Esempio n. 1
def fixup(table):
    # Add dummy 2D and 3D credible level columns.
    # These columns are filled with nans because they are
    # localization dependent.
        Column(np.repeat(np.nan, len(table)), unit=u.percent), 4, '3D CL')
        Column(np.repeat(np.nan, len(table)), unit=u.percent), 4, '2D CL')
        Column(np.repeat(np.nan, len(table)), unit=u.Mpc**-3), 4, '3D pdf')
        Column(np.repeat(np.nan, len(table)),**-1), 4, '2D pdf')

    table = Table(table, masked=True)

    for column in table.columns.values():
        if np.issubsctype(column, np.floating):
            column.format = '%.02f'
            column.mask = np.isnan(column)
        elif np.issubsctype(column, np.unicode):
            column.mask = (column == '')

    table['ra'].format = '%.04f'
    table['dec'].format = '%+.4f'
    return table
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    files = reduce(lambda l1, l2: l1 + l2, [
        glob.glob(sys.argv[1] + "/**/*." + e, recursive=True)
        for e in ['py', 'f', 'c', 'h', 'pyx']
    not_wanted = ['', '']
    files = [f for f in files if f.split('/')[-1] not in not_wanted]
    t = Table([[], [], [], []],
              names=('filename', 'author', 'commits', 'last date'),
              dtype=('S100', 'S100', 'i4', 'S10'))
    for file_i in tqdm(files):
        row = analyse_file(file_i, git.Repo())
        if row:
            t.add_row([file_i] + row)

    t.sort(['last date', 'filename'])
    piechart(len(files), len(t))
    topusers(t, top=None)
Esempio n. 3
def read_table_hdf5(input, path=None, character_as_bytes=True):
    Read a Table object from an HDF5 file

    This requires `h5py <>`_ to be installed. If more than one
    table is present in the HDF5 file or group, the first table is read in and
    a warning is displayed.

    input : str or :class:`h5py.File` or :class:`h5py.Group` or
        :class:`h5py.Dataset` If a string, the filename to read the table from.
        If an h5py object, either the file or the group object to read the
        table from.
    path : str
        The path from which to read the table inside the HDF5 file.
        This should be relative to the input file or group.
    character_as_bytes : bool
        If `True` then Table columns are left as bytes.
        If `False` then Table columns are converted to unicode.

        import h5py
    except ImportError:
        raise Exception("h5py is required to read and write HDF5 files")

    # This function is iterative, and only gets to writing the file when
    # the input is an hdf5 Group. Moreover, the input variable is changed in
    # place.
    # Here, we save its value to be used at the end when the conditions are
    # right.
    input_save = input
    if isinstance(input, (h5py.File, h5py.Group)):

        # If a path was specified, follow the path

        if path is not None:
                input = input[path]
            except (KeyError, ValueError):
                raise OSError(f"Path {path} does not exist")

        # `input` is now either a group or a dataset. If it is a group, we
        # will search for all structured arrays inside the group, and if there
        # is one we can proceed otherwise an error is raised. If it is a
        # dataset, we just proceed with the reading.

        if isinstance(input, h5py.Group):

            # Find all structured arrays in group
            arrays = _find_all_structured_arrays(input)

            if len(arrays) == 0:
                raise ValueError(f"no table found in HDF5 group {path}")
            elif len(arrays) > 0:
                path = arrays[0] if path is None else path + '/' + arrays[0]
                if len(arrays) > 1:
                        "path= was not specified but multiple tables"
                        " are present, reading in first available"
                        " table (path={})".format(path), AstropyUserWarning)
                return read_table_hdf5(input, path=path)

    elif not isinstance(input, h5py.Dataset):

        # If a file object was passed, then we need to extract the filename
        # because h5py cannot properly read in file objects.

        if hasattr(input, 'read'):
                input =
            except AttributeError:
                raise TypeError("h5py can only open regular files")

        # Open the file for reading, and recursively call read_table_hdf5 with
        # the file object and the path.

        f = h5py.File(input, 'r')

            return read_table_hdf5(f,

    # If we are here, `input` should be a Dataset object, which we can now
    # convert to a Table.

    # Create a Table object
    from astropy.table import Table, meta, serialize

    table = Table(np.array(input))

    # Read the meta-data from the file. For back-compatibility, we can read
    # the old file format where the serialized metadata were saved in the
    # attributes of the HDF5 dataset.
    # In the new format, instead, metadata are stored in a new dataset in the
    # same file. This is introduced in Astropy 3.0
    old_version_meta = META_KEY in input.attrs
    new_version_meta = path is not None and meta_path(path) in input_save
    if old_version_meta or new_version_meta:
        if new_version_meta:
            header = meta.get_header_from_yaml(
                h.decode('utf-8') for h in input_save[meta_path(path)])
            # Must be old_version_meta is True. if (A or B) and not A then B is True
            header = meta.get_header_from_yaml(
                h.decode('utf-8') for h in input.attrs[META_KEY])
        if 'meta' in list(header.keys()):
            table.meta = header['meta']

        header_cols = dict((x['name'], x) for x in header['datatype'])
        for col in table.columns.values():
            for attr in ('description', 'format', 'unit', 'meta'):
                if attr in header_cols[]:
                    setattr(col, attr, header_cols[][attr])

        # Construct new table with mixins, using tbl.meta['__serialized_columns__']
        # as guidance.
        table = serialize._construct_mixins_from_columns(table)

        # Read the meta-data from the file

    if not character_as_bytes:

    return table
Esempio n. 4
def read_table_hdf5(input, path=None, character_as_bytes=True):
    Read a Table object from an HDF5 file

    This requires `h5py <>`_ to be installed. If more than one
    table is present in the HDF5 file or group, the first table is read in and
    a warning is displayed.

    input : str or :class:`h5py:File` or :class:`h5py:Group` or
        :class:`h5py:Dataset` If a string, the filename to read the table from.
        If an h5py object, either the file or the group object to read the
        table from.
    path : str
        The path from which to read the table inside the HDF5 file.
        This should be relative to the input file or group.
    character_as_bytes: boolean
        If `True` then Table columns are left as bytes.
        If `False` then Table columns are converted to unicode.

        import h5py
    except ImportError:
        raise Exception("h5py is required to read and write HDF5 files")

    # This function is iterative, and only gets to writing the file when
    # the input is an hdf5 Group. Moreover, the input variable is changed in
    # place.
    # Here, we save its value to be used at the end when the conditions are
    # right.
    input_save = input
    if isinstance(input, (h5py.File, h5py.Group)):

        # If a path was specified, follow the path

        if path is not None:
                input = input[path]
            except (KeyError, ValueError):
                raise OSError("Path {0} does not exist".format(path))

        # `input` is now either a group or a dataset. If it is a group, we
        # will search for all structured arrays inside the group, and if there
        # is one we can proceed otherwise an error is raised. If it is a
        # dataset, we just proceed with the reading.

        if isinstance(input, h5py.Group):

            # Find all structured arrays in group
            arrays = _find_all_structured_arrays(input)

            if len(arrays) == 0:
                raise ValueError("no table found in HDF5 group {0}".
            elif len(arrays) > 0:
                path = arrays[0] if path is None else path + '/' + arrays[0]
                if len(arrays) > 1:
                    warnings.warn("path= was not specified but multiple tables"
                                  " are present, reading in first available"
                                  " table (path={0})".format(path),
                return read_table_hdf5(input, path=path)

    elif not isinstance(input, h5py.Dataset):

        # If a file object was passed, then we need to extract the filename
        # because h5py cannot properly read in file objects.

        if hasattr(input, 'read'):
                input =
            except AttributeError:
                raise TypeError("h5py can only open regular files")

        # Open the file for reading, and recursively call read_table_hdf5 with
        # the file object and the path.

        f = h5py.File(input, 'r')

            return read_table_hdf5(f, path=path, character_as_bytes=character_as_bytes)

    # If we are here, `input` should be a Dataset object, which we can now
    # convert to a Table.

    # Create a Table object
    from astropy.table import Table, meta, serialize

    table = Table(np.array(input))

    # Read the meta-data from the file. For back-compatibility, we can read
    # the old file format where the serialized metadata were saved in the
    # attributes of the HDF5 dataset.
    # In the new format, instead, metadata are stored in a new dataset in the
    # same file. This is introduced in Astropy 3.0
    old_version_meta = META_KEY in input.attrs
    new_version_meta = path is not None and meta_path(path) in input_save
    if old_version_meta or new_version_meta:
        if new_version_meta:
            header = meta.get_header_from_yaml(
                h.decode('utf-8') for h in input_save[meta_path(path)])
        elif old_version_meta:
            header = meta.get_header_from_yaml(
                h.decode('utf-8') for h in input.attrs[META_KEY])
        if 'meta' in list(header.keys()):
            table.meta = header['meta']

        header_cols = dict((x['name'], x) for x in header['datatype'])
        for col in table.columns.values():
            for attr in ('description', 'format', 'unit', 'meta'):
                if attr in header_cols[]:
                    setattr(col, attr, header_cols[][attr])

        # Construct new table with mixins, using tbl.meta['__serialized_columns__']
        # as guidance.
        table = serialize._construct_mixins_from_columns(table)

        # Read the meta-data from the file

    if not character_as_bytes:

    return table