def on_actionDebug_File_hex_triggered(self): self.debug.setText('') text = self.scintilla.text() result, line, e, process = asm(text) if line == -1: i = 0 while i < len(result): self.debug.append( hex(int((i + 32) / 32 - 4)) + ' : ' + hex(int(result[i:i + 32], 2)).replace( '0x', '').upper().zfill(8) + '\n') i = i + 32 self.debug_label.setText('Debug Console (hex)') self.output.append( 'Output : Successfully generated debug(hex) file.\n') else: if ('Line', str(e))): if (process == 1): self.output.append('(During First Scan)' + str(e) + '\n') if (process == 2): self.output.append('(During Second Scan)' + str(e) + '\n') else: if (process == 1): self.output.append( '(During First Scan:Unexpected ERROR!)\n' + 'Line %d :' % line + str(e) + '\n') if (process == 2): self.output.append( '(During Second Scan:Unexpected ERROR!)\n' + 'Line %d :' % line + str(e) + '\n')
def on_actionGenerate_bin_triggered(self): fname, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, 'Save bin file', filter="bin Files (*.bin);;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*.*)") if not fname: return text = self.scintilla.text() result, line, e, process = asm(text) if line == -1: with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write( int(result, 2).to_bytes(int(len(result) / 8), byteorder='big')) self.output.append('Output : Successfully generated bin file.\n') else: if ('Line', str(e))): if (process == 1): self.output.append('(During First Scan)' + str(e) + '\n') if (process == 2): self.output.append('(During Second Scan)' + str(e) + '\n') else: if (process == 1): self.output.append( '(During First Scan:Unexpected ERROR!)' + 'Line %d :' % line + str(e) + '\n') if (process == 2): self.output.append( '(During Second Scan:Unexpected ERROR!)' + 'Line %d :' % line + str(e) + '\n')
def on_actionGenerate_coe_triggered(self): fname, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, 'Save bin file', filter="coe Files (*.coe);;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*.*)") if not fname: return text = self.scintilla.text() result, line, e, process = asm(text) if line == -1: with open(fname, 'w+') as f: f.write( 'memory_initialization_radix=16;\nmemory_initialization_vector=\n' ) i = 0 while i < len(result) - 32: temp = hex(int(result[i:i + 32], 2))[2:].upper() while len(temp) < 8: temp = '0' + temp f.write(temp) f.write(',') i = i + 32 if (i % (32 * 4) == 0): f.write('\n') temp = hex(int(result[len(result) - 32:len(result)], 2))[2:].upper() while len(temp) < 8: temp = '0' + temp f.write(temp) f.write(';') self.output.append('Output : Successfully generated coe file.\n') else: if ('Line', str(e))): if (process == 1): self.output.append('(During First Scan)' + str(e) + '\n') if (process == 2): self.output.append('(During Second Scan)' + str(e) + '\n') else: if (process == 1): self.output.append( '(During First Scan:Unexpected ERROR!\n)' + 'Line %d :' % line + str(e) + '\n') if (process == 2): self.output.append( '(During Second Scan:Unexpected ERROR!\n)' + 'Line %d :' % line + str(e) + '\n')