def get_bv(mag, cbv, cbv2=None, cbv3=None): idx = np.isfinite(mag) if not np.sum(idx): return 0 if cbv2 is not None and cbv3 is not None: for iter in range(1): C = least_squares(lstsq_fn, [np.median(mag[idx]), 0.5], args=(mag[idx], cbv[idx], cbv2[idx], cbv3[idx]), verbose=0) mag1 = C.x[0] + cbv * C.x[1] + cbv2 * C.x[1]**2 + cbv3 * C.x[1]**3 idx = np.abs(mag - mag1) < 3.0 * mad_std((mag - mag1)[idx]) return C.x[1] else: X = np.vstack([np.ones_like(mag), cbv]).T Y = mag idx = np.ones_like(Y, dtype=np.bool) for i in xrange(3): C = np.linalg.lstsq(X[idx], Y[idx])[0] YY = np.sum(X * C, axis=1) idx = np.abs(Y - YY) < 3.0 * mad_std(Y - YY) return -C[1]
def sigma_clip_centroid(self, sigma=3.5, plot=False): """ Sigma-clip the light curve on centroid position (update mask). Parameters ---------- sigma : float Factor of standard deviations away from the median centroid position to clip on. plot : bool Plot the accepted centroids (in black) and the centroids of the rejected fluxes (in red). """ x_mean = np.median(self.centroid_x) y_mean = np.median(self.centroid_y) x_std = mad_std(self.centroid_x) y_std = mad_std(self.centroid_y) outliers = (sigma * min([x_std, y_std]) < np.hypot(self.centroid_x - x_mean, self.centroid_y - y_mean)) if plot: plt.scatter(self.centroid_x[~outliers], self.centroid_y[~outliers], marker=',', color='k') plt.scatter(self.centroid_x[outliers], self.centroid_y[outliers], marker='.', color='r') plt.xlabel('BJD') plt.ylabel('Flux') self.mask |= outliers
def _flag_pixels(self): #setup masked array for inversion mstack = np.nanmedian(self.normstack, axis=1) dev = np.clip(mad_std(self.normstack, axis=1, ignore_nan=True), 1e-10, None) self.sigma_mask = (np.fabs(self.normstack - mstack[:, np.newaxis]) / dev[:, np.newaxis] > 6.) #iteratively clean pixels for reconstruction for ii in range(5): old_mask = np.copy(self.sigma_mask) tarray = np.copy(self.normstack) tarray[self.sigma_mask] = np.nan mstack = np.nanmedian(tarray, axis=1) dev = np.clip(mad_std(tarray, axis=1, ignore_nan=True), 1e-10, None) self.sigma_mask = ( np.fabs(self.normstack - mstack[:, np.newaxis]) / dev[:, np.newaxis] > 6.) if np.all(self.sigma_mask == old_mask): break'Flagged %d pixels to mask during reconstruction', np.count_nonzero(self.sigma_mask))
def __call__(self, rho: Optional[float] = 2., niter: int = 5):"Running Celerite Matern 3/2 detrending") time = self.ts.time.copy() flux = self.ts.flux.copy() mask = ones(time.size, bool) for i in range(niter): time_learn = time[mask] flux_learn = flux[mask] wn = mad_std(diff(flux_learn)) / sqrt(2) log_sigma = log(mad_std(flux_learn)) log_rho = log(rho) kernel = Matern32Term(log_sigma, log_rho) gp = GP(kernel, mean=1.0) gp.compute(time_learn, yerr=wn) self.prediction = gp.predict(flux_learn, time, return_cov=False) mask &= ~sigma_clip(flux - self.prediction, sigma=3).mask residuals = flux - self.prediction self.mask = m = ~(sigma_clip(residuals, sigma_lower=inf, sigma_upper=4).mask) self.ts._data.update('celerite_m32', time[m], (flux - self.prediction + 1)[m], self.ts.ferr[m])
def match_fits(fitsfile1, fitsfile2, header=None, sigma_cut=False, use_mad_std=True, return_header=False, **kwargs): """ Project one FITS file into another's coordinates If sigma_cut is used, will try to find only regions that are significant in both images using the standard deviation Parameters ---------- fitsfile1: str Reference fits file name fitsfile2: str Offset fits file name header: pyfits.Header Optional - can pass a header to projet both images to sigma_cut: bool or int Perform a sigma-cut on the returned images at this level use_mad_std : bool Use mad_std instead of std dev for stddev estimation Returns ------- image1,image2,[header] : Two images projected into the same space, and optionally the header used to project them """ if header is None: header = load_header(fitsfile1) image1 = load_data(fitsfile1) else: # project image 1 to input header coordinates image1 = project_to_header(fitsfile1, header) # project image 2 to image 1 coordinates image2_projected = project_to_header(fitsfile2, header) if image1.shape != image2_projected.shape: raise ValueError("Failed to reproject images to same shape.") if sigma_cut: std1 = stats.mad_std(image1, ignore_nan=True) if use_mad_std else np.nanstd(image1) std2 = stats.mad_std(image2_projected, ignore_nan=True) if use_mad_std else np.nanstd(image2_projected) corr_image1 = image1*(image1 > (std1*sigma_cut)) corr_image2 = image2_projected*(image2_projected > (std2*sigma_cut)) OK = np.isfinite(corr_image1) & np.isfinite(corr_image2) if (corr_image1[OK]*corr_image2[OK]).sum() == 0: # This state seems to be reached in places when the condition above is False. print("Could not use sigma_cut of %f because it excluded all valid data" % sigma_cut) corr_image1 = image1 corr_image2 = image2_projected else: corr_image1 = image1 corr_image2 = image2_projected returns = corr_image1, corr_image2 if return_header: returns = returns + (header,) return returns
def sigma_rob(data, iterations=1, thresh=3.0, axis=None): """ Iterative m.a.d. based sigma with positive outlier rejection. """ noise = mad_std(data, axis=axis) for _ in range(iterations): ind = (np.abs(data) <= thresh * noise).nonzero() noise = mad_std(data[ind], axis=axis) return noise
def match_fits(fitsfile1, fitsfile2, header=None, sigma_cut=False, use_mad_std=True, return_header=False, **kwargs): """ Project one FITS file into another's coordinates If sigma_cut is used, will try to find only regions that are significant in both images using the standard deviation Parameters ---------- fitsfile1: str Reference fits file name fitsfile2: str Offset fits file name header: pyfits.Header Optional - can pass a header to projet both images to sigma_cut: bool or int Perform a sigma-cut on the returned images at this level use_mad_std : bool Use mad_std instead of std dev for stddev estimation Returns ------- image1,image2,[header] : Two images projected into the same space, and optionally the header used to project them """ if header is None: header = load_header(fitsfile1) image1 = load_data(fitsfile1) else: # project image 1 to input header coordinates image1 = project_to_header(fitsfile1, header) # project image 2 to image 1 coordinates image2_projected = project_to_header(fitsfile2, header) if image1.shape != image2_projected.shape: raise ValueError("Failed to reproject images to same shape.") if sigma_cut: std1 = stats.mad_std(image1, ignore_nan=True) if use_mad_std else np.nanstd(image1) std2 = stats.mad_std(image2_projected, ignore_nan=True) if use_mad_std else np.nanstd(image2_projected) corr_image1 = image1*(image1 > std1*sigma_cut) corr_image2 = image2_projected*(image2_projected > std2*sigma_cut) OK = np.isfinite(corr_image1) & np.isfinite(corr_image2) if (corr_image1[OK]*corr_image2[OK]).sum() == 0: print("Could not use sigma_cut of %f because it excluded all valid data" % sigma_cut) corr_image1 = image1 corr_image2 = image2_projected else: corr_image1 = image1 corr_image2 = image2_projected returns = corr_image1, corr_image2 if return_header: returns = returns + (header,) return returns
def plotresults(testlabels,infer,model_1,model_2): std_avg=mad_std(infer-testlabels) std_m1=mad_std(model_1-testlabels) std_m2=mad_std(model_2-testlabels) bias_av,rms_av=returnscatter(testlabels-infer) bias_m1,rms_m1=returnscatter(testlabels-model_1) bias_m2,rms_m2=returnscatter(testlabels-model_2) plt.figure(figsize=(20,15)) plt.subplot(221) x=np.linspace(1.5,4.8,100) plt.plot(x,x,c='k',linestyle='dashed') plt.scatter(testlabels,infer,facecolors='none',edgecolors='r',label='Average',zorder=10) plt.scatter(testlabels,model_1,facecolors='none', edgecolors='g',label='Model-1') plt.scatter(testlabels,model_2,facecolors='none', edgecolors='b',label='Model-2') plt.xlabel('True') plt.ylabel('Inferred') plt.legend(loc=2) plt.subplot(222) x=np.linspace(1.5,4.8,100) plt.plot(x,x,c='k',linestyle='dashed') plt.scatter(testlabels,infer,facecolors='none',edgecolors='r',label='Average',zorder=10) plt.text(1.5,4.5,s='m.std={}'.format(round(std_avg,3))) plt.text(1.5,4.2,s='RMS={}'.format(round(rms_av,2))) plt.text(1.5,3.9,s='Bias={}'.format(round(bias_av,3))) plt.xlabel('True') plt.ylabel('Inferred') plt.legend(loc=1) plt.subplot(223) x=np.linspace(1.5,4.8,100) plt.plot(x,x,c='k',linestyle='dashed') plt.scatter(testlabels,model_1,facecolors='none', edgecolors='g',label='Model-1') plt.text(1.5,4.5,s='m.std={}'.format(round(std_m1,3))) plt.text(1.5,4.2,s='RMS={}'.format(round(rms_m1,2))) plt.text(1.5,3.9,s='Bias={}'.format(round(bias_m1,3))) plt.xlabel('True') plt.ylabel('Inferred') plt.legend(loc=1) plt.subplot(224) x=np.linspace(1.5,4.8,100) plt.plot(x,x,c='k',linestyle='dashed') plt.scatter(testlabels,model_2,facecolors='none', edgecolors='b',label='Model-2') plt.text(1.5,4.5,s='m.std={}'.format(round(std_m2,3))) plt.text(1.5,4.2,s='RMS={}'.format(round(rms_m2,2))) plt.text(1.5,3.9,s='Bias={}'.format(round(bias_m2,3))) plt.xlabel('True') plt.ylabel('Inferred') plt.legend(loc=1) #plt.suptitle('Logg - 10 neighbours') plt.savefig(savedir+'results.png') # print('average',std_avg,rms_av,bias_av) print('model_1',std_m1,rms_m1,bias_m1) print('model_2',std_m2,rms_m2,bias_m2)
def compute_empirical_bg_sigma(self, careful_sky=False): if careful_sky: if self.segmap is None: self.set_segmap() # this could go wrong in pathological case that # segmap is nonzero for all pixels return mad_std(self.image[self.segmap.array == 0]) else: return mad_std(self.image)
def do_photometry(hdu, extensions=None, threshold=5, fwhm=2.5): if extensions is None: extensions = np.arange(1, len(hdu)) if not isiterable(extensions): extensions = (extensions, ) output = {} for ext in extensions: header = hdu[ext].header data = hdu[ext].data image_wcs = WCS(header) background = mad_std(data) sources = daofind(data, threshold=threshold * background, fwhm=fwhm) positions = (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']) sky_positions = pixel_to_skycoord(*positions, wcs=image_wcs) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=2.) photometry_table = aperture_photometry(data, apertures) photometry_table['sky_center'] = sky_positions output[str(ext)] = photometry_table return output
def generate_aperture(fluxes, n=5): flsum = np.nansum(fluxes, axis=0) thr = mad_std(flsum) thm = flsum > n*thr pos = np.column_stack(np.where(thm)) db = DBSCAN(eps=rc, min_samples=nc).fit(pos) #ncl = np.unique(db.labels_).size - (1 if -1 in db.labels_ else 0) clpos = np.transpose(pos[db.labels_ != -1]) cluster = np.zeros(flsum.shape).astype(bool) cluster[clpos[0], clpos[1]] = True gauss = ndi.gaussian_filter(flsum, 0.5) gauss[~cluster] = 0 nbh = np.ones((3,3)) localmax = (ndi.filters.maximum_filter(gauss, footprint=nbh) == gauss) & cluster maxloc = np.column_stack(np.where(localmax)) markers = ndi.label(localmax)[0] labels = watershed(-flsum, markers, mask=cluster) ''' nstars = labels.max() starmask = np.zeros((nstars, flsum.shape[0], flsum.shape[1])).astype(bool) for i in range(nstars): starmask[i][labels == i+1] = True ''' return labels
def secEclipse(params): per = params.tlsOut.period tdur = params.tlsOut.duration foldY = params.tlsOut.folded_y foldX = params.tlsOut.folded_phase depth = params.tlsOut.depth fit_b = params.impact seDepth = 1 - np.mean(foldY[(foldX < tdur / per / 2) | (foldX > 1 - tdur / per / 2)]) seDepthsd = mad_std(foldY[(foldX < tdur / per / 2) | (foldX > 1 - tdur / per / 2)]) if 0.1 * depth < seDepth: if fit_b >= .9: params.SE_found = True params.secEclipseFP = True else: params.SE_found = True params.secEclipseFP = False elif seDepth > 3 * seDepthsd: params.secEclipseFP = False params.SE_found = True else: params.secEclipseFP = False params.SE_found = False return params
def fit(self, niter=5): """Determine the fit of the model to the data points with rejection For each iteraction, a weight is calculated based on the distance a source is from the relationship and outliers are rejected. Parameters ---------- niter: int Number of iteractions for the fit """ fitter = md.fitting.LinearLSQFitter() weights = np.ones_like(self.x) for i in range(niter): self.model = fitter(self.model, self.x, self.wavelength, weights=weights) #caculate the weights based on the median absolute deviation r = (self.wavelength - self.model(self.x)) s = stats.mad_std(r) biweight = lambda x: ((1.0 - x ** 2) ** 2.0) ** 0.5 if s!=0: weights = 1.0/biweight(r / s) else: weights = np.ones(len(self.x))
def save_fitbg(star): """ Saves the results of the `fit_background` module. Parameters ---------- star : target.Target pipeline target with the results of the `fit_background` routine """ df = pd.DataFrame(star.fitbg['results'][]) if star.fitbg['convert']: df = convert_samples(df, drop=star.fitbg['drop']) star.df = df.copy() new_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['parameter', 'value', 'uncertainty']) for c, col in enumerate(df.columns.values.tolist()): new_df.loc[c, 'parameter'] = col new_df.loc[c, 'value'] = df.loc[0,col] if star.fitbg['mc_iter'] > 1: new_df.loc[c, 'uncertainty'] = mad_std(df[col].values) else: new_df.loc[c, 'uncertainty'] = '--' new_df.to_csv('%sbackground.csv'%star.params[]['path'], index=False) if star.fitbg['samples']: df.to_csv('%ssamples.csv'%star.params[]['path'], index=False)
def photometry(self,filepath, b, d): hdulist =, ignore_missing_end=True) hdu = hdulist[0] image = image -= np.median(image) bkg_sigma = mad_std(image) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=b, threshold=d * bkg_sigma) sources = daofind(image) # Save Stellar Sources from DOA Star Algorithm for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' # for consistent table output print(sources) # Perform Aperture Photometry positions = (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=17.) phot_table = aperture_photometry(image, apertures) for col in phot_table.colnames: phot_table[col].info.format = '%.8g' # for consistent table output filedest1 = input("Where to Save the result:") filedest2 = input("Where to Save the result 2:") print(phot_table) np.savetxt(filedest1, (sources), delimiter=',') # Save Result in CSV np.savetxt(filedest2, (phot_table), delimiter=',') # Save Result in CSV plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray_r', origin='lower') apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5)
def gaussian_kernel_acf(t,x,x_err,delta_tau,n): """ Compute the autocorrelation function for timeseries x(t) at lags k*delta_tau for k in 0..n using a gaussian kernel.""" for i in range(5): x = (x-np.median(x))/mad_std(x) q = np.where(np.abs(x)<3.5) x = x[q] t = t[q] nx = len(x) x = (x-np.mean(x))/np.std(x) Ti, Tj = np.meshgrid(t,t) Tau = Tj - Ti Xi, Xj = np.meshgrid(x,x) Xj = np.tril(Xj,k=-1) acf = np.zeros(n) for k in range(n): h = k*delta_tau b = np.exp(-Tau**2/(2*h**2))/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*h) b = np.tril(b,k=-1) Xjb = Xj*b acf[k] = np.sum([[m]*np.ones(nx),Xjb[:,m]) for m in range(nx)])/np.sum(b) return acf
def ts(self, verbose=False, sigma_clip=4): ''' Reads in a timeseries from the file stored in data file ONLY. All data modification is to be done in the frequency domain. ''' data = np.genfromtxt(self.data_file) #print data[0:5] data[:,1] = data[np.argsort(data[:,0]),1] # re-order flux by time data[:,0] = data[np.argsort(data[:,0]),0] # re-order time self.time = (data[:,0] - data[0,0]) * 24.0 * 3600.0 # start time at 0 secs self.flux = data[:,1] self.flux = self.flux[np.argsort(self.time)] self.time = self.time[np.argsort(self.time)] # remove data gaps self.time = self.time[(self.flux != 0) & (np.isfinite(self.flux))] self.flux = self.flux[(self.flux != 0) & (np.isfinite(self.flux))] self.flux = self.flux[np.argsort(self.time)] self.time = self.time[np.argsort(self.time)] self.flux_fix = self.flux sel = np.where(np.abs(self.flux_fix) < mad_std(self.flux_fix) * sigma_clip) self.flux_fix = self.flux_fix[sel] # remove extreme values self.time_fix = self.time[sel] # remove extreme values if verbose: print("Read file {}".format(self.data_file)) print("Data points : {}".format(len(self.time)))
def get_bias(bias, gain=1): '''Calculate superbias and readnoise. Apply sigma-clipping to all given bias images. Calculate readnoise (median robust standard deviation multiplied by gain) Get superbias by averaging all bias images. Parameters ---------- bias : 3D ndarray Array of bias images. gain : float, optional Electrons per ADU in given bias images (default is 1). Returns ------- suber_bias : 2D ndarray Superbias image. read_noise : float Read noise in the current observations ''' bias_clean = astats.sigma_clip(bias, sigma=5) read_noise = np.median(astats.mad_std(bias, axis=(1, 2))) * gain superbias = np.average(bias_clean, axis=0) superbias = superbias.filled(superbias.mean()) return (superbias, read_noise)
def running_MAD_2D(z, w, verbose=False, parallel=False): """Computers a running standard deviation of a 2-dimensional array z. The stddev is evaluated over the vertical block with width w pixels. The output is a 1D array with length equal to the width of z. This is very slow on arrays that are wide in x (hundreds of thousands of points).""" import astropy.stats as stats import numpy as np from tayph.vartests import typetest, dimtest, postest import tayph.util as ut if parallel: from joblib import Parallel, delayed typetest(z, np.ndarray, 'z in fun.running_MAD_2D()') dimtest(z, [0, 0], 'z in fun.running_MAD_2D()') typetest(w, [int, float], 'w in fun.running_MAD_2D()') postest(w, 'w in fun.running_MAD_2D()') size = np.shape(z) ny = size[0] nx = size[1] s = np.arange(0, nx, dtype=float) * 0.0 dx1 = int(0.5 * w) dx2 = int(int(0.5 * w) + (w % 2)) #To deal with odd windows. for i in range(nx): minx = max([0, i - dx1]) #This here is only a 3% slowdown. maxx = min([nx, i + dx2]) s[i] = stats.mad_std( z[:, minx:maxx], ignore_nan=True) #This is what takes 97% of the time. if verbose: ut.statusbar(i, nx) return (s)
def chunk_stats(list_data, chunk_size=15): """Cut the datasets in chunks and take the median Return the set of medians """ ndatasets = len(list_data) nchunk_x =[0].shape[0] // chunk_size - 1) nchunk_y =[0].shape[1] // chunk_size - 1) # Check that all datasets have the same size med_data = np.zeros((ndatasets, nchunk_x * nchunk_y), dtype=np.float32) std_data = np.zeros_like(med_data) if not all([d.size for d in list_data]): upipe.print_error( "Datasets are not of the same size in median_compare") else: for i in range(0, nchunk_x): for j in range(0, nchunk_y): for k in range(ndatasets): # Taking the median med_data[k, i * nchunk_y + j] = np.median( list_data[k][i * chunk_size:(i + 1) * chunk_size, j * chunk_size:(j + 1) * chunk_size]) std_data[k, i * nchunk_y + j] = mad_std( list_data[k][i * chunk_size:(i + 1) * chunk_size, j * chunk_size:(j + 1) * chunk_size]) return med_data, std_data
def sigma_clip(array,nsigma=3.0,MAD=False): """This returns the n-sigma boundaries of an array, mainly used for scaling plots. Parameters ---------- array : list, np.ndarray The array from which the n-sigma boundaries are required. nsigma : int, float The number of sigma's away from the mean that need to be provided. MAD : bool Use the true standard deviation or MAD estimator of the standard deviation (works better in the presence of outliers). Returns ------- vmin,vmax : float The bottom and top n-sigma boundaries of the input array. """ from tayph.vartests import typetest import numpy as np typetest(array,[list,np.ndarray],'array in fun.sigma_clip()') typetest(nsigma,[int,float],'nsigma in fun.sigma_clip()') typetest(MAD,bool,'MAD in fun.sigma_clip()') m = np.nanmedian(array) if MAD: from astropy.stats import mad_std s = mad_std(array,ignore_nan=True) else: s = np.nanstd(array) vmin = m-nsigma*s vmax = m+nsigma*s return vmin,vmax
def Periodogram(self, madVar=True): """ This function computes the power spectrum from the timeseries ONLY. """ dtav = np.mean(np.diff(self.time_fix)) # mean value of time differences (s) dtmed = np.median(np.diff(self.time_fix)) # median value of time differences (s) if dtmed == 0: dtmed = dtav # compute periodogram from regular frequency values fmin = 0 # minimum frequency N = len(self.time_fix) # n-points df = 1./(dtmed*N) # bin width (1/Tobs) (in Hz) model = LombScargleFast().fit(self.time_fix, self.flux_fix, np.ones(N)) power = model.score_frequency_grid(fmin, df, N/2) # signal-to-noise ratio, (1) eqn 9 freqs = fmin + df * np.arange(N/2) # the periodogram was computed over these freqs (Hz) # the variance of the flux if madVar: var = mad_std(self.flux_fix)**2 else: var = np.std(self.flux_fix)**2 # convert to PSD, see (1) eqn 1, 8, 9 & (2) power /= np.sum(power) # make the power sum to unity (dimensionless) power *= var # Parseval's theorem. time-series units: ppm. variance units: ppm^2 power /= df * 1e6 # convert from ppm^2 to ppm^2 muHz^-1 if len(freqs) < len(power): power = power[0:len(freqs)] if len(freqs) > len(power): freqs = freqs[0:len(power)] self.freq = freqs * 1e6 # muHz self.power = power # ppm^2 muHz^-1 self.bin_width = df * 1e6 # muHz
def calculate_statistics_no_clipping(self): """ This function ... :return: """ # Compress (remove masked values) flattened =, median = np.median(flattened) biweight_loc = biweight_location(flattened) biweight_midvar = biweight_midvariance(flattened) median_absolute_deviation = mad_std(flattened) #print("median", median) #print("biweigth_loc", biweight_loc) #print("biweight_midvar", biweight_midvar) #print("median_absolute_deviation", median_absolute_deviation) self.statistics.no_clipping = Map() self.statistics.no_clipping.median = median self.statistics.no_clipping.biweight_loc = biweight_loc self.statistics.no_clipping.biweight_midvar = biweight_midvar self.statistics.no_clipping.median_absolute_deviation = median_absolute_deviation
def simple_para_clean(pmaps, ncomp, npara=4): # clean parameter maps based on their error values pmaps = pmaps.copy() # remove component with vlsrErr that is number of sigma off from the median as specified below std_thres = 2 pmaps[pmaps == 0] = np.nan # loop through each component for i in range(0, ncomp): # get the STD and Medians of the vlsr errors std_vErr = mad_std(pmaps[(i + ncomp) * npara][np.isfinite( pmaps[(i + ncomp) * npara])]) median_vErr = np.median(pmaps[(i + ncomp) * npara][np.isfinite( pmaps[(i + ncomp) * npara])]) # remove outlier pixels mask = pmaps[(i + ncomp) * npara] > median_vErr + std_vErr * std_thres pmaps[i * npara:(i + 1) * npara, mask] = np.nan pmaps[(i + ncomp) * npara:(i + ncomp + 1) * npara, mask] = np.nan return pmaps
def fit_2d(x, y, z, x0, y0, weights=None, order=4, niter=3): # Fit sx = (x - np.mean(x))/np.max(x) sy = (y - np.mean(y))/np.max(y) X = make_series(1.0, sx, sy, order=order) X = np.vstack(X).T Y = z idx = np.isfinite(Y) for i in range(niter): if weights is not None: C = sm.WLS(Y[idx], X[idx], weights=weights[idx]).fit() else: C = sm.RLM(Y[idx], X[idx]).fit() YY = np.sum(X*C.params, axis=1) idx = np.abs(Y-YY - np.median((Y-YY)[idx])) < 3.0*mad_std((Y-YY)[idx]) # Predict sx = (x0 - np.mean(x))/np.max(x) sy = (y0 - np.mean(y))/np.max(y) X = make_series(1.0, sx, sy, order=order) X = np.vstack(X).T return np.sum(X*C.params, axis=1)
def CalcBkg(self): if not isinstance(self.img, np.ndarray): return from astropy.stats import mad_std bkg = np.median(self.img) sigma = mad_std(self.img) self.bkg = bkg self.bkg_sigma = sigma
def findStars(image): # In order to use the MAD as a consistent estimator for the estimation # of the standard deviation σ, one takes σ = k * MAD where k is a constant # scale factor, which depends on the distribution. For normally distributed # data k is taken to be k = 1.48[26] bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) t = 5 * bkg_sigma daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=t) stars = daofind(image) #stars['signal'] = stars['flux'] * t # data = image mask = make_source_mask(data, snr=2, npixels=5, dilate_size=11) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, mask=mask) madstd = mad_std(data) snrs = [] for peak in stars['peak']: snrs.append(peak / madstd / 7.4) stars['snr'] = snrs print((mean, median, std, bkg_sigma, t, madstd)) # #print stars return stars
def median_fwhm(self, direction): """Returns the sigma-clipped median fitted FWHM over both X and Y in pixels over all stars that fitted successfully, along with median absolute deviation (MAD) standard deviation. Note that the deviation return is standard deviation based on the MAD, not the MAD itself. See astropy.stats.mad_std Direction must be one of 'both', 'x', or 'y' """ # Clip values that are more than this number of sigma from the # median. numsig = 3.0 # Select only cases where the fitting appeared to work correctly. ok_x = self._fit_table['fwhm_x'][self._fit_table['fit_ok']] ok_y = self._fit_table['fwhm_y'][self._fit_table['fit_ok']] if 'both' in direction: ok_fwhm = np.concatenate((ok_x, ok_y)) # Note inputs as tuple elif 'x' in direction: ok_fwhm = ok_x elif 'y' in direction: ok_fwhm = ok_y clipped = sigma_clip(ok_fwhm, sigma=numsig, masked=False) num_used = len(clipped) self._logger.debug( f'Estimating median FWHM (direction={direction}) using {num_used} FWHM measurements ({len(ok_fwhm)} OK fits before clipping).' ) median_fwhm = float(np.median(clipped)) madstd_fwhm = float(mad_std(clipped)) return (median_fwhm, madstd_fwhm, num_used)
def fit(self, niter=5): """Determine the fit of the model to the data points with rejection For each iteraction, a weight is calculated based on the distance a source is from the relationship and outliers are rejected. Parameters ---------- niter: int Number of iteractions for the fit """ fitter = md.fitting.LinearLSQFitter() weights = np.ones_like(self.x) for i in range(niter): self.model = fitter(self.model, self.x, self.wavelength, weights=weights) #caculate the weights based on the median absolute deviation r = (self.wavelength - self.model(self.x)) s = stats.mad_std(r) biweight = lambda x: ((1.0 - x**2)**2.0)**0.5 if s != 0: weights = 1.0 / biweight(r / s) else: weights = np.ones(len(self.x))
def _remove_bad_pixels(col_index, dtype): global original, original_shape, scaled, scaled_shape, output, output_shape, lambdas, img_center, psfs, psfs_shape, Npixproc, Npixtot original_np = _arraytonumpy(original, original_shape, dtype=dtype) tmpcube = copy(original_np[:, :, col_index]) nan_mask_boxsize = 3 x = np.arange(nl) for m in np.arange(0, ny): myvec = tmpcube[:, m] wherefinite = np.where(np.isfinite(myvec)) if np.size(wherefinite[0]) < 10: continue smooth_vec = median_filter(myvec, footprint=np.ones(100), mode="constant", cval=0.0) myvec = myvec - smooth_vec wherefinite = np.where(np.isfinite(myvec)) mad = mad_std(myvec[wherefinite]) original_np[np.where(np.abs(myvec) > 7 * mad)[0], m, col_index] = np.nan widen_nans = np.where( np.isnan( np.correlate(original_np[:, m, col_index], np.ones(nan_mask_boxsize), mode="same")))[0] original_np[widen_nans, m, col_index] = np.nan
def compute_stats(x): """ Compute stats """ ## Compute stats npixels= np.size(x) pixel_min= np.min(x) pixel_max= np.max(x) mean= np.mean(x) stddev= np.std(x,ddof=1) median= np.median(x) mad= mad_std(x) skewness= stats.skew(x) kurtosis= stats.kurtosis(x) ## Compute robust stats niter= 1 sigmaclip= 3 [mean_clipped, median_clipped, stddev_clipped] = sigma_clipped_stats(x, sigma=sigmaclip, iters=niter, std_ddof=1) print '*** IMG STATS ***' print 'n=',npixels print 'min/max=',pixel_min,'/',pixel_max print 'mean=',mean print 'stddev=',stddev print 'median=',median print 'mad=',mad print 'skew=',skewness print 'kurtosis=',kurtosis print 'mean_clipped=',mean_clipped print 'median_clipped=',median_clipped print 'stddev_clipped=',stddev_clipped print '*****************'
def init_parameters(self): name = wns = log10(mad_std(diff(self.fluxes)) / sqrt(2)) pgp = [ LParameter(f'{name}_ln_out', f'{name} ln output scale', '', NP(-6, 1.5), bounds=(-inf, inf)), LParameter(f'{name}_ln_in', f'{name} ln input scale', '', UP(-8, 8), bounds=(-inf, inf)), LParameter(f'{name}_log10_wn', f'{name} log10 white noise sigma', '', NP(wns, 0.025), bounds=(-inf, inf)) ], pgp) self.pv_slice =[-1].slice self.pv_start =[-1].start setattr(self.lpf, f"_sl_{name}", self.pv_slice) setattr(self.lpf, f"_start_{name}", self.pv_start)
def fit_flux(self, **kwargs): """ """ from .fitter import DiffImgFitter from astropy.stats import mad_std # Load the fitter self.fitter = DiffImgFitter(self.diffimg, self.psfimg, 0, shape=self.psfshape) # Load the fitter robust_nmad = mad_std([~np.isnan(]) fit_prop = { "ampl_guess": np.nanmax( * (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * 2 ** 2)), # 2 sigma guess "sigma_guess": robust_nmad, } fit_prop["ampl_boundaires"] = [ -2 * np.nanmin( * (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * 2 ** 2)), 5 * np.nanmax( * (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * 2 ** 2)), ] fit_prop["sigma_boundaries"] = [ robust_nmad / 10.0, np.nanstd( * 2, ] # Return fitter output return**{**fit_prop,**kwargs})
def _stats_data(self, stats, mask, scipy, astropy, decimals_mode): data = # The original data size, for computation of valid elements and how # many are masked/invalid. size_initial = data.size # Delete masked values, this will directly convert it to a 1D array # if the mask is not appropriate then ravel it. data = data[~mask] size_masked = data.size # Delete invalid (NaN, Inf) values. This should ensure that the result # is always a 1D array data = data[np.isfinite(data)] size_valid = data.size stats['elements'] = [size_valid] stats['min'] = [np.amin(data)] stats['max'] = [np.amax(data)] stats['mean'] = [np.mean(data)] stats['median'] = [np.median(data)] # Use custom mode defined in this package because scipy.stats.mode is # very, very slow and by default tries to calculate the mode along # axis=0 and not for the whole array. # Take the first element since the second is the number of occurences. stats['mode'] = [mode(data, decimals=decimals_mode)[0]] if astropy: stats['biweight_location'] = [biweight_location(data)] stats['std'] = [np.std(data)] if astropy: stats['mad'] = [mad_std(data)] stats['biweight_midvariance'] = [biweight_midvariance(data)] stats['var'] = [np.var(data)] if scipy: # pragma: no cover if not OPT_DEPS['SCIPY']:'SciPy is not installed.') else: # Passing axis=None should not be important since we already # boolean indexed the array and it's 1D. But it's important # to remember that there default is axis=0 and not axis=None! stats['skew'] = [skew(data, axis=None)] stats['kurtosis'] = [kurtosis(data, axis=None)] stats['masked'] = [size_initial - size_masked] stats['invalid'] = [size_masked - size_valid] return data
def find_sources(imageFile, data, seeing_in_pix, threshold=5.): # estimate the 1-sigma noise level using the median absolute deviation of the image print "[*] Estimating 1-sigma noise level." # generate a mask for 0 pixel counts. These are chip gaps or skycell edges generated by # np.nan_to_num and will affect noise level estimate. mask = np.where(data != 0) bkg_sigma = mad_std(data[mask]) #print np.median(data), mad(data), bkg_sigma # use daofind to detect sources setting print "[*] Detecting %d-sigma sources in %s" % (threshold, imageFile) sources = daofind(data, fwhm=seeing_in_pix, threshold=threshold*bkg_sigma) print "[*] Source detection successful." print "\t[i] %d sources detected: " % (len(sources["xcentroid"])) print print sources return sources, bkg_sigma
def mad_std(self): """ A robust standard deviation using the `median absolute deviation (MAD) <>`_. The MAD is defined as ``median(abs(a - median(a)))``. The standard deviation estimator is given by: .. math:: \\sigma \\approx \\frac{\\textrm{MAD}}{\Phi^{-1}(3/4)} \\approx 1.4826 \ \\textrm{MAD} where :math:`\Phi^{-1}(P)` is the normal inverse cumulative distribution function evaluated at probability :math:`P = 3/4`. """ return mad_std(self.goodvals)
def photometry(data, mywcs, regs, beam): results = {} for ii,reg in enumerate(regs): if 'text' not in reg.meta: name = str(ii) else: name = reg.meta['text'].strip("{}") # all regions are points: convert them to 0.5" circles phot_reg = regions.CircleSkyRegion(, radius=0.5*u.arcsec) pixreg = phot_reg.to_pixel(mywcs) bgreg = regions.CircleSkyRegion(, radius=1.5*u.arcsec).to_pixel(mywcs) mask = pixreg.to_mask() cutout = mask.cutout(data) * # how do I make an annulus? bgmask = bgreg.to_mask() # manualannulus diff = bgmask.shape[0]-mask.shape[0] bgm ='bool') bgm[int(diff/2):-int(diff/2), int(diff/2):-int(diff/2)] ^='bool') assert bgm.sum() == - bgcutout = bgmask.cutout(data) * bgm results[name] = {'peak': cutout.max(), 'sum': cutout.sum(), 'bgrms': bgcutout.std(), 'bgmad': mad_std(bgcutout), 'npix':, 'beam_area':, 'RA':[0], 'Dec':[0], } return results
def find_sources(image): """Return sources (x, y) sorted by brightness. """ from scipy import ndimage from astropy.stats import mad_std img1 = image.copy().astype('float32') m, s = np.median(image), mad_std(image) src_mask = image > m + 3.0 * s # set the background to the min value of the sources img1[~src_mask] = img1[src_mask].min() # this rescales (min,max) to (0,1) img1 = (img1.min() - img1) / (img1.min() - img1.max()) img1[~src_mask] = 0. def obj_params_with_offset(img, labels, aslice, label_idx): y_offset = aslice[0].start x_offset = aslice[1].start thumb = img[aslice] lb = labels[aslice] yc, xc = ndimage.center_of_mass(thumb, labels=lb, index=label_idx) br = thumb[lb == label_idx].sum() # the intensity of the source return [br, xc + x_offset, yc + y_offset] srcs_labels, num_srcs = ndimage.label(img1) if num_srcs < 10: print("WARNING: Only %d sources found." % (num_srcs)) # Eliminate here all 1 pixel sources all_objects = [[ind + 1, aslice] for ind, aslice in enumerate(ndimage.find_objects(srcs_labels)) if srcs_labels[aslice].shape != (1, 1)] lum = np.array([obj_params_with_offset(img1, srcs_labels, aslice, lab_idx) for lab_idx, aslice in all_objects]) lum = lum[lum[:, 0].argsort()[::-1]] # sort by brightness descending order return lum[:, 1:]
def PCA_light_curve(pr, transit_parameters, buffer_time=5*u.min, outlier_mad_std_factor=3.0, plots=False, validation_duration_fraction=1/6, flux_threshold=0.89, validation_time=-0.65, plot_validation=False, outlier_rejection=True): """ Parameters ---------- pr : `~toolkit.PhotometryResults` transit_parameters : `~batman.TransitParams` buffer_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` outlier_mad_std_factor : float plots : bool validation_duration_fraction : float Returns ------- best_lc : `~numpy.ndarray` """ expected_mid_transit_jd = ((np.max(np.abs(pr.times - transit_parameters.t0) // transit_parameters.per) ) * # need to add +1 here for 20170502, don't know why TMP transit_parameters.per + transit_parameters.t0) mid_transit_time = Time(expected_mid_transit_jd, format='jd') transit_duration = transit_parameters.duration + buffer_time final_lc_mad = np.ones(len(pr.aperture_radii)) final_lc = None figures = [] for aperture_index in range(len(pr.aperture_radii)): target_fluxes = pr.fluxes[:, 0, aperture_index] target_errors = pr.errors[:, 0, aperture_index] if not outlier_rejection: inliers = np.ones_like(pr.fluxes[:, 0, aperture_index]).astype(bool) else: inliers = np.ones_like(pr.fluxes[:, 0, aperture_index]).astype(bool) for i in range(pr.fluxes.shape[1]): flux_i = pr.fluxes[:, i, aperture_index] linear_flux_trend = np.polyval(np.polyfit(pr.times - pr.times.mean(), flux_i, 1), pr.times - pr.times.mean()) new_inliers = (np.abs(flux_i - linear_flux_trend) < outlier_mad_std_factor * mad_std(flux_i)) inliers &= new_inliers out_of_transit = ((Time(pr.times, format='jd') > mid_transit_time + transit_duration/2) | (Time(pr.times, format='jd') < mid_transit_time - transit_duration/2)) validation_duration = validation_duration_fraction * transit_duration validation_mask = ((Time(pr.times, format='jd') < mid_transit_time + validation_time * transit_duration + validation_duration / 2) & (Time(pr.times, format='jd') > mid_transit_time + validation_time * transit_duration - validation_duration / 2)) oot = out_of_transit & inliers oot_no_validation = (out_of_transit & inliers & np.logical_not(validation_mask)) if plot_validation: plt.figure() plt.plot(pr.times[~oot], target_fluxes[~oot], '.', label='in-t') plt.plot(pr.times[oot], target_fluxes[oot], '.', label='oot') plt.plot(pr.times[validation_mask], target_fluxes[validation_mask], '.', label='validation') plt.axvline(mid_transit_time.jd, ls='--', color='r', label='midtrans') plt.legend() plt.title(np.count_nonzero(validation_mask)) plt.xlabel('JD') plt.ylabel('Flux') ones = np.ones((len(pr.times), 1)) regressors = np.hstack([pr.fluxes[:, 1:, aperture_index], pr.xcentroids[:, 0, np.newaxis], pr.ycentroids[:, 0, np.newaxis], pr.airmass[:, np.newaxis], pr.airpressure[:, np.newaxis], pr.humidity[:, np.newaxis], pr.background_median[:, np.newaxis] ]) n_components = np.arange(2, regressors.shape[1]) def train_pca_linreg_model(out_of_transit_mask, oot_no_validation_mask, n_comp): # OOT chunk first: pca = PCA(n_components=n_comp) reduced_regressors = pca.fit_transform(regressors[out_of_transit_mask], target_fluxes[out_of_transit_mask]) prepended_regressors_oot = np.hstack([ones[out_of_transit_mask], reduced_regressors]) c_oot = regression_coeffs(prepended_regressors_oot, target_fluxes[out_of_transit_mask], target_errors[out_of_transit_mask]) lc_training = (target_fluxes[out_of_transit_mask] - regression_model(c_oot, prepended_regressors_oot)) median_oot = np.median(target_fluxes[out_of_transit_mask]) std_lc_training = np.std((lc_training + median_oot) / median_oot) # Now on validation chunk: reduced_regressors_no_validation = pca.fit_transform(regressors[oot_no_validation_mask], target_fluxes[oot_no_validation_mask]) prepended_regressors_no_validation = np.hstack([ones[oot_no_validation_mask], reduced_regressors_no_validation]) c_no_validation = regression_coeffs(prepended_regressors_no_validation, target_fluxes[oot_no_validation_mask], target_errors[oot_no_validation_mask]) lc_validation = (target_fluxes[out_of_transit_mask] - regression_model(c_no_validation, prepended_regressors_oot)) std_lc_validation = np.std((lc_validation + median_oot) / median_oot) return lc_training, lc_validation, std_lc_training, std_lc_validation stds_validation = np.zeros_like(n_components, dtype=float) stds_training = np.zeros_like(n_components, dtype=float) for i, n_comp in enumerate(n_components): results = train_pca_linreg_model(oot, oot_no_validation, n_comp) lc_training, lc_validation, std_lc_training, std_lc_validation = results stds_validation[i] = std_lc_validation stds_training[i] = std_lc_training best_n_components = n_components[np.argmin(stds_validation)] if plots: fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(n_components, stds_validation, label='validation') plt.plot(n_components, stds_training, label='training') plt.xlabel('Components') plt.ylabel('std') plt.axvline(best_n_components, color='r', ls='--') plt.title("Aperture: {0} (index: {1})" .format(pr.aperture_radii[aperture_index], aperture_index)) plt.legend() figures.append(fig) # Now apply PCA to generate light curve with best number of components pca = PCA(n_components=best_n_components) reduced_regressors = pca.fit_transform(regressors[oot], target_fluxes[oot]) all_regressors = pca.transform(regressors) prepended_all_regressors = np.hstack([ones, all_regressors]) prepended_regressors_oot = np.hstack([ones[oot], reduced_regressors]) c_oot = regression_coeffs(prepended_regressors_oot, target_fluxes[oot], target_errors[oot]) best_lc = ((target_fluxes - regression_model(c_oot, prepended_all_regressors)) / np.median(target_fluxes)) + 1 final_lc_mad[aperture_index] = mad_std(best_lc[out_of_transit]) if final_lc_mad[aperture_index] == np.min(final_lc_mad): final_lc = best_lc.copy() if plots: # Close all validation plots except the best aperture's for i, fig in enumerate(figures): if i != np.argmin(final_lc_mad): plt.close(fig) plt.figure() plt.plot(pr.aperture_radii, final_lc_mad) plt.axvline(pr.aperture_radii[np.argmin(final_lc_mad)], ls='--', color='r') plt.xlabel('Aperture radii') plt.ylabel('mad(out-of-transit light curve)') plt.figure() plt.plot(pr.times, final_lc, 'k.') plt.xlabel('Time [JD]') plt.ylabel('Flux') return final_lc
def check_matches(files, cols, neighbor, upperlimits=[4, 10.0], printlist=False, debug=False, **keyword_parameter): """ *preforms self-neighbour matching of file and returns diagnostic plots. Parameters ---------- files: <type 'str'> Name of file columns : <type 'ndarray'> or <type 'list'> array of column names needed. Must be <type 'str'>. neighbor: <type 'int'> which nth-neighbor match needed. Returns ------- matplotlib image Examples -------- f1 = "output_DR12_1p44UKIDSSlas_4p0WISE_starL_GMM5QSOs.fits" final_array = check_matches(f1,['ra','dec','psfMag_i'],2) final_array = check_matches(f1,['ra','dec','psfMag_i'],2, save = '/Desktop/important_plot.png') """ from astropy.table import Table figsize=(8,6) median_and_mean = [[],[]] print('files:', files) match_object = files columns_object = cols # read in the data file data ='stats') #to_match_RA =, columns=columns_object[0]) #to_match_DEC =, columns=columns_object[1]), columns=columns_object[2]) #to_match_RA =, columns=columns_object[0]) #to_match_DEC =, columns=columns_object[1]) #psfmag=, columns=columns_object[2]) # help(data) # help(to_match_RA) print(columns_object[0]) to_match_RA = data[columns_object[0]] to_match_DEC = data[columns_object[1]] psfmag = data[columns_object[3]] # help(to_match_RA) print(to_match_RA.unit) print(to_match_RA.shape) print(len(to_match_RA), np.min(to_match_RA), np.max(to_match_RA)) vot = True # check units and convert u.deg id needed if to_match_RA.unit != 'deg': to_match_RA = to_match_RA * u.deg if to_match_DEC.unit != 'deg': to_match_DEC = to_match_DEC * u.deg skycoord_object = SkyCoord(to_match_RA, to_match_DEC, frame='icrs') # matches to self idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(skycoord_object, skycoord_object, nthneighbor=neighbor) idx2 = np.asarray([i for i in range(len(idx))]) #set limits separations = np.asarray(d2d)*3600.0 itest = (separations < upperlimits[0]) result = data[itest] result_separations = separations[itest] print(upperlimits[0]) print(result_separations) if printlist: for irow, row in enumerate(result): print(irow, row['ra'], row['dec'], row['dist'] * 3600.0, result_separations[irow], row['phot_g_mean_mag']) upperlimit = upperlimits[0] upperlimit2 = upperlimits[1] separations_reduced = separations[(separations<=upperlimit)] separations_orig = separations[(separations<=upperlimit2)] psfmag_reduced=np.asarray(psfmag)[(separations<=upperlimit)] # separations_reduced = separations[(np.asarray(psfmag)<18.0)*(separations<=upperlimit2)] # separations_orig = separations[(separations<=upperlimit2)] # psfmag_reduced=np.asarray(psfmag)[(np.asarray(psfmag)<18.0)] masked_list_ra = np.asarray(skycoord_object.ra)[(idx)] masked_list_dec = np.asarray(skycoord_object.dec)[(idx)] masked_list_ra_cat = np.asarray(skycoord_object.ra) masked_list_dec_cat = np.asarray(skycoord_object.dec) # masked = skycoord_object[idx] # dra, ddec = skycoord_object.spherical_offsets_to(masked) # sky = SkyCoord(masked_list_ra*, masked_list_dec*, frame='icrs') # dra, ddec = skycoord_object.spherical_offsets_to(sky) # dra=float( # ddec=float( difference_ra = ((((masked_list_ra_cat-masked_list_ra)*np.cos(np.radians(masked_list_dec_cat))))*3600.0) difference_dec = (((masked_list_dec_cat-masked_list_dec))*3600.0) #final array idx_pairs = idx[(separations<=upperlimits[0])] idx_pairs_second = idx2[(separations<=upperlimits[0])] masked_list_ra_pairs1 = np.asarray(skycoord_object.ra)[(idx_pairs)] masked_list_dec_pairs1 = np.asarray(skycoord_object.dec)[(idx_pairs)] masked_list_ra_pairs2 = np.asarray(skycoord_object.ra)[(idx_pairs_second)] masked_list_dec_pairs2 = np.asarray(skycoord_object.dec)[(idx_pairs_second)] median_and_mean = [list(difference_ra),list(difference_dec)] median_and_mean = np.asarray(median_and_mean) mad_standard = mad_std(median_and_mean) mad_median = mad_med(median_and_mean) length = len(masked_list_ra) length30 = len(separations_reduced) med = np.median(separations) med_red = np.median(separations_reduced) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8,6)) print('files:', files, len(files)) print("file: %s" % files) plt.suptitle("file: %s"% files, size=10) #pylab.title("file: %s"% files,size=14, fontsize='medium') ax1=fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) print(len(separations_orig)) print(upperlimit2) n, b, patches = ax1.hist(separations_orig, bins=int(upperlimit2/0.5), range=[0.0, upperlimit2], color='green', alpha=0.3) bin_min = np.where(n == n.min()) n1, b1, pathes1 = ax1.hist(separations_reduced, bins=int(upperlimit2/0.5), range=[0.0, upperlimit2], color='blue') ax1.set_xlim(0.0, upperlimit2) ax1.locator_params(axis='x',nbins=4) s0 = 'Matched to self' ax1.annotate(s0,(0.28,0.95) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s04 = '# of Objects = %i'%length ax1.annotate(s04,(0.28,0.90) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s01 = '(All objects) Median = %.2f' % med ax1.annotate(s01,(0.28,0.85) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s03 = '# of objects <= %i arcsecs = %i' % (upperlimit, length30) ax1.annotate(s03,(0.28,0.80) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s02 = '(Objects<=30arcsecs) Median = %.2f' % med_red ax1.annotate(s02,(0.28,0.75) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) ax1.set_xlabel('Separation (arcseconds)') ax1.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2) markersize = 0.5 markersize = 1.0 alpha = 1.0 ax2.plot(difference_ra, difference_dec, 'oc', markersize=markersize, markeredgewidth=0.0, alpha=alpha) xrange = [-1.0*upperlimits[1], 1.0*upperlimits[1]] yrange = [-1.0*upperlimits[1], 1.0*upperlimits[1]] print(xrange + yrange) ranges = xrange + yrange # ax2.axis('equal') ax2.set_aspect('equal') ax2.axis(ranges) ax2.locator_params(axis='x',nbins=4) ax2.set_xlabel('Delta RA (")') ax2.set_ylabel('Delta Dec (")') # s11 = 'Zoomed-in to 30 arcsecs' # ax2.annotate(s11,(0.45,0.95) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s1 = '# of Objects = %i' % length ax2.annotate(s1,(0.45,0.90) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s7 = 'MAD = %.2f' % mad_median ax2.annotate(s7,(0.45,0.85) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s3 = 'MAD_std = %.2f' % mad_standard ax2.annotate(s3,(0.45,0.80) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) bin_size1=0.25; min_edge1=5;max_edge1=22 N1 = (max_edge1-min_edge1)/bin_size1; Nplus11 = N1 + 1 bin_list1 = np.linspace(min_edge1, max_edge1, Nplus11) ax3.hist(psfmag_reduced,bins=bin_list1,color='blue') xlabel = cols[2] ax3.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax3.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax3.locator_params(axis='x',nbins=4) # ax3.plot(to_match_RA,to_match_DEC,'og',markersize=0.5,markeredgewidth=0.0,alpha=0.3) # ax3.locator_params(axis='x',nbins=4) # ax3.set_xlabel('RA') # ax3.set_ylabel('DEC') ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4) bin_size=0.25; min_edge=5;max_edge=22 N = (max_edge-min_edge)/bin_size; Nplus1 = N + 1 bin_list = np.linspace(min_edge, max_edge, Nplus1) ax4.hist(psfmag_reduced,bins=bin_list,color='blue') ax4.hist(psfmag,bins=bin_list,color='green',alpha=0.3) xlabel = cols[2] ax4.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax4.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax4.locator_params(axis='x',nbins=4) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) plotid() if ('save' in keyword_parameter): path_to_save = str(keyword_parameter['save']) plt.savefig(path_to_save,dpi=150) else: return (masked_list_ra_pairs1,masked_list_dec_pairs1,masked_list_ra_pairs2,masked_list_dec_pairs2)
def calc_background_rms(self, data, axis=None): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis) return mad_std(data, axis=axis)
def xmatch_checkplot(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, figsize = (6.0, 6.0), width=10.0, gtype="all", add_plotid=True, prefix=None, saveplot=True, plotfile="", plotfile_prefix=None, title="", suptitle=""): """ Makes checkplot for catalogue xmatch results Forked from Sophie Reed's version on 20160319 uses hist2d; a point based option would be useful Plot can either be square, the square inscribes the circle. Or all which has all the points in the matching circle. Square make the histograms more comparable. Compares RA_main and DEC_main columns with RA and Dec columns in the format output by the matching codes. Eg. RA_ + survey. Width needs to be in arcsecs """ import math import time import inspect import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm # import stats # import plotid now = time.localtime(time.time()) datestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", now) function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] lineno = str(inspect.stack()[0][2]) print(mk_timestamp(), function_name, lineno + ':') print(function_name + '.saveplot:', saveplot) print(function_name + '.plotfile:', plotfile) print(function_name + '.prefix: ', plotfile_prefix) ndata = len(ra1) # this could probably be simplified and speeded up n = 0 xs = [] ys = [] while n < len(ra1): x = (ra1[n] - ra2[n]) * \ math.cos((ra1[n] + ra2[n]) * math.pi / 360.0) * 3600.0 y = (dec1[n] - dec2[n]) * 3600.0 if not np.isnan(x) and not np.isnan(y): xs.append(x) ys.append(y) n += 1 n = 0 xs_s = [] ys_s = [] if gtype == "square": w = width / math.sqrt(2.0) while n < len(xs): x = xs[n] y = ys[n] if x <= w and x >= -w and y <= w and y >= -w: xs_s.append(xs[n]) ys_s.append(ys[n]) n += 1 xs = xs_s ys = ys_s xs1 = list(xs) + [] ys1 = list(ys) + [] RA_med = np.median(xs1) DEC_med = np.median(ys1) RA_mad_std = mad_std(xs1) DEC_mad_std = mad_std(ys1) print("Number of points", len(xs)) print("RA median offset", RA_med, "Dec median offset", DEC_mad_std) print("RA Sigma(MAD)", RA_mad_std, "Dec Sigma(MAD)", DEC_mad_std) print("RA median error", RA_mad_std / math.sqrt(len(xs)), "Dec median error", DEC_mad_std / math.sqrt(len(ys))) print("dRA range:", np.min(xs1), np.max(xs1)) print("dDec range:", np.min(ys1), np.max(ys1)) print() if len(xs) == 0: print("No matches") return RA_med, DEC_med xs = np.asarray(xs) ys = np.asarray(ys) xlimits = np.asarray([-1.0*width, width]) ylimits = np.asarray([-1.0*width, width]) limits = np.asarray([xlimits, ylimits]) print(xlimits[0], xlimits[1]) print(xs.dtype) print(xs.shape) print(xlimits.dtype) print(xlimits.shape) # itest = (xs > xlimits[0] & xs < xlimits[1]) # xs = xs[itest] # itest = (ys > ylimits[0] & ys < ylimits[1]) # ys = ys[itest] print('limits:', limits) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[2, 1], height_ratios=[1, 2]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax1.hist(xs, bins=100, color="r", range=xlimits) ax1.set_xlim(xlimits) ax1.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax1.set_ylabel("Number") ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[2]) # ax2.plot(xs, ys, "k+") if len(xs) > 100: plt.hist2d(xs, ys, bins=100, cmap="binary", norm=LogNorm(), range=limits) else: plt.plot(xs, ys, "k.", ms=2) ax2.set_ylim(-1*width, width) ax2.set_xlim(-1*width, width) ax2.set_xlabel('Delta RA /"') ax2.set_ylabel('Delta Dec /"') labels1 = ax2.get_xticks() ax2.set_xticklabels(labels1, rotation=270) if suptitle is None: fig.suptitle("Errors in matching: " + suptitle + ': ' + str(ndata), fontsize='small') if suptitle is not None: fig.suptitle(suptitle + ': ' + str(ndata), fontsize='small') ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[3]) print('limits:', limits) ax3.hist(ys, bins=100, orientation="horizontal", color="r", range=ylimits) ax3.set_ylim(ylimits) ax3.set_xlabel("Number") ax3.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) labels2 = ax3.get_xticks() ax3.set_xticklabels(labels2, rotation=270) ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax4.annotate("Number of points: " + str(len(xs)), xy=(0.01, 0.1), size="small") ax4.annotate("RA offset: {0:.4f}".format(RA_med) + '"', xy=(0.01, 0.90), size="small") ax4.annotate("DEC offset: {0:.4f}".format(DEC_med) + '"', xy=(0.01, 0.8), size="small") ax4.annotate("RA sigma MAD: {0:.4f}".format(RA_mad_std) + '"', xy=(0.01, 0.7), size="small") ax4.annotate("DEC sigma MAD: {0:.4f}".format(DEC_mad_std) + '"', xy=(0.01, 0.6), size="small") ax4.annotate("RA median error: {0:.4f}". format(RA_mad_std / math.sqrt(len(xs))) + '"', xy=(0.01, 0.5), size="small") ax4.annotate("DEC median error: {0:.4f}". format(DEC_mad_std / math.sqrt(len(ys))) + '"', xy=(0.01, 0.4), size="small") ax4.annotate("RA sigma MAD: {0:.4f}".format(RA_mad_std) + '"', xy=(0.01, 0.3), size="small") ax4.annotate("DEC sigma MAD: {0:.4f}".format(DEC_mad_std) + '"', xy=(0.01, 0.2), size="small") ax4.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax4.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if saveplot: lineno = str(inspect.stack()[0][2]) print(mk_timestamp(), function_name, lineno) print('plotfile:', plotfile) print('plotfile_prefix:', plotfile_prefix) if add_plotid: # make room for the plotid on right edge fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.95) plotid() if plotfile is None: plotfile = 'match' if plotfile_prefix is not None and plotfile is None: plotfile = plotfile_prefix + '_match_' + datestamp + '.png' if plotfile_prefix is None and plotfile is None: plotfile = 'match_' + datestamp + '.png' print('Saving: ', plotfile) plt.savefig(plotfile) return RA_med, DEC_med
def xmatch_cat(table1=None, table2=None, radec1=None, radec2=None, nthneighbor=None, multimatch=False, seplimit=10.0, selfmatch=False, colnames_radec1=['ra', 'dec'], colnames_radec2=['ra', 'dec'], units_radec1=['degree', 'degree'], units_radec2=['degree', 'degree'], stats=False, debug=False, verbose=False, method=False): """RA, Dec nearest xmatch for two lists; returns pointers nearest match input can be an astropy table or zipped radec as a list e.g. c = zip([1],[1]) radec1 = zip(ra1 , dec1) radec1 = np.column_stack(ra1, dec1)) Self match notes: """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.table import Table, hstack from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.coordinates import search_around_sky, match_coordinates_sky from astropy import units as u from astropy.stats import mad_std, median_absolute_deviation if verbose or debug: print('__file__:', __file__) print('__name__:', __name__) try: if 'filename' in table1.meta: print('table1.filename:', table1.meta['filename']) except: print("table1 has no metadata or table1.meta['filename']") if verbose or debug: print('colnames_radec1:', colnames_radec1) # selfmatch does not need a 2nd table if not selfmatch: try: if 'filename' in table2.meta: print('table2.filename:', table2.meta['filename']) except: print("table2 has no metadata or table2.meta['filename']") if verbose or debug: print('colnames_radec2:', colnames_radec2) if selfmatch: table2 = table1 colnames_radec2 = colnames_radec1 if nthneighbor is None: nthneighbor = 2 if nthneighbor is None: nthneighbor = 1 ra1 = table1[colnames_radec1[0]] dec1 = table1[colnames_radec1[1]] if verbose or debug: print('table1: ', colnames_radec1[0], table1[colnames_radec1[0]].unit) print('table1: ', colnames_radec1[1], table1[colnames_radec1[1]].unit) ra2 = table2[colnames_radec2[0]] dec2 = table2[colnames_radec2[1]] if verbose or debug: print('table2: ', colnames_radec2[0], table2[colnames_radec2[0]].unit) print('table2: ', colnames_radec2[1], table2[colnames_radec2[1]].unit) if stats or verbose or debug: print('RA1 range:', np.min(ra1), np.max(ra1)) print('Dec1 range:', np.min(dec1), np.max(dec1)) print('RA1 range:', np.min(ra2), np.max(ra2)) print('Dec1 range:', np.min(dec2), np.max(dec2)) skycoord1 = SkyCoord(ra1, dec1, unit=units_radec1, frame='icrs') skycoord2 = SkyCoord(ra2, dec2, unit=units_radec2, frame='icrs') # idx is an integer array into the second cordinate array to get the # matched points for the second coordindate array. # Shape of idx matches the first coordinate array idx1 = [] idx2 = [] if not method: if not multimatch: idx2, d2d, d3d = \ match_coordinates_sky(skycoord1, skycoord2, nthneighbor=nthneighbor) if multimatch: idx1, idx2, d2d, d3d = \ search_around_sky(skycoord1, skycoord2, seplimit * u.arcsec) # alternative 'method' form if method: if not multimatch: idx2, d2d, d3d = \ skycoord1.match_to_catalog_sky(skycoord2, nthneighbor=nthneighbor) if multimatch: idx1, idx2, d2d, d3d = \ skycoord1.search_around_sky(skycoord2, seplimit * u.arcsec) # compute the separations and if not multimatch: separation = skycoord1.separation(skycoord2[idx2]) dra, ddec = \ skycoord1.spherical_offsets_to(skycoord2[idx2]) if multimatch: separation = skycoord1[idx1].separation(skycoord2[idx2]) dra, ddec = \ skycoord1[idx1].spherical_offsets_to(skycoord2[idx2]) if stats or verbose or debug: print('multimatch:', multimatch) print('seplimit:', seplimit) print('len(table1):', len(table1)) print('len(table2):', len(table2)) print('len(idx1):', len(idx1)) print('len(idx2):', len(idx2)) print('idxmatch range:', np.min(idx2), np.max(idx2)) print('d2d range:', np.min(d2d), np.max(d2d)) print('d2d range:', np.min(d2d).arcsec, np.max(d2d).arcsec) print('d2d median:', np.median(d2d).arcsec) median_separation = np.median(separation).arcsec mad_std_separation = mad_std(separation.arcsec) print('dR range (arcsec):', np.min(separation.arcsec), np.max(separation.arcsec)) print('dR mean, std (arcsec):', np.mean(separation).arcsec, np.std(separation).arcsec) print('dR median, mad_std (arcsec):', median_separation, mad_std_separation) print() median_dra = np.median(dra).arcsec mad_std_dra = mad_std(dra.arcsec) print('dRA min, max:', np.min(dra).arcsec, np.max(dra).arcsec) print('dRA mean, std:', np.mean(dra).arcsec, np.std(dra).arcsec) print('dRA median, mad_std:', median_dra, mad_std_dra) print() median_ddec = np.median(ddec).arcsec mad_std_ddec = mad_std(ddec.arcsec) print('dDec min, max:', np.min(ddec).arcsec, np.max(ddec).arcsec) print('dDec mean, std:', np.mean(ddec).arcsec, np.std(ddec).arcsec) print('dDec median, mad_std:', median_ddec, mad_std_ddec) print() # convert to arcsec for convenience separation = separation.arcsec dr = d2d.arcsec dra = dra.arcsec ddec = ddec.arcsec # return dra, ddec, dr in arcsec # as a list or could be dict; check if scales from 10^3 -> 10^6 -> 10^9 drplus = [dra, ddec, dr] if debug or verbose: print(len(idx2), len(dr)) print(len(drplus), len(drplus[0]), len(drplus[1]), len(drplus[2])) # could add option to return dr, dra, ddec if not multimatch: return idx2, dr, dra, ddec if multimatch: return (idx1, idx2), dr, dra, ddec
if debug: help(xmatch_cat) print("Elapsed time %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - t0)) """RA, Dec nearest xmatch for two lists; returns pointers """ idxmatch, dr = xmatch_cat(table1=table1, table2=table2, colnames_radec1=colnames_radec1, colnames_radec2=colnames_radec2, selfmatch=False, stats=True, debug=debug, verbose=True) print("Elapsed time %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - t0)) dr_median = np.median(dr) dr_mad_std = mad_std(dr) numpoints = len(dr) print(len(dr), dr_median, dr_mad_std) itest = np.unique(idxmatch) print('Unique idxmatch:', len(itest), len(idxmatch)) itest = np.unique(table1['row_id']) print('Unique row_id:', len(itest)) for icount, id in enumerate(itest): print(icount + 1, id, mastercat['RA'][id], mastercat['Dec'][id]) precision = 1 print(icount + 1, id,
def make_hist(xdata=None, column=None, units=None, comment=None, waveband=None, figpath=None, infile=None, filename=None, datapath=None, zoom=False, save=True): """ make EDA univariate histogram plots """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0)) # what does this do? ids = np.where((xdata == xdata))[0] xdata = xdata[ids] pers = np.percentile(xdata, [1.0, 99.0]) keeps = np.where((xdata < pers[1]) & (xdata > pers[0]))[0] if zoom and len(keeps) > 1: xdata1 = xdata[keeps] nper = len(xdata1) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, sharey=ax1) ax2.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax2.hist(xdata1, bins=100, log=True, range=(min(xdata1), max(xdata1))) ax2.set_title("1st - 99th %tile: " + str(nper)) labels2 = ax2.get_xticks() ax2.set_xticklabels(labels2, rotation=270) else: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) nr = len(xdata) ax1.hist(xdata, bins=100, log=True, range=(min(xdata), max(xdata))) labels1 = ax1.get_xticks()[:-1] ax1.set_xticklabels(labels1, rotation=270) text = ("Min: " + str(min(xdata)) + "\nMax: " + str(max(xdata)) + "\nMedian: " + str(np.median(xdata)) + "\nSigma MAD: " + str(mad_std(xdata)) + "\n1st %ile: " + str(pers[0]) + "\n99th %ile: " + str(pers[1])) ax1.text(0.2, 0.7, text, transform=ax1.transAxes, bbox=dict(facecolor='blue', alpha=0.2)) ax1.set_title("All points: " + str(nr)) text = column + " / " + units + "\n" + comment ax1.text(0.5, 0.05, text, ha="center", transform=fig.transFigure) ax1.set_ylabel("Frequency") print(column, filename, waveband) fig.suptitle(column + ":" + filename + ':' + waveband, fontsize='small') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.2, wspace=0.0) plotid() fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 8.0) plotid() if save: basename=os.path.basename(infile) figfile = figpath + '/' + basename + '_hist_' + column + ".png" print('Saving:', figfile) plt.savefig(figfile) plt.close() else:
#Iterate through the hours of one day while == index = hour.isoformat(" ").split(".")[0] hour += datetime.timedelta(hours=1) if not index in openfile: continue for b in openfile[index]: block = openfile[index][b] avg_revs.append(float(block["avg_revenue"])) if block["avg_tips"] != "Insufficient data": avg_tips.append(float(block["avg_tips"])) avg_dists.append(float(block["avg_distance"])) avg_pass.append(float(block["avg_passengers"])) dist_list.append(float(block["distance"])) tip_list.append(float(block["tips"])) rev_list.append(float(block["revenue"])) pass_list.append(float(block["passengers"])) rides.append(float(block["rides"])) date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) with open("../statistics.csv", "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(["Statistic", "Revenue", "Tips", "Distance", "Passengers", "Avg Revenue", "Avg Tips", "Avg Distance", "Avg Passengers", "Rides"]) writer.writerow(["Median", numpy.median(rev_list), numpy.median(tip_list), numpy.median(dist_list), numpy.median(pass_list), numpy.median(avg_revs), numpy.median(avg_tips), numpy.median(avg_dists), numpy.median(avg_pass), numpy.median(rides)]) writer.writerow(["Mean", numpy.mean(rev_list), numpy.mean(tip_list), numpy.mean(dist_list), numpy.mean(pass_list), numpy.mean(avg_revs), numpy.mean(avg_tips), numpy.mean(avg_dists), numpy.mean(avg_pass), numpy.mean(rides)]) writer.writerow(["Median Absolute Deviation", stats.mad_std(rev_list), stats.mad_std(tip_list), stats.mad_std(dist_list), stats.mad_std(pass_list), stats.mad_std(avg_revs), stats.mad_std(avg_tips), stats.mad_std(avg_dists), stats.mad_std(avg_pass), stats.mad_std(rides)]) writer.writerow(["Standard Deviation", numpy.std(rev_list), numpy.std(tip_list), numpy.std(dist_list), numpy.std(pass_list), numpy.std(avg_revs), numpy.std(avg_tips), numpy.std(avg_dists), numpy.std(avg_pass), numpy.std(rides)])
# file.write(print_line) # file.close() # # import matplotlib.pylab as plt # im2 = image # im2[im2<=0]=0.0001 # plt.imshow(im2, cmap='gray', origin='lower') # apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5) # hdulist = image = hdulist[0].data #image = image.astype(float) - np.median(image) from photutils import daofind from astropy.stats import mad_std bkg_sigma = mad_std(image) sources = daofind(image, fwhm, threshold*bkg_sigma) #print_line= (file_name+","+str(sources_2)+"\n") sources_2 = np.array(sources["id", "xcentroid", "ycentroid", "sharpness", "roundness1", "roundness2", "npix", "sky", "peak", "flux", "mag"]) print_line= (file_name+","+str(sources_2)) file= open(outpath, "a") file.write(print_line) file.close() from photutils import aperture_photometry, CircularAperture positions = (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r) phot_table = aperture_photometry(image, apertures) phot_table_2 = np.array(phot_table["aperture_sum", "xcenter", "ycenter"]) print_line= (","+str(phot_table_2)+"\n") file= open(outpath, "a")
def init_centroids(first_image_path, master_flat, master_dark, target_centroid, max_number_stars=10, min_flux=0.2, plots=False): first_image = np.median([(fits.getdata(path) - master_dark)/master_flat for path in first_image_path], axis=0) tophat_kernel = Tophat2DKernel(5) convolution = convolve_fft(first_image, tophat_kernel, fftn=fft2, ifftn=ifft2) convolution -= np.median(convolution) mad = mad_std(convolution) convolution[convolution < -5*mad] = 0.0 from skimage.filters import threshold_yen from skimage.measure import label, regionprops thresh = threshold_yen(convolution)/4 # Use /4 for planet c, /2 for planet b #thresh = threshold_otsu(convolution)/15 masked = np.ones_like(convolution) masked[convolution <= thresh] = 0 label_image = label(masked) plt.figure() plt.imshow(label_image, origin='lower', # regions = regionprops(label_image, convolution) regions = regionprops(label_image, first_image) # reject regions near to edge of detector buffer_pixels = 50 regions = [region for region in regions if ((region.weighted_centroid[0] > buffer_pixels and region.weighted_centroid[0] < label_image.shape[0] - buffer_pixels) and (region.weighted_centroid[1] > buffer_pixels and region.weighted_centroid[1] < label_image.shape[1] - buffer_pixels))] #centroids = [region.weighted_centroid for region in regions] #intensities = [region.mean_intensity for region in regions] target_intensity = regions[0].mean_intensity target_diameter = regions[0].equivalent_diameter # and region.equivalent_diameter > 0.8 * target_diameter centroids = [region.weighted_centroid for region in regions if min_flux * target_intensity < region.mean_intensity] # intensities = [region.mean_intensity for region in regions # if min_flux * target_intensity < region.mean_intensity] # centroids = np.array(centroids)[np.argsort(intensities)[::-1]] distances = [np.sqrt((target_centroid[0] - d[0])**2 + (target_centroid[1] - d[1])**2) for d in centroids] centroids = np.array(centroids)[np.argsort(distances)] positions = np.vstack([[y for x, y in centroids], [x for x, y in centroids]]) if plots: apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=12.) apertures.plot(color='r', lw=2, alpha=1) plt.imshow(first_image, vmin=np.percentile(first_image, 0.01), vmax=np.percentile(first_image, 99.9),, origin='lower') plt.scatter(positions[0, 0], positions[1, 0], s=150, marker='x') return positions
def xmatch_checkplots0(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, width=10.0, binsize=1.0, saveplot=True, markersize=1.0, plotfile='', suptitle='', **kwargs): """ Based on code by Chris Desira """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy import stats from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy import units as u from librgm.plotid import plotid rmax = width print('RA1 range:', np.min(ra1), np.max(ra1)) print('Dec1 range:', np.min(dec1), np.max(dec1)) print('RA2 range:', np.min(ra2), np.max(ra2)) print('Dec2 range:', np.min(dec2), np.max(dec2)) # offsets in arc seconds difference_ra = (ra1 - ra2) * np.cos(np.radians(dec1)) * 3600.0 difference_dec = (dec1 - dec2) * 3600.0 itest = (np.abs(difference_ra) < rmax) & (np.abs(difference_dec) < rmax) difference_ra = difference_ra[itest] difference_dec = difference_dec[itest] skycoord_object1 = SkyCoord(ra1, dec1, unit=('degree', 'degree'), frame='icrs') skycoord_object2 = SkyCoord(ra2, dec2, unit=('degree', 'degree'), frame='icrs') skycoord_object1 = skycoord_object1[itest] skycoord_object2 = skycoord_object2[itest] separations = skycoord_object1.separation(skycoord_object2) med = np.median(separations.arcsec) ndata = len(separations) mad = stats.median_absolute_deviation(separations.arcsec) mad_std = stats.mad_std(separations.arcsec) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 5)) plt.suptitle(suptitle, size=10) ax1=fig.add_subplot(1,2,1) xdata = separations.arcsec n, b, patches = ax1.hist(xdata, bins=rmax/binsize, range=[0.0, rmax], color='green', alpha=0.5) bin_min = np.where(n == n.min()) ax1.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) s04 = '# = %i'% ndata ax1.annotate(s04,(0.28,0.90) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s01 = 'Median = %.2f' % med ax1.annotate(s01,(0.28,0.85) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) ax1.set_xlabel('Pariwise separation (arcsec)') ax1.set_ylabel('Frequency per bin') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2, aspect='equal') alpha = 1.0 ax2.plot(difference_ra,difference_dec,'oc', markersize=markersize, markeredgewidth=0.0, alpha=alpha) #0.5 smallest size ax2.axis([-1.0*rmax, rmax,-1.0*rmax, rmax]) ax2.locator_params(axis='x',nbins=4) ax2.set_xlabel('Delta RA') ax2.set_ylabel('Delta Dec') s11 = 'Self-xmatch' ax2.annotate(s11,(0.45,0.95) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s1 = '# of Objects = %i' % ndata ax2.annotate(s1,(0.45,0.90) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s7 = 'MAD = %.2f' % mad ax2.annotate(s7,(0.45,0.85) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) s3 = 'sigma_MAD = %.2f' % mad_std ax2.annotate(s3,(0.45,0.80) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8) fig.tight_layout() ax2.grid() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) # make room for the plotid on right edge fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.95) plotid() if plotfile != None: print('Saving plotfile:', plotfile) plt.savefig(plotfile) if ('save' in kwargs): path_to_save = str(kwargs['save']) plt.savefig(path_to_save, dpi=150) else:
def add_columns_spherical_offsets(table=None, ra1=None, dec1=None, ra2=None, dec2=None, colname_suffix=None, plot_drarange=None, plot_ddecrange=None, plots=False, colnames=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ input is ra1, dec1, ra2, ra2 in pairwise match order plots are based on cdesira code """ if verbose: if 'filename' in data.meta: print('filename:', filename) print('ra1 range:', np.min(ra1), np.max(ra1)) print('dec1 range:', np.min(dec1), np.max(dec1)) print('ra2 range:', np.min(ra2), np.max(ra2)) print('dec2 range:', np.min(dec2), np.max(dec2)) # I am not sure whether/why the next part is needed or working # convert ra, dec to units of deg since SkyCoord defaults to def # technically this is not needed for the astropy matching since # astropy supports units try: if ra1.unit != 'deg': ra1 = ra1 * u.deg except: # ra1.unit = 'deg' pass try: if dec1.unit != 'deg': dec1 = dec1 * u.deg except: pass print(type(ra1), len(ra1)) print(type(dec1), len(dec1)) c1 = SkyCoord(ra=ra1, dec=dec1) if ra2.unit != 'deg': ra2 = ra2 * u.deg if dec2.unit != 'deg': dec2 = dec2 * u.deg c2 = SkyCoord(ra=ra2, dec=dec2) if verbose: print('ra1 range:', np.min(ra1), np.max(ra1)) print('dec1 range:', np.min(dec1), np.max(dec1)) print('ra2 range:', np.min(ra2), np.max(ra2)) print('dec2 range:', np.min(dec2), np.max(dec2)) print() dra, ddec = c1.spherical_offsets_to(c2) sep = c1.separation(c2) pa = c1.position_angle(c2) # compute the statistics print('stats: n, min, max, mean, median, rms, mad_rms') sep_mad_std = apstats.mad_std(sep) print('sep:', len(sep), np.min(sep.arcsec), np.max(sep.arcsec), np.mean(sep.arcsec), np.median(sep.arcsec), np.std(sep.arcsec), apstats.mad_std(sep.arcsec)) print('pa: ', len(pa), np.min(pa.deg), np.max(pa.deg), np.mean(pa.deg), np.median(pa.deg), np.std(pa.deg), apstats.mad_std(pa.deg)) print('dra: ', len(dra.arcsec), np.min(dra.arcsec), np.max(dra.arcsec), np.mean(dra.arcsec), np.median(dra.arcsec), np.std(dra.arcsec), apstats.mad_std(dra.arcsec)) print('ddec:', len(ddec), np.min(ddec.arcsec), np.max(ddec.arcsec), np.mean(ddec.arcsec), np.median(ddec.arcsec), np.std(ddec.arcsec), apstats.mad_std(ddec.arcsec)) print() # need to move these outside this function for portability if plots: # drarange=[-0.5, 0.5] # ddecrange=[-0.5, 0.5] alpha = 1.0 markersize = 4.0 plt.figure(1, figsize=(8.0, 8.0)) ndata = len(dra) plt.plot(dra.arcsec, ddec.arcsec, 'oc', markersize=markersize, markeredgewidth=0.0, alpha=alpha, label=str(ndata)) plt.xlabel('dra (")') plt.ylabel('ddec (")') if plot_drarange is not None: plt.xlim(plot_drarange) if plot_ddecrange is not None: plt.ylim(plot_ddecrange) plt.grid() plt.legend() plotid() dra_mean = np.mean(dra.arcsec) dra_median = np.median(dra.arcsec) dra_std = np.std(dra.arcsec) dra_mad_std = apstats.mad_std(dra.arcsec) ddec_mean = np.mean(ddec.arcsec) ddec_median = np.median(ddec.arcsec) ddec_std = np.std(ddec.arcsec) ddec_mad_std = apstats.mad_std(ddec.arcsec) s0 = ' dra, ddec' plt.annotate(s0,(0.05,0.98) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=12) s1 = 'mean = %.3f, %.3f'% (dra_mean, ddec_mean) plt.annotate(s1,(0.05,0.94) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=12) s2 = 'median = %.3f, %.3f'% (dra_median, ddec_median) plt.annotate(s2,(0.05,0.90) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=12) s3 = 'std = %.3f, %.3f' % (dra_std, ddec_std) plt.annotate(s3,(0.05,0.86) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=12) s4 = 'mad_std = %.3f, %.3f' % (dra_mad_std, ddec_mad_std) plt.annotate(s4,(0.05,0.82) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=12) if ('plot_title' in kwargs): plt.title(str(kwargs['plot_title']), fontsize='medium') if ('plot_suptitle' in kwargs): plt.suptitle(str(kwargs['plot_suptitle']), fontsize='medium') if colname_suffix is None: colname_suffix = '' if colname_suffix is not None: colname_suffix = '_' + colname_suffix # maybe should be in degrees table['dRA' + colname_suffix] = dra.arcsec table['dDec' + colname_suffix] = ddec.arcsec table['dR' + colname_suffix] = sep.arcsec table['PA' + colname_suffix] = pa.deg return table
def printfc(self,outname,annotate=True,cntr=4.0): """ Generate finder outname: name of output annotate: if True, add info to finder cntr: number of sigma sky for display contrast """ #display image fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,10),dpi=80) ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection=self.w) mean=np.median(self.img) stdev=mad_std(self.img) imgplot = ax.imshow(self.img,origin='low',cmap='gray_r', clim=(mean-cntr*stdev,mean+cntr*stdev)) if(annotate): #make annotations #mark position obj Ax,Ay = wcs.utils.skycoord_to_pixel(self.obj,self.w) p=patches.Circle((Ax,Ay),2.0/self.scale,edgecolor='red', linewidth=3,facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(p) txt=self.obj.to_string(style='hmsdms',sep=':',precision=3) plt.text(0.5, 0.95,"Object: "+txt, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center',transform=fig.transFigure,\ fontsize=22,color='red') #mark position offset if( Bx,By = wcs.utils.skycoord_to_pixel(,self.w) p=patches.Circle((Bx,By),2.0/self.scale,edgecolor='blue', linewidth=3,facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(p)'hmsdms',sep=':',precision=3) plt.text(0.5, 0.9,"Offset: "+txt, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center',transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=22,color='blue') #offsets ra_offset = ((( - self.obj.ra) * np.cos('radian'))).to('arcsec')).value dec_offset = ((( - self.obj.dec)).to('arcsec')).value posang=self.obj.position_angle( strng=r'$\alpha$:{:8.2f}" $\delta$:{:8.2f}" PA:{:6.1f} m:{:4.1f}'.\ format(ra_offset,dec_offset,posang,self.offmag) plt.text(0.5, 0.84,strng, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center',transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=25) #mark north east plt.text(self.img.shape[0]/2.,self.img.shape[1],'North', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top',fontsize=25) plt.text(0.,self.img.shape[1]/2.,'East', horizontalalignment='left',rotation='vertical', verticalalignment='center',fontsize=25) #save plt.savefig(outname)
def xmatch_groups(table1=None, table2=None, colnames_radec1=['ra', 'dec'], colnames_radec2=['ra', 'dec'], units_radec1=['degree', 'degree'], units_radec2=['degree', 'degree'], selfmatch=False, rmin=None, rmax=10.0, stats=True, debug=False, verbose=False, checkplot=True, join=False, plot_title=None, plotfile_label=''): """Group RA, Dec xmatch for two lists; returns pointers Topcat all matchs within a radius see: Self match notes: """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.table import Table, Column, hstack from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.coordinates import search_around_sky, match_coordinates_sky from astropy import units as u from astropy.stats import mad_std, median_absolute_deviation from librgm.plotid import plotid print('__file__:', __file__) print('__name__:', __name__) print('colnames_radec1:', colnames_radec1) print('colnames_radec2:', colnames_radec2) print('plotfile_label:', plotfile_label) import xmatch_checkplot import xmatch_checkplot0 if selfmatch: table2 = table1 colnames_radec2 = colnames_radec1 ra1 = table1[colnames_radec1[0]] dec1 = table1[colnames_radec1[1]] ra2 = table2[colnames_radec2[0]] dec2 = table2[colnames_radec2[1]] if stats or verbose or debug: print('RA1 range:', np.min(ra1), np.max(ra1)) print('Dec1 range:', np.min(dec1), np.max(dec1)) print('RA1 range:', np.min(ra2), np.max(ra2)) print('Dec1 range:', np.min(dec2), np.max(dec2)) skycoord1 = SkyCoord(ra1, dec1, unit=units_radec1, frame='icrs') skycoord2 = SkyCoord(ra2, dec2, unit=units_radec1, frame='icrs') """ idx is an integer array into the first cordinate array to get the matched points for the second coorindate array. Shape of idx matches the first coordinate array astropy.coordinates.search_around_sky( coords1, coords2, seplimit, storekdtree='kdtree_sky' Returns: idx1 : integer array Indices into coords1 that matches to the corresponding element of idx2. Shape matches idx2. idx2 : integer array Indices into coords2 that matches to the corresponding element of idx1. Shape matches idx1. sep2d : Angle The on-sky separation between the coordinates. Shape matches idx1 and idx2. """ idxmatch1, idxmatch2, d2d, d3d = \ skycoord1.search_around_sky(skycoord2, rmax * u.arcsec) if selfmatch: itest = idxmatch1 != idxmatch2 print('selfmatch: Number of matchs within rmax:', len(idxmatch1[itest]), len(table1), rmax) idxmatch1 = idxmatch1[itest] idxmatch2 = idxmatch2[itest] d2d = d2d[itest] d3d = d3d[itest] isort = np.argsort(idxmatch1) idxmatch1 = idxmatch1[isort] idxmatch2 = idxmatch2[isort] separation = skycoord1[idxmatch1].separation(skycoord2[idxmatch2]) pa = skycoord1[idxmatch1].position_angle(skycoord2[idxmatch2]) dra, ddec = \ skycoord1[idxmatch1].spherical_offsets_to(skycoord2[idxmatch2]) print(len(idxmatch1), np.min(idxmatch1), np.max(idxmatch1)) idxmatch1_unique, index, counts = np.unique( idxmatch1, return_index=True, return_counts=True) data = counts binwidth = 1 ndata = np.sum(counts) print(len(data), data.shape, np.min(data), np.max(data)) plt.hist(data, bins=range(min(data), max(data) + binwidth, binwidth), label=str(ndata)) if plot_title is not None: plt.title(plot_title) plt.xlabel('Group size') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.legend() plotid() idxmatch2_unique, index, counts = np.unique( idxmatch2, return_index=True, return_counts=True) data = counts binwidth = 1 ndata=np.sum(counts) print(len(data), np.min(data), np.max(data)) plt.hist(data, bins=range(min(data), max(data) + binwidth, binwidth), label=str(ndata)) if plot_title is not None: plt.title(plot_title) plt.xlabel('Group size') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plotid() plt.legend() print('table1 columns:', len(table1.colnames)) print('table2 columns:', len(table2.colnames)) # result = hstack([table1[idxmatch1], table1[idxmatch2]]) # print('result columns:', len(result.colnames)) # nrows = len(result) xmatch1 = table1[idxmatch1] xmatch2 = table2[idxmatch2] nrows = len(xmatch1) groupid = np.empty(nrows, dtype=int) groupsize = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=int) for isource, idxsource in enumerate(idxmatch1): if isource == 0: igroup = 1 groupid[isource] = igroup if groupsize[isource] == 0: groupsize[isource] = 2 if isource != 0: if idxmatch1[isource] == idxmatch1[isource - 1]: groupsize[isource] = groupsize[isource - 1] + 1 groupid[isource] = groupid[isource - 1] if idxmatch1[isource] != idxmatch1[isource - 1]: groupsize[isource] = 2 igroup = igroup + 1 groupid[isource] = igroup print('Group size range:', np.min(groupsize), np.max(groupsize)) for igroupsize in range(np.max(groupsize) + 1): itest = (groupsize == igroupsize) print('groups:', igroupsize, len(groupsize[itest])) # remove simple mirror pairs # for isource, source in enumerate(result): # if key=raw_input("Enter any key to continue: ") id = np.linspace(1, nrows, num=nrows, dtype=int) print('id range:', np.min(id), np.max(id), len(id)) # print('id:', len(result), len(id), np.min(id), np.max(id)) id = Column(id, name='id') # result.add_column(id, index=0) # Insert before the first table column xmatch1.add_column(id, index=0) groupid = Column(groupid, name='groupid') # result.add_column(groupid, index=1) xmatch1.add_column(groupid, index=1) groupsize = Column(groupsize, name='groupsize') # result.add_column(groupsize, index=2) xmatch1.add_column(groupsize, index=2) xmatch1.add_column(Column(separation.arcsec, name='dR_1_2'), index=3) # xmatch1['dr_1_2'] = separation.arcsec xmatch1.add_column(Column(, name='PA_1_2'), index=4) # xmatch1['PA_1_2'] = xmatch1.add_column(Column(dra.arcsec, name='dRA_1_2'), index=5) xmatch1.add_column(Column(ddec.arcsec, name='dDec_1_2'), index=6) # xmatch1['dRA_1_2'] = dra.arcsec # xmatch1['dDec_1_2'] = ddec.arcsec'stats') print('Number of rows:', len(xmatch1))'stats') # exclude duplicates or small separation objects if rmin is not None: itest = (xmatch1['dR_1_2'] > rmin) xmatch1 = xmatch1[itest] xmatch1.write('closepair_groups.fits', overwrite=True) # result.write('result_join.fits') result = xmatch1 key=raw_input("Enter any key to continue: ") idxmatch2_unique = np.unique(idxmatch2) print('Number of unique idxmatch1:', len(idxmatch1_unique)) print('Number of unique idxmatch2:', len(idxmatch2_unique)) if stats or verbose or debug: print('len(table1):', len(table1)) print('len(table2):', len(table2)) print() print('len(idxmatch1):', len(idxmatch1)) print('idxmatch1 range:', np.min(idxmatch1), np.max(idxmatch1)) print() print('len(idxmatch2):', len(idxmatch2)) print('idxmatch1 range:', np.min(idxmatch2), np.max(idxmatch2)) print() print('d2d range (arcsec):', np.min(d2d).arcsec, np.max(d2d).arcsec) print('d2d median (arcsec):', np.median(d2d).arcsec) median_separation = np.median(separation).arcsec mad_std_separation = mad_std(separation.arcsec) print('dR range (arcsec):', np.min(separation.arcsec), np.max(separation.arcsec)) print('dR mean, std (arcsec):', np.mean(separation).arcsec, np.std(separation).arcsec) print('dR median, mad_std (arcsec):', median_separation, mad_std_separation) print() median_dra = np.median(dra).arcsec mad_std_dra = mad_std(dra.arcsec) print('dRA min, max:', np.min(dra.arcsec), np.max(dra.arcsec)) print('dRA mean, std:', np.mean(dra.arcsec), np.std(dra.arcsec)) print('dRA median, mad_std:', median_dra, mad_std_dra) print() median_ddec = np.median(ddec).arcsec mad_std_ddec = mad_std(ddec.arcsec) print('dDec min, max:', np.min(ddec).arcsec, np.max(ddec).arcsec) print('dDec mean, std:', np.mean(ddec).arcsec, np.std(ddec).arcsec) print('dDec median, mad_std:', median_ddec, mad_std_ddec) print() if checkplot: suptitle = plotfile_label plotfile = 'xmatch_cat' + plotfile_label + '_a_checkplot.png' ra2_xmatch = ra2[idxmatch2] dec2_xmatch = dec2[idxmatch2] xmatch_checkplot.xmatch_checkplot( ra1, dec1, ra2_xmatch, dec2_xmatch, width=rmax, gtype='square', saveplot=True, plotfile=plotfile, suptitle=suptitle) plt.close() plotfile = 'xmatch_cat' + plotfile_label + '_b_checkplot0.png' xmatch_checkplot0.xmatch_checkplot0( ra1, dec1, ra2_xmatch, dec2_xmatch, width=10.0, gtype='square', saveplot=True, plotfile=plotfile, suptitle=suptitle) plt.close() separation = separation.arcsec dr = d2d.arcsec print(len(idxmatch1), len(idxmatch2), len(dr)) return result, idxmatch1, idxmatch2, d2d.arcsec
def calc_background_rms(self, data): return mad_std(self.sigma_clip(data))
def multi_night(sources, unique_nights, night, brightest_mag, mags, mag_err, uniform_ylim=True): """ Plot magnitude vs time data for several sources over several nights """ number_of_nights = len(unique_nights) for source in sources: f = plt.figure(figsize=(5 * number_of_nights, 5)) night_means = [] night_stds = [] night_bins = [] source_mags = mags[ - 1] if uniform_ylim: # Use median to handle outliers. source_median = np.median(source_mags[np.isfinite(source_mags)]) # Use median absolute deviation to get measure of scatter. # Helps avoid extremely points. source_variation = 3 * mad_std(source_mags[np.isfinite(source_mags)]) # Ensure y range will be at least 0.2 magnitudes if source_variation < 0.1: half_range = 0.1 else: half_range = source_variation y_range = (source_median - half_range, source_median + half_range) else: # Empty if this option wasn't chosen so that automatic limits will be used. y_range = [] last_axis = None for i, this_night in enumerate(unique_nights): last_axis = plt.subplot(1, number_of_nights + 1, i + 1, sharey=last_axis) night_mask = (night == this_night) night_mean, night_std = plot_magnitudes(mags=mags[ - 1][night_mask], errors=mag_err[ - 1][night_mask], times=source.bjd_tdb[night_mask],, night=this_night, ref_mag=brightest_mag, y_range=y_range) night_means.append(night_mean) night_stds.append(night_std) night_bins.append(this_night) plt.subplot(1, number_of_nights + 1, number_of_nights + 1) if uniform_ylim: f.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) plt.setp([a.get_yticklabels() for a in f.axes[1:]], visible=False) # Plot indicators of variation, and information about this source. # For simplicity, make the x and y range of this plot be 0 to 1. x = np.array([0., 1]) y = x # Add invisible line to make plot. plt.plot(x, y, alpha=0, label='source {}'.format( night_means = np.array(night_means) # Plot bar proportional to Lomb-Scargle power. bad_mags = (np.isnan(mags[ - 1]) | np.isinf(mags[ - 1])) bad_errs = (np.isnan(mag_err[ - 1]) | np.isinf(mag_err[ - 1])) bads = bad_mags | bad_errs good_mags = ~bads model = LombScargleFast().fit(source.bjd_tdb[good_mags], mags[ - 1][good_mags], mag_err[ - 1][good_mags]) periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=100, oversampling=3) max_pow = power.max() # print(source, max_pow) if max_pow > 0.5: color = 'green' elif max_pow > 0.4: color = 'cyan' else: color = 'gray' bar_x = 0.25 plt.plot([bar_x, bar_x], [0, max_pow], color=color, linewidth=10, label='LS power') plt.legend() # Add dot for magnitude of star. size = 10000./np.abs(10**((source_median - brightest_mag)/2.5)) plt.scatter([0.8], [0.2], c='red', marker='o', s=size) plt.ylim(0, 1)
"""RA, Dec nearest xmatch for two lists; returns pointers """ print('table1 selfxmatch') t0 = time.time() idx, dr, dra, ddec = xmatch_cat(table1=table1, selfmatch=True, stats=True, debug=False, verbose=True) print("Elapsed time %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - t0)) if args.debug: raw_input('Type any key to continue> ') dr_mean = np.average(dr) dr_median = np.median(dr) dr_mad_std = mad_std(dr) numpoints = len(dr) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) """Default is taken from the rcParam hist.bins.""" prefix = os.path.basename(__file__) plt.suptitle(prefix + ': ' + 'dr histogram') plot_label = ("npts: {}".format(numpoints) + '\n' + "mean: {:.2f} arcsec".format(dr_mean) + '\n' + "median: {:.2f} arcsec".format(dr_median) + '\n' + "mad_std: {:.2f} arcsec".format(dr_mad_std)) n_bins = 100 plt.hist(dr, bins=n_bins, fill=False, histtype='step',
def des_get_cutout(infile=None, data=None, ext=1, header=None, AstWCS=None, position=None, format='pixels', size=100, title=None, suptitle=None, imagetype='data', segmap=False, weightmap=False, plot=False, saveplot=True, plotfile_suffix=None, plotfile_prefix=None, verbose=False, debug=False): """ """ import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.nddata.utils import Cutout2D from import fits from astropy import wcs from astropy.stats import mad_std from librgm.plotid import plotid print('position: ', position[0], position[1]) position = np.rint(position) print('position: ', position[0], position[1]) if infile is not None: hdulist = AstWCS = wcs.WCS(hdulist[ext].header) xpix0 = np.rint(position[0]) - (size/2) ypix0 = np.rint(position[1]) - (size/2) xpix0 = xpix0.astype(int) ypix0 = ypix0.astype(int) print('xpix0, ypix0: ', xpix0, ypix0) xpix1 = xpix0 + size ypix1 = ypix0 + size data = hdulist[ext].data[ypix0:ypix1, xpix0:xpix1] if debug: help(data) print('data.shape: ', data.shape) median=np.median(data) print('median.shape: ', median.shape) print('median: ', median) if segmap: # determine the list of unique sources in the segmentation image unique_sources = np.unique(data) nsources = len(unique_sources) print('Number of unique segmented sources: ', nsources) print(unique_sources) isource = 1 # skip the first with value = zero which is background for unique_source in unique_sources[1:]: isource = isource + 1 print(isource, unique_source) index = np.where(data == unique_source) print(index) data[index] = isource if ext != 2: itest = data > 0.5 print('min: ', np.min(data[itest])) threshold = np.min(data[itest]) - 1 print('threshold: ', threshold) print('max: ', np.max(data)) mad_stdev = mad_std(data) print('mad_std:', mad_stdev) if ext != 2: data = data - threshold itest = data < 0 data[itest] = 0 median=np.median(data) print('median: ', median) position = (size/2, size/2) cutout = Cutout2D(data, position, size) if debug: help(cutout) if plot: plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) cmap = if segmap: #cmap = #cmap.set_under(color='w') #cmax = np.max(data) #cmap.set_clim(1,cmax) #itest = data > 0.5 #data[itest] = np.nan data = < 0.5, data) cmap.set_bad('w') #plt.imshow(, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') plt.imshow(data, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) if not segmap: crange = 50 if weightmap:crange = 10 lower = -1.0 vmin = median + (lower * mad_stdev) vmax= min([median+(crange*mad_stdev),max]) plt.imshow(data, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.xlabel('pixels') plt.ylabel('pixels') if title is not None: plt.title(title) if suptitle is not None: plt.suptitle(suptitle) plt.colorbar() plotid() if saveplot: plotfile = 'cutout' if segmap: plotfile = 'cutout_segmap' if weightmap: plotfile = 'cutout_weightmap' if plotfile_suffix is not None: plotfile = plotfile + '_' + plotfile_suffix if plotfile_prefix is not None: plotfile = plotfile_prefix + '_' + plotfile plotfile = plotfile + '.png' print('Saving :', plotfile) plt.savefig(plotfile) return
from toolkit import PCA_light_curve, PhotometryResults from toolkit.transit_model import params_c, transit_model_c_depth_t0 import astropy.units as u from astropy.stats import mad_std samples = np.load('outputs/samples_c.npy')[1000:, :]#np.loadtxt('outputs/samples_converged.txt') path = 'outputs/trappist1c_20160619.npz' phot_results = PhotometryResults.load(path) times = phot_results.times transit_parameters = params_c light_curve = PCA_light_curve(phot_results, transit_parameters, validation_duration_fraction=0.5, plots=False, plot_validation=False, validation_time=0.9, outlier_rejection=False) light_curve_errors = np.ones_like(light_curve) * mad_std(light_curve) init_transit_model = transit_model_c_depth_t0(times, params_c.rp**2, params_c.t0) residuals = light_curve - init_transit_model n_iterations = 5 inliers = np.zeros_like(residuals).astype(bool) while np.count_nonzero(~inliers) > 0: inliers = np.abs(residuals) < 2.5*mad_std(residuals) print('remove {0}'.format(np.count_nonzero(~inliers))) times = times[inliers] light_curve = light_curve[inliers] light_curve_errors = light_curve_errors[inliers] residuals = residuals[inliers]