def test_single_zenith_source_uvdata(): """Test single zenith source using test uvdata file.""" hera_uv = UVData() hera_uv.read_uvfits(EW_uvfits_file) time = Time(hera_uv.time_array[0], scale='utc', format='jd') array_location = EarthLocation.from_geocentric( hera_uv.telescope_location[0], hera_uv.telescope_location[1], hera_uv.telescope_location[2], unit='m') freq = hera_uv.freq_array[0, 0] * units.Hz # get antennas positions into ENU antpos = hera_uv.antenna_positions[0:2, :] + hera_uv.telescope_location antpos = uvutils.ENU_from_ECEF(antpos.T, *hera_uv.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt).T antenna1 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant1', 1, np.array(antpos[0, :]), 0) antenna2 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant2', 2, np.array(antpos[1, :]), 0) # setup the things that don't come from pyuvdata: # make a source at zenith time.location = array_location source = create_zenith_source(time, 'zensrc') beam = UVBeam() beam.read_cst_beam(beam_files, beam_type='efield', frequency=[100e6, 123e6], telescope_name='HERA', feed_name='PAPER', feed_version='0.1', feed_pol=['x'], model_name='E-field pattern - Rigging height 4.9m', model_version='1.0') beam_list = [beam] baseline = pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna1, antenna2) array = pyuvsim.Telescope('telescope_name', array_location, beam_list) task = pyuvsim.UVTask(source, time, freq, baseline, array) engine = pyuvsim.UVEngine(task) visibility = engine.make_visibility() nt.assert_true(np.allclose(visibility, np.array([.5, .5, 0, 0]), atol=5e-3))
def test_add_obs(self): t1 = Time('2016-01-10 01:15:23', scale='utc') t2 = t1 + TimeDelta(120.0, format='sec') # t1.delta_ut1_utc = mc.iers_a.ut1_utc(t1) # t2.delta_ut1_utc = mc.iers_a.ut1_utc(t2) from math import floor obsid = floor(t1.gps) t1.location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(observations.HERA_LON, observations.HERA_LAT) expected = [observations.Observation(obsid=obsid, start_time_jd=t1.jd, stop_time_jd=t2.jd, lst_start_hr=t1.sidereal_time('apparent').hour)] self.test_session.add(observations.Observation.new_with_astropy(t1, t2)) result = self.test_session.get_obs() self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def height_time(coord, time, time_left=False, limalt=0.0*u.deg, site=EarthLocation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), fuse=TimeDelta(0, format='sec', scale='tai')): """ """ coord = coord_pack(coord) timeut = time - fuse if len(time.shape) == 1: timeut = Time([[i] for i in timeut.jd], format='jd', scale='utc') timeut.location = site timeut.delta_ut1_utc = 0 ra, ts = mesh_coord(coord, timeut) hourangle = Angle(ts-ra) distzen = np.arccos(np.sin(coord.dec)*np.sin(site.latitude) + np.cos(coord.dec)*np.cos(site.latitude)*np.cos(hourangle)) altura = 90*u.deg - distzen if time_left == True: poente = sky_time(coord, time, rise_set=True, limalt=limalt, site=site, fuse=fuse)[2] time_rest = poente - time return altura, time_rest return altura
def sky_time(coord, time, rise_set=False, limalt=0*u.deg, site=EarthLocation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), fuse=TimeDelta(0, format='sec', scale='tai')): """ """ if type(limalt) != u.quantity.Quantity: limalt = limalt*u.deg if time.isscalar == True: time = Time([time.iso], format='iso', scale='utc') coord = coord_pack(coord) timeut = time - fuse if len(time.shape) == 1: timeut = Time([[i] for i in timeut.jd], format='jd', scale='utc') timeut.delta_ut1_utc = 0 timeut.location = site ra, ts = mesh_coord(coord, timeut[:,0]) dif_h_sid = Angle(ra-ts) dif_h_sid.wrap_at('180d', inplace=True) dif_h_sol = dif_h_sid * (23.0 + 56.0/60.0 + 4.0916/3600.0) / 24.0 dif = TimeDelta(dif_h_sol.hour*u.h, scale='tai') culminacao = timeut + dif culminacao.delta_ut1_utc = 0 culminacao.location = site if (site.latitude > 0*u.deg): alwaysup = np.where(coord.dec >= 90*u.deg - site.latitude + limalt) neverup = np.where(coord.dec <= -(90*u.deg - site.latitude - limalt)) else: alwaysup = np.where(coord.dec <= -(90*u.deg + site.latitude + limalt)) neverup = np.where(coord.dec >= 90*u.deg + site.latitude - limalt) if rise_set == True: hangle_lim = np.arccos((np.cos(90.0*u.deg-limalt) - np.sin(coord.dec)*np.sin(site.latitude)) / (np.cos(coord.dec)*np.cos(site.latitude))) tsg_lim = Angle(ra + hangle_lim) dtsg_lim = tsg_lim - culminacao.sidereal_time('mean') dtsg_lim.wrap_at(360 * u.deg, inplace=True) dtsg_lim_sol = dtsg_lim * (23.0 + 56.0/60.0 + 4.0916/3600.0) / 24.0 a = np.where(np.isnan(dtsg_lim_sol)) dtsg_lim_sol[a] = Angle([48.0]*len(a[0])*u.hour) dtsg_np = TimeDelta((dtsg_lim_sol.hour*u.h)) sunrise = culminacao - dtsg_np sunset = culminacao + dtsg_np culminacao = culminacao + fuse sunrise = sunrise + fuse sunset = sunset + fuse return culminacao, sunrise, sunset, alwaysup, neverup culminacao = culminacao + fuse return culminacao, alwaysup, neverup
def sky_time(coord, time, rise_set=False, limalt=0*u.deg, site=EarthLocation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), fuse=TimeDelta(0, format='sec', scale='tai')): """ """ if type(limalt) != u.quantity.Quantity: limalt = limalt*u.deg if time.isscalar == True: time = Time([time.iso], format='iso', scale='utc') coord = coord_pack(coord) timeut = time - fuse if len(time.shape) == 1: timeut = Time([[i] for i in timeut.jd], format='jd', scale='utc') timeut.delta_ut1_utc = 0 timeut.location = site ra, ts = mesh_coord(coord, timeut) dif_h_sid = Angle(ra-ts) dif_h_sid.wrap_at('180d', inplace=True) dif_h_sol = dif_h_sid * (23.0 + 56.0/60.0 + 4.0916/3600.0) / 24.0 dif = TimeDelta(dif_h_sol.hour*u.h, scale='tai') culminacao = timeut + dif culminacao.delta_ut1_utc = 0 culminacao.location = site if rise_set == True: hangle_lim = np.arccos((np.cos(90.0*u.deg-limalt) - np.sin(coord.dec)*np.sin(site.latitude)) / (np.cos(coord.dec)*np.cos(site.latitude))) tsg_lim = Angle(ra + hangle_lim) dtsg_lim = tsg_lim - culminacao.sidereal_time('mean') dtsg_lim.wrap_at(360 * u.deg, inplace=True) dtsg_lim_sol = dtsg_lim * (23.0 + 56.0/60.0 + 4.0916/3600.0) / 24.0 a = np.where(np.isnan(dtsg_lim_sol)) dtsg_lim_sol[a] = Angle([48.0]*len(a[0])*u.hour) dtsg_np = TimeDelta((dtsg_lim_sol.hour*u.h)) sunrise = culminacao - dtsg_np sunset = culminacao + dtsg_np if (site.latitude > 0*u.deg): alwaysup = np.where(coord.dec >= 90*u.deg - site.latitude + limalt) neverup = np.where(coord.dec <= -(90*u.deg - site.latitude - limalt)) else: alwaysup = np.where(coord.dec <= -(90*u.deg + site.latitude + limalt)) neverup = np.where(coord.dec >= 90*u.deg + site.latitude - limalt) culminacao = culminacao + fuse sunrise = sunrise + fuse sunset = sunset + fuse return culminacao, sunrise, sunset, alwaysup, neverup culminacao = culminacao + fuse return culminacao
def test_add_obs(mcsession): test_session = mcsession t1 = Time('2016-01-10 01:15:23', scale='utc') t2 = t1 + TimeDelta(120.0, format='sec') # generated test hera_lat, hera_lon using the output of -c # with this website: # obsid_calc = int(floor(t1.gps)) obsid = utils.calculate_obsid(t1) assert obsid_calc == obsid t1.location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(21.4283038269, -30.7215261207) expected = Observation(obsid=obsid, starttime=t1.gps, stoptime=t2.gps, jd_start=t1.jd, lst_start_hr=t1.sidereal_time('apparent').hour) test_session.add_obs(t1, t2, obsid) result = test_session.get_obs() assert len(result) == 1 result = result[0] assert result.length == 120.0 assert result.isclose(expected) t3 = t1 + TimeDelta(10 * 60., format='sec') t4 = t2 + TimeDelta(10 * 60., format='sec') test_session.add_obs(t3, t4, utils.calculate_obsid(t3)) result_mult = test_session.get_obs_by_time(starttime=t1, stoptime=t4) assert len(result_mult) == 2 result_most_recent = test_session.get_obs_by_time(most_recent=True) assert result_most_recent[0] == result_mult[1] result_orig = test_session.get_obs(obsid=obsid) assert len(result_orig) == 1 result_orig = result_orig[0] assert result_orig.isclose(expected)
def test_single_zenith_source(): """Test single zenith source.""" time = Time('2018-03-01 00:00:00', scale='utc') array_location = EarthLocation(lat='-30d43m17.5s', lon='21d25m41.9s', height=1073.) time.location = array_location freq = (150e6 * units.Hz) source = create_zenith_source(time, 'zensrc') antenna1 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant1', 1, np.array([0, 0, 0]), 0) antenna2 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant2', 2, np.array([107, 0, 0]), 0) baseline = pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna1, antenna2) beam = UVBeam() beam.read_cst_beam(beam_files, beam_type='efield', frequency=[150e6, 123e6], telescope_name='HERA', feed_name='PAPER', feed_version='0.1', feed_pol=['x'], model_name='E-field pattern - Rigging height 4.9m', model_version='1.0') beam_list = [beam] array = pyuvsim.Telescope('telescope_name', array_location, beam_list) task = pyuvsim.UVTask(source, time, freq, baseline, array) engine = pyuvsim.UVEngine(task) visibility = engine.make_visibility() nt.assert_true(np.allclose(visibility, np.array([.5, .5, 0, 0]), atol=5e-3))
def test_add_obs(self): t1 = Time('2016-01-10 01:15:23', scale='utc') t2 = t1 + TimeDelta(120.0, format='sec') # t1.delta_ut1_utc = mc.iers_a.ut1_utc(t1) # t2.delta_ut1_utc = mc.iers_a.ut1_utc(t2) from math import floor obsid = floor(t1.gps) t1.location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(observations.HERA_LON, observations.HERA_LAT) expected = [ observations.Observation( obsid=obsid, start_time_jd=t1.jd, stop_time_jd=t2.jd, lst_start_hr=t1.sidereal_time('apparent').hour) ] self.test_session.add(observations.Observation.new_with_astropy( t1, t2)) result = self.test_session.get_obs() self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_redundant_baselines(): """Check that two perfectly redundant baselines are truly redundant. """ hera_uv = UVData() hera_uv.read_uvfits(EW_uvfits_file, ant_str='cross') hera_uv.unphase_to_drift() src_az = Angle('90.0d') src_alt = Angle('85.0d') src_za = Angle('90.0d') - src_alt src_l = np.sin(src_az.rad) * np.sin(src_za.rad) src_m = np.cos(src_az.rad) * np.sin(src_za.rad) src_n = np.cos(src_za.rad) time = Time(hera_uv.time_array[0], scale='utc', format='jd') array_location = EarthLocation.from_geocentric( hera_uv.telescope_location[0], hera_uv.telescope_location[1], hera_uv.telescope_location[2], unit='m') freq = hera_uv.freq_array[0, 0] * units.Hz # get antennas positions into ENU antpos, _ = hera_uv.get_ENU_antpos() en_shift = [5., 5., 0] antenna1 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant1', 1, np.array(antpos[0, :]), 0) antenna2 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant2', 2, np.array(antpos[1, :]), 0) antenna3 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant3', 3, np.array(antpos[0, :]) + en_shift, 0) antenna4 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant4', 4, np.array(antpos[1, :]) + en_shift, 0) # setup the things that don't come from pyuvdata: # make a source off zenith time.location = array_location source = create_offzenith_source(time, 'offzensrc', az=src_az, alt=src_alt) beam = UVBeam() beam.read_cst_beam(beam_files, beam_type='efield', frequency=[100e6, 123e6], telescope_name='HERA', feed_name='PAPER', feed_version='0.1', feed_pol=['x'], model_name='E-field pattern - Rigging height 4.9m', model_version='1.0') beam_list = [beam] baseline1 = pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna1, antenna2) baseline2 = pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna3, antenna4) print('Baseline1 uvw: ', baseline1.uvw) print('Baseline2 uvw: ', baseline2.uvw) print('Baseline1 enus: ', baseline1.antenna1.pos_enu, baseline1.antenna2.pos_enu) print('Baseline2 enus: ', baseline2.antenna1.pos_enu, baseline2.antenna2.pos_enu) array = pyuvsim.Telescope('telescope_name', array_location, beam_list) task1 = pyuvsim.UVTask(source, time, freq, baseline1, array) engine = pyuvsim.UVEngine(task1) visibility1 = engine.make_visibility() task2 = pyuvsim.UVTask(source, time, freq, baseline2, array) engine = pyuvsim.UVEngine(task2) visibility2 = engine.make_visibility() nt.assert_true(np.allclose(visibility1, visibility2))
def test_source_below_horizon(): time = Time('2018-03-01 00:00:00', scale='utc') array_location = EarthLocation(lat='-30d43m17.5s', lon='21d25m41.9s', height=1073.) time.location = array_location freq = (150e6 * units.Hz) source = create_offzenith_source(time, 'src_down', az=Angle('0d'), alt=Angle('-40d')) antenna1 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant1', 1, np.array([0, 0, 0]), 0) antenna2 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant2', 2, np.array([107, 0, 0]), 0) baseline = pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna1, antenna2) beam = UVBeam() beam.read_cst_beam(beam_files, beam_type='efield', frequency=[150e6, 123e6], telescope_name='HERA', feed_name='PAPER', feed_version='0.1', feed_pol=['x'], model_name='E-field pattern - Rigging height 4.9m', model_version='1.0') beam_list = [beam] array = pyuvsim.Telescope('telescope_name', array_location, beam_list) task = pyuvsim.UVTask(source, time, freq, baseline, array) engine = pyuvsim.UVEngine(task) visibility = engine.make_visibility() nt.assert_true(np.allclose(visibility, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]))) # redo with RA/Dec defined source time = Time(2458098.27471265, format='jd') time.location = array_location source_coord = SkyCoord(ra=Angle('13h20m'), dec=Angle('-30d43m17.5s'), obstime=time, frame='icrs', location=array_location) source = pyuvsim.Source('src_down', source_coord.ra, source_coord.dec, freq, [1.0, 0, 0, 0]) task = pyuvsim.UVTask(source, time, freq, baseline, array) engine = pyuvsim.UVEngine(task) visibility = engine.make_visibility() nt.assert_true(np.allclose(visibility, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])))
def test_time_to_fits_loc(self, table_types): """ Test all the unusual conditions for locations of ``Time`` columns in a ``Table``. """ t = table_types() t['a'] = Time(self.time, format='isot', scale='utc') t['b'] = Time(self.time, format='isot', scale='tt') # Check that vectorized location is stored using Green Bank convention t['a'].location = EarthLocation([1., 2.], [2., 3.], [3., 4.], unit='Mm') with pytest.warns( AstropyUserWarning, match=r'Time Column "b" has no ' r'specified location, but global Time Position is present'): table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert (table['OBSGEO-X'] == t['a'].location.x.to_value( unit='m')).all() assert (table['OBSGEO-Y'] == t['a'].location.y.to_value( unit='m')).all() assert (table['OBSGEO-Z'] == t['a'].location.z.to_value( unit='m')).all() with pytest.warns( AstropyUserWarning, match=r'Time Column "b" has no ' r'specified location, but global Time Position is present'): t.write(self.temp('time.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True) # Check that a blank value for the "TRPOSn" keyword is not generated hdr = fits.getheader(self.temp('time.fits'), 1) assert hdr.get('TRPOS2', None) is None with pytest.warns( AstropyUserWarning, match=r'Time column reference position ' r'"TRPOSn" is not specified. The default value for it is ' r'"TOPOCENTER", and the observatory position has been specified.' ): tm ='time.fits'), format='fits', astropy_native=True) assert (tm['a'].location == t['a'].location).all() assert tm['b'].location == t['b'].location # Check that multiple Time columns with different locations raise an exception t['a'].location = EarthLocation(1, 2, 3) t['b'].location = EarthLocation(2, 3, 4) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert 'Multiple Time Columns with different geocentric' in str( err.value) # Check that Time column with no location specified will assume global location t['b'].location = None with catch_warnings() as w: table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert len(w) == 1 assert str(w[0].message).startswith( 'Time Column "b" has no specified ' 'location, but global Time Position ' 'is present') # Check that multiple Time columns with same location can be written t['b'].location = EarthLocation(1, 2, 3) with catch_warnings() as w: table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert len(w) == 0 # Check compatibility of Time Scales and Reference Positions for scale in BARYCENTRIC_SCALES: t.replace_column('a', getattr(t['a'], scale)) with catch_warnings() as w: table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert len(w) == 1 assert str(w[0].message).startswith( 'Earth Location "TOPOCENTER" ' 'for Time Column') # Check that multidimensional vectorized location (ndim=3) is stored # using Green Bank convention. t = table_types() location = EarthLocation([[[1., 2.], [1., 3.], [3., 4.]]], [[[1., 2.], [1., 3.], [3., 4.]]], [[[1., 2.], [1., 3.], [3., 4.]]], unit='Mm') t['a'] = Time(self.time_3d, format='jd', location=location) table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert (table['OBSGEO-X'] == t['a'].location.x.to_value( unit='m')).all() assert (table['OBSGEO-Y'] == t['a'].location.y.to_value( unit='m')).all() assert (table['OBSGEO-Z'] == t['a'].location.z.to_value( unit='m')).all() t.write(self.temp('time.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True) tm ='time.fits'), format='fits', astropy_native=True) assert (tm['a'].location == t['a'].location).all() # Check that singular location with ndim>1 can be written t['a'] = Time(self.time, location=EarthLocation([[[1.]]], [[[2.]]], [[[3.]]], unit='Mm')) table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert hdr['OBSGEO-X'] == t['a'].location.x.to_value(unit='m') assert hdr['OBSGEO-Y'] == t['a'].location.y.to_value(unit='m') assert hdr['OBSGEO-Z'] == t['a'].location.z.to_value(unit='m') t.write(self.temp('time.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True) tm ='time.fits'), format='fits', astropy_native=True) assert tm['a'].location == t['a'].location
def test_time_to_fits_loc(self, table_types): """ Test all the unusual conditions for locations of ``Time`` columns in a ``Table``. """ t = table_types() t['a'] = Time(self.time, format='isot', scale='utc') t['b'] = Time(self.time, format='isot', scale='tt') # Check that vectorized location is stored using Green Bank convention t['a'].location = EarthLocation([1., 2.], [2., 3.], [3., 4.], unit='Mm') with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning, match='Time Column "b" has no ' 'specified location, but global Time Position is present'): table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert (table['OBSGEO-X'] == t['a'].location.x.to_value(unit='m')).all() assert (table['OBSGEO-Y'] == t['a'].location.y.to_value(unit='m')).all() assert (table['OBSGEO-Z'] == t['a'].location.z.to_value(unit='m')).all() with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning, match='Time Column "b" has no ' 'specified location, but global Time Position is present'): t.write(self.temp('time.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True) tm ='time.fits'), format='fits', astropy_native=True) assert (tm['a'].location == t['a'].location).all() assert tm['b'].location == t['b'].location # Check that multiple Time columns with different locations raise an exception t['a'].location = EarthLocation(1, 2, 3) t['b'].location = EarthLocation(2, 3, 4) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert 'Multiple Time Columns with different geocentric' in str(err.value) # Check that Time column with no location specified will assume global location t['b'].location = None with catch_warnings() as w: table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert len(w) == 1 assert str(w[0].message).startswith('Time Column "b" has no specified ' 'location, but global Time Position ' 'is present') # Check that multiple Time columns with same location can be written t['b'].location = EarthLocation(1, 2, 3) with catch_warnings() as w: table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert len(w) == 0 # Check compatibility of Time Scales and Reference Positions for scale in BARYCENTRIC_SCALES: t.replace_column('a', getattr(t['a'], scale)) with catch_warnings() as w: table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert len(w) == 1 assert str(w[0].message).startswith('Earth Location "TOPOCENTER" ' 'for Time Column') # Check that multidimensional vectorized location (ndim=3) is stored # using Green Bank convention. t = table_types() location = EarthLocation([[[1., 2.], [1., 3.], [3., 4.]]], [[[1., 2.], [1., 3.], [3., 4.]]], [[[1., 2.], [1., 3.], [3., 4.]]], unit='Mm') t['a'] = Time(self.time_3d, format='jd', location=location) table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert (table['OBSGEO-X'] == t['a'].location.x.to_value(unit='m')).all() assert (table['OBSGEO-Y'] == t['a'].location.y.to_value(unit='m')).all() assert (table['OBSGEO-Z'] == t['a'].location.z.to_value(unit='m')).all() t.write(self.temp('time.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True) tm ='time.fits'), format='fits', astropy_native=True) assert (tm['a'].location == t['a'].location).all() # Check that singular location with ndim>1 can be written t['a'] = Time(self.time, location=EarthLocation([[[1.]]], [[[2.]]], [[[3.]]], unit='Mm')) table, hdr = time_to_fits(t) assert hdr['OBSGEO-X'] == t['a'].location.x.to_value(unit='m') assert hdr['OBSGEO-Y'] == t['a'].location.y.to_value(unit='m') assert hdr['OBSGEO-Z'] == t['a'].location.z.to_value(unit='m') t.write(self.temp('time.fits'), format='fits', overwrite=True) tm ='time.fits'), format='fits', astropy_native=True) assert tm['a'].location == t['a'].location
tracklist = get_best_gridpoints( gps_start=start_time.gps + 16, # Add 16 to allow for mode change obs_source_ra_deg=options.obs_source_ra_deg, obs_source_dec_deg=options.obs_source_dec_deg, avoid_source_ra_deg=options.avoid_source_ra_deg, avoid_source_dec_deg=options.avoid_source_dec_deg, model=options.model, min_gain=options.min_gain, max_beam_distance_deg=options.max_beam_distance_deg,, verb_level=1, duration=options.duration, step=step, min_elevation=options.min_elevation) start_time.location = config.MWAPOS if options.outfile is None: # 20170216_cmdfile_J112537_LST9.91.txt outfile_name = ("%s_cmdfile_%s_LST%.4f_BeamModel-%s_mingain%.2f.txt" % (start_time.datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"), options.obj, start_time.sidereal_time('mean').hour, options.model, options.min_gain)) else: outfile_name = options.outfile creator = getpass.getuser() outfile = open(outfile_name, 'a+') outfile.write("# setting correlator mode :\n")
def get_skytemp(datetimestring, delays, frequency, alpha=-2.6, verbose=True): """ Tx,Ty=get_skytemp(datetimestring, delays, frequency, alpha=-2.6, verbose=True) not completely sure about the normalization, since the Haslam FITS image is not specific """ su.init_data() if not os.path.exists(config.RADIO_IMAGE_FILE): logger.error("Could not find 408 MHz image: %s\n" % (config.RADIO_IMAGE_FILE)) return None try: if (verbose): print("Loading 408 MHz map from %s..." % config.RADIO_IMAGE_FILE) f = except Exception as e: logger.error("Error opening 408 MHz image: %s\nError: %s\n" % (config.RADIO_IMAGE_FILE, e)) return None skymap = f[0].data[0] ra = (f[0].header.get('CRVAL1') + (numpy.arange(1, skymap.shape[1] + 1) - f[0].header.get('CRPIX1')) * f[0].header.get('CDELT1')) / 15.0 dec = (f[0].header.get('CRVAL2') + (numpy.arange(1, skymap.shape[0] + 1) - f[0].header.get('CRPIX2')) * f[0].header.get('CDELT2')) # parse the datetimestring try: yr = int(datetimestring[:4]) mn = int(datetimestring[4:6]) dy = int(datetimestring[6:8]) hour = int(datetimestring[8:10]) minute = int(datetimestring[10:12]) second = int(datetimestring[12:14]) except ValueError: logger.error('Could not parse datetimestring %s\n' % datetimestring) return None # UT = hour + minute / 60.0 + second / 3600.0 UTs = '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hour, minute, second) a_obstime = Time('%d-%d-%d %s' % (yr, mn, dy, UTs), scale='utc') a_obstime.delta_ut1_utc = 0 a_obstime.location = config.MWAPOS if (verbose): print("For %02d-%02d-%02d %s UT, LST=%6.3f" % (yr, mn, dy, UTs, a_obstime.sidereal_time(kind='mean').hour)) RA, Dec = numpy.meshgrid(ra * 15, dec) coords = SkyCoord(ra=RA, dec=Dec, equinox='J2000', unit=(astropy.units.deg, astropy.units.deg)) coords.location = config.MWAPOS coords.obstime = a_obstime coords_prec = coords.transform_to('altaz') Az, Alt =, coords_prec.alt.deg if (verbose): print("Creating primary beam response for frequency %.2f MHz..." % (frequency)) print("Beamformer delays are %s" % delays) # get the beam response # first go from altitude to zenith angle theta = (90 - Alt) * math.pi / 180 phi = Az * math.pi / 180 # this is the response for XX and YY try: respX, respY = primary_beam.MWA_Tile_analytic( theta, phi, freq=frequency * 1e6, delays=numpy.array(delays)) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error creating primary beams: %s\n' % e) return None rX = numpy.real(numpy.conj(respX) * respX) rY = numpy.real(numpy.conj(respY) * respY) maskedskymap =, mask=Alt <= 0) maskedskymap *= (frequency / 408.0)**alpha rX /= rX.sum() rY /= rY.sum() return ((rX * maskedskymap).sum()) / 10.0, ( (rY * maskedskymap).sum()) / 10.0
def test_offzenith_source_multibl_uvfits(): """Test single off-zenith source using test uvdata file. Calculate visibilities for a baseline triangle. """ hera_uv = UVData() hera_uv.read_uvfits( longbl_uvfits_file, ant_str='cross' ) # consists of a right triangle of baselines with w term hera_uv.unphase_to_drift() src_az = Angle('90.0d') src_alt = Angle('85.0d') src_za = Angle('90.0d') - src_alt src_l = np.sin(src_az.rad) * np.sin(src_za.rad) src_m = np.cos(src_az.rad) * np.sin(src_za.rad) src_n = np.cos(src_za.rad) time = Time(hera_uv.time_array[0], scale='utc', format='jd') array_location = EarthLocation.from_geocentric( hera_uv.telescope_location[0], hera_uv.telescope_location[1], hera_uv.telescope_location[2], unit='m') freq = hera_uv.freq_array[0, 0] * units.Hz # get antennas positions into ENU antpos, ants = hera_uv.get_ENU_antpos() antenna1 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant1', ants[0], np.array(antpos[0, :]), 0) antenna2 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant2', ants[1], np.array(antpos[1, :]), 0) antenna3 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant3', ants[2], np.array(antpos[2, :]), 0) # setup the things that don't come from pyuvdata: # make a source off zenith time.location = array_location source = create_offzenith_source(time, 'offzensrc', az=src_az, alt=src_alt) # beam = UVBeam() # beam.read_cst_beam(beam_files, beam_type='efield', frequency=[100e6, 123e6], # telescope_name='HERA', # feed_name='PAPER', feed_version='0.1', feed_pol=['x'], # model_name='E-field pattern - Rigging height 4.9m', # model_version='1.0') beam = pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam('tophat') beam_list = [beam] baselines = [ pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna2, antenna1), pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna3, antenna1), pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna3, antenna2) ] array = pyuvsim.Telescope('telescope_name', array_location, beam_list) tasks = [pyuvsim.UVTask(source, time, freq, bl, array) for bl in baselines] visibilities = [] uvws = [] for t in tasks: engine = pyuvsim.UVEngine(t) visibilities.append(engine.make_visibility()) uvws.append(t.baseline.uvw) uvws = np.array(uvws) # analytically calculate visibilities beam.peak_normalize() beam.interpolation_function = 'az_za_simple' interpolated_beam, interp_basis_vector = beam.interp( az_array=np.array([src_az.rad]), za_array=np.array([src_za.rad]), freq_array=np.array(['Hz').value])) jones = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex64) jones[0, 0] = interpolated_beam[1, 0, 0, 0, 0] jones[1, 1] = interpolated_beam[0, 0, 1, 0, 0] jones[1, 0] = interpolated_beam[1, 0, 1, 0, 0] jones[0, 1] = interpolated_beam[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] uvw_wavelength_array = hera_uv.uvw_array[ 0:hera_uv.Nbls] * units.m / const.c *'1/s') visibilities_analytic = [] for u, v, w in uvw_wavelength_array: vis = 0.5 * jones, np.conj(jones).T) * np.exp(2j * np.pi * (u * src_l + v * src_m + w * src_n)) visibilities_analytic.append( np.array([vis[0, 0], vis[1, 1], vis[1, 0], vis[0, 1]])) print('pyuvsim uvws: ', np.around(uvws)) print('file uvws: ', np.around(hera_uv.uvw_array[0:hera_uv.Nbls])) print('Difference: ', uvws - hera_uv.uvw_array[0:hera_uv.Nbls]) # the file used different phasing code than the test uses -- increase the tolerance nt.assert_true( np.allclose(uvws, hera_uv.uvw_array[0:hera_uv.Nbls], atol=1e-4)) print('Analytic visibility', visibilities_analytic) print('Calculated visibility', visibilities) print(np.array(visibilities) - np.array(visibilities_analytic)) # the file used different phasing code than the test uses -- increase the tolerance nt.assert_true(np.allclose(visibilities, visibilities_analytic, atol=1e-4))
def test_single_offzenith_source_miriad(): """Test single off-zenith source using test uvdata file.""" miriad_uv = UVData() miriad_uv.read_miriad(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'hera_testfile'), ant_str='9_10')[0]) src_az = Angle('90.0d') src_alt = Angle('85.0d') src_za = Angle('90.0d') - src_alt src_l = np.sin(src_az.rad) * np.sin(src_za.rad) src_m = np.cos(src_az.rad) * np.sin(src_za.rad) src_n = np.cos(src_za.rad) time = Time(miriad_uv.time_array[0], scale='utc', format='jd') array_location = EarthLocation.from_geocentric( miriad_uv.telescope_location[0], miriad_uv.telescope_location[1], miriad_uv.telescope_location[2], unit='m') freq = miriad_uv.freq_array[0, 0] * units.Hz # get antennas positions into ENU antpos = miriad_uv.antenna_positions[0:2, :] + miriad_uv.telescope_location antpos = uvutils.ENU_from_ECEF(antpos.T, *miriad_uv.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt).T antenna1 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant1', 1, np.array(antpos[0, :]), 0) antenna2 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant2', 2, np.array(antpos[1, :]), 0) # setup the things that don't come from pyuvdata: # make a source off zenith time.location = array_location source = create_offzenith_source(time, 'offzensrc', az=src_az, alt=src_alt) beam = UVBeam() beam.read_cst_beam(beam_files, beam_type='efield', frequency=[100e6, 123e6], telescope_name='HERA', feed_name='PAPER', feed_version='0.1', feed_pol=['x'], model_name='E-field pattern - Rigging height 4.9m', model_version='1.0') beam_list = [beam] baseline = pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna1, antenna2) array = pyuvsim.Telescope('telescope_name', array_location, beam_list) task = pyuvsim.UVTask(source, time, freq, baseline, array) engine = pyuvsim.UVEngine(task) visibility = engine.make_visibility() # analytically calculate visibility beam.peak_normalize() beam.interpolation_function = 'az_za_simple' interpolated_beam, interp_basis_vector = beam.interp( az_array=np.array([src_az.rad]), za_array=np.array([src_za.rad]), freq_array=np.array(['Hz').value])) jones = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex64) jones[0, 0] = interpolated_beam[1, 0, 0, 0, 0] jones[1, 1] = interpolated_beam[0, 0, 1, 0, 0] jones[1, 0] = interpolated_beam[1, 0, 1, 0, 0] jones[0, 1] = interpolated_beam[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] uvw_wavelength_array = hera_uv.uvw_array * units.m / const.c * '1/s') vis_analytic = 0.5 * jones, np.conj(jones).T) * np.exp( -2j * np.pi * (uvw_wavelength_array[0, 0] * src_l + uvw_wavelength_array[0, 1] * src_m + uvw_wavelength_array[0, 2] * src_n)) vis_analytic = np.array([ vis_analytic[0, 0], vis_analytic[1, 1], vis_analytic[1, 0], vis_analytic[0, 1] ]) print('Analytic visibility', vis_analytic) print('Calculated visibility', visibility) nt.assert_true(np.allclose(visibility, vis_analytic, atol=5e-3))
def skycoord(self): ''' Manage and fix sky coordinates ''' head = self.head.copy() # time if self.obstime not in head: head['JD'] = # earthlocation location = EarthLocation(lon=self.lon,, height=self.alt) timekey = head[self.obstime] # log.warning(timekey) if 'MJD' in self.obstime: obstime = Time(timekey, format='mjd') elif self.obstime == 'JD': obstime = Time(timekey, format='jd') # elif isinstance(self.obstime, list): # obstime = Time(Time(timekey[0]).unix+timekey[1]) elif 'DATE' in self.obstime: obstime = Time(timekey) else: obstime = Time(timekey) obstime.location = location # skycoord if self.ra in head and self.dec in head: coord = SkyCoord( ra=head[self.ra], dec=head[self.dec], location=location, obstime=obstime, equinox=obstime.jyear_str[:-2], # frame='icrs', frame='fk5', unit=self.unit) elif self.obj in head: coord = SkyCoord.from_name( head[self.obj], #location=location, #obstime=obstime, # frame='icrs', #equinox=obstime.jyear_str[:-2] frame='fk5') else: log.error("No (RA DEC) and no OBJECT in header") return coord = coord.transform_to(FK5(equinox='J2000')) # Meteo if self.temperature and self.temperature in head: coord.temperature = head[self.temperature] * u.deg_C if self.pressure and self.pressure in head: coord.pressure = head[self.pressure] * u.hPa if self.humidity and self.humidity in head: coord.relative_humidity = head[self.humidity] / 100 # coord.obstime=obstime self.coord = coord return coord