def mkRO(dataset="", astrotype="", args=None, reuseRO=False): global reductionObject, adccpid if reductionObject == None or reuseRO == False: adccpid = Proxies.start_adcc() reduceServer = Proxies.ReduceServer() # Playing with module, should use access function ReductionObjects.prs = Proxies.PRSProxy.get_adcc(reduce_server=reduceServer) rl = RecipeLibrary() if dataset != "": ad = AstroData(dataset) ro = rl.retrieve_reduction_object(ad) elif astrotype != "": ad = None ro = rl.retrieve_reduction_object(astrotype = astrotype) # using standard command clause supplied in RecipeLibrary module ro.register_command_clause(command_clause) rc = ReductionContext() = ro # rc.stackFile = File("stackIndexFile", stkindfile) #if args: # rc.add_input(ad) reductionObject = ro if reuseRO == True: ro = reductionObject rc = ro.context #if args: # rc.addInputs(args) rc.update(argv) ro.init(rc) return reductionObject
log.fullinfo("."*len(opener)) sys.stdout.flush() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # START ADCC # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Start adcc always, since it wants the reduceServer. Prefer not to provide # to every component that wants to use the adcc as an active-library pradcc = if (_show_times): print "from start to start_adcc: %s" % (pradcc - start_time) pprox = Proxies.PRSProxy.get_adcc(check_once=True) if not pprox: adccpid = Proxies.start_adcc() afadcc = if (_show_times): print "time to execute start_adcc: \t%s" % (afadcc - pradcc) # launch xmlrpc interface for control and communication reduceServer = Proxies.ReduceServer() prs = Proxies.PRSProxy.get_adcc(reduce_server=reduceServer) usePRS = True # called once per substep (every yeild in any primitive when struck) # registered with the reduction object # !!!! we import this from now from astrodata.ReductionObjects import command_clause