def generate_parallel_function(loop): # need to generate random string here name = "nest_fn" + str(id(loop)) args = [] for arg in loop.non_locals: args.append(ast.arg(arg=arg, annotation=None)) args.append(ast.arg(arg="proc_id", annotation=None)) args = ast.arguments(args=args, vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[], kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults = []) # return_values = (ast.parse(str(loop.non_locals))).body[0] return_values = [ast.Name(id=arg, ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=0) for arg in loop.non_locals] print(return_values) return_stmt = ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Return(value=return_values, lineno=1, col_offset=0)) return_template = "return [" for i,arg in enumerate(loop.non_locals): if i ==0: return_template += "%s" % arg else: return_template += " ,%s" % arg return_template += "]" print("return values") print(return_stmt) transformed_tree = BoundsTransformer(loop).visit(loop.node) # transformed_tree = AccessTransformer(loop).visit(transformed_tree) # transformed_tree.lineno=0 # transformed_tree.col_offset=0 body = [transformed_tree, ast.parse(return_template).body[0]] dectorator_list = [] fun_def = ast.FunctionDef(name=name, args=args, body=body, decorator_list=[], returns=None) return ast.fix_missing_locations(fun_def)
def p_push_primary(p): # noqa """push_primary : DOLLARSIGN primary""" arg_list = ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg='stack', annotation=None), ast.arg(arg='stash', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]) # print(p[2]) if isinstance(p[2], ast.Name): pass # TODO: not a very good check elif 'stack.pop().' in astunparse.unparse(p[2][0]): # we are pushing an attributeref # get rid of the _call to leave the stack.pop().<attr> and concatify it p[2] = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='concatify', ctx=ast.Load()), args=p[2][0].value.args[0:1], keywords=[]) else: # print(p[2]) p[2] = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='ConcatFunction', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Lambda(arg_list, _combine_exprs(p[2]))], keywords=[]) p[0] = [ast.Expr(_push(p[2]))] _set_line_info(p)
def create_arguments(self, args=[], vararg=None, varargannotation=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, kwargannotation=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[None]): args = [ast.arg(x, None) for x in args] kwonlyargs = [ast.arg(x, None) for x in kwonlyargs] return ast.arguments(args, vararg, varargannotation, kwonlyargs, kwarg, kwargannotation, defaults, kw_defaults)
def build_init(cls): # build arguments objects args = [ast.arg('self', None)] + [ ast.arg(arg, None) for arg in cls._fields ] body = [ ast.Assign( [ast.Attribute( ast.Name('self', ast.Load()), arg, ast.Store() )], ast.Name(arg, ast.Load()) ) for arg in cls._fields ] function = ast.FunctionDef( '__init__', ast.arguments(args, None, [], [], None, []), body, [], None ) return ast.fix_missing_locations( ast.Module([function]) )
def _check_arguments(self, fac, check): def arguments(args=None, vararg=None, kwonlyargs=None, kwarg=None, defaults=None, kw_defaults=None): if args is None: args = [] if kwonlyargs is None: kwonlyargs = [] if defaults is None: defaults = [] if kw_defaults is None: kw_defaults = [] args = ast.arguments(args, vararg, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, kwarg, defaults) return fac(args) args = [ast.arg("x", ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))] check(arguments(args=args), "must have Load context") check(arguments(kwonlyargs=args), "must have Load context") check(arguments(defaults=[ast.Num(3)]), "more positional defaults than args") check(arguments(kw_defaults=[ast.Num(4)]), "length of kwonlyargs is not the same as kw_defaults") args = [ast.arg("x", ast.Name("x", ast.Load()))] check(arguments(args=args, defaults=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]), "must have Load context") args = [ast.arg("a", ast.Name("x", ast.Load())), ast.arg("b", ast.Name("y", ast.Load()))] check(arguments(kwonlyargs=args, kw_defaults=[None, ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]), "must have Load context")
def make_lambda(expression, args, env=None): # type: (ast.Expression, List[str], Dict[str, Any]) -> types.FunctionType """ Create an lambda function from a expression AST. Parameters ---------- expression : ast.Expression The body of the lambda. args : List[str] A list of positional argument names env : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] Extra environment to capture in the lambda's closure. Returns ------- func : types.FunctionType """ # lambda *{args}* : EXPRESSION lambda_ = ast.Lambda( args=ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg=arg, annotation=None) for arg in args], varargs=None, varargannotation=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, kwargannotation=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]), body=expression.body, ) lambda_ = ast.copy_location(lambda_, expression.body) # lambda **{env}** : lambda *{args}*: EXPRESSION outer = ast.Lambda( args=ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg=name, annotation=None) for name in (env or {})], varargs=None, varargannotation=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, kwargannotation=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[], ), body=lambda_, ) exp = ast.Expression(body=outer, lineno=1, col_offset=0) ast.fix_missing_locations(exp) GLOBALS = __GLOBALS.copy() GLOBALS["__builtins__"] = {} # pylint: disable=eval-used fouter = eval(compile(exp, "<lambda>", "eval"), GLOBALS) assert isinstance(fouter, types.FunctionType) finner = fouter(**env) assert isinstance(finner, types.FunctionType) return finner
def build_class(): """ Constructs a :class:`ast.ClassDef` node that wraps the entire template file. The class will have an entry function ``root`` with: .. function:: root(context) Starts the template parsing with the given context. :returns: Returns a generator of strings that can be joined to the rendered template. :returns: a 2-tuple with the class and the entry function """ args = {} if PY3: args.update({ 'args': [ ast.arg(arg='self', annotation=None), ast.arg(arg='context', annotation=None), ], 'kwonlyargs': [], 'kw_defaults': [], }) else: args['args'] = [ ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Param()), ast.Name(id='context', ctx=ast.Param()) ] root_func = ast.FunctionDef( name='root', args=ast.arguments( vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[], **args ), body=[ # we add an empty string to guarantee for a string and generator on # root level build_yield(ast.Str(s='')) ], decorator_list=[] ) klass = ast.ClassDef( name='Template', bases=[ast.Name(id='object', ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, body=[root_func], decorator_list=[] ) return klass, root_func
def decorator(wrapped): spec = inspect.getargspec(wrapped) name = wrapped.__name__ assert spec.varargs is not None # Example was generated with print ast.dump(ast.parse("def f(a, b, *args, **kwds): return call_wrapped((a, b), args, kwds)"), include_attributes=True) # helped a lot # if sys.hexversion < 0x03000000: wrapper_ast_args = ast.arguments( args=[ast.Name(id=a, ctx=ast.Param(), lineno=1, col_offset=0) for a in spec.args], vararg=spec.varargs, kwarg=spec.keywords, defaults=[] ) else: wrapper_ast_args = ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg=a, annotation=None, lineno=1, col_offset=0) for a in spec.args], vararg=None if spec.varargs is None else ast.arg(arg=spec.varargs, annotation=None, lineno=1, col_offset=0), kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None if spec.keywords is None else ast.arg(arg=spec.keywords, annotation=None, lineno=1, col_offset=0), defaults=[] ) wrapper_ast = ast.Module(body=[ast.FunctionDef( name=name, args=wrapper_ast_args, body=[ast.Return(value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="wrapped", ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=0), args=[ast.Name(id=a, ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=0) for a in spec.args], keywords=[], starargs=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="flatten", ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=0), args=[ast.Name(id=spec.varargs, ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=0)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, lineno=1, col_offset=0 ), kwargs=None if spec.keywords is None else ast.Name(id=spec.keywords, ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=1, col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0 ), lineno=1, col_offset=0)], decorator_list=[], lineno=1, col_offset=0 )]) wrapper_code = [c for c in compile(wrapper_ast, "<ast_in_variadic_py>", "exec").co_consts if isinstance(c, types.CodeType)][0] wrapper = types.FunctionType(wrapper_code, {"wrapped": wrapped, "flatten": flatten}, argdefs=spec.defaults) functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped) if wrapper.__doc__ is not None: wrapper.__doc__ = "Note that this function is variadic. See :ref:`variadic-functions`.\n\n" + wrapper.__doc__ return wrapper
def p_funcdef(p): # noqa """funcdef : DEF funcname COLON suite""" arg_list = ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg='stack', annotation=None), ast.arg(arg='stash', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]) p[0] = ast.FunctionDef(p[2], arg_list, p[4], [ast.Name(id='ConcatFunction', ctx=ast.Load())], None) _set_line_info(p)
def make_function_def(self, body, name): return ast.FunctionDef( name=name, body=body, args=ast.arguments( args=[ ast.arg(arg='self'), ast.arg(arg=CONTEXT_ARG_NAME), ], kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], defaults=[]), decorator_list=[], )
def _functiondef(self, name, args, body, lineno, col_offset): args = [ast.arg(, annotation=None) for c in args] body = self._body( for c in body) # Rewrite return body[-1] = ast.Return( value=body[-1].value, lineno=body[-1].lineno, col_offset=body[-1].col_offset ) return ast.FunctionDef( name=name, args=ast.arguments( args=args, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, kwargannotation=None, kwonlyargs=[], vararg=None, varargannotation=None ), body=body, returns=None, decorator_list=[], lineno=lineno, col_offset=col_offset )
def _visit_local(gen_sym, node, to_mangle, mangled): """ Replacing known variables with literal values """ is_name = type(node) == ast.Name node_id = if is_name else node.arg if node_id in to_mangle: if node_id in mangled: mangled_id = mangled[node_id] else: mangled_id, gen_sym = gen_sym('mangled') mangled = mangled.set(node_id, mangled_id) if is_name: new_node = ast.Name(id=mangled_id, ctx=node.ctx) else: new_node = ast.arg(arg=mangled_id, annotation=node.annotation) else: new_node = node return gen_sym, new_node, mangled
def compile_Module(self, node): self.is_builtins = self.module_name == "builtins" body = node.body if self.print_module_result: try: last_body_item = body[-1] except IndexError: last_body_item = ast.Name("None", ast.Load()) print_fn = ast.Name("print", ast.Load()) last_body_item = ast.Call(print_fn, [last_body_item], None, None, None) body = body[:-1] + [last_body_item] if not self.bare and not self.is_builtins: module_name = ast.Str(self.module_name) args = ast.arguments([ast.arg(, None)], None, None, None, None, None, None, None) func = ast.FunctionDef(name = '', args = args, body = body, decorator_list = [], returns = None) to_call = ast.Name("__registermodule__", ast.Load()) call = ast.Call(to_call, [module_name, func], None, None, None) result = self.compile_node(call) else: context = result = self.compile_node(body) result = self.compile_statement_list([context.get_vars(True), JSCode(result)]) self.context_stack.pop() if self.is_builtins: self.main_compiler.modules = [result] + self.main_compiler.modules else: self.main_compiler.modules.append(result)
def _make_fn(name, chain_fn, args, defaults): args_with_self = ['_self'] + list(args) arguments = [_ast.Name(id=arg, ctx=_ast.Load()) for arg in args_with_self] defs = [_ast.Name(id='_def{0}'.format(idx), ctx=_ast.Load()) for idx, _ in enumerate(defaults)] if _PY2: parameters = _ast.arguments(args=[_ast.Name(id=arg, ctx=_ast.Param()) for arg in args_with_self], defaults=defs) else: parameters = _ast.arguments(args=[_ast.arg(arg=arg) for arg in args_with_self], kwonlyargs=[], defaults=defs, kw_defaults=[]) module_node = _ast.Module(body=[_ast.FunctionDef(name=name, args=parameters, body=[_ast.Return(value=_ast.Call(func=_ast.Name(id='_chain', ctx=_ast.Load()), args=arguments, keywords=[]))], decorator_list=[])]) module_node = _ast.fix_missing_locations(module_node) # compile the ast code = compile(module_node, '<string>', 'exec') # and eval it in the right context globals_ = {'_chain': chain_fn} locals_ = dict(('_def{0}'.format(idx), value) for idx, value in enumerate(defaults)) eval(code, globals_, locals_) # extract our function from the newly created module return locals_[name]
def __call__(self, selection): if not self.is_initialized: self._initialize() try: parse_result = self.expression.parseString(selection, parseAll=True) except ParseException as e: msg = str(e) lines = ["%s: %s" % (msg, selection), " " * (12 + len("%s: " % msg) + (e.loc)) + "^^^"] raise ValueError('\n'.join(lines)) # Change __ATOM__ in function bodies. It must bind to the arg # name specified below (i.e. 'atom') astnode = self.transformer.visit(deepcopy(parse_result[0].ast())) if PY2: args = [ast.Name(id='atom', ctx=ast.Param())] signature = ast.arguments(args=args, vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[]) else: args = [ast.arg(arg='atom', annotation=None)] signature = ast.arguments(args=args, vararg=None, kwarg=None, kwonlyargs=[], defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]) func = ast.Expression(body=ast.Lambda(signature, astnode)) source = codegen.to_source(astnode) expr = eval( compile(ast.fix_missing_locations(func), '<string>', mode='eval'), SELECTION_GLOBALS) return _ParsedSelection(expr, source, astnode)
def test_lambda(self): lamb_expr = Lambda(args=ast.arguments(args=[ast.arg(arg='x')]), body=Num(n=3)) env = Scope([]) k = Done() val = step(lamb_expr, env, k)[0] self.assert_(isinstance(val, Lambda)) self.assertEqual(val.args.args[0].arg, 'x') self.assertEqual(val.body.n, 3)
def _make_arg(self, node): if node is None: return None new_node = ast.arg( self._visit(, self._visit(node.annotation), ) return ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
def _create_ast_lambda(names, body): if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): # change in AST structure for Python 3 args = [ast.arg(arg=name, annotation=None) for name in names] else: args = [ast.Name(id=name, ctx=ast.Load()) for name in names] return ast.Lambda(args=ast.arguments( args=args, vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=body)
def compile_define(p): if isinstance(p[1], list): body = [make_stmt(build_ast(x)) for x in p[2:]] if isinstance(body[-1], ast.Expr): body[-1] = ast.Return(body[-1].value) return ast.FunctionDef(pydent(p[1][0].name), ast.arguments(args=[ast.arg( for x in p[1][1:]], kwonlyargs=[], defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]), body, [], None) else: return ast.Assign([ast.Name(pydent(p[1].name), ast.Store())], build_ast(p[2]))
def _generate_self(self): return ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[] )
def _translate_python_arguments(self, tvars: list) -> pyast.arguments: """Translate typed variable list to python 'arguments' AST""" return pyast.arguments( args=list(pyast.arg(, annotation=None) for tv in tvars), vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[])
def _lower_array_expr(lowerer, expr): '''Lower an array expression built by RewriteArrayExprs. ''' expr_name = "__numba_array_expr_%s" % (hex(hash(expr)).replace("-", "_")) expr_args = sorted(set(expr.list_vars()), key=lambda x: expr_arg_names = [ for arg in expr_args] if hasattr(ast, "arg"): # Should be Python 3.x ast_args = [ast.arg(arg_name, None) for arg_name in expr_arg_names] else: # Should be Python 2.x ast_args = [ast.Name(arg_name, ast.Param()) for arg_name in expr_arg_names] # Parse a stub function to ensure the AST is populated with # reasonable defaults for the Python version. ast_module = ast.parse('def {0}(): return'.format(expr_name), expr_args[0].loc.filename, 'exec') assert hasattr(ast_module, 'body') and len(ast_module.body) == 1 ast_fn = ast_module.body[0] ast_fn.args.args = ast_args ast_fn.body[0].value, namespace = _arr_expr_to_ast(expr.expr) ast.fix_missing_locations(ast_module) code_obj = compile(ast_module, expr_args[0].loc.filename, 'exec') six.exec_(code_obj, namespace) impl = namespace[expr_name] context = lowerer.context builder = lowerer.builder outer_sig = expr.ty(*(lowerer.typeof(name) for name in expr_arg_names)) inner_sig_args = [] for argty in outer_sig.args: if isinstance(argty, types.Array): inner_sig_args.append(argty.dtype) else: inner_sig_args.append(argty) inner_sig = outer_sig.return_type.dtype(*inner_sig_args) _locals = dict((name, value) for name, value in namespace.items() if name.startswith("__ufunc_or_dufunc_")) cres = context.compile_only_no_cache(builder, impl, inner_sig, locals=_locals) class ExprKernel(npyimpl._Kernel): def generate(self, *args): arg_zip = zip(args, self.outer_sig.args, inner_sig.args) cast_args = [self.cast(val, inty, outty) for val, inty, outty in arg_zip] result = self.context.call_internal( builder, cres.fndesc, inner_sig, cast_args) return self.cast(result, inner_sig.return_type, self.outer_sig.return_type) args = [lowerer.loadvar(name) for name in expr_arg_names] return npyimpl.numpy_ufunc_kernel( context, builder, outer_sig, args, ExprKernel, explicit_output=False)
def _generate_argument(self, name): return ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg=name, annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[] )
def query(tree, gen_sym, **kw): x = process(tree) x = expand_let_bindings.recurse(x) sym = gen_sym() # return q[(lambda query: query.bind.execute(query).fetchall())(ast[x])] new_tree = hq[(lambda query: name[sym].bind.execute( name[sym]).fetchall())(ast_literal[x])] new_tree.func.args = ast.arguments([ast.arg(sym, None)], None, [], [], None, []) return new_tree
def test_call(self): call_expr = Call(func=Lambda(args=ast.arguments(args=[ast.arg(arg='x')]), body=Name(id='x')), args=[Num(n=3)]) env = Scope([]) k = Done() val = step(call_expr, env, k)[0] earg = step(call_expr, env, k)[2] self.assertEqual(val.args.args[0].arg, 'x') self.assertEqual(, 'x') self.assert_(isinstance(earg, Earg)) self.assertEqual(earg.expr.n, 3)
def add_binding_args_to_func(cls, args, func): """Alter the definition of 'func' to accept 'args'.""" # Get the AST of the function and add extra argument nodes. funcast = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(func).strip()) funcname = funcast.body[0].name funcargs = funcast.body[0].args funcargs.args = [ ast.arg(funcargs.args[0].arg, None) ] funcargs.args.extend(ast.arg(str(a), None) for a in args) env = dict() # An environment in which to evaluate the modded AST. if len(func.__code__.co_freevars) < 1: # If the function doesn't close over any free variables, # it can be evaluated as is. exec(compile(funcast, '<generated>', 'exec'), func.__globals__, env) newfunc = env[funcname] else: # TODO: what happens if a freevar is also a binding arg? # Have to build a closure. clsname = cls.__name__ freevars = tuple(func.__code__.co_freevars) # Pull the values out of the existing closure. # When a function is defined in a class and refers to # to the class as a free variable it is not included # in the closure and has to be added manually. closvals = [cell.cell_contents if var != clsname else cls for var, cell in zip(freevars, func.__closure__)] # Create a wrapper function to bind the closure values. wrapperargs = ', '.join(freevars) wrapper = ast.parse("def wrapper(%s):\n" " def %s(): pass\n" " return %s" % (wrapperargs, funcname, funcname)) wrapperfunc = wrapper.body[0] # Replace the body of the wrapper with the target function. wrapperfunc.body[0] = funcast.body[0] # Evaluate the resulting AST and call the # wrapper function with the closure values. exec(compile(wrapper, '<generated>', 'exec'), func.__globals__, env) newfunc = env['wrapper'](*closvals) return newfunc
def translate_lambda(compiler, lambda_): return python_ast.Lambda( args=python_ast.arguments( args=list(map(lambda n: python_ast.arg(arg=n, annotation=None), lambda_.params)), vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[] ), body=compiler.translate(lambda_.body) )
def takes_only_self(self): """ Return an argument list node that takes only ``self``. """ return ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg="self")], defaults=[], kw_defaults=[], kwonlyargs=[], )
def visit_ListComp(self, t): result_append = ast.Attribute(ast.Name('.0', load), 'append', load) body = ast.Expr(Call(result_append, [t.elt])) for loop in reversed(t.generators): for test in reversed(loop.ifs): body = ast.If(test, [body], []) body = ast.For(, loop.iter, [body], []) fn = [body, ast.Return(ast.Name('.0', load))] args = ast.arguments([ast.arg('.0', None)], None, [], None, [], []) return Call(Function('<listcomp>', args, fn), [ast.List([], load)])
def ast_lambda(name, body): if PYTHON_VERSION is 2: return ast.Lambda(args=ast.arguments(args=[name], defaults=[]), body=body) elif PYTHON_VERSION is 3: return ast.Lambda(args=ast.arguments(args=[ast.arg(], defaults=[], kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[]), body=body) else: invalid_python_version()
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): node.parent = self.fundef self.fundef = node if len( list( filter( lambda n: isinstance(n, ast.Name) and is 'rep_fun', node.decorator_list))) > 0: self.recs.append( self.generic_visit(node) r_args = {} for arg in node.args.args: arg_name = arg.arg try: if self.fundef.locals[arg_name] > 1: r_args[arg_name] = self.freshName('x') # self.fundef.locals[arg_name] += 1 except KeyError as e: pass # generate code to pre-initialize staged vars # we stage all vars that are written to more than once inits = [ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id=id, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='_var', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[])) \ for id in node.locals if node.locals[id] > 1] a_nodes = [ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='_assign', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=arg,ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Name(id=r_args[arg],ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[])) \ for arg in r_args] new_node = ast.FunctionDef(, args=ast.arguments(args=[ ast.arg(arg=r_args[arg.arg], annotation=None) if arg.arg in r_args else arg for arg in node.args.args ], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]), # node.args, body=[ ast.Try(body=inits + a_nodes + node.body, handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler( type=ast.Name(id='NonLocalReturnValue', ctx=ast.Load()), name='r', body=[ ast.Return(value=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='r', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='value', ctx=ast.Load())) ]) ], orelse=[], finalbody=[]) ], decorator_list=list( filter( lambda n: isinstance(n, ast.Name) and != 'lms' and n. id != 'rep_fun', node.decorator_list))) ast.copy_location(new_node, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(new_node) self.fundef = node.parent return new_node
def make_continuation(owner, callcc, contbody): targets, starget, condition, thecall, altcall = analyze_callcc(callcc) # no-args special case: allow but ignore one arg so there won't be arity errors # from a "return None"-generated None being passed into the cc # (in Python, a function always has a return value, though it may be None) if not targets and not starget: targets = ["_ignored_arg"] posargdefaults = [q[None]] else: posargdefaults = [] # Name the continuation: f_cont, f_cont1, f_cont2, ... # if multiple call_cc[]s in the same function body. if owner: # TODO: robustness: use regexes, strip suf and any numbers at the end, until no match. # return prefix of s before the first occurrence of suf. def strip_suffix(s, suf): n = s.find(suf) if n == -1: return s return s[:n] basename = "{}_cont".format(strip_suffix(, "_cont")) else: basename = "cont" contname = gen_sym(basename) # Set our captured continuation as the cc of f and g in # call_cc[f(...)] # call_cc[f(...) if p else g(...)] def prepare_call(tree): if tree: tree.keywords = [keyword(arg="cc", value=q[name[contname]]) ] + tree.keywords else: # no call means proceed to cont directly, with args set to None tree = q[name[contname](*([None] * u[len(targets)]), cc=name["cc"])] return tree thecall = prepare_call(thecall) if condition: altcall = prepare_call(altcall) # Create the continuation function, set contbody as its body. # # Any return statements in the body have already been transformed, # because they appear literally in the code at the use site, # and our main processing logic runs the return statement transformer # before transforming call_cc[]. FDef = type( owner ) if owner else FunctionDef # use same type (regular/async) as parent function locref = callcc # bad but no better source location reference node available non = q[None] non = copy_location(non, locref) maybe_capture = IfExp(test=hq[name["cc"] is not identity], body=q[name["cc"]], orelse=non, lineno=locref.lineno, col_offset=locref.col_offset) funcdef = FDef( name=contname, args=arguments(args=[arg(arg=x) for x in targets], kwonlyargs=[arg(arg="cc"), arg(arg="_pcc")], vararg=(arg(arg=starget) if starget else None), kwarg=None, defaults=posargdefaults, kw_defaults=[hq[identity], maybe_capture]), body=contbody, decorator_list=[], # patched later by transform_def returns=None, # return annotation not used here lineno=locref.lineno, col_offset=locref.col_offset) # in the output stmts, define the continuation function... newstmts = [funcdef] if owner: # ...and tail-call it (if currently inside a def) def jumpify(tree): tree.args = [tree.func] + tree.args tree.func = hq[jump] jumpify(thecall) if condition: jumpify(altcall) newstmts.append( If(test=condition, body=[Return(value=q[ast_literal[thecall]])], orelse=[Return(value=q[ast_literal[altcall]])])) else: newstmts.append(Return(value=q[ast_literal[thecall]])) else: # ...and call it normally (if at the top level) if condition: newstmts.append( If(test=condition, body=[Expr(value=q[ast_literal[thecall]])], orelse=[Expr(value=q[ast_literal[altcall]])])) else: newstmts.append(Expr(value=q[ast_literal[thecall]])) return newstmts
def __build__init(self): super_func_call = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='super', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[]) if (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 5) or \ (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 6) or \ (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 7): super_func = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=super_func_call, attr='__init__', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ ast.Starred(value=ast.Name(id='args', ctx=ast.Load()), ctx=ast.Load()) ], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()), ctx=ast.Load()) ], ) elif (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 4): super_func = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=super_func_call, attr='__init__', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=ast.Name(id='args', ctx=ast.Load()), kwargs=ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()), ) else: print("Version:", sys.version_info) raise RuntimeError( "This script only functions on python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, or 3.7. Active python version {}.{}" .format(*sys.version_info)) super_init = ast.Expr( value=super_func, lineno=self.__get_line(), col_offset=0, ) body = [super_init] sig = ast.arguments(args=[ast.arg('self', None)], vararg=ast.arg(arg='args', annotation=None), kwarg=ast.arg(arg='kwargs', annotation=None), varargannotation=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwargannotation=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]) func = ast.FunctionDef( name="__init__", args=sig, body=body, decorator_list=[], lineno=self.__get_line(), col_offset=0, ) return func
def compile_func(gen: 'Generator', func: Callable, strategy: Strategy, with_hooks: bool = False) -> Callable: """ The compilation basically assigns functionality to each of the operator calls as governed by the semantics (strategy). Memoization is done with the keys as the `func`, the class of the `strategy` and the `with_hooks` argument. Args: gen (Generator): The generator object containing the function to compile func (Callable): The function to compile strategy (Strategy): The strategy governing the behavior of the operators with_hooks (bool): Whether support for hooks is required Returns: The compiled function """ if isinstance(strategy, PartialReplayStrategy): strategy = strategy.backup_strategy if with_hooks: cache = CompilationCache.WITH_HOOKS[strategy.__class__] else: cache = CompilationCache.WITHOUT_HOOKS[strategy.__class__] if func in cache: return cache[func] cache[func] = None source_code, start_lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(func) source_code = ''.join(source_code) f_ast = astutils.parse(textwrap.dedent(source_code)) # This matches up line numbers with original file and is thus super useful for debugging ast.increment_lineno(f_ast, start_lineno - 1) # Remove the ``@generator`` decorator to avoid recursive compilation f_ast.decorator_list = [ d for d in f_ast.decorator_list if (not isinstance(d, ast.Name) or != 'generator') and ( not isinstance(d, ast.Attribute) or d.attr != 'generator') and ( not (isinstance(d, ast.Call) and isinstance(d.func, ast.Name)) or != 'generator') ] # Get all the external dependencies of this function. # We rely on a modified closure function adopted from the ``inspect`` library. closure_vars = getclosurevars_recursive(func, f_ast) g = {**closure_vars.nonlocals.copy(), **closure_vars.globals.copy()} known_ops: Set[str] = strategy.get_known_ops() known_methods: Set[str] = strategy.get_known_methods() op_info_constructor = OpInfoConstructor() delayed_compilations: List[Tuple[Generator, str]] = [] ops = {} handlers = {} op_infos = {} op_idx: int = 0 composition_cnt: int = 0 for n in astutils.preorder_traversal(f_ast): if isinstance(n, ast.Call) and isinstance( n.func, ast.Name) and in known_ops: # Rename the function call, and assign a new function to be called during execution. # This new function is determined by the semantics (strategy) being used for compilation. # Also determine if there any eligible hooks for this operator call. op_idx += 1 handler_idx = len(handlers) op_info: OpInfo = op_info_constructor.get(n,, n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg='model', value=ast.Name(_GEN_MODEL_VAR, ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg='op_info', value=ast.Name(f"_op_info_{op_idx}", ast.Load()))) op_infos[f"_op_info_{op_idx}"] = op_info n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg='handler', value=ast.Name(f"_handler_{handler_idx}", ast.Load()))) handler = strategy.get_op_handler(op_info) handlers[f"_handler_{handler_idx}"] = handler if not with_hooks: n.func = astutils.parse( f"{_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR}.generic_op").value else: n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_HOOK_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_HOOK_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) = _GEN_HOOK_WRAPPER ops[_GEN_HOOK_WRAPPER] = hook_wrapper if returns_lambda(handler): n.func = ast.Call(func=n.func, args=n.args[:], keywords=n.keywords[:]) n.keywords = [] n.args = [n.args[0]] ast.fix_missing_locations(n) elif isinstance(n, ast.Call) and isinstance( n.func, ast.Name) and in known_methods: # Similar in spirit to the known_ops case, just much less fancy stuff to do. # Only need to get the right handler which we will achieve by simply making this # a method call instead of a regular call. n.func = ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()),, ctx=ast.Load()) ast.fix_missing_locations(n) elif isinstance(n, ast.Call): # Try to check if it is a call to a Generator # TODO : Can we be more sophisticated in our static analysis here try: function = eval(astunparse.unparse(n.func), g) except: continue if isinstance(function, Generator): call_id = f"{_GEN_COMPOSITION_ID}_{composition_cnt}" composition_cnt += 1 = call_id n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_EXEC_ENV_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_EXEC_ENV_VAR, ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_MODEL_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_MODEL_VAR, ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_HOOK_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_HOOK_VAR, ast.Load()))) ast.fix_missing_locations(n) # We delay compilation to handle mutually recursive generators delayed_compilations.append((function, call_id)) elif function is CallGenerator: wrapped_func = n.args[0] n.func = wrapped_func.func n.args = wrapped_func.args[:] n.keywords = wrapped_func.keywords[:] n.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_EXEC_ENV_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_EXEC_ENV_VAR, ast.Load()))) ast.fix_missing_locations(n) # Add the execution environment argument to the function f_ast.args.kwonlyargs.append( ast.arg(arg=_GEN_EXEC_ENV_VAR, annotation=None)) f_ast.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.NameConstant(value=None)) # Add the strategy argument to the function f_ast.args.kwonlyargs.append( ast.arg(arg=_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, annotation=None)) f_ast.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.NameConstant(value=None)) # Add the strategy argument to the function f_ast.args.kwonlyargs.append(ast.arg(arg=_GEN_MODEL_VAR, annotation=None)) f_ast.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.NameConstant(value=None)) # Add the hook argument to the function f_ast.args.kwonlyargs.append(ast.arg(arg=_GEN_HOOK_VAR, annotation=None)) f_ast.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.NameConstant(value=None)) ast.fix_missing_locations(f_ast) # New name so it doesn't clash with original func_name = f"{_GEN_COMPILED_TARGET_ID}_{len(cache)}" g.update({k: v for k, v in ops.items()}) g.update({k: v for k, v in handlers.items()}) g.update({k: v for k, v in op_infos.items()}) module = ast.Module() module.body = [f_ast] # Passing ``g`` to exec allows us to execute all the new functions # we assigned to every operator call in the previous AST walk filename = inspect.getabsfile(func) exec(compile(module, filename=filename, mode="exec"), g) result = g[func.__name__] g["__name__"] = filename if inspect.ismethod(func): result = result.__get__(func.__self__, func.__self__.__class__) # Restore the correct namespace so that tracebacks contain actual function names g[] = gen g[func_name] = result cache[func] = result # Handle the delayed compilations now that we have populated the cache for gen, call_id in delayed_compilations: compiled_func = compile_func(gen, gen.func, strategy, with_hooks) if gen.caching and isinstance(strategy, DfsStrategy): # Add instructions for using cached result if any g[call_id] = cache_wrapper(compiled_func) else: g[call_id] = compiled_func return result
def res_python_setup(res: Property) -> Tuple[Callable[[EntityFixup], object], str]: variables = {} variable_order = [] code = None result_var = None for child in res: if'$'): if child.value.casefold() not in FUNC_GLOBALS: raise Exception('Invalid variable type! ({})'.format(child.value)) variables[[1:]] = child.value.casefold() variable_order.append([1:]) elif == 'op': code = child.value elif == 'resultvar': result_var = child.value else: raise Exception('Invalid key "{}"'.format(child.real_name)) if not code: raise Exception('No operation specified!') if not result_var: raise Exception('No destination specified!') for name in variables: if name.startswith('_'): raise Exception('"{}" is not permitted as a variable name!'.format(name)) # Allow $ in the variable names.. code = code.replace('$', '') # Now process the code to convert it into a function taking variables # and returning them. # We also need to whitelist operations for security. expression = ast.parse( code, '<bee2_op>', mode='eval', ).body Checker(variable_order).visit(expression) # For each variable, do # var = func(_fixup['var']) statements: List[ast.AST] = [ ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id=var_name, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=variables[var_name], ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id='_fixup', ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(s=var_name)), ctx=ast.Load(), ), ], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, ) ) for line_num, var_name in enumerate( variable_order, start=1, ) ] # The last statement returns the target expression. statements.append(ast.Return(expression, lineno=len(variable_order)+1, col_offset=0)) args = ast.arguments( vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], ) # Py 3.8+, make it pos-only. if 'posonlyargs' in args._fields: args.posonlyargs = [ast.arg('_fixup', None)] args.args = [] else: # Just make it a regular arg. args.args = [ast.arg('_fixup', None)] func = ast.Module([ ast.FunctionDef( name='_bee2_generated_func', args=args, body=statements, decorator_list=[], ), ], lineno=1, col_offset=0, ) # Python 3.8 also if 'type_ignores' in func._fields: func.type_ignores = [] # Fill in lineno and col_offset ast.fix_missing_locations(func) ns: Dict[str, Any] = {} eval(compile(func, '<bee2_op>', mode='exec'), FUNC_GLOBALS, ns) compiled_func = ns['_bee2_generated_func'] compiled_func.__name__ = '<bee2_func>' return compiled_func, result_var
def visitArgs(self, ctx: vjjParser.ArgsContext): return [ast.arg(arg=str(id)) for id in ctx.ID()]
def parseTranslatedSource(source, lineMap, filename): try: tree = parse(source, filename=filename) return tree except SyntaxError as e: cause = e if showInternalBacktrace else None raise PythonParseError.fromSyntaxError(e, lineMap) from cause ### TRANSLATION PHASE FOUR: modifying the parse tree noArgs = ast.arguments( args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]) selfArg = ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]) if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): # TODO cleaner way to handle this? noArgs.posonlyargs = [] selfArg.posonlyargs = [] class AttributeFinder(NodeVisitor): """Utility class for finding all referenced attributes of a given name.""" @staticmethod def find(target, node): af = AttributeFinder(target) af.visit(node) return af.attributes
def visitarg(self, n, *args): annotation = self.dispatch(n.annotation, * args) if n.annotation else None return ast.arg(arg=n.arg, annotation=annotation)
def generate_repr_method(params, cls_name, docstring_format): """ Generate a `__repr__` method with all params, using `str.format` syntax :param params: an `OrderedDict` of form OrderedDict[str, {'typ': str, 'doc': Optional[str], 'default': Any}] :type params: ```OrderedDict``` :param cls_name: Name of class :type cls_name: ```str``` :param docstring_format: Format of docstring :type docstring_format: ```Literal['rest', 'numpydoc', 'google']``` :returns: `__repr__` method :rtype: ```FunctionDef``` """ keys = tuple(params.keys()) return FunctionDef( name="__repr__", args=arguments( posonlyargs=[], arg=None, args=[ arg(arg="self", annotation=None, expr=None, identifier_arg=None, **maybe_type_comment) ], kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], defaults=[], vararg=None, kwarg=None, ), body=[ Expr( set_value(docstring_repr_str if docstring_format == "rest" else docstring_repr_google_str)), Return( value=Call( func=Attribute( set_value("{cls_name}({format_args})".format( cls_name=cls_name, format_args=", ".join( map("{0}={{{0}!r}}".format, keys)), )), "format", Load(), ), args=[], keywords=list( map( lambda key: keyword( arg=key, value=Attribute(Name("self", Load()), key, Load()), identifier=None, ), keys, )), expr=None, expr_func=None, ), expr=None, ), ], decorator_list=[], arguments_args=None, identifier_name=None, stmt=None, lineno=None, returns=None, **maybe_type_comment)
async def meval(code, globs, **kwargs): # Note to self: please don't set globals here as they will be lost. # Don't clutter locals locs = {} # Restore globals later globs = globs.copy() # This code saves __name__ and __package into a kwarg passed to the func. # It is set before the users code runs to make sure relative imports work global_args = "_globs" while global_args in globs.keys(): # Make sure there's no name collision, just keep prepending _s global_args = "_" + global_args kwargs[global_args] = {} for glob in ["__name__", "__package__"]: # Copy data to args we are sending kwargs[global_args][glob] = globs[glob] root = ast.parse(code, "exec") code = root.body ret_name = "_ret" ok = False while True: if ret_name in globs.keys(): ret_name = "_" + ret_name continue for node in ast.walk(root): if isinstance(node, ast.Name) and == ret_name: ret_name = "_" + ret_name break ok = True if ok: break if not code: return None if not any(isinstance(node, ast.Return) for node in code): for i in range(len(code)): if isinstance(code[i], ast.Expr): if (i == len(code) - 1 or not isinstance(code[i].value, ast.Call)): code[i] = ast.copy_location( ast.Expr( ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name( id=ret_name, ctx=ast.Load()), attr="append", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[code[i].value], keywords=[])), code[-1]) else: for node in code: if isinstance(node, ast.Return): node.value = ast.List(elts=[node.value], ctx=ast.Load()) code.append( ast.copy_location( ast.Return(value=ast.Name(id=ret_name, ctx=ast.Load())), code[-1])) # globals().update(**<global_args>) glob_copy = ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id="globals", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[]), attr="update", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id=global_args, ctx=ast.Load())) ])) ast.fix_missing_locations(glob_copy) code.insert(0, glob_copy) ret_decl = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id=ret_name, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.List(elts=[], ctx=ast.Load())) ast.fix_missing_locations(ret_decl) code.insert(1, ret_decl) args = [] for a in list(map(lambda x: ast.arg(x, None), kwargs.keys())): ast.fix_missing_locations(a) args += [a] args = ast.arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=args, kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[None for i in range(len(args))]) args.posonlyargs = [] fun = ast.AsyncFunctionDef(name="tmp", args=args, body=code, decorator_list=[], returns=None) ast.fix_missing_locations(fun) mod = ast.parse("") mod.body = [fun] comp = compile(mod, "<string>", "exec") exec(comp, {}, locs) r = await locs["tmp"](**kwargs) for i in range(len(r)): if hasattr(r[i], "__await__"): r[i] = await r[i] # workaround for 3.5 i = 0 while i < len(r) - 1: if r[i] is None: del r[i] else: i += 1 if len(r) == 1: [r] = r elif not r: r = None return r
def _translate_all_expression_to_a_module( generator_exp: ast.GeneratorExp, generated_function_name: str, name_to_value: Mapping[str, Any]) -> ast.Module: """ Generate the AST of the module to trace an all quantifier on an generator expression. :param generator_exp: generator expression to be translated :param generated_function_name: UUID of the tracing function to be used in the code :param name_to_value: mapping of all resolved values to the variable names (passed as arguments to the function so that the generation can access them) :return: translation to a module """ assert generated_function_name not in name_to_value assert not hasattr(builtins, generated_function_name) # Collect all the names involved in the generation relevant_names = _collect_stored_names( for generator in generator_exp.generators) assert generated_function_name not in relevant_names # Work backwards, from the most-inner block outwards result_id = 'icontract_tracing_all_result_{}'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex) result_assignment = ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id=result_id, ctx=ast.Store())], value=generator_exp.elt) exceptional_return = ast.Return( ast.Tuple(elts=[ ast.Name(id=result_id, ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Tuple(elts=[ ast.Tuple(elts=[ ast.Constant(value=relevant_name, kind=None), ast.Name(id=relevant_name, ctx=ast.Load()) ], ctx=ast.Load()) for relevant_name in relevant_names ], ctx=ast.Load()) ], ctx=ast.Load())) # While happy return shall not be executed, we add it here for robustness in case # future refactorings forget to check for that edge case. happy_return = ast.Return( ast.Tuple(elts=[ ast.Name(id=result_id, ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Constant(value=None, kind=None) ], ctx=ast.Load())) critical_if: If = ast.If(test=ast.Name(id=result_id, ctx=ast.Load()), body=[ast.Pass()], orelse=[exceptional_return]) # Previous inner block to be added as body to the next outer block block = None # type: Optional[List[ast.stmt]] for i, comprehension in enumerate(reversed(generator_exp.generators)): if i == 0: # This is the inner-most comprehension. block = [result_assignment, critical_if] assert block is not None for condition in reversed(comprehension.ifs): block = [ast.If(test=condition, body=block, orelse=[])] if not comprehension.is_async: block = [ ast.For(, iter=comprehension.iter, body=block, orelse=[]) ] else: block = [ ast.AsyncFor(, iter=comprehension.iter, body=block, orelse=[]) ] assert block is not None block.append(happy_return) # Now we are ready to generate the function. is_async = any(comprehension.is_async for comprehension in generator_exp.generators) args = [ ast.arg(arg=name, annotation=None) for name in sorted(name_to_value.keys()) ] if sys.version_info < (3, 5): raise NotImplementedError( "Python versions below 3.5 not supported, got: {}".format( sys.version_info)) if not is_async: if sys.version_info < (3, 8): func_def_node = ast.FunctionDef( name=generated_function_name, args=ast.arguments(args=args, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], defaults=[], vararg=None, kwarg=None), decorator_list=[], body=block ) # type: Union[ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef] module_node = ast.Module(body=[func_def_node]) else: func_def_node = ast.FunctionDef(name=generated_function_name, args=ast.arguments(args=args, posonlyargs=[], kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], defaults=[], vararg=None, kwarg=None), decorator_list=[], body=block) module_node = ast.Module(body=[func_def_node], type_ignores=[]) else: if sys.version_info < (3, 8): async_func_def_node = ast.AsyncFunctionDef( name=generated_function_name, args=ast.arguments(args=args, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], defaults=[], vararg=None, kwarg=None), decorator_list=[], body=block) module_node = ast.Module(body=[async_func_def_node]) else: async_func_def_node = ast.AsyncFunctionDef( name=generated_function_name, args=ast.arguments(args=args, posonlyargs=[], kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], defaults=[], vararg=None, kwarg=None), decorator_list=[], body=block) module_node = ast.Module(body=[async_func_def_node], type_ignores=[]) ast.fix_missing_locations(module_node) return module_node
def make_arg(name): if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): return ast.arg(arg=name, annotation=None) else: return ast.Name(id=name, ctx=ast.Param(), lineno=1, col_offset=0)
def make_arg(key, annotation=None): """Make an ast function argument.""" arg = ast.arg(key, annotation) arg.lineno, arg.col_offset = 0, 0 return arg
def test_it_processes_supported_nodes(node, expected): """Tests that it processes supported nodes correctly""" actual = get_annotation_value(ast.arg(annotation=node)) assert actual == expected
def signature_spec_arg(self, node, var, write_comma, prefix): arg = getattr(node, var) if arg: if hasattr(node, var + 'annotation'): arg = ast.arg(arg, getattr(node, var + 'annotation')) self.signature_arg(arg, None, write_comma, prefix)
[ast.Constant(value=False), False], [ast.Constant(value=None), None], [ast.Name(id="identifier"), "identifier"], ], ) def test_it_processes_supported_nodes(node, expected): """Tests that it processes supported nodes correctly""" actual = get_annotation_value(ast.arg(annotation=node)) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "node", [ ast.arg(annotation=mock.Mock()), ast.arg(annotation=str()), ], ) def test_it_logs_errors_for_unsupported_node_types(mocker, node): """Tests that it logs an error for unsupported node types""" logger = mocker.patch("sphinx_ast_autodoc.utils.logger") get_annotation_value(node) assert logger.error.called is True def test_it_logs_warnings_for_unsupported_subscript_nodes(mocker): """Tests that it logs a warning for unsupported ast.Subscript nodes"""
def __build_function(self, dom_name, full_name, func_params): assert 'name' in func_params func_name = func_params['name'] docstr = self.__build_desc_string(dom_name, func_name, func_params) args = [ast.arg('self', None)] message_params = [] func_body = [] if docstr: func_body.append(ast.Expr(ast.Str("\n" + docstr + "\n\t\t"))) for param in func_params.get("parameters", []): argname = param['name'] param_optional = param.get("optional", False) if param_optional is False: message_params.append( ast.keyword(argname, ast.Name(id=argname, ctx=ast.Load()))) args.append(ast.arg(argname, None)) if self.do_debug_prints: func_body.append(self.__build_debug_print( argname, argname)) param_type = param.get("type", None) if param_type in CHECKS: if param_optional: check = self.__build_conditional_arg_check( argname, CHECKS[param_type]) else: check = self.__build_unconditional_arg_check( argname, CHECKS[param_type]) if check: func_body.append(check) optional_params = [ param.get("name") for param in func_params.get("parameters", []) if param.get("optional", False) ] func_kwargs = None if len(optional_params): value = ast.List(elts=[ ast.Str(s=param, ctx=ast.Store()) for param in optional_params ], ctx=ast.Load()) create_list = ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id='expected', ctx=ast.Store())], value=value) func_body.append(create_list) passed_arg_list = ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id='passed_keys', ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='list', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name( id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='keys', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[]) ], keywords=[])) func_body.append(passed_arg_list) comprehension = ast.comprehension(target=ast.Name(id='key', ctx=ast.Store()), iter=ast.Name(id='passed_keys', ctx=ast.Load()), ifs=[], is_async=False) comparator = ast.Name(id='expected', ctx=ast.Load()) listcomp = ast.ListComp(elt=ast.Compare(left=ast.Name( id='key', ctx=ast.Load()), ops=[ast.In()], comparators=[comparator]), generators=[comprehension]) check_message = ast.BinOp(left=ast.Str( s="Allowed kwargs are {}. Passed kwargs: %s".format( optional_params)), op=ast.Mod(), right=ast.Name(id='passed_keys', ctx=ast.Load()), lineno=self.__get_line()) kwarg_check = ast.Assert(test=ast.Call(func=ast.Name( id='all', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[listcomp], keywords=[]), msg=check_message) func_body.append(kwarg_check) func_kwargs = ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()) fname = "{}.{}".format(dom_name, func_name) fname = ast.Str(s=fname, ctx=ast.Load()) if (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 5) or \ (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 6) or \ (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 7): # More irritating minor semantic differences in the AST between 3.4 and 3.5 if func_kwargs: message_params.append( ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()))) communicate_call = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()), ctx=ast.Load(), attr='synchronous_command'), args=[fname], keywords=message_params) elif (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 4): communicate_call = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()), ctx=ast.Load(), attr='synchronous_command'), args=[fname], kwargs=func_kwargs, keywords=message_params) else: print("Version:", sys.version_info) raise RuntimeError( "This script only functions on python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, or 3.7. Active python version {}.{}" .format(*sys.version_info)) do_communicate = ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id='subdom_funcs', ctx=ast.Store())], value=communicate_call) func_ret = ast.Return( value=ast.Name(id='subdom_funcs', ctx=ast.Load())) if len(optional_params) and self.do_debug_prints: func_body.append(self.__build_debug_print('kwargs', 'kwargs')) func_body.append(do_communicate) func_body.append(func_ret) if len(optional_params): kwarg = ast.arg(arg='kwargs', annotation=None) else: kwarg = None sig = ast.arguments(args=args, vararg=None, varargannotation=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=kwarg, kwargannotation=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]) func = ast.FunctionDef( name="{}_{}".format(full_name, func_name), args=sig, body=func_body, decorator_list=[], lineno=self.__get_line(), col_offset=0, ) return func
def from_arg(symbol: str): arg(arg=symbol, annotation=None) pass
import ast ASTNone = ast.NameConstant(value=None) dirFunc = ast.Name(id="dir", ctx=ast.Load()) strAST = ast.Name(id="str", ctx=ast.Load()) getAttrFunc = ast.Name(id="getattr", ctx=ast.Load()) ASTSelf = ast.Name(id="self", ctx=ast.Load()) astSelfArg = ast.arg(arg="self", annotation=None, type_comment=None) ASTSelfClass = ast.Attribute(value=ASTSelf, attr="__class__", ctx=ast.Load()) AST__slots__ = ast.Name(id="__slots__", ctx=ast.Load()) emptySlots = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id="__slots__", ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Tuple(elts=[], ctx=ast.Load()), type_comment=None) ASTTypeError = ast.Name(id="TypeError", ctx=ast.Load()) typingAST = ast.Name(id="typing", ctx=ast.Load()) typingOptionalAST = ast.Attribute(value=typingAST, attr="Optional") typingIterableAST = ast.Attribute(value=typingAST, attr="Iterable") typingUnionAST = ast.Attribute(value=typingAST, attr="Union")
def build_ast_class(): ''' ClassDef(name='TestWat', bases=[Name(id='object')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, body=[ FunctionDef(name='__init__', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=arg(arg='args', annotation=None), kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=arg(arg='kwargs', annotation=None), defaults=[]), body=[ Expr( value=Call( func=Attribute( value=Call(func=Name(id='super'), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), attr='__init__'), args=[Name(id='self')], keywords=[], starargs=Name(id='args'), kwargs=Name(id='kwargs')))], decorator_list=[], returns=None)], decorator_list=[]), ''' init_call = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='super', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[]) super_func = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=init_call, attr='__init__', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load())], starargs=ast.Name(id='args', ctx=ast.Load()), kwargs=ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()), keywords=[], ) super_init = ast.Expr( value=super_func, lineno=3, col_offset=0, ) body = [super_init] # body = [ast.Pass()] sig = ast.arguments(args=[ast.arg('self', None)], vararg=ast.arg(arg='args', annotation=None), kwarg=ast.arg(arg='kwargs', annotation=None), varargannotation=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwargannotation=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]) init_func = ast.FunctionDef( name="__init__", args=sig, body=body, decorator_list=[], lineno=2, col_offset=0, ) body = [ast.Expr(value=ast.Str(s='\n\n\t')), init_func] # print(body) interface_class = ast.ClassDef( name="Test-Class", bases=[], body=body, keywords=[], decorator_list=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, lineno=1, col_offset=0, ) print("Interface class:", interface_class) return interface_class
def visit_arguments(self, a): # print('[pre]', ast.dump(a)) a.args.append(ast.arg(arg='k', annotation=['a -> a'])) # print('[post]', ast.dump(a)) return a
def _lower_array_expr(lowerer, expr): '''Lower an array expression built by RewriteArrayExprs. ''' expr_name = "__numba_array_expr_%s" % (hex(hash(expr)).replace("-", "_")) expr_var_list = expr.list_vars() expr_var_map = {} for expr_var in expr_var_list: expr_var_name = expr_var_new_name = expr_var_name.replace("$", "_").replace(".", "_") # Avoid inserting existing var into the expr_var_map if expr_var_new_name not in expr_var_map: expr_var_map[expr_var_new_name] = expr_var_name, expr_var = expr_var_new_name expr_filename = expr_var_list[0].loc.filename # Parameters are the names internal to the new closure. expr_params = sorted(expr_var_map.keys()) # Arguments are the names external to the new closure (except in # Python abstract syntax, apparently...) expr_args = [expr_var_map[key][0] for key in expr_params] if hasattr(ast, "arg"): # Should be Python 3.x ast_args = [ast.arg(param_name, None) for param_name in expr_params] else: # Should be Python 2.x ast_args = [ast.Name(param_name, ast.Param()) for param_name in expr_params] # Parse a stub function to ensure the AST is populated with # reasonable defaults for the Python version. ast_module = ast.parse('def {0}(): return'.format(expr_name), expr_filename, 'exec') assert hasattr(ast_module, 'body') and len(ast_module.body) == 1 ast_fn = ast_module.body[0] ast_fn.args.args = ast_args ast_fn.body[0].value, namespace = _arr_expr_to_ast(expr.expr) ast.fix_missing_locations(ast_module) code_obj = compile(ast_module, expr_filename, 'exec') six.exec_(code_obj, namespace) impl = namespace[expr_name] context = lowerer.context builder = lowerer.builder outer_sig = expr.ty(*(lowerer.typeof(name) for name in expr_args)) inner_sig_args = [] for argty in outer_sig.args: if isinstance(argty, types.Array): inner_sig_args.append(argty.dtype) else: inner_sig_args.append(argty) inner_sig = outer_sig.return_type.dtype(*inner_sig_args) cres = context.compile_only_no_cache(builder, impl, inner_sig) class ExprKernel(npyimpl._Kernel): def generate(self, *args): arg_zip = zip(args, self.outer_sig.args, inner_sig.args) cast_args = [self.cast(val, inty, outty) for val, inty, outty in arg_zip] result = self.context.call_internal( builder, cres.fndesc, inner_sig, cast_args) return self.cast(result, inner_sig.return_type, self.outer_sig.return_type) args = [lowerer.loadvar(name) for name in expr_args] return npyimpl.numpy_ufunc_kernel( context, builder, outer_sig, args, ExprKernel, explicit_output=False)
tree = parse(source, filename=filename) return tree except SyntaxError as e: cause = e if showInternalBacktrace else None raise PythonParseError.fromSyntaxError(e, lineMap) from cause ### TRANSLATION PHASE FOUR: modifying the parse tree noArgs = ast.arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]) selfArg = ast.arguments(args=[ast.arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]) class AttributeFinder(NodeVisitor): """Utility class for finding all referenced attributes of a given name.""" @staticmethod def find(target, node): af = AttributeFinder(target) af.visit(node) return af.attributes
def visitParameter(self, ctx: PlSqlParser.ParameterContext): ret = self.visitChildren(ctx) name, *_ = ret return ast.arg(arg=name, annotation=None)
def create_def(self, func_name: str, arguments: [str], body): """Wrapper over function definition AST node, whose constructor is inconvenient.""" return ast.FunctionDef( func_name, ast.arguments([ast.arg(argument, None) for argument in arguments], None, [], [], None, []), body, [], None)
def visit_For(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) #| recognize the pattern of PyTorch's DataLoader |# def isPyTorchDataLoader(tgt, iter): return isinstance(tgt, ast.Tuple) and \ len(tgt.elts) == 2 and \ isinstance(tgt.elts[0], ast.Name) and \ isinstance(tgt.elts[1], ast.Tuple) and \ len(tgt.elts[1].elts) == 2 and \ isinstance(tgt.elts[1].elts[0], ast.Name) and \ isinstance(tgt.elts[1].elts[1], ast.Name) and \ isinstance(iter, ast.Call) and \ == 'enumerate' and \ 'loader' in iter.args[0].id #| Transforms the target names to list of strings |# def targetToList(tgt): def extract(x): if isinstance(x, ast.Name): return elif isinstance(x, ast.Tuple): return targetToList(x.elts) else: raise NotImplementedError return list(map(extract, tgt)) def targetToFlatList(tgt): res = [] for item in targetToList(tgt): if isinstance(item, list): res.extend(item) else: res.append(item) return res if isPyTorchDataLoader(, node.iter): outer_fun_name = self.freshName("forfunc") outer_fun = ast.FunctionDef( name=outer_fun_name, args=ast.arguments(args=list( map(lambda x: ast.arg(arg=x, annotation=None), targetToFlatList(, vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]), body=node.body, decorator_list=[]) ast.fix_missing_locations(outer_fun) # self.scope.visit(outer_fun) # self.visit(outer_fun) new_node = ast.Expr( ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='_for_dataloader', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ node.iter.args[0], ast.Name(id=outer_fun_name, ctx=ast.Load()) ], keywords=[])) #ast.copy_location(new_node, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(new_node) return [outer_fun, new_node] else: bFun_name = self.freshName("body") bFun = ast.FunctionDef(name=bFun_name, args=ast.arguments(args=[ ast.arg(, annotation=None) ], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]), body=node.body, decorator_list=[], returns=None) ast.fix_missing_locations(bFun) # self.scope.visit(bFun) # self.visit(bFun) new_node = ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='_for', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[node.iter, ast.Name(id=bFun_name, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[])) ast.copy_location(new_node, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(new_node) return [bFun, new_node]
def from_arg_typed(symbol: str, typed: str): return arg(arg=symbol, annotation=Name(id=typed, ctx=Load()))
def from_arg_typed_expr(symbol: str, typed: str): return arg(arg=symbol, annotation=typed)
def _lower_array_expr(lowerer, expr): '''Lower an array expression built by RewriteArrayExprs. ''' expr_name = "__numba_array_expr_%s" % (hex(hash(expr)).replace("-", "_")) expr_filename = expr.loc.filename expr_var_list = expr.list_vars() # The expression may use a given variable several times, but we # should only create one parameter for it. expr_var_unique = sorted(set(expr_var_list), key=lambda var: # Arguments are the names external to the new closure expr_args = [ for var in expr_var_unique] # 1. Create an AST tree from the array expression. with _legalize_parameter_names(expr_var_unique) as expr_params: ast_args = [ast.arg(param_name, None) for param_name in expr_params] # Parse a stub function to ensure the AST is populated with # reasonable defaults for the Python version. ast_module = ast.parse('def {0}(): return'.format(expr_name), expr_filename, 'exec') assert hasattr(ast_module, 'body') and len(ast_module.body) == 1 ast_fn = ast_module.body[0] ast_fn.args.args = ast_args ast_fn.body[0].value, namespace = _arr_expr_to_ast(expr.expr) ast.fix_missing_locations(ast_module) # 2. Compile the AST module and extract the Python function. code_obj = compile(ast_module, expr_filename, 'exec') exec(code_obj, namespace) impl = namespace[expr_name] # 3. Now compile a ufunc using the Python function as kernel. context = lowerer.context builder = lowerer.builder outer_sig = expr.ty(*(lowerer.typeof(name) for name in expr_args)) inner_sig_args = [] for argty in outer_sig.args: if isinstance(argty, types.Optional): argty = argty.type if isinstance(argty, types.Array): inner_sig_args.append(argty.dtype) else: inner_sig_args.append(argty) inner_sig = outer_sig.return_type.dtype(*inner_sig_args) # Follow the Numpy error model. Note this also allows e.g. vectorizing # division (issue #1223). flags = compiler.Flags() flags.set('error_model', 'numpy') cres = context.compile_subroutine(builder, impl, inner_sig, flags=flags, caching=False) # Create kernel subclass calling our native function from import npyimpl class ExprKernel(npyimpl._Kernel): def generate(self, *args): arg_zip = zip(args, self.outer_sig.args, inner_sig.args) cast_args = [ self.cast(val, inty, outty) for val, inty, outty in arg_zip ] result = self.context.call_internal(builder, cres.fndesc, inner_sig, cast_args) return self.cast(result, inner_sig.return_type, self.outer_sig.return_type) # create a fake ufunc object which is enough to trick numpy_ufunc_kernel ufunc = SimpleNamespace(nin=len(expr_args), nout=1, __name__=expr_name) ufunc.nargs = ufunc.nin + ufunc.nout args = [lowerer.loadvar(name) for name in expr_args] return npyimpl.numpy_ufunc_kernel(context, builder, outer_sig, args, ufunc, ExprKernel)
class Patterns: """ Stores the pattern nodes / templates to be used extracting information from the Python ast. Patterns are a 1-to-1 mapping from context and Python ast node to GTScript ast node. Context is encoded in the field types and all understood sementic is encoded in the structure. """ Symbol = ast.Name(id=Capture("name")) IterationOrder = ast.withitem( context_expr=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id="computation"), args=[ast.Name(id=Capture("order"))])) Constant = ast.Constant(value=Capture("value")) Interval = ast.withitem(context_expr=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="interval"), args=[Capture("start"), Capture("stop")])) # TODO(tehrengruber): this needs to be a function, since the uid must be generated each time LocationSpecification = ast.withitem( context_expr=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id="location"), args=[ast.Name(id=Capture("location_type")) ]), optional_vars=Capture( "name", default=ast.Name(id=UIDGenerator.sequential_id( prefix="location"))), ) SubscriptSingle = ast.Subscript( value=Capture("value"), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Name(id=Capture("index")))) SubscriptMultiple = ast.Subscript( value=Capture("value"), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Tuple(elts=Capture("indices")))) BinaryOp = ast.BinOp(op=Capture("op"), left=Capture("left"), right=Capture("right")) Call = ast.Call(args=Capture("args"), func=ast.Name(id=Capture("func"))) LocationComprehension = ast.comprehension(target=Capture("target"), iter=Capture("iterator")) Generator = ast.GeneratorExp(generators=Capture("generators"), elt=Capture("elt")) Assign = ast.Assign(targets=[Capture("target")], value=Capture("value")) Stencil = ast.With(items=Capture("iteration_spec"), body=Capture("body")) Pass = ast.Pass() Argument = ast.arg(arg=Capture("name"), annotation=Capture("type_")) Computation = ast.FunctionDef( args=ast.arguments(args=Capture("arguments")), body=Capture("stencils"), name=Capture("name"), )