Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args,
                                          refDict)  # call base init
        self.type = 'pipeLine'
        self.doc = lang.docPoPl
        self.argTypes = ['list']
        self.argNames = [
            'filterParameterObjectList: a list of sequential Filter ParameterObjects'
        self.argDefaults = [[['or', 40], ['ob']]]
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg)  # report error
        # will raise exception on error
        self.outputFmt = 'num'  # declare outputFmt as num by default
        self.inputFmt = ['num', 'str']  # declare outputFmt as num by default
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter

        self.objArray = []
        for argList in self.args[0]:
                pmtrObj = parameter.factory(argList, 'filterPmtrObjs')
            except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as msg:
                raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(
                    'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = 'markovPulse'
        self.doc = lang.docPoMp
        self.argTypes = ['str', 'list']
        self.argNames = ['transitionString', 'parameterObject: order value']
        # note: restringulator can hand commas in braces...

        # TODO: accept single value for order value!

        self.argDefaults = ['a{3,1,1}b{2,1,1}c{3,2,0}:{a=3|b=4|c=1}', 
                                 ('c', 0)]
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error
        self.markovObj = markov.Transition() # creat obj w/o loading
        except error.TransitionSyntaxError as e: 
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('Markov transition creation failed: %s' % e)
        # will raise error
        self.orderObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')
        # need to store accumulated values
        self.accum = []
        # create a dictionary to store pulse objects, w/ string
        self.pulseRef = {}
        # we only need unique signified; even if more than one symbol refers
        # to the same signified, this does not matter
        for key in self.markovObj.getSignified():
                pulseObj = rhythm.Pulse(key) # let guess pulse type
            except error.PulseSyntaxError as e:
                raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('failed pulse object definition: %s' % e)
            self.pulseRef[key] = pulseObj # store objs
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = 'rhythmSieve'
        self.doc = lang.docPoRs
        self.argTypes = [['str', 'num', 'list'], 'num', 'str', 'list',]
        self.argNames = ['logicalString', 'sieveLength', 'selectionString', 
                              'parameterObject: Rhythm Generator']
        self.argDefaults = ['3|4|5', 60, 'rw', ('l', ((3,1,1),(3,1,1),(3,5,1))),]

        self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error
        self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm     
        self.length = abs(int(round(self.args[1])))
        self.z = list(range(0, self.length))
            self.sieveObj = sieve.Sieve(self.args[0], self.z)
        except AttributeError: 
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError("incorrect sieve syntax.")

        # NOTE: update this to use binary segment
        # gets a binary representawtion
        self.sieveSeg = self.sieveObj(0, self.z, 'bin')
        # set z as list from which selector draws
        self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[2]) # raises exception
        # select 1/0 from ginary sieve seg
        self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.sieveSeg, self.control)
        # create a parameter object     
        self.rthmObj = self._loadSub(self.args[3], 'rthmPmtrObjs')
Esempio n. 4
    def _loadMinMax(self, min, max):
        >>> a = Parameter([])
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, 34)
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'constant')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'randomUniform')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(['ru', 0, 1], ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('randomUniform', 'randomUniform')

        if drawer.isNum(min):
            minArgs = ('c', min)
        elif drawer.isList(min):
            minArgs = min
        # check max
        if drawer.isNum(max):
            maxArgs = ('c', max)
        elif drawer.isList(max):
            maxArgs = max
        # create a parameter object
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            minObj = parameter.factory(minArgs)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg)
            maxObj = parameter.factory(maxArgs)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg)
        return minObj, maxObj
Esempio n. 5
def locator(usrStr, libName=None):
    libName can be None to permit access to all 

    >>> post, name = locator('ru')
    >>> name == 'RandomUniform'
    # convert acronum or other into fully named parameter string
    if usrStr == None:
        raise Exception('got bad usr string')

    #print _MOD, 'locator', usrStr, libName
    objType = pmtrTypeParser(usrStr, libName)  #check type string
    # fix case, capitalize lead character:
    if objType == None:
        raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(
            'name error: no parameter named %r' % usrStr)
    objType = objType[0].upper() + objType[1:]
    modFound = None
    # this actually looks through external module files
    for mod in pmtrModules:  # look through all mods for
        classList = dir(mod)
        if objType in classList:
            modFound = mod
    if modFound == None:  # failure
        raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(
            'name error: no parameter named %r' % usrStr)
    # return reference to object, and string name of object
    # may want to retrun objType first char to lower case?
    return modFound, objType
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args,
                                          refDict)  # call base init
        self.type = None
        self.argTypes = ['str', 'list']
        self.argNames = [
            'anchorString', 'parameterObject: operator value generator'
        self.argDefaults = ['lower', ('wc', 'e', 30, 0, 0, 1)]
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg)  # report error
        # will raise exception on error
        self.outputFmt = 'num'  # declare outputFmt as num by default
        self.inputFmt = 'num'  # declare outputFmt as num by default

        self.anchor = self._anchorParser(self.args[0])
        #print _MOD, 'anchor set to', self.anchor
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            self.pmtrObj = parameter.factory(self.args[1],
                                             ['genPmtrObjs', 'rthmPmtrObjs'])
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('failed sub-parameter: %s' %
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = 'gaRhythm'
        self.doc = lang.docPoGr
        self.argTypes = ['list', 'num', 'num', 'num', 'str', 'num']
        self.argNames = ['pulseList', 'crossover', 'mutation', 'elitism',
                              'selectionString', 'populationSize']
        self.argDefaults = [[(3,1,1),(3,1,1),(6,1,1),(6,3,1),(3,1,0)],.70,
                                  .060, 0.01, 'oc', 20]
        self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

        # args = [rObj, crossoverRate, mutationRate, percentElite]
        self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm
        self.rObj = rhythm.Rhythm(self.args[0])     
        # must check rhythm before instantiating genome
        if len(self.rObj) <= 2:
            msg = 'pulse list error: supply a rhythm of 3 or more pulses'
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error
        # exapnd rhythms without rests
        #self.rObj = self._expandRhythm(self.rObj)
        self.bpm = 120 # used for initial dur calculations
        self.crossoverRate = self.args[1]
        self.mutationRate    = self.args[2]
        self.percentElite    = self.args[3]

        # get populationi size as last arg
        self.popSize = self.args[5]
        if self.popSize < 2:
            msg = 'population size must be 2 or greater'
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

            self.genome = genetic.Genome(self.popSize, self.rObj.get('triple'),
                              rhythm.bpmToBeatTime(self.bpm), self.crossoverRate, 
                              self.mutationRate, self.percentElite)
        except ValueError:
            self.genome = None # this will return error when args checked
        if self.genome == None:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('genome failed to be populated.')

        self.rObjBundle = [] # stores list of rhythms, by family
        self.pulseBundle = [] # stores all pulses as one list

        self.rawRhythmBundle = self.genome.gen(40, 1) # 2nd arg makes silent
        for rawList in self.rawRhythmBundle:
            rObj = rhythm.Rhythm(rawList)
            rObj.setSus(.94) # create equal sustain
            self.rObjBundle.append(rObj) # list of rhythms
            for i in range(0, len(rObj)):
                self.pulseBundle.append(rObj[i]) # flat list of pulse objects

        # set pulseBundle as list from which selector draws
        self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[4]) # raises exception
        self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.pulseBundle, self.control)
Esempio n. 8
 def _loadSub(self, arg, lib, idStr=''):
     from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
         obj = parameter.factory(arg, lib)
     except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as msg:
         if idStr == '':
             raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg)
             raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('failed %s sub-parameter: %s' % (idStr, msg))            
     return obj
Esempio n. 9
def durToAdsr(tStart,
    """create an adsr envelope
    sustain scalar is a value, w/n the unit interval, of the difference between
    min and max

    >>> durToAdsr(0, 'absolute', 10, 2, 1, 2, 2, .5)
    [[0, 0.0], [2, 1.0], [3, 0.5], [5, 0.5], [7, 0.0], [9.999..., 0.0]]

    # will automatically sort min, max
    peak = unit.denorm(1, min, max)
    nadir = unit.denorm(0, min, max)
    susLevel = (peak - nadir) * unit.limit(susScalar)

    if propAbsSwitch not in ['absolute', 'proportional']:
        raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('incorrect switch')

    if propAbsSwitch == 'absolute':
        timeUnitDenorm = [attack, decay, sustain, release]
        if sum(timeUnitDenorm) > dur:  # force proportional
            propAbsSwitch = 'proportional'

    if propAbsSwitch == 'proportional':
        timeUnit = unit.unitNormProportion([attack, decay, sustain, release])
        timeUnitDenorm = [x * dur for x in timeUnit]

    tEnd = tStart + dur
    t = tStart

    envelope = []
    envelope.append([t, nadir])

    t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[0])  # attack
    envelope.append([t, peak])

    t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[1])  # decay
    envelope.append([t, susLevel])

    t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[2])  # sustain
    envelope.append([t, susLevel])

    if propAbsSwitch == 'proportional':
        t = tEnd - OFFSET  # always measure to end
        envelope.append([t, nadir])
    else:  # absolute
        t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[3])  # sustain
        envelope.append([t, nadir])
        t = tEnd - OFFSET  # always measure to end
        envelope.append([t, nadir])

    return envelope
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict)  # call base init
        self.type = 'directorySelect'
        self.doc = lang.docPoDs
        self.outputFmt = 'str'  # declare outputFmt as string
        self.argTypes = ['str', 'str', 'str']
        self.argNames = [
            'directoryFilePath', 'fileExtension', 'selectionString'
        self.argDefaults = ['.', 'aif', 'rw']
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg)  # report error

        self.dirPath = ''
        self.fileExt = ''  # can start w/ period or not
        self.filePathList = []  # updated on __call__
        self.timer = rhythm.Timer()  # sets start time

        self.dirPath = self.args[0]
        self.fileExt = self.args[1]
        self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[2])  # raises exception
        # will update in self._updateFileList
        # can initialize selector empty, but cannot call empty
        self.selector = basePmtr.Selector([], self.control)
        self.updatePathList = 1  # force update of path list on init
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args,
                                          refDict)  # call base init
        self.type = 'maskFilter'
        self.doc = lang.docPoMf
        self.argTypes = ['str', 'list', 'list']
        self.argNames = [
            'boundaryString: limit, wrap, reflect',
            'parameterObject: first boundary',
            'parameterObject: second boundary',
        self.argDefaults = [
            'l', ('ws', 'e', 60, 0, .5, 0), ('wc', 'e', 90, 0, .5, 1)
        self.argDemos = []
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg)  # report error
        # will raise exception on error
        self.outputFmt = 'num'  # declare outputFmt as num by default
        self.inputFmt = ['num']  # declare outputFmt as num by default

        # will raise exception on error
        self.boundaryMethod = self._boundaryParser(self.args[0])
        self.boundingPmtrObjA = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')
        self.boundingPmtrObjB = self._loadSub(self.args[2], 'genPmtrObjs')
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args,
                                          refDict)  # call base init
        self.type = 'filterQuantize'
        self.doc = lang.docPoFq
        self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'int', 'list']
        self.argNames = [
            'parameterObject: grid reference value Generator',
            'parameterObject: step width Generator',
            'parameterObject: unit interval measure of quantize pull',
        self.argDefaults = [('c', 0), ('c', .25), 1, ('c', 1)]
        self.argDemos = [[('cg', 'up', 0, 1, .0025), ('bg', 'oc', (.4, .6)), 2,
                          ('bpp', 'e', 'l', ((0, 1), (59, 0), (119, 1)), -3)]]
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg)  # report error
        # will raise exception on error
        self.outputFmt = 'num'  # declare outputFmt as num by default
        self.inputFmt = ['num']  # declare outputFmt as num by default

        # will raise exception on error
        self.gridRefObj = self._loadSub(self.args[0], 'genPmtrObjs')
        self.stepGenObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')
        self.stepCount = self.args[2]
        self.pullObj = self._loadSub(self.args[3], 'genPmtrObjs')
        self.quantObj = quantize.Quantizer(self.LOOPLIMIT)
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = 'pulseTriple'
        self.doc = lang.docPoPt
        self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'list', 'list']
        self.argNames = ['parameterObject: pulse divisor',
                              'parameterObject: pulse multiplier',
                              'parameterObject: accent value between 0 and 1',
                              'parameterObject: sustain scalar greater than 0',]
        self.argDefaults = [('bg','rc',(6,5,4,3)), ('bg','rc',(1,2,3)), 
                                  ('bg','rc',(1,1,1,0)), ('ru', .5, 1.5)]
        self.argDemos = [[('c',4),('cl','f{s}x{81}y{120}k{2}r{1}w{6}c{-2}',109,0.01,'sr','oc'),('cv','f{s}x{81}y{120}k{2}r{1}w{3}c{8}',109,0.003,'sr',0,1,'oc'),('c',1)],
        self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if not ok: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

        self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm
        # will raise error 
        self.divObj  = self._loadSub(args[0], 'genPmtrObjs', 'divisor')
        self.multObj = self._loadSub(args[1], 'genPmtrObjs', 'multiplier')
        self.accObj  = self._loadSub(args[2], 'genPmtrObjs', 'accent')
        self.susObj  = self._loadSub(args[3], 'genPmtrObjs', 'sustain')
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = 'iterateRhythmWindow'
        self.doc = lang.docPoIrw
        self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'str']
        self.argNames = ['parameterObjectList: a list of Rhythm Generators', 
                              'parameterObject: generate or skip control Generator', 

        self.argDefaults = [(
                 ('l', ((4,3,1),(4,3,1),(4,2,0),(8,1,1),(4,2,1),(4,2,1)),'oc'),
                 ('cs', ('ru', 1.5, 4)),
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

        self.valueBuffer = [] # values g selected 

        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
        self.objArray = []
        for argList in self.args[0]:
                pmtrObj = parameter.factory(argList, 'rthmPmtrObjs')
            except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
                raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        """searches a list of directories recursively and finds all files
            files named in args are found within these directories
            dirs are onlys serached if list of dirs has changed"""
        basePmtr.Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = None # in subclass
        self.outputFmt = 'str' # declare outputFmt as string
        self.argTypes = [['list', 'str'], 'str']
        self.argNames = ['fileNameList', 'selectionString']
        self.argDefaults = [[], 'rc']
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

        self.dirList = [] # used to look for changes
        self.filePathList = [] # updated on __call__
        self.timer = rhythm.Timer() # sets start time
        self.updatePathList = 1 # forces update of paths
        # not sure this is functioning
        #self.tLastUpdate = 0.0 # time of last file dir update

        if drawer.isList(self.args[0]):
            self.nameList = self.args[0]
        elif drawer.isStr(self.args[0]):
            tempList = []
            self.nameList = tuple(tempList)

        self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[1]) # raises exception
        # choose names from name list
        self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.nameList, self.control)
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = 'markovRhythmAnalysis'
        self.doc = lang.docPoMra
        self.argTypes = ['list', 'int', 'int', 'list']
        self.argNames = ['parameterObject: source Rhythm Generator', 
                              'parameterObject: output order value'
        self.argDefaults = [('l', 
                                    'oc'), 12, 2, ('cg','u',0,2,.25)]
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

        self.srcObj = self._loadSub(self.args[0], 'rthmPmtrObjs')
        self.pulseCount = self.args[1]
        self.maxAnalysisOrder = self.args[2]
        self.orderObj = self._loadSub(self.args[3], 'genPmtrObjs')

        # need to store accumulated values
        self.analysisSeries = []
        self.accum = []
        # create a dictionary to store pulse objects, w/ string
        self.pulseRef = {}
        # analysis is done on init
        self.markovObj = markov.Transition() # creat obj w/o loading
        # this may raise an exception
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = 'iterateRhythmHold'
        self.doc = lang.docPoIrh
        self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'list', 'str']
        self.argNames = ['parameterObject: source Rhythm Generator', 
                              'parameterObject: size Generator', 
                              'parameterObject: refresh count Generator', 

        self.argDefaults = [('pt',('bg', 'rc', (4,2)),('bg', 'oc', (5,4,3,2,1)),
                                  ('c', 1), ('ru', .75, 1.25)),
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

        self.srcObj = self._loadSub(self.args[0], 'rthmPmtrObjs')   
        self.sizeObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')   
        self.refreshObj = self._loadSub(self.args[2], 'genPmtrObjs')    
        self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[3]) # check control string
        self.valueBuffer = [] # collection values selected from
        self.eventCount = 0
        self.eventCountTotal = 0
        self.refreshValue = None
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = 'pulseSieve'
        self.doc = lang.docPoPs
        self.argTypes = [['str', 'num','list'], 'num', 'list', 'str', 'str']
        self.argNames = ['logicalString', 'sieveLength', 'pulse',
                              'selectionString', 'articulationString']
        self.argDefaults = ['3|4|5@2', 60, (3,1,1), 'oc', 'a']
        self.argDemos = [['3|4|5@2', 60, (4,1,1), 'rc', 's'],
        self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error
        self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm     
        self.length = abs(int(round(self.args[1])))
        self.z = list(range(0, self.length))
            self.sieveObj = sieve.Sieve(self.args[0], self.z)
        except AttributeError: 
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError("incorrect sieve syntax.")

            self.pulseObj = rhythm.Pulse(self.args[2])
        except error.PulseSyntaxError:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError("incorrect sieve syntax.")
        self.pulseObj.setSus(.94) # no sustain

        self.pulseOn = self.pulseObj.copy()
        self.pulseOn.setAcc(1)  # force on
        self.pulseOff = self.pulseObj.copy()
        self.pulseOff.setAcc(0) # force off
        # gets a list if numbers, like 0,3,4,6,9,10
        # interpret as equal dur time points

        # get format based on ariticulation
        self.articulation = self._articulationParser(self.args[4])
        if self.articulation == 'sustain': fmt = 'wid'
        elif self.articulation == 'attack': fmt = 'bin'
        self.sieveSeg = self.sieveObj(0, self.z)
        # set z as list from which selector draws
        self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[3]) # raises exception
        self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.sieveSeg, self.control)
Esempio n. 19
def pmtrTypeParser(typeName, libName='genPmtrObjs'):
    """utility functions for parsing user paramter strings into proper
    parameter names. accepts short names and long names, regardless of case
    does not raise an error if no match: returns string unmodified
    parameters can have the same abbreviation if they are in different libraries

    >>> pmtrTypeParser('ru', 'genPmtrObjs')

    >>> pmtrTypeParser('ru', None)

    >>> pmtrTypeParser('gr', None)
    if typeName == None:
        raise Exception('got a type name of none')
    #print _MOD, 'pmtrTypeParser', typeName, libName

    usrStr = drawer.strScrub(typeName, 'lower')
    # get all parameter names in a dictionary
    if libName == 'genPmtrObjs':
        pmtrNames = genPmtrNames
    elif libName == 'rthmPmtrObjs':
        pmtrNames = rthmPmtrNames
    elif libName == 'textPmtrObjs':
        pmtrNames = textPmtrNames
    elif libName == 'clonePmtrObjs':
        pmtrNames = clonePmtrNames
    elif libName == 'filterPmtrObjs':
        pmtrNames = filterPmtrNames
    elif libName == None:
        pmtrNames = allPmtrNames

        raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(
            'no parameter library named: %r' % libName)

    for key in list(pmtrNames.keys()):
        className = pmtrNames[key]
        if usrStr == key:
            return className
        elif usrStr == className.lower():
            return className
    # if not mattched, raise an error
    raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('no parameter named %r in %s' %
                                           (usrStr, pmtrLibTitle(libName)))
Esempio n. 20
 def __init__(self, args, refDict):
     basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args,
                                       refDict)  # call base init
     self.type = None
     self.argTypes = ['list']
     self.argNames = ['parameterObject: operator value generator']
     self.argDefaults = [('ws', 'e', 30, 0, 0, 1)]
     # check raw arguments for number, type
     ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
     if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg)  # report error
     # will raise exception on error
     self.outputFmt = 'num'  # declare outputFmt as num by default
     self.inputFmt = 'num'  # declare outputFmt as num by default
     from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
     try:  # note: can be eithe gen or filter parameter object
         self.pmtrObj = parameter.factory(self.args[0],
                                          ['genPmtrObjs', 'rthmPmtrObjs'])
     except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as msg:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('failed sub-parameter: %s' %
Esempio n. 21
 def _typeFormatParser(self, usrStr):
     "decode control choice strings"
     ref = {
         'stringQuote' : ['sq',],
         'string'          : ['str', 's'],
     usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
     if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr)
     return usrStr
Esempio n. 22
 def _selectLevelMonophonicParser(self, usrStr):
     "decode control choice strings"
     ref = {
         'event' : ['e'],
         'set' : ['s'],
     usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
     if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr)
     return usrStr
Esempio n. 23
 def __init__(self, args, refDict):
     basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) 
     # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
     self.argTypes = ['str',]
     self.argNames = ['level: event, frame',]
     # check raw arguments for number, type
     ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
     if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error
     # will raise exception on error
     self.args[0] = self._selectLevelFrameParser(self.args[0])
     # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary
Esempio n. 24
def durToTrapezoid(tStart,
    """assume dir of peal is widthOn
    will automatically convert to proportion if abs sum extends past dur
    this is an trapezoid with only one ramp; may not have complete duration time; always leads on

    >>> durToTrapezoid(0, 'absolute', 10, 3, 3, 3, .5)
    [[0, 0.0], [3, 1.0], [6, 1.0], [9, 0.0], [9.999..., 0.0]]

    # will automatically sort min, max
    peak = unit.denorm(1, min, max)
    nadir = unit.denorm(0, min, max)

    if propAbsSwitch not in ['absolute', 'proportional']:
        raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('incorrect switch')

    if propAbsSwitch == 'absolute':
        timeUnitDenorm = [rampUp, widthMax, rampDown, widthMin]
        if sum(timeUnitDenorm) > dur:  # force proportional
            propAbsSwitch = 'proportional'

    if propAbsSwitch == 'proportional':
        timeUnit = unit.unitNormProportion(
            [rampUp, widthMax, rampDown, widthMin])
        timeUnitDenorm = [x * dur for x in timeUnit]

    tEnd = tStart + dur
    t = tStart

    envelope = []
    envelope.append([t, nadir])

    t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[0])  # ramp
    envelope.append([t, peak])

    t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[1])  # width
    envelope.append([t, peak])

    t = t + _stepFilter(timeUnitDenorm[2])  # ramp
    envelope.append([t, nadir])

    t = tEnd - OFFSET  # always measure to end
    envelope.append([t, nadir])

    return envelope
Esempio n. 25
 def _selectRetrogradeParser(self, usrStr):
     "decode control choice strings"
     ref = {
         'off' : ['off', '0'],
         'timeInverse' : ['ti', 'tinvers'],
         'eventInverse' : ['ei', 'retro'],
     usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
     if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr)
     return usrStr
Esempio n. 26
 def _selectLevelEventCountParser(self, usrStr):
     "decode control choice strings"
     ref = {
         'texture': ['t', 'text', 'texture'],
         'segment': ['s', 'seg', 'segment'],
     usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
     if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(
             'bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr)
     return usrStr
Esempio n. 27
 def _selectDensityPartitionParser(self, usrStr):
     "decode control choice strings"
     ref = {
         'duration': ['d', 'dur'],
         'set': ['s'],
     usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
     if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(
             'bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr)
     return usrStr
Esempio n. 28
    def _loadAutoConstantStr(self, arg, ref, lib='genPmtrObjs'):
        """accept a number, a list parameter object, or a string from 
        within a dfeind string group"""
#         ref = {'0' : ['tn', 't', 't n' '0'],
#                 }
        if drawer.isNum(arg):
            pmtrArgs = ('c', arg)
        elif drawer.isStr(arg):
            post = drawer.selectionParse(arg, ref, 0) # autosearch off
            if post == None:
                raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('no such preset name known.')
            pmtrArgs = ('c', post) # a constant pmtr obj
        else: # its a list to create a ParameterObject
            pmtrArgs = arg
        # create a ParameterObject
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            obj = parameter.factory(pmtrArgs, lib)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError('failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg)
        return obj   
Esempio n. 29
 def __init__(self, args, refDict):
     basePmtr.Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
     self.type = 'constantFile'    
     self.doc = lang.docPoCf
     self.outputFmt = 'str' # declare outputFmt as string
     self.argTypes = ['str']
     self.argNames = ['absoluteFilePath']
     self.argDefaults = [''] # no default possible
     # check raw arguments for number, type
     ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
     if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error
     self.filePath = drawer.pathScrub(self.args[0])
Esempio n. 30
def factory(rawArgs, libName=None, refDict=None):
    """this is used only for loading and returning an object
    can return obj or parsed args
    first thing in list must be a string, type def

    libName can be a list or a string
    rawArgs is a list of python data types, starting with the po name
    exceptions that may be raised: error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError
    reload(basePmtr)  # reload base class
    if not drawer.isList(rawArgs):
        rawArgs = eval(drawer.restringulator(rawArgs))
        # if only string, we have only one argument, no commas
        if drawer.isStr(rawArgs):
            rawArgs = [rawArgs]

        # old method simply put rawArgs, if a string, as a first argument
        # rawArgs = [rawArgs,] # add to a list, could be a single str

    # first arg is always a string, naming the parameter type
    # obj args could be empty if requires no arguments
    objType, objArgs = rawArgs[0], list(rawArgs[1:])

    libOpt = []  # option libs
    if not drawer.isList(libName):
        libOpt = libName

    for i in range(0, len(libOpt)):
        name = libOpt[i]
        if name != None:  # None is all
            name = pmtrLibParser(name)  # name of possible library

        try:  # will raise exception on error
            mod, modStr = locator(objType, name)  #check type string
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as e:
            modStr = None
        if modStr == None:
            if i != len(libOpt) - 1:
                continue  # if not the last one to try
                raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(
                    'parameter lib error (%s: %s, %s, %s)' %
                    (name, objType, modStr, rawArgs))
        else:  # got a good object
            # failure
    pmtrObjAttr = getattr(mod, modStr)
    #print _MOD, 'factory loading object', mod, objType
    pmtrObj = pmtrObjAttr(objArgs, refDict)
    return pmtrObj