def setUp(self): n = 32 L = 8 filters = [ RadialCTFFilter(5, 200, defocus=d, Cs=2.0, alpha=0.1) for d in np.linspace(1.5e4, 2.5e4, 7) ] self.dtype = np.float32 self.noise_var = 0.1848 # Initial noise filter to generate noise images. # Noise variance is set to a value far away that is used to calculate # covariance matrix and CWF coefficients in order to check the function # for rebuilding positive definite covariance matrix. noise_filter = ScalarFilter(dim=2, value=self.noise_var * 0.001) self.src = Simulation(L, n, unique_filters=filters, dtype=self.dtype, noise_filter=noise_filter) self.basis = FFBBasis2D((L, L), dtype=self.dtype) self.coeff = self.basis.evaluate_t(self.src.images(0, self.src.n)) self.ctf_idx = self.src.filter_indices self.ctf_fb = [f.fb_mat(self.basis) for f in self.src.unique_filters] self.cov2d = RotCov2D(self.basis) self.bcov2d = BatchedRotCov2D(self.src, self.basis, batch_size=7)
def _create_filter(self, noise_variance=None): """ :param noise_variance: Noise variance of images :return: The estimated noise power spectral distribution (PSD) of the images in the form of a filter object. """ if noise_variance is None: f"Determining Noise variance in batches of {self.batchSize}") noise_variance = self._estimate_noise_variance()"Noise variance = {noise_variance}") return ScalarFilter(dim=2, value=noise_variance)
def testImageDownsampleAndWhiten(self): self.src.downsample(16) self.src.whiten(noise_filter=ScalarFilter(dim=2, value=0.02450909546680349)) first_whitened_image = self.src.images(0, 1)[0] self.assertTrue( np.allclose( first_whitened_image, np.load( os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "starfile_image_0_whitened.npy") ).T, # RCOPT atol=1e-6, ) )
def setUp(self): self.dtype = np.float32 L = 8 n = 32 pixel_size = 5.0 * 65 / L voltage = 200 defocus_min = 1.5e4 defocus_max = 2.5e4 defocus_ct = 7 self.noise_var = 1.3957e-4 noise_filter = ScalarFilter(dim=2, value=self.noise_var) unique_filters = [ RadialCTFFilter(pixel_size, voltage, defocus=d, Cs=2.0, alpha=0.1) for d in np.linspace(defocus_min, defocus_max, defocus_ct) ] vols = Volume( np.load(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "clean70SRibosome_vol.npy")).astype( self.dtype ) ) # RCOPT vols = vols.downsample((L * np.ones(3, dtype=int))) * 1.0e3 # Since FFBBasis2D doesn't yet implement dtype, we'll set this to double to match its built in types. sim = Simulation( n=n, L=L, vols=vols, unique_filters=unique_filters, offsets=0.0, amplitudes=1.0, dtype=self.dtype, noise_filter=noise_filter, ) self.basis = FFBBasis2D((L, L), dtype=self.dtype) self.h_idx = sim.filter_indices self.h_ctf_fb = [filt.fb_mat(self.basis) for filt in unique_filters] self.imgs_clean = sim.projections() self.imgs_ctf_clean = sim.clean_images() self.imgs_ctf_noise = sim.images(start=0, num=n) self.cov2d = RotCov2D(self.basis) self.coeff_clean = self.basis.evaluate_t(self.imgs_clean) self.coeff = self.basis.evaluate_t(self.imgs_ctf_noise)
def setUp(self): self.resolution = 16 self.dtype = np.float64 # Create some projections v = Volume( np.load(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "clean70SRibosome_vol.npy")).astype( self.dtype)) v = v.downsample(self.resolution) # Clean self.clean_src = Simulation( L=self.resolution, n=321, vols=v, dtype=self.dtype, ) # With Noise noise_var = 0.01 * np.var(np.sum(v[0], axis=0)) noise_filter = ScalarFilter(dim=2, value=noise_var) self.noisy_src = Simulation( L=self.resolution, n=123, vols=v, dtype=self.dtype, noise_filter=noise_filter, ) # Set up FFB # Setup a Basis self.basis = FFBBasis2D((self.resolution, self.resolution), dtype=self.dtype) # Create Basis, use precomputed Basis self.clean_fspca_basis = FSPCABasis( self.clean_src, self.basis, noise_var=0 ) # Note noise_var assigned zero, skips eigval filtering. # Ceate another fspca_basis, use autogeneration FFB2D Basis self.noisy_fspca_basis = FSPCABasis(self.noisy_src)
def testScalarFilter(self): result = ScalarFilter(value=1.5).evaluate( self.assertEqual(result.shape, (256,)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(result, np.repeat(1.5, 256)))
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data/")"This script illustrates orientation estimation using " "synchronization matrix and voting method") # Set the downsample size of images img_size = 33 # Set the total number of images generated from the 3D map num_imgs = 512 # Set the noise variance and build the noise filter noise_variance = 4e-1 noise_filter = ScalarFilter(dim=2, value=noise_variance) # Specify the CTF parameters not used for this example # but necessary for initializing the simulation object pixel_size = 5 * 65 / img_size # Pixel size of the images (in angstroms) voltage = 200 # Voltage (in KV) defocus_min = 1.5e4 # Minimum defocus value (in angstroms) defocus_max = 2.5e4 # Maximum defocus value (in angstroms) defocus_ct = 7 # Number of defocus groups Cs = 2.0 # Spherical aberration alpha = 0.1 # Amplitude contrast"Initialize simulation object and CTF filters.") # Create CTF filters ctf_filters = [ RadialCTFFilter(pixel_size, voltage, defocus=d, Cs=2.0, alpha=0.1)