date=date, source=source)
                p.scard(current_key + '_details')
        cards = p.execute()
        i = 0
        for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
            to_return[date] = {'sources': {}}
            total_asn = 0
            total_subnets = 0
            for source in sources:
                nb_asns = cards[i]
                nb_subnets = cards[i + 1]
                total_asn += nb_asns
                total_subnets += nb_subnets
                to_return[date]['sources'].update({source: (nb_asns, nb_subnets)})
                i = i + 2
            to_return[date]['total_asn'] = total_asn
            to_return[date]['total_subnets'] = total_subnets
        return to_return

    # Need cached database
    def cache_get_dates(self):
            **From the temporary database**

            Get a list of dates. The ranking are available in the cache database.
        return sorted(self.history_db_cache.smembers('all_dates'))

    def cache_get_stats(self):
            Return amount of asn and subnets found by source from the cache.
        dates = self.cache_get_dates()
        dates_sources = dict(zip(dates, self.daily_sources(dates)))
        return self.get_stats(dates_sources)

    def cache_get_daily_rank(self, asn, source='global', date=None):
            **From the temporary database**

            Get a single rank.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param source: Source to use. global is the aggregated view for
                           all the sources
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)

            :rtype: List

                .. note:: Format of the list

                    .. code-block:: python

                        [asn, asn_description, date, source, rank]
        if source is None:
            source = 'global'
        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        histo_key = '{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(date=date, source=source, ip_version=c.ip_version)
        asn_descr = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
        return asn, asn_descr, date, source, self.history_db_cache.zscore(histo_key, asn)

    def cache_get_position(self, asn, source='global', date=None):
            **From the temporary database**

            Get the position of the ASN in the zrank.

            :param asn: Autonomous System Number
            :param source: Source to use. global is the aggregated view for
                           all the sources
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)

            :rtype: Integer, position in the list and size of the list.

                .. note:: if None, the zrank does not exists (source or date invalid)
        if source is None:
            source = 'global'
        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        histo_key = '{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(date=date, source=source, ip_version=c.ip_version)
        return self.history_db_cache.zrevrank(histo_key, asn), self.history_db_cache.zcard(histo_key)

    def cache_get_top_asns(self, source='global', date=None, limit=100, with_sources=True):
            **From the temporary database**

            Get worse ASNs.

            :param source: Source used to rank the ASNs. global is the
                           aggregated view for all the sources
            :param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
            :param limit: Number of ASNs to get
            :param with_sources: Get the list of sources where each ASN has
                                 been found.

            :rtype: Dictionary

                .. note:: Format of the Dictionary

                    .. code-block:: python

                            'source': source,
                            'date': date,
                            'size_list': size,
                                        (asn, asn_description, rank),
                                        set([source1, source2, ...])

                    The set of sources is only presetn if ``with_sources``
                    is True

        if source is None:
            source = 'global'
        if date is None:
            date = self.get_default_date()
        if limit is None:
            limit = 100
        if with_sources is None:
            with_sources = True
        histo_key = '{date}|{histo_key}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(date=date, histo_key=source, ip_version=c.ip_version)
        to_return = {'source': source, 'date': date, 'size_list': self.history_db_cache.zcard(histo_key), 'top_list': []}
        ranks = self.history_db_cache.zrevrange(histo_key, 0, limit, True)
        if ranks is None:
            return to_return
        temp_rank = []
        for asn, rank in ranks:
            if asn == '-1':
            asn_descr = self.asn_desc_via_history(asn)
            temp_rank.append((asn, asn_descr, rank))
        if not with_sources:
            to_return['top_list'] = temp_rank
            p = self.history_db_cache.pipeline(False)
            [p.smembers('{}|{}'.format(date, rank[0])) for rank in temp_rank]
            to_return['top_list'] = list(zip(temp_rank, p.execute()))
        return to_return