Esempio n. 1
def client_proc(computation, njobs, coro=None):
    # use RemoteCoroScheduler to start coroutines at servers (should be done
    # before scheduling computation)
    rcoro_scheduler = RemoteCoroScheduler(computation)
    # execute n jobs (coroutines) and get their results. Number of jobs created
    # can be more than number of server processes available; the scheduler will
    # use as many processes as necessary/available, running one job at a server
    # process

    # arguments must correspond to arguments for computaiton; multiple arguments
    # (as in this case) can be given as tuples
    args = [(i, random.uniform(2, 5)) for i in range(njobs)]
    results = yield rcoro_scheduler.map_results(compute, args)
    # Coroutines may not be executed in the order of given list of args, but
    # results would be in the same order of given list of args
    for result in results:
        print('    result for %d from %s: %s' % result)
Esempio n. 2
def client_proc(computation, coro=None):
    # Use RemoteCoroScheduler to run at most one coroutine at a server process
    # This should be created before scheduling computation
    rcoro_scheduler = RemoteCoroScheduler(computation)

    # execute 10 jobs (coroutines) and get their results. Note that number of
    # jobs created can be more than number of server processes available; the
    # scheduler will use as many processes as necessary/available, running one
    # job at a server process
    algorithms = ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']
    args = [(algorithms[i % len(algorithms)], random.uniform(1, 3)) for i in range(20)]
    results = yield rcoro_scheduler.map_results(compute, args)
    for i, result in enumerate(results):
        if isinstance(result, tuple) and len(result) == 2:
            print('    %ssum: %s' % (result[0], result[1]))
            print('  rcoro failed for %s: %s' % (args[i][0], str(result)))

    yield rcoro_scheduler.finish(close=True)