def _shutdown(self, coro=None): assert coro is not None yield self.lock.acquire() job_infos = self.job_infos self.job_infos = {} computations = self.computations.items() self.computations = {} if self.reply_Q: self.reply_Q.put(None) self.lock.release() for uid, job_info in job_infos.iteritems(): job_info.proc.terminate() logger.debug('process for %s is killed', uid) if isinstance(job_info.proc, multiprocessing.Process): job_info.proc.join(2) else: job_info.proc.wait() for cid, compute in computations: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock = AsynCoroSocket(sock, blocking=False) sock.settimeout(2) logger.debug('Sending TERMINATE to %s', compute.scheduler_ip_addr) data = serialize({'ip_addr':self.address[0], 'port':self.address[1], 'sign':self.signature}) yield sock.sendto('TERMINATED:' + data, (compute.scheduler_ip_addr, compute.scheduler_port)) sock.close()
def dispy_provisional_result(result): """Sends provisional result of computation back to the client. In some cases, such as optimizations, computations may send current (best) result to the client and continue computation (for next iteration) so that the client may decide to terminate computations based on the results or alter computations if necessary. The computations can use this function in such cases with the current result of computation as argument. """ __dispy_job_reply = __dispy_job_info.job_reply logger.debug('Sending provisional result for job %s to %s', __dispy_job_reply.uid, __dispy_job_info.reply_addr) __dispy_job_reply.status = DispyJob.ProvisionalResult __dispy_job_reply.result = result sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock = AsynCoroSocket(sock, blocking=True, keyfile=__dispy_job_keyfile, certfile=__dispy_job_certfile) sock.settimeout(2) try: sock.connect(__dispy_job_info.reply_addr) sock.send_msg(serialize(__dispy_job_reply)) ack = sock.recv_msg() except: logger.warning("Couldn't send provisional results %s:\n%s", str(result), traceback.format_exc()) sock.close()
def _send_job_reply(self, job_info, resending=False, coro=None): """Internal use only. """ assert coro is not None job_reply = job_info.job_reply logger.debug('Sending result for job %s (%s) to %s', job_reply.uid, job_reply.status, str(job_info.reply_addr)) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock = AsynCoroSocket(sock, blocking=False, certfile=self.certfile, keyfile=self.keyfile) sock.settimeout(2) try: yield sock.connect(job_info.reply_addr) yield sock.send_msg(serialize(job_reply)) ack = yield sock.recv_msg() assert ack == 'ACK' except: logger.error("Couldn't send results for %s to %s", job_reply.uid, str(job_info.reply_addr)) # store job result even if computation has not enabled # fault recovery; user may be able to access node and # retrieve result manually f = os.path.join(job_info.compute_dest_path, '_dispy_job_reply_%s' % job_reply.uid) logger.debug('storing results for job %s', job_reply.uid) try: fd = open(f, 'wb') pickle.dump(job_reply, fd) fd.close() except: logger.debug('Could not save results for job %s', job_reply.uid) else: yield self.lock.acquire() compute = self.computations.get(job_info.compute_id, None) if compute is not None: compute.pending_results += 1 self.lock.release() finally: sock.close() if not resending: yield self.lock.acquire() self.avail_cpus += 1 compute = self.computations.get(job_info.compute_id, None) if compute is None: logger.warning('Computation for %s / %s is invalid!', job_reply.uid, job_info.compute_id) else: # technically last_pulse should be updated only # when successfully sent reply, but no harm if done # otherwise, too compute.last_pulse = time.time() compute.pending_jobs -= 1 if compute.pending_jobs == 0 and compute.zombie: self.cleanup_computation(compute) self.lock.release()
def _send_job_reply(self, job_info, resending=False, coro=None): """Internal use only. """ assert coro is not None job_reply = job_info.job_reply logger.debug('Sending result for job %s (%s) to %s', job_reply.uid, job_reply.status, str(job_info.reply_addr)) if not resending: self.avail_cpus += 1 assert self.avail_cpus <= self.num_cpus sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock = AsynCoroSocket(sock, blocking=False, certfile=self.certfile, keyfile=self.keyfile) sock.settimeout(5) try: yield sock.connect(job_info.reply_addr) yield sock.send_msg(serialize(job_reply)) ack = yield sock.recv_msg() assert ack == 'ACK' compute = self.computations.get(job_info.compute_id, None) if compute is not None: compute.last_pulse = time.time() except: logger.error("Couldn't send results for %s to %s : %s", job_reply.uid, str(job_info.reply_addr), traceback.format_exc()) # store job result even if computation has not enabled # fault recovery; user may be able to access node and # retrieve result manually f = os.path.join(job_info.compute_dest_path, '_dispy_job_reply_%s' % job_reply.uid) logger.debug('storing results for job %s', job_reply.uid) try: fd = open(f, 'wb') pickle.dump(job_reply, fd) fd.close() except: logger.debug('Could not save results for job %s', job_reply.uid) else: compute = self.computations.get(job_info.compute_id, None) if compute is not None: compute.pending_results += 1 finally: sock.close() if not resending: compute = self.computations.get(job_info.compute_id, None) if compute is not None: compute.pending_jobs -= 1 if compute.pending_jobs == 0 and compute.zombie: self.cleanup_computation(compute)
def timer_task(self, coro=None): coro.set_daemon() reset = True last_pulse_time = last_zombie_time = time.time() while True: if reset: if self.pulse_interval and self.zombie_interval: timeout = min(self.pulse_interval, self.zombie_interval) self.zombie_interval = max(5 * self.pulse_interval, self.zombie_interval) else: timeout = max(self.pulse_interval, self.zombie_interval) self.zombie_interval = self.zombie_interval reset = yield coro.suspend(timeout) now = time.time() if self.pulse_interval and (now - last_pulse_time) >= self.pulse_interval: n = self.cpus - self.avail_cpus assert n >= 0 if n > 0 and self.scheduler_ip_addr: last_pulse_time = now msg = 'PULSE:' + serialize({'ip_addr':self.ext_ip_addr, 'port':self.udp_sock.getsockname()[1], 'cpus':n}) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock = AsynCoroSocket(sock, blocking=False) sock.settimeout(1) yield sock.sendto(msg, (self.scheduler_ip_addr, self.scheduler_port)) sock.close() if self.zombie_interval and (now - last_zombie_time) >= self.zombie_interval: last_zombie_time = now yield self.lock.acquire() for compute in self.computations.itervalues(): if (now - compute.last_pulse) > self.zombie_interval: compute.zombie = True zombies = [compute for compute in self.computations.itervalues() \ if compute.zombie and compute.pending_jobs == 0] for compute in zombies: logger.debug('Deleting zombie computation "%s"', self.cleanup_computation(compute) phoenix = [compute for compute in self.computations.itervalues() \ if not compute.zombie and compute.pending_results] for compute in phoenix: files = [f for f in os.listdir(compute.dest_path) \ if f.startswith('_dispy_job_reply_')] # limit number queued so as not to take up too much time files = files[:min(len(files), 128)] for f in files: result_file = os.path.join(compute.dest_path, f) try: fd = open(result_file, 'rb') job_result = pickle.load(fd) fd.close() except: logger.debug('Could not load "%s"', result_file) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) continue try: os.remove(result_file) except: logger.debug('Could not remove "%s"', result_file) compute.pending_results -= 1 job_info = _DispyJobInfo(job_result, (compute.scheduler_ip_addr, compute.job_result_port), compute) Coro(self._send_job_reply, job_info, resending=True) self.lock.release() for compute in zombies: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock = AsynCoroSocket(sock, blocking=False) sock.settimeout(1) logger.debug('Sending TERMINATE to %s', compute.scheduler_ip_addr) data = serialize({'ip_addr':self.address[0], 'port':self.address[1], 'sign':self.signature}) yield sock.sendto('TERMINATED:%s' % data, (compute.scheduler_ip_addr, compute.scheduler_port)) sock.close() if self.scheduler_ip_addr is None and self.avail_cpus == self.cpus: self.pulse_interval = None reset = True yield self.send_pong_msg(coro=coro)
def udp_server(self, scheduler_ip_addr, coro=None): assert coro is not None coro.set_daemon() if self.avail_cpus == self.cpus: yield self.send_pong_msg(coro=coro) pong_msg = {'ip_addr':self.ext_ip_addr, 'name', 'port':self.address[1], 'cpus':self.cpus, 'sign':self.signature, 'version':_dispy_version} pong_msg = 'PONG:' + serialize(pong_msg) if scheduler_ip_addr: sock = AsynCoroSocket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)) try: yield sock.sendto(pong_msg, (scheduler_ip_addr, self.scheduler_port)) except: logger.warning("Couldn't send ping message to %s:%s", scheduler_ip_addr, self.scheduler_port) finally: sock.close() while True: msg, addr = yield self.udp_sock.recvfrom(1024) # TODO: process each message as separate Coro, so # exceptions are contained? if msg.startswith('PING:'): if self.cpus != self.avail_cpus: logger.debug('Busy (%s/%s); ignoring ping message from %s', self.cpus, self.avail_cpus, addr[0]) continue try: info = unserialize(msg[len('PING:'):]) socket.inet_aton(info['scheduler_ip_addr']) assert isinstance(info['scheduler_port'], int) assert info['version'] == _dispy_version addr = (info['scheduler_ip_addr'], info['scheduler_port']) except: # raise logger.debug('Ignoring ping message from %s (%s)', addr[0], addr[1]) continue yield self.udp_sock.sendto(pong_msg, addr) elif msg.startswith('PULSE:'): try: info = unserialize(msg[len('PULSE:'):]) assert info['ip_addr'] == self.scheduler_ip_addr yield self.lock.acquire() for compute in self.computations.itervalues(): compute.last_pulse = time.time() yield self.lock.release() except: logger.warning('Ignoring PULSE from %s', addr[0]) elif msg.startswith('SERVERPORT:'): try: req = unserialize(msg[len('SERVERPORT:'):]) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) reply = {'ip_addr':self.address[0], 'port':self.address[1], 'sign':self.signature, 'version':_dispy_version} sock = AsynCoroSocket(sock, blocking=False) sock.settimeout(1) yield sock.sendto(serialize(reply), (req['ip_addr'], req['port'])) sock.close() except: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) # pass else: logger.warning('Ignoring ping message from %s', addr[0])