Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,
        # bar height is the height of texture in pixels. the total height of a
        # of a window is determined by the number of textures

        if cmdObj == None:
            from athenaCL.libATH import athenaObj  # update need for color prefs
            update = athenaObj.External()
            ao = athenaObj.AthenaObject()
            self.scObj = SC.SetClass()
            mcObj = MC.MapClass()
            ao =
            self.scObj = cmdObj.scObj
            update = ao.external  # rename update from AO
            # this is not necesssary, and thwarts manual-pref loading
            #update.updatePrefs() # get new settings
            mcObj = cmdObj.mcObj

        fontTitle = 'micro'
        fontText = 'micro'
        COLORfgMain = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgMain')
        COLORfgAlt = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgAlt')
        COLORbgMargin = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgMargin')
        COLORbgGrid = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgGrid')
        COLORtxTitle = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxTitle')
        COLORtxLabel = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxLabel')
        COLORtxUnit = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxUnit')
        COLORbgAbs = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgAbs')

        rowAxisSets = self.scObj.getAllScTriples(srcSize, ao.tniMode)
        columnAxisSets = self.scObj.getAllScTriples(dstSize, ao.tniMode)

        if srcSize == dstSize:
            self.totalSets = len(rowAxisSets)  # ignoring col for now
            self.masterSetList = rowAxisSets
            self.totalSets = len(rowAxisSets) + len(columnAxisSets)
            self.masterSetList = rowAxisSets + columnAxisSets

        if (srcSize, dstSize) in list(self.fixedPosChart.keys()):
            self.mapPostitionType = 'fixed'
            self.mapPostitionType = 'perimeter'

        if self.mapPostitionType == 'fixed':
            sideUnits = self.fixedPosChart[(srcSize, dstSize)]['side']
            area = pow(sideUnits, 2)
        elif self.mapPostitionType == 'perimeter':
            for side in range(1, 100):
                area = pow(side, 2)
                circumSquar = (side * 4) - 4  # units the fill outer perimeter
                if self.totalSets <= circumSquar:
                    sideUnits = side

        self.areaKeys = list(range(0,
                                   area))  # list to get a point for all area
        self.noGutters = sideUnits + 1
        self.mapGUTTER = 3  # in pixels
        self.nodeWidth = 46
        self.nodeRadius = 16
        #self.yMarginShift  = 0 #entryHeadHeight
        #self.xMarginShift  = 23 #boundary on left

        self.rMarginSize = 4
        self.tMarginSize = 4
        self.lMarginSize = 24
        self.bMarginSize = 4

        self.cordDict = {}  # used to hold info on each position
        xCord = 0
        yCord = 0
        for x in self.areaKeys:  # initialize with empty dicts
            self.cordDict[(xCord, yCord)] = {}
            xCord = xCord + 1
            if xCord == sideUnits:
                xCord = 0
                yCord = yCord + 1
        cordKeys = list(self.cordDict.keys())

        # this calculate the height of the entire window
        self.winHEIGHT = ((sideUnits * self.nodeWidth) +
                          (self.noGutters * self.mapGUTTER) +
                          self.tMarginSize + self.bMarginSize)
        self.winWIDTH = ((sideUnits * self.nodeWidth) +
                         (self.noGutters * self.mapGUTTER) + self.lMarginSize +

        self.mapHEIGHT = self.winHEIGHT - (self.tMarginSize + self.bMarginSize)
        self.mapWIDTH = self.winWIDTH - (self.lMarginSize + self.rMarginSize)
        self.heightAllGutters = self.mapGUTTER * self.noGutters
        self.heightAllEntries = self.mapHEIGHT - self.heightAllGutters

        # create canvas
        self.c = imageTools.Canvas(fmt, self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT,
                                   COLORbgAbs, 'MCnet', master)

        # draw margin rectangles
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.winWIDTH, self.tMarginSize, COLORbgMargin,
                         None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.lMarginSize, self.winHEIGHT, COLORbgMargin,
                         None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, self.tMarginSize + self.mapHEIGHT, self.winWIDTH,
                         self.winHEIGHT, COLORbgMargin, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(self.mapWIDTH + self.lMarginSize, 0, self.winWIDTH,
                         self.winHEIGHT, COLORbgMargin, None, 0)

        # fill coord dict with coords for square, center
        xPos = self.lMarginSize + self.mapGUTTER
        yPos = self.tMarginSize + self.mapGUTTER
        xCord = 0
        yCord = 0
        for x in self.areaKeys:
            self.cordDict[(xCord, yCord)]['set'] = None  # empty
            self.cordDict[(xCord, yCord)]['box'] = (xPos, yPos,
                                                    (xPos + self.nodeWidth),
                                                    (yPos + self.nodeWidth))
            centerX = (xPos + (.5 * self.nodeWidth))
            centerY = (yPos + (.5 * self.nodeWidth))
            self.cordDict[(xCord, yCord)]['center'] = (centerX, centerY)
            xPos = xPos + self.nodeWidth + self.mapGUTTER
            if xPos >= (self.winWIDTH - self.nodeWidth):
                yPos = yPos + self.nodeWidth + self.mapGUTTER
                # rest to first x position
                xPos = self.lMarginSize + self.mapGUTTER
            xCord = xCord + 1
            if xCord == sideUnits:
                xCord = 0
                yCord = yCord + 1

        # assign sets to area positions
        if self.mapPostitionType == 'fixed':
            setLoc = self.fixedPosChart[(srcSize, dstSize)]['setLoc']
            # assign sets to coords
            for node in list(setLoc.keys()):
                position = setLoc[node]
                self.cordDict[position]['set'] = node
        #  counter = counter + 1

        elif self.mapPostitionType == 'perimeter':  # use parimiter method
            # get perimeter points
            locations = list(self.cordDict.keys())
            tempLocs = []
            for node in locations:
                if node[0] == 0 or node[1] == 0:
                elif node[0] == sideUnits - 1 or node[1] == sideUnits - 1:
            # sort perimter clockwise
            perimeterLocs = []
            usedList = []

            rowList = []
            for node in tempLocs:  # do top
                if node[1] == 0 and node not in usedList:
            perimeterLocs = perimeterLocs + rowList

            rowList = []
            for node in tempLocs:  # down right side
                if node[0] == (sideUnits - 1) and node not in usedList:
            perimeterLocs = perimeterLocs + rowList

            rowList = []
            for node in tempLocs:  # across bottom
                if node[1] == (sideUnits - 1) and node not in usedList:
            perimeterLocs = perimeterLocs + rowList

            rowList = []
            for node in tempLocs:  # across bottom
                if node[0] == 0 and node not in usedList:
            perimeterLocs = perimeterLocs + rowList

            # assign sets to coords
            xCord = 0
            yCord = 0
            counter = 0
            for node in self.masterSetList:
                position = perimeterLocs[counter]
                self.cordDict[position]['set'] = node
                counter = counter + 1

        # read coords, create boxes only when there is a sset
        xCord = 0
        yCord = 0
        for x in self.areaKeys:
            if self.cordDict[(xCord, yCord)]['set'] != None:
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.cordDict[(xCord, yCord)]['box']
                self.c.rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, COLORbgAbs, COLORfgAlt, 1)
            xCord = xCord + 1
            if xCord == sideUnits:
                xCord = 0
                yCord = yCord + 1
        # create line nets
        #netList = [((0,2),(1,2)),((0,1),(2,0)),((0,0),(0,1))]
        netList = []
        for colEntry in columnAxisSets:  # 10 for leftmost column
            for rowEntry in rowAxisSets:
                srcSet = self.scObj.pcs(colEntry)
                dstSet = self.scObj.pcs(rowEntry)

                a = mcObj.displacement(srcSet, dstSet, 1)
                minDispl, maxDispl, orderedResults, counter = a
                if minDispl == 1:  # find sets in grid
                    lineCords = []  # clear before finding two points
                    for node in list(self.cordDict.keys()):
                        if self.cordDict[node]['set'] == colEntry:
                        if self.cordDict[node]['set'] == rowEntry:
                    if lineCords == []:
                    elif lineCords in netList:
                    elif (lineCords[1], lineCords[0]) in netList:
        # draw lines
        for net in netList:
            a, b = net
            x1, y1 = self.cordDict[a]['center']
            x2, y2 = self.cordDict[b]['center']
            self.c.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, COLORfgMain, 1)
        # read coords, create circles and labels
        xCord = 0
        yCord = 0
        for x in self.areaKeys:
            if self.cordDict[(xCord, yCord)]['set'] != None:
                setStr = self.scObj.scToStr(self.cordDict[(xCord,
                centerX, centerY = self.cordDict[(xCord, yCord)]['center']
                self.c.oval(centerX - self.nodeRadius,
                            centerY - self.nodeRadius,
                            centerX + self.nodeRadius,
                            centerY + self.nodeRadius,
                if len(setStr) <= 3:  # smallest
                    centerShift = 7
                elif len(setStr) <= 4:
                    centerShift = 10
                else:  # 5 or greater
                    centerShift = 12

                xLabel = centerX - centerShift
                yLabel = centerY - 3
                self.c.gridText(xLabel, yLabel, 'nw', setStr, fontTitle,
            xCord = xCord + 1
            if xCord == sideUnits:
                xCord = 0
                yCord = yCord + 1
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,

        if ao == None:
            from athenaCL.libATH import athenaObj  # update need for color prefs
            update = athenaObj.External()
            update = ao.external  # rename update from AO

        fontTitle = 'micro'
        fontText = 'micro'
        COLORfgMain = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgMain')
        COLORbgMargin = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgMargin')
        COLORbgGrid = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgGrid')
        COLORbgAbs = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgAbs')
        COLORfgAlt = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgAlt')
        COLORtxTitle = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxTitle')
        COLORtxLabel = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxLabel')
        COLORtxUnit = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxUnit')

        self.caData = caData
        self.caDataDstValues = caDataDstValues  # None if continuous
        # scale bit data

        self.gutterWid = 0  #1 # pix between cells
        self.gutterColor = COLORbgMargin
        self.cellHEIGHT = cellHEIGHT
        self.cellWIDTH = cellWIDTH

        self.tMargin = 4  # same as value from
        self.lMargin = 96  # same as
        self.bMargin = 4  # same as value from
        self.rMargin = 4  # same as value from

        self.marginColor = self.gutterColor  # make the same

        self.noCols = len(self.caData[0])
        self.noRows = len(self.caData)

        self.winHEIGHT = ((self.cellHEIGHT * self.noRows) + self.bMargin +
                          ((self.noRows - 1) * self.gutterWid) + self.tMargin)
        self.winWIDTH = ((self.cellWIDTH * self.noCols) + self.rMargin +
                         ((self.noCols - 1) * self.gutterWid) + self.lMargin)

        self._makeBitMap()  # processes self.caData
        # create canvas
        self.c = imageTools.Canvas(fmt, self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT,
                                   COLORbgAbs, 'AUca', master)
        #self.graph = imageTools.BitGraph(self.caData, fg, bg, self.c, iconSize)
        self.c.bitmap(self.lMargin, self.tMargin, self.scaleData, None)
        labelStr = ''

        # draw margins
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.winWIDTH, self.tMargin - 1,
                         self.marginColor, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.lMargin - 1, self.winHEIGHT,
                         self.marginColor, None, 0)
        # bottom
        self.c.rectangle(0, self.winHEIGHT - self.bMargin, self.winWIDTH,
                         self.winHEIGHT, self.marginColor, None, 0)
        # right
        self.c.rectangle(self.winWIDTH - self.rMargin, 0, self.winWIDTH,
                         self.winHEIGHT, self.marginColor, None, 0)

        if title != None:
            # could be COLORtxUnit
            # cant use lMargin here, b/c it is very large!
            y = self.tMargin
            for chunk in title.split('\n'):
                self.c.gridText(self.tMargin, y, 'nw', chunk, 'micro',
                                COLORtxTitle, 1, None, 1, 1)
                y = y + 10
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self,
        # bar height is the height of texture in pixels. the total height of a
        # of a window is determined by the number of textures
        if ao == None:
            from athenaCL.libATH import athenaObj  # update needed for color prefs
            update = athenaObj.External()
            self.tiMapDict = tiMapDemo
            update = ao.external  # rename update from AO
            textureLib = ao.textureLib
            self.tiMapDict = tiMapDict

        fontTitle = 'micro'
        fontText = 'micro'
        COLORfgMain = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgMain')
        COLORfgMainFrame = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgMainFrame')
        COLORfgAlt = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgAlt')
        COLORfgAltFrame = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgAltFrame')
        COLORbgMargin = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgMargin')
        COLORbgGrid = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgGrid')
        COLORbgAbs = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgAbs')
        COLORtxTitle = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxTitle')
        COLORtxLabel = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxLabel')
        COLORtxUnit = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxUnit')

        self.maxTime = self._findMaxTime(self.tiMapDict)

        self.noEntries = len(list(self.tiMapDict.keys()))
        for textName in list(self.tiMapDict.keys()):  #count clones
            self.noEntries = self.noEntries + len(
        self.noGutters = self.noEntries + 1
        self.mapGUTTER = 3  # in pixels
        self.headHeight = 2  # band at top of entry blocks

        self.rMarginSize = 4
        self.tMarginSize = 12
        self.lMarginSize = 96
        self.bMarginSize = 4

        # this calculate the height of the entire window
        self.winHEIGHT = ((self.noEntries * barHEIGHT) +
                          (self.noGutters * self.mapGUTTER) +
                          self.tMarginSize + self.bMarginSize)

        if winWIDTH < 200: self.winWIDTH = 200
        elif winWIDTH > 3000: self.winWIDTH = 3000
        else: self.winWIDTH = winWIDTH  #600 #

        # map is region where digram exists; does not include key
        self.mapHEIGHT = self.winHEIGHT - (self.tMarginSize + self.bMarginSize)
        self.mapWIDTH = self.winWIDTH - (self.lMarginSize + self.rMarginSize)

        self.widthAllGutters = self.mapGUTTER * self.noGutters
        self.widthAllEntries = self.mapHEIGHT - self.widthAllGutters
        #round to nearest pix
        if self.noEntries > 0:
            self.widthEntry = round(self.widthAllEntries /
                                    (self.noEntries + 0.0))
            self.widthEntry = 0

        # create canvas
        self.c = imageTools.Canvas(fmt, self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT,
                                   COLORbgAbs, 'TEmap', master)
        # draw margin rectangles
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.winWIDTH, self.tMarginSize, COLORbgMargin,
                         None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.lMarginSize, self.winHEIGHT, COLORbgMargin,
                         None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, self.tMarginSize + self.mapHEIGHT, self.winWIDTH,
                         self.winHEIGHT, COLORbgMargin, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(self.mapWIDTH + self.lMarginSize, 0, self.winWIDTH,
                         self.winHEIGHT, COLORbgMargin, None, 0)

        # key is one gutter from the window height
        # this is total time
        self.c.gridText(self.mapGUTTER, self.mapGUTTER, 'nw',
                        '%.2f' % (self.maxTime), fontTitle, COLORtxUnit)
        # key for time
        noPartitions = 16  # needs to be int
        keyWidth = float(self.mapWIDTH) / noPartitions
        xCurrentPos = self.lMarginSize
        # draw grid
        for keyPartition in range(0, noPartitions):
            xStart = xCurrentPos
            xEnd = xCurrentPos + keyWidth
            # y must start at 1, not zero, otherwise grids gets shited up 1
            yStart = 1  # will shift b/n lines and key labels
            yEnd = self.winHEIGHT - self.bMarginSize  # set at bottom
            # post vector: skip as causes error in vector version
            # redundant in most cases anyways
            if keyPartition == 0:  # first needs to be bkg color
                #self.c.line(xStart, yStart, xStart, yEnd, COLORbgAbs, 1)
            elif (keyPartition % 2) == 0:
                self.c.line(xStart, yStart + self.tMarginSize, xStart, yEnd,
                            COLORbgMargin, .5)
                timeStr = '%.1f' % (
                    (self.maxTime / noPartitions) * keyPartition)
                # this adds numbers to key; buffer by a gutter from edge of window
                self.c.gridText(xCurrentPos, self.mapGUTTER, 'nc', timeStr,
                                fontTitle, COLORtxUnit)
            else:  # use sub pixel line size for vector version
                self.c.line(xStart, yStart + self.tMarginSize, xStart, yEnd,
                            COLORbgGrid, .5)
            xCurrentPos = xCurrentPos + keyWidth

        # draw textures
        yPosition = self.tMarginSize + self.mapGUTTER  # initial space
        tNameList = list(self.tiMapDict.keys())
        for tName in tNameList:
            yEndPos = yPosition + self.widthEntry
            # this is actually the absolute time range
            tStart, tEnd = self.tiMapDict[tName]['tRange']

            barOffsetStart = int(
                round(self.mapWIDTH * (float(tStart) / self.maxTime)))
            # must add 1 here to get off margin, and into map
            xStart = self.lMarginSize + barOffsetStart + 1

            barOffsetEnd = int(
                round(self.mapWIDTH * (float(tEnd) / self.maxTime)))
            # must subtract 1 here to get into map
            xEnd = self.lMarginSize + barOffsetEnd - 1

            yHeadStart = yPosition
            yHeadEnd = yPosition + self.headHeight
            yBodyStart = yPosition + self.headHeight
            yBodyEnd = yEndPos

            # create head box
            self.c.rectangle(xStart, yHeadStart, xEnd, yHeadEnd,
                             COLORfgMainFrame, None, 0)
            if self.tiMapDict[tName]['muteStatus'] == 0:  # normal
                self.c.rectangle(xStart, yBodyStart, xEnd, yBodyEnd,
                                 COLORfgMain, None, 0)
            else:  # silenced
                self.c.rectangle(xStart, yBodyStart, xEnd, yBodyEnd, None,
                                 COLORfgMain, 1)
            # create texture label
            self.c.gridText(self.mapGUTTER, yBodyStart, 'nw', tName, fontTitle,
            # shift down
            yPosition = yEndPos + self.mapGUTTER
            # clones
            cNameList = list(self.tiMapDict[tName]['cloneDict'].keys())
            for cName in cNameList:
                yEndPos = yPosition + self.widthEntry
                cStart, cEnd = self.tiMapDict[tName]['cloneDict'][cName][
                barOffsetStart = int(
                    round(self.mapWIDTH * (float(cStart) / self.maxTime)))
                # must add one to get onto map
                xStart = self.lMarginSize + barOffsetStart + 1

                barOffsetEnd = int(
                    round(self.mapWIDTH * (float(cEnd) / self.maxTime)))
                # must remove one to get onto map
                xEnd = self.lMarginSize + barOffsetEnd - 1

                yHeadStart = yPosition
                yHeadEnd = yPosition + self.headHeight
                yBodyStart = yPosition + self.headHeight
                yBodyEnd = yEndPos
                # create head box
                self.c.rectangle(xStart, yHeadStart, xEnd, yHeadEnd,
                                 COLORfgAltFrame, None, 0)

                if self.tiMapDict[tName]['cloneDict'][cName][
                        'muteStatus'] == 0:
                    self.c.rectangle(xStart, yBodyStart, xEnd, yBodyEnd,
                                     COLORfgAlt, None, 0)
                else:  # silenced
                    self.c.rectangle(xStart, yBodyStart, xEnd, yBodyEnd, None,
                                     COLORfgAlt, 1)
                # clone labels are shifted right a bit
                self.c.gridText((self.mapGUTTER * 4), yBodyStart, 'nw', cName,
                                fontTitle, COLORtxLabel)
                # shift down
                yPosition = yEndPos + self.mapGUTTER
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, ao=None, barHEIGHT=10, winWIDTH=None, fmt='pil', 
        # bar height is the height of texture in pixels. the total height of a
        # of a window is determined by the number of textures         
        if ao == None:
            from athenaCL.libATH import athenaObj # update need for color prefs
            update = athenaObj.External()
            pcsPath = [(4,3,10),(1,5,4,3),(2,11,4),(7,5,3)]
            scPath  = [(3,2,1),(4,14,0),(3,2,-1),(3,5,1)]
            mapDict = None
            activePath = 'testPath'
            update = ao.external # rename update from AO
            pathLib = ao.pathLib
            activePath = ao.activePath
            pcsPath = pathLib[activePath].get('pcsPath')
            scPath  = pathLib[activePath].get('scPath')
            # gets a dict of (sourcePosition, destinationPosition) : map entries
            if pathLib[activePath].voiceType == 'none':
                mapDict = None
                mapDict = pathLib[activePath].voiceLib[

        fontTitle = 'micro' 
        fontText = 'micro' 
        COLORfgMain = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgMain') 
        COLORbgMargin = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgMargin') 
        COLORbgGrid = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgGrid') 
        COLORbgAbs = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgAbs') 
        COLORfgAlt = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgAlt') 
        COLORtxTitle = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxTitle') 
        COLORtxLabel = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxLabel') 
        COLORtxUnit = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxUnit') 

        self.totalSets = len(pcsPath)

        self.vertEntries = 0 # max number of vertical cells
        for set in pcsPath:
            if len(set) >= self.vertEntries:
                self.vertEntries = len(set)
        # add ont vertical entry for the set-class key accross the top
        self.vertEntries = self.vertEntries + 1
        self.noGutters = self.vertEntries + 1
        self.mapGUTTER = 3 # in pixels, space between cells
        self.rMarginSize = 4
        self.tMarginSize = 4
        self.lMarginSize = 96 # same as imagePmtr; was 100
        self.bMarginSize = 4 # half of imagePmtr
        # this calculate the height of the entire window
        self.winHEIGHT   = (self.vertEntries * barHEIGHT) + (self.noGutters * 
                          self.mapGUTTER) + self.tMarginSize + self.bMarginSize
        if winWIDTH == None:
            self.winWIDTH = (self.lMarginSize + self.rMarginSize) + (66 * 
        elif winWIDTH < 200:
            self.winWIDTH = 200
        elif winWIDTH > 3000:
            self.winWIDTH = 3000
            self.winWIDTH   = winWIDTH  #600 #
        # get size of just the data region
        self.mapHEIGHT = self.winHEIGHT - (self.tMarginSize + self.bMarginSize)
        self.mapWIDTH   = self.winWIDTH  - (self.lMarginSize + self.rMarginSize)
        # map height includes all gutters; dont need to add belwo5
        self.heightAllGutters = self.mapGUTTER * self.noGutters
        self.heightAllEntries = self.mapHEIGHT - self.heightAllGutters
        if self.vertEntries > 0: #round to nearest pix
            self.cellHeight = round(self.heightAllEntries/(self.vertEntries+0.0))
        else: self.cellHeight = 0

        self.cellWidth = round(self.mapWIDTH / (self.totalSets + 0.0))
        self.cellEntryWidth = 18 # pixels for each pc entry
        # offset of lines above cell bottom
        self.vertCellOffset = round(self.cellHeight * .5) 

        # create canvas
        self.c = imageTools.Canvas(fmt, self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT, 
                                 COLORbgAbs, 'PVview: %s' % activePath, master)

        # draw margin rectangles
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.winWIDTH, self.tMarginSize, 
            COLORbgMargin, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.lMarginSize, self.winHEIGHT, 
            COLORbgMargin, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, self.tMarginSize + self.mapHEIGHT, 
                              self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT, 
                              COLORbgMargin, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(self.mapWIDTH + self.lMarginSize, 0, 
                              self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT, 
                              COLORbgMargin, None, 0)

        # set name in upper left
        self.c.gridText(self.mapGUTTER, self.mapGUTTER + self.tMarginSize, 'nw', 
                             activePath, fontTitle, COLORtxUnit)

        # draw key for sets
        xCurrentPos = self.lMarginSize
        for keyPartition in range(self.totalSets):          
            xStart  = xCurrentPos
            xEnd      = xCurrentPos + self.cellWidth
            yStart  = self.tMarginSize
            yEnd      = self.winHEIGHT

            # commented out portions create filled rectangles
            if keyPartition == 0: # first needs to be bkg color
                # removing first grid to remove ob1 error w/ vector graphics
                #self.c.line(xStart,yStart,xStart,yEnd, COLORbgAbs, width=1)
                scName = multiset.scToStr(scPath[keyPartition])
                # this adds numbers to key
                    self.mapGUTTER + self.tMarginSize, 'nw',
                    scName, fontTitle, COLORtxUnit)
            elif (keyPartition % 1) == 0:
                self.c.line(xStart,yStart,xStart,yEnd, COLORbgMargin, .5)
                scName = multiset.scToStr(scPath[keyPartition])
                # this adds numbers to key
                    self.mapGUTTER + self.tMarginSize, 'nw',
                    scName, fontTitle, COLORtxUnit)

            else: # this are the lines that divide verticalities
                self.c.line(xStart,yStart,xStart,yEnd, COLORbgGrid, .5)

            xCurrentPos = xCurrentPos + self.cellWidth

        # sets
        xPosition = self.lMarginSize
        axisDict = {}
        columnCount  = 0
        for chord in pcsPath:
            xPosition = xPosition + self.mapGUTTER
            yPosition = self.tMarginSize + (self.mapGUTTER*2) + self.cellHeight
            rowCount = 0
            for note in chord:
                #yPosition = yPosition #+ self.mapGUTTER #+ self.cellHeight
                yLineStart = yPosition + 8 # needs to be shifted down
                xLineStart = xPosition - self.mapGUTTER - 1 # shift left 1
                # axis dict used for drawing lines
                axisDict[(columnCount, rowCount)] = (xLineStart, yLineStart)

                pcString = '%i' % note
                self.c.gridText(xPosition, yPosition, 'nw',
                                     pcString, fontText, COLORtxTitle)
                rowCount = rowCount + 1
                yPosition = yPosition + self.cellHeight + self.mapGUTTER

            xPosition = xPosition + (self.cellWidth - self.mapGUTTER)
            columnCount = columnCount + 1
        # draw even if voices are not possible
        if mapDict != None:
            for i in range(self.totalSets-1):
                thisSetIndex = i
                nextSetIndex = i + 1
                # this has been a source of error, but not clear why
                # some keys have produced a key error
                mapDictkey = (thisSetIndex, nextSetIndex)
                map = mcObj.fetchMap(mapDict[mapDictkey])
                for j in range(len(map)): # go down vertically
                    startCord = axisDict[(i,j)]
                    nextRowPosition = map[j]
                    if drawer.isList(nextRowPosition):
                        for subRowPosition in nextRowPosition:
                            # get next position
                            endCord = axisDict[((i+1),subRowPosition)]
                            (endCord[1]-self.vertCellOffset), COLORfgMain, 1)
                        # get next position
                        endCord = axisDict[((i+1),nextRowPosition)] 
                            (endCord[1]-self.vertCellOffset), COLORfgMain, 1)