def given_published_messages(self): self.message1 = asynqp.Message('one') self.message2 = asynqp.Message('one'), 'routingkey'), 'routingkey') self.received = []
def hello_world(): """ Sends a 'hello world' message and then reads it from the queue. """ # connect to the RabbitMQ broker connection = yield from asynqp.connect('localhost', 5672, username='******', password='******') # Open a communications channel channel = yield from connection.open_channel() # Create a queue and an exchange on the broker exchange = yield from channel.declare_exchange('', 'direct') queue = yield from channel.declare_queue('test.queue') # Bind the queue to the exchange, so the queue will get messages published to the exchange yield from queue.bind(exchange, 'routing.key') # If you pass in a dict it will be automatically converted to JSON msg = asynqp.Message({'hello': 'world'}) exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.key') # Synchronously get a message from the queue received_message = yield from queue.get() print(received_message.json()) # get JSON from incoming messages easily # Acknowledge a delivered message received_message.ack() yield from channel.close() yield from connection.close()
def test(): with async_tracer.start_active_span('test'): msg1 = asynqp.Message({'consume': 'this'}), 'routing.key') self.consumer = yield from self.queue.consume(handle_message) yield from asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def send_bulk_messages_to_exchange(rabbitmq_config: dict, queue_config: dict, messages: list) -> None: """ Send Messages to rabbit mq exchange. Don't use directly. :param rabbitmq_config: dict config for rabbitmq instance config: {'host': '', 'port': '', 'username': '', 'password': ''} :param queue_config: dict config of consumer queues: {'exchange': '', 'queues': [], 'routing_key': '', 'exchange_type': '', 'error_messaging': dict} :param messages: list of dict object(messages) to be sent :return: None """ connection, channel = None, None try: # connect to the RabbitMQ broker connection = await asynqp.connect(rabbitmq_config['host'], rabbitmq_config['port'], rabbitmq_config['username'], rabbitmq_config['password']) # Open a communications channel channel = await connection.open_channel() # Create an exchange and QUEUE on the broker amqp_exchange = await channel.declare_exchange( queue_config['exchange'], queue_config['exchange_type']) for queue in queue_config['queues']: amqp_queue = await channel.declare_queue(queue) await amqp_queue.bind(amqp_exchange, queue_config['routing_key']) for message in messages: # If you pass in a dict it will be automatically converted to JSON msg = asynqp.Message(message, content_type="application/json") amqp_exchange.publish(msg, queue_config['routing_key']) print("Published bulk messages to {exchange}-{routing_key}".format( exchange=queue_config['exchange'], routing_key=queue_config['routing_key'])) except asynqp.AMQPError: print( "Unable to publish bulk messages to exchange: {exchange} with routing key: {routing_key}" .format(exchange=queue_config['exchange'], routing_key=queue_config['routing_key'])) if 'error_messaging' in queue_config.keys(): error_message = dict(messages=messages, exchange=queue_config['exchange'], queues=queue_config['queues'], routing_key=queue_config['routing_key'], exchange_type=queue_config['exchange_type']) await send_request_to_error_queue(rabbitmq_config, queue_config['error_messaging'], error_message) except asyncio.CancelledError: print("Asyncio error : cancelled routine") finally: if channel is not None: await channel.close() if connection is not None: await connection.close() print("Queue channel and connection closed")
async def server_to_server_broadcasts(app): connection = await asynqp.connect( host=app.config.AMQP_HOST, port=app.config.AMQP_PORT, username=app.config.AMQP_USERNAME, password=app.config.AMQP_PASSWORD) channel = await connection.open_channel() @app.listener('after_server_stop') async def teardown(*_): await channel.close() await connection.close() exchange = await channel.declare_exchange('', 'direct') queue = await channel.declare_queue('test.queue') await queue.bind(exchange, 'routing.key') msg = asynqp.Message({'hello': 'world'}) exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.key') while True: message = await queue.get() print(message.json()) message.ack()
async def execute(self, rpc_service: str, rpc_method: str, *args: list, **kwargs: dict): """ Parameters ---------- rpc_service : str ... rpc_method : str ... args : list ... kwargs : dict ... """ creation_time = time.time() request = dict(method=rpc_method, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, timings=dict(creation_time=creation_time)) msg = asynqp.Message( body=self._dumper(request, cls=self._encoder), content_type='application/json', # delivery_mode=2, # make message persistent ) exchange = await self._channel.declare_exchange('', 'direct') exchange.publish(msg, routing_key=rpc_service)"The request to execute the function successfully sent <method='{}'>.".format(rpc_method))
def given_a_multi_frame_message_and_a_consumer(self): frame_max = self.connection.connection_info['frame_max'] body1 = "a" * (frame_max - 8) body2 = "b" * (frame_max - 8) body3 = "c" * (frame_max - 8) body = body1 + body2 + body3 self.msg = asynqp.Message(body)
def given_a_consumer_has_thrown_an_exception(self): self.loop.set_exception_handler(lambda l, c: None) self.expected_message = asynqp.Message('body', timestamp=datetime(2014, 5, 5)) self.consumer.callback.side_effect = Exception self.deliver_msg() # cause the exception to be thrown
def given_I_am_listening_for_asyncio_exceptions(self): self.expected_message = asynqp.Message('body') self.exception = None self.loop.set_exception_handler(lambda l, c: setattr(self, "exception", c["exception"])) self.return_msg() # cause basic_return exception to be thrown self.exception = None # reset self.exception
def publish_msg(request): msg = asynqp.Message({'hello': 'world'}), 'routing.key'), 'routing.key'), 'routing.key'), 'routing.key') msg = yield from rabbit_util.queue.get() return web.Response(text='Published 4 messages. Got 1. %s' % str(msg))
async def message(self, mess): connection = await asynqp.connect() channel = await connection.open_channel() exchange = await channel.declare_exchange('', 'direct') queue = await channel.declare_queue('test.queue') await queue.bind(exchange, 'routing.key') msg = asynqp.Message(mess) exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.key') await channel.close() await connection.close()
def given_a_multi_frame_message(self): frame_max = self.connection.connection_info['frame_max'] body1 = "a" * (frame_max - 8) body2 = "b" * (frame_max - 8) body3 = "c" * (frame_max - 8) body = body1 + body2 + body3 self.msg = asynqp.Message(body) self.message_received = asyncio.Future() self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait_for(self.queue.consume(self.message_received.set_result), 0.2))
async def messages(mess, types): connection = await asynqp.connect() channel = await connection.open_channel() exchange = await channel.declare_exchange( 'douban_{}.exchange'.format(types), 'direct') queue = await channel.declare_queue('douban_{}.queue'.format(types)) await queue.bind(exchange, 'routing.key') msg = asynqp.Message(mess) exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.key') await channel.close() await connection.close()
def publish(self, mesg, outgoing_key=None): """Route publish packet from client to message queue""" try: key = outgoing_key or self.outgoing_key or '' msg = asynqp.Message(mesg, content_encoding='utf-8') if, key) log.debug("To %s: %s", key, mesg) else: log.error("Could not publish, because exchange is not exist") except Exception as err: log.error('Could not publish, because some error: {}'.format(err))
def setup_producer(connection): ''' The producer will live as an asyncio.Task to stop it call Task.cancel() ''' exchange, _ = yield from setup_exchange_and_queue(connection) count = 0 while True: msg = asynqp.Message('Message #{}'.format(count)) exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.key') yield from asyncio.sleep(1) count += 1
def test(): @asyncio.coroutine def publish_a_bunch(msg): for _ in range(20):, 'routing.key') with async_tracer.start_active_span('test'): msg = asynqp.Message({'hello': 'world'}) yield from publish_a_bunch(msg) for _ in range(10): msg = yield from self.queue.get() self.assertIsNotNone(msg)
async def call(self, rpc_service: str, rpc_method: str, *args: list, **kwargs: dict): """ Performs the function on the remote server and returns the execution result or raises error. Parameters ---------- rpc_service : str ... rpc_method : str ... args : list ... kwargs : dict ... """ creation_time = time.time() correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._waiter[correlation_id] = asyncio.Event() # self._response = None request = dict(method=rpc_method, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, timings=dict(creation_time=creation_time)) msg = asynqp.Message( body=self._dumper(request, cls=self._encoder),, correlation_id=correlation_id, # If notify not send it content_type='application/json', # delivery_mode=2, # make message persistent ) exchange = await self._channel.declare_exchange('', 'direct') exchange.publish(msg, routing_key=rpc_service)"The request to call the function successfully sent <id='{}', method='{}'>.".format( correlation_id, rpc_method, )) await self._waiter[correlation_id].wait() response = self._response[correlation_id] del self._response[correlation_id] del self._waiter[correlation_id] if 'result' in response: return response['result'] # TODO: Raise error with same type? raise WorkerException(response['error']['message'], code=response['error']['code'])
async def monitor_queue(connection): exchange, zigbee_queue, api_worker_queue = await setup_exchange_and_queue( connection) while True: if rx_queue.qsize(): print("RX Queue length: {}".format(rx_queue.qsize())) # If a queue length is detected then we received something from the ZigBee # and we need to send that message to RabbitMQ and remove it from the queue. if not rx_queue.empty(): msg = asynqp.Message(rx_queue.get()) exchange.publish(msg, 'route.api-worker') await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
def given_I_published_a_message(self): @asyncio.coroutine def set_up(): self.connection = yield from asynqp.connect(loop=self.loop) = yield from self.connection.open_channel() = yield from '', 'direct') self.queue = yield from durable=False, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(None) self.loop.run_until_complete(set_up()) message = asynqp.Message(b"Test message"),
def given_I_received_a_message(self): self.delivery_tag = 12487 msg = asynqp.Message('body', timestamp=datetime(2014, 5, 5)) task = asyncio.async(self.queue.get()) self.tick() method = spec.BasicGetOK(self.delivery_tag, False, '', 'routing.key', 0) self.server.send_method(, method) header = message.get_header_payload(msg, spec.BasicGet.method_type[0]) self.server.send_frame(frames.ContentHeaderFrame(, header)) body = message.get_frame_payloads(msg, 100)[0] self.server.send_frame(frames.ContentBodyFrame(, body)) self.tick() self.msg = task.result()
def handle_pub_packet(self, client_id, payload): """Route publish packet from client to message queue""" if client_id in self.publish_channels: channel_id, = unpack('B', payload[:1]) channel = next((c for c in self.publish_channels[client_id] if c['channel_id'] == channel_id), None) if channel: transform = self.transforms[channel['transform_id']] routing_key = channel['routing_key'] msg = asynqp.Message(transform.to_message(payload[1:])), routing_key) else: LOGGER.warning('Client {0} tried to publish message with unknown channel {1}'.format( client_id, channel_id )) else: LOGGER.warning('Client {0} tried to publish, but has no channels set up'.format(client_id))
def given_a_message(self): self.correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.message_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(12345) self.message = asynqp.Message('body', content_type='application/json', content_encoding='utf-8', headers={}, delivery_mode=2, priority=5, correlation_id=self.correlation_id, reply_to='me', expiration='tomorrow', message_id=self.message_id, timestamp=self.timestamp, type='telegram', user_id='benjamin', app_id='asynqptests')
def produce(): """ Sends a 'hello world' message and then reads it from the queue. """ # connect to the RabbitMQ broker connection = yield from asynqp.connect('localhost', 5672, username='******', password='******') # Open a communications channel channel = yield from connection.open_channel() # Create a queue and an exchange on the broker exchange = yield from channel.declare_exchange('', 'direct') queue = yield from channel.declare_queue('test.queue') # Bind the queue to the exchange, so the queue will get messages published to the exchange yield from queue.bind(exchange, 'routing.key') for i in range(1,50000): # If you pass in a dict it will be automatically converted to JSON msg = asynqp.Message({'hello': 'world'}) exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.key') yield from channel.close() yield from connection.close()
def given_I_asked_for_a_message(self): self.expected_message = asynqp.Message('body', timestamp=datetime(2014, 5, 5)) self.task = asyncio.async(self.queue.get(no_ack=False)) self.tick()
def given_a_message(self): self.expected_message = asynqp.Message('body', timestamp=datetime(2014, 5, 5))
def test(): with async_tracer.start_active_span('test'): msg = asynqp.Message({'hello': 'world'}, content_type='application/json'), 'routing.key')
def when_I_publish_the_message(self): message = asynqp.Message(b"Test message"),
def handle_message(msg): self.assertIsNotNone(msg) msg.ack() msg2 = asynqp.Message({'handled': 'msg1'}), 'another.key')
def publish(): with async_tracer.start_active_span('test'): msg1 = asynqp.Message({'consume': 'this'}), 'routing.key') msg = yield from self.queue.get() self.assertIsNotNone(msg)
def sender(payload): msg = asynqp.Message(payload) exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.key')