def format_observatories(observatories): """ A function that takes an input containing observatory information and formally casts it into a list of Observer objects. TO IMPLEMENT: Only takes a list of dictionaries as input, consider generalizing - IMPLEMENTED, BUT COULD BE BETTER Args: observatories: List of dictionaries, with each dictionary containing the information necessary to initialize an Observer object {'name' key : string value, 'location' key : EarthLocation value} Returns: List of Observer objects """ if type(observatories) is list: return [ Observer(location=observatory.get('location'), name=observatory.get('name')) for observatory in observatories ] elif type(observatories) is dict: return Observer(location=observatories.get('location'), name=observatories.get('name'))
def print_parangs(name, beg_time, end_time, coord_ra, coord_dec, timezone): """ Prints the parallactic angle range given the start and end observing times (in UCT/GMT), the telescope name and the celestial target coordinates. Currently accepted telescope names : uGMRT or MeerKAT (case insensitive) The beg time and end time should be in the format '2020-01-01T00:00:00' The target coordinates must be in HMS DMS (i.e., 00h00m00s +00d00m00s) """ from astroplan import Observer import astropy.units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.time import Time import numpy as np if name.lower() == 'ugmrt' or name.lower() == 'gmrt': obs = Observer(longitude='74d02m59s', latitude='19d05m47s', elevation=0 * u.m, name='uGMRT', timezone=timezone) elif name.lower() == 'meerkat': obs = Observer(longitude='21d24m40s', latitude='-30d43m16s', elevation=0 * u.m, name='MeerKAT', timezone=timezone) elif name.lower() == 'alma': obs = Observer(longitude='67d45m12s', latitude='-23d01m09s', elevation=0 * u.m, name='ALMA', timezone=timezone) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown telescope name") coord = SkyCoord(coord_ra, coord_dec) beg_time = Time(beg_time) end_time = Time(end_time) parang_beg = np.rad2deg(obs.parallactic_angle(beg_time, coord)) parang_end = np.rad2deg(obs.parallactic_angle(end_time, coord)) print("Beginning parallactic angle {:.3f}".format(parang_beg)) print("Ending parallactic angle {:.3f}".format(parang_end.deg)) print("Parang delta {:.3f}".format(parang_end - parang_beg))
def date2dict_times(date): day = Time(date, format='iso') longitude = '78d57m53s' latitude = '32d46m44s' elevation = 4500 * u.m location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(longitude, latitude, elevation) iaohanle = Observer(location=location, name="IAO", timezone='Asia/Kolkata', description="GROWTH-India 70cm telescope") sunset_iao = iaohanle.sun_set_time(day, which='next') sunrise_iao = iaohanle.sun_rise_time(day, which='next') twelve_twil_eve_iao = iaohanle.twilight_evening_nautical(day, which='next') eighteen_twil_eve_iao = iaohanle.twilight_evening_astronomical( day, which='next') twelve_twil_morn_iao = iaohanle.twilight_morning_nautical(day, which='next') eighteen_twil_morn_iao = iaohanle.twilight_morning_astronomical( day, which='next') dict_times = OrderedDict() dict_times['Sunset '] = time2utc_ist(sunset_iao) dict_times['Sunrise '] = time2utc_ist(sunrise_iao) dict_times['Twelve degree Evening Twilight '] = time2utc_ist( twelve_twil_eve_iao) dict_times['Eighteen degree Evening Twilight '] = time2utc_ist( eighteen_twil_eve_iao) dict_times['Twelve degree Morning Twilight '] = time2utc_ist( twelve_twil_morn_iao) dict_times['Eighteen degree Morning Twilight '] = time2utc_ist( eighteen_twil_morn_iao) return dict_times
def nautical_twilight(self, date_obs, site_longitude=30.335555, site_latitude=36.824166, site_elevation=2500, site_name="tug", time_zone="Europe/Istanbul", which="next"): # TUG's location info settings tug = Observer(longitude=site_longitude * u.deg, latitude=site_latitude * u.deg, elevation=site_elevation * u.m, name=site_name, timezone=time_zone) # convert date astropy date format astropy_time = Time(date_obs) # evening tw calculate et = tug.twilight_evening_nautical(astropy_time, which=which) # morning tw calculate mt = tug.twilight_morning_nautical(astropy_time, which=which) # localized time conversion return (tug.astropy_time_to_datetime(mt), tug.astropy_time_to_datetime(et))
def simple_track(ra, dec, frame, time, input_lat, input_lon, alt, plot, alt_limit): prototype_dish = EarthLocation(lat=input_lat * u.deg, lon=input_lon * u.deg, height=alt * u.m) sc = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit='deg', frame=frame, equinox="J2000", obstime=time[0], location=prototype_dish) sc = sc.transform_to('icrs') prototype_dish_observer = Observer(location=prototype_dish) source_altaz = sc.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=time, location=prototype_dish)) for i in range(len(source_altaz)): if source_altaz[i].alt.deg > alt_limit: print("{0} {1:3.8f} {2:3.8f} {3} {4}".format( time[i].mjd, source_altaz[i].az.deg, source_altaz[i].alt.deg, 1, prototype_dish_observer.parallactic_angle(time=time[i], target=sc).deg, file=sys.stdout, flush=True)) else: break if plot == 1: plt.scatter(, source_altaz.alt.deg)
def culmination_time_utc_astroplan(source_name, date, print_or_not): """ Calculates culmination time in UTC with astroplan library """ # Coordinates of UTR-2 radio telescope longitude = '36d56m27.560s' latitude = '+49d38m10.310s' elevation = 156 * u.m observatory = 'UTR-2, Ukraine' utr2_location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(longitude, latitude, elevation) if print_or_not == 1: print('\n Observatory:', observatory, '\n') print(' Coordinates: \n * Longitude: ', str(utr2_location.lon).replace("d", "\u00b0 ").replace("m", "\' ").replace("s", "\'\' "), ' \n * Latitude: ' + str("d", "\u00b0 ").replace("m", "\' ").replace("s", "\'\' ") + '\n') print(' Source:', source_name, '\n') observer = Observer(location=utr2_location, name='Volokhiv Yar', timezone='UTC') alt, az = catalogue_sources(source_name) coordinates = SkyCoord(alt, az, frame='icrs') target = FixedTarget(coord=coordinates, name="target") date_of_obs = Time(date, scale='utc') culmination = observer.target_meridian_transit_time(date_of_obs, target, which='next') culm_time = culmination.to_datetime().time() culm_time = date + ' ' + str(culm_time)[0:8] if print_or_not == 1: print(' Culmination time:', culm_time, ' UTC \n') return culm_time
def rise_time(obsnight, coords, tel=None): import time tstart = time.time() tme = Time(str(obsnight.obs_date).split()[0]) sc = SkyCoord('%s %s' % (coords[0], coords[1]), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic( obsnight.resource.telescope.longitude * u.deg, obsnight.resource.telescope.latitude * u.deg, obsnight.resource.telescope.elevation * u.m) tel = Observer(location=location, timezone="UTC") target_rise_time = tel.target_rise_time(tme, sc, horizon=18 * u.deg, which="previous") if target_rise_time: returnstarttime = target_rise_time.isot.split('T')[-1] else: returnstarttime = None print(time.time() - tstart) return (returnstarttime)
def tel_move(RA, DEC, n, COLOR, s): #initialize and update position coordinates location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon=-111.5947 * u.deg, lat=31.95844 * u.deg, height=2097.024 * u.m) kittpeak = Observer(location=location, name='kitt peak') coord = SkyCoord(ra=RA * u.deg, dec=DEC * u.deg, unit='deg', frame='icrs') time = thetime('2018-4-6 00:00:00') times = time + (n * u.second) lst = kittpeak.local_sidereal_time(times) ha = (lst.hour - (RA / 15.0) ) # given in hours, converted to degrees later for PA calc frame = AltAz(obstime=times, location=location) new_coord = coord.transform_to(frame) alt = az = # parallactic angle calculation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sina = np.sin(np.radians(ha * 15.0)) cosa = (np.tan(np.radians(31.95844)) * np.cos(np.radians(DEC))) - ( np.sin(np.radians(DEC)) * np.cos(np.radians(ha * 15.0))) pa = np.degrees(np.arctan2(sina, cosa)) #s.send(message.encode('utf-8')) packer = struct.Struct('d d d d d d d') data = packer.pack(pa, slew_flag, alt, az, ra, dec, othertime.time()) s.send(data) return s
def __init__(self, targets, tzinfo='Australia/Sydney', portal_htmls=[]): ### target and calibrators if not isinstance(targets, Sequence): targets = [targets] self.targets = targets self.calibrator = [FixedTarget(name='1934-638', coord=SkyCoord('19h39m25.026s -63d42m45.63s')), FixedTarget(name='0823-500', coord=SkyCoord('08h25m26.869s -50d10m38.49s'))] ### observer ATCA_loc = (149.5501388*u.deg,-30.3128846*u.deg,237*u.m) location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(*ATCA_loc) = Observer(name='ATCA', location=location, timezone=timezone('Australia/Sydney')) time_now = self.utcoffset = time_now.utcoffset() self.tzinfo = tzinfo if len(portal_htmls) == 0: self.portal_tz = None self.portal_sched = None else: atca_scheds = ATCA_sched(portal_htmls) self.portal_tz = atca_scheds.timezone self.portal_sched = atca_scheds.schedules ### portal utcoffset portal_now = self.portal_utcoffset = portal_now.utcoffset()
def get_info_of_target(target, *args, **kwargs): ra = target.ra dec = target.dec coords = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(, hanle = EarthLocation(lat=32.77889 *, lon=78.96472 *, height=4500 * u.m) iao = Observer(location=hanle, name="GIT", timezone="Asia/Kolkata") twilight_prime = iao.sun_rise_time( Time(datetime.utcnow()), which="next", horizon=sunrise_horizon * - 12 * u.hour targets_rise_time = iao.target_rise_time(twilight_prime, coords, which="nearest", horizon=horizon * targets_set_time = iao.target_set_time(targets_rise_time, coords, which="next", horizon=horizon * rise_time_IST = (targets_rise_time + 5.5 * u.hour).isot set_time_IST = (targets_set_time + 5.5 * u.hour).isot tend = targets_set_time mooncoords = get_moon(tend, hanle) sep = mooncoords.separation(coords) print(, rise_time_IST, set_time_IST, sep)
def site_information(UhaveE_ID, longitude, latitude, altitude): site_inf = Observer(longitude=longitude * u.deg, latitude=latitude * u.deg, elevation=altitude * u.m, name=UhaveE_ID) # u.deg set the unit to degree return site_inf
def test_months_observable(): obs = Observer(latitude=0 * u.deg, longitude=0 * u.deg, elevation=0 * u.m) coords = [ SkyCoord(ra=0 * u.hourangle, dec=0 * u.deg), SkyCoord(ra=6 * u.hourangle, dec=0 * u.deg), SkyCoord(ra=12 * u.hourangle, dec=0 * u.deg), SkyCoord(ra=18 * u.hourangle, dec=0 * u.deg) ] targets = [FixedTarget(coord=coord) for coord in coords] constraints = [ AltitudeConstraint(min=80 * u.deg), AtNightConstraint.twilight_astronomical() ] time_range = Time(['2014-01-01', '2014-12-31']) months = months_observable(constraints, obs, targets, time_range) should_be = [ set({7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}), set({1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12}), set({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}), set({4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}) ] assert months == should_be
def add_obsairmass_df_comp_obs(df_comp_obs, site_dict, df_comps, df_images): observer = Observer(longitude=site_dict['longitude'] * u.deg, latitude=site_dict['latitude'] * u.deg, elevation=site_dict['elevation'] * u.m) df_comp_obs['ObsAirmass'] = None skycoord_dict = { comp_id: SkyCoord(ra=ra_deg * u.deg, dec=dec_deg * u.deg) for (comp_id, ra_deg, dec_deg ) in zip(df_comps.index, df_comps['RA_deg'], df_comps['Dec_deg']) } altaz_frame_dict = { filename: observer.altaz(Time(jd_mid, format='jd')) for (filename, jd_mid) in zip(df_images['FITSfile'], df_images['JD_mid']) } print('ObsAirmasses: ', end='', flush=True) done_count = 0 for obs, filename, comp_id in zip(df_comp_obs.index, df_comp_obs['FITSfile'], df_comp_obs['CompID']): alt = skycoord_dict[comp_id].transform_to( altaz_frame_dict[filename]).alt.value df_comp_obs.loc[obs, 'ObsAirmass'] = 1.0 / sin(alt / DEGREES_PER_RADIAN) done_count += 1 if done_count % 100 == 0: print('.', end='', flush=True) print('\nObsAirmasses written to df_comp_obs:', str(len(df_comp_obs)))
def observer(config): loc = config['location'] location = EarthLocation(lon=loc['longitude'], lat=loc['latitude'], height=loc['elevation']) return Observer(location=location, name="Test Observer", timezone=loc['timezone'])
def main(): #define observer located at ckoirama observatory location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-69.930544 * u.deg, -24.089385 * u.deg, 980 * u.m) ckoirama = Observer(location=location, name="Ckoirama", timezone="Chile/Continental") time = Time('2018-05-06 12:00:00')
def compute_is_up(name, time): ''' Computes what V<11 objects in a catalog are up right now. args: name (str): one in: ['messier', 'ngc'] time (str): in 24hr format, e.g. "2017-04-17 21:00:00" returns: catalog with is_up calculated, sorted by v_mag. ''' import datetime from astropy.time import Time from astroplan import FixedTarget from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astroplan import Observer, FixedTarget, AltitudeConstraint, \ AtNightConstraint, is_observable, is_always_observable, \ months_observable assert name in ['messier', 'ngc'] if name == 'messier': data_path = '../data/catalogs/messier.csv' elif name == 'ngc': data_path = '../data/catalogs/ngc.csv' df = pd.read_csv(data_path) # The search & target creation is slow for >~thousands of FixedTargets. NGC # catalog is 13226 objects. Take those with v_mag<11, since from Peyton we # likely won't go fainter. df = df.sort_values('v_mag') df = df[df['v_mag']<11] peyton = Observer(longitude=74.65139*u.deg, latitude=40.34661*u.deg, elevation=62*u.m, name='Peyton', timezone='US/Eastern') if name == 'ngc': ras = np.array(df['ra'])*u.hourangle decs = np.array(df['dec'])* names = np.array(df['ngc_id']) elif name == 'messier': ras = np.array(df['ra'])*u.hourangle decs = np.array(df['dec'])* names = np.array(df['messier_id']) targets = [FixedTarget(SkyCoord(ra=r, dec=d), name=n) for r, d, n in tuple(zip(ras, decs, names))] constraints = [AltitudeConstraint(10*u.deg, 82*u.deg), AtNightConstraint(max_solar_altitude=-3.*u.deg)] t_obs = Time(time) is_up = is_observable(constraints, peyton, targets, times=t_obs) df['is_up'] = is_up return df
def __init__(self, name, codename, network, location, freqs_sefds, min_elevation=20 * u.deg, fullname=None, all_networks=None, country='', diameter=''): """Initializes a station. The given name must be the name of the station that observes, with the typical 2-letter format used in the EVN (with exceptions). Inputs - name : str Name of the observer (the station that is going to observe). - codename : str A code for the name of the station. It can be the same as name. - network : str Name of the network to which the station belongs. - location : EarthLocation Position of the observer on Earth. - freqs_sefds : dict Dictionary with all frequencies the station can observe, and as values the SEFD at each frequency. - min_elevation : Quantity Minimum elevation that the station can observe a source. If no units provided, degrees are assumed. By default it 20 degrees. - fullname : str [OPTIONAL] Full name of the station. If not given, `name` is assumed. - all_networks : str [OPTIONAL] Networks where the station can participate (free style). - country : str [OPTIONAL] Country where the station is placed. """ = Observer(name=name.replace('_', ' '), location=location) self._codename = codename self._network = network self._freqs_sefds = freqs_sefds if (type(min_elevation) is float) or (type(min_elevation) is int): self._min_elev = min_elevation * u.deg else: self._min_elev = min_elevation if fullname is None: self._fullname = name else: self._fullname = fullname if all_networks is None: self._all_networks = network else: self._all_networks = all_networks self._country = country self._diameter = diameter
def goto_north(): """Observer for GOTO-North on La Palma.""" lapalma = EarthLocation(lon=-17.8947 * u.deg, lat=28.7636 * u.deg, height=2396 * u.m) telescope = Observer(name='goto_north', location=lapalma, timezone='Atlantic/Canary') return telescope
def goto_south(): """Observer for a (theoretical) GOTO-South in Melbourne.""" clayton = EarthLocation(lon=145.131389 * u.deg, lat=-37.910556 * u.deg, height=50 * u.m) telescope = Observer(name='goto_south', location=clayton, timezone='Australia/Melbourne') return telescope
def _get_observer_tzinfo(session_plan): loc_name, latitude, longitude, elevation = _get_location_info_from_session_plan( session_plan) loc_coords = EarthLocation.from_geodetic( longitude * u.deg, latitude * u.deg, elevation * u.m if elevation else 0) tz_info = _get_session_plan_tzinfo(session_plan) observer = Observer(name=loc_name, location=loc_coords, timezone=tz_info) return observer, tz_info
def _setup_location(self): """ Sets up the site and location details for the observatory Note: These items are read from the 'site' config directive and include: * name * latitude * longitude * timezone * presseure * elevation * horizon """ self.logger.debug('Setting up site details of observatory') try: config_site = self.config.get('location') name = config_site.get('name', 'Nameless Location') latitude = config_site.get('latitude') longitude = config_site.get('longitude') timezone = config_site.get('timezone') utc_offset = config_site.get('utc_offset') pressure = config_site.get('pressure', 0.680) * elevation = config_site.get('elevation', 0 * u.meter) horizon = config_site.get('horizon', 30 * twilight_horizon = config_site.get('twilight_horizon', -18 * self.location = { 'name': name, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'elevation': elevation, 'timezone': timezone, 'utc_offset': utc_offset, 'pressure': pressure, 'horizon': horizon, 'twilight_horizon': twilight_horizon, } self.logger.debug("Location: {}".format(self.location)) # Create an EarthLocation for the mount self.earth_location = EarthLocation(lat=latitude, lon=longitude, height=elevation) = Observer(location=self.earth_location, name=name, timezone=timezone) except Exception: raise error.PanError(msg='Bad site information')
def get_location(self): location_cfg = self.config.get('location', None) location = EarthLocation( lat=location_cfg['latitude'], lon=location_cfg['longitude'], height=location_cfg['elevation'], ) return Observer(location=location, name=location_cfg['name'], timezone=location_cfg['timezone'])
def get_sunset_sunrise(self, time): """ Returns the sunset and sunrise times of the night containing the time provided time is a astropy Time object The sunset and sunrise times are returns as an astropy Time object with the same settings as the provided Time object. """ observer = Observer(location=self.get_EarthLocation()) sunset = observer.sun_set_time(time, which='nearest') sunrise = observer.sun_rise_time(time, which='nearest') return sunset, sunrise
def main(): #define observer located at ckoirama observatory location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-69.930544 * u.deg, -24.089385 * u.deg, 980 * u.m) ckoirama = Observer(location=location, name="Ckoirama", timezone="Chile/Continental") #ask user for target coordinates coord, coord_unit = get_coordinates() #ask user for observation date time = get_date() visibility(ckoirama, coord, time, unit=coord_unit)
def choose_loc(location): loc_list = { "COJ": Observer(longitude=149.071111 * u.deg, latitude=-31.273333 * u.deg, elevation=1116 * u.m, name="Siding Spring Observatory"), "CPT": Observer(longitude=20.81 * u.deg, latitude=-32.38 * u.deg, elevation=1760 * u.m, name="South African Astronomical Observatory"), "TFN": Observer(longitude=-16.509722 * u.deg, latitude=28.3 * u.deg, elevation=2330 * u.m, name="Teide Observatory"), "LSC": Observer(longitude=-70.804722 * u.deg, latitude=-30.1675 * u.deg, elevation=2198 * u.m, name="Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory"), "ELP": Observer(longitude=-104.02 * u.deg, latitude=30.67 * u.deg, elevation=2070 * u.m, name="McDonald Observatory"), "OGG": Observer(longitude=-156.256111 * u.deg, latitude=20.7075 * u.deg, elevation=3055 * u.m, name="Haleakala Observatory"), "TLV": Observer(longitude=34.763333 * u.deg, latitude=30.595833 * u.deg, elevation=875 * u.m, name="Wise Observatory"), "NGQ": Observer(longitude=80.016667 * u.deg, latitude=32.316667 * u.deg, elevation=5100 * u.m, name="Ali Observatory") } if location in loc_list: return loc_list[location]
def __init__(self, index, lon, lat, name): global arr self.index = index self.lon = lon = lat = name self.elocation = EarthLocation(lat=lat * u.deg, lon=lon * u.deg, height=100 * u.m) self.transformed = [] = Observer(location=self.elocation, name=name) #### timezone fix for i in range(len(arr)): self.transformed.append(arr[i].transform_to( AltAz(obstime=reftime, location=self.elocation)))
def JD2HJD(JD, ra, dec): # JD2HJD for Kittpeak! location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-111.5967 * u.deg, 31.9583 * u.deg, 2096 * u.m) kp = Observer(location=location, name="Kitt Peak", timezone="US/Arizona") # convert JD to HJD target = coord.SkyCoord(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg, frame='icrs') #tsite = coord.EarthLocation.of_site(site) times = Time(JD, format='jd', scale='utc', location=location) ltt_helio = times.light_travel_time(target, 'heliocentric') HJD = JD + ltt_helio return HJD
def defineCAHA(): """ Define Calar Alto observational site. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- CAHA : astroplan Observer object Calar Alto Observatory, Spain """ return Observer(longitude=Angle('-2d32.8m'), latitude=Angle('37d13.4m'), elevation=2168*u.m, name="CAHA", timezone="Europe/Madrid")
def __getattr__(self, attr):'{self.__dict__}') # see if they are asking for observer which # we construct on the fly from 'real' config items if attr == 'observer': if self._data_complete(): return Observer(longitude=self.longitude * u.deg, latitude=self.latitude * u.deg, elevation=self.altitude * u.m, timezone=self.timezone, name=self.obsname) else: return None else: return super().__getattribute__(attr)
def sortie_graphique(self, etoile_cible, date_obs, observatoire): matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = 'Qt5Agg' # Etoiles etoile = FixedTarget(etoile_cible['equat'], name=etoile_cible['nom']) # Intervalle de temps temps_obs = Time(date_obs) debut = temps_obs - TimeDelta(10800.0, format='sec') fin = temps_obs + TimeDelta(10800.0, format='sec') delta_t = fin - debut intervalle_temps_1 = debut + delta_t * np.linspace(0, 1, 75) intervalle_temps_2 = debut + delta_t * np.linspace(0, 1, 11) # Observatoire obs = Observer(location=observatoire, timezone="UTC") # Masse d'air if self.graph1 is None: self.fig1, self.graph1 = plt.subplots() else: self.graph1.clear() plot_airmass(etoile, obs, intervalle_temps_1, ax=self.graph1, altitude_yaxis=True, max_region=2.0) self.graph1.legend(shadow=True, loc='best') plt.tight_layout() # Carte # Il faut obligatoirement que le graphique soit en mode polaire avant l'appel à plot_sky if self.graph2 is None: self.fig2, self.graph2 = plt.subplots( subplot_kw=dict([('projection', 'polar')])) else: self.graph2.clear() style = {'marker': '.'} plot_sky(etoile, obs, intervalle_temps_2, ax=self.graph2, style_kwargs=style) self.graph2.legend(shadow=True, loc='best') plt.tight_layout() plt.pause(.1)