Esempio n. 1
class Scaler(odm.Model):
    service_defaults: ScalerServiceDefaults = odm.Compound(
    # only available for docker hosts, not kubernetes
    cpu_overallocation: float = odm.Float(default=1)
    memory_overallocation: float = odm.Float(default=1)
    # Additional labels to be applied to deployments in kubernetes('=' delimited)
    additional_labels: List[str] = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Text()))
Esempio n. 2
class Status(odm.Model):
    running = odm.Integer()
    target = odm.Integer()
    minimum = odm.Integer()
    maximum = odm.Integer()
    dynamic_maximum = odm.Integer()
    queue = odm.Integer()
    pressure = odm.Float()
    duty_cycle = odm.Float()
class Status(odm.Model):
    running = odm.Integer(description="Number of instances running")
    target = odm.Integer(description="Target scaling for service")
    minimum = odm.Integer(description="Minimum number of instances")
    maximum = odm.Integer(description="Maximum number of instances")
    dynamic_maximum = odm.Integer(
        description="Dynamic maximum number of instances")
    queue = odm.Integer(description="Service queue")
    pressure = odm.Float(description="Service pressure")
    duty_cycle = odm.Float(description="Duty Cycle")
Esempio n. 4
class Scaler(odm.Model):
    service_defaults: ScalerServiceDefaults = odm.Compound(
        description="Defaults Scaler will assign to a service.")
    cpu_overallocation: float = odm.Float(
        description="Percentage of CPU overallocation")
    memory_overallocation: float = odm.Float(
        description="Percentage of RAM overallocation")
    additional_labels: List[str] = odm.Optional(
        description="Additional labels to be applied to services('=' delimited)"
Esempio n. 5
 class Sections(odm.Model):
     name = odm.Optional(odm.EmptyableKeyword(copyto="__text__"))
     characteristics_hash = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
     characteristics_list = odm.Optional(
     entropy = odm.Optional(odm.Float())
     entropy_without_padding = odm.Optional(odm.Float())
     md5 = odm.Optional(odm.MD5())
     offset = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
     size = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
     sizeof_raw_data = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
     virtual_address = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
     virtual_size = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
     virtual_address = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
     fullname = odm.Optional(odm.EmptyableKeyword(copyto="__text__"))
Esempio n. 6
class DockerConfig(odm.Model):
    allow_internet_access: bool = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Does the container have internet-access?")
    command: Opt[list[str]] = odm.Optional(
        description="Command to run when container starts up.")
    cpu_cores: float = odm.Float(default=1.0, description="CPU allocation")
    environment: list[EnvironmentVariable] = odm.List(
        description="Additional environemnt variables for the container")
    image: str = odm.Keyword(
        "Complete name of the Docker image with tag, may include registry")
    registry_username: Opt[str] = odm.Optional(
        description="The username to use when pulling the image")
    registry_password: Opt[str] = odm.Optional(
        description="The password or token to use when pulling the image")
    registry_type: str = odm.Enum(values=["docker", "harbor"],
                                  description="The type of container registry")
    ports: list[str] = odm.List(
        description="What ports of container to expose?")
    ram_mb: int = odm.Integer(default=512, description="Container RAM limit")
    ram_mb_min: int = odm.Integer(default=128,
                                  description="Container RAM request")
Esempio n. 7
    class Resource(odm.Model):
        # Since we will end up flattening the Resources and only keeping the data nodes,
        # we keep the list of parent's resource_id and the list of parent's labels (name or resource_type)
        parent_resource_ids = odm.Optional(
        parent_labels = odm.Optional(

        characteristics = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        num_childs = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        depth = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        name = odm.Optional(odm.EmptyableKeyword(copyto="__text__"))
        resource_id = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        resource_type = odm.Optional(odm.EmptyableKeyword(copyto="__text__"))
        is_data = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean())
        is_directory = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean())
        major_version = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        minor_version = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        numberof_id_entries = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        numberof_name_entries = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        time_date_stamp = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        hr_time_date_stamp = odm.Optional(odm.Date())

        code_page = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        sha256 = odm.Optional(odm.SHA256())
        entropy = odm.Optional(odm.Float())
        offset = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
        reserved = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
Esempio n. 8
class DockerConfig(odm.Model):
    allow_internet_access: bool = odm.Boolean(default=False)
    command: Opt[List[str]] = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))
    cpu_cores: float = odm.Float(default=1.0)
    environment: List[EnvironmentVariable] = odm.List(odm.Compound(EnvironmentVariable), default=[])
    image: str = odm.Keyword()                                 # Complete name of the Docker image with tag
    ports: List[str] = odm.List(odm.Keyword(), default=[])
    ram_mb: int = odm.Integer(default=1024)
Esempio n. 9
class DockerConfigDelta(odm.Model):
    allow_internet_access = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean())
    command = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))
    cpu_cores = odm.Optional(odm.Float())
    environment = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Compound(EnvironmentVariable)))
    image = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())
    ports = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))
    ram_mb = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
Esempio n. 10
class FileScore(odm.Model):
    psid = odm.Optional(
        odm.UUID())  # ID of the parent submission to the associated submission
    expiry_ts = odm.Date(
        index=True)  # Expiry timestamp, used for garbage collection.
    score = odm.Integer()  # Maximum score for the associated submission
    errors = odm.Integer(
    )  # Number of errors that occurred during the previous analysis
    sid = odm.UUID()  # ID of the associated submission
    time = odm.Float()  # Epoch time at which the FileScore entry was created
Esempio n. 11
class DockerConfig(odm.Model):
    allow_internet_access: bool = odm.Boolean(default=False)
    command: Opt[List[str]] = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))
    cpu_cores: float = odm.Float(default=1.0)
    environment: List[EnvironmentVariable] = odm.List(odm.Compound(EnvironmentVariable), default=[])
    image: str = odm.Keyword()                       # Complete name of the Docker image with tag, may include registry
    registry_username = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())  # The username to use when pulling the image
    registry_password = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())  # The password or token to use when pulling the image
    ports: List[str] = odm.List(odm.Keyword(), default=[])
    ram_mb: int = odm.Integer(default=512)
    ram_mb_min: int = odm.Integer(default=128)
Esempio n. 12
class FileScore(odm.Model):
    psid = odm.Optional(
        description=" Parent submission ID of the associated submission")
    expiry_ts = odm.Date(
        description="Expiry timestamp, used for garbage collection")
    score = odm.Integer(
        description="Maximum score for the associated submission")
    errors = odm.Integer(
        "Number of errors that occurred during the previous analysis")
    sid = odm.UUID(description="ID of the associated submission")
    time = odm.Float(
        description="Epoch time at which the FileScore entry was created")
class DockerConfigDelta(odm.Model):
    allow_internet_access = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean())
    command = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))
    cpu_cores = odm.Optional(odm.Float())
    environment = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Compound(EnvironmentVariable)))
    image = odm.Optional(
    )  # The docker image and tag, optionally including registry in the normal way
    registry_username = odm.Optional(
        odm.Keyword())  # The username to use when pulling the image
    registry_password = odm.Optional(
        odm.Keyword())  # The password or token to use when pulling the image
    ports = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))
    ram_mb = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
    ram_mb_min = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
Esempio n. 14
class Services(odm.Model):
    categories: List[str] = odm.List(
        description="List of categories a service can be assigned to")
    default_timeout: int = odm.Integer(
        description="Default service timeout time in seconds")
    min_service_workers: int = odm.Integer(
        "The minimum number of service instances to always be running.")
    stages: List[str] = odm.List(
        description="List of execution stages a service can be assigned to")
    image_variables: Dict[str, str] = odm.Mapping(
        description="Substitution variables for image paths "
        "(for custom registry support)")
    update_image_variables: Dict[str, str] = odm.Mapping(
        "Similar to `image_variables` but only applied to the updater. "
        "Intended for use with local registries.")
    preferred_update_channel: str = odm.Keyword(
        description="Default update channel to be used for new services")
    allow_insecure_registry: bool = odm.Boolean(
        description="Allow fetching container images from insecure registries")
    preferred_registry_type: str = odm.Enum(
        values=["docker", "harbor"],
        "Global registry type to be used for fetching updates for a service (overridable by a service)"
    prefer_service_privileged: bool = odm.Boolean(
        description="Global preference that controls if services should be "
        "privileged to communicate with core infrastucture")
    cpu_reservation: float = odm.Float(
        "How much CPU do we want to reserve relative to the service's request?<br>"
        "At `1`, a service's full CPU request will be reserved for them.<br>"
        "At `0` (only for very small appliances/dev boxes), the service's CPU will be limited "
        "but no CPU will be reserved allowing for more flexible scheduling of containers."
    safelist = odm.Compound(ServiceSafelist)
Esempio n. 15
class File(odm.Model):

    archive_ts = odm.Date(store=False, description="Archiving timestamp")
    ascii = odm.Keyword(index=False, store=False,
                        description="Dotted ASCII representation of the first 64 bytes of the file")
    classification = odm.Classification(description="Classification of the file")
    entropy = odm.Float(description="Entropy of the file")
    expiry_ts = odm.Optional(odm.Date(store=False), description="Expiry timestamp")
    is_section_image = odm.Boolean(default=False, description="Is this an image from an Image Result Section?")
    hex = odm.Keyword(index=False, store=False, description="Hex dump of the first 64 bytes of the file")
    md5 = odm.MD5(copyto="__text__", description="MD5 of the file")
    magic = odm.Keyword(store=False, description="Output from libmagic related to the file")
    mime = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(store=False), description="MIME type of the file as identified by libmagic")
    seen = odm.Compound(Seen, default={}, description="Details about when the file was seen")
    sha1 = odm.SHA1(copyto="__text__", description="SHA1 hash of the file")
    sha256 = odm.SHA256(copyto="__text__", description="SHA256 hash of the file")
    size = odm.Integer(description="Size of the file in bytes")
    ssdeep = odm.SSDeepHash(store=False, description="SSDEEP hash of the file")
    type = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__", description="Type of file as identified by Assemblyline")
Esempio n. 16
class DockerConfigDelta(odm.Model):
    allow_internet_access = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - DockerConfig](../service/#dockerconfig)")
    command = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - DockerConfig](../service/#dockerconfig)")
    cpu_cores = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - DockerConfig](../service/#dockerconfig)")
    environment = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - DockerConfig](../service/#dockerconfig)")
    image = odm.Optional(
    )  # The docker image and tag, optionally including registry in the normal way
    registry_username = odm.Optional(
        odm.Keyword())  # The username to use when pulling the image
    registry_password = odm.Optional(
        odm.Keyword())  # The password or token to use when pulling the image
    # The type of registry (Docker, Harbor, description="Refer to:<br>[Service - DockerConfig](../service/#dockerconfig)")
    registry_type = odm.Optional(odm.Enum(values=["docker", "harbor"]))
    ports = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - DockerConfig](../service/#dockerconfig)")
    ram_mb = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - DockerConfig](../service/#dockerconfig)")
    ram_mb_min = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - DockerConfig](../service/#dockerconfig)")
Esempio n. 17
class File(odm.Model):
    archive_ts = odm.Date(store=False)  # Archiving timestamp
    ascii = odm.Keyword(
        index=False, store=False
    )  # Dotted ascii representation of the first 64 bytes of the file
    classification = odm.Classification()  # Classification of the file
    entropy = odm.Float()  # Entropy of the file
    expiry_ts = odm.Optional(odm.Date(store=False))  # Expiry timestamp
    hex = odm.Keyword(
        index=False, store=False)  # Hex dump of the first 64 bytes of the file
    md5 = odm.MD5(copyto="__text__")  # MD5 of the top level file
    magic = odm.Keyword(
        store=False)  # Output from libmagic related to that file
    mime = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(
        store=False))  # Mime type of the file as identified by libmagic
    seen = odm.Compound(Seen,
                        default={})  # Attributes about when the file was seen
    sha1 = odm.SHA1(copyto="__text__")  # SHA1 hash of the file
    sha256 = odm.SHA256(copyto="__text__")  # SHA256 hash of the file
    size = odm.Integer()  # Size of the file
    ssdeep = odm.SSDeepHash(store=False)  # SSDEEP hash of the file
    type = odm.Keyword(
        copyto="__text__")  # Type of file as identified by Assemblyline
Esempio n. 18
class Resources(odm.Model):
    cpu_usage = odm.Float()
    disk_usage_free = odm.Integer()
    disk_usage_percent = odm.Float()
    mem_usage = odm.Float()
Esempio n. 19
class Scaler(odm.Model):
    service_defaults: ScalerServiceDefaults = odm.Compound(
    # only available for docker hosts, not kubernetes
    cpu_overallocation: float = odm.Float(default=1)
    memory_overallocation: float = odm.Float(default=1)
class Metrics(odm.Model):
    memory_free = odm.Float(description="Amount of free memory")
    cpu_free = odm.Float(description="Amount of free CPU")
    memory_total = odm.Float(description="Amount of total memory")
    cpu_total = odm.Float(description="Amount of total CPU")
class Metrics(odm.Model):
    memory_free = odm.Float()
    cpu_free = odm.Float()
    memory_total = odm.Float()
    cpu_total = odm.Float()
Esempio n. 22
 class Overlay(odm.Model):
     size = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
     entropy = odm.Optional(odm.Float())