def __init__(self, trained_model: Type[torch.nn.Module], refine: bool = False, resize: Union[Tuple, List] = None, use_gpu: bool = False, logits: bool = True, **kwargs: Union[int, float, bool]) -> None: """ Initializes predictive object """ super(SegPredictor, self).__init__(trained_model, use_gpu) set_train_rng(1) self.nb_classes = kwargs.get('nb_classes', None) if self.nb_classes is None: self.nb_classes = get_nb_classes(trained_model) self.downsampling = kwargs.get('downsampling', None) if self.downsampling is None: self.downsampling = get_downsample_factor(trained_model) self.resize = resize self.logits = logits self.refine = refine self.d = kwargs.get("d", None) self.thresh = kwargs.get("thresh", .5) self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", True)
def __init__(self): set_train_rng(1) self.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' = None self.criterion = None self.optimizer = None self.compute_accuracy = False self.full_epoch = True self.swa = False self.perturb_weights = False self.running_weights = {} self.training_cycles = 0 self.batch_idx_train, self.batch_idx_test = [], [] self.batch_size = 1 self.nb_classes = None self.X_train, self.y_train = None, None self.X_test, self.y_test = None, None self.train_loader = self.test_loader = self.data_is_set = False self.augdict = {} self.augment_fn = None self.filename = "model" self.print_loss = 1 self.meta_state_dict = dict() self.loss_acc = { "train_loss": [], "test_loss": [], "train_accuracy": [], "test_accuracy": [] }
def __init__(self, trained_model: Type[torch.nn.Module], output_dim: Tuple[int], use_gpu: bool = False, **kwargs: str) -> None: """ Initialize predictor """ super(ImSpecPredictor, self).__init__(trained_model, use_gpu) if isinstance(output_dim, int): output_dim = (output_dim, ) if len(output_dim) not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError( "output_dim must be a two-value tuple for images" + " and a single-value tuple for spectra") set_train_rng(1) self.output_dim = output_dim self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", True)
def __init__(self, model: Union[Type[torch.nn.Module], str] = "Unet", nb_classes: int = 1, **kwargs: Union[int, List, str, bool]) -> None: """ Initialize a single FCNN model trainer """ super(SegTrainer, self).__init__() seed = kwargs.get("seed", 1) kwargs["batch_seed"] = kwargs.get("batch_seed", seed) set_train_rng(seed) self.nb_classes = nb_classes, self.meta_state_dict = init_fcnn_model( model, self.nb_classes, **kwargs) if self.device == 'cpu': warnings.warn("No GPU found. The training can be EXTREMELY slow", UserWarning) self.meta_state_dict["weights"] =
def __init__(self, in_dim: Tuple[int], out_dim: Tuple[int], latent_dim: int = 2, **kwargs: Union[int, bool, str]) -> None: super(ImSpecTrainer, self).__init__() """ Initialize trainer's parameters """ seed = kwargs.get("seed", 1) kwargs["batch_seed"] = kwargs.get("batch_seed", seed) set_train_rng(seed) self.in_dim, self.out_dim = in_dim, out_dim (, self.meta_state_dict) = init_imspec_model(in_dim, out_dim, latent_dim, **kwargs) self.meta_state_dict["weights"] =
def __init__(self, X_train: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray = None, y_test: np.ndarray = None, n_models=30, model: str = "dilUnet", strategy: str = "from_baseline", swa=False, training_cycles_base: int = 1000, training_cycles_ensemble: int = 50, filename: str = "./model", **kwargs: Dict) -> None: """ Initializes parameters of ensemble trainer """ if X_test is None or y_test is None: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X_train, y_train, test_size=kwargs.get("test_size", 0.15), shuffle=True, random_state=0) set_train_rng(seed=1) self.X_train, self.y_train = X_train, y_train self.X_test, self.y_test = X_test, y_test self.model_type, self.n_models = model, n_models self.strategy = strategy if self.strategy not in ["from_baseline", "from_scratch", "swag"]: raise NotImplementedError( "Select 'from_baseline' 'from_scratch', or 'swag' strategy") self.iter_base = training_cycles_base if self.strategy == "from_baseline": self.iter_ensemble = training_cycles_ensemble self.filename, self.kdict = filename, kwargs if swa or self.strategy == 'swag': self.kdict["swa"] = True #self.kdict["use_batchnorm"] = False # there were some issues when using batchnorm together with swa in pytorch 1.4 self.ensemble_state_dict = {}
def __init__(self, trained_model: Type[torch.nn.Module], refine: bool = False, resize: Union[Tuple, List] = None, use_gpu: bool = False, logits: bool = True, seed: int = 1, **kwargs: Union[int, float, bool]) -> None: """ Initializes predictive object """ if seed: set_train_rng(seed) model = trained_model self.nb_classes = kwargs.get('nb_classes', None) if self.nb_classes is None: hookF = [Hook(layer[1]) for layer in list(model._modules.items())] mock_forward(model) self.nb_classes = [hook.output.shape for hook in hookF][-1][1] self.downsampling = kwargs.get('downsampling', None) if self.downsampling is None: hookF = [Hook(layer[1]) for layer in list(model._modules.items())] mock_forward(model) imsize = [hook.output.shape[-1] for hook in hookF] self.downsampling = max(imsize) / min(imsize) self.model = model if use_gpu and torch.cuda.is_available(): self.model.cuda() else: self.model.cpu() self.resize = resize self.logits = logits self.refine = refine self.d = kwargs.get("d", None) self.thresh = kwargs.get("thresh", .5) self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", True)
def __init__(self, X_train: training_data_types, y_train: training_data_types, X_test: training_data_types, y_test: training_data_types, training_cycles: int, model: str = 'dilUnet', IoU: bool = False, seed: int = 1, batch_seed: int = None, **kwargs: Union[int, List, str, bool]) -> None: """ Initialize single model trainer """ if seed: set_train_rng(seed) if batch_seed is None: np.random.seed(seed) else: np.random.seed(batch_seed) self.batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 32) self.full_epoch = kwargs.get("full_epoch", False) (self.X_train, self.y_train, self.X_test, self.y_test, self.num_classes) = preprocess_training_data(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, self.batch_size) if self.full_epoch: self.train_loader, self.test_loader = init_torch_dataloaders( self.X_train, self.y_train, self.X_test, self.y_test, self.batch_size, self.num_classes) use_batchnorm = kwargs.get('use_batchnorm', True) use_dropouts = kwargs.get('use_dropouts', False) upsampling = kwargs.get('upsampling', "bilinear") self.swa = kwargs.get("swa", False) if self.swa: self.recent_weights = {} self.perturb_weights = kwargs.get("perturb_weights", False) if self.perturb_weights: use_batchnorm = False if isinstance(self.perturb_weights, bool): e_p = 1 if self.full_epoch else 50 self.perturb_weights = {"a": .01, "gamma": 1.5, "e_p": e_p} if not isinstance(model, str) and hasattr(model, "state_dict"): = model elif isinstance(model, str) and model == 'dilUnet': with_dilation = kwargs.get('with_dilation', True) nb_filters = kwargs.get('nb_filters', 16) layers = kwargs.get("layers", [1, 2, 2, 3]) = dilUnet(self.num_classes, nb_filters, use_dropouts, use_batchnorm, upsampling, with_dilation, layers=layers) elif isinstance(model, str) and model == 'dilnet': nb_filters = kwargs.get('nb_filters', 25) layers = kwargs.get("layers", [1, 3, 3, 3]) = dilnet(self.num_classes, nb_filters, use_dropouts, use_batchnorm, upsampling, layers=layers) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Currently implemented models are 'dilUnet' and 'dilnet'") if torch.cuda.is_available(): else: warnings.warn("No GPU found. The training can be EXTREMELY slow", UserWarning) loss = kwargs.get('loss', "ce") if loss == 'dice': self.criterion = losses_metrics.dice_loss() elif loss == 'focal': self.criterion = losses_metrics.focal_loss() elif loss == 'ce' and self.num_classes == 1: self.criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() elif loss == 'ce' and self.num_classes > 2: self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() else: raise NotImplementedError( "Select Dice loss ('dice'), focal loss ('focal') or" " cross-entropy loss ('ce')") if not self.full_epoch: self.batch_idx_train = np.random.randint(0, len(self.X_train), training_cycles) self.batch_idx_test = np.random.randint(0, len(self.X_test), training_cycles) auglist = [ "custom_transform", "zoom", "gauss_noise", "jitter", "poisson_noise", "contrast", "salt_and_pepper", "blur", "resize", "rotation", "background" ] self.augdict = { k: kwargs[k] for k in auglist if k in kwargs.keys() } self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(, lr=1e-3) self.training_cycles = training_cycles self.iou = IoU if self.iou: self.iou_score, self.iou_score_test = [], [] self.print_loss = kwargs.get("print_loss") if self.print_loss is None: if not self.full_epoch: self.print_loss = 100 else: self.print_loss = 1 self.filename = kwargs.get("filename", "./model") self.plot_training_history = kwargs.get("plot_training_history", True) self.train_loss, self.test_loss = [], [] if isinstance(model, str): self.meta_state_dict = { 'model_type': model, 'batchnorm': use_batchnorm, 'dropout': use_dropouts, 'upsampling': upsampling, 'nb_filters': nb_filters, 'layers': layers, 'nb_classes': self.num_classes, 'weights': } if "with_dilation" in locals(): self.meta_state_dict["with_dilation"] = with_dilation else: self.meta_state_dict = { 'nb_classes': self.num_classes, 'weights': }
def _reset_rng(self, seed: int) -> None: """ (re)sets seeds for pytorch and numpy random number generators """ set_train_rng(seed)