Esempio n. 1
def plot_beta(ring, **kwargs):
    Plot beta functions and dispersion

        ring            Lattice object

        dp=0.0          Ignored if radiation is ON. Momentum deviation.
        dct=None        Ignored if radiation is ON. Path lengthening.
                        If specified, dp is ignored and the off-momentum is
                        deduced from the path lengthening.
        method=linopt6  Method used for the analysis of the transfer matrix.
                        See get_optics.
                        linopt6: default
                        linopt2: faster if no longitudinal motion and
                                 no H/V coupling,
        orbit           avoids looking for the closed orbit if is already known
                        ((6,) array)
        keep_lattice    Assume no lattice change since the previous tracking.
                        Defaults to False
        ddp=1.0E-8      momentum deviation used for computation of
                        chromaticities and dispersion
        twiss_in=None   Initial conditions for transfer line optics. Record
                        array as output by linopt, or dictionary. Keys:
                        'R' or 'alpha' and 'beta'   (mandatory)
                        'closed_orbit',             (default 0)
                        'dispersion'                (default 0)
                        If present, the attribute 'R' will be used, otherwise
                        the attributes 'alpha' and 'beta' will be used. All
                        other attributes are ignored.
    return baseplot(ring, pldata_beta_disp, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 2
def plot_trajectory(ring, r_in, nturns=1, **kwargs):
    plot a particle's trajectory

        ring            Lattice object
        r_in            6xN array: input coordinates of N particles
        nturns=1        Number of turns

        keep_lattice    Assume no lattice change since the previous tracking.
                        Defaults to False

    # noinspection PyShadowingNames
    def pldata_trajectory(ring, refpts, r_in, nturns=1, **kwargs):
        r_out = lattice_pass(ring,
        s_pos = ring.get_s_pos(refpts)
        particles = range(r_out.shape[1])
        xx = [r_out[0, i, :, :] for i in particles]
        zz = [r_out[2, i, :, :] for i in particles]
        xlabels = [r'$x_{0}$'.format(i) for i in particles]
        zlabels = [r'$z_{0}$'.format(i) for i in particles]
        left = ('position [m]', s_pos, xx + zz, xlabels + zlabels)
        return 'Trajectory', left

    return baseplot(ring, pldata_trajectory, r_in, nturns=nturns, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 3
def plot_linear(ring, *keys, **kwargs):
    axleft, axright = plot_linear(ring, left[, right], **keywords
    Plot linear optical functions returned by get_optics

        ring            Lattice object
        left            Left axis description as a tuple:
                        (key[, indices[, indices]])
                          key:        'beta', 'closed_orbit',...
                          indices:    integer, sequence of integers, or slice
                        The number if sequences of indices is data[key].ndim-1
                        The number of indices is the number of curves to plot.
                        All sequences must have the same length.

              ('beta', [0, 1])              beta_x, beta_z
              ('dispersion', 0)             eta_x
              ('closed_orbit'), [1, 3])     x', z'
              ('m44', 2, 2)                 T33
              ('m44', [0, 0], [0, 1])       T11, T12
              ('m44', 2, slice(4))          T31, T32, T33, T34
                                            as a single block
              ('m44', [2,2,2,2], [0,1,2,3]) T31, T32, T33, T34

        right           Right axis (optional)

        title           Plot title, defaults to "Linear optics"
        dp=0.0          Ignored if radiation is ON. Momentum deviation.
        dct=None        Ignored if radiation is ON. Path lengthening.
                        If specified, dp is ignored and the off-momentum is
                        deduced from the path lengthening.
        method=linopt6  Method used for the analysis of the transfer matrix.
                        See get_optics.
                        linopt6: default
                        linopt2: faster if no longitudinal motion and
                                 no H/V coupling,
        orbit           avoids looking for the closed orbit if is already known
                        ((6,) array)
        keep_lattice    Assume no lattice change since the previous tracking.
                        Defaults to False
        ddp=1.0E-8      momentum deviation used for computation of
                        chromaticities and dispersion
        twiss_in=None   Initial conditions for transfer line optics. Record
                        array as output by linopt, or dictionary. Keys:
                        'R' or 'alpha' and 'beta'   (mandatory)
                        'closed_orbit',             (default 0)
                        'dispersion'                (default 0)
                        If present, the attribute 'R' will be used, otherwise
                        the attributes 'alpha' and 'beta' will be used. All
                        other attributes are ignored.
    return baseplot(ring, pldata_linear, *keys, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 4
def plot_beta(ring, **kwargs):
    Plot beta functions and dispersion

        ring            Lattice object

        dp=0.0          momentum deviation.
        orbit           avoids looking for the closed orbit if is already known
                        ((6,) array)
        keep_lattice    Assume no lattice change since the previous tracking.
                        Defaults to False
        ddp=1.0E-8      momentum deviation used for computation of
                        chromaticities and dispersion
        coupled=True    if False, simplify the calculations by assuming
                        no H/V coupling
    return baseplot(ring, pldata_beta_disp, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 5
def plot_linear(ring, *keys, **kwargs):
    axleft, axright = plot_linear(ring, left[, right], **keywords
    Plot linear optical functions returned by linopt

        ring            Lattice object
        left            Left axis description as a tuple:
                        (key[, indices[, indices]])
                          key:        'beta', 'closed_orbit',...
                          indices:    integer, sequence of integers, or slice
                        The number if sequences of indices is data[key].ndim-1
                        The number of indices is the number of curves to plot.
                        All sequences must have the same length.

              ('beta', [0, 1])              beta_x, beta_z
              ('dispersion', 0)             eta_x
              ('closed_orbit'), [1, 3])     x', z'
              ('m44', 2, 2)                 T33
              ('m44', [0, 0], [0, 1])       T11, T12
              ('m44', 2, slice(4))          T31, T32, T33, T34
                                            as a single block
              ('m44', [2,2,2,2], [0,1,2,3]) T31, T32, T33, T34

        right           Right axis (optional)

        title           Plot title, defaults to "Linear optics"
        dp=0.0          momentum deviation.
        orbit           avoids looking for the closed orbit if is already known
                        ((6,) array)
        keep_lattice    Assume no lattice change since the previous tracking.
                        Defaults to False
        ddp=1.0E-8      momentum deviation used for computation of
                        chromaticities and dispersion
        coupled=True    if False, simplify the calculations by assuming
                        no H/V coupling
    return baseplot(ring, pldata_linear, *keys, **kwargs)