Esempio n. 1
    def hint(self, index):
        """Adds a 'hint', telling Mongo the proper index to use for the query.

        Judicious use of hints can greatly improve query
        performance. When doing a query on multiple fields (at least
        one of which is indexed) pass the indexed field as a hint to
        the query. Hinting will not do anything if the corresponding
        index does not exist. Raises
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.InvalidOperation` if this cursor has
        already been used.

        `index` should be an index as passed to
        (e.g. ``[('field', ASCENDING)]``). If `index`
        is ``None`` any existing hints for this query are cleared. The
        last hint applied to this cursor takes precedence over all

          - `index`: index to hint on (as an index specifier)
        if index is None:
            self.__hint = None
            return self

        self.__hint = helpers._index_document(index)
        return self
Esempio n. 2
    def hint(self, index):
        """Adds a 'hint', telling Mongo the proper index to use for the query.

        Judicious use of hints can greatly improve query
        performance. When doing a query on multiple fields (at least
        one of which is indexed) pass the indexed field as a hint to
        the query. Hinting will not do anything if the corresponding
        index does not exist. Raises
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.InvalidOperation` if this cursor has
        already been used.

        `index` should be an index as passed to
        (e.g. ``[('field', ASCENDING)]``). If `index`
        is ``None`` any existing hints for this query are cleared. The
        last hint applied to this cursor takes precedence over all

          - `index`: index to hint on (as an index specifier)
        if index is None:
            self.__hint = None
            return self

        self.__hint = helpers._index_document(index)
        return self
Esempio n. 3
    def sort(self, key_or_list, direction=None):
        """Sorts this cursor's results.

        Takes either a single key and a direction, or a list of (key,
        direction) pairs. The key(s) must be an instance of ``(str,
        unicode)``, and the direction(s) must be one of
        :data:`~pymongo.DESCENDING`). Raises
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.InvalidOperation` if this cursor has
        already been used. Only the last :meth:`sort` applied to this
        cursor has any effect.

          - `key_or_list`: a single key or a list of (key, direction)
            pairs specifying the keys to sort on
          - `direction` (optional): only used if `key_or_list` is a single
            key, if not given :data:`~pymongo.ASCENDING` is assumed
        keys = helpers._index_list(key_or_list, direction)
        self.__ordering = helpers._index_document(keys)
        return self
Esempio n. 4
    def sort(self, key_or_list, direction=None):
        """Sorts this cursor's results.

        Takes either a single key and a direction, or a list of (key,
        direction) pairs. The key(s) must be an instance of ``(str,
        unicode)``, and the direction(s) must be one of
        :data:`~pymongo.DESCENDING`). Raises
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.InvalidOperation` if this cursor has
        already been used. Only the last :meth:`sort` applied to this
        cursor has any effect.

          - `key_or_list`: a single key or a list of (key, direction)
            pairs specifying the keys to sort on
          - `direction` (optional): only used if `key_or_list` is a single
            key, if not given :data:`~pymongo.ASCENDING` is assumed
        keys = helpers._index_list(key_or_list, direction)
        self.__ordering = helpers._index_document(keys)
        return self
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new cursor.

        Should not be called directly by application developers - see
        :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.find` instead.

        .. mongodoc:: cursors
        self.__id = _cursor_id
        self.__is_command_cursor = _cursor_id is not None

        if spec is None:
            spec = {}

        if not isinstance(spec, dict):
            raise TypeError("spec must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(skip, int):
            raise TypeError("skip must be an instance of int")
        if not isinstance(limit, int):
            raise TypeError("limit must be an instance of int")
        if not isinstance(timeout, bool):
            raise TypeError("timeout must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(snapshot, bool):
            raise TypeError("snapshot must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(tailable, bool):
            raise TypeError("tailable must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(slave_okay, bool):
            raise TypeError("slave_okay must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(await_data, bool):
            raise TypeError("await_data must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(partial, bool):
            raise TypeError("partial must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(exhaust, bool):
            raise TypeError("exhaust must be an instance of bool")

        if fields is not None:
            if not fields:
                fields = {"_id": 1}
            if not isinstance(fields, dict):
                fields = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)

        if as_class is None:
            as_class = collection.database.connection.document_class

        self.__collection = collection
        self.__spec = spec
        self.__fields = fields
        self.__skip = skip
        self.__limit = limit
        self.__batch_size = 0

        # Exhaust cursor support
        if self.__collection.database.connection.is_mongos and exhaust:
            raise InvalidOperation('Exhaust cursors are '
                                   'not supported by mongos')
        if limit and exhaust:
            raise InvalidOperation("Can't use limit and exhaust together.")
        self.__exhaust = exhaust
        self.__exhaust_mgr = None

        # This is ugly. People want to be able to do cursor[5:5] and
        # get an empty result set (old behavior was an
        # exception). It's hard to do that right, though, because the
        # server uses limit(0) to mean 'no limit'. So we set __empty
        # in that case and check for it when iterating. We also unset
        # it anytime we change __limit.
        self.__empty = False

        self.__snapshot = snapshot
        self.__ordering = sort and helpers._index_document(sort) or None
        self.__max_scan = max_scan
        self.__explain = False
        self.__hint = None
        self.__as_class = as_class
        self.__slave_okay = slave_okay
        self.__manipulate = manipulate
        self.__read_preference = read_preference
        self.__tag_sets = tag_sets
        self.__secondary_acceptable_latency_ms = secondary_acceptable_latency_ms
        self.__tz_aware = collection.database.connection.tz_aware
        self.__must_use_master = _must_use_master
        self.__uuid_subtype = _uuid_subtype or collection.uuid_subtype

        self.__data = deque(_first_batch or [])
        self.__connection_id = None
        self.__retrieved = 0
        self.__killed = False

        self.__query_flags = 0
        if tailable:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["tailable_cursor"]
        if not timeout:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["no_timeout"]
        if tailable and await_data:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["await_data"]
        if exhaust:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["exhaust"]
        if partial:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["partial"]

        # this is for passing network_timeout through if it's specified
        # need to use kwargs as None is a legit value for network_timeout
        self.__kwargs = kwargs
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, collection, spec=None, fields=None, skip=0, limit=0,
                 timeout=True, snapshot=False, tailable=False, sort=None,
                 max_scan=None, as_class=None, slave_okay=False,
                 await_data=False, partial=False, manipulate=True,
                 read_preference=ReadPreference.PRIMARY, tag_sets=[{}],
                 secondary_acceptable_latency_ms=None, exhaust=False,
                 _must_use_master=False, _uuid_subtype=None,
                 _first_batch=None, _cursor_id=None,
        """Create a new cursor.

        Should not be called directly by application developers - see
        :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.find` instead.

        .. mongodoc:: cursors
        self.__id = _cursor_id
        self.__is_command_cursor = _cursor_id is not None

        if spec is None:
            spec = {}

        if not isinstance(spec, dict):
            raise TypeError("spec must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(skip, int):
            raise TypeError("skip must be an instance of int")
        if not isinstance(limit, int):
            raise TypeError("limit must be an instance of int")
        if not isinstance(timeout, bool):
            raise TypeError("timeout must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(snapshot, bool):
            raise TypeError("snapshot must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(tailable, bool):
            raise TypeError("tailable must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(slave_okay, bool):
            raise TypeError("slave_okay must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(await_data, bool):
            raise TypeError("await_data must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(partial, bool):
            raise TypeError("partial must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(exhaust, bool):
            raise TypeError("exhaust must be an instance of bool")

        if fields is not None:
            if not fields:
                fields = {"_id": 1}
            if not isinstance(fields, dict):
                fields = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)

        if as_class is None:
            as_class = collection.database.connection.document_class

        self.__collection = collection
        self.__spec = spec
        self.__fields = fields
        self.__skip = skip
        self.__limit = limit
        self.__batch_size = 0

        # Exhaust cursor support
        if self.__collection.database.connection.is_mongos and exhaust:
            raise InvalidOperation('Exhaust cursors are '
                                   'not supported by mongos')
        if limit and exhaust:
            raise InvalidOperation("Can't use limit and exhaust together.")
        self.__exhaust = exhaust
        self.__exhaust_mgr = None

        # This is ugly. People want to be able to do cursor[5:5] and
        # get an empty result set (old behavior was an
        # exception). It's hard to do that right, though, because the
        # server uses limit(0) to mean 'no limit'. So we set __empty
        # in that case and check for it when iterating. We also unset
        # it anytime we change __limit.
        self.__empty = False

        self.__snapshot = snapshot
        self.__ordering = sort and helpers._index_document(sort) or None
        self.__max_scan = max_scan
        self.__explain = False
        self.__hint = None
        self.__as_class = as_class
        self.__slave_okay = slave_okay
        self.__manipulate = manipulate
        self.__read_preference = read_preference
        self.__tag_sets = tag_sets
        self.__secondary_acceptable_latency_ms = secondary_acceptable_latency_ms
        self.__tz_aware = collection.database.connection.tz_aware
        self.__must_use_master = _must_use_master
        self.__uuid_subtype = _uuid_subtype or collection.uuid_subtype

        self.__data = deque(_first_batch or [])
        self.__connection_id = None
        self.__retrieved = 0
        self.__killed = False

        self.__query_flags = 0
        if tailable:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["tailable_cursor"]
        if not timeout:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["no_timeout"]
        if tailable and await_data:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["await_data"]
        if exhaust:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["exhaust"]
        if partial:
            self.__query_flags |= _QUERY_OPTIONS["partial"]

        # this is for passing network_timeout through if it's specified
        # need to use kwargs as None is a legit value for network_timeout
        self.__kwargs = kwargs