def output(partIdx):
  """Uses the student code to compute the output for test cases."""
  outputString = ''

  if partIdx == 0: # This is ScaledFFTdB

    from assignment1 import scaled_fft_db

    r,x ='data/a1_submissionInput.wav')
    X = scaled_fft_db(x)

    for val in X:
        outputString += '%.5f ' % (val)

  elif partIdx == 1: # This is PrototypeFilter

    from assignment2 import prototype_filter

    h = prototype_filter()
    # test signal
    s = np.loadtxt('data/a2_submissionInput.txt')
    r = np.convolve(h, s)[4*512:5*512]/2

    for val in r:
        outputString += '%.5f ' % val

  elif partIdx == 2: # This is SubbandFiltering

    from assignment3 import subband_filtering

    r,x ='data/a3_submissionInput.wav')

    h = np.hanning(512)
    X = subband_filtering(x, h)

    for val in X:
        outputString += '%.5f ' % (val)

  elif partIdx == 3: # This is Quantization

    from assignment4 import quantization

    from parameters import EncoderParameters
    params = EncoderParameters(44100, 2, 64)

    val_in = np.loadtxt('data/a4_submissionInput.txt')

    for r,row in enumerate(val_in):
        val = row[0]
        scf = row[1]
        ba = int(row[2])
        QCa = params.table.qca[ba-2]
        QCb = params.table.qcb[ba-2]
        val = quantization(val, scf, ba, QCa, QCb)
        outputString += '%d ' % (val)

  return outputString.strip()
Esempio n. 2
def output(partIdx):
    """Uses the student code to compute the output for test cases."""
    outputString = ''

    if partIdx == 0:  # This is ScaledFFTdB

        from assignment1 import scaled_fft_db

        r, x ='data/a1_submissionInput.wav')
        X = scaled_fft_db(x)

        for val in X:
            outputString += '%.5f ' % (val)

    elif partIdx == 1:  # This is PrototypeFilter

        from assignment2 import prototype_filter

        h = prototype_filter()

        # test signal
        s = np.loadtxt('data/a2_submissionInput.txt')
        r = np.convolve(h, s)[4 * 512:5 * 512] / 2

        for val in r:
            outputString += '%.5f ' % val

    elif partIdx == 2:  # This is SubbandFiltering

        from assignment3 import subband_filtering

        r, x ='data/a3_submissionInput.wav')

        h = np.hanning(512)
        X = subband_filtering(x, h)

        for val in X:
            outputString += '%.5f ' % (val)

    elif partIdx == 3:  # This is Quantization

        from assignment4 import quantization

        from parameters import EncoderParameters
        params = EncoderParameters(44100, 2, 64)

        val_in = np.loadtxt('data/a4_submissionInput.txt')

        for r, row in enumerate(val_in):
            val = row[0]
            scf = row[1]
            ba = int(row[2])
            QCa = params.table.qca[ba - 2]
            QCb = params.table.qcb[ba - 2]
            val = quantization(val, scf, ba, QCa, QCb)
            outputString += '%d ' % (val)

    return outputString.strip()
Esempio n. 3
def output(partIdx):
    outputString = ""

    if partIdx == "1":  # This is ScaledFFTdB

        from assignment1 import scaled_fft_db

        r, x ="data/a1_submissionInput.wav")
        X = scaled_fft_db(x)

        for val in X:
            outputString += "%.5f " % (val)

    elif partIdx == "2":  # This is PrototypeFilter

        from assignment2 import prototype_filter

        h = prototype_filter()

        # test signal
        s = np.loadtxt("data/a2_submissionInput.txt")
        r = np.convolve(h, s)[4 * 512:5 * 512] / 2

        for val in r:
            outputString += "%.5f " % val

    elif partIdx == "3":  # This is SubbandFiltering

        from assignment3 import subband_filtering

        r, x ="data/a3_submissionInput.wav")

        h = np.hanning(512)
        X = subband_filtering(x, h)

        for val in X:
            outputString += "%.5f " % (val)

    elif partIdx == "4":  # This is Quantization

        from assignment4 import quantization

        from parameters import EncoderParameters

        params = EncoderParameters(44100, 2, 64)

        val_in = np.loadtxt("data/a4_submissionInput.txt")

        for r, row in enumerate(val_in):
            val = row[0]
            scf = row[1]
            ba = int(row[2])
            QCa = params.table.qca[ba - 2]
            QCb = params.table.qcb[ba - 2]
            val = quantization(val, scf, ba, QCa, QCb)
            outputString += "%d " % (val)

        print("Unknown assigment part number")

    if len(outputString) > 0:
        fileName = "res%s.txt" % partIdx
        with open(fileName, "w") as f:
            print("You can now submit the file " + fileName)
            "there was an error with the computation. Please check your code")
def output(partIdx):
  outputString = ''

  if partIdx == '1': # This is ScaledFFTdB

    from assignment1 import scaled_fft_db

    r,x ='data/a1_submissionInput.wav')
    X = scaled_fft_db(x)

    for val in X:
      outputString += '%.5f ' % (val)

  elif partIdx == '2': # This is PrototypeFilter

    from assignment2 import prototype_filter

    h = prototype_filter()
    # test signal
    s = np.loadtxt('data/a2_submissionInput.txt')
    r = np.convolve(h, s)[4*512:5*512]/2

    for val in r:
      outputString += '%.5f ' % val

  elif partIdx == '3': # This is SubbandFiltering

    from assignment3 import subband_filtering

    r,x ='data/a3_submissionInput.wav')

    h = np.hanning(512)
    X = subband_filtering(x, h)

    for val in X:
      outputString += '%.5f ' % (val)

  elif partIdx == '4': # This is Quantization

    from assignment4 import quantization

    from parameters import EncoderParameters
    params = EncoderParameters(44100, 2, 64)

    val_in = np.loadtxt('data/a4_submissionInput.txt')

    for r,row in enumerate(val_in):
      val = row[0]
      scf = row[1]
      ba = int(row[2])
      QCa = params.table.qca[ba-2]
      QCb = params.table.qcb[ba-2]
      val = quantization(val, scf, ba, QCa, QCb)
      outputString += '%d ' % (val)

    print "Unknown assigment part number"

  if len(outputString) > 0:
    fileName = "res%s.txt" % partIdx;
    with open(fileName, "w") as f:
      print "You can now submit the file " + fileName
    print "there was an error with the computation. Please check your code"
Esempio n. 5
def main(inwavfile, outmp3file, bitrate):
    """Encoder main function."""

    #inwavfile  = "../samples/sinestereo.wav"
    #outmp3file = "../samples/sinestereo.mp3"
    #bitrate = 320

    # Read WAVE file and set MPEG encoder parameters.
    input_buffer = WavRead(inwavfile)
    params = EncoderParameters(input_buffer.fs, input_buffer.nch, bitrate)

    # Subband filter calculation from baseband prototype.
    # Very detailed analysis of MP3 subband filtering available at

    # Read baseband filter samples
    baseband_filter = assignment2.prototype_filter().astype('float32')

    subband_samples = np.zeros((params.nch, N_SUBBANDS, FRAMES_PER_BLOCK),

    # Main loop, executing until all samples have been processed.
    while input_buffer.nprocessed_samples < input_buffer.nsamples:

        # In each block 12 frames are processed, which equals 12x32=384 new samples per block.
        for frm in range(FRAMES_PER_BLOCK):
            samples_read = input_buffer.read_samples(SHIFT_SIZE)

            # If all samples have been read, perform zero padding.
            if samples_read < SHIFT_SIZE:
                for ch in range(params.nch):
                        np.zeros(SHIFT_SIZE - samples_read))

            # Filtering = dot product with reversed buffer.
      ASSIGNMENT 3 : Subband filtering
            for ch in range(params.nch):
                subband_samples[ch, :, frm] = assignment3.subband_filtering(
          [ch].reversed(), baseband_filter)

        # Declaring arrays for keeping table indices of calculated scalefactors and bits allocated in subbands.
        # Number of bits allocated in subband is either 0 or in range [2,15].
        scfindices = np.zeros((params.nch, N_SUBBANDS), dtype='uint8')
        subband_bit_allocation = np.zeros((params.nch, N_SUBBANDS),
        smr = np.zeros((params.nch, N_SUBBANDS), dtype='float32')

        # Finding scale factors, psychoacoustic model and bit allocation calculation for subbands. Although
        # scaling is done later, its result is necessary for the psychoacoustic model and calculation of
        # sound pressure levels.
        for ch in range(params.nch):
            scfindices[ch, :] = get_scalefactors(subband_samples[ch, :, :],
            subband_bit_allocation[ch, :] = psycho.model1(
      [ch].ordered(), params, scfindices)
    ASSIGNMENT 4 : Quantization
        subband_samples_quantized = np.zeros(subband_samples.shape,
        for ch in range(params.nch):
            for sb in range(N_SUBBANDS):
                QCa = params.table.qca[subband_bit_allocation[ch, sb] - 2]
                QCb = params.table.qcb[subband_bit_allocation[ch, sb] - 2]
                scf = params.table.scalefactor[scfindices[ch, sb]]
                ba = subband_bit_allocation[ch, sb]
                for ind in range(FRAMES_PER_BLOCK):
                    subband_samples_quantized[ch, sb,
                                              ind] = assignment4.quantization(
                                                  subband_samples[ch, sb, ind],
                                                  scf, ba, QCa, QCb)

        # Forming output bitsream and appending it to the output file.
        bitstream_formatting(outmp3file, params, subband_bit_allocation,
                             scfindices, subband_samples_quantized)
Esempio n. 6
def main(inwavfile, outmp3file, bitrate):
  """Encoder main function."""

  #inwavfile  = "../samples/sinestereo.wav"
  #outmp3file = "../samples/sinestereo.mp3"
  #bitrate = 320
  # Read WAVE file and set MPEG encoder parameters.
  input_buffer = WavRead(inwavfile)
  params = EncoderParameters(input_buffer.fs, input_buffer.nch, bitrate)

  # Subband filter calculation from baseband prototype.
  # Very detailed analysis of MP3 subband filtering available at

  # Read baseband filter samples
  baseband_filter = assignment2.prototype_filter().astype('float32')

  subband_samples = np.zeros((params.nch, N_SUBBANDS, FRAMES_PER_BLOCK), dtype='float32') 

  # Main loop, executing until all samples have been processed.
  while input_buffer.nprocessed_samples < input_buffer.nsamples:

    # In each block 12 frames are processed, which equals 12x32=384 new samples per block.
    for frm in range(FRAMES_PER_BLOCK):
      samples_read = input_buffer.read_samples(SHIFT_SIZE)

      # If all samples have been read, perform zero padding.
      if samples_read < SHIFT_SIZE:
        for ch in range(params.nch):
[ch].insert(np.zeros(SHIFT_SIZE - samples_read))

      # Filtering = dot product with reversed buffer.
      ASSIGNMENT 3 : Subband filtering
      for ch in range(params.nch):
        subband_samples[ch,:,frm] = assignment3.subband_filtering([ch].reversed(), baseband_filter)
    # Declaring arrays for keeping table indices of calculated scalefactors and bits allocated in subbands.
    # Number of bits allocated in subband is either 0 or in range [2,15].
    scfindices = np.zeros((params.nch, N_SUBBANDS), dtype='uint8')
    subband_bit_allocation = np.zeros((params.nch, N_SUBBANDS), dtype='uint8') 
    smr = np.zeros((params.nch, N_SUBBANDS), dtype='float32')

    # Finding scale factors, psychoacoustic model and bit allocation calculation for subbands. Although 
    # scaling is done later, its result is necessary for the psychoacoustic model and calculation of 
    # sound pressure levels.
    for ch in range(params.nch):
      scfindices[ch,:] = get_scalefactors(subband_samples[ch,:,:], params.table.scalefactor)
      subband_bit_allocation[ch,:] = psycho.model1([ch].ordered(), params,scfindices)

    ASSIGNMENT 4 : Quantization
    subband_samples_quantized = np.zeros(subband_samples.shape, dtype='uint32')
    for ch in range(params.nch):
      for sb in range(N_SUBBANDS):
        QCa = params.table.qca[subband_bit_allocation[ch,sb]-2]
        QCb = params.table.qcb[subband_bit_allocation[ch,sb]-2]
        scf = params.table.scalefactor[scfindices[ch,sb]]
        ba = subband_bit_allocation[ch,sb]
        for ind in range(FRAMES_PER_BLOCK):
          subband_samples_quantized[ch,sb,ind] = assignment4.quantization(subband_samples[ch,sb,ind], scf, ba, QCa, QCb)

    # Forming output bitsream and appending it to the output file.