def run_one_brick(X): brick, ibrick, nbricks, plots, kwargs = X survey = LegacySurveyData() print() print() print('Brick', (ibrick + 1), 'of', nbricks, ':', brick.brickname) dirnm = os.path.join('depthcuts', brick.brickname[:3]) outfn = os.path.join(dirnm, 'ccds-%s.fits' % brick.brickname) if os.path.exists(outfn): print('Exists:', outfn) return 0 H, W = 3600, 3600 pixscale = 0.262 bands = ['g', 'r', 'z'] # Get WCS object describing brick targetwcs = wcs_for_brick(brick, W=W, H=H, pixscale=pixscale) targetrd = np.array([ targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y) for x, y in [(1, 1), (W, 1), (W, H), (1, H), (1, 1)] ]) gitver = get_git_version() ccds = survey.ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs) if ccds is None: print('No CCDs actually touching brick') return 0 print(len(ccds), 'CCDs actually touching brick') ccds.cut(np.in1d(ccds.filter, bands)) print('Cut on filter:', len(ccds), 'CCDs remain.') if 'ccd_cuts' in ccds.get_columns(): norig = len(ccds) ccds.cut(ccds.ccd_cuts == 0) print(len(ccds), 'of', norig, 'CCDs pass cuts') else: print('No CCD cuts') if len(ccds) == 0: print('No CCDs left') return 0 ps = None if plots: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('depth-%s' % brick.brickname) splinesky = True gaussPsf = False pixPsf = True do_calibs = False normalizePsf = True get_depth_maps = kwargs.pop('get_depth_maps', False) try: D = make_depth_cut(survey, ccds, bands, targetrd, brick, W, H, pixscale, plots, ps, splinesky, gaussPsf, pixPsf, normalizePsf, do_calibs, gitver, targetwcs, get_depth_maps=get_depth_maps, **kwargs) if get_depth_maps: keep, overlapping, depthmaps = D else: keep, overlapping = D except: print('Failed to make_depth_cut():') import traceback traceback.print_exc() return -1 print(np.sum(overlapping), 'CCDs overlap the brick') print(np.sum(keep), 'CCDs passed depth cut') ccds.overlapping = overlapping ccds.passed_depth_cut = keep if not os.path.exists(dirnm): try: os.makedirs(dirnm) except: pass if get_depth_maps: for band, depthmap in depthmaps: doutfn = os.path.join(dirnm, 'depth-%s-%s.fits' % (brick.brickname, band)) hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() # Plug the WCS header cards into these images targetwcs.add_to_header(hdr) hdr.delete('IMAGEW') hdr.delete('IMAGEH') hdr.add_record(dict(name='EQUINOX', value=2000.)) hdr.add_record(dict(name='FILTER', value=band)) fitsio.write(doutfn, depthmap, header=hdr) print('Wrote', doutfn) tmpfn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outfn), 'tmp-' + os.path.basename(outfn)) ccds.writeto(tmpfn) os.rename(tmpfn, outfn) print('Wrote', outfn) return 0
catfn = args[2] outfn = args[3] if os.path.exists(outfn): print 'Ouput file exists:', outfn sys.exit(0) zoomslice = None if opt.zoom is not None: (x0,x1,y0,y1) = opt.zoom zoomslice = (slice(y0,y1), slice(x0,x1)) ps = None if opt.plots is not None: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(opt.plots) T = exposure_metadata([filename], hdus=[hdu]) print 'Metadata:' T.about() decals = Decals() im = DecamImage(decals, T[0]) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, const2psf=True) print 'Got tim:', tim if catfn == 'DR1': margin = 20 TT = [] chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, decals=decals)
plt.savefig('diffrd.png') plt.clf() p1 = plt.plot(A.expnum, A.dx * 0.262, 'b.') p2 = plt.plot(A.expnum, A.dy * 0.262, 'r.') p3 = plt.plot(A.expnum, A.ra_offset, 'g.') p4 = plt.plot(A.expnum, A.dec_offset, 'm.') plt.legend([p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]], ['dx', 'dy', 'dRA', 'dDec'], 'lower right') plt.xlabel('expnum') plt.savefig('difft.png') # Now, look at each copilot extension vs im16. from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('astrom') C.affdx = C.affine[:, 2] C.affdy = C.affine[:, 5] refext = 'im16' Cref = C[C.extension == refext] print(len(Cref), 'im16 exposures') ref_expnum = dict([(expnum, i) for i, expnum in enumerate(Cref.expnum)]) plt.clf() p1 = plt.plot(C.expnum, C.affine[:, 3] - 1, 'b.') p2 = plt.plot(C.expnum, C.affine[:, 4], 'r.') plt.plot(Cref.expnum, Cref.affine[:, 4], 'k-') p3 = plt.plot(C.expnum, C.affine[:, 6], 'c.') p4 = plt.plot(C.expnum, C.affine[:, 7] - 1, 'm.')
from tractor import * from common import * def subplot_grid(ny, nx, i): y = i / nx x = i % nx plt.subplot(ny, nx, 1 + ((ny - 1) - y) * nx + x) if __name__ == '__main__': decals = Decals() ps = PlotSequence('psf') #B = decals.get_bricks() T = decals.get_ccds() T.cut(T.extname == 'S1') print 'Cut to', len(T) #print 'Expnums:', T[:10] T.cut(T.expnum == 348233) print 'Cut to', len(T) T.about() band = T.filter[0] print 'Band:', band im = DecamImage(T[0])
def main(): max_radius = 4. rstep = 0.001 radii = np.arange(rstep / 2., max_radius, rstep) # emcee # init_04 = ([25.35, 8.269, -25.22], [0.5045, 0.3587, 0.4013]) # sersic = 0.4 # target = ser_model(radii, sersic) # initamps,initvars = init_04 # pars = np.append(initamps, initvars) # sample_sersic(radii, target, pars) # return ### Need to fit parameters for both N-component mixtures at the ### transition indices (plus some overlap!) #dser = 0.01 #dser = 0.05 #all_sersics = np.arange(0.6, 0.3-dser/2., -dser) #all_sersics = np.arange(1.0, 0.8-dser/2., -dser) #all_sersics = np.arange(0.85, 0.60-dser/2., -dser) #all_sersics = np.arange(0.75, 0.50-dser/2., -dser) #all_sersics = np.arange(0.4, 0.25-dser/2., -dser) # Approaching 0.25, |amps| become large -- exceeding 100 all_sersics = [] all_amps = [] all_vars = [] all_loglikes = [] #all_logprobs = [] sersics7 = np.array([6.1, 6.2, 6.3]) init_7 = ([ 9.78462, 5.92346, 3.08624, 1.37584, 0.528399, 0.17315, 0.0471669, 0.0111288, ], [ 1.52991, 0.132595, 0.0169103, 0.00245378, 0.000366884, 5.27404e-05, 6.76674e-06, 6.00242e-07, ]) sersics6 = np.array([6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.7]) init_6 = ([ 0.0113067, 0.04898785, 0.18195408, 0.55939775, 1.46288372, 3.28556791, 6.27896305, 9.86946446 ], [ 6.07125356e-07, 7.02153046e-06, 5.60375312e-05, 3.98494081e-04, 2.72853912e-03, 1.93601976e-02, 1.58544866e-01, 1.95149972e+00 ]) sersics4 = np.array([3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0]) init4 = [ 8.2659, 5.31123, 2.79165, 1.16263, 0.383863, 0.0977581, 0.0176055, 0.00172958, ], [ 2.04792, 0.283875, 0.051887, 0.00977245, 0.0017372, 0.000267685, 3.11052e-05, 1.88165e-06, ] n = [None] * 7 priors4 = [ n + [1e-1], n + [1e-2], n + [1e-3], n + [1e-4], n + [1e-5], n + [1e-6] ] sersics3 = np.array([3.2, 3.1, 3., 2.5, 2., 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6, 1.5]) init3 = ([7.872, 5.073, 2.661, 1.112, 0.3659, 0.09262, 0.01655], [2.095, 0.3306, 0.06875, 0.01458, 0.002892, 0.0004967, 6.458e-05]) n = [None] * 6 priors3 = [None] * 5 + [ n + [1e-4], n + [3e-4], n + [1e-5], n + [3e-5], n + [1e-6] ] sersics15 = np.array([1.55, 1.51, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0]) init15 = ([6.653, 4.537, 1.776, 0.5341, 0.121, 0.01932], [1.83, 0.4273, 0.1187, 0.03255, 0.007875, 0.001491]) # 5->6 ~ 0.70 sersicsA = np.array( [1.0, 0.95, 0.9, 0.85, 0.8, 0.75, 0.74, 0.73, 0.72, 0.71]) initA = ([6.0, 4.34, 1.18, 0.223, 0.0308, 0.00235], [1.5, 0.461, 0.14, 0.0391, 0.00885, 0.0012]) n = [None] * 5 priorsA = [None] * 6 + [n + [1e-3], n + [3e-4], n + [1e-4], n + [3e-5]] # 4->5 ~ 0.62 sersicsB = np.array([0.8, 0.75, 0.71, 0.7, 0.65, 0.64, 0.63, 0.62]) initB = ([5.818, 4.1, 0.7976, 0.0947, 0.006378], [1.272, 0.4728, 0.1475, 0.03664, 0.005635]) priorsB = [None] * 4 + [ [None, None, None, None, 0.01], [None, None, None, None, 0.003], [None, None, None, None, 0.001], [None, None, None, None, 0.0003], ] # 3->4 ~ 0.57 #sersicsC = np.array([0.75, 0.7, 0.63, 0.62, 0.6, 0.58, 0.575, 0.57]) #initC = ([ 6.06735, 3.75046, 0.485251, 0.0287147, ], # [ 1.12455, 0.455509, 0.12943, 0.0216252, ]) sersicsC = np.array([0.63, 0.62, 0.6, 0.58, 0.575, 0.57]) initC = [ 6.24609, 3.29044, 0.320663, 0.016228, ], [ 0.995781, 0.471937, 0.144342, 0.0256225, ] priorsC = [None] * 3 + [ [None, None, None, 1e-3], [None, None, None, 3e-4], [None, None, None, 1e-4], ] ### USE THIS 2->3 ~ 0.53 sersicsC2 = np.array([0.57, 0.56, 0.55, 0.54, 0.53, 0.52, 0.515, 0.51]) initC2 = [6.44901, 2.83301, 0.218781], [0.892218, 0.508317, 0.17374] priorsC2 = [None] * 4 + [[None, None, 0.1], [None, None, 0.01], [None, None, 0.003], [None, None, 0.001]] dser = 0.01 sersicsD = np.arange(0.61, 0.50 + dser / 2., -dser) init_055 = ([7.747, 1.589], [0.8195, 0.4178]) sersicsE = np.array([0.5]) init_05 = ([9.065], [0.7213]) dser = 0.01 sersicsF = np.arange(0.5 - dser, 0.4 - dser / 2., -dser) init_049 = ([9.24, -0.23], [0.71, 0.33]) sersicsG = np.arange(0.42, 0.29 - dser / 2., -dser) init_04 = ([ 13.5581, 0.433216, -5.44774, ], [ 0.575113, 0.304652, 0.385431, ]) # Ramp between N=3 and N=2 around n~0.4 sersicsFG = np.array([0.39, 0.40, 0.41, 0.42]) initFG = ([ 15.4473, 1.43828, -8.47514, ], [ 0.540383, 0.28262, 0.365116, ]) priorsFG = [[None, 1., None], [None, 0.5, None], [None, 0.25, None], [None, 0.125, None]] # Ramp between N=4 and N=2, n~0.6 sersicsCD = np.array([0.6, 0.59, 0.58, 0.57, 0.57, 0.57]) #, 0.56, 0.55, 0.54]) initCD = ([ 6.39787, 3.02775, 0.256118, 0.0121954, ], [ 0.942441, 0.480798, 0.152128, 0.027722, ]) priorsCD = [ [None, None, None, 0.01], [None, None, None, 0.003], [None, None, None, 0.001], [None, None, None, 0.0003], [None, None, None, 0.0001], [None, None, None, 0.00003], ] # priorsCD = [ [None,None, 0.3, 0.01], # [None,None, 0.1, 0.003], # [None,None, 0.03, 0.001], # [None,None, 0.01, 0.0003], # [None,None, 0.003, 0.0001], # [None,None, 0.001, 0.00003], # [None,None, 0.0003, 0.00003], # ] sersicsCD2 = np.array([0.57, 0.56, 0.55, 0.54]) initCD2 = [7.82365, 1.63757, 0.0411003], [0.840165, 0.373703, 0.0649509] priorsCD2 = [ [None, None, 0.3], [None, None, 0.1], [None, None, 0.03], [None, None, 0.01], # [None,None, 0.003], # [None,None, 0.001], # [None,None, 0.0003], ] from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('fit') for sersics, ini, priors, patch in [ # (sersics7, init_7, None, False), # (sersics6, init_6, None, False), (sersics4, init4, priors4, False), #(sersics3, init3, priors3, False), #(sersics15, init15, None, False), #(sersicsA, initA, priorsA, False), #(sersicsB, initB, priorsB, False), #(sersicsC, initC, priorsC, False), # (sersicsD, init_055, None, False), # (sersicsE, init_05, None, False), # (sersicsF, init_049, None, True), # (sersicsF, init_049, None, False), # (sersicsG, init_04, None, False), #(sersicsFG, initFG, priorsFG, False), #(sersicsC, init_07, None, False), #(sersicsC2, initC2, priorsC2, False), #(sersicsD, init_055, None, False), #(sersicsCD, initCD, priorsCD, False), #(sersicsCD2, initCD2, priorsCD2, False), ]: amps, vars, loglikes = fit_range(sersics, radii, ini, priors=priors, ps=ps) # amps2,vars2,loglikes2 = fit_range(reversed(sersics), radii, # (amps[-1], vars[-1])) # # amps3,vars3,loglikes3 = fit_range(sersics, radii, # (amps2[-1], vars2[-1])) # # amps4,vars4,loglikes4 = fit_range(reversed(sersics), radii, # (amps3[-1], vars3[-1])) # amps,vars = amps4,vars4 print('After fitting range forward:', sersics) #print('amps:', amps) #print('vars:', vars) print('log-likes:', loglikes) # print('After fitting range backwards:', sersics) # #print('amps:', amps2) # #print('vars:', vars2) # print('log-likes:', loglikes2) # # print('After fitting range forwards again:', sersics) # print('log-likes:', loglikes3) # # print('After fitting range backwards again:', sersics) # print('log-likes:', loglikes4) for sersic, fitamps, fitvars in reversed(list(zip(sersics, amps, vars))): print('(%.2f' % sersic, ', [', ''.join(['%g, ' % a for a in fitamps]), '], [', ''.join(['%g, ' % v for v in fitvars]), ']),') # the one after 0.5: patch across 0.5 if patch: amps_before = all_amps[-2] vars_before = all_vars[-2] amps_after = amps[0] vars_after = vars[0] amps_half = all_amps[-1] vars_half = all_vars[-1] assert (len(amps_before) == len(amps_after)) #print('vars before:', vars_before) #print('vars after:', vars_after) #print('vars half:', vars_half) patchvars = np.append([vars_half[0]], np.sqrt(vars_before[1:] * vars_after[1:])) #print('Patch variances:', patchvars) patchamps = np.array([amps_half[0]] + [0.] * (len(amps_after) - 1)) #print('Patch amps:', patchamps) #all_sersics.append(sersics[0]) #all_amps.append(patchamps) #all_vars.append(patchvars) #all_loglikes.append(loglikes[0]) # Replace 0.5 fit all_amps[-1] = patchamps all_vars[-1] = patchvars all_sersics.extend(sersics) all_amps.extend(amps) all_vars.extend(vars) all_loglikes.extend(loglikes) print() print('All fit results:') print() for sersic, fitamps, fitvars in reversed( list(zip(all_sersics, all_amps, all_vars))): print('(%.3g' % sersic, ', [', ''.join(['%g, ' % a for a in fitamps]), '], [', ''.join(['%g, ' % v for v in fitvars]), ']),') all_sersics = np.array(all_sersics) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) #for i in range(3): for i in range(8): J, = np.nonzero([len(a) > i for a in all_amps]) plt.plot(all_sersics[J], np.array([all_amps[j][i] for j in J]), 'o-') plt.xlabel('Sersic index') plt.ylabel('Mixture amplitudes') plt.axhline(0., color='k') plt.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-3) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) #for i in range(3): for i in range(8): J, = np.nonzero([len(a) > i for a in all_vars]) plt.plot(all_sersics[J], np.array([all_vars[j][i] for j in J]), 'o-') plt.xlabel('Sersic index') plt.ylabel('Mixture variances') plt.yscale('log') plt.suptitle('Gaussian Mixture approximations to Sersic profiles') plt.savefig('/tmp/mix.png') plt.xscale('log') xt = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3] plt.xticks(xt, ['%g' % x for x in xt]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.xscale('log') plt.xticks(xt, ['%g' % x for x in xt]) plt.savefig('/tmp/mix2.png') plt.clf() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) for s, a, v in zip(all_sersics, all_amps, all_vars): plt.plot(s + np.zeros_like(a), a, '-') plt.xlabel('Sersic index') plt.ylabel('Mixture amplitudes') plt.axhline(0., color='k') plt.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-3) plt.xscale('log') xt = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3] plt.xticks(xt, ['%g' % x for x in xt]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) for s, a, v in zip(all_sersics, all_amps, all_vars): plt.plot(s + np.zeros_like(v), v, '.') plt.xlabel('Sersic index') plt.ylabel('Mixture variances') plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') xt = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3] plt.xticks(xt, ['%g' % x for x in xt]) plt.savefig('/tmp/mix3.png') return #all_sersics = np.arange(1.0, 0.25-dser/2, -dser) # (Re-)Initializations: iser -> (amps, vars) inits = dict([ # 1.0 -- paper 1 values for lux, 6 components # (0, ([2.34853813e-03, 3.07995260e-02, 2.23364214e-01, # 1.17949102e+00, 4.33873750e+00, 5.99820770e+00], # [1.20078965e-03, 8.84526493e-03, 3.91463084e-02, # 1.39976817e-01, 4.60962500e-01, 1.50159566e+00])), (np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 1.0)), ([6.0, 4.34, 1.18, 0.223, 0.0308, 0.00235], [1.5, 0.461, 0.14, 0.0391, 0.00885, 0.0012])), # 0.85 -- one amplitude goes negative. Smallest amplitude ~ 1e-3, # variances reasonably spaced # 5 components (np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.85)), ([5.81, 4.2, 0.946, 0.148, 0.018], [1.35, 0.475, 0.152, 0.044, 0.0104])), # 0.6 #(np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.6)), # ([8.5, 1.15], [0.83, 0.25])), # Nothing wrong with the 5-component fit at 0.6; smallest component ~ 1e-3 (np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.6)), ([6.236, 3.169, 0.3216, 0.02589], [0.9646, 0.4898, 0.1714, 0.04615])), # Pattern changes at 0.55; all amps still positive, smallest ~ 1e-2.5 (np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.55)), ([6.522, 2.721, 0.1968], [0.873, 0.5162, 0.1796])), # 0.5: one component only (np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.5)), ([9.], [0.72])), # First one below 0.5: flip one amp negative. (np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - (0.5 - dser))), ([9.24, -0.23], [0.71, 0.33])), # Switch to 3 components #(np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.37)), # ([33.85, -35.89, 10.25], [0.46, 0.37, 0.31])), #([15, -15, 10], [0.5, 0.35, 0.3])), #(np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.39)), # ([31.13, -31.29, 8.43], [0.47, 0.38, 0.32])), (np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.40)), ([31.34, -31.92, 8.92], [0.48, 0.39, 0.34])), #(np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.41)), # ([25.57, -25.94, 8.78], [0.50, 0.40, 0.36])), # They cross over! #(np.argmin(np.abs(all_sersics - 0.42)), # ([24.05, -18.77, 3.19], [0.52, 0.43, 0.38])), ]) for iser, sersic in enumerate(all_sersics): #for iser,sersic in enumerate(np.append(all_sersics, list(reversed(all_sersics[:-1])))): #all_ser2.append(sersic) target = ser_model(radii, sersic) if iser in inits: a, v = inits[iser] initamps = np.array(a) initvars = np.array(v) print('Sersic index %.2f' % sersic, ': resetting initialization to', initamps, initvars) print('Sersic %.2f' % sersic, 'initialized at amps', ', '.join(['%.4g' % a for a in initamps]), 'vars', ', '.join(['%.4g' % v for v in initvars])) pars = np.append(initamps, initvars) pars = optimize_mixture(pars, radii, target) fitamps = pars[:len(pars) // 2].copy() fitvars = pars[len(pars) // 2:].copy() all_amps.append(fitamps) all_vars.append(fitvars) #all_logprobs.append(mixture_logprob(pars, radii, target)) all_loglikes.append(mixture_loglikelihood(pars, radii, target)) initamps = fitamps initvars = fitvars print('Sersic %.2f' % sersic, 'amps', ', '.join(['%.4g' % a for a in fitamps]), 'vars', ', '.join(['%.4g' % v for v in fitvars])) #print('Sersic %.2f' % sersic, 'amps', ', '.join(['%g'%a for a in fitamps]), 'vars', ', '.join(['%g'%v for v in fitvars])) all_amps = np.array(all_amps) all_vars = np.array(all_vars) #all_logprobs = np.array(all_logprobs) all_loglikes = np.array(all_loglikes) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) #for i in range(3): for i in range(6): J, = np.nonzero([len(a) > i for a in all_amps]) plt.plot(all_sersics[J], np.array([all_amps[j][i] for j in J]), 'o-') plt.xlabel('Sersic index') plt.ylabel('Mixture amplitudes') plt.axhline(0., color='k') plt.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-3) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) #for i in range(3): for i in range(6): J, = np.nonzero([len(a) > i for a in all_vars]) plt.plot(all_sersics[J], np.array([all_vars[j][i] for j in J]), 'o-') plt.xlabel('Sersic index') plt.ylabel('Mixture variances') plt.yscale('log') plt.suptitle('Gaussian Mixture approximations to Sersic profiles') plt.savefig('/tmp/mix.png') plt.clf() plt.plot(all_sersics, all_loglikes, 'ko-') plt.xlabel('Sersic index') plt.ylabel('Mixture log-likelihood') plt.suptitle('Gaussian Mixture approximations to Sersic profiles') mx = max(all_loglikes) plt.ylim(mx - 200, mx) plt.savefig('/tmp/loglike.png') plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4)) xx = radii[radii <= 4] for i, (n, a, v) in enumerate(zip(all_sersics, all_amps, all_vars)): plt.clf() plot_one_row(n, a, v, xx) #plt.suptitle('Logprob %.2f' % lnp) plt.savefig('/tmp/ser-%02i.png' % i)
def main(): ps = PlotSequence('conv') S = 51 center = S/2 print('Center', center) #for psf_sigma in [2., 1.5, 1.]: for psf_sigma in [2.]: rms2 = [] x = np.arange(S) y = np.arange(S) xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) scale = 1.5 / psf_sigma pixpsf = render_airy((scale, center), x, y) psf = (scale,center) eval_psf = render_airy plt.clf() plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(x, pixpsf[center,:], 'b-') plt.plot(x, pixpsf[:,center], 'r-') plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(x, np.maximum(1e-16, pixpsf[center,:]), 'b-') plt.plot(x, np.maximum(1e-16, pixpsf[:,center]), 'r-') plt.yscale('log') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(pixpsf, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(np.log10(np.maximum(1e-16, pixpsf)), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.title('log PSF') ps.savefig() # psf #psf = scipy.stats.norm(loc=center + 0.5, scale=psf_sigma) # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(Pcdf, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') # ps.savefig() # #Pcdf = psf.cdf(xx) * psf.cdf(yy) # #pixpsf = integrate_gaussian(psf, xx, yy) # # padpsf = np.zeros((S*2-1, S*2-1)) # ph,pw = pixpsf.shape # padpsf[S/2:S/2+ph, S/2:S/2+pw] = pixpsf # Fpsf = np.fft.rfft2(padpsf) # # padh,padw = padpsf.shape # v = np.fft.rfftfreq(padw) # w = np.fft.fftfreq(padh) # fmax = max(max(np.abs(v)), max(np.abs(w))) # cut = fmax / 2. * 1.000001 # #print('Frequence cut:', cut) # Ffiltpsf = Fpsf.copy() # #print('Ffiltpsf', Ffiltpsf.shape) # #print((np.abs(w) < cut).shape) # #print((np.abs(v) < cut).shape) # Ffiltpsf[np.abs(w) > cut, :] = 0. # Ffiltpsf[:, np.abs(v) > cut] = 0. # #print('pad v', v) # #print('pad w', w) # # filtpsf = np.fft.irfft2(Ffiltpsf, s=(padh,padw)) # # print('filtered PSF real', np.max(np.abs(filtpsf.real))) # print('filtered PSF imag', np.max(np.abs(filtpsf.imag))) # # plt.clf() # plt.subplot(2,3,1) # dimshow(Fpsf.real) # plt.colorbar() # plt.title('Padded PSF real') # plt.subplot(2,3,4) # dimshow(Fpsf.imag) # plt.colorbar() # plt.title('Padded PSF imag') # # plt.subplot(2,3,2) # dimshow(Ffiltpsf.real) # plt.colorbar() # plt.title('Filt PSF real') # plt.subplot(2,3,5) # dimshow(Ffiltpsf.imag) # plt.colorbar() # plt.title('Filt PSF imag') # # plt.subplot(2,3,3) # dimshow(filtpsf.real) # plt.title('PSF real') # plt.colorbar() # # plt.subplot(2,3,6) # dimshow(filtpsf.imag) # plt.title('PSF imag') # plt.colorbar() # # ps.savefig() # # # pixpsf = filtpsf gal_sigmas = [2, 1, 0.5, 0.25] for gal_sigma in gal_sigmas: # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(Gcdf, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') # plt.savefig('dcdf.png') # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(np.exp(-0.5 * ((xx-center)**2 + (yy-center)**2)/2.**2), # interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') # plt.savefig('g.png') # my convolution pixscale = 1. cd = pixscale * np.eye(2) / 3600. P,FG,Gmine,v,w = galaxy_psf_convolution( gal_sigma, 0., 0., GaussianGalaxy, cd, 0., 0., pixpsf, debug=True) #print('v:', v) #print('w:', w) #print('P:', P.shape) print() print('PSF %g, Gal %g' % (psf_sigma, gal_sigma)) rmax = np.argmax(np.abs(w)) cmax = np.argmax(np.abs(v)) l2_rmax = np.sqrt(np.sum(P[rmax,:].real**2 + P[rmax,:].imag**2)) l2_cmax = np.sqrt(np.sum(P[:,cmax].real**2 + P[:,cmax].imag**2)) print('PSF L_2 in highest-frequency rows & cols:', l2_rmax, l2_cmax) l2_rmax = np.sqrt(np.sum(FG[rmax,:].real**2 + FG[rmax,:].imag**2)) l2_cmax = np.sqrt(np.sum(FG[:,cmax].real**2 + FG[:,cmax].imag**2)) print('Gal L_2 in highest-frequency rows & cols:', l2_rmax, l2_cmax) C = P * FG l2_rmax = np.sqrt(np.sum(C[rmax,:].real**2 + C[rmax,:].imag**2)) l2_cmax = np.sqrt(np.sum(C[:,cmax].real**2 + C[:,cmax].imag**2)) print('PSF*Gal L_2 in highest-frequency rows & cols:', l2_rmax, l2_cmax) print() Fpsf, Fgal = compare_subsampled( S, 1, ps, psf, pixpsf, Gmine,v,w, gal_sigma, psf_sigma, cd, get_ffts=True, eval_psf=eval_psf) plt.clf() plt.subplot(2,4,1) dimshow(P.real) plt.colorbar() plt.title('PSF real') plt.subplot(2,4,5) dimshow(P.imag) plt.colorbar() plt.title('PSF imag') plt.subplot(2,4,2) dimshow(FG.real) plt.colorbar() plt.title('Gal real') plt.subplot(2,4,6) dimshow(FG.imag) plt.colorbar() plt.title('Gal imag') plt.subplot(2,4,3) dimshow((P * FG).real) plt.colorbar() plt.title('P*Gal real') plt.subplot(2,4,7) dimshow((P * FG).imag) plt.colorbar() plt.title('P*Gal imag') plt.subplot(2,4,4) dimshow((Fgal).real) plt.colorbar() plt.title('pixGal real') plt.subplot(2,4,8) dimshow((Fgal).imag) plt.colorbar() plt.title('pixGal imag') plt.suptitle('PSF %g, Gal %g' % (psf_sigma, gal_sigma)) ps.savefig() subsample = [1,2,4] rms1 = [] for s in subsample: rms = compare_subsampled(S, s, ps, psf, pixpsf, Gmine,v,w, gal_sigma, psf_sigma, cd, eval_psf=eval_psf) rms1.append(rms) rms2.append(rms1) print() print('PSF sigma =', psf_sigma) print('RMSes:') for rms1,gal_sigma in zip(rms2, gal_sigmas): print('Gal sigma', gal_sigma, 'rms:', ', '.join(['%.3g' % r for r in rms1]))
def main(survey=None, opt=None, args=None): '''Driver function for forced photometry of individual Legacy Survey images. ''' if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] print('', ' '.join(args)) if opt is None: parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args(args) import logging if opt.verbose == 0: lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) # tractor logging is *soooo* chatty logging.getLogger('tractor.engine').setLevel(lvl + 10) t0 = Time() if survey is None: survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.survey_dir, cache_dir=opt.cache_dir, output_dir=opt.out_dir) if opt.skip: if opt.out is not None: outfn = opt.out else: outfn = survey.find_file('forced', output=True,, expnum=opt.expnum) if os.path.exists(outfn): print('Ouput file exists:', outfn) return 0 if opt.derivs and opt.agn: print('Sorry, can\'t do --derivs AND --agn') return -1 if opt.out is None and opt.out_dir is None: print('Must supply either --out or --out-dir') return -1 if opt.expnum is None and opt.out is None: print('If no --expnum is given, must supply --out filename') return -1 if not opt.forced: opt.apphot = True zoomslice = None if opt.zoom is not None: (x0, x1, y0, y1) = opt.zoom zoomslice = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1)) ps = None if opt.plots is not None: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(opt.plots) # Cache CCDs files before the find_ccds call... # Copy required files into the cache? if opt.pre_cache: def copy_files_to_cache(fns): for fn in fns: cachefn = fn.replace(survey.survey_dir, survey.cache_dir) if not cachefn.startswith(survey.cache_dir): print('Skipping', fn) continue outdir = os.path.dirname(cachefn) trymakedirs(outdir) print('Copy', fn) print(' to', cachefn) shutil.copyfile(fn, cachefn) assert (survey.cache_dir is not None) fnset = set() fn = survey.find_file('bricks') fnset.add(fn) fns = survey.find_file('ccd-kds') fnset.update(fns) copy_files_to_cache(fnset) # Read metadata from survey-ccds.fits table ccds = survey.find_ccds(, expnum=opt.expnum, ccdname=opt.ccdname) print(len(ccds), 'with camera',, 'and expnum', opt.expnum, 'and ccdname', opt.ccdname) # sort CCDs ccds.cut(np.lexsort((ccds.ccdname, ccds.expnum, # If there is only one catalog survey_dir, we pass it to get_catalog_in_wcs # as the northern survey. catsurvey_north = survey catsurvey_south = None if opt.catalog_dir_north is not None: assert (opt.catalog_dir_south is not None) assert (opt.catalog_resolve_dec_ngc is not None) catsurvey_north = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir_north) catsurvey_south = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir_south) elif opt.catalog_dir is not None: catsurvey_north = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir) # Copy required CCD & calib files into the cache? if opt.pre_cache: assert (survey.cache_dir is not None) fnset = set() for ccd in ccds: im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) for key in im.get_cacheable_filename_variables(): fn = getattr(im, key) if fn is None or not (os.path.exists(fn)): continue fnset.add(fn) copy_files_to_cache(fnset) args = [] for ccd in ccds: args.append((survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south, opt.catalog_resolve_dec_ngc, ccd, opt, zoomslice, ps)) if opt.threads: from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc from astrometry.util.timingpool import TimingPool, TimingPoolMeas pool = TimingPool(opt.threads) poolmeas = TimingPoolMeas(pool, pickleTraffic=False) Time.add_measurement(poolmeas) mp = multiproc(None, pool=pool) tm = Time() FF =, args) print('Multi-processing forced-phot:', Time() - tm) del mp Time.measurements.remove(poolmeas) del poolmeas pool.close() pool.join() del pool else: FF = map(bounce_one_ccd, args) FF = [F for F in FF if F is not None] if len(FF) == 0: print('No photometry results to write.') return 0 # Keep only the first header _, version_hdr, _, _ = FF[0] # unpack results outlier_masks = [m for _, _, m, _ in FF] outlier_hdrs = [h for _, _, _, h in FF] FF = [F for F, _, _, _ in FF] F = merge_tables(FF) if len(ccds): version_hdr.delete('CPHDU') version_hdr.delete('CCDNAME') from legacypipe.utils import add_bits from legacypipe.bits import DQ_BITS add_bits(version_hdr, DQ_BITS, 'DQMASK', 'DQ', 'D') from legacyzpts.psfzpt_cuts import CCD_CUT_BITS add_bits(version_hdr, CCD_CUT_BITS, 'CCD_CUTS', 'CC', 'C') for i, ap in enumerate(apertures_arcsec): version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='APRAD%i' % i, value=ap, comment='(optical) Aperture radius, in arcsec')) unitmap = { 'exptime': 'sec', 'flux': 'nanomaggy', 'flux_ivar': '1/nanomaggy^2', 'apflux': 'nanomaggy', 'apflux_ivar': '1/nanomaggy^2', 'psfdepth': '1/nanomaggy^2', 'galdepth': '1/nanomaggy^2', 'sky': 'nanomaggy/arcsec^2', 'psfsize': 'arcsec', 'fwhm': 'pixels', 'ccdrarms': 'arcsec', 'ccddecrms': 'arcsec', 'ra': 'deg', 'dec': 'deg', 'skyrms': 'counts/sec', 'dra': 'arcsec', 'ddec': 'arcsec', 'dra_ivar': '1/arcsec^2', 'ddec_ivar': '1/arcsec^2' } columns = F.get_columns() order = [ 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'camera', 'expnum', 'ccdname', 'filter', 'mjd', 'exptime', 'psfsize', 'fwhm', 'ccd_cuts', 'airmass', 'sky', 'skyrms', 'psfdepth', 'galdepth', 'ccdzpt', 'ccdrarms', 'ccddecrms', 'ccdphrms', 'ra', 'dec', 'flux', 'flux_ivar', 'fracflux', 'rchisq', 'fracmasked', 'fracin', 'apflux', 'apflux_ivar', 'x', 'y', 'dqmask', 'dra', 'ddec', 'dra_ivar', 'ddec_ivar' ] columns = [c for c in order if c in columns] units = [unitmap.get(c, '') for c in columns] if opt.out is not None: outdir = os.path.dirname(opt.out) if len(outdir): trymakedirs(outdir) tmpfn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tmp-' + os.path.basename(opt.out)) fitsio.write(tmpfn, None, header=version_hdr, clobber=True) F.writeto(tmpfn, units=units, append=True, columns=columns) os.rename(tmpfn, opt.out) print('Wrote', opt.out) else: with survey.write_output('forced',, expnum=opt.expnum) as out: F.writeto(None, fits_object=out.fits, primheader=version_hdr, units=units, columns=columns) print('Wrote', out.real_fn) if opt.outlier_mask is not None: # Add outlier bit meanings to the primary header version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='COMMENT', value='Outlier mask bit meanings')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='OUTL_POS', value=1, comment='Outlier mask bit for Positive outlier')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='OUTL_NEG', value=2, comment='Outlier mask bit for Negative outlier')) if opt.outlier_mask == 'default': outdir = os.path.join(opt.out_dir, 'outlier-masks') camexp = set(zip(, ccds.expnum)) for c, e in camexp: I = np.flatnonzero(( == c) * (ccds.expnum == e)) ccd = ccds[I[0]] imfn = ccd.image_filename.strip() outfn = os.path.join(outdir, imfn.replace('.fits', '-outlier.fits')) trymakedirs(outfn, dir=True) tempfn = outfn.replace('.fits', '-tmp.fits') with fitsio.FITS(tempfn, 'rw', clobber=True) as fits: fits.write(None, header=version_hdr) for i in I: mask = outlier_masks[i] _, _, _, meth, tile = survey.get_compression_args( 'outliers_mask', shape=mask.shape) fits.write(mask, header=outlier_hdrs[i], extname=ccds.ccdname[i], compress=meth, tile_dims=tile) os.rename(tempfn, outfn) print('Wrote', outfn) elif opt.outlier_mask is not None: with fitsio.FITS(opt.outlier_mask, 'rw', clobber=True) as F: F.write(None, header=version_hdr) for i, (hdr, mask) in enumerate(zip(outlier_hdrs, outlier_masks)): _, _, _, meth, tile = survey.get_compression_args( 'outliers_mask', shape=mask.shape) F.write(mask, header=hdr, extname=ccds.ccdname[i], compress=meth, tile_dims=tile) print('Wrote', opt.outlier_mask) tnow = Time() print('Total:', tnow - t0) return 0
if is_galaxy and t.type == 1: # deV src = DevGalaxy(pos, bright, shape) elif is_galaxy and t.type == 2: # exp src = ExpGalaxy(pos, bright, shape) else: src = PointSource(pos, bright) srcs.append(src) return srcs if __name__ == '__main__': ps = PlotSequence('cfht') if False: # Don't start looking at the ACS image. Don't. imgfn = 'cfht/acs_I_030mas_065_sci.VISRES.fits' wtfn = 'cfht/acs_I_030mas_065_wht.VISRES.fits' flagfn = 'cfht/acs_I_030mas_065_flg.VISRES.fits' catfn = 'cfht/acs_I_030mas_065_sci.VISRES.ldac' cat = fits_table(catfn, hdu=2) cat.ra = cat.alpha_j2000 cat.dec = cat.delta_j2000 img, imghdr =, ext=ext, header=True) print('Read image', img.shape, img.dtype) img = img.astype(np.float32)
plt.xlabel('Depth: %s band' % band) plt.ylabel('Number of pixels') plt.title('Depth: Galaxy, %s' % band) ps.savefig() if __name__ == '__main__': north = False if north == True: outfn = 'dr8-north-depth-concat.fits' summaryfn = 'dr8-north-depth-summary.fits' allfn = 'dr8-north-depth.fits' basedir = '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr8/north' summarize_depths(basedir, outfn, summaryfn, allfn) ps = PlotSequence('depth') summary_plots(summaryfn, ps, 'BASS+MzLS DR8') else: outfn = 'dr8-south-depth-concat.fits' summaryfn = 'dr8-south-depth-summary.fits' allfn = 'dr8-south-depth.fits' basedir = '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr8/south' summarize_depths(basedir, outfn, summaryfn, allfn) ps = PlotSequence('depth') summary_plots(summaryfn, ps, 'DECaLS DR8') import sys sys.exit(0)
import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab as plt import numpy as np import fitsio from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table, merge_tables from astrometry.util.util import wcs_pv2sip_hdr from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence if __name__ == '__main__': import astrometry ps = PlotSequence('pretty') catdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(astrometry.__file__), 'catalogs') fn = os.path.join(catdir, 'ngc2000.fits') NGC = fits_table(fn) = np.array(['NGC %i' % ngcnum for ngcnum in NGC.ngcnum]) #NGC.delete_column('ngcnum') IC = fits_table(os.path.join(catdir, 'ic2000.fits')) = np.array(['IC %i' % icnum for icnum in IC.icnum]) #IC.delete_column('icnum') UGC = fits_table(os.path.join(catdir, 'ugc.fits')) = np.array(['UGC %i' % ugcnum for ugcnum in UGC.ugcnum]) #UGC.delete_column('ugcnum')
def main(): global survey init() ps = PlotSequence('sky') # export LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR=/scratch1/scratchdirs/desiproc/DRs/dr4-bootes/legacypipe-dir/ #survey = LegacySurveyData() survey = get_survey('dr4v2') ccds = survey.get_ccds_readonly() print(len(ccds), 'CCDs') ccds = ccds[ == 'mosaic'] print(len(ccds), 'Mosaic CCDs') # plt.clf() # plt.hist(ccds.mjd_obs % 1.0, bins=50) # plt.xlabel('MJD mod 1') # ps.savefig() ccds.imjd = np.floor(ccds.mjd_obs).astype(int) mjds = np.unique(ccds.imjd) print(len(mjds), 'unique MJDs') mp = multiproc(nthreads=8, init=init) allvals = [] medmjds = [] args = [] for kk, mjd in enumerate(mjds): I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.imjd == mjd) print('MJD', mjd, ' (%i of %i):' % (kk + 1, len(mjds)), len(I), 'CCDs') if len(I) == 0: continue # pick one near the middle #i = I[len(I)/2] for i in [I[len(I) / 4], I[len(I) / 2], I[3 * len(I) / 4]]: ccd = ccds[i] key = dict(expnum=ccd.expnum, ccdname=ccd.ccdname) oldvals = key vals = cache.find(key) print('Got', vals.count(), 'cache hits for', key) gotone = False for val in vals: #if 'median_adu' in val: if 'mode_adu' in val: print('cache hit:', val) allvals.append(val) medmjds.append(mjd) gotone = True break else: print('partial cache hit:', val) oldvals = val ###! cache.delete_one(val) if gotone: continue print('args: key', key, 'oldvals', oldvals) args.append((mjd, key, oldvals, ccd)) # plt.clf() # plt.hist(tim.getImage().ravel(), range=(-0.1, 0.1), bins=50, # histtype='step', color='b') # plt.axvline(med, color='b', alpha=0.3, lw=2) # plt.axvline(0., color='k', alpha=0.3, lw=2) # plt.xlabel('Sky-subtracted pixel values') # plt.title('Date ' + ccd.date_obs + ': ' + str(im)) # ps.savefig() if len(args): meds =, args) print('Medians:', meds) for (mjd, key, oldvals, ccd), val in zip(args, meds): if val is None: continue allvals.append(val) medmjds.append(mjd) medians = [] median_adus = [] mode_adus = [] skyadus = [] keepmjds = [] for mjd, val in zip(medmjds, allvals): madu = val['median_adu'] if madu is None: continue if 'median' in val: medians.append(val['median']) else: from tractor.brightness import NanoMaggies zpscale = NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(val['ccdzpt']) med = (val['median_adu'] - val['skyadu']) / zpscale print('Computed median diff:', med, 'nmgy') medians.append(med) keepmjds.append(mjd) median_adus.append(val['median_adu']) mode_adus.append(val['mode_adu']) skyadus.append(val['skyadu']) medmjds = keepmjds median_adus = np.array(median_adus) mode_adus = np.array(mode_adus) skyadus = np.array(skyadus) medmjds = np.array(medmjds) medians = np.array(medians) plt.clf() plt.plot(medmjds, median_adus - skyadus, 'b.') plt.xlabel('MJD') #plt.ylabel('Image median after sky subtraction (nmgy)') plt.ylabel('Image median - SKYADU (ADU)') #plt.ylim(-0.03, 0.03) #plt.ylim(-10, 10) plt.ylim(-1, 1) plt.axhline(0, color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.5) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(medmjds, mode_adus - skyadus, 'b.') plt.xlabel('MJD') plt.ylabel('Image mode - SKYADU (ADU)') plt.ylim(-1, 1) plt.axhline(0, color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.5) ps.savefig() print('Median pcts:', np.percentile(medians, [0, 2, 50, 98, 100])) mlo, mhi = np.percentile(medians, [2, 98]) I = np.flatnonzero((medians > mlo) * (medians < mhi)) d0 = np.mean(medmjds) dmjd = medmjds[I] - d0 A = np.zeros((len(dmjd), 2)) A[:, 0] = 1. A[:, 1] = dmjd b = np.linalg.lstsq(A, medians[I])[0] print('Lstsq:', b) offset = b[0] slope = b[1] xx = np.array([dmjd.min(), dmjd.max()]) print('Offset', offset) print('Slope', slope) plt.clf() plt.plot(medmjds, medians, 'b.') ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(xx + d0, offset + slope * xx, 'b-') plt.axis(ax) plt.xlabel('MJD') plt.ylabel('Image median after sky subtraction (nmgy)') plt.ylim(-0.03, 0.03) plt.axhline(0, color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.5) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(median_adus, skyadus, 'b.') ax = plt.axis() lo = min(ax[0], ax[2]) hi = max(ax[1], ax[3]) plt.plot([lo, hi], [lo, hi], 'k-', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Median image ADU') plt.ylabel('SKYADU') plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(medmjds, skyadus / median_adus, 'b.') plt.xlabel('MJD') plt.ylim(0.98, 1.02) plt.axhline(1.0, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.ylabel('SKYADU / median image ADU') ps.savefig()
def unwise_forcedphot(cat, tiles, band=1, roiradecbox=None, use_ceres=True, ceres_block=8, save_fits=False, get_models=False, ps=None, psf_broadening=None, pixelized_psf=False, get_masks=None, move_crpix=False, modelsky_dir=None): ''' Given a list of tractor sources *cat* and a list of unWISE tiles *tiles* (a fits_table with RA,Dec,coadd_id) runs forced photometry, returning a FITS table the same length as *cat*. *get_masks*: the WCS to resample mask bits into. ''' from tractor import NanoMaggies, PointSource, Tractor, ExpGalaxy, DevGalaxy, FixedCompositeGalaxy if not pixelized_psf and psf_broadening is None: # PSF broadening in post-reactivation data, by band. # Newer version from Aaron's email to decam-chatter, 2018-06-14. broadening = { 1: 1.0405, 2: 1.0346, 3: None, 4: None } psf_broadening = broadening[band] if False: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('wise-forced-w%i' % band) plots = (ps is not None) if plots: import pylab as plt wantims = (plots or save_fits or get_models) wanyband = 'w' if get_models: models = {} wband = 'w%i' % band fskeys = ['prochi2', 'pronpix', 'profracflux', 'proflux', 'npix', 'pronexp'] Nsrcs = len(cat) phot = fits_table() # Filled in based on unique tile overlap phot.wise_coadd_id = np.array([' '] * Nsrcs) phot.set(wband + '_psfdepth', np.zeros(len(phot), np.float32)) ra = np.array([src.getPosition().ra for src in cat]) dec = np.array([src.getPosition().dec for src in cat]) nexp = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.int16) mjd = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float64) central_flux = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float32) fitstats = {} tims = [] if get_masks: mh,mw = get_masks.shape maskmap = np.zeros((mh,mw), np.uint32) for tile in tiles: print('Reading WISE tile', tile.coadd_id, 'band', band) tim = get_unwise_tractor_image(tile.unwise_dir, tile.coadd_id, band, bandname=wanyband, roiradecbox=roiradecbox) if tim is None: print('Actually, no overlap with tile', tile.coadd_id) continue if plots: sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(tim.getImage(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=10 * sig1) plt.colorbar() tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.title('%s: tim data' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.hist((tim.getImage() * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), range=(-5,10), bins=100) plt.xlabel('Per-pixel intensity (Sigma)') plt.title(tag) ps.savefig() if move_crpix and band in [1, 2]: realwcs = tim.wcs.wcs x,y = realwcs.crpix tile_crpix = tile.get('crpix_w%i' % band) dx = tile_crpix[0] - 1024.5 dy = tile_crpix[1] - 1024.5 realwcs.set_crpix(x+dx, y+dy) #print('CRPIX', x,y, 'shift by', dx,dy, 'to', realwcs.crpix) if modelsky_dir and band in [1, 2]: fn = os.path.join(modelsky_dir, '%s.%i.mod.fits' % (tile.coadd_id, band)) if not os.path.exists(fn): raise RuntimeError('WARNING: does not exist:', fn) x0,x1,y0,y1 = tim.roi bg = fitsio.FITS(fn)[2][y0:y1, x0:x1] #print('Read background map:', bg.shape, bg.dtype, 'vs image', tim.shape) if plots: plt.clf() plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(tim.getImage(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=5 * sig1) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.imshow(bg, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=5 * sig1) tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.suptitle(tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() ha = dict(range=(-5,10), bins=100, histtype='step') plt.hist((tim.getImage() * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), color='b', label='Original', **ha) plt.hist(((tim.getImage()-bg) * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), color='g', label='Minus Background', **ha) plt.axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Per-pixel intensity (Sigma)') plt.legend() plt.title(tag + ': background') ps.savefig() # Actually subtract the background! -= bg # Floor the per-pixel variances if band in [1,2]: # in Vega nanomaggies per pixel floor_sigma = {1: 0.5, 2: 2.0} with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): new_ie = 1. / np.hypot(1./tim.inverr, floor_sigma[band]) new_ie[tim.inverr == 0] = 0. if plots: plt.clf() plt.plot((1. / tim.inverr[tim.inverr>0]).ravel(), (1./new_ie[tim.inverr>0]).ravel(), 'b.') plt.title('unWISE per-pixel error: %s band %i' % (tile.coadd_id, band)) plt.xlabel('original') plt.ylabel('floored') ps.savefig() tim.inverr = new_ie # Read mask file? if get_masks: from astrometry.util.resample import resample_with_wcs, OverlapError # unwise_dir can be a colon-separated list of paths tilemask = None for d in tile.unwise_dir.split(':'): fn = os.path.join(d, tile.coadd_id[:3], tile.coadd_id, 'unwise-%s-msk.fits.gz' % tile.coadd_id) if os.path.exists(fn): print('Reading unWISE mask file', fn) x0,x1,y0,y1 = tim.roi tilemask = fitsio.FITS(fn)[0][y0:y1,x0:x1] break if tilemask is None: print('unWISE mask file for tile', tile.coadd_id, 'does not exist') else: try: tanwcs = tim.wcs.wcs assert(tanwcs.shape == tilemask.shape) Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi,_ = resample_with_wcs(get_masks, tanwcs, intType=np.int16) # Only deal with mask pixels that are set. I, = np.nonzero(tilemask[Yi,Xi] > 0) # Trim to unique area for this tile rr,dd = get_masks.pixelxy2radec(Yo[I]+1, Xo[I]+1) good = radec_in_unique_area(rr, dd, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) I = I[good] maskmap[Yo[I],Xo[I]] = tilemask[Yi[I], Xi[I]] except OverlapError: # Shouldn't happen by this point print('No overlap between WISE tile', tile.coadd_id, 'and brick') # The tiles have some overlap, so zero out pixels outside the # tile's unique area. th,tw = tim.shape xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(tw), np.arange(th)) rr,dd = tim.wcs.wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx+1, yy+1) unique = radec_in_unique_area(rr, dd, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) #print(np.sum(unique), 'of', (th*tw), 'pixels in this tile are unique') tim.inverr[unique == False] = 0. del xx,yy,rr,dd,unique if plots: sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(tim.getImage() * (tim.inverr > 0), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=10 * sig1) plt.colorbar() tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.title('%s: tim data (unique)' % tag) ps.savefig() if pixelized_psf: import unwise_psf if (band == 1) or (band == 2): # we only have updated PSFs for W1 and W2 psfimg = unwise_psf.get_unwise_psf(band, tile.coadd_id, modelname='neo4_unwisecat') else: psfimg = unwise_psf.get_unwise_psf(band, tile.coadd_id) if band == 4: # oversample (the unwise_psf models are at native W4 5.5"/pix, # while the unWISE coadds are made at 2.75"/pix. ph,pw = psfimg.shape subpsf = np.zeros((ph*2-1, pw*2-1), np.float32) from astrometry.util.util import lanczos3_interpolate xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0., pw-0.51, 0.5, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(0., ph-0.51, 0.5, dtype=np.float32)) xx = xx.ravel() yy = yy.ravel() ix = xx.astype(np.int32) iy = yy.astype(np.int32) dx = (xx - ix).astype(np.float32) dy = (yy - iy).astype(np.float32) psfimg = psfimg.astype(np.float32) rtn = lanczos3_interpolate(ix, iy, dx, dy, [subpsf.flat], [psfimg]) if plots: plt.clf() plt.imshow(psfimg, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Original PSF model') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(subpsf, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Subsampled PSF model') ps.savefig() psfimg = subpsf del xx, yy, ix, iy, dx, dy from tractor.psf import PixelizedPSF psfimg /= psfimg.sum() fluxrescales = {1: 1.04, 2: 1.005, 3: 1.0, 4: 1.0} psfimg *= fluxrescales[band] tim.psf = PixelizedPSF(psfimg) if psf_broadening is not None and not pixelized_psf: # psf_broadening is a factor by which the PSF FWHMs # should be scaled; the PSF is a little wider # post-reactivation. psf = tim.getPsf() from tractor import GaussianMixturePSF if isinstance(psf, GaussianMixturePSF): # print('Broadening PSF: from', psf) p0 = psf.getParams() pnames = psf.getParamNames() p1 = [p * psf_broadening**2 if 'var' in name else p for (p, name) in zip(p0, pnames)] psf.setParams(p1) print('Broadened PSF:', psf) else: print('WARNING: cannot apply psf_broadening to WISE PSF of type', type(psf)) wcs = tim.wcs.wcs ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec) x = np.round(x - 1.).astype(int) y = np.round(y - 1.).astype(int) good = (x >= 0) * (x < tw) * (y >= 0) * (y < th) # Which sources are in this brick's unique area? usrc = radec_in_unique_area(ra, dec, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) I, = np.nonzero(good * usrc) nexp[I] = tim.nuims[y[I], x[I]] if hasattr(tim, 'mjdmin') and hasattr(tim, 'mjdmax'): mjd[I] = (tim.mjdmin + tim.mjdmax) / 2. phot.wise_coadd_id[I] = tile.coadd_id central_flux[I] = tim.getImage()[y[I], x[I]] del x,y,good,usrc # PSF norm for depth psf = tim.getPsf() h,w = tim.shape patch = psf.getPointSourcePatch(h//2, w//2).patch psfnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(patch**2)) # To handle zero-depth, we return 1/nanomaggies^2 units rather than mags. psfdepth = 1. / (tim.sig1 / psfnorm)**2 phot.get(wband + '_psfdepth')[I] = psfdepth tim.tile = tile tims.append(tim) if plots: plt.clf() mn,mx = 0.1, 20000 plt.hist(np.log10(np.clip(central_flux, mn, mx)), bins=100, range=(np.log10(mn), np.log10(mx))) logt = np.arange(0, 5) plt.xticks(logt, ['%i' % i for i in 10.**logt]) plt.title('Central fluxes (W%i)' % band) plt.axvline(np.log10(20000), color='k') plt.axvline(np.log10(1000), color='k') ps.savefig() # Eddie's non-secret recipe: #- central pixel <= 1000: 19x19 pix box size #- central pixel in 1000 - 20000: 59x59 box size #- central pixel > 20000 or saturated: 149x149 box size #- object near "bright star": 299x299 box size nbig = nmedium = nsmall = 0 for src,cflux in zip(cat, central_flux): if cflux > 20000: R = 100 nbig += 1 elif cflux > 1000: R = 30 nmedium += 1 else: R = 15 nsmall += 1 if isinstance(src, PointSource): src.fixedRadius = R else: ### FIXME -- sizes for galaxies..... can we set PSF size separately? galrad = 0 # RexGalaxy is a subclass of ExpGalaxy if isinstance(src, (ExpGalaxy, DevGalaxy)): galrad = elif isinstance(src, FixedCompositeGalaxy): galrad = max(, pixscale = 2.75 src.halfsize = int(np.hypot(R, galrad * 5 / pixscale)) #print('Set WISE source sizes:', nbig, 'big', nmedium, 'medium', nsmall, 'small') minsb = 0. fitsky = False tractor = Tractor(tims, cat) if use_ceres: from tractor.ceres_optimizer import CeresOptimizer tractor.optimizer = CeresOptimizer(BW=ceres_block, BH=ceres_block) tractor.freezeParamsRecursive('*') tractor.thawPathsTo(wanyband) kwa = dict(fitstat_extras=[('pronexp', [tim.nims for tim in tims])]) t0 = Time() R = tractor.optimize_forced_photometry( minsb=minsb, mindlnp=1., sky=fitsky, fitstats=True, variance=True, shared_params=False, wantims=wantims, **kwa) print('unWISE forced photometry took', Time() - t0) if use_ceres: term = R.ceres_status['termination'] # Running out of memory can cause failure to converge # and term status = 2. # Fail completely in this case. if term != 0: print('Ceres termination status:', term) raise RuntimeError( 'Ceres terminated with status %i' % term) if wantims: ims1 = R.ims1 flux_invvars = R.IV if R.fitstats is not None: for k in fskeys: x = getattr(R.fitstats, k) fitstats[k] = np.array(x).astype(np.float32) if save_fits: for i,tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile (dat, mod, ie, chi, roi) = ims1[i] wcshdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.wcs.wcs.add_to_header(wcshdr) tag = 'fit-%s-w%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) fitsio.write('%s-data.fits' % tag, dat, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) fitsio.write('%s-mod.fits' % tag, mod, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) fitsio.write('%s-chi.fits' % tag, chi, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) if plots: # Create models for just the brightest sources bright_cat = [src for src in cat if src.getBrightness().getBand(wanyband) > 1000] print('Bright soures:', len(bright_cat)) btr = Tractor(tims, bright_cat) for tim in tims: mod = btr.getModelImage(tim) tile = tim.tile tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: bright-star models' % tag) ps.savefig() if get_models: for i,tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile (dat, mod, ie, chi, roi) = ims1[i] models[(tile.coadd_id, band)] = (mod, dat, ie, tim.roi, tim.wcs.wcs) if plots: for i,tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) (dat, mod, ie, chi, roi) = ims1[i] sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(dat, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: data' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: model' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(chi, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-5, vmax=+5) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: chi' % tag) ps.savefig() nm = np.array([src.getBrightness().getBand(wanyband) for src in cat]) nm_ivar = flux_invvars # Sources out of bounds, eg, never change from their default # (1-sigma or whatever) initial fluxes. Zero them out instead. nm[nm_ivar == 0] = 0. phot.set(wband + '_nanomaggies', nm.astype(np.float32)) phot.set(wband + '_nanomaggies_ivar', nm_ivar.astype(np.float32)) dnm = np.zeros(len(nm_ivar), np.float32) okiv = (nm_ivar > 0) dnm[okiv] = (1. / np.sqrt(nm_ivar[okiv])).astype(np.float32) okflux = (nm > 0) mag = np.zeros(len(nm), np.float32) mag[okflux] = (NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(nm[okflux]) ).astype(np.float32) dmag = np.zeros(len(nm), np.float32) ok = (okiv * okflux) dmag[ok] = (np.abs((-2.5 / np.log(10.)) * dnm[ok] / nm[ok]) ).astype(np.float32) mag[np.logical_not(okflux)] = np.nan dmag[np.logical_not(ok)] = np.nan phot.set(wband + '_mag', mag) phot.set(wband + '_mag_err', dmag) for k in fskeys: phot.set(wband + '_' + k, fitstats[k]) phot.set(wband + '_nexp', nexp) if not np.all(mjd == 0): phot.set(wband + '_mjd', mjd) rtn = wphotduck() rtn.phot = phot rtn.models = None rtn.maskmap = None if get_models: rtn.models = models if get_masks: rtn.maskmap = maskmap return rtn
ps.savefig() imx = np.argmax(m22) diff = np.diff(m22[:imx + 1]) # Assert monotonic up to the peak (from the left) # (low-level jitter/wrap-around is allowed) self.assertTrue(np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(diff) < 1e-9, diff > 0))) diff = np.diff(m22[imx:]) # Assert monotonic decreasing after to the peak # (low-level jitter/wrap-around is allowed) self.assertTrue(np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(diff) < 1e-9, diff < 0))) # Assert that wrap-around exists for PixelizedPsf model diff = np.diff(m21[:imx + 1]) self.assertFalse(np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(diff) < 1e-9, diff > 0))) diff = np.diff(m21[imx:]) self.assertFalse(np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(diff) < 1e-9, diff < 0))) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if '--plots' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('--plots') from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('gal') unittest.main()
def main(passnum, threads): global udecs global P3 global T global tilewcs global exps global bad_expids global tileid_to_depth ps = PlotSequence('covfill-p%i' % passnum) retirablefn = 'retirable-p%i.fits' % passnum depthsfn = 'all-depths-p%i.fits' % passnum if os.path.exists(retirablefn): R = fits_table(retirablefn) pcts = np.arange(0, 101) target = 22.5 req_pcts = [0, 2, 2, 5, 5, 10, 10, 100] req_depths = [0, 0, target-0.6, target-0.6, target-0.3, target-0.3, target, target] maglo, maghi = 21,23 plt.clf() for depths in R.depths: plt.plot(pcts, np.clip(depths, maglo, maghi), 'b-', alpha=0.1) plt.plot(req_pcts, np.clip(req_depths, maglo, maghi), 'k-', lw=2, alpha=0.5) plt.ylim(maglo, maghi) plt.xlim(0, 100) plt.xlabel('Coverage fraction') plt.ylabel('Existing depth') plt.suptitle('MzLS: retirable pass-%i tiles: %i' % (passnum,len(R))) ps.savefig() # Where are they on the sky? T = fits_table('obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits') T.cut(T.in_desi == 1) T.cut(T.get('pass') <= 3) tileid_to_index = np.zeros(T.tileid.max()+1, int) tileid_to_index[T.tileid] = np.arange(len(T)) R.ra = T.ra [tileid_to_index[R.tileid]] R.dec = T.dec[tileid_to_index[R.tileid]] plt.clf() plt.plot(T.ra, T.dec, 'k.', alpha=0.02) I = (T.z_done == 1) plt.plot(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], 'k.', alpha=0.1) plt.plot(R.ra, R.dec, 'b.') ax = [310,80,30,85] #xl,xh = plt.xlim() #plt.xlim(xh,xl) plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)') plt.title('MzLS: retirable pass-%i tiles' % passnum) plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() for p in [1,2,3]: plt.clf() plt.plot(T.ra, T.dec, 'k.', alpha=0.02) #plt.plot(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], 'k.', alpha=0.1) I = np.flatnonzero((T.get('pass') == p) * (T.z_done == 1) * (T.z_depth > 1) * (T.z_depth < 30)) plt.scatter(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], c=T.z_depth[I], vmin=20, vmax=23, s=4) I = np.flatnonzero((T.get('pass') == p) * (T.z_done == 1) * (T.z_depth == 30)) plt.plot(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], 'k.', alpha=0.5) plt.colorbar() plt.title('MzLS: Finished tiles in pass %i' % p) plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() sys.exit(0) # NERSC: export LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR=/global/cscratch1/sd/dstn/dr4plus # (dstn laptop: export LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR=~/legacypipe-dir-mzls/) survey = LegacySurveyData() ccds = survey.get_annotated_ccds() print('Annotated CCDs:', len(ccds)) ccds.cut( == 'mosaic') print(len(ccds), 'Mosaic') print('Unique exposures:', len(np.unique(ccds.expnum))) ccds.cut(ccds.exptime > 60) print('Exptime > 60 sec:', len(ccds)) nccds = Counter(ccds.expnum) for k,v in nccds.most_common(): if v <= 4: break print('Expnum', k, 'appears', v, 'times') print('Tile pass numbers:', Counter(ccds.tilepass).most_common()) # Fix parsing of OBJECT field to tileid... from obsbot import get_tile_id_from_name tileids = [] for o in ccds.object: tid = get_tile_id_from_name(o.strip()) if tid is None: tid = 0 tileids.append(tid) tileids = np.array(tileids) print(len(np.unique(tileids)), 'unique tile ids in annotated file, from OBJECT') print(len(np.unique(ccds.tileid)), 'unique tile ids in ann file from TILEID') D = np.flatnonzero(tileids != ccds.tileid) print(len(D), 'different tileids') print('From OBJECT:', tileids[D]) print('From TILEID:', ccds.tileid[D]) ccds.tileid = tileids T = fits_table('obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits') f = open('obstatus/bad_expid.txt') bad_expids = [] for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] == '#': continue words = line.split() try: expnum = int(words[0]) except: print('Skipping line:', line) continue bad_expids.append(expnum) print('Read', len(bad_expids), 'bad exposure numbers') # Update ccds.tilepass from ccds.tileid tileidtopass = dict(zip(T.tileid, T.get('pass'))) tileidtoebv = dict(zip(T.tileid, T.ebv_med)) ccds.tilepass = np.array([tileidtopass.get(tileid, 0) for tileid in ccds.tileid]) ccds.tileebv = np.array([tileidtoebv.get(tileid, 0) for tileid in ccds.tileid]) print('Tile pass numbers after update:', Counter(ccds.tilepass).most_common()) e,I = np.unique(ccds.expnum, return_index=True) exps = ccds[I] #print('Object names,exptimes for tilepass==0:', zip(exps.object[exps.tilepass == 0], exps.exptime[exps.tilepass == 0])) # Average the depth per exposure for j,expnum in enumerate(exps.expnum): I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.expnum == expnum) if len(I) != 4: print('Exposure', expnum, 'has', len(I), 'CCD entries') continue # Don't include zeros in computing average depths! Igood = I[(ccds.galdepth[I] > 0) * (ccds.ccdzpt[I] < 30)] if len(Igood) > 0: exps.galdepth[j] = np.mean(ccds.galdepth[Igood]) else: exps.galdepth[j] = 0. # CCDs-table-based mapping from tileid to depth. I = np.flatnonzero((exps.tilepass > 0) * (exps.galdepth > 0) * (exps.tileid > 0)) tileid_to_depth = dict(zip(exps.tileid[I], exps.galdepth[I])) T.cut(T.in_desi == 1) T.cut(T.get('pass') <= 3) # The tiles we'll examine P3 = T[T.get('pass') == passnum] print(len(P3), 'pass', passnum, 'and in DESI') todo = P3[P3.z_done == 0] print(len(todo), 'pass', passnum, 'tiles to do (Z_DONE=0)') # Tiles with measured depths T.cut((T.z_depth > 15) * (T.z_depth < 30)) print(len(T), 'tiles with measured depths') # Passes other than 3... they ~ only barely overlap, so don't # contribute significant depth. #T.cut(T.get('pass') < 3) udecs = np.unique(P3.dec) print(len(udecs), 'unique Dec values in pass', passnum) # Grab an arbitrary weight-map image and use that as a proxy! wtfn = 'k4m_170501_112501_oow_zd_v1.fits.fz' F = fitsio.FITS(wtfn) tilewcs = [] # Read the WCS headers for each chip. # They make the CRVAL be the boresight for all 4 chips... perfect! # (because this means we can just set CRVAL = RA,Dec to shift the WCSes) for i in range(1, len(F)): hdr = F[i].read_header() wcs = wcs_pv2sip_hdr(hdr) tilewcs.append(wcs) mp = multiproc(threads) #args = [(i,t,udecs,P3,T,tilewcs,exps,bad_expids,tileid_to_depth) args = [(i,t) for i,t in enumerate(todo)] thedepths =, args) alldepths = [] retirable = [] for arg,depths in zip(args, thedepths): if depths is None: continue itile,tile = arg[:2] target = 22.5 req_pcts = [0, 2, 2, 5, 5, 10, 10, 100] req_depths = [0, 0, target-0.6, target-0.6, target-0.3, target-0.3, target, target] print(' Depths at 2, 5, and 10th percentile vs target:', '%.2f' % (depths[2] - (target - 0.6)), '%.2f' % (depths[5] - (target - 0.3)), '%.2f' % (depths[10] - target)) alldepths.append((tile.tileid, depths)) if not ((depths[2] > target - 0.6) and (depths[5] > target - 0.3) and (depths[10] > target)): continue retirable.append((tile.tileid, depths)) #if len(retirable) == 10: # break # if ps.ploti >= 100: # continue # # maglo, maghi = 21,23 # # plt.clf() # #plt.subplot(1,2,1) # plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (0,0)) # plt.imshow(depth, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', # vmin=maglo, vmax=maghi) # plt.colorbar(ticks=[np.arange(maglo, maghi+0.01, 0.5)]) # plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]) # #plt.subplot(1,2,2) # plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1,0)) # plt.imshow(nexp, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', # vmin=0, vmax=4) # plt.colorbar(ticks=[0,1,2,3,4]) # plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]) # # ax = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (0,1), rowspan=2) # plt.plot(req_pcts, np.clip(req_depths, maglo, maghi), 'k-', # lw=2, alpha=0.5) # plt.plot(pcts, np.clip(depths, maglo, maghi), 'b-') # ax.yaxis.tick_right() # plt.ylim(maglo, maghi) # plt.xlim(0, 100) # plt.xlabel('Coverage fraction') # plt.ylabel('Existing depth') # plt.suptitle('Tile %i' % tile.tileid) # ps.savefig() #if ps.ploti == 100: # break # print('Tiles that could be retired:') # print('# Tileid 0th-percentile-extcorr-depth 1st-pctile 2nd-pctile ...') # for tileid, depths in retirable: # print(tileid, ' '.join(['%.3f' % d for d in depths])) R = fits_table() R.tileid = np.array ([t for t,d in alldepths]) R.depths = np.vstack([d for t,d in alldepths]) R.writeto(depthsfn) if len(retirable): R = fits_table() R.tileid = np.array([t for t,d in retirable]) R.depths = np.vstack([d for t,d in retirable]) R.writeto(retirablefn) else: print('No tiles in pass', passnum, 'are retirable')
def main(): ps = PlotSequence('cov') survey = LegacySurveyData() ra, dec = 242.0, 10.2 fn = 'coverage-ccds.fits' if not os.path.exists(fn): ccds = survey.get_ccds() ccds.cut(ccds.filter == 'r') ccds.cut(ccds.propid == '2014B-0404') ccds.cut(np.hypot(ccds.ra_bore - ra, ccds.dec_bore - dec) < 2.5) print(np.unique(ccds.expnum), 'unique exposures') print('propids', np.unique(ccds.propid)) ccds.writeto(fn) else: ccds = fits_table(fn) plt.clf() for e in np.unique(ccds.expnum): I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.expnum == e) plt.plot(ccds.ra[I], ccds.dec[I], '.') ps.savefig() degw = 3.0 pixscale = 10. W = degw * 3600 / 10. H = W hi = 6 cmap = cmap_discretize('jet', hi + 1) wcs = Tan(ra, dec, W / 2. + 0.5, H / 2. + 0.5, -pixscale / 3600., 0., 0., pixscale / 3600., float(W), float(H)) r0, d0 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1) r1, d1 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, H) extent = [min(r0, r1), max(r0, r1), min(d0, d1), max(d0, d1)] for expnums in [ [348666], [348666, 348710, 348686], [348659, 348667, 348658, 348666, 348665, 348669, 348668], None, [ 348683, 348687, 347333, 348686, 348685, 348692, 348694, 348659, 348667, 348658, 348666, 348665, 348669, 348668, 348707, 348709, 348708, 348710, 348711, 348716, 348717 ], ]: nexp = np.zeros((H, W), np.uint8) for ccd in ccds: if expnums is not None and not ccd.expnum in expnums: continue ccdwcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd) r, d = ccdwcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1) ok, x0, y0 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d) r, d = ccdwcs.pixelxy2radec(ccd.width, ccd.height) ok, x1, y1 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d) xlo = np.clip(int(np.round(min(x0, x1))) - 1, 0, W - 1) xhi = np.clip(int(np.round(max(x0, x1))) - 1, 0, W - 1) ylo = np.clip(int(np.round(min(y0, y1))) - 1, 0, H - 1) yhi = np.clip(int(np.round(max(y0, y1))) - 1, 0, H - 1) nexp[ylo:yhi + 1, xlo:xhi + 1] += 1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(nexp, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.5, vmax=hi + 0.5, cmap=cmap, extent=extent) plt.colorbar(ticks=np.arange(hi + 1)) ps.savefig() O = fits_table('obstatus/decam-tiles_obstatus.fits') O.cut(np.hypot(O.ra - ra, O.dec - dec) < 2.5) for p in [1, 2, 3]: print('Pass', p, 'exposures:', O.r_expnum[O.get('pass') == p]) O.cut(O.get('pass') == 2) print(len(O), 'pass 2 nearby') d = np.hypot(O.ra - ra, O.dec - dec) print('Dists:', d) I = np.flatnonzero(d < 0.5) assert (len(I) == 1) ocenter = O[I[0]] print('Center expnum', ocenter.r_expnum) I = np.flatnonzero(d >= 0.5) O.cut(I) #center = ccds[ccds.expnum == ocenter.r_expnum] #p2 = ccds[ccds. ok, xc, yc = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ocenter.ra, ocenter.dec) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W) + 1, np.arange(H) + 1) c_d2 = (xc - xx)**2 + (yc - yy)**2 best = np.ones((H, W), bool) for o in O: ok, x, y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(o.ra, o.dec) d2 = (x - xx)**2 + (y - yy)**2 best[d2 < c_d2] = False del d2 del c_d2, xx, yy # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(best, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', # vmin=0, vmax=1) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(nexp * best, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.5, vmax=hi + 0.5, cmap=cmap, extent=extent) plt.colorbar(ticks=np.arange(hi + 1)) ps.savefig() plt.clf() n, b, p = plt.hist(np.clip(nexp[best], 0, hi), range=(-0.5, hi + 0.5), bins=hi + 1) plt.xlim(-0.5, hi + 0.5) ps.savefig() print('b', b) print('n', n) print('fracs', np.array(n) / np.sum(n)) print('pcts', ', '.join(['%.1f' % f for f in 100. * np.array(n) / np.sum(n)]))
def main(decals=None, opt=None): '''Driver function for forced photometry of individual DECam images. ''' if opt is None: parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args() Time.add_measurement(MemMeas) t0 = Time() if os.path.exists(opt.outfn): print('Ouput file exists:', opt.outfn) sys.exit(0) if not opt.forced: opt.apphot = True zoomslice = None if opt.zoom is not None: (x0,x1,y0,y1) = opt.zoom zoomslice = (slice(y0,y1), slice(x0,x1)) ps = None if opt.plots is not None: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(opt.plots) # Try parsing filename as exposure number. try: expnum = int(opt.filename) opt.filename = None except: # make this 'None' for decals.find_ccds() expnum = None # Try parsing HDU number try: opt.hdu = int(opt.hdu) ccdname = None except: ccdname = opt.hdu opt.hdu = -1 if decals is None: decals = Decals() if opt.filename is not None and opt.hdu >= 0: # Read metadata from file T = exposure_metadata([opt.filename], hdus=[opt.hdu]) print('Metadata:') T.about() else: # Read metadata from decals-ccds.fits table T = decals.find_ccds(expnum=expnum, ccdname=ccdname) print(len(T), 'with expnum', expnum, 'and CCDname', ccdname) if opt.hdu >= 0: T.cut(T.image_hdu == opt.hdu) print(len(T), 'with HDU', opt.hdu) if opt.filename is not None: T.cut(np.array([f.strip() == opt.filename for f in T.image_filename])) print(len(T), 'with filename', opt.filename) assert(len(T) == 1) im = decals.get_image_object(T[0]) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, splinesky=True) print('Got tim:', tim) if opt.catfn in ['DR1', 'DR2']: if opt.catalog_path is None: opt.catalog_path = opt.catfn.lower() margin = 20 TT = [] chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, decals=decals) for b in bricks: # there is some overlap with this brick... read the catalog. fn = os.path.join(opt.catalog_path, 'tractor', b.brickname[:3], 'tractor-%s.fits' % b.brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('WARNING: catalog', fn, 'does not exist. Skipping!') continue print('Reading', fn) T = fits_table(fn) ok,xx,yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W,H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() I = np.flatnonzero((xx >= -margin) * (xx <= (W+margin)) * (yy >= -margin) * (yy <= (H+margin))) T.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(T), 'sources within image + margin') # print('Brick_primary:', np.unique(T.brick_primary)) T.cut(T.brick_primary) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on brick_primary') T.cut((T.out_of_bounds == False) * (T.left_blob == False)) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on out_of_bounds and left_blob') TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) T._header = TT[0]._header del TT # Fix up various failure modes: # FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[240.51147402832561, 10.385488075518923], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=(flux -2.87), r=(flux -5.26), z=(flux -7.65), fracDev=FracDev(0.60177207), shapeExp=re=3.78351e-44, e1=9.30367e-13, e2=1.24392e-16, shapeDev=re=inf, e1=-0, e2=-0) # -> convert to EXP I = np.flatnonzero(np.array([((t.type == 'COMP') and (not np.isfinite(t.shapedev_r))) for t in T])) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to EXP') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'EXP' # Same thing with the exp component. # -> convert to DEV I = np.flatnonzero(np.array([((t.type == 'COMP') and (not np.isfinite(t.shapeexp_r))) for t in T])) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to DEV') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'DEV' if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) else: T = fits_table(opt.catfn) T.shapeexp = np.vstack((T.shapeexp_r, T.shapeexp_e1, T.shapeexp_e2)).T T.shapedev = np.vstack((T.shapedev_r, T.shapedev_e1, T.shapedev_e2)).T cat = read_fits_catalog(T, ellipseClass=tractor.ellipses.EllipseE) # print('Got cat:', cat) print('Forced photom...') opti = None if opt.ceres: from tractor.ceres_optimizer import CeresOptimizer B = 8 opti = CeresOptimizer(BW=B, BH=B) tr = Tractor([tim], cat, optimizer=opti) tr.freezeParam('images') for src in cat: src.freezeAllBut('brightness') src.getBrightness().freezeAllBut( F = fits_table() F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid F.filter = np.array([] * len(T)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(T)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(T)) ok,x,y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x-1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y-1).astype(np.float32) if opt.apphot: import photutils img = tim.getImage() ie = tim.getInvError() with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): imsigma = 1. / ie imsigma[ie == 0] = 0. apimg = [] apimgerr = [] # Aperture photometry locations xxyy = np.vstack([tim.wcs.positionToPixel(src.getPosition()) for src in cat]).T apxy = xxyy - 1. apertures = apertures_arcsec / tim.wcs.pixel_scale() print('Apertures:', apertures, 'pixels') for rad in apertures: aper = photutils.CircularAperture(apxy, rad) p = photutils.aperture_photometry(img, aper, error=imsigma) apimg.append(p.field('aperture_sum')) apimgerr.append(p.field('aperture_sum_err')) ap = np.vstack(apimg).T ap[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(ap))] = 0. F.apflux = ap ap = 1./(np.vstack(apimgerr).T)**2 ap[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(ap))] = 0. F.apflux_ivar = ap if opt.forced: kwa = {} if opt.plots is None: kwa.update(wantims=False) R = tr.optimize_forced_photometry(variance=True, fitstats=True, shared_params=False, **kwa) if opt.plots: (data,mod,ie,chi,roi) = R.ims1[0] ima = tim.ima imchi = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-5, vmax=5) plt.clf() plt.imshow(data, **ima) plt.title('Data: %s' % ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, **ima) plt.title('Model: %s' % ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(chi, **imchi) plt.title('Chi: %s' % ps.savefig() F.flux = np.array([src.getBrightness().getFlux( for src in cat]).astype(np.float32) F.flux_ivar = R.IV.astype(np.float32) F.fracflux = R.fitstats.profracflux.astype(np.float32) F.rchi2 = R.fitstats.prochi2 .astype(np.float32) program_name = sys.argv[0] version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, decals.decals_dir) # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) fname = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', fname) #version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPFILE', value=im.imgfn, comment='DECam comm.pipeline file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPFILE', value=fname, comment='DECam comm.pipeline file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='DECam comm.pipeline ext')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CAMERA', value='DECam', comment='Dark Energy Camera')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='DECam exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='DECam CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='EXPOSURE', value='decam-%s-%s' % (im.expnum, im.ccdname), comment='Name of this image')) keys = ['TELESCOP','OBSERVAT','OBS-LAT','OBS-LONG','OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME'] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() units = {'mjd':'sec', 'exptime':'sec', 'flux':'nanomaggy', 'flux_ivar':'1/nanomaggy^2'} columns = F.get_columns() for i,col in enumerate(columns): if col in units: hdr.add_record(dict(name='TUNIT%i' % (i+1), value=units[col])) outdir = os.path.dirname(opt.outfn) if len(outdir): trymakedirs(outdir) fitsio.write(opt.outfn, None, header=version_hdr, clobber=True) F.writeto(opt.outfn, header=hdr, append=True) print('Wrote', opt.outfn) print('Finished forced phot:', Time()-t0) return 0
def main(survey=None, opt=None): print(' '.join(sys.argv)) '''Driver function for forced photometry of individual Legacy Survey images. ''' if opt is None: parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args() Time.add_measurement(MemMeas) t0 = tlast = Time() if opt.skip and os.path.exists(opt.outfn): print('Ouput file exists:', opt.outfn) sys.exit(0) if opt.derivs and opt.agn: print('Sorry, can\'t do --derivs AND --agn') sys.exit(0) if not opt.forced: opt.apphot = True zoomslice = None if opt.zoom is not None: (x0, x1, y0, y1) = opt.zoom zoomslice = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1)) ps = None if opt.plots is not None: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(opt.plots) # Try parsing first arg as exposure number (otherwise, it's a filename) try: expnum = int(opt.expnum) filename = None except: # make this 'None' for survey.find_ccds() expnum = None filename = opt.expnum # Try parsing HDU: "all" or HDU name or HDU number. all_hdus = (opt.ccdname == 'all') hdu = -1 ccdname = None if not all_hdus: try: hdu = int(opt.ccdname) except: ccdname = opt.ccdname if survey is None: survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.survey_dir) catsurvey_north = survey catsurvey_south = None if opt.catalog_dir_north is not None: assert (opt.catalog_dir_south is not None) assert (opt.catalog_resolve_dec_ngc is not None) catsurvey_north = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir_north) catsurvey_south = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir_south) if opt.catalog_dir is not None: catsurvey_north = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir) if filename is not None and hdu >= 0: # FIXME -- try looking up in CCDs file? # Read metadata from file print('Warning: faking metadata from file contents') T = exposure_metadata([filename], hdus=[hdu]) print('Metadata:') T.about() if not 'ccdzpt' in T.columns(): phdr = fitsio.read_header(filename) T.ccdzpt = np.array([phdr['MAGZERO']]) print('WARNING: using header MAGZERO') T.ccdraoff = np.array([0.]) T.ccddecoff = np.array([0.]) print('WARNING: setting CCDRAOFF, CCDDECOFF to zero.') else: # Read metadata from survey-ccds.fits table T = survey.find_ccds(expnum=expnum, ccdname=ccdname) print(len(T), 'with expnum', expnum, 'and ccdname', ccdname) if hdu >= 0: T.cut(T.image_hdu == hdu) print(len(T), 'with HDU', hdu) if filename is not None: T.cut(np.array([f.strip() == filename for f in T.image_filename])) print(len(T), 'with filename', filename) if is not None: T.cut( == print(len(T), 'with camera', if not all_hdus: assert (len(T) == 1) args = [] for ccd in T: args.append((survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south, opt.catalog_resolve_dec_ngc, ccd, opt, zoomslice, ps)) if opt.threads: from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc from astrometry.util.timingpool import TimingPool, TimingPoolMeas pool = TimingPool(opt.threads) poolmeas = TimingPoolMeas(pool, pickleTraffic=False) Time.add_measurement(poolmeas) mp = multiproc(None, pool=pool) tm = Time() FF =, args) print('Multi-processing forced-phot:', Time() - tm) else: FF = map(bounce_one_ccd, args) FF = [F for F in FF if F is not None] if len(FF) == 0: print('No photometry results to write.') return 0 # Keep only the first header _, version_hdr = FF[0] FF = [F for F, hdr in FF] F = merge_tables(FF) if all_hdus: version_hdr.delete('CPHDU') version_hdr.delete('CCDNAME') units = { 'exptime': 'sec', 'flux': 'nanomaggy', 'flux_ivar': '1/nanomaggy^2', 'apflux': 'nanomaggy', 'apflux_ivar': '1/nanomaggy^2', 'psfdepth': '1/nanomaggy^2', 'galdepth': '1/nanomaggy^2', 'sky': 'nanomaggy/arcsec^2', 'psfsize': 'arcsec' } if opt.derivs: units.update({ 'dra': 'arcsec', 'ddec': 'arcsec', 'dra_ivar': '1/arcsec^2', 'ddec_ivar': '1/arcsec^2' }) columns = F.get_columns() order = [ 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'camera', 'expnum', 'ccdname', 'filter', 'mjd', 'exptime', 'psfsize', 'ccd_cuts', 'airmass', 'sky', 'psfdepth', 'galdepth', 'ra', 'dec', 'flux', 'flux_ivar', 'fracflux', 'rchisq', 'fracmasked', 'apflux', 'apflux_ivar', 'x', 'y', 'dqmask', 'dra', 'ddec', 'dra_ivar', 'ddec_ivar' ] columns = [c for c in order if c in columns] # Set units headers (must happen after column ordering is set!) hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() for i, col in enumerate(columns): if col in units: hdr.add_record(dict(name='TUNIT%i' % (i + 1), value=units[col])) outdir = os.path.dirname(opt.outfn) if len(outdir): trymakedirs(outdir) tmpfn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tmp-' + os.path.basename(opt.outfn)) fitsio.write(tmpfn, None, header=version_hdr, clobber=True) F.writeto(tmpfn, header=hdr, append=True, columns=columns) os.rename(tmpfn, opt.outfn) print('Wrote', opt.outfn) tnow = Time() print('Total:', tnow - t0) return 0
def process_image(fn, ext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles): db = opt.db print('Reading', fn) if sfd is None: sfd = gSFD # Read primary FITS header phdr = fitsio.read_header(fn) obstype = phdr.get('OBSTYPE','').strip() print('obstype:', obstype) exptime = phdr.get('EXPTIME', 0) expnum = phdr.get('EXPNUM', 0) filt = phdr.get('FILTER', None) if filt is not None: filt = filt.strip() filt = filt.split()[0] if filt is None: filt = '' airmass = phdr.get('AIRMASS', 0.) ra = hmsstring2ra (phdr.get('RA', '0')) dec = dmsstring2dec(phdr.get('DEC', '0')) # Write QA plots to files named by the exposure number print('Exposure number:', expnum) skip = False if obstype in ['zero', 'focus', 'dome flat', '']: print('Skipping obstype =', obstype) skip = True if exptime == 0: print('Exposure time EXPTIME in header =', exptime) skip = True if expnum == '': print('No expnum in header') skip = True if filt == 'solid': print('Solid (block) filter.') skip = True if skip and not db: return None if db: import obsdb if ext is None: ext = get_default_extension(fn) m,created = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.get_or_create( filename=fn, extension=ext) m.obstype = obstype = camera_name(phdr) m.expnum = expnum m.exptime = exptime m.mjd_obs = phdr.get('MJD-OBS', 0.) m.airmass = airmass m.rabore = ra m.decbore = dec = filt m.bad_pixcnt = ('PIXCNT1' in phdr) m.readtime = phdr.get('READTIME', 0.) if opt.focus and obstype == 'focus' and == 'mosaic3': from mosaic_focus import Mosaic3FocusMeas show_plot = if show_plot: import pylab as plt plt.figure(2, figsize=(8,10)) if ext is None: ext = get_default_extension(fn) meas = Mosaic3FocusMeas(fn, ext, nom) focusfn = 'focus.png', plotfn=focusfn) print('Wrote', focusfn) if show_plot: plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) plt.figure(1) if skip: return None if opt.doplots: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('qa-%i' % expnum) ps.printfn = False else: ps = None # Measure the new image kwa = {} if ext is not None: kwa.update(ext=ext) if opt.n_fwhm is not None: kwa.update(n_fwhm=opt.n_fwhm) M = measure_raw(fn, ps=ps, **kwa) if opt.doplots: from glob import glob # Gather all the QAplots into a single pdf and clean them up. qafile = 'qa-%i.pdf' % expnum pnglist = sorted(glob('qa-%i-??.png' % expnum)) cmd = 'convert {} {}'.format(' '.join(pnglist), qafile) print('Writing out {}'.format(qafile)) #print(cmd) os.system(cmd) if not opt.keep_plots: [os.remove(png) for png in pnglist] # (example results for testig) #M = {'seeing': 1.4890481099577366, 'airmass': 1.34, #'skybright': 18.383479116033314, 'transparency': 0.94488537276869045, #'band': 'z', 'zp': 26.442847814941093} #print('Measurements:', M) trans = M.get('transparency', 0) band = M['band'] # Look up E(B-V) in SFD map ebv = sfd.ebv(ra, dec)[0] print('E(B-V): %.3f' % ebv) if trans > 0: fid = nom.fiducial_exptime(band) expfactor = exposure_factor(fid, nom, airmass, ebv, M['seeing'], M['skybright'], trans) print('Exposure factor: %6.3f' % expfactor) t_exptime = expfactor * fid.exptime print('Target exposure time: %6.1f' % t_exptime) t_exptime = np.clip(t_exptime, fid.exptime_min, fid.exptime_max) print('Clipped exposure time: %6.1f' % t_exptime) if band == 'z': t_sat = nom.saturation_time(band, M['skybright']) if t_exptime > t_sat: t_exptime = t_sat print('Reduced exposure time to avoid z-band saturation: %.1f' % t_exptime) print print('Actual exposure time taken: %6.1f' % exptime) print('Depth (exposure time) factor: %6.3f' % (exptime / t_exptime)) # If you were going to re-plan, you would run with these args: plandict = dict(seeing=M['seeing'], transparency=trans) # Assume the sky is as much brighter than canonical in each band... unlikely dsky = M['skybright'] -['band']) for b in 'grz': plandict['sb'+b] = + dsky # Note that takes UTC dates. start = datenow() # Start the strategy 5 minutes from now. start += datetime.timedelta(0, 5*60) d = plandict['startdate'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (d.year, d.month, t = start.time() plandict['starttime'] = t.strftime('%H:%M:%S') # Make an hour-long plan end = start + datetime.timedelta(0, 3600) d = plandict['enddate'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (d.year, d.month, t = end.time() plandict['endtime'] = t.strftime('%H:%M:%S') # Set "--date" to be the UTC date at previous sunset. # (nightlystrategy will ask for the next setting of the sun below # -18-degrees from that date to define the sn_18). We could # probably also get away with subtracting, like, 12 hours from # now()... sun = ephem.Sun() = datenow() # not the proper horizon, but this doesn't matter -- just need it to # be before -18-degree twilight. obs.horizon = 0. sunset = obs.previous_setting(sun) # pyephem's Date.tuple() splits a date into y,m,d,h,m,s d = sunset.tuple() #print('Date at sunset, UTC:', d) year,month,day = d[:3] plandict['date'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (year, month, day) # Decide the pass. goodseeing = plandict['seeing'] < 1.3 photometric = plandict['transparency'] > 0.9 if goodseeing and photometric: passnum = 1 elif goodseeing or photometric: passnum = 2 else: passnum = 3 plandict['pass'] = passnum ## ?? plandict['portion'] = 1.0 print('Replan command:') print() print('python2.7 --seeg %(seeing).3f --seer %(seeing).3f --seez %(seeing).3f --sbg %(sbg).3f --sbr %(sbr).3f --sbz %(sbz).3f --transparency %(transparency).3f --start-date %(startdate)s --start-time %(starttime)s --end-date %(enddate)s --end-time %(endtime)s --date %(date)s --portion %(portion)f --pass %(pass)i' % plandict) print() else: plandict = None expfactor = 0. rtn = (M, plandict, expnum) if not db: return rtn m.racenter = M['ra_ccd'] m.deccenter = M['dec_ccd'] m.ebv = ebv zp = M.get('zp', 0.) if zp is None: zp = 0. m.zeropoint = zp m.transparency = trans m.seeing = M.get('seeing', 0.) = M['skybright'] m.expfactor = expfactor m.dx = M.get('dx', 0) m.dy = M.get('dy', 0) m.nmatched = M.get('nmatched',0) img =, ext=1) cheaphash = np.sum(img) # cheaphash becomes an int64. m.md5sum = cheaphash set_tile_fields(m, phdr, tiles) return rtn
def main(): ps = PlotSequence('cov') survey = LegacySurveyData() ra,dec = 242.0, 10.2 fn = 'coverage-ccds.fits' if not os.path.exists(fn): ccds = survey.get_ccds() ccds.cut(ccds.filter == 'r') ccds.cut(ccds.propid == '2014B-0404') ccds.cut(np.hypot(ccds.ra_bore - ra, ccds.dec_bore - dec) < 2.5) print(np.unique(ccds.expnum), 'unique exposures') print('propids', np.unique(ccds.propid)) ccds.writeto(fn) else: ccds = fits_table(fn) plt.clf() for e in np.unique(ccds.expnum): I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.expnum == e) plt.plot(ccds.ra[I], ccds.dec[I], '.') ps.savefig() degw = 3.0 pixscale = 10. W = degw * 3600 / 10. H = W hi = 6 cmap = cmap_discretize('jet', hi+1) wcs = Tan(ra, dec, W/2.+0.5, H/2.+0.5, -pixscale/3600., 0., 0., pixscale/3600., float(W), float(H)) r0,d0 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1,1) r1,d1 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W,H) extent = [min(r0,r1),max(r0,r1), min(d0,d1),max(d0,d1)] for expnums in [ [348666], [348666,348710, 348686], [348659, 348667, 348658, 348666, 348665, 348669, 348668], None, [348683, 348687, 347333, 348686, 348685, 348692, 348694, 348659, 348667, 348658, 348666, 348665, 348669, 348668, 348707, 348709, 348708, 348710, 348711, 348716, 348717], ]: nexp = np.zeros((H,W), np.uint8) for ccd in ccds: if expnums is not None and not ccd.expnum in expnums: continue ccdwcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd) r,d = ccdwcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1) ok,x0,y0 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d) r,d = ccdwcs.pixelxy2radec(ccd.width, ccd.height) ok,x1,y1 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d) xlo = np.clip(int(np.round(min(x0,x1))) - 1, 0, W-1) xhi = np.clip(int(np.round(max(x0,x1))) - 1, 0, W-1) ylo = np.clip(int(np.round(min(y0,y1))) - 1, 0, H-1) yhi = np.clip(int(np.round(max(y0,y1))) - 1, 0, H-1) nexp[ylo:yhi+1, xlo:xhi+1] += 1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(nexp, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.5, vmax=hi+0.5, cmap=cmap, extent=extent) plt.colorbar(ticks=np.arange(hi+1)) ps.savefig() O = fits_table('obstatus/decam-tiles_obstatus.fits') O.cut(np.hypot(O.ra - ra, O.dec - dec) < 2.5) for p in [1,2,3]: print('Pass', p, 'exposures:', O.r_expnum[O.get('pass') == p]) O.cut(O.get('pass') == 2) print(len(O), 'pass 2 nearby') d = np.hypot(O.ra - ra, O.dec - dec) print('Dists:', d) I = np.flatnonzero(d < 0.5) assert(len(I) == 1) ocenter = O[I[0]] print('Center expnum', ocenter.r_expnum) I = np.flatnonzero(d >= 0.5) O.cut(I) #center = ccds[ccds.expnum == ocenter.r_expnum] #p2 = ccds[ccds. ok,xc,yc = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ocenter.ra, ocenter.dec) xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W)+1, np.arange(H)+1) c_d2 = (xc - xx)**2 + (yc - yy)**2 best = np.ones((H,W), bool) for o in O: ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(o.ra, o.dec) d2 = (x - xx)**2 + (y - yy)**2 best[d2 < c_d2] = False del d2 del c_d2,xx,yy # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(best, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', # vmin=0, vmax=1) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(nexp * best, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.5, vmax=hi+0.5, cmap=cmap, extent=extent) plt.colorbar(ticks=np.arange(hi+1)) ps.savefig() plt.clf() n,b,p = plt.hist(np.clip(nexp[best], 0, hi), range=(-0.5,hi+0.5), bins=hi+1) plt.xlim(-0.5, hi+0.5) ps.savefig() print('b', b) print('n', n) print('fracs', np.array(n) / np.sum(n)) print('pcts', ', '.join(['%.1f' % f for f in 100. * np.array(n)/np.sum(n)]))
t1 = Time() print 'Stage tims:', t1 - t0 R = stage_srcs(**P) P.update(R) t2 = Time() print 'Stage srcs:', t2 - t1 R = stage_fitblobs(**P) P.update(R) t2b = Time() print 'Stage fitblobs:', t2b - t2 P.update(catalogfn=catalogfn) stage_writecat(**P) t3 = Time() print 'Stage writecat:', t3 - t2b # Plots print print 'plots:', P.keys() print ps = PlotSequence(pspat) P.update(ps=ps, outdir='pipebrick-plots') stage_fitplots(**P) t4 = Time() print 'Stage fitplots:', t4 - t3 print 'Total:', t4 - t0
def main(): # ps = PlotSequence('pro') # star_profiles(ps) # sys.exit(0) #survey_dir = '/project/projectdirs/desiproc/dr3' #survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=survey_dir) survey = LegacySurveyData() ralo, rahi = 240, 245 declo, dechi = 5, 12 ps = PlotSequence('comp') bands = 'grz' ccdfn = 'ccds-forced.fits' if not os.path.exists(ccdfn): ccds = survey.get_annotated_ccds() ccds.cut((ccds.ra > ralo) * (ccds.ra < rahi) * (ccds.dec > declo) * (ccds.dec < dechi)) print(len(ccds), 'CCDs') ccds.path = np.array([ os.path.join( #'dr3', 'forced', ('%08i' % e)[:5], '%08i' % e, 'decam-%08i-%s-forced.fits' % (e, n.strip())) for e, n in zip(ccds.expnum, ccds.ccdname) ]) I, = np.nonzero([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in ccds.path]) print(len(I), 'CCDs with forced photometry') ccds.cut(I) #ccds = ccds[:500] #e,I = np.unique(ccds.expnum, return_index=True) #print(len(I), 'unique exposures') #ccds.cut(I) FF = read_forcedphot_ccds(ccds, survey) FF.writeto('forced-all-matches.fits') # - z band -- no trend w/ PS1 mag (brighter-fatter) ccds.writeto(ccdfn) ccdfn2 = 'ccds-forced-2.fits' if not os.path.exists(ccdfn2): ccds = fits_table(ccdfn) # Split into brighter/fainter halves FF = fits_table('forced-all-matches.fits') print(len(FF), 'forced measurements') FF.cut(FF.masked == False) print(len(FF), 'forced measurements not masked') ccds.brightest_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.brightest_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.bright_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.bright_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.faint_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.faint_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) for iccd in range(len(ccds)): I = np.flatnonzero(FF.iforced == iccd) if len(I) == 0: continue if len(I) < 10: continue F = FF[I] b = np.percentile(F.psmag, 10) m = np.median(F.psmag) print(len(F), 'matches for CCD', iccd, 'median mag', m, '10th pct', b) J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag < b) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.brightest_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.brightest_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16)) / 2. J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag < m) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.bright_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.bright_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16)) / 2. J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag > m) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.faint_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.faint_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16)) / 2. ccds.writeto(ccdfn2) ccds = fits_table(ccdfn2) plt.clf() plt.hist(ccds.nforced, bins=100) plt.title('nforced') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.hist(ccds.nmatched, bins=100) plt.title('nmatched') ps.savefig() #ccds.cut(ccds.nmatched >= 150) ccds.cut(ccds.nmatched >= 50) print('Cut to', len(ccds), 'with >50 matched') ccds.cut(ccds.photometric) print('Cut to', len(ccds), 'photometric') neff = 1. / ccds.psfnorm_mean**2 # Narcsec is in arcsec**2 narcsec = neff * ccds.pixscale_mean**2 # to arcsec narcsec = np.sqrt(narcsec) # Correction factor to get back to equivalent of Gaussian sigma narcsec /= (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi)) # Conversion factor to FWHM (2.35) narcsec *= 2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.)) ccds.psfsize = narcsec for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero( (ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric) * (ccds.blacklist_ok)) mlo, mhi = -0.01, 0.05 plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], ccds.exptime[I], 'k.', alpha=0.1) J = np.flatnonzero((ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric == False)) plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[J], ccds.exptime[J], 'r.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('exptime') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo, mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) #plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo,mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], ccds.psfsize[I], 'k.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ccds.avsky[I], # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # plt.xlabel('avsky') # plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') # plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) # plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) # ps.savefig() # # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ccds.meansky[I], # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # plt.xlabel('meansky') # plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') # plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) # plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() lo, hi = (-0.02, 0.05) ha = dict(bins=50, histtype='step', range=(lo, hi)) n, b, p1 = plt.hist(ccds.brightest_mdiff[I], color='r', **ha) n, b, p2 = plt.hist(ccds.bright_mdiff[I], color='g', **ha) n, b, p3 = plt.hist(ccds.faint_mdiff[I], color='b', **ha) plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]), ('Brightest 10%', 'Brightest 50%', 'Faintest 50%')) plt.xlabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.ylabel('Number of CCDs') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) plt.xlim(lo, hi) ps.savefig() for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.filter == band) mxsee = 4. mlo, mhi = -0.01, 0.05 plt.clf() plt.plot(np.clip(ccds.psfsize[I], 0, mxsee), np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo, mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # for p in [1,2,3]: # J = np.flatnonzero(ccds.tilepass[I] == p) # if len(J): # plt.plot(np.clip(ccds.psfsize[I[J]], 0, mxsee), # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I[J]], mlo,mhi), '.', color='rgb'[p-1], alpha=0.2) #plt.plot(ccds.seeing[I], ccds.mdiff[I], 'b.') plt.xlabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo, mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() # Group by exposure for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero( (ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric) * (ccds.blacklist_ok)) E, J = np.unique(ccds.expnum[I], return_index=True) print(len(E), 'unique exposures in', band) exps = ccds[I[J]] print(len(exps), 'unique exposures in', band) assert (len(np.unique(exps.expnum)) == len(exps)) exps.ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.dsize = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.nccds = np.zeros(len(exps), int) exps.brightest_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.bright_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.faint_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) for iexp, exp in enumerate(exps): J = np.flatnonzero(ccds.expnum[I] == exp.expnum) J = I[J] print(len(J), 'CCDs in exposure', exp.expnum) exps.brightest_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J]) exps.bright_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.bright_mdiff[J]) exps.faint_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.faint_mdiff[J]) exps.brightest_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J], 16)) / 2. exps.bright_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.bright_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.bright_mdiff[J], 16)) / 2. exps.faint_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.faint_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.faint_mdiff[J], 16)) / 2. exps.mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.mdiff[J]) exps.ddiff[iexp] = (np.percentile(ccds.mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.mdiff[J], 16)) / 2. exps.psfsize[iexp] = np.median(ccds.psfsize[J]) exps.dsize[iexp] = (np.percentile(ccds.psfsize[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.psfsize[J], 16)) / 2. exps.nccds[iexp] = len(J) mxsee = 4. mlo, mhi = -0.01, 0.05 exps.cut(exps.nccds >= 10) plt.clf() plt.errorbar( np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), np.clip(exps.mdiff, mlo, mhi), yerr=exps.ddiff, #xerr=exps.dsize, fmt='.', color='k') # plt.errorbar(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.brightest_mdiff, mlo,mhi), # yerr=exps.brightest_ddiff, fmt='r.') # plt.errorbar(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.bright_mdiff, mlo,mhi), # yerr=exps.bright_ddiff, fmt='g.') # plt.errorbar(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.faint_mdiff, mlo,mhi), # yerr=exps.faint_ddiff, fmt='b.') # plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.brightest_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'r.') # plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.bright_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'g.') # plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.faint_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'b.') #plt.plot(ccds.seeing[I], ccds.mdiff[I], 'b.') plt.xlabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo, mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() p1 = plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), np.clip(exps.brightest_mdiff, mlo, mhi), 'r.', alpha=0.5) p2 = plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), np.clip(exps.bright_mdiff, mlo, mhi), 'g.', alpha=0.5) p3 = plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), np.clip(exps.faint_mdiff, mlo, mhi), 'b.', alpha=0.5) plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]), ('Brightest 10%', 'Brightest 50%', 'Faintest 50%')) plt.xlabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo, mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() J = np.argsort(-exps.mdiff) for j in J: print(' Photometric diff', exps.mdiff[j], 'PSF size', exps.psfsize[j], 'expnum', exps.expnum[j]) sys.exit(0)
metavar='DECam-filename.fits.fz', nargs='+', help='DECam raw images to process') args = parser.parse_args() fns = args.images #exts = args.ext #if len(exts) == 0: # exts = ['N4'] ext = args.ext ps = None if args.plots is not None: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(args.plots) measargs = dict() if args.aprad is not None: measargs.update(aprad=args.aprad) vals = {} for fn in fns: #for ext in exts: print() print('Measuring', fn, 'ext', ext) d = measure_raw(fn, ext=ext, ps=ps, measargs=measargs) d.update(filename=fn, ext=ext) for k, v in d.items(): if not k in vals: vals[k] = [v]
psfvar = np.zeros((3, 2, 2)) psfvar[0, 0, 0] = 1.2**2 psfvar[0, 1, 1] = psfvar[0, 0, 0] psfvar[1, 0, 0] = 2.4**2 psfvar[1, 1, 1] = psfvar[1, 0, 0] psfvar[2, 0, 0] = 3.6**2 psfvar[2, 1, 1] = psfvar[2, 0, 0] psf = MixtureOfGaussians(psfamp, psfmean, psfvar) functional_test_patch_maker('test_patch.png') functional_test_patch_maker('test_psf_patch.png', psf=psf) # functional test: c_gauss_2d_approx from tractor.mix import c_gauss_2d_approx, c_gauss_2d_grid, c_gauss_2d_approx2, c_gauss_2d_approx3 from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('approx') for j in range(100): print() print('j =', j) print() x0, x1 = -50, 50 y0, y1 = -51, 51 W = x1 - x0 H = y1 - y0 result = np.zeros((H, W)) amp = np.array([1.0]) mean = np.array([[0.3, 0.7], ]) minval = 1e-3
def rbmain(): travis = 'travis' in sys.argv extra_args = [ '--old-calibs-ok', #'--verbose', ] if travis: extra_args.extend( ['--no-wise-ceres', '--no-gaia', '--no-large-galaxies']) if 'ceres' in sys.argv: surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase3') main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--ceres', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3-ceres', '--no-depth-cut' ]) sys.exit(0) # demo RexGalaxy, with plots if False: from legacypipe.survey import RexGalaxy from tractor import NanoMaggies, PixPos from tractor import Image, GaussianMixturePSF, LinearPhotoCal from legacypipe.survey import LogRadius rex = RexGalaxy(PixPos(1., 2.), NanoMaggies(r=3.), LogRadius(0.)) print('Rex:', rex) print('Rex params:', rex.getParams()) print('Rex nparams:', rex.numberOfParams()) H, W = 100, 100 tim = Image(data=np.zeros((H, W), np.float32), inverr=np.ones((H, W), np.float32), psf=GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., 4., 4., 0.), photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band='r')) derivs = rex.getParamDerivatives(tim) print('Derivs:', len(derivs)) print('Rex params:', rex.getParamNames()) import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('rex') for d, nm in zip(derivs, rex.getParamNames()): plt.clf() plt.imshow(d.patch, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Derivative %s' % nm) ps.savefig() sys.exit(0) # Test RexGalaxy surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase6') outdir = 'out-testcase6-rex' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '500', '600', '650', '750', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--rex', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 2) print('Types:', T.type) # Since there is a Tycho-2 star in the blob, forced to be PSF. assert (T.type[0] == 'PSF ') cmd = ( '(cd %s && sha256sum -c %s)' % (outdir, os.path.join('tractor', '110', 'brick-1102p240.sha256sum'))) print(cmd) rtn = os.system(cmd) assert (rtn == 0) # Test with a Tycho-2 star in the blob. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase6') outdir = 'out-testcase6' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '500', '600', '650', '750', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 2) print('Types:', T.type) # Since there is a Tycho-2 star in the blob, forced to be PSF. assert (T.type[0] == 'PSF ') # Test that we can run splinesky calib if required... from legacypipe.decam import DecamImage DecamImage.splinesky_boxsize = 128 surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase4') outdir = 'out-testcase4' fn = os.path.join(surveydir, 'calib', 'decam', 'splinesky', '00431', '00431608', 'decam-00431608-N3.fits') if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) main(args=[ '--brick', '1867p255', '--zoom', '2050', '2300', '1150', '1400', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--coadd-bw', '--unwise-dir', os.path.join(surveydir, 'images', 'unwise'), '--unwise-tr-dir', os.path.join(surveydir, 'images', 'unwise-tr'), '--blob-image', '--no-hybrid-psf', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args + ['-v']) print('Checking for calib file', fn) assert (os.path.exists(fn)) # Wrap-around, hybrid PSF surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase8') outdir = 'out-testcase8' main(args=[ '--brick', '1209p050', '--zoom', '720', '1095', '3220', '3500', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) # Test with a Tycho-2 star + another saturated star in the blob. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase7') outdir = 'out-testcase7' # remove --no-gaia my_extra_args = [a for a in extra_args if a != '--no-gaia'] os.environ['GAIA_CAT_DIR'] = os.path.join(surveydir, 'gaia-dr2') os.environ['GAIA_CAT_VER'] = '2' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '250', '350', '1550', '1650', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + my_extra_args) del os.environ['GAIA_CAT_DIR'] del os.environ['GAIA_CAT_VER'] fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 4) # Check skipping blobs outside the brick's unique area. # (this now doesn't detect any sources at all, reasonably) # surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase5') # outdir = 'out-testcase5' # # fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '186', 'tractor-1867p255.fits') # if os.path.exists(fn): # os.unlink(fn) # # main(args=['--brick', '1867p255', '--zoom', '0', '150', '0', '150', # '--force-all', '--no-write', '--coadd-bw', # '--survey-dir', surveydir, # '--early-coadds', # '--outdir', outdir] + extra_args) # # assert(os.path.exists(fn)) # T = fits_table(fn) # assert(len(T) == 1) # Custom RA,Dec; blob ra,dec. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase4') outdir = 'out-testcase4b' # Catalog written with one entry (--blobradec) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', 'cus', 'tractor-custom-186743p25461.fits') if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) main(args=[ '--radec', '186.743965', '25.461788', '--width', '250', '--height', '250', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', '--blobradec', '186.740369', '25.453855', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 1) surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase3') outdir = 'out-testcase3' checkpoint_fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'checkpoint.pickle') if os.path.exists(checkpoint_fn): os.unlink(checkpoint_fn) main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1', '--threads', '2' ] + extra_args) # Read catalog into Tractor sources to test read_fits_catalog from legacypipe.catalog import read_fits_catalog from legacypipe.survey import LegacySurveyData, GaiaSource from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy from tractor import PointSource survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=outdir) fn = survey.find_file('tractor', brick='2447p120') print('Checking', fn) T = fits_table(fn) cat = read_fits_catalog(T, fluxPrefix='') print('Read catalog:', cat) assert (len(cat) == 2) src = cat[0] assert (type(src) == DevGalaxy) assert (np.abs(src.pos.ra - 244.77973) < 0.00001) assert (np.abs(src.pos.dec - 12.07233) < 0.00001) src = cat[1] print('Source', src) assert (type(src) in [PointSource, GaiaSource]) assert (np.abs(src.pos.ra - 244.77830) < 0.00001) assert (np.abs(src.pos.dec - 12.07250) < 0.00001) # DevGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[244.77975494973529, 12.072348111713127], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=19.2, r=17.9, z=17.1, shape=re=2.09234, e1=-0.198453, e2=0.023652, # PointSource(RaDecPos[244.77833280764278, 12.072521274981987], NanoMaggies: g=25, r=23, z=21.7) # Check that we can run again, using that checkpoint file. main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1', '--threads', '2' ] + extra_args) # Assert...... something? # Test --checkpoint without --threads main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1' ] + extra_args) # MzLS + BASS data # surveydir2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mzlsbass') # main(args=['--brick', '3521p002', '--zoom', '2400', '2450', '1200', '1250', # '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', # '--survey-dir', surveydir2, # '--outdir', 'out-mzlsbass']) # From Kaylan's Bootes pre-DR4 run # surveydir2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mzlsbass3') # main(args=['--brick', '2173p350', '--zoom', '100', '200', '100', '200', # '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', # '--survey-dir', surveydir2, # '--outdir', 'out-mzlsbass3'] + extra_args) # With plots! main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3', '--plots', '--nblobs', '1' ] + extra_args) # Decals Image Simulations # Uncomment WHEN galsim build for Travis #os.environ["DECALS_SIM_DIR"]= os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'image_sims') #brick= '2447p120' #sim_main(args=['--brick', brick, '-n', '2', '-o', 'STAR', \ # '-ic', '1', '--rmag-range', '18', '26', '--threads', '1',\ # '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815']) # Check if correct files written out #rt_dir= os.path.join(os.getenv('DECALS_SIM_DIR'),brick,'star','001') #assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,'../','metacat-'+brick+'-star.fits')) ) #for fn in ['tractor-%s-star-01.fits' % brick,'simcat-%s-star-01.fits' % brick]: # assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,fn)) ) #for fn in ['image','model','resid','simscoadd']: # assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,'qa-'+brick+'-star-'+fn+'-01.jpg')) ) if not travis: # With ceres main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--ceres', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3-ceres' ] + extra_args)
import numpy as np import fitsio from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc from legacypipe.survey import * from legacypipe.runs import get_survey import photutils import sys import os if __name__ == '__main__': ps = PlotSequence('psfnorm') survey = get_survey('dr4v2') ccds = survey.get_ccds_readonly() print(len(ccds), 'CCDs') ccds = ccds[ == '90prime'] print(len(ccds), 'Bok CCDs') ## Skip a few missing ones... ccds = ccds[24:] for i, ccd in enumerate(ccds): print('Reading CCD', i) try: im = survey.get_image_object(ccd, makeNewWeightMap=False) print('Reading', im)
p3 = plt.plot(dists, corrs_y, 'g.-') if medians: p4 = plt.plot(dists, rcorrs, 'b.--') p5 = plt.plot(dists, rcorrs_x, 'r.--') p6 = plt.plot(dists, rcorrs_y, 'g.--') plt.xlabel('Pixel offset') plt.ylabel('Correlation') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.3) plt.legend([p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]], ['Diagonal', 'X', 'Y'], loc='upper right') return (dists, corrs, corrs_x, corrs_y, rcorrs, rcorrs_x, rcorrs_y, mads, mads_x, mads_y, mad_random) ps = PlotSequence('noise') # fitsgetext -i /global/homes/d/dstn/cosmo/staging/decam/DECam_Raw/20160107/c4d_160107_213046_fri.fits.fz -e 0 -e 1 -o flat.fits # img ='flat.fits').astype(np.float32) # # trim the edges # img = img[100:-100, 100:-100] # img -= np.median(img) # Pixel correlations in a flat image: if False: from obsbot.measure_raw import DECamMeasurer from obsbot.decam import DecamNominalCalibration nom = DecamNominalCalibration()
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--name1', help='Name for first data set') parser.add_argument('--name2', help='Name for second data set') parser.add_argument('--plot-prefix', default='compare', help='Prefix for plot filenames; default "%default"') parser.add_argument('--match', default=1.0, help='Astrometric cross-match distance in arcsec') parser.add_argument('dir1', help='First directory to compare') parser.add_argument('dir2', help='Second directory to compare') opt = parser.parse_args() ps = PlotSequence(opt.plot_prefix) name1 = opt.name1 if name1 is None: name1 = os.path.basename(opt.dir1) if not len(name1): name1 = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(opt.dir1)) name2 = opt.name2 if name2 is None: name2 = os.path.basename(opt.dir2) if not len(name2): name2 = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(opt.dir2)) tt = 'Comparing %s to %s' % (name1, name2) # regex for tractor-*.fits catalog filename catre = re.compile('tractor-.*.fits') cat1, cat2 = [], [] for basedir, cat in [(opt.dir1, cat1), (opt.dir2, cat2)]: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir, followlinks=True): for fn in filenames: if not catre.match(fn): print('Skipping', fn, 'due to filename') continue fn = os.path.join(dirpath, fn) t = fits_table(fn) print(len(t), 'from', fn) cat.append(t) cat1 = merge_tables(cat1, columns='fillzero') cat2 = merge_tables(cat2, columns='fillzero') print('Total of', len(cat1), 'from', name1) print('Total of', len(cat2), 'from', name2) cat1.cut(cat1.brick_primary) cat2.cut(cat2.brick_primary) print('Total of', len(cat1), 'BRICK_PRIMARY from', name1) print('Total of', len(cat2), 'BRICK_PRIMARY from', name2) cat1.cut((cat1.decam_anymask[:, 1] == 0) * (cat1.decam_anymask[:, 2] == 0) * (cat1.decam_anymask[:, 4] == 0)) cat2.cut((cat2.decam_anymask[:, 1] == 0) * (cat2.decam_anymask[:, 2] == 0) * (cat2.decam_anymask[:, 4] == 0)) print('Total of', len(cat1), 'unmasked from', name1) print('Total of', len(cat2), 'unmasked from', name2) I, J, d = match_radec(cat1.ra, cat1.dec, cat2.ra, cat2.dec, opt.match / 3600., nearest=True) print(len(I), 'matched') plt.clf() plt.hist(d * 3600., 100) plt.xlabel('Match distance (arcsec)') plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() matched1 = cat1[I] matched2 = cat2[J] for iband, band, cc in [(1, 'g', 'g'), (2, 'r', 'r'), (4, 'z', 'm')]: K = np.flatnonzero((matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] > 0) * (matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] > 0)) print('Median mw_trans', band, 'is', np.median(matched1.decam_mw_transmission[:, iband])) plt.clf() plt.errorbar( matched1.decam_flux[K, iband], matched2.decam_flux[K, iband], fmt='.', color=cc, xerr=1. / np.sqrt(matched1.decam_flux_ivar[K, iband]), yerr=1. / np.sqrt(matched2.decam_flux_ivar[K, iband]), alpha=0.1, ) plt.xlabel('%s flux: %s' % (name1, band)) plt.ylabel('%s flux: %s' % (name2, band)) plt.plot([-1e6, 1e6], [-1e6, 1e6], 'k-', alpha=1.) plt.axis([-100, 1000, -100, 1000]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() for iband, band, cc in [(1, 'g', 'g'), (2, 'r', 'r'), (4, 'z', 'm')]: good = ((matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] > 0) * (matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] > 0)) K = np.flatnonzero(good) psf1 = (matched1.type == 'PSF ') psf2 = (matched2.type == 'PSF ') P = np.flatnonzero(good * psf1 * psf2) mag1, magerr1 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( matched1.decam_flux[:, iband], matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband]) iv1 = matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] iv2 = matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] std = np.sqrt(1. / iv1 + 1. / iv2) plt.clf() plt.plot( mag1[K], (matched2.decam_flux[K, iband] - matched1.decam_flux[K, iband]) / std[K], '.', alpha=0.1, color=cc) plt.plot( mag1[P], (matched2.decam_flux[P, iband] - matched1.decam_flux[P, iband]) / std[P], '.', alpha=0.1, color='k') plt.ylabel('(%s - %s) flux / flux errors (sigma): %s' % (name2, name1, band)) plt.xlabel('%s mag: %s' % (name1, band)) plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.axis([24, 16, -10, 10]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() plt.clf() lp, lt = [], [] for iband, band, cc in [(1, 'g', 'g'), (2, 'r', 'r'), (4, 'z', 'm')]: good = ((matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] > 0) * (matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] > 0)) #good = True psf1 = (matched1.type == 'PSF ') psf2 = (matched2.type == 'PSF ') mag1, magerr1 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( matched1.decam_flux[:, iband], matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband]) iv1 = matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] iv2 = matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] std = np.sqrt(1. / iv1 + 1. / iv2) #std = np.hypot(std, 0.01) G = np.flatnonzero(good * psf1 * psf2 * np.isfinite(mag1) * (mag1 >= 20) * (mag1 < dict(g=24, r=23.5, z=22.5)[band])) n, b, p = plt.hist( (matched2.decam_flux[G, iband] - matched1.decam_flux[G, iband]) / std[G], range=(-4, 4), bins=50, histtype='step', color=cc, normed=True) sig = (matched2.decam_flux[G, iband] - matched1.decam_flux[G, iband]) / std[G] print('Raw mean and std of points:', np.mean(sig), np.std(sig)) med = np.median(sig) rsigma = (np.percentile(sig, 84) - np.percentile(sig, 16)) / 2. print('Median and percentile-based sigma:', med, rsigma) lp.append(p[0]) lt.append('%s: %.2f +- %.2f' % (band, med, rsigma)) bins = [] gaussint = [] for blo, bhi in zip(b, b[1:]): c = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(bhi) - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(blo) c /= (bhi - blo) #bins.extend([blo,bhi]) #gaussint.extend([c,c]) bins.append((blo + bhi) / 2.) gaussint.append(c) plt.plot(bins, gaussint, 'k-', lw=2, alpha=0.5) plt.title(tt) plt.xlabel('Flux difference / error (sigma)') plt.axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.1) plt.ylim(0, 0.45) plt.legend(lp, lt, loc='upper right') ps.savefig() for iband, band, cc in [(1, 'g', 'g'), (2, 'r', 'r'), (4, 'z', 'm')]: plt.clf() mag1, magerr1 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( matched1.decam_flux[:, iband], matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband]) mag2, magerr2 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( matched2.decam_flux[:, iband], matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband]) meanmag = NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag( (matched1.decam_flux[:, iband] + matched2.decam_flux[:, iband]) / 2.) psf1 = (matched1.type == 'PSF ') psf2 = (matched2.type == 'PSF ') good = ((matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] > 0) * (matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] > 0) * np.isfinite(mag1) * np.isfinite(mag2)) K = np.flatnonzero(good) P = np.flatnonzero(good * psf1 * psf2) plt.errorbar(mag1[K], mag2[K], fmt='.', color=cc, xerr=magerr1[K], yerr=magerr2[K], alpha=0.1) plt.plot(mag1[P], mag2[P], 'k.', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('%s %s (mag)' % (name1, band)) plt.ylabel('%s %s (mag)' % (name2, band)) plt.plot([-1e6, 1e6], [-1e6, 1e6], 'k-', alpha=1.) plt.axis([24, 16, 24, 16]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.errorbar(mag1[K], mag2[K] - mag1[K], fmt='.', color=cc, xerr=magerr1[K], yerr=magerr2[K], alpha=0.1) plt.plot(mag1[P], mag2[P] - mag1[P], 'k.', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('%s %s (mag)' % (name1, band)) plt.ylabel('%s %s - %s %s (mag)' % (name2, band, name1, band)) plt.axhline(0., color='k', alpha=1.) plt.axis([24, 16, -1, 1]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() magbins = np.arange(16, 24.001, 0.5) plt.clf() plt.plot(mag1[K], (mag2[K] - mag1[K]) / np.hypot(magerr1[K], magerr2[K]), '.', color=cc, alpha=0.1) plt.plot(mag1[P], (mag2[P] - mag1[P]) / np.hypot(magerr1[P], magerr2[P]), 'k.', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('%s %s (mag)' % (name1, band)) plt.ylabel('(%s %s - %s %s) / errors (sigma)' % (name2, band, name1, band)) plt.axhline(0., color='k', alpha=1.) plt.axis([24, 16, -10, 10]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() y = (mag2 - mag1) / np.hypot(magerr1, magerr2) plt.clf() plt.plot(meanmag[P], y[P], 'k.', alpha=0.1) midmag = [] vals = np.zeros((len(magbins) - 1, 5)) median_err1 = [] iqd_gauss = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.75) - scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.25) # FIXME -- should we do some stats after taking off the mean difference? for bini, (mlo, mhi) in enumerate(zip(magbins, magbins[1:])): I = P[(meanmag[P] >= mlo) * (meanmag[P] < mhi)] midmag.append((mlo + mhi) / 2.) median_err1.append(np.median(magerr1[I])) if len(I) == 0: continue # median and +- 1 sigma quantiles ybin = y[I] vals[bini, 0] = np.percentile(ybin, 16) vals[bini, 1] = np.median(ybin) vals[bini, 2] = np.percentile(ybin, 84) # +- 2 sigma quantiles vals[bini, 3] = np.percentile(ybin, 2.3) vals[bini, 4] = np.percentile(ybin, 97.7) iqd = np.percentile(ybin, 75) - np.percentile(ybin, 25) print('Mag bin', midmag[-1], ': IQD is factor', iqd / iqd_gauss, 'vs expected for Gaussian;', len(ybin), 'points') # if iqd > iqd_gauss: # # What error adding in quadrature would you need to make the IQD match? # err = median_err1[-1] # target_err = err * (iqd / iqd_gauss) # sys_err = np.sqrt(target_err**2 - err**2) # print('--> add systematic error', sys_err) # ~ Johan's cuts mlo = 21. mhi = dict(g=24., r=23.5, z=22.5)[band] I = P[(meanmag[P] >= mlo) * (meanmag[P] < mhi)] ybin = y[I] iqd = np.percentile(ybin, 75) - np.percentile(ybin, 25) print('Mag bin', mlo, mhi, 'band', band, ': IQD is factor', iqd / iqd_gauss, 'vs expected for Gaussian;', len(ybin), 'points') if iqd > iqd_gauss: # What error adding in quadrature would you need to make # the IQD match? err = np.median(np.hypot(magerr1[I], magerr2[I])) print('Median error (hypot):', err) target_err = err * (iqd / iqd_gauss) print('Target:', target_err) sys_err = np.sqrt((target_err**2 - err**2) / 2.) print('--> add systematic error', sys_err) # check... err_sys = np.hypot(np.hypot(magerr1, sys_err), np.hypot(magerr2, sys_err)) ysys = (mag2 - mag1) / err_sys ysys = ysys[I] print('Resulting median error:', np.median(err_sys[I])) iqd_sys = np.percentile(ysys, 75) - np.percentile(ysys, 25) print('--> IQD', iqd_sys / iqd_gauss, 'vs Gaussian') # Hmmm, this doesn't work... totally overshoots. plt.errorbar(midmag, vals[:, 1], fmt='o', color='b', yerr=(vals[:, 1] - vals[:, 0], vals[:, 2] - vals[:, 1]), capthick=3, zorder=20) plt.errorbar(midmag, vals[:, 1], fmt='o', color='b', yerr=(vals[:, 1] - vals[:, 3], vals[:, 4] - vals[:, 1]), capthick=2, zorder=20) plt.axhline(1., color='b', alpha=0.2) plt.axhline(-1., color='b', alpha=0.2) plt.axhline(2., color='b', alpha=0.2) plt.axhline(-2., color='b', alpha=0.2) for mag, err, y in zip(midmag, median_err1, vals[:, 3]): if not np.isfinite(err): continue if y < -6: continue plt.text(mag, y - 0.1, '%.3f' % err, va='top', ha='center', color='k', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('(%s + %s)/2 %s (mag), PSFs' % (name1, name2, band)) plt.ylabel('(%s %s - %s %s) / errors (sigma)' % (name2, band, name1, band)) plt.axhline(0., color='k', alpha=1.) plt.axvline(21, color='k', alpha=0.3) plt.axvline(dict(g=24, r=23.5, z=22.5)[band], color='k', alpha=0.3) plt.axis([24.1, 16, -6, 6]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() #magbins = np.append([16, 18], np.arange(20, 24.001, 0.5)) if band == 'g': magbins = [20, 24] elif band == 'r': magbins = [20, 23.5] elif band == 'z': magbins = [20, 22.5] slo, shi = -5, 5 plt.clf() ha = dict(bins=25, range=(slo, shi), histtype='step', normed=True) y = (mag2 - mag1) / np.hypot(magerr1, magerr2) midmag = [] nn = [] rgbs = [] lt, lp = [], [] for bini, (mlo, mhi) in enumerate(zip(magbins, magbins[1:])): I = P[(mag1[P] >= mlo) * (mag1[P] < mhi)] if len(I) == 0: continue ybin = y[I] rgb = [0., 0., 0.] rgb[0] = float(bini) / (len(magbins) - 1) rgb[2] = 1. - rgb[0] n, b, p = plt.hist(ybin, color=rgb, **ha) lt.append('mag %g to %g' % (mlo, mhi)) lp.append(p[0]) midmag.append((mlo + mhi) / 2.) nn.append(n) rgbs.append(rgb) bins = [] gaussint = [] for blo, bhi in zip(b, b[1:]): #midbin.append((blo+bhi)/2.) #gaussint.append(scipy.stats.norm.cdf(bhi) - # scipy.stats.norm.cdf(blo)) c = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(bhi) - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(blo) c /= (bhi - blo) bins.extend([blo, bhi]) gaussint.extend([c, c]) plt.plot(bins, gaussint, 'k-', lw=2, alpha=0.5) plt.legend(lp, lt) plt.title(tt) plt.xlim(slo, shi) ps.savefig() bincenters = b[:-1] + (b[1] - b[0]) / 2. plt.clf() lp = [] for n, rgb, mlo, mhi in zip(nn, rgbs, magbins, magbins[1:]): p = plt.plot(bincenters, n, '-', color=rgb) lp.append(p[0]) plt.plot(bincenters, gaussint[::2], 'k-', alpha=0.5, lw=2) plt.legend(lp, lt) plt.title(tt) plt.xlim(slo, shi) ps.savefig()
cmd = 'wget -O %s "%s"' % (fn, url) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) img = plt.imread(fn) M = 20 img = img[M:-M, M:-M, :] plt.subplot(NR, NC, j+1) plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) if __name__ == '__main__': ps = PlotSequence('morph') from glob import glob from astrometry.util.fits import merge_tables, fits_table HST = fits_table('acs-gc.fits') print(len(HST), 'ACS sources') HST.cut(HST.imaging == 'COSMOS ') print(len(HST), 'in COSMOS') HST.about() for dirnm in ['cosmos-50-rex', 'cosmos-51-rex', 'cosmos-52-rex']: fns = glob(os.path.join(dirnm, 'metrics', '*', 'all-models-*.fits')) T = merge_tables([fits_table(fn) for fn in fns]) print(len(T), 'sources') T.about()
def stage0(**kwargs): ps = PlotSequence('cfht') decals = CfhtDecals() B = decals.get_bricks() print('Bricks:') B.about() ra, dec = 190.0, 11.0 #bands = 'ugri' bands = 'gri' B.cut(np.argsort(degrees_between(ra, dec, B.ra, B.dec))) print('Nearest bricks:', B.ra[:5], B.dec[:5], B.brickid[:5]) brick = B[0] pixscale = 0.186 #W,H = 1024,1024 #W,H = 2048,2048 #W,H = 3600,3600 W, H = 4800, 4800 targetwcs = wcs_for_brick(brick, pixscale=pixscale, W=W, H=H) ccdfn = 'cfht-ccds.fits' if os.path.exists(ccdfn): T = fits_table(ccdfn) else: T = get_ccd_list() T.writeto(ccdfn) print(len(T), 'CCDs') T.cut(ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs, T)) print(len(T), 'CCDs touching brick') T.cut(np.array([b in bands for b in T.filter])) print(len(T), 'in bands', bands) ims = [] for t in T: im = CfhtImage(t) # magzp = hdr['PHOT_C'] + 2.5 * np.log10(hdr['EXPTIME']) # fwhm = t.seeing / (pixscale * 3600) # print '-> FWHM', fwhm, 'pix' im.seeing = t.seeing im.pixscale = t.pixscale print('seeing', t.seeing) print('pixscale', im.pixscale * 3600, 'arcsec/pix') im.run_calibs(t.ra, t.dec, im.pixscale, W=t.width, H=t.height) ims.append(im) # Read images, clip to ROI targetrd = np.array([ targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y) for x, y in [(1, 1), (W, 1), (W, H), (1, H), (1, 1)] ]) keepims = [] tims = [] for im in ims: print() print('Reading expnum', im.expnum, 'name', im.extname, 'band',, 'exptime', im.exptime) band = wcs = im.read_wcs() imh, imw = wcs.imageh, wcs.imagew imgpoly = [(1, 1), (1, imh), (imw, imh), (imw, 1)] ok, tx, ty = wcs.radec2pixelxy(targetrd[:-1, 0], targetrd[:-1, 1]) tpoly = zip(tx, ty) clip = clip_polygon(imgpoly, tpoly) clip = np.array(clip) #print 'Clip', clip if len(clip) == 0: continue x0, y0 = np.floor(clip.min(axis=0)).astype(int) x1, y1 = np.ceil(clip.max(axis=0)).astype(int) slc = slice(y0, y1 + 1), slice(x0, x1 + 1) ## FIXME -- it seems I got lucky and the cross product is ## negative == clockwise, as required by clip_polygon. One ## could check this and reverse the polygon vertex order. # dx0,dy0 = tx[1]-tx[0], ty[1]-ty[0] # dx1,dy1 = tx[2]-tx[1], ty[2]-ty[1] # cross = dx0*dy1 - dx1*dy0 # print 'Cross:', cross print('Image slice: x [%i,%i], y [%i,%i]' % (x0, x1, y0, y1)) print('Reading image from', im.imgfn, 'HDU', im.hdu) img, imghdr = im.read_image(header=True, slice=slc) goodpix = (img != 0) print('Number of pixels == 0:', np.sum(img == 0)) print('Number of pixels != 0:', np.sum(goodpix)) if np.sum(goodpix) == 0: continue # print 'Image shape', img.shape print('Image range', img.min(), img.max()) print('Goodpix image range:', (img[goodpix]).min(), (img[goodpix]).max()) if img[goodpix].min() == img[goodpix].max(): print('No dynamic range in image') continue # print 'Reading invvar from', im.wtfn, 'HDU', im.hdu # invvar = im.read_invvar(slice=slc) # # print 'Invvar shape', invvar.shape # # print 'Invvar range:', invvar.min(), invvar.max() # invvar[goodpix == 0] = 0. # if np.all(invvar == 0.): # print 'Skipping zero-invvar image' # continue # assert(np.all(np.isfinite(img))) # assert(np.all(np.isfinite(invvar))) # assert(not(np.all(invvar == 0.))) # # Estimate per-pixel noise via Blanton's 5-pixel MAD # slice1 = (slice(0,-5,10),slice(0,-5,10)) # slice2 = (slice(5,None,10),slice(5,None,10)) # # print 'sliced shapes:', img[slice1].shape, img[slice2].shape # # print 'good shape:', (goodpix[slice1] * goodpix[slice2]).shape # # print 'good values:', np.unique(goodpix[slice1] * goodpix[slice2]) # # print 'sliced[good] shapes:', (img[slice1] - img[slice2])[goodpix[slice1] * goodpix[slice2]].shape # mad = np.median(np.abs(img[slice1] - img[slice2])[goodpix[slice1] * goodpix[slice2]].ravel()) # sig1 = 1.4826 * mad / np.sqrt(2.) # print 'MAD sig1:', sig1 # # invvar was 1 or 0 # invvar *= (1./(sig1**2)) # medsky = np.median(img[goodpix]) # Read full image for sig1 and sky estimate fullimg = im.read_image() fullgood = (fullimg != 0) # Estimate per-pixel noise via Blanton's 5-pixel MAD slice1 = (slice(0, -5, 10), slice(0, -5, 10)) slice2 = (slice(5, None, 10), slice(5, None, 10)) mad = np.median( np.abs(fullimg[slice1] - fullimg[slice2])[fullgood[slice1] * fullgood[slice2]].ravel()) sig1 = 1.4826 * mad / np.sqrt(2.) print('MAD sig1:', sig1) medsky = np.median(fullimg[fullgood]) invvar = np.zeros_like(img) invvar[goodpix] = 1. / sig1**2 # Median-smooth sky subtraction plt.clf() dimshow(np.round((img - medsky) / sig1), vmin=-3, vmax=5) plt.title('Scalar median: %s' % ps.savefig() # medsky = np.zeros_like(img) # # astrometry.util.util # median_smooth(img, np.logical_not(goodpix), 256, medsky) fullmed = np.zeros_like(fullimg) median_smooth(fullimg - medsky, np.logical_not(fullgood), 256, fullmed) fullmed += medsky medimg = fullmed[slc] plt.clf() dimshow(np.round((img - medimg) / sig1), vmin=-3, vmax=5) plt.title('Median filtered: %s' % ps.savefig() #print 'Subtracting median:', medsky #img -= medsky img -= medimg primhdr = im.read_image_primary_header() magzp = decals.get_zeropoint_for(im) print('magzp', magzp) zpscale = NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(magzp) print('zpscale', zpscale) # Scale images to Nanomaggies img /= zpscale sig1 /= zpscale invvar *= zpscale**2 orig_zpscale = zpscale zpscale = 1. assert (np.sum(invvar > 0) > 0) print('After scaling:') print('sig1', sig1) print('invvar range', invvar.min(), invvar.max()) print('image range', img.min(), img.max()) assert (np.all(np.isfinite(img))) assert (np.all(np.isfinite(invvar))) assert (np.isfinite(sig1)) plt.clf() lo, hi = -5 * sig1, 10 * sig1 n, b, p = plt.hist(img[goodpix].ravel(), 100, range=(lo, hi), histtype='step', color='k') xx = np.linspace(lo, hi, 200) plt.plot(xx, max(n) * np.exp(-xx**2 / (2. * sig1**2)), 'r-') plt.xlim(lo, hi) plt.title('Pixel histogram: %s' % ps.savefig() twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs) if x0 or y0: twcs.setX0Y0(x0, y0) info = im.get_image_info() fullh, fullw = info['dims'] # read fit PsfEx model psfex = PsfEx.fromFits(im.psffitfn) print('Read', psfex) # HACK -- highly approximate PSF here! #psf_fwhm = imghdr['FWHM'] #psf_fwhm = im.seeing psf_fwhm = im.seeing / (im.pixscale * 3600) print('PSF FWHM', psf_fwhm, 'pixels') psf_sigma = psf_fwhm / 2.35 psf = NCircularGaussianPSF([psf_sigma], [1.]) print('img type', img.dtype) tim = Image(img, invvar=invvar, wcs=twcs, psf=psf, photocal=LinearPhotoCal(zpscale, band=band), sky=ConstantSky(0.), + ' ' + band) tim.zr = [-3. * sig1, 10. * sig1] tim.sig1 = sig1 = band tim.psf_fwhm = psf_fwhm tim.psf_sigma = psf_sigma tim.sip_wcs = wcs tim.x0, tim.y0 = int(x0), int(y0) tim.psfex = psfex tim.imobj = im mn, mx = tim.zr tim.ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=mn, vmax=mx) tims.append(tim) keepims.append(im) ims = keepims print('Computing resampling...') # save resampling params for tim in tims: wcs = tim.sip_wcs subh, subw = tim.shape subwcs = wcs.get_subimage(tim.x0, tim.y0, subw, subh) tim.subwcs = subwcs try: Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, rims = resample_with_wcs(targetwcs, subwcs, [], 2) except OverlapError: print('No overlap') continue if len(Yo) == 0: continue tim.resamp = (Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi) print('Creating coadds...') # Produce per-band coadds, for plots coimgs = [] cons = [] for ib, band in enumerate(bands): coimg = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) con = np.zeros((H, W), np.uint8) for tim in tims: if != band: continue (Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi) = tim.resamp if len(Yo) == 0: continue nn = (tim.getInvvar()[Yi, Xi] > 0) coimg[Yo, Xo] += tim.getImage()[Yi, Xi] * nn con[Yo, Xo] += nn # print # print 'tim', # print 'number of resampled pix:', len(Yo) # reim = np.zeros_like(coimg) # ren = np.zeros_like(coimg) # reim[Yo,Xo] = tim.getImage()[Yi,Xi] * nn # ren[Yo,Xo] = nn # print 'number of resampled pix with positive invvar:', ren.sum() # plt.clf() # plt.subplot(2,2,1) # mn,mx = [np.percentile(reim[ren>0], p) for p in [25,95]] # print 'Percentiles:', mn,mx # dimshow(reim, vmin=mn, vmax=mx) # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,2) # dimshow(con) # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,3) # dimshow(reim, vmin=tim.zr[0], vmax=tim.zr[1]) # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,4) # plt.hist(reim.ravel(), 100, histtype='step', color='b') # plt.hist(tim.getImage().ravel(), 100, histtype='step', color='r') # plt.suptitle('%s: %s' % (band, # ps.savefig() coimg /= np.maximum(con, 1) coimgs.append(coimg) cons.append(con) plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(coimgs, bands)) ps.savefig() plt.clf() for i, b in enumerate(bands): plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) dimshow(cons[i], ticks=False) plt.title('%s band' % b) plt.colorbar() plt.suptitle('Number of exposures') ps.savefig() print('Grabbing SDSS sources...') bandlist = [b for b in bands] cat, T = get_sdss_sources(bandlist, targetwcs) # record coordinates in target brick image ok, T.tx, T.ty = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) T.tx -= 1 T.ty -= 1 T.itx = np.clip(np.round(T.tx).astype(int), 0, W - 1) T.ity = np.clip(np.round(T.ty).astype(int), 0, H - 1) plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(coimgs, bands)) ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(T.tx, T.ty, 'o', mec=green, mfc='none', ms=10, mew=1.5) plt.axis(ax) plt.title('SDSS sources') ps.savefig() print('Detmaps...') # Render the detection maps detmaps = dict([(b, np.zeros((H, W), np.float32)) for b in bands]) detivs = dict([(b, np.zeros((H, W), np.float32)) for b in bands]) for tim in tims: iv = tim.getInvvar() psfnorm = 1. / (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * tim.psf_sigma) detim = tim.getImage().copy() detim[iv == 0] = 0. detim = gaussian_filter(detim, tim.psf_sigma) / psfnorm**2 detsig1 = tim.sig1 / psfnorm subh, subw = tim.shape detiv = np.zeros((subh, subw), np.float32) + (1. / detsig1**2) detiv[iv == 0] = 0. (Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi) = tim.resamp detmaps[][Yo, Xo] += detiv[Yi, Xi] * detim[Yi, Xi] detivs[][Yo, Xo] += detiv[Yi, Xi] rtn = dict() for k in [ 'T', 'coimgs', 'cons', 'detmaps', 'detivs', 'targetrd', 'pixscale', 'targetwcs', 'W', 'H', 'bands', 'tims', 'ps', 'brick', 'cat' ]: rtn[k] = locals()[k] return rtn
def main(): # ps = PlotSequence('pro') # star_profiles(ps) # sys.exit(0) #survey_dir = '/project/projectdirs/desiproc/dr3' #survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=survey_dir) survey = LegacySurveyData() ralo,rahi = 240,245 declo,dechi = 5, 12 ps = PlotSequence('comp') bands = 'grz' ccdfn = 'ccds-forced.fits' if not os.path.exists(ccdfn): ccds = survey.get_annotated_ccds() ccds.cut((ccds.ra > ralo) * (ccds.ra < rahi) * (ccds.dec > declo) * (ccds.dec < dechi)) print(len(ccds), 'CCDs') ccds.path = np.array([os.path.join(#'dr3', 'forced', ('%08i' % e)[:5], '%08i' % e, 'decam-%08i-%s-forced.fits' % (e, n.strip())) for e,n in zip(ccds.expnum, ccds.ccdname)]) I, = np.nonzero([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in ccds.path]) print(len(I), 'CCDs with forced photometry') ccds.cut(I) #ccds = ccds[:500] #e,I = np.unique(ccds.expnum, return_index=True) #print(len(I), 'unique exposures') #ccds.cut(I) FF = read_forcedphot_ccds(ccds, survey) FF.writeto('forced-all-matches.fits') # - z band -- no trend w/ PS1 mag (brighter-fatter) ccds.writeto(ccdfn) ccdfn2 = 'ccds-forced-2.fits' if not os.path.exists(ccdfn2): ccds = fits_table(ccdfn) # Split into brighter/fainter halves FF = fits_table('forced-all-matches.fits') print(len(FF), 'forced measurements') FF.cut(FF.masked == False) print(len(FF), 'forced measurements not masked') ccds.brightest_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.brightest_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.bright_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.bright_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.faint_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.faint_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) for iccd in range(len(ccds)): I = np.flatnonzero(FF.iforced == iccd) if len(I) == 0: continue if len(I) < 10: continue F = FF[I] b = np.percentile(F.psmag, 10) m = np.median(F.psmag) print(len(F), 'matches for CCD', iccd, 'median mag', m, '10th pct', b) J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag < b) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.brightest_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.brightest_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16))/2. J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag < m) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.bright_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.bright_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16))/2. J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag > m) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.faint_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.faint_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16))/2. ccds.writeto(ccdfn2) ccds = fits_table(ccdfn2) plt.clf() plt.hist(ccds.nforced, bins=100) plt.title('nforced') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.hist(ccds.nmatched, bins=100) plt.title('nmatched') ps.savefig() #ccds.cut(ccds.nmatched >= 150) ccds.cut(ccds.nmatched >= 50) print('Cut to', len(ccds), 'with >50 matched') ccds.cut(ccds.photometric) print('Cut to', len(ccds), 'photometric') neff = 1. / ccds.psfnorm_mean**2 # Narcsec is in arcsec**2 narcsec = neff * ccds.pixscale_mean**2 # to arcsec narcsec = np.sqrt(narcsec) # Correction factor to get back to equivalent of Gaussian sigma narcsec /= (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi)) # Conversion factor to FWHM (2.35) narcsec *= 2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.)) ccds.psfsize = narcsec for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero((ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric) * (ccds.blacklist_ok)) mlo,mhi = -0.01, 0.05 plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], ccds.exptime[I], 'k.', alpha=0.1) J = np.flatnonzero((ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric == False)) plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[J], ccds.exptime[J], 'r.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('exptime') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) #plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo,mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], ccds.psfsize[I], 'k.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ccds.avsky[I], # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # plt.xlabel('avsky') # plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') # plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) # plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) # ps.savefig() # # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ccds.meansky[I], # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # plt.xlabel('meansky') # plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') # plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) # plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() lo,hi = (-0.02, 0.05) ha = dict(bins=50, histtype='step', range=(lo,hi)) n,b,p1 = plt.hist(ccds.brightest_mdiff[I], color='r', **ha) n,b,p2 = plt.hist(ccds.bright_mdiff[I], color='g', **ha) n,b,p3 = plt.hist(ccds.faint_mdiff[I], color='b', **ha) plt.legend((p1[0],p2[0],p3[0]), ('Brightest 10%', 'Brightest 50%', 'Faintest 50%')) plt.xlabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.ylabel('Number of CCDs') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) plt.xlim(lo,hi) ps.savefig() for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.filter == band) mxsee = 4. mlo,mhi = -0.01, 0.05 plt.clf() plt.plot(np.clip(ccds.psfsize[I], 0, mxsee), np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # for p in [1,2,3]: # J = np.flatnonzero(ccds.tilepass[I] == p) # if len(J): # plt.plot(np.clip(ccds.psfsize[I[J]], 0, mxsee), # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I[J]], mlo,mhi), '.', color='rgb'[p-1], alpha=0.2) #plt.plot(ccds.seeing[I], ccds.mdiff[I], 'b.') plt.xlabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo,mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() # Group by exposure for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero((ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric) * (ccds.blacklist_ok)) E,J = np.unique(ccds.expnum[I], return_index=True) print(len(E), 'unique exposures in', band) exps = ccds[I[J]] print(len(exps), 'unique exposures in', band) assert(len(np.unique(exps.expnum)) == len(exps)) exps.ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.dsize = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.nccds = np.zeros(len(exps), int) exps.brightest_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.bright_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.faint_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) for iexp,exp in enumerate(exps): J = np.flatnonzero(ccds.expnum[I] == exp.expnum) J = I[J] print(len(J), 'CCDs in exposure', exp.expnum) exps.brightest_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J]) exps.bright_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.bright_mdiff[J]) exps.faint_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.faint_mdiff[J]) exps.brightest_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J], 16))/2. exps.bright_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.bright_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.bright_mdiff[J], 16))/2. exps.faint_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.faint_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.faint_mdiff[J], 16))/2. exps.mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.mdiff[J]) exps.ddiff[iexp] = (np.percentile(ccds.mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.mdiff[J], 16))/2. exps.psfsize[iexp] = np.median(ccds.psfsize[J]) exps.dsize[iexp] = (np.percentile(ccds.psfsize[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.psfsize[J], 16))/2. exps.nccds[iexp] = len(J) mxsee = 4. mlo,mhi = -0.01, 0.05 exps.cut(exps.nccds >= 10) plt.clf() plt.errorbar(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), np.clip(exps.mdiff, mlo,mhi), yerr=exps.ddiff, #xerr=exps.dsize, fmt='.', color='k') # plt.errorbar(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.brightest_mdiff, mlo,mhi), # yerr=exps.brightest_ddiff, fmt='r.') # plt.errorbar(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.bright_mdiff, mlo,mhi), # yerr=exps.bright_ddiff, fmt='g.') # plt.errorbar(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.faint_mdiff, mlo,mhi), # yerr=exps.faint_ddiff, fmt='b.') # plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.brightest_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'r.') # plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.bright_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'g.') # plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), # np.clip(exps.faint_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'b.') #plt.plot(ccds.seeing[I], ccds.mdiff[I], 'b.') plt.xlabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo,mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() p1 = plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), np.clip(exps.brightest_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'r.', alpha=0.5) p2 = plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), np.clip(exps.bright_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'g.', alpha=0.5) p3 = plt.plot(np.clip(exps.psfsize, 0, mxsee), np.clip(exps.faint_mdiff, mlo,mhi), 'b.', alpha=0.5) plt.legend((p1[0],p2[0],p3[0]), ('Brightest 10%', 'Brightest 50%', 'Faintest 50%')) plt.xlabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo,mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() J = np.argsort(-exps.mdiff) for j in J: print(' Photometric diff', exps.mdiff[j], 'PSF size', exps.psfsize[j], 'expnum', exps.expnum[j]) sys.exit(0)
def showSipSolutions(srcs, wcs0, andDir, x0, y0, W, H, filterName, plotPrefix): ''' srcs: afw Catalog of sources wcs0: original WCS andDir: astrometry_net_data directory ''' imargs = dict(imageSize=(W, H), filterName=filterName, x0=x0, y0=y0) # Set up astrometry_net_data os.environ['ASTROMETRY_NET_DATA_DIR'] = andDir andConfig = measAstrom.AstrometryNetDataConfig() fn = os.path.join(andDir, '') andConfig.load(fn) # Set up meas_astrom conf = measAstrom.ANetBasicAstrometryConfig(sipOrder=4) ast = measAstrom.ANetBasicAstrometryTask(conf, andConfig, logLevel=Log.DEBUG) # What reference sources are in the original WCS refs = ast.getReferenceSourcesForWcs(wcs0, **imargs) print('Got', len(refs), 'reference objects for initial WCS') # How does a straight TAN solution look? conf2 = measAstrom.ANetBasicAstrometryConfig(sipOrder=4, calculateSip=False) ast2 = measAstrom.ANetBasicAstrometryTask(conf2, andConfig, logLevel=Log.DEBUG) solve = ast2.determineWcs2(srcs, **imargs) tanwcs = solve.tanWcs # How about if we fit a SIP WCS using the *original* WCS? wcs2 = ast.getSipWcsFromWcs(wcs0, (W, H), x0=x0, y0=y0) # (We determineWcs() for a SIP solution below...) # Make some plots in pixel space by pushing ref sources through WCSes rx0, ry0 = [], [] rx2, ry2 = [], [] rx3, ry3 = [], [] for src in refs: xy = wcs0.skyToPixel(src.getCoord()) rx0.append(xy[0]) ry0.append(xy[1]) xy = tanwcs.skyToPixel(src.getCoord()) rx2.append(xy[0]) ry2.append(xy[1]) xy = wcs2.skyToPixel(src.getCoord()) rx3.append(xy[0]) ry3.append(xy[1]) rx0 = np.array(rx0) ry0 = np.array(ry0) rx2 = np.array(rx2) ry2 = np.array(ry2) rx3 = np.array(rx3) ry3 = np.array(ry3) x = np.array([src.getX() for src in srcs]) y = np.array([src.getY() for src in srcs]) from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match from astrometry.util.plotutils import plothist, PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(plotPrefix) # Match up various sources... R = 2. II, d = match(np.vstack((x, y)).T, np.vstack((rx0, ry0)).T, R) I = II[:, 0] J = II[:, 1] pa = dict(range=((-R, R), (-R, R))) plt.clf() plothist(x[I] - rx0[J], y[I] - ry0[J], 200, **pa) plt.title('Source positions - Reference positions (initial WCS)') plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)') plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)') ps.savefig() II, d = match(np.vstack((x, y)).T, np.vstack((rx2, ry2)).T, R) I = II[:, 0] J = II[:, 1] plt.clf() plothist(x[I] - rx2[J], y[I] - ry2[J], 200, **pa) plt.title('Source positions - Reference positions (TAN WCS)') plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)') plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)') ps.savefig() II, d = match(np.vstack((x, y)).T, np.vstack((rx3, ry3)).T, R) I = II[:, 0] J = II[:, 1] plt.clf() plothist(x[I] - rx3[J], y[I] - ry3[J], 200, **pa) plt.title('Source positions - Reference positions (SIP WCS #2)') plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)') plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)') ps.savefig() II, d = match(np.vstack((rx0, ry0)).T, np.vstack((rx3, ry3)).T, R) I = II[:, 0] J = II[:, 1] plt.clf() plothist(rx0[I] - rx3[J], ry0[I] - ry3[J], 200, **pa) plt.title( 'Reference positions (Original WCS) - Reference positions (SIP WCS #2)' ) plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)') plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)') ps.savefig() matches = solve.tanMatches msx, msy = [], [] mrx, mry = [], [] for m in matches: ref, src = m.first, m.second xy = tanwcs.skyToPixel(ref.getCoord()) mrx.append(xy[0]) mry.append(xy[1]) msx.append(src.getX()) msy.append(src.getY()) plt.clf() plt.plot(x, y, 'r.') plt.plot(msx, msy, 'o', mec='r') plt.plot(rx0, ry0, 'g.') plt.plot(mrx, mry, 'gx') plt.title('TAN matches') ps.savefig() # Get SIP solution (4th order) solve = ast.determineWcs2(srcs, **imargs) wcs1 = solve.sipWcs matches = solve.sipMatches msx, msy = [], [] mrx, mry = [], [] for m in matches: ref, src = m.first, m.second xy = tanwcs.skyToPixel(ref.getCoord()) mrx.append(xy[0]) mry.append(xy[1]) msx.append(src.getX()) msy.append(src.getY()) plt.clf() plt.plot(x, y, 'r.') plt.plot(msx, msy, 'o', mec='r') plt.plot(rx0, ry0, 'g.') plt.plot(mrx, mry, 'gx') plt.title('SIP matches') ps.savefig() rx1, ry1 = [], [] for src in refs: xy = wcs1.skyToPixel(src.getCoord()) rx1.append(xy[0]) ry1.append(xy[1]) rx1 = np.array(rx1) ry1 = np.array(ry1) plt.clf() plt.plot(x, y, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(rx0, ry0, 'bx') plt.plot(rx1, ry1, 'g+') plt.plot(rx2, ry2, 'mx') plt.plot(rx3, ry3, 'r+') ps.savefig() plt.axis([x0, x0 + 500, y0, y0 + 500]) ps.savefig() II, d = match(np.vstack((x, y)).T, np.vstack((rx1, ry1)).T, R) I = II[:, 0] J = II[:, 1] plt.clf() plothist(x[I] - rx1[J], y[I] - ry1[J], 200, **pa) plt.title('Source positions - Reference positions (SIP WCS)') plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)') plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)') ps.savefig()
def main(): import optparse from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence from astrometry.util.util import Tan parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] incat.fits out.fits') parser.add_option('-r', '--ralo', dest='ralo', type=float, help='Minimum RA') parser.add_option('-R', '--rahi', dest='rahi', type=float, help='Maximum RA') parser.add_option('-d', '--declo', dest='declo', type=float, help='Minimum Dec') parser.add_option('-D', '--dechi', dest='dechi', type=float, help='Maximum Dec') parser.add_option('-b', '--band', dest='bands', action='append', type=int, default=[], help='WISE band to photometer (default: 1,2)') parser.add_option('-u', '--unwise', dest='unwise_dir', default='unwise-coadds', help='Directory containing unWISE coadds') parser.add_option('--no-ceres', dest='ceres', action='store_false', default=True, help='Use scipy lsqr rather than Ceres Solver?') parser.add_option('--ceres-block', '-B', dest='ceresblock', type=int, default=8, help='Ceres image block size (default: %default)') parser.add_option('--plots', dest='plots', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--save-fits', dest='save_fits', default=False, action='store_true') # parser.add_option('--ellipses', action='store_true', # help='Assume catalog shapes are ellipse descriptions (not r,ab,phi)') # parser.add_option('--ra', help='Center RA') # parser.add_option('--dec', help='Center Dec') # parser.add_option('--width', help='Degrees width (in RA*cos(Dec))') # parser.add_option('--height', help='Degrees height (Dec)') opt, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) if len(opt.bands) == 0: opt.bands = [1, 2] # Allow specifying bands like "123" bb = [] for band in opt.bands: for s in str(band): bb.append(int(s)) opt.bands = bb print('Bands', opt.bands) ps = None if opt.plots: ps = PlotSequence('unwise') infn, outfn = args T = fits_table(infn) print('Read', len(T), 'sources from', infn) if opt.declo is not None: T.cut(T.dec >= opt.declo) if opt.dechi is not None: T.cut(T.dec <= opt.dechi) # Let's be a bit smart about RA wrap-around. Compute the 'center' # of the RA points, use the cross product against that to define # inequality (clockwise-of). r = np.deg2rad(T.ra) x = np.mean(np.cos(r)) y = np.mean(np.sin(r)) rr = np.hypot(x, y) x /= rr y /= rr midra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x)) midra += 360. * (midra < 0) xx = np.cos(r) yy = np.sin(r) T.cross = x * yy - y * xx minra = T.ra[np.argmin(T.cross)] maxra = T.ra[np.argmax(T.cross)] if opt.ralo is not None: r = np.deg2rad(opt.ralo) xx = np.cos(r) yy = np.sin(r) crosscut = x * yy - y * xx T.cut(T.cross >= crosscut) print('Cut to', len(T), 'with RA >', opt.ralo) if opt.rahi is not None: r = np.deg2rad(opt.rahi) xx = np.cos(r) yy = np.sin(r) crosscut = x * yy - y * xx T.cut(T.cross <= crosscut) print('Cut to', len(T), 'with RA <', opt.rahi) if opt.declo is None: opt.declo = T.dec.min() if opt.dechi is None: opt.dechi = T.dec.max() if opt.ralo is None: opt.ralo = T.ra[np.argmin(T.cross)] if opt.rahi is None: opt.rahi = T.ra[np.argmax(T.cross)] T.delete_column('cross') print('RA range:', opt.ralo, opt.rahi) print('Dec range:', opt.declo, opt.dechi) x = np.mean([np.cos(np.deg2rad(r)) for r in (opt.ralo, opt.rahi)]) y = np.mean([np.sin(np.deg2rad(r)) for r in (opt.ralo, opt.rahi)]) midra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x)) midra += 360. * (midra < 0) middec = (opt.declo + opt.dechi) / 2. print('RA,Dec center:', midra, middec) pixscale = 2.75 / 3600. H = (opt.dechi - opt.declo) / pixscale dra = 2. * min(np.abs(midra - opt.ralo), np.abs(midra - opt.rahi)) W = dra * np.cos(np.deg2rad(middec)) / pixscale margin = 5 W = int(W) + margin * 2 H = int(H) + margin * 2 print('W,H', W, H) targetwcs = Tan(midra, middec, (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2., -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, float(W), float(H)) #print('Target WCS:', targetwcs) ra0, dec0 = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(0.5, 0.5) ra1, dec1 = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(W + 0.5, H + 0.5) roiradecbox = [ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1] #print('ROI RA,Dec box', roiradecbox) tiles = unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(targetwcs) print('Cut to', len(tiles), 'unWISE tiles') disable_galaxy_cache() cols = T.get_columns() all_ptsrcs = not('type' in cols) if not all_ptsrcs: assert('shapeexp' in cols) assert('shapedev' in cols) assert('fracdev' in cols) wanyband = 'w' print('Creating Tractor catalog...') cat = [] for i, t in enumerate(T): pos = RaDecPos(t.ra, t.dec) flux = NanoMaggies(**{wanyband: 1.}) if all_ptsrcs: cat.append(PointSource(pos, flux)) continue tt = t.type.strip() if tt in ['PTSRC', 'STAR', 'S']: cat.append(PointSource(pos, flux)) elif tt in ['EXP', 'E']: shape = EllipseE(*t.shapeexp) cat.append(ExpGalaxy(pos, flux, shape)) elif tt in ['DEV', 'D']: shape = EllipseE(*t.shapedev) cat.append(DevGalaxy(pos, flux, shape)) elif tt in ['COMP', 'C']: eshape = EllipseE(*t.shapeexp) dshape = EllipseE(*t.shapedev) cat.append(FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos, flux, t.fracdev, eshape, dshape)) else: print('Did not understand row', i, 'of input catalog:') t.about() assert(False) W = unwise_forcedphot(cat, tiles, roiradecbox=roiradecbox, bands=opt.bands, unwise_dir=opt.unwise_dir, use_ceres=opt.ceres, ceres_block=opt.ceresblock, save_fits=opt.save_fits, ps=ps) W.writeto(outfn)
print s print s.getProfile() s.sersicindex.setValue(4.0) print s.getProfile() d = DevGalaxy(s.pos, s.brightness, s.shape) print d print d.getProfile() # Extrapolation! # s.sersicindex.setValue(0.5) # print s.getProfile() ps = PlotSequence('ser') # example PSF (from WISE W1 fit) w = np.array([ 0.77953706, 0.16022146, 0.06024237]) mu = np.array([[-0.01826623, -0.01823262], [-0.21878855, -0.0432496 ], [-0.83365747, -0.13039277]]) sigma = np.array([[[ 7.72925584e-01, 5.23305564e-02], [ 5.23305564e-02, 8.89078473e-01]], [[ 9.84585869e+00, 7.79378820e-01], [ 7.79378820e-01, 8.84764455e+00]], [[ 2.02664489e+02, -8.16667434e-01], [ -8.16667434e-01, 1.87881670e+02]]]) psf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sigma)
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--plots', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--brick', help='Brick name to run') parser.add_argument( '--input-dir', default='/global/projecta/projectdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr7') #/global/cscratch1/sd/desiproc/dr7out') parser.add_argument('--survey-dir', default='/global/cscratch1/sd/dstn/dr7-depthcut') parser.add_argument('--output-dir', default='/global/cscratch1/sd/dstn/bright') opt = parser.parse_args() plots = opt.plots ps = PlotSequence('bright') brickname = opt.brick insurvey = LegacySurveyData(opt.input_dir, cache_dir=opt.survey_dir) outsurvey = LegacySurveyData(opt.output_dir, output_dir=opt.output_dir) bfn = insurvey.find_file('blobmap', brick=brickname) print('Found blob map', bfn) blobs = h, w = blobs.shape brick = insurvey.get_brick_by_name(brickname) brickwcs = wcs_for_brick(brick) radius = np.sqrt(2.) * 0.25 * 1.01 neighbors = insurvey.get_bricks_near(brick.ra, brick.dec, radius) print(len(neighbors), 'bricks nearby') def showbool(X): d = downsample_max(X, 8) h, w = X.shape plt.imshow(d, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, extent=[0, w, 0, h], cmap='gray') brightblobs = set() for nb in neighbors: if nb.brickname == brickname: # ignore myself! continue print('Neighbor:', nb.brickname) mfn = insurvey.find_file('maskbits', brick=nb.brickname) if not os.path.exists(mfn): print('No maskbits file:', mfn) continue maskbits = bright = ((maskbits & MASKBITS['BRIGHT']) > 0) print(np.sum(bright > 0), 'BRIGHT pixels set') primary = (maskbits & MASKBITS['NPRIMARY'] == 0) print(np.sum(primary), 'PRIMARY pixels set') edge = binary_dilation(primary, structure=np.ones((3, 3), bool)) edge = edge * np.logical_not(primary) brightedge = edge & bright if plots: plt.clf() showbool(bright) plt.title('bright: brick %s' % nb.brickname) ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # showbool(primary) # plt.title('PRIMARY, brick %s' % nb.brickname) # ps.savefig() # # plt.clf() # showbool(edge) # plt.title('boundary, brick %s' % nb.brickname) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() showbool(brightedge) plt.title('bright at edge, brick %s' % nb.brickname) ps.savefig() nwcs = wcs_for_brick(nb) yy, xx = np.nonzero(brightedge) print(len(yy), 'bright edge pixels') if len(yy) == 0: continue rr, dd = nwcs.pixelxy2radec(xx + 1, yy + 1) print('RA range', rr.min(), rr.max(), 'vs brick', brick.ra1, brick.ra2) print('Dec range', dd.min(), dd.max(), 'vs brick', brick.dec1, brick.dec2) # Find pixels that are within this brick's unique area I, = np.nonzero((rr >= brick.ra1) * (rr <= brick.ra2) * (dd >= brick.dec1) * (dd <= brick.dec2)) if plots: plt.clf() plt.plot( [brick.ra1, brick.ra1, brick.ra2, brick.ra2, brick.ra1], [brick.dec1, brick.dec2, brick.dec2, brick.dec1, brick.dec1], 'b-') plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k.') plt.plot(rr[I], dd[I], 'r.') plt.title('Bright pixels from %s' % nb.brickname) ps.savefig() if len(I) == 0: print('No edge pixels touch') #plt.plot(br,bd, 'b-') continue #print('Edge pixels touch!') #plt.plot(br,bd, 'r-', zorder=20) ok, x, y = brickwcs.radec2pixelxy(rr[I], dd[I]) x = np.round(x).astype(int) - 1 y = np.round(y).astype(int) - 1 print('Pixel ranges X', x.min(), x.max(), 'Y', y.min(), y.max()) assert (np.all((x >= 0) * (x < w) * (y >= 0) * (y < h))) print('Adding blobs:', np.unique(blobs[y, x])) brightblobs.update(blobs[y, x]) print('Blobs touching bright pixels:', brightblobs) print() brightblobs.discard(-1) if len(brightblobs) == 0: print('No neighboring bright blobs to update!') return print('Updating', len(brightblobs), 'blobs:', brightblobs) tmap = np.zeros(blobs.max() + 2, bool) for b in brightblobs: tmap[b + 1] = True touching = tmap[blobs + 1] if plots: plt.clf() showbool(touching) plt.title('Blobs touching bright, brick %s' % brickname) ps.savefig() mfn = insurvey.find_file('maskbits', brick=brickname) maskbits, hdr =, header=True) updated = maskbits | (MASKBITS['BRIGHT'] * touching) if np.all(maskbits == updated): print('No bits updated! (Bright stars were already masked)') return maskbits = updated if plots: plt.clf() showbool((maskbits & MASKBITS['BRIGHT']) > 0) plt.title('New maskbits map for BRIGHT, brick %s' % brickname) ps.savefig() with outsurvey.write_output('maskbits', brick=brickname) as out: out.fits.write(maskbits, hdr=hdr) tfn = insurvey.find_file('tractor', brick=brickname) phdr = fitsio.read_header(tfn, ext=0) hdr = fitsio.read_header(tfn, ext=1) T = fits_table(tfn) print('Read', len(T), 'sources') print('Bright:', Counter(T.brightstarinblob)) iby = np.clip(np.round(, 0, h - 1).astype(int) ibx = np.clip(np.round(T.bx), 0, w - 1).astype(int) if plots: before = np.flatnonzero(T.brightstarinblob) T.brightstarinblob |= touching[iby, ibx] print('Bright:', Counter(T.brightstarinblob)) # yuck -- copy the TUNIT headers from input to output. units = [ hdr.get('TUNIT%i' % (i + 1), '') for i in range(len(T.get_columns())) ] if plots: plt.clf() showbool((maskbits & MASKBITS['BRIGHT']) > 0) ax = plt.axis() after = np.flatnonzero(T.brightstarinblob) plt.plot(T.bx[before],[before], 'gx') plt.plot(T.bx[after],[after], 'r.') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('sources with brightstarinblob, brick %s' % brickname) ps.savefig() with outsurvey.write_output('tractor', brick=brickname) as out: T.writeto(None, fits_object=out.fits, primheader=phdr, header=hdr, units=units)
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--name1', help='Name for first data set') parser.add_argument('--name2', help='Name for second data set') parser.add_argument('--plot-prefix', default='compare', help='Prefix for plot filenames; default "%default"') parser.add_argument('--match', default=1.0, help='Astrometric cross-match distance in arcsec') parser.add_argument('dir1', help='First directory to compare') parser.add_argument('dir2', help='Second directory to compare') opt = parser.parse_args() ps = PlotSequence(opt.plot_prefix) name1 = opt.name1 if name1 is None: name1 = os.path.basename(opt.dir1) if not len(name1): name1 = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(opt.dir1)) name2 = opt.name2 if name2 is None: name2 = os.path.basename(opt.dir2) if not len(name2): name2 = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(opt.dir2)) tt = 'Comparing %s to %s' % (name1, name2) # regex for tractor-*.fits catalog filename catre = re.compile('tractor-.*.fits') cat1,cat2 = [],[] for basedir,cat in [(opt.dir1, cat1), (opt.dir2, cat2)]: for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(basedir, followlinks=True): for fn in filenames: if not catre.match(fn): print('Skipping', fn, 'due to filename') continue fn = os.path.join(dirpath, fn) t = fits_table(fn) print(len(t), 'from', fn) cat.append(t) cat1 = merge_tables(cat1, columns='fillzero') cat2 = merge_tables(cat2, columns='fillzero') print('Total of', len(cat1), 'from', name1) print('Total of', len(cat2), 'from', name2) cat1.cut(cat1.brick_primary) cat2.cut(cat2.brick_primary) print('Total of', len(cat1), 'BRICK_PRIMARY from', name1) print('Total of', len(cat2), 'BRICK_PRIMARY from', name2) cat1.cut((cat1.decam_anymask[:,1] == 0) * (cat1.decam_anymask[:,2] == 0) * (cat1.decam_anymask[:,4] == 0)) cat2.cut((cat2.decam_anymask[:,1] == 0) * (cat2.decam_anymask[:,2] == 0) * (cat2.decam_anymask[:,4] == 0)) print('Total of', len(cat1), 'unmasked from', name1) print('Total of', len(cat2), 'unmasked from', name2) I,J,d = match_radec(cat1.ra, cat1.dec, cat2.ra, cat2.dec, opt.match/3600., nearest=True) print(len(I), 'matched') plt.clf() plt.hist(d * 3600., 100) plt.xlabel('Match distance (arcsec)') plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() matched1 = cat1[I] matched2 = cat2[J] for iband,band,cc in [(1,'g','g'),(2,'r','r'),(4,'z','m')]: K = np.flatnonzero((matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband] > 0) * (matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband] > 0)) print('Median mw_trans', band, 'is', np.median(matched1.decam_mw_transmission[:,iband])) plt.clf() plt.errorbar(matched1.decam_flux[K,iband], matched2.decam_flux[K,iband], fmt='.', color=cc, xerr=1./np.sqrt(matched1.decam_flux_ivar[K,iband]), yerr=1./np.sqrt(matched2.decam_flux_ivar[K,iband]), alpha=0.1, ) plt.xlabel('%s flux: %s' % (name1, band)) plt.ylabel('%s flux: %s' % (name2, band)) plt.plot([-1e6, 1e6], [-1e6,1e6], 'k-', alpha=1.) plt.axis([-100, 1000, -100, 1000]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() for iband,band,cc in [(1,'g','g'),(2,'r','r'),(4,'z','m')]: good = ((matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband] > 0) * (matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband] > 0)) K = np.flatnonzero(good) psf1 = (matched1.type == 'PSF ') psf2 = (matched2.type == 'PSF ') P = np.flatnonzero(good * psf1 * psf2) mag1, magerr1 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( matched1.decam_flux[:,iband], matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband]) iv1 = matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] iv2 = matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] std = np.sqrt(1./iv1 + 1./iv2) plt.clf() plt.plot(mag1[K], (matched2.decam_flux[K,iband] - matched1.decam_flux[K,iband]) / std[K], '.', alpha=0.1, color=cc) plt.plot(mag1[P], (matched2.decam_flux[P,iband] - matched1.decam_flux[P,iband]) / std[P], '.', alpha=0.1, color='k') plt.ylabel('(%s - %s) flux / flux errors (sigma): %s' % (name2, name1, band)) plt.xlabel('%s mag: %s' % (name1, band)) plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.axis([24, 16, -10, 10]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() plt.clf() lp,lt = [],[] for iband,band,cc in [(1,'g','g'),(2,'r','r'),(4,'z','m')]: good = ((matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband] > 0) * (matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband] > 0)) #good = True psf1 = (matched1.type == 'PSF ') psf2 = (matched2.type == 'PSF ') mag1, magerr1 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( matched1.decam_flux[:,iband], matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband]) iv1 = matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] iv2 = matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:, iband] std = np.sqrt(1./iv1 + 1./iv2) #std = np.hypot(std, 0.01) G = np.flatnonzero(good * psf1 * psf2 * np.isfinite(mag1) * (mag1 >= 20) * (mag1 < dict(g=24, r=23.5, z=22.5)[band])) n,b,p = plt.hist((matched2.decam_flux[G,iband] - matched1.decam_flux[G,iband]) / std[G], range=(-4, 4), bins=50, histtype='step', color=cc, normed=True) sig = (matched2.decam_flux[G,iband] - matched1.decam_flux[G,iband]) / std[G] print('Raw mean and std of points:', np.mean(sig), np.std(sig)) med = np.median(sig) rsigma = (np.percentile(sig, 84) - np.percentile(sig, 16)) / 2. print('Median and percentile-based sigma:', med, rsigma) lp.append(p[0]) lt.append('%s: %.2f +- %.2f' % (band, med, rsigma)) bins = [] gaussint = [] for blo,bhi in zip(b, b[1:]): c = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(bhi) - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(blo) c /= (bhi - blo) #bins.extend([blo,bhi]) #gaussint.extend([c,c]) bins.append((blo+bhi)/2.) gaussint.append(c) plt.plot(bins, gaussint, 'k-', lw=2, alpha=0.5) plt.title(tt) plt.xlabel('Flux difference / error (sigma)') plt.axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.1) plt.ylim(0, 0.45) plt.legend(lp, lt, loc='upper right') ps.savefig() for iband,band,cc in [(1,'g','g'),(2,'r','r'),(4,'z','m')]: plt.clf() mag1, magerr1 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( matched1.decam_flux[:,iband], matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband]) mag2, magerr2 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( matched2.decam_flux[:,iband], matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband]) meanmag = NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(( matched1.decam_flux[:,iband] + matched2.decam_flux[:,iband]) / 2.) psf1 = (matched1.type == 'PSF ') psf2 = (matched2.type == 'PSF ') good = ((matched1.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband] > 0) * (matched2.decam_flux_ivar[:,iband] > 0) * np.isfinite(mag1) * np.isfinite(mag2)) K = np.flatnonzero(good) P = np.flatnonzero(good * psf1 * psf2) plt.errorbar(mag1[K], mag2[K], fmt='.', color=cc, xerr=magerr1[K], yerr=magerr2[K], alpha=0.1) plt.plot(mag1[P], mag2[P], 'k.', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('%s %s (mag)' % (name1, band)) plt.ylabel('%s %s (mag)' % (name2, band)) plt.plot([-1e6, 1e6], [-1e6,1e6], 'k-', alpha=1.) plt.axis([24, 16, 24, 16]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.errorbar(mag1[K], mag2[K] - mag1[K], fmt='.', color=cc, xerr=magerr1[K], yerr=magerr2[K], alpha=0.1) plt.plot(mag1[P], mag2[P] - mag1[P], 'k.', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('%s %s (mag)' % (name1, band)) plt.ylabel('%s %s - %s %s (mag)' % (name2, band, name1, band)) plt.axhline(0., color='k', alpha=1.) plt.axis([24, 16, -1, 1]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() magbins = np.arange(16, 24.001, 0.5) plt.clf() plt.plot(mag1[K], (mag2[K]-mag1[K]) / np.hypot(magerr1[K], magerr2[K]), '.', color=cc, alpha=0.1) plt.plot(mag1[P], (mag2[P]-mag1[P]) / np.hypot(magerr1[P], magerr2[P]), 'k.', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('%s %s (mag)' % (name1, band)) plt.ylabel('(%s %s - %s %s) / errors (sigma)' % (name2, band, name1, band)) plt.axhline(0., color='k', alpha=1.) plt.axis([24, 16, -10, 10]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() y = (mag2 - mag1) / np.hypot(magerr1, magerr2) plt.clf() plt.plot(meanmag[P], y[P], 'k.', alpha=0.1) midmag = [] vals = np.zeros((len(magbins)-1, 5)) median_err1 = [] iqd_gauss = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.75) - scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.25) # FIXME -- should we do some stats after taking off the mean difference? for bini,(mlo,mhi) in enumerate(zip(magbins, magbins[1:])): I = P[(meanmag[P] >= mlo) * (meanmag[P] < mhi)] midmag.append((mlo+mhi)/2.) median_err1.append(np.median(magerr1[I])) if len(I) == 0: continue # median and +- 1 sigma quantiles ybin = y[I] vals[bini,0] = np.percentile(ybin, 16) vals[bini,1] = np.median(ybin) vals[bini,2] = np.percentile(ybin, 84) # +- 2 sigma quantiles vals[bini,3] = np.percentile(ybin, 2.3) vals[bini,4] = np.percentile(ybin, 97.7) iqd = np.percentile(ybin, 75) - np.percentile(ybin, 25) print('Mag bin', midmag[-1], ': IQD is factor', iqd / iqd_gauss, 'vs expected for Gaussian;', len(ybin), 'points') # if iqd > iqd_gauss: # # What error adding in quadrature would you need to make the IQD match? # err = median_err1[-1] # target_err = err * (iqd / iqd_gauss) # sys_err = np.sqrt(target_err**2 - err**2) # print('--> add systematic error', sys_err) # ~ Johan's cuts mlo = 21. mhi = dict(g=24., r=23.5, z=22.5)[band] I = P[(meanmag[P] >= mlo) * (meanmag[P] < mhi)] ybin = y[I] iqd = np.percentile(ybin, 75) - np.percentile(ybin, 25) print('Mag bin', mlo, mhi, 'band', band, ': IQD is factor', iqd / iqd_gauss, 'vs expected for Gaussian;', len(ybin), 'points') if iqd > iqd_gauss: # What error adding in quadrature would you need to make # the IQD match? err = np.median(np.hypot(magerr1[I], magerr2[I])) print('Median error (hypot):', err) target_err = err * (iqd / iqd_gauss) print('Target:', target_err) sys_err = np.sqrt((target_err**2 - err**2) / 2.) print('--> add systematic error', sys_err) # check... err_sys = np.hypot(np.hypot(magerr1, sys_err), np.hypot(magerr2, sys_err)) ysys = (mag2 - mag1) / err_sys ysys = ysys[I] print('Resulting median error:', np.median(err_sys[I])) iqd_sys = np.percentile(ysys, 75) - np.percentile(ysys, 25) print('--> IQD', iqd_sys / iqd_gauss, 'vs Gaussian') # Hmmm, this doesn't work... totally overshoots. plt.errorbar(midmag, vals[:,1], fmt='o', color='b', yerr=(vals[:,1]-vals[:,0], vals[:,2]-vals[:,1]), capthick=3, zorder=20) plt.errorbar(midmag, vals[:,1], fmt='o', color='b', yerr=(vals[:,1]-vals[:,3], vals[:,4]-vals[:,1]), capthick=2, zorder=20) plt.axhline( 1., color='b', alpha=0.2) plt.axhline(-1., color='b', alpha=0.2) plt.axhline( 2., color='b', alpha=0.2) plt.axhline(-2., color='b', alpha=0.2) for mag,err,y in zip(midmag, median_err1, vals[:,3]): if not np.isfinite(err): continue if y < -6: continue plt.text(mag, y-0.1, '%.3f' % err, va='top', ha='center', color='k', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('(%s + %s)/2 %s (mag), PSFs' % (name1, name2, band)) plt.ylabel('(%s %s - %s %s) / errors (sigma)' % (name2, band, name1, band)) plt.axhline(0., color='k', alpha=1.) plt.axvline(21, color='k', alpha=0.3) plt.axvline(dict(g=24, r=23.5, z=22.5)[band], color='k', alpha=0.3) plt.axis([24.1, 16, -6, 6]) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() #magbins = np.append([16, 18], np.arange(20, 24.001, 0.5)) if band == 'g': magbins = [20, 24] elif band == 'r': magbins = [20, 23.5] elif band == 'z': magbins = [20, 22.5] slo,shi = -5,5 plt.clf() ha = dict(bins=25, range=(slo,shi), histtype='step', normed=True) y = (mag2 - mag1) / np.hypot(magerr1, magerr2) midmag = [] nn = [] rgbs = [] lt,lp = [],[] for bini,(mlo,mhi) in enumerate(zip(magbins, magbins[1:])): I = P[(mag1[P] >= mlo) * (mag1[P] < mhi)] if len(I) == 0: continue ybin = y[I] rgb = [0.,0.,0.] rgb[0] = float(bini) / (len(magbins)-1) rgb[2] = 1. - rgb[0] n,b,p = plt.hist(ybin, color=rgb, **ha) lt.append('mag %g to %g' % (mlo,mhi)) lp.append(p[0]) midmag.append((mlo+mhi)/2.) nn.append(n) rgbs.append(rgb) bins = [] gaussint = [] for blo,bhi in zip(b, b[1:]): #midbin.append((blo+bhi)/2.) #gaussint.append(scipy.stats.norm.cdf(bhi) - # scipy.stats.norm.cdf(blo)) c = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(bhi) - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(blo) c /= (bhi - blo) bins.extend([blo,bhi]) gaussint.extend([c,c]) plt.plot(bins, gaussint, 'k-', lw=2, alpha=0.5) plt.legend(lp, lt) plt.title(tt) plt.xlim(slo,shi) ps.savefig() bincenters = b[:-1] + (b[1]-b[0])/2. plt.clf() lp = [] for n,rgb,mlo,mhi in zip(nn, rgbs, magbins, magbins[1:]): p = plt.plot(bincenters, n, '-', color=rgb) lp.append(p[0]) plt.plot(bincenters, gaussint[::2], 'k-', alpha=0.5, lw=2) plt.legend(lp, lt) plt.title(tt) plt.xlim(slo,shi) ps.savefig()
def stage0(**kwargs): ps = PlotSequence('cfht') decals = CfhtDecals() B = decals.get_bricks() print 'Bricks:' B.about() ra,dec = 190.0, 11.0 #bands = 'ugri' bands = 'gri' B.cut(np.argsort(degrees_between(ra, dec, B.ra, B.dec))) print 'Nearest bricks:', B.ra[:5], B.dec[:5], B.brickid[:5] brick = B[0] pixscale = 0.186 #W,H = 1024,1024 #W,H = 2048,2048 #W,H = 3600,3600 W,H = 4800,4800 targetwcs = wcs_for_brick(brick, pixscale=pixscale, W=W, H=H) ccdfn = 'cfht-ccds.fits' if os.path.exists(ccdfn): T = fits_table(ccdfn) else: T = get_ccd_list() T.writeto(ccdfn) print len(T), 'CCDs' T.cut(ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs, T)) print len(T), 'CCDs touching brick' T.cut(np.array([b in bands for b in T.filter])) print len(T), 'in bands', bands ims = [] for t in T: im = CfhtImage(t) # magzp = hdr['PHOT_C'] + 2.5 * np.log10(hdr['EXPTIME']) # fwhm = t.seeing / (pixscale * 3600) # print '-> FWHM', fwhm, 'pix' im.seeing = t.seeing im.pixscale = t.pixscale print 'seeing', t.seeing print 'pixscale', im.pixscale*3600, 'arcsec/pix' im.run_calibs(t.ra, t.dec, im.pixscale, W=t.width, H=t.height) ims.append(im) # Read images, clip to ROI targetrd = np.array([targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(x,y) for x,y in [(1,1),(W,1),(W,H),(1,H),(1,1)]]) keepims = [] tims = [] for im in ims: print print 'Reading expnum', im.expnum, 'name', im.extname, 'band',, 'exptime', im.exptime band = wcs = im.read_wcs() imh,imw = wcs.imageh,wcs.imagew imgpoly = [(1,1),(1,imh),(imw,imh),(imw,1)] ok,tx,ty = wcs.radec2pixelxy(targetrd[:-1,0], targetrd[:-1,1]) tpoly = zip(tx,ty) clip = clip_polygon(imgpoly, tpoly) clip = np.array(clip) #print 'Clip', clip if len(clip) == 0: continue x0,y0 = np.floor(clip.min(axis=0)).astype(int) x1,y1 = np.ceil (clip.max(axis=0)).astype(int) slc = slice(y0,y1+1), slice(x0,x1+1) ## FIXME -- it seems I got lucky and the cross product is ## negative == clockwise, as required by clip_polygon. One ## could check this and reverse the polygon vertex order. # dx0,dy0 = tx[1]-tx[0], ty[1]-ty[0] # dx1,dy1 = tx[2]-tx[1], ty[2]-ty[1] # cross = dx0*dy1 - dx1*dy0 # print 'Cross:', cross print 'Image slice: x [%i,%i], y [%i,%i]' % (x0,x1, y0,y1) print 'Reading image from', im.imgfn, 'HDU', im.hdu img,imghdr = im.read_image(header=True, slice=slc) goodpix = (img != 0) print 'Number of pixels == 0:', np.sum(img == 0) print 'Number of pixels != 0:', np.sum(goodpix) if np.sum(goodpix) == 0: continue # print 'Image shape', img.shape print 'Image range', img.min(), img.max() print 'Goodpix image range:', (img[goodpix]).min(), (img[goodpix]).max() if img[goodpix].min() == img[goodpix].max(): print 'No dynamic range in image' continue # print 'Reading invvar from', im.wtfn, 'HDU', im.hdu # invvar = im.read_invvar(slice=slc) # # print 'Invvar shape', invvar.shape # # print 'Invvar range:', invvar.min(), invvar.max() # invvar[goodpix == 0] = 0. # if np.all(invvar == 0.): # print 'Skipping zero-invvar image' # continue # assert(np.all(np.isfinite(img))) # assert(np.all(np.isfinite(invvar))) # assert(not(np.all(invvar == 0.))) # # Estimate per-pixel noise via Blanton's 5-pixel MAD # slice1 = (slice(0,-5,10),slice(0,-5,10)) # slice2 = (slice(5,None,10),slice(5,None,10)) # # print 'sliced shapes:', img[slice1].shape, img[slice2].shape # # print 'good shape:', (goodpix[slice1] * goodpix[slice2]).shape # # print 'good values:', np.unique(goodpix[slice1] * goodpix[slice2]) # # print 'sliced[good] shapes:', (img[slice1] - img[slice2])[goodpix[slice1] * goodpix[slice2]].shape # mad = np.median(np.abs(img[slice1] - img[slice2])[goodpix[slice1] * goodpix[slice2]].ravel()) # sig1 = 1.4826 * mad / np.sqrt(2.) # print 'MAD sig1:', sig1 # # invvar was 1 or 0 # invvar *= (1./(sig1**2)) # medsky = np.median(img[goodpix]) # Read full image for sig1 and sky estimate fullimg = im.read_image() fullgood = (fullimg != 0) # Estimate per-pixel noise via Blanton's 5-pixel MAD slice1 = (slice(0,-5,10),slice(0,-5,10)) slice2 = (slice(5,None,10),slice(5,None,10)) mad = np.median(np.abs(fullimg[slice1] - fullimg[slice2])[fullgood[slice1] * fullgood[slice2]].ravel()) sig1 = 1.4826 * mad / np.sqrt(2.) print 'MAD sig1:', sig1 medsky = np.median(fullimg[fullgood]) invvar = np.zeros_like(img) invvar[goodpix] = 1./sig1**2 # Median-smooth sky subtraction plt.clf() dimshow(np.round((img-medsky) / sig1), vmin=-3, vmax=5) plt.title('Scalar median: %s' % ps.savefig() # medsky = np.zeros_like(img) # # astrometry.util.util # median_smooth(img, np.logical_not(goodpix), 256, medsky) fullmed = np.zeros_like(fullimg) median_smooth(fullimg - medsky, np.logical_not(fullgood), 256, fullmed) fullmed += medsky medimg = fullmed[slc] plt.clf() dimshow(np.round((img - medimg) / sig1), vmin=-3, vmax=5) plt.title('Median filtered: %s' % ps.savefig() #print 'Subtracting median:', medsky #img -= medsky img -= medimg primhdr = im.read_image_primary_header() magzp = decals.get_zeropoint_for(im) print 'magzp', magzp zpscale = NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(magzp) print 'zpscale', zpscale # Scale images to Nanomaggies img /= zpscale sig1 /= zpscale invvar *= zpscale**2 orig_zpscale = zpscale zpscale = 1. assert(np.sum(invvar > 0) > 0) print 'After scaling:' print 'sig1', sig1 print 'invvar range', invvar.min(), invvar.max() print 'image range', img.min(), img.max() assert(np.all(np.isfinite(img))) assert(np.all(np.isfinite(invvar))) assert(np.isfinite(sig1)) plt.clf() lo,hi = -5*sig1, 10*sig1 n,b,p = plt.hist(img[goodpix].ravel(), 100, range=(lo,hi), histtype='step', color='k') xx = np.linspace(lo, hi, 200) plt.plot(xx, max(n)*np.exp(-xx**2 / (2.*sig1**2)), 'r-') plt.xlim(lo,hi) plt.title('Pixel histogram: %s' % ps.savefig() twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs) if x0 or y0: twcs.setX0Y0(x0,y0) info = im.get_image_info() fullh,fullw = info['dims'] # read fit PsfEx model psfex = PsfEx.fromFits(im.psffitfn) print 'Read', psfex # HACK -- highly approximate PSF here! #psf_fwhm = imghdr['FWHM'] #psf_fwhm = im.seeing psf_fwhm = im.seeing / (im.pixscale * 3600) print 'PSF FWHM', psf_fwhm, 'pixels' psf_sigma = psf_fwhm / 2.35 psf = NCircularGaussianPSF([psf_sigma],[1.]) print 'img type', img.dtype tim = Image(img, invvar=invvar, wcs=twcs, psf=psf, photocal=LinearPhotoCal(zpscale, band=band), sky=ConstantSky(0.), + ' ' + band) tim.zr = [-3. * sig1, 10. * sig1] tim.sig1 = sig1 = band tim.psf_fwhm = psf_fwhm tim.psf_sigma = psf_sigma tim.sip_wcs = wcs tim.x0,tim.y0 = int(x0),int(y0) tim.psfex = psfex tim.imobj = im mn,mx = tim.zr tim.ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=mn, vmax=mx) tims.append(tim) keepims.append(im) ims = keepims print 'Computing resampling...' # save resampling params for tim in tims: wcs = tim.sip_wcs subh,subw = tim.shape subwcs = wcs.get_subimage(tim.x0, tim.y0, subw, subh) tim.subwcs = subwcs try: Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi,rims = resample_with_wcs(targetwcs, subwcs, [], 2) except OverlapError: print 'No overlap' continue if len(Yo) == 0: continue tim.resamp = (Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi) print 'Creating coadds...' # Produce per-band coadds, for plots coimgs = [] cons = [] for ib,band in enumerate(bands): coimg = np.zeros((H,W), np.float32) con = np.zeros((H,W), np.uint8) for tim in tims: if != band: continue (Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi) = tim.resamp if len(Yo) == 0: continue nn = (tim.getInvvar()[Yi,Xi] > 0) coimg[Yo,Xo] += tim.getImage ()[Yi,Xi] * nn con [Yo,Xo] += nn # print # print 'tim', # print 'number of resampled pix:', len(Yo) # reim = np.zeros_like(coimg) # ren = np.zeros_like(coimg) # reim[Yo,Xo] = tim.getImage()[Yi,Xi] * nn # ren[Yo,Xo] = nn # print 'number of resampled pix with positive invvar:', ren.sum() # plt.clf() # plt.subplot(2,2,1) # mn,mx = [np.percentile(reim[ren>0], p) for p in [25,95]] # print 'Percentiles:', mn,mx # dimshow(reim, vmin=mn, vmax=mx) # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,2) # dimshow(con) # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,3) # dimshow(reim, vmin=tim.zr[0], vmax=tim.zr[1]) # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,4) # plt.hist(reim.ravel(), 100, histtype='step', color='b') # plt.hist(tim.getImage().ravel(), 100, histtype='step', color='r') # plt.suptitle('%s: %s' % (band, # ps.savefig() coimg /= np.maximum(con,1) coimgs.append(coimg) cons .append(con) plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(coimgs, bands)) ps.savefig() plt.clf() for i,b in enumerate(bands): plt.subplot(2,2,i+1) dimshow(cons[i], ticks=False) plt.title('%s band' % b) plt.colorbar() plt.suptitle('Number of exposures') ps.savefig() print 'Grabbing SDSS sources...' bandlist = [b for b in bands] cat,T = get_sdss_sources(bandlist, targetwcs) # record coordinates in target brick image ok,T.tx,T.ty = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) T.tx -= 1 T.ty -= 1 T.itx = np.clip(np.round(T.tx).astype(int), 0, W-1) T.ity = np.clip(np.round(T.ty).astype(int), 0, H-1) plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(coimgs, bands)) ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(T.tx, T.ty, 'o', mec=green, mfc='none', ms=10, mew=1.5) plt.axis(ax) plt.title('SDSS sources') ps.savefig() print 'Detmaps...' # Render the detection maps detmaps = dict([(b, np.zeros((H,W), np.float32)) for b in bands]) detivs = dict([(b, np.zeros((H,W), np.float32)) for b in bands]) for tim in tims: iv = tim.getInvvar() psfnorm = 1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * tim.psf_sigma) detim = tim.getImage().copy() detim[iv == 0] = 0. detim = gaussian_filter(detim, tim.psf_sigma) / psfnorm**2 detsig1 = tim.sig1 / psfnorm subh,subw = tim.shape detiv = np.zeros((subh,subw), np.float32) + (1. / detsig1**2) detiv[iv == 0] = 0. (Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi) = tim.resamp detmaps[][Yo,Xo] += detiv[Yi,Xi] * detim[Yi,Xi] detivs [][Yo,Xo] += detiv[Yi,Xi] rtn = dict() for k in ['T', 'coimgs', 'cons', 'detmaps', 'detivs', 'targetrd', 'pixscale', 'targetwcs', 'W','H', 'bands', 'tims', 'ps', 'brick', 'cat']: rtn[k] = locals()[k] return rtn