Esempio n. 1
def greenwich_sidereal_time_in_radians():
    """Calculate using GMT (according to client's time settings)."""
    #Function astropysics.obstools.epoch_to_jd wants a decimal year as input
    #Function astropysics.obstools.calendar_to_jd can take a datetime object
    gmt_jd = obstools.calendar_to_jd(site_time_gmt_as_datetime())
    #Convert from hours to radians... 24hr = 2*pi
    return coords.greenwich_sidereal_time(gmt_jd) * pi / 12
Esempio n. 2
def greenwich_sidereal_time_in_radians():
    """Calculate using GMT (according to client's time settings)."""
    # Function astropysics.obstools.epoch_to_jd wants a decimal year as input
    # Function astropysics.obstools.calendar_to_jd can take a datetime object
    gmt_jd = obstools.calendar_to_jd(site_time_gmt_as_datetime())
    # Convert from hours to radians... 24hr = 2*pi
    return coords.greenwich_sidereal_time(gmt_jd) * pi / 12
Esempio n. 3
def getMonths(ra, dec):
    from astropysics.coords import AngularCoordinate, FK5Coordinates
    from astropysics.obstools import Site
    import astropysics.obstools as astobs

    # name, ra, dec = np.loadtxt('coords.dat', usecols=(0,1,2), dtype=str, unpack=True)

    kpnolat = AngularCoordinate('+31d57m12s')
    kpnolong = AngularCoordinate('-7h26m28.00s')
    kpnoelev = 2096.0
    kpnooffs = -7

    kpno = Site(kpnolat, kpnolong, alt=kpnoelev, tz=kpnooffs, name='KPNO')
    months = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12])
    days = np.array([7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 28.0])
    monthDict = {1:'Jan', 2:'Feb', 3:'Mar', 4:'Apr', 5:'May', 6:'Jun', 7:'Jul', 8:'Aug', 9:'Sep', 10:'Oct', 11:'Nov', 12:'Dec'}

    coords = FK5Coordinates(ra,dec)
    monthBool = []
    for m in months:
        upMonth = [False, False, False, False]
        for j,day in enumerate(days):
            jd = astobs.calendar_to_jd((2016.0, float(m), day), tz=-7)
            r,s,t = kpno.riseSetTransit(coords, date=jd, alt=42.0)
            # print monthDict[m], day, r,s,t
            if r > 20.0 and s <= 8.0:
                nightHours = (24.0-r)+s
            elif 8.0 <= r <= 20.0 and s <= 8.0:
                nightHours = 4.0+s
            elif r > 20.0 and s >= 8.0:
                nightHours = (24.0-r)+8.0
            elif r <= 20.0 and s >= 20.0:
                nightHours = s-20.0
            elif 20.0 < r < s:
                nightHours = s-r
            elif r < s < 8.0:
                nightHours = s-r
            elif r <= 8.0 :
                nightHours = 8.0-r
            else :
                nightHours = 0.0
            if nightHours >= 2.50:
                upNight = True
                upMonth[j] = True
                upNight = False
    # print monthBool
    obsmonths = []
    for m in months[np.where(monthBool)]:
    return obsmonths
Esempio n. 4
def add_time_info(header, history=False):
    Add JD, MJD, LST to FITS header; `header` should be a pyfits
    header object.

    history : bool
        If `True`, write history for each keyword changed.
    Uses `feder.currentobsjd` as the date.
    dateobs = parse_dateobs(header['date-obs'])
    JD.value = round(obstools.calendar_to_jd(dateobs), 6)
    MJD.value = round(obstools.calendar_to_jd(dateobs, mjd=True), 6)
    # setting currentobsjd makes calls following it use that time
    # for calculations
    feder.currentobsjd = JD.value
    LST.value = feder.localSiderialTime()
    LST.value = sexagesimal_string(deg2dms(LST.value))
    for keyword in keywords_for_all_files:
        keyword.addToHeader(header, history=history)