Esempio n. 1
def check_free_space_in_dir(path, size):
    Determines if a given directory has enough space to hold a file of
    a given size.  Raises an OSError if the file would be too large.

    path : str
        The path to a directory

    size : int
        A proposed filesize (in bytes)

    OSError : There is not enough room on the filesystem
    from astropy.utils.console import human_file_size

    space = get_free_space_in_dir(path)
    if space < size:
        raise OSError(
            "Not enough free space in '{}' "
            "to download a {} file".format(
                path, human_file_size(size)))
Esempio n. 2
def check_free_space_in_dir(path, size):
    Determines if a given directory has enough space to hold a file of
    a given size.  Raises an OSError if the file would be too large.

    path : str
        The path to a directory

    size : int
        A proposed filesize (in bytes)

    OSError : There is not enough room on the filesystem
    from astropy.utils.console import human_file_size

    space = get_free_space_in_dir(path)
    if space < size:
        raise OSError(
            "Not enough free space in '{0}' "
            "to download a {1} file".format(
                path, human_file_size(size)))
Esempio n. 3
def hm_file_size(array_shape):
    Take the array shape and compute the size of the array

    size_bytes = (np.product(array_shape, dtype=np.int64) *
                  np.dtype(complex).itemsize) * u.byte

    return human_file_size(size_bytes)
Esempio n. 4
    def _update_console(self, value=None):
        Update the progress bar to the given value (out of the total
        given to the constructor).

        if self._total == 0:
            frac = 1.0
            frac = float(value) / float(self._total)

        file = self._file
        write = file.write

        if frac > 1:
            bar_fill = int(self._bar_length)
            bar_fill = int(float(self._bar_length) * frac)
        color_print('=' * bar_fill, 'blue', file=file, end='')
        if bar_fill < self._bar_length:
            color_print('>', 'green', file=file, end='')
            write('-' * (self._bar_length - bar_fill - 1))

        if value >= self._total:
            t = time.time() - self._start_time
            prefix = '     '
        elif value <= 0:
            t = None
            prefix = ''
            t = ((time.time() - self._start_time) * (1.0 - frac)) / frac
            prefix = ' ETA '
        write(' {0:>4s}/{1:>4s}'.format(
        write(' ({0:>6s}%)'.format('{0:.2f}'.format(frac * 100.0)))
        if t is not None:
Esempio n. 5
    def _update_console(self, value=None):
        Update the progress bar to the given value (out of the total
        given to the constructor).

        if self._total == 0:
            frac = 1.0
            frac = float(value) / float(self._total)

        file = self._file
        write = file.write

        if frac > 1:
            bar_fill = int(self._bar_length)
            bar_fill = int(float(self._bar_length) * frac)
        color_print('=' * bar_fill, 'blue', file=file, end='')
        if bar_fill < self._bar_length:
            color_print('>', 'green', file=file, end='')
            write('-' * (self._bar_length - bar_fill - 1))

        if value >= self._total:
            t = time.time() - self._start_time
            prefix = '     '
        elif value <= 0:
            t = None
            prefix = ''
            t = ((time.time() - self._start_time) * (1.0 - frac)) / frac
            prefix = ' ETA '
        write(' {0:>4s}/{1:>4s}'.format(human_file_size(value),
        write(' ({0:>6s}%)'.format('{0:.2f}'.format(frac * 100.0)))
        if t is not None:
def convolve_fft(array,
    Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel.  Returns a convolved image with
    ``shape = array.shape``.  Assumes kernel is centered.

    `convolve_fft` is very similar to `convolve` in that it replaces ``NaN``
    values in the original image with interpolated values using the kernel as
    an interpolation function.  However, it also includes many additional
    options specific to the implementation.

    `convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:

    * It can treat ``NaN`` values as zeros or interpolate over them.
    * ``inf`` values are treated as ``NaN``
    * (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.
    * Its only valid ``mode`` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)
    * It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,
      `pyFFTW <>`_ or
      `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to
      performance improvements, depending on your system configuration.  pyFFTW3
      is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on
      multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements.  Specify
      the ``fftn`` and ``ifftn`` keywords to override the default, which is
      `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.

    array : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array to be convolved with ``kernel``.  It can be of any
        dimensionality, though only 1, 2, and 3d arrays have been tested.
    kernel : `numpy.ndarray` or `astropy.convolution.Kernel`
        The convolution kernel. The number of dimensions should match those
        for the array.  The dimensions *do not* have to be odd in all directions,
        unlike in the non-fft `convolve` function.  The kernel will be
        normalized if ``normalize_kernel`` is set.  It is assumed to be centered
        (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)
    boundary : {'fill', 'wrap'}, optional
        A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:

            * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value
            * 'wrap': periodic boundary

        The `None` and 'extend' parameters are not supported for FFT-based
    fill_value : float, optional
        The value to use outside the array when using boundary='fill'
    nan_treatment : 'interpolate', 'fill'
        ``interpolate`` will result in renormalization of the kernel at each
        position ignoring (pixels that are NaN in the image) in both the image
        and the kernel.  ``fill`` will replace the NaN pixels with a fixed
        numerical value (default zero, see ``fill_value``) prior to
        convolution.  Note that if the kernel has a sum equal to zero, NaN
        interpolation is not possible and will raise an exception.
    normalize_kernel : function or boolean, optional
        If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.
        e.g., ``normalize_kernel=np.sum`` means that kernel will be modified to be:
        ``kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)``.  If True, defaults to
        ``normalize_kernel = np.sum``.
    normalization_zero_tol: float, optional
        The absolute tolerance on whether the kernel is different than zero.
        If the kernel sums to zero to within this precision, it cannot be
        normalized. Default is "1e-8".
    preserve_nan : bool
        After performing convolution, should pixels that were originally NaN
        again become NaN?
    mask : `None` or `numpy.ndarray`
        A "mask" array.  Shape must match ``array``, and anything that is masked
        (i.e., not 0/`False`) will be set to NaN for the convolution.  If
        `None`, no masking will be performed unless ``array`` is a masked array.
        If ``mask`` is not `None` *and* ``array`` is a masked array, a pixel is
        masked of it is masked in either ``mask`` *or* ``array.mask``.

    Other Parameters
    min_wt : float, optional
        If ignoring ``NaN`` / zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than
        this value to ``NaN`` (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored
        neighbors is 1.0).
        If ``min_wt`` is zero, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero
        instead of ``NaN`` (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).
        See the examples below
    fft_pad : bool, optional
        Default on.  Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n.  With
        ``boundary='wrap'``, this will be disabled.
    psf_pad : bool, optional
        Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes to avoid
        edge-wrapping when smoothing.  This is enabled by default with
        ``boundary='fill'``, but it can be overridden with a boolean option.
        ``boundary='wrap'`` and ``psf_pad=True`` are not compatible.
    crop : bool, optional
        Default on.  Return an image of the size of the larger of the input
        image and the kernel.
        If the image and kernel are asymmetric in opposite directions, will
        return the largest image in both directions.
        For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape
        [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].
    return_fft : bool, optional
        Return the ``fft(image)*fft(kernel)`` instead of the convolution (which is
        ``ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))``).  Useful for making PSDs.
    fftn, ifftn : functions, optional
        The fft and inverse fft functions.  Can be overridden to use your own
        ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn,
    complex_dtype : numpy.complex, optional
        Which complex dtype to use.  `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to
    quiet : bool, optional
        Silence warning message about NaN interpolation
    allow_huge : bool, optional
        Allow huge arrays in the FFT?  If False, will raise an exception if the
        array or kernel size is >1 GB

        If the array is bigger than 1 GB after padding, will raise this exception
        unless ``allow_huge`` is True

    See Also
        Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.  It is more memory
        efficient and for small kernels can be faster.

    default : ndarray
        ``array`` convolved with ``kernel``.  If ``return_fft`` is set, returns
        ``fft(array) * fft(kernel)``.  If crop is not set, returns the
        image, but with the fft-padded size instead of the input size

        With ``psf_pad=True`` and a large PSF, the resulting data can become
        very large and consume a lot of memory.  See Issue for further detail.

    >>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])
    array([ 1.,  4.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])
    array([ 1.,  4.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])
    array([ 1.,  0.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], nan_treatment='interpolate')
    array([ 1.,  0.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], nan_treatment='interpolate',
    ...              min_wt=1e-8)
    array([ 1.,  nan,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], nan_treatment='interpolate')
    array([ 1.,  4.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], nan_treatment='interpolate',
    ...               normalize_kernel=True)
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])

    >>> import scipy.fftpack  # optional - requires scipy
    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], nan_treatment='interpolate',
    ...               normalize_kernel=True,
    ...               fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])

    # Checking copied from - however, since FFTs have real &
    # complex components, we change the types.  Only the real part will be
    # returned! Note that this always makes a copy.

    # Check kernel is kernel instance
    if isinstance(kernel, Kernel):
        kernel = kernel.array
        if isinstance(array, Kernel):
            raise TypeError("Can't convolve two kernels with convolve_fft.  "
                            "Use convolve instead.")

    if nan_treatment not in ('interpolate', 'fill'):
        raise ValueError("nan_treatment must be one of 'interpolate','fill'")

    # Convert array dtype to complex
    # and ensure that list inputs become arrays
    array = _copy_input_if_needed(array,
    kernel = _copy_input_if_needed(kernel,

    # Check that the number of dimensions is compatible
    if array.ndim != kernel.ndim:
        raise ValueError("Image and kernel must have same number of "

    arrayshape = array.shape
    kernshape = kernel.shape

    array_size_B = (np.product(arrayshape, dtype=np.int64) *
                    np.dtype(complex_dtype).itemsize) * u.byte
    if array_size_B > 1 * u.GB and not allow_huge:
        raise ValueError("Size Error: Arrays will be {}.  Use "
                         "allow_huge=True to override this exception.".format(

    # NaN and inf catching
    nanmaskarray = np.isnan(array) | np.isinf(array)
    array[nanmaskarray] = 0
    nanmaskkernel = np.isnan(kernel) | np.isinf(kernel)
    kernel[nanmaskkernel] = 0

    if normalize_kernel is True:
        if kernel.sum() < 1. / MAX_NORMALIZATION:
            raise Exception(
                "The kernel can't be normalized, because its sum is "
                "close to zero. The sum of the given kernel is < {0}".format(
                    1. / MAX_NORMALIZATION))
        kernel_scale = kernel.sum()
        normalized_kernel = kernel / kernel_scale
        kernel_scale = 1  # if we want to normalize it, leave it normed!
    elif normalize_kernel:
        # try this.  If a function is not passed, the code will just crash... I
        # think type checking would be better but PEPs say otherwise...
        kernel_scale = normalize_kernel(kernel)
        normalized_kernel = kernel / kernel_scale
        kernel_scale = kernel.sum()
        if np.abs(kernel_scale) < normalization_zero_tol:
            if nan_treatment == 'interpolate':
                raise ValueError(
                    'Cannot interpolate NaNs with an unnormalizable kernel')
                # the kernel's sum is near-zero, so it can't be scaled
                kernel_scale = 1
                normalized_kernel = kernel
            # the kernel is normalizable; we'll temporarily normalize it
            # now and undo the normalization later.
            normalized_kernel = kernel / kernel_scale

    if boundary is None:
            "The convolve_fft version of boundary=None is "
            "equivalent to the convolve boundary='fill'.  There is "
            "no FFT equivalent to convolve's "
            "zero-if-kernel-leaves-boundary", AstropyUserWarning)
        if psf_pad is None:
            psf_pad = True
        if fft_pad is None:
            fft_pad = True
    elif boundary == 'fill':
        # create a boundary region at least as large as the kernel
        if psf_pad is False:
                "psf_pad was set to {0}, which overrides the "
                "boundary='fill' setting.".format(psf_pad), AstropyUserWarning)
            psf_pad = True
        if fft_pad is None:
            # default is 'True' according to the docstring
            fft_pad = True
    elif boundary == 'wrap':
        if psf_pad:
            raise ValueError(
                "With boundary='wrap', psf_pad cannot be enabled.")
        psf_pad = False
        if fft_pad:
            raise ValueError(
                "With boundary='wrap', fft_pad cannot be enabled.")
        fft_pad = False
        fill_value = 0  # force zero; it should not be used
    elif boundary == 'extend':
        raise NotImplementedError("The 'extend' option is not implemented "
                                  "for fft-based convolution")

    # find ideal size (power of 2) for fft.
    # Can add shapes because they are tuples
    if fft_pad:  # default=True
        if psf_pad:  # default=False
            # add the dimensions and then take the max (bigger)
            fsize = 2**np.ceil(
                np.log2(np.max(np.array(arrayshape) + np.array(kernshape))))
            # add the shape lists (max of a list of length 4) (smaller)
            # also makes the shapes square
            fsize = 2**np.ceil(np.log2(np.max(arrayshape + kernshape)))
        newshape = np.array([fsize for ii in range(array.ndim)], dtype=int)
        if psf_pad:
            # just add the biggest dimensions
            newshape = np.array(arrayshape) + np.array(kernshape)
            newshape = np.array([
                np.max([imsh, kernsh])
                for imsh, kernsh in zip(arrayshape, kernshape)

    # perform a second check after padding
    array_size_C = (np.product(newshape, dtype=np.int64) *
                    np.dtype(complex_dtype).itemsize) * u.byte
    if array_size_C > 1 * u.GB and not allow_huge:
        raise ValueError("Size Error: Arrays will be {}.  Use "
                         "allow_huge=True to override this exception.".format(

    # For future reference, this can be used to predict "almost exactly"
    # how much *additional* memory will be used.
    # size * (array + kernel + kernelfft + arrayfft +
    #         (kernel*array)fft +
    #         optional(weight image + weight_fft + weight_ifft) +
    #         optional(returned_fft))
    # total_memory_used_GB = (np.product(newshape)*np.dtype(complex_dtype).itemsize
    #                        * (5 + 3*((interpolate_nan or ) and kernel_is_normalized))
    #                        + (1 + (not return_fft)) *
    #                          np.product(arrayshape)*np.dtype(complex_dtype).itemsize
    #                        + np.product(arrayshape)*np.dtype(bool).itemsize
    #                        + np.product(kernshape)*np.dtype(bool).itemsize)
    #                        ) / 1024.**3

    # separate each dimension by the padding size...  this is to determine the
    # appropriate slice size to get back to the input dimensions
    arrayslices = []
    kernslices = []
    for ii, (newdimsize, arraydimsize,
             kerndimsize) in enumerate(zip(newshape, arrayshape, kernshape)):
        center = newdimsize - (newdimsize + 1) // 2
        arrayslices += [
            slice(center - arraydimsize // 2, center + (arraydimsize + 1) // 2)
        kernslices += [
            slice(center - kerndimsize // 2, center + (kerndimsize + 1) // 2)
    arrayslices = tuple(arrayslices)
    kernslices = tuple(kernslices)

    if not np.all(newshape == arrayshape):
        if np.isfinite(fill_value):
            bigarray = np.ones(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype) * fill_value
            bigarray = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype)
        bigarray[arrayslices] = array
        bigarray = array

    if not np.all(newshape == kernshape):
        bigkernel = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype)
        bigkernel[kernslices] = normalized_kernel
        bigkernel = normalized_kernel

    arrayfft = fftn(bigarray)
    # need to shift the kernel so that, e.g., [0,0,1,0] -> [1,0,0,0] = unity
    kernfft = fftn(np.fft.ifftshift(bigkernel))
    fftmult = arrayfft * kernfft

    interpolate_nan = (nan_treatment == 'interpolate')
    if interpolate_nan:
        if not np.isfinite(fill_value):
            bigimwt = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype)
            bigimwt = np.ones(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype)

        bigimwt[arrayslices] = 1.0 - nanmaskarray * interpolate_nan
        wtfft = fftn(bigimwt)

        # You can only get to this point if kernel_is_normalized
        wtfftmult = wtfft * kernfft
        wtsm = ifftn(wtfftmult)
        # need to re-zero weights outside of the image (if it is padded, we
        # still don't weight those regions)
        bigimwt[arrayslices] = wtsm.real[arrayslices]
        bigimwt = 1

    if np.isnan(fftmult).any():
        # this check should be unnecessary; call it an insanity check
        raise ValueError("Encountered NaNs in convolve.  This is disallowed.")

    fftmult *= kernel_scale

    if return_fft:
        return fftmult

    if interpolate_nan:
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            # divide by zeros are expected here; if the weight is zero, we want
            # the output to be nan or inf
            rifft = (ifftn(fftmult)) / bigimwt
        if not np.isscalar(bigimwt):
            if min_wt > 0.:
                rifft[bigimwt < min_wt] = np.nan
                # Set anything with no weight to zero (taking into account
                # slight offsets due to floating-point errors).
                rifft[bigimwt < 10 * np.finfo(bigimwt.dtype).eps] = 0.0
        rifft = ifftn(fftmult)

    if preserve_nan:
        rifft[arrayslices][nanmaskarray] = np.nan

    if crop:
        result = rifft[arrayslices].real
        return result
        return rifft.real
def test_human_file_size(size, string):
    human_time = console.human_file_size(size)
    assert human_time == string
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, total_or_items, ipython_widget=False, file=None):
        total_or_items : int or sequence
            If an int, the number of increments in the process being
            tracked.  If a sequence, the items to iterate over.

        ipython_widget : bool, optional
            If `True`, the progress bar will display as an IPython
            notebook widget.

        file : writable file-like object, optional
            The file to write the progress bar to.  Defaults to
            `sys.stdout`.  If `file` is not a tty (as determined by
            calling its `isatty` member, if any, or special case hacks
            to detect the IPython console), the progress bar will be
            completely silent.

        ipython_widget = False

        # if ipython_widget:
        #     # Import only if ipython_widget, i.e., widget in IPython
        #     # notebook
        #     if ipython_major_version < 4:
        #         from IPython.html import widgets
        #     else:
        #         from ipywidgets import widgets
        #     from IPython.display import display

        if file is None:
            file = _get_stdout()

        if not isatty(file) and not ipython_widget:
            self.update = self._silent_update
            self._silent = True
            self._silent = False

        if isiterable(total_or_items):
            self._items = iter(total_or_items)
            self._total = len(total_or_items)
                self._total = int(total_or_items)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError("First argument must be int or sequence")
                self._items = iter(range(self._total))

        self._file = file
        self._start_time = time.time()
        self._human_total = human_file_size(self._total)
        self._ipython_widget = ipython_widget

        self._signal_set = False
        if not ipython_widget:
            self._should_handle_resize = (
                _CAN_RESIZE_TERMINAL and self._file.isatty())
            if self._should_handle_resize:
                signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self._handle_resize)
                self._signal_set = True

Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, total_or_items, ipython_widget=False, file=None):
        total_or_items : int or sequence
            If an int, the number of increments in the process being
            tracked.  If a sequence, the items to iterate over.

        ipython_widget : bool, optional
            If `True`, the progress bar will display as an IPython
            notebook widget.

        file : writable file-like object, optional
            The file to write the progress bar to.  Defaults to
            `sys.stdout`.  If `file` is not a tty (as determined by
            calling its `isatty` member, if any, or special case hacks
            to detect the IPython console), the progress bar will be
            completely silent.

        ipython_widget = False

        # if ipython_widget:
        #     # Import only if ipython_widget, i.e., widget in IPython
        #     # notebook
        #     if ipython_major_version < 4:
        #         from IPython.html import widgets
        #     else:
        #         from ipywidgets import widgets
        #     from IPython.display import display

        if file is None:
            file = _get_stdout()

        if not isatty(file) and not ipython_widget:
            self.update = self._silent_update
            self._silent = True
            self._silent = False

        if isiterable(total_or_items):
            self._items = iter(total_or_items)
            self._total = len(total_or_items)
                self._total = int(total_or_items)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError("First argument must be int or sequence")
                self._items = iter(range(self._total))

        self._file = file
        self._start_time = time.time()
        self._human_total = human_file_size(self._total)
        self._ipython_widget = ipython_widget

        self._signal_set = False
        if not ipython_widget:
            self._should_handle_resize = (_CAN_RESIZE_TERMINAL
                                          and self._file.isatty())
            if self._should_handle_resize:
                signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self._handle_resize)
                self._signal_set = True

Esempio n. 10
def test_human_file_size(size, string):
    human_time = console.human_file_size(size)
    assert human_time == string
Esempio n. 11
def memory():
    """Get memory usage as a string."""
    from astropy.utils.console import human_file_size
    return human_file_size(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
Esempio n. 12
def convolve_fft(array, kernel, boundary='fill', fill_value=0.,
                 nan_treatment='interpolate', normalize_kernel=True,
                 preserve_nan=False, mask=None, crop=True, return_fft=False,
                 fft_pad=None, psf_pad=None, quiet=False,
                 min_wt=0.0, allow_huge=False,
                 fftn=np.fft.fftn, ifftn=np.fft.ifftn,
    Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel.  Returns a convolved image with
    ``shape = array.shape``.  Assumes kernel is centered.

    `convolve_fft` is very similar to `convolve` in that it replaces ``NaN``
    values in the original image with interpolated values using the kernel as
    an interpolation function.  However, it also includes many additional
    options specific to the implementation.

    `convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:

    * It can treat ``NaN`` values as zeros or interpolate over them.
    * ``inf`` values are treated as ``NaN``
    * (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.
    * Its only valid ``mode`` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)
    * It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,
      `pyFFTW <>`_ or
      `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to
      performance improvements, depending on your system configuration.  pyFFTW3
      is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on
      multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements.  Specify
      the ``fftn`` and ``ifftn`` keywords to override the default, which is
      `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.

    array : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array to be convolved with ``kernel``.  It can be of any
        dimensionality, though only 1, 2, and 3d arrays have been tested.
    kernel : `numpy.ndarray` or `astropy.convolution.Kernel`
        The convolution kernel. The number of dimensions should match those
        for the array.  The dimensions *do not* have to be odd in all directions,
        unlike in the non-fft `convolve` function.  The kernel will be
        normalized if ``normalize_kernel`` is set.  It is assumed to be centered
        (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)
    boundary : {'fill', 'wrap'}, optional
        A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:

            * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value
            * 'wrap': periodic boundary

        The `None` and 'extend' parameters are not supported for FFT-based
    fill_value : float, optional
        The value to use outside the array when using boundary='fill'
    nan_treatment : 'interpolate', 'fill'
        ``interpolate`` will result in renormalization of the kernel at each
        position ignoring (pixels that are NaN in the image) in both the image
        and the kernel.  ``fill`` will replace the NaN pixels with a fixed
        numerical value (default zero, see ``fill_value``) prior to
        convolution.  Note that if the kernel has a sum equal to zero, NaN
        interpolation is not possible and will raise an exception.
    normalize_kernel : function or boolean, optional
        If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.
        e.g., ``normalize_kernel=np.sum`` means that kernel will be modified to be:
        ``kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)``.  If True, defaults to
        ``normalize_kernel = np.sum``.
    normalization_zero_tol: float, optional
        The absolute tolerance on whether the kernel is different than zero.
        If the kernel sums to zero to within this precision, it cannot be
        normalized. Default is "1e-8".
    preserve_nan : bool
        After performing convolution, should pixels that were originally NaN
        again become NaN?
    mask : `None` or `numpy.ndarray`
        A "mask" array.  Shape must match ``array``, and anything that is masked
        (i.e., not 0/`False`) will be set to NaN for the convolution.  If
        `None`, no masking will be performed unless ``array`` is a masked array.
        If ``mask`` is not `None` *and* ``array`` is a masked array, a pixel is
        masked of it is masked in either ``mask`` *or* ``array.mask``.

    Other Parameters
    min_wt : float, optional
        If ignoring ``NaN`` / zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than
        this value to ``NaN`` (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored
        neighbors is 1.0).
        If ``min_wt`` is zero, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero
        instead of ``NaN`` (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).
        See the examples below
    fft_pad : bool, optional
        Default on.  Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n.  With
        ``boundary='wrap'``, this will be disabled.
    psf_pad : bool, optional
        Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes to avoid
        edge-wrapping when smoothing.  This is enabled by default with
        ``boundary='fill'``, but it can be overridden with a boolean option.
        ``boundary='wrap'`` and ``psf_pad=True`` are not compatible.
    crop : bool, optional
        Default on.  Return an image of the size of the larger of the input
        image and the kernel.
        If the image and kernel are asymmetric in opposite directions, will
        return the largest image in both directions.
        For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape
        [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].
    return_fft : bool, optional
        Return the ``fft(image)*fft(kernel)`` instead of the convolution (which is
        ``ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))``).  Useful for making PSDs.
    fftn, ifftn : functions, optional
        The fft and inverse fft functions.  Can be overridden to use your own
        ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn,
    complex_dtype : numpy.complex, optional
        Which complex dtype to use.  `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to
    quiet : bool, optional
        Silence warning message about NaN interpolation
    allow_huge : bool, optional
        Allow huge arrays in the FFT?  If False, will raise an exception if the
        array or kernel size is >1 GB

        If the array is bigger than 1 GB after padding, will raise this exception
        unless ``allow_huge`` is True

    See Also
        Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.  It is more memory
        efficient and for small kernels can be faster.

    default : ndarray
        ``array`` convolved with ``kernel``.  If ``return_fft`` is set, returns
        ``fft(array) * fft(kernel)``.  If crop is not set, returns the
        image, but with the fft-padded size instead of the input size

        With ``psf_pad=True`` and a large PSF, the resulting data can become
        very large and consume a lot of memory.  See Issue for further detail.

    >>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])
    array([ 1.,  4.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])
    array([ 1.,  4.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])
    array([ 1.,  0.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], nan_treatment='interpolate')
    array([ 1.,  0.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], nan_treatment='interpolate',
    ...              min_wt=1e-8)
    array([ 1.,  nan,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], nan_treatment='interpolate')
    array([ 1.,  4.,  3.])

    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], nan_treatment='interpolate',
    ...               normalize_kernel=True)
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])

    >>> import scipy.fftpack  # optional - requires scipy
    >>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], nan_treatment='interpolate',
    ...               normalize_kernel=True,
    ...               fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])

    # Checking copied from - however, since FFTs have real &
    # complex components, we change the types.  Only the real part will be
    # returned! Note that this always makes a copy.

    # Check kernel is kernel instance
    if isinstance(kernel, Kernel):
        kernel = kernel.array
        if isinstance(array, Kernel):
            raise TypeError("Can't convolve two kernels with convolve_fft.  "
                            "Use convolve instead.")

    if nan_treatment not in ('interpolate', 'fill'):
        raise ValueError("nan_treatment must be one of 'interpolate','fill'")

    # Convert array dtype to complex
    # and ensure that list inputs become arrays
    array = _copy_input_if_needed(array, dtype=complex, order='C',
                             nan_treatment=nan_treatment, mask=mask,
    kernel = _copy_input_if_needed(kernel, dtype=complex, order='C',
                                  nan_treatment=None, mask=None,

    # Check that the number of dimensions is compatible
    if array.ndim != kernel.ndim:
        raise ValueError("Image and kernel must have same number of "

    arrayshape = array.shape
    kernshape = kernel.shape

    array_size_B = (np.product(arrayshape, dtype=np.int64) *
    if array_size_B > 1*u.GB and not allow_huge:
        raise ValueError("Size Error: Arrays will be {}.  Use "
                         "allow_huge=True to override this exception."

    # NaN and inf catching
    nanmaskarray = np.isnan(array) | np.isinf(array)
    array[nanmaskarray] = 0
    nanmaskkernel = np.isnan(kernel) | np.isinf(kernel)
    kernel[nanmaskkernel] = 0

    if normalize_kernel is True:
        if kernel.sum() < 1. / MAX_NORMALIZATION:
            raise Exception("The kernel can't be normalized, because its sum is "
                            "close to zero. The sum of the given kernel is < {0}"
                            .format(1. / MAX_NORMALIZATION))
        kernel_scale = kernel.sum()
        normalized_kernel = kernel / kernel_scale
        kernel_scale = 1  # if we want to normalize it, leave it normed!
    elif normalize_kernel:
        # try this.  If a function is not passed, the code will just crash... I
        # think type checking would be better but PEPs say otherwise...
        kernel_scale = normalize_kernel(kernel)
        normalized_kernel = kernel / kernel_scale
        kernel_scale = kernel.sum()
        if np.abs(kernel_scale) < normalization_zero_tol:
            if nan_treatment == 'interpolate':
                raise ValueError('Cannot interpolate NaNs with an unnormalizable kernel')
                # the kernel's sum is near-zero, so it can't be scaled
                kernel_scale = 1
                normalized_kernel = kernel
            # the kernel is normalizable; we'll temporarily normalize it
            # now and undo the normalization later.
            normalized_kernel = kernel / kernel_scale

    if boundary is None:
        warnings.warn("The convolve_fft version of boundary=None is "
                      "equivalent to the convolve boundary='fill'.  There is "
                      "no FFT equivalent to convolve's "
                      "zero-if-kernel-leaves-boundary", AstropyUserWarning)
        if psf_pad is None:
            psf_pad = True
        if fft_pad is None:
            fft_pad = True
    elif boundary == 'fill':
        # create a boundary region at least as large as the kernel
        if psf_pad is False:
            warnings.warn("psf_pad was set to {0}, which overrides the "
                          "boundary='fill' setting.".format(psf_pad),
            psf_pad = True
        if fft_pad is None:
            # default is 'True' according to the docstring
            fft_pad = True
    elif boundary == 'wrap':
        if psf_pad:
            raise ValueError("With boundary='wrap', psf_pad cannot be enabled.")
        psf_pad = False
        if fft_pad:
            raise ValueError("With boundary='wrap', fft_pad cannot be enabled.")
        fft_pad = False
        fill_value = 0  # force zero; it should not be used
    elif boundary == 'extend':
        raise NotImplementedError("The 'extend' option is not implemented "
                                  "for fft-based convolution")

    # find ideal size (power of 2) for fft.
    # Can add shapes because they are tuples
    if fft_pad:  # default=True
        if psf_pad:  # default=False
            # add the dimensions and then take the max (bigger)
            fsize = 2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(
                np.max(np.array(arrayshape) + np.array(kernshape))))
            # add the shape lists (max of a list of length 4) (smaller)
            # also makes the shapes square
            fsize = 2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(np.max(arrayshape + kernshape)))
        newshape = np.array([fsize for ii in range(array.ndim)], dtype=int)
        if psf_pad:
            # just add the biggest dimensions
            newshape = np.array(arrayshape) + np.array(kernshape)
            newshape = np.array([np.max([imsh, kernsh])
                                 for imsh, kernsh in zip(arrayshape, kernshape)])

    # perform a second check after padding
    array_size_C = (np.product(newshape, dtype=np.int64) *
    if array_size_C > 1*u.GB and not allow_huge:
        raise ValueError("Size Error: Arrays will be {}.  Use "
                         "allow_huge=True to override this exception."

    # For future reference, this can be used to predict "almost exactly"
    # how much *additional* memory will be used.
    # size * (array + kernel + kernelfft + arrayfft +
    #         (kernel*array)fft +
    #         optional(weight image + weight_fft + weight_ifft) +
    #         optional(returned_fft))
    # total_memory_used_GB = (np.product(newshape)*np.dtype(complex_dtype).itemsize
    #                        * (5 + 3*((interpolate_nan or ) and kernel_is_normalized))
    #                        + (1 + (not return_fft)) *
    #                          np.product(arrayshape)*np.dtype(complex_dtype).itemsize
    #                        + np.product(arrayshape)*np.dtype(bool).itemsize
    #                        + np.product(kernshape)*np.dtype(bool).itemsize)
    #                        ) / 1024.**3

    # separate each dimension by the padding size...  this is to determine the
    # appropriate slice size to get back to the input dimensions
    arrayslices = []
    kernslices = []
    for ii, (newdimsize, arraydimsize, kerndimsize) in enumerate(zip(newshape, arrayshape, kernshape)):
        center = newdimsize - (newdimsize + 1) // 2
        arrayslices += [slice(center - arraydimsize // 2,
                              center + (arraydimsize + 1) // 2)]
        kernslices += [slice(center - kerndimsize // 2,
                             center + (kerndimsize + 1) // 2)]
    arrayslices = tuple(arrayslices)
    kernslices = tuple(kernslices)

    if not np.all(newshape == arrayshape):
        if np.isfinite(fill_value):
            bigarray = np.ones(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype) * fill_value
            bigarray = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype)
        bigarray[arrayslices] = array
        bigarray = array

    if not np.all(newshape == kernshape):
        bigkernel = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype)
        bigkernel[kernslices] = normalized_kernel
        bigkernel = normalized_kernel

    arrayfft = fftn(bigarray)
    # need to shift the kernel so that, e.g., [0,0,1,0] -> [1,0,0,0] = unity
    kernfft = fftn(np.fft.ifftshift(bigkernel))
    fftmult = arrayfft * kernfft

    interpolate_nan = (nan_treatment == 'interpolate')
    if interpolate_nan:
        if not np.isfinite(fill_value):
            bigimwt = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype)
            bigimwt = np.ones(newshape, dtype=complex_dtype)

        bigimwt[arrayslices] = 1.0 - nanmaskarray * interpolate_nan
        wtfft = fftn(bigimwt)

        # You can only get to this point if kernel_is_normalized
        wtfftmult = wtfft * kernfft
        wtsm = ifftn(wtfftmult)
        # need to re-zero weights outside of the image (if it is padded, we
        # still don't weight those regions)
        bigimwt[arrayslices] = wtsm.real[arrayslices]
        bigimwt = 1

    if np.isnan(fftmult).any():
        # this check should be unnecessary; call it an insanity check
        raise ValueError("Encountered NaNs in convolve.  This is disallowed.")

    fftmult *= kernel_scale

    if return_fft:
        return fftmult

    if interpolate_nan:
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            # divide by zeros are expected here; if the weight is zero, we want
            # the output to be nan or inf
            rifft = (ifftn(fftmult)) / bigimwt
        if not np.isscalar(bigimwt):
            if min_wt > 0.:
                rifft[bigimwt < min_wt] = np.nan
                # Set anything with no weight to zero (taking into account
                # slight offsets due to floating-point errors).
                rifft[bigimwt < 10 * np.finfo(bigimwt.dtype).eps] = 0.0
        rifft = ifftn(fftmult)

    if preserve_nan:
        rifft[arrayslices][nanmaskarray] = np.nan

    if crop:
        result = rifft[arrayslices].real
        return result
        return rifft.real