Esempio n. 1
def test_exact_hamiltonian_pass(rin):
    drift = elements.Multipole('m1', 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0])
    drift.Type = 0
    drift.PassMethod = 'ExactHamiltonianPass'
    drift.BendingAngle = 0
    l = Lattice([drift], name='lat', energy=3e9)
    atpass(l, rin, 1)
Esempio n. 2
def test_incorrect_dimensions_raises_value_error():
    rin = numpy.array(numpy.zeros((7, 1)))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        atpass([], rin, 1)
    rin = numpy.array(numpy.zeros((1, 6)))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        atpass([], rin, 1)
Esempio n. 3
def test_rfcavity(rin):
    rf = elements.RFCavity('rfcavity', 0.0, 187500, 3.5237e+8, 31, 6.e+9)
    lattice = [rf, rf, rf, rf]
    rin[4, 0] = 1e-6
    rin[5, 0] = 1e-6
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    expected = numpy.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 9.990769e-7, 1.e-6]).reshape(6, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(rin, expected, atol=1e-12)
Esempio n. 4
def test_dipole(rin, dipole_class):
    b = dipole_class('dipole', 1.0, 0.1, EntranceAngle=0.05, ExitAngle=0.05)
    l = [b]
    rin[0, 0] = 1e-6
    rin_orig = numpy.copy(rin)
    atpass(l, rin, 1)
    rin_expected = numpy.array([1e-6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-7]).reshape((6, 1))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(rin_orig, rin_expected)
Esempio n. 5
def test_monitor(rin):
    mon = elements.Monitor('monitor')
    assert mon.Length == 0
    lattice = [mon]
    rin = numpy.array(numpy.random.rand(*rin.shape), order='F')
    rin_orig = numpy.array(rin, copy=True, order='F')
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rin_orig)
Esempio n. 6
def test_marker(rin):
    m = elements.Marker('marker')
    assert m.Length == 0
    lattice = [m]
    rin = numpy.random.rand(*rin.shape)
    rin_orig = numpy.array(rin, copy=True)
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rin_orig)
Esempio n. 7
def test_drift_offset(rin):
    d = elements.Drift('drift', 1)
    lattice = [d]
    rin[0, 0] = 1e-6
    rin[2, 0] = 2e-6
    rin_orig = numpy.array(rin, copy=True)
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rin_orig)
Esempio n. 8
def test_ringparam(rin):
    rp = elements.RingParam('ringparam', 1.e+09)
    assert rp.Length == 0
    lattice = [rp]
    rin = numpy.array(numpy.random.rand(*rin.shape), order='F')
    rin_orig = numpy.array(rin, copy=True, order='F')
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rin_orig)
Esempio n. 9
def test_aperture_outside_limits(rin):
    a = elements.Aperture('aperture', [-1e-3, 1e-3, -1e-4, 1e-4])
    assert a.Length == 0
    lattice = [a]
    rin[0, 0] = 1e-2
    rin[2, 0] = -1e-2
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    assert numpy.isnan(rin[0, 0])
    assert rin[2, 0] == 0.0  # Only the 1st coordinate is nan, the rest is zero
Esempio n. 10
def test_aperture_inside_limits(rin):
    a = elements.Aperture('aperture', [-1e-3, 1e-3, -1e-4, 1e-4])
    assert a.Length == 0
    lattice = [a]
    rin[0, 0] = 1e-5
    rin[2, 0] = -1e-5
    rin_orig = numpy.array(rin, copy=True)
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rin_orig)
Esempio n. 11
def test_aperture_outside_limits(rin):
    a = elements.Aperture('aperture', [-1e-3, 1e-3, -1e-4, 1e-4])
    assert a.Length == 0
    lattice = [a]
    rin[0, 0] = 1e-2
    rin[2, 0] = -1e-2
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    assert numpy.isinf(rin[5, 0])
    assert rin[2, 0] == -1e-2  # Only the 6th coordinate is marked as infinity
Esempio n. 12
def test_one_particle_for_two_turns_with_no_refpts(rin):
    d = elements.Drift('drift', 1.0)
    lattice = [d]
    rin[1][0] = 1e-6
    rin[3][0] = -2e-6
    atpass(lattice, rin, 2)
    rout_expected = numpy.array([2e-6, 1e-6, -4e-6, -2e-6, 0, 5e-12]).reshape(6, 1)
    # rin is changed in place
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rout_expected)
Esempio n. 13
def test_quad(rin):
    q = elements.Quadrupole('quad', 0.4, k=1)
    lattice = [q]
    rin[0, 0] = 1e-6
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    expected = numpy.array([
        0.921060994002885, -0.389418342308651, 0, 0, 0, 0.000000010330489
    ]).reshape(6, 1) * 1e-6
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(rin, expected)
Esempio n. 14
def test_drift_divergence(rin):
    d = elements.Drift('drift', 1.0)
    assert d.Length == 1
    lattice = [d]
    rin[1, 0] = 1e-6
    rin[3, 0] = -2e-6
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    # results from Matlab
    rin_expected = numpy.array([1e-6, 1e-6, -2e-6, -2e-6, 0, 2.5e-12]).reshape(6, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rin_expected)
Esempio n. 15
def test_corrector(rin):
    c = elements.Corrector('corrector', 0.0,
                           numpy.array([0.9, 0.5], dtype=numpy.float64))
    assert c.Length == 0
    lattice = [c]
    rin[0, 0] = 1e-6
    rin_orig = numpy.array(rin, copy=True)
    rin_orig[1] = 0.9
    rin_orig[3] = 0.5
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rin_orig)
Esempio n. 16
def test_m66(rin, n):
    m = numpy.random.rand(6, 6)
    m66 = elements.M66('m66', m)
    assert m66.Length == 0
    lattice = [m66]
    rin[n, 0] = 1e-6
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    expected = numpy.array([
        m[0, n], m[1, n], m[2, n], m[3, n], m[4, n], m[5, n]
    ]).reshape(6, 1) * 1e-6
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, expected)
Esempio n. 17
def test_atpass(engine, lattices):
    py_lattice, ml_lattice, _ = lattices
    xy_step = 1.e-8
    scaling = [xy_step, xy_step, xy_step, xy_step, xy_step, xy_step]

    ml_rin = engine.diag(matlab.double(scaling))
    ml_rout = engine.atpass(ml_lattice, ml_rin, 1, 1)

    py_rin = numpy.asfortranarray(numpy.diag(scaling))
    at.atpass(py_lattice, py_rin, 1)

    assert_close(py_rin, ml_rout, rtol=0, atol=1.e-30)
Esempio n. 18
def test_dipole_bend_synonym(rin, dipole_class):
    b = dipole_class('dipole', 1.0, 0.1, EntranceAngle=0.05, ExitAngle=0.05)
    lat = [b]
    rin[0, 0] = 1e-6
    rin_orig = numpy.copy(rin)
    atpass(lat, rin, 1)
    rin_expected = numpy.array([1e-6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-7]).reshape((6, 1))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(rin_orig, rin_expected)
    assert b.K == 0.0
    b.PolynomB[1] = 0.2
    assert b.K == 0.2
    b.K = 0.1
    assert b.PolynomB[1] == 0.1
Esempio n. 19
def test_wiggler(rin):
    period = 0.05
    periods = 23
    bmax = 1
    by = numpy.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=numpy.float64)
    c = elements.Wiggler('wiggler', period * periods, period, bmax, 3e9, By=by)
    assert abs(c.Length - 1.15) < 1e-10
    lattice = [c]
    # Expected value from Matlab AT.
    expected = numpy.array(rin, copy=True)
    expected[5] = 0.000000181809691064259
    atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(rin, expected, atol=1e-12)
Esempio n. 20
def test_exact_hamiltonian_pass_with_dls_dipole(rin):
    bend = elements.Multipole('rb', 0.15, [0, 0, 0, 0],
                              [-0.0116333, 3.786786, 0, 0])
    bend.Type = 1
    bend.PassMethod = 'ExactHamiltonianPass'
    bend.BendingAngle = -0.001745
    bend.Energy = 3.5e9
    bend.MaxOrder = 3
    l = Lattice([bend], name='lat', energy=3.5e9)
    atpass(l, rin, 1)
    # Results from Matlab
    expected = numpy.array([9.23965e-9, 1.22319e-5, 0, 0, 0,
                            -4.8100e-10]).reshape(6, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(rin, expected, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)
Esempio n. 21
def test_one_turn_for_demo_lattice(r_in, engine, ml_lattice, py_lattice):
    for i in range(6):
        # Change each item in r_in before calling.
        r_in[i][0] = 1e-5
        # Matlab call
        r_out = engine.atpass(ml_lattice, r_in, 1, 1)

        # Python setup
        py_r_in = numpy.asfortranarray(r_in).reshape(6, 1)
        py_r_out = numpy.asfortranarray(r_out).reshape(6, 1)

        # Python call; py_r_in modified in place
        at.atpass(py_lattice, py_r_in, 1)

        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(py_r_in, py_r_out)
Esempio n. 22
def test_drift_two_particles(rin):
    d = elements.Drift('drift', 1.0)
    assert d.Length == 1
    lattice = [d]
    two_rin = numpy.array(numpy.concatenate((rin, rin), axis=1), order='F')
    # particle one is offset
    two_rin[0, 0] = 1e-6
    two_rin[2, 0] = 2e-6
    # particle two has divergence
    two_rin[1, 1] = 1e-6
    two_rin[3, 1] = -2e-6
    two_rin_orig = numpy.array(two_rin, copy=True)
    atpass(lattice, two_rin, 1)
    # results from Matlab
    p1_expected = numpy.array(two_rin_orig[:, 0]).reshape(6, 1)
    p2_expected = numpy.array([1e-6, 1e-6, -2e-6, -2e-6, 0, 2.5e-12]).reshape(6, 1)
    two_rin_expected = numpy.concatenate((p1_expected, p2_expected), axis=1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(two_rin, two_rin_expected)
Esempio n. 23
def test_transposed_c_array_gives_same_result_as_fortran_array():
    This test explores the behaviour of C- and Fortran- aligned arrays.
    Since we use the data from the numpy array directly, some of the
    behaviour we see is not what we'd expect if we used numpy as intended.
    # Standard numpy array (6, 2) as used in pyAT.
    rin_fortran = numpy.array(numpy.arange(12).reshape(6, 2), order='F') * 1e-5
    # Taking an copy of the transpose and making sure it is C-aligned should
    # give us the same layout of data in memory, but with a (2, 6) array.
    rin_c = numpy.copy(rin_fortran.T, order='C')
    lat = [elements.Drift('drift', 1.0)]
    rout_fortran = atpass(lat, rin_fortran, 1)
    # at.c does not accept (x, 6) arrays.  This transpose allows rin_c
    # to pass the dimension check, but does NOT change the layout in memory
    # since in Python it returns a 'view' on the array.
    # The AT C code would give the same result for rin_c without the
    # transpose if the dimension check were not there.
    rin_c_transposed = rin_c.T
    rout_c = atpass(lat, rin_c_transposed, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rout_c, rout_fortran)
Esempio n. 24
def test_incorrect_types_raises_value_error(rin):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        atpass(1, rin, 1)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        atpass([], 1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        atpass([], rin, 'a')
Esempio n. 25
def test_correct_dimensions_does_not_raise_error(rin):
    l = []
    atpass(l, rin, 1)
    rin = numpy.zeros((6, ))
    atpass(l, rin, 1)
    rin = numpy.array(numpy.zeros((6, 2), order='F'))
    atpass(l, rin, 1)
Esempio n. 26
def test_incorrect_types_raises_value_error(rin):
    l = []
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        atpass(1, rin, 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        atpass(l, 1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        atpass(l, rin, 'a')
Esempio n. 27
def test_1d_particle():
    # this is just a demonstration that while you can pass a 1d particle
    # (shape (6,), you get back a 2d array (1, 6)
    d = elements.Drift('drift', 1.0)
    lattice = [d]
    rin = numpy.zeros(6, )
    rin[1] = 1e-6
    # an empty refpts returns only the value at the end of the last turn
    rout = atpass(lattice, rin, 1)
    # the input may be 1d but the output is 2d
    assert rout.shape == (6, 1)
    rout_expected = numpy.array([1e-6, 1e-6, 0, 0, 0, 5e-13])
    # rin is changed in place
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rout_expected)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rout, rout_expected.reshape(6, 1))
Esempio n. 28
def test_one_particle_for_two_turns_with_empty_refpts(rin):
    d = elements.Drift('drift', 1.0)
    lattice = [d]
    rin[1][0] = 1e-6
    rin[3][0] = -2e-6
    # an empty refpts returns only the value at the end of the last turn
    rout = atpass(lattice,
                  refpts=numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype=numpy.uint32))
    assert rout.shape == (6, 1)
    rout_expected = numpy.array([2e-6, 1e-6, -4e-6, -2e-6, 0,
                                 5e-12]).reshape(6, 1)
    # rin is changed in place
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rout_expected)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rout, rout_expected)
Esempio n. 29
def test_1d_particle():
    # This is just a demonstration that if you pass no refpts you get back
    # a (6, *, 0, *) array. You may do this if you want only to operate
    # on rin in-place.
    lat = [elements.Drift('drift', 1.0)]
    rin = numpy.zeros(6,)
    rin[1] = 1e-6
    # an empty refpts returns only the value at the end of the last turn
    rout = atpass(lat, rin, 1)
    # output shape: (dimensions, nparticles, refpts, nturns)
    # if no refpts are supplied, the output is (6, 1, 0, 1) and contains
    # no data
    assert rout.shape == (6, 1, 0, 1)
    rout_expected = numpy.array([1e-6, 1e-6, 0, 0, 0, 5e-13])
    # rin is changed in place
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rin, rout_expected)
Esempio n. 30
def test_two_particles_for_two_turns():
    rin = numpy.asfortranarray(numpy.zeros((6, 2)))
    d = elements.Drift('drift', 1.0)
    lattice = [d]
    rin[1][0] = 1e-6
    rin[3][0] = -2e-6
    rout = atpass(lattice, rin, 2, refpts=uint32_refpts([1], 1))
    # results from Matlab
    rout_particle1_turn1 = numpy.array([1e-6, 1e-6, -2e-6, -2e-6, 0, 2.5e-12]).reshape(6,1)
    rout_particle1_turn2 = numpy.array([2e-6, 1e-6, -4e-6, -2e-6, 0, 5e-12]).reshape(6,1)
    # the second particle doesn't change
    rout_particle2 = numpy.zeros((6,1))
    # the second index is particle number
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rout[:,0,:,0], rout_particle1_turn1)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rout[:,1,:,0], rout_particle2)
    # the fourth index is turn number
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rout[:,0,:,1], rout_particle1_turn2)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(rout[:,1,:,1], rout_particle2)