Esempio n. 1
    def testLAMMPS():
        """Test potentials.writePotentials() for LAMMPS"""

        pota = potentials.Potential("A", "B", lambda x: x)
        potb = potentials.Potential("C", "D", lambda x: 6.0 - x)

        expect = [
            "A-B", "N 6 R 1.00000000 6.00000000", "",
            "1 1.00000000 1.00000000 -1.00000000",
            "2 2.00000000 2.00000000 -1.00000000",
            "3 3.00000000 3.00000000 -1.00000000",
            "4 4.00000000 4.00000000 -1.00000000",
            "5 5.00000000 5.00000000 -1.00000000",
            "6 6.00000000 6.00000000 -1.00000000", "", "C-D",
            "N 6 R 1.00000000 6.00000000", "",
            "1 1.00000000 5.00000000 1.00000000",
            "2 2.00000000 4.00000000 1.00000000",
            "3 3.00000000 3.00000000 1.00000000",
            "4 4.00000000 2.00000000 1.00000000",
            "5 5.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000",
            "6 6.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000"

        sbuild = StringIO()
        potentials.writePotentials('LAMMPS', [pota, potb], 6.0, 6, sbuild)
        actual = sbuild.readlines()
        msg = "%s != %s" % (expect, actual)

        assert len(expect) == len(actual), msg
        for e, a in zip(expect, actual):
            a = a.decode()
            assert os.linesep == a[-1]
            a = a[:-1]
            assert e == a
Esempio n. 2
def potential_objects():
    f_OO = potentials.potentialforms.buck(1633.00510, 0.327022, 3.948790)
    f_UU = potentials.potentialforms.buck(294.640000, 0.327022, 0.0)
    potential_objects = [
        potentials.Potential('O', 'O', f_OO),
        potentials.Potential('U', 'U', f_UU)
    return potential_objects
  def testWriteSinglePotential(self):
    """Test that atsim.potentials._lammps_writeTABLE._writeSinglePotential() works correctly"""

            "N 6 R 0.10000000 5.10000000",
            "1 0.10000000 4.90000000 1.00000000",
            "2 1.10000000 3.90000000 1.00000000",
            "3 2.10000000 2.90000000 1.00000000",
            "4 3.10000000 1.90000000 1.00000000",
            "5 4.10000000 0.90000000 1.00000000",
            "6 5.10000000 -0.10000000 1.00000000"]

    energyfunc = lambda x: 5.0-x
    pot =potentials.Potential("A", "B", energyfunc)

    sbuild = StringIO()
    _lammps_writeTABLE._writeSinglePotential(pot, 0.1, 5.1, 6, sbuild)
    actual = sbuild.readlines()

    msg = "%s != %s" % (expect, actual)

    self.assertEqual(len(expect), len(actual), msg = msg)
    for e,a in zip(expect, actual):
      # a = a.decode()
      self.assertEqual(os.linesep, a[-1])
      a = a[:-1]
def testForce():
    """Check that dlpoly.writeTABLE._calculateForce() wraps potentials.Potential.force to return -r dU/dr values needed by DL_POLY"""
    potfunc = potentials.buck(1388.773, 2.76, 175)
    pot = potentials.Potential("A", "B", potfunc)
    expect = pytest.approx(-66990.0984477696)
    actual = _dlpoly_writeTABLE._calculateForce(pot, 0.5)
    assert expect == actual
def test_potclass_testForce_numderiv():
    """Check potentials.Potential.force() method"""
    def energyfunc(r):
        return 1388.773 * math.exp(-r / 0.362318841) - 175.0 / r**6

    pot = potentials.Potential("A", "B", energyfunc, h=0.1e-5)
    expect = 7.151
    actual = pot.force(2.0)
    assert pytest.approx(expect, abs=1e-3) == actual
  def testWritePotentials(self):
    """Test _lammps_writeTABLE.writePotentials() function"""

    pota =potentials.Potential("A", "B", lambda x: x)
    potb =potentials.Potential("C", "D", lambda x: 5.0-x)

            "N 6 R 0.10000000 5.10000000",
            "1 0.10000000 0.10000000 -1.00000000",
            "2 1.10000000 1.10000000 -1.00000000",
            "3 2.10000000 2.10000000 -1.00000000",
            "4 3.10000000 3.10000000 -1.00000000",
            "5 4.10000000 4.10000000 -1.00000000",
            "6 5.10000000 5.10000000 -1.00000000",
            "N 6 R 0.10000000 5.10000000",
            "1 0.10000000 4.90000000 1.00000000",
            "2 1.10000000 3.90000000 1.00000000",
            "3 2.10000000 2.90000000 1.00000000",
            "4 3.10000000 1.90000000 1.00000000",
            "5 4.10000000 0.90000000 1.00000000",
            "6 5.10000000 -0.10000000 1.00000000"]

    sbuild = StringIO()
    _lammps_writeTABLE.writePotentials([pota,potb], 0.1, 5.1, 6, sbuild)
    actual = sbuild.readlines()

    msg = "%s != %s" % (expect, actual)
    self.assertEqual(len(expect), len(actual), msg = msg)
    for e,a in zip(expect, sbuild):
      # a = a.decode()
      self.assertEqual(os.linesep, a[-1])
      a = a[:-1]
Esempio n. 7
  def testWriteEAMFile(self):
    """Test _writeTABEAM.writeTABEAM() function"""

    from io import StringIO

    #Define potentials
    ppbucku  = potentials.Potential('U', 'U', _zerowrap(potentials.buck(668.546808, 0.408333, 0.0)))
    ppbuckuc = potentials.Potential('U', 'C', _zerowrap(potentials.buck(30.885011, 0.814952, 0.0)))
    ppswcc   = potentials.Potential('C', 'C', _zerowrap(_stillingerWeber(1.1, 2.078, 1.368, 2.5257)))

    densU = _densityFunction( 1.301894, 2.0, 0.668659, 1.862363, 2.0)
    densC = _densityFunction(33.446287, 2.0, 1.318078, 1.512686, 2.0)

    UEAMPot = potentials.EAMPotential('U', 92, 19.05, embeddingFunction, densU )
    CEAMPot = potentials.EAMPotential('C',  6,  2.267,embeddingFunction, densC )

    maxrho = 410.0
    cutoff = 12.0
    drho = dr = 0.01
    nrho = int(maxrho // drho)
    nr = int(cutoff // dr)

    outfile = StringIO()

      nrho, drho,
      nr, dr,
      [UEAMPot, CEAMPot],
      [ppbucku, ppbuckuc, ppswcc],
      "Chartier/Van Brutzel Potentials")

    outfile = StringIO(outfile.getvalue())

    #Check structure of the file
    self.assertEqual(2, self._countSections(outfile, 'embe'))
    self.assertEqual(2, self._countSections(outfile, 'dens'))
    self.assertEqual(3, self._countSections(outfile, 'pair'))
def test_potclass_testForceDeriv():
    """Check that analytical derivatives are used when available"""

    # Create a callable that returns an analytical derivative which is very difficult to the (correct)
    # numerical derivative - then look for this when the force() metho of the potential object is called.

    deriv_force = 24.0

    class AnalyticalDerivative(object):
        def __call__(self, r):
            return -3.0 * r + 5.0

        def deriv(self, r):
            return deriv_force

    potfunc = AnalyticalDerivative()

    pot = potentials.Potential("A", "B", potfunc)
    expect = 2.0
    actual =
    assert pytest.approx(expect) == actual

    # Now check the force.
    assert pytest.approx(-deriv_force) == pot.force(1.0)
Esempio n. 9
  def testWriteSetFLFinnisSinclair_PairPotentialOrder(self):
    """Check that pair potentials are written in the correct order"""
    nrho = 5
    drho = 0.1
    nr = 5
    dr = 0.1
    cutoff = 0.5
    import collections
    def defaultdens():
      return lambda x: 0.0

    defaultdict = collections.defaultdict(defaultdens)

    eampot1 =potentials.EAMPotential('A', 1, 1.0, lambda x: 0.1, defaultdict)
    eampot2 =potentials.EAMPotential('B', 2, 2.0, lambda x: 0.2, defaultdict)
    eampot3 =potentials.EAMPotential('C', 3, 3.0, lambda x: 0.3, defaultdict)

    pairpot_aa =potentials.Potential('A', 'A', lambda r: 1.0)
    pairpot_bb =potentials.Potential('B', 'B', lambda r: 2.0)
    pairpot_cc =potentials.Potential('C', 'C', lambda r: 3.0)
    pairpot_ba =potentials.Potential('B', 'A', lambda r: 5.0)
    pairpot_ac =potentials.Potential('A', 'C', lambda r: 6.0)
    pairpot_bc =potentials.Potential('B', 'C', lambda r: 7.0)

    # Define two species
    sio = StringIO()
      nrho, drho,
      nr, dr,
      [eampot2, eampot1],
      [pairpot_bb, pairpot_aa, pairpot_ba],
      comments = ['Comment1', 'Comment2', 'Comment3'],
      out = sio,
      cutoff = cutoff)

    rvals = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]

    expect = [ r * for r in rvals]
    expect.extend([ r * for r in rvals])
    expect.extend([ r * for r in rvals])
    actual = sio.readlines()
    actual = actual[37:]
    actual = [float(v) for v in actual]

    from . import testutil
    testutil.compareCollection(self,expect, actual)

    # Try a ternary system
    # Define two species
    sio = StringIO()
      nrho, drho,
      nr, dr,
      [eampot2, eampot1, eampot3],
      [pairpot_bb, pairpot_aa, pairpot_ba, pairpot_cc, pairpot_ac, pairpot_bc],
      ['Comment1', 'Comment2', 'Comment3'],

    rvals = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]

    expect = [ r * for r in rvals]
    expect.extend([ r * for r in rvals])
    expect.extend([ r * for r in rvals])
    expect.extend([ r * for r in rvals])
    expect.extend([ r * for r in rvals])
    expect.extend([ r * for r in rvals])
    actual = sio.readlines()
    actual = actual[68:]
    actual = [float(v) for v in actual]

    testutil.compareCollection(self,expect, actual)
Esempio n. 10
  def testWriteSetFLFromParameters(self):
    """Test that lammps.potentials.writeSetFL() can generate the Al_zhou.eam.alloy file from LAMMPS distribution"""

    with open(os.path.join(_getResourceDirectory(), 'Al_zhou.eam.alloy'), 'r') as infile:
      expectEAMTable = _parseSetFL(infile)

    comments = [
      '#-> LAMMPS Potential File in DYNAMO 86 setfl Format <-#',
      '# Zhou Al Acta mater(2001)49:4005',
      '# Implemented by G. Ziegenhain (2007) [email protected]']

    #Density function
    def densityFunction(r):
      beta = 3.702623
      r_e  = 2.886166
      lamb = 0.790264
      f_e  = 1.392302
      num = f_e * math.exp( -beta * ( (r/r_e) - 1.0) )
      den = 1.0 + (( (r/r_e) - lamb )**20)
      return num/den

    #Embedding function
    def subembed(i, F_ni, rho_n, rho):
      return F_ni * ((rho/rho_n) - 1.0)**float(i)

    def embeddingFunction(rho):
      rho_e = 20.226537
      rho_n = 0.85 * rho_e
      rho_o = 1.15 * rho_e
      nu = 0.779208
      if rho < rho_n:
        return subembed(0, -2.806783, rho_n, rho) + \
               subembed(1, -0.276173, rho_n, rho) + \
               subembed(2,  0.893409, rho_n, rho) + \
               subembed(3, -1.637201, rho_n, rho)
      elif rho_n <= rho < rho_o:
        return subembed(0, -2.806783, rho_e, rho) + \
               subembed(1, -0.276173, rho_e, rho) + \
               subembed(2,  0.893409, rho_e, rho) + \
               subembed(3, -1.637201, rho_e, rho)
        return -2.829437 * ( 1.0 - math.log( (rho/rho_e)**nu)) * (rho/rho_e)**nu

    #Pair potential
    def ppotfunc(r):
      A = 0.251519
      alpha = 6.94219
      r_e = 2.886166
      kappa = 0.395132
      B =   0.313394
      beta = 3.702623
      lamb = 0.790264
      return ((A * math.exp( -alpha* ( (r/r_e) - 1.0) ))/ (1.0 + ( (r/r_e - kappa)**20))) - \
             ((B * math.exp( -beta * ( (r/r_e) - 1.0) ))/ (1.0 + ( (r/r_e - lamb)**20)))
    alpp = potentials.Potential('Al', 'Al', ppotfunc)

    nrho =  10001
    drho =  0.00559521603477821424
    nr   =  10001
    dr   =  0.00101014898510148996
    cutoff = 10.10250000000000092371
    eampots = [
      potentials.EAMPotential('Al', 1, 26.982,  embeddingFunction, densityFunction, latticeConstant = 4.05,  latticeType = 'FCC')]

    pairpots = [ alpp ]

    actualEAMTable = StringIO()
      nrho, drho,
      nr, dr,
      comments = comments,
      out = actualEAMTable,
      cutoff = cutoff )
    actualEAMTable = _parseSetFL(actualEAMTable)

    from . import testutil
    testutil.compareCollection(self,expectEAMTable, actualEAMTable, places = 3, percenttolerance = 7.0)
Esempio n. 11
  def testFluorite_NoPair(self):
    """Test EAM Tabulation using pair potentials for a fluorite structure"""
      os.path.join(_getResourceDirectory(), 'calc_energy.lmpin'),
      os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'calc_energy.lmpin'))

      os.path.join(_getResourceDirectory(), 'CeO2-single_cell.lmpstruct'),
      os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'structure.lmpstruct'))

    oldpwd = os.getcwd()
      with open("potentials.lmpinc", "w") as potfile:
        potfile.write("pair_style eam/fs\n")
        potfile.write("pair_coeff   *    *  eam.fs O Ce\n")
        potfile.write("replicate 4 4 4\n")

      # Now define potentials
      def erf(x):
          # save the sign of x
          sign = 1 if x >= 0 else -1
          x = abs(x)

          # constants
          a1 =  0.254829592
          a2 = -0.284496736
          a3 =  1.421413741
          a4 = -1.453152027
          a5 =  1.061405429
          p  =  0.3275911

          # A&S formula 7.1.26
          t = 1.0/(1.0 + p*x)
          y = 1.0 - (((((a5*t + a4)*t) + a3)*t + a2)*t + a1)*t*math.exp(-x*x)
          return sign*y # erf(-x) = -erf(x)

      def morse(gamma, r_star, D):
        def f(r):
          return D*(math.exp(-2.0*gamma*(r-r_star)) - 2.0*math.exp(-gamma*(r-r_star)))
        return f

      def zw(origfunc):
        def f(r):
          if r == 0.0:
            return 0.0
          return origfunc(r)
        return f

      def zeropot(r):
        return 0.0

      def embedCe(d):
        return -0.30766574471*(d**0.5)

      def embedO(d):
        return -0.690017059438*(d**0.5)

      def densityCe(r):
        a=1556.80263774 #tmpa #55,100//0.00002,0.0001
        return (a/(r**m))*0.5*(1+erf(20*(r-1.5)))

      def densityO(r):
        a=106.855913747 #tmpa #55,100//0.00002,0.0001
        return (a/(r**m))*0.5*(1+erf(20*(r-1.5)))

      functionO_Ce = zw(, 0.380516580733, 0.0), morse(1.86874578949, 2.35603812582, 0.719250701502)))
      functionO_O = zw(potentials.buck(830.283447557, 0.352856254215, 3.88437209048))
      functionCe_Ce = zw(potentials.buck(18600.0, 0.26644, 0.0))

      potO_O = potentials.Potential('O', 'O', functionO_O)
      potO_Ce = potentials.Potential('O', 'Ce', functionO_Ce)
      potCe_Ce = potentials.Potential('Ce', 'Ce', functionCe_Ce)

      eampotCe = potentials.EAMPotential('Ce', 92, 238, embedCe, {'Ce': zw(densityCe), 'O' : zw(densityO)})
      eampotO = potentials.EAMPotential('O', 8, 16, embedO, {'Ce': zw(densityCe), 'O' : zw(densityO)})

      eampots = [eampotCe, eampotO]
      pairpots = [potO_O, potO_Ce, potCe_Ce]

      drho = 0.001
      nrho = int(100.0 // drho)

      cutoff = 11.0
      dr = 0.01
      nr = int(cutoff // dr)

      with open('eam.fs', 'w') as outfile:
            nrho, drho,
            nr, dr,
            ["Yakub potential. Zero embed and density", "",""],

      energy = extractLAMMPSEnergy()
      expect = -1001.27446044
      self.assertAlmostEqual(expect, energy, places=5)
def test_potclass_testEnergy():
    potfunc = potentials.buck(1388.773, 2.76, 175)
    pot = potentials.Potential("A", "B", potfunc)
    assert pytest.approx(-10041.34343169, abs=1e-5) ==
Esempio n. 13
  def setUp(self):
    super(DLPOLYWriteTABEAMTestCase_RunDLPoly, self).setUp()
    shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(_getResourceDirectory(), 'CONTROL_CeO2'), os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'CONTROL'))
    shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(_getResourceDirectory(), 'CONFIG_CeO2'), os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'CONFIG'))
    shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(_getResourceDirectory(), 'FIELD_CeO2'), os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'FIELD'))

    # Now define potentials
    def erf(x):
        # save the sign of x
        sign = 1 if x >= 0 else -1
        x = abs(x)

        # constants
        a1 =  0.254829592
        a2 = -0.284496736
        a3 =  1.421413741
        a4 = -1.453152027
        a5 =  1.061405429
        p  =  0.3275911

        # A&S formula 7.1.26
        t = 1.0/(1.0 + p*x)
        y = 1.0 - (((((a5*t + a4)*t) + a3)*t + a2)*t + a1)*t*math.exp(-x*x)
        return sign*y # erf(-x) = -erf(x)

    def morse(gamma, r_star, D):
      def f(r):
        return D*(math.exp(-2.0*gamma*(r-r_star)) - 2.0*math.exp(-gamma*(r-r_star)))
      return f

    def zw(origfunc):
      def f(r):
        if r == 0.0:
          return 0.0
        return origfunc(r)
      return f

    def zeropot(r):
      return 0.0

    def embedCe(d):
      return -0.30766574471*(d**0.5)

    def embedO(d):
      return -0.690017059438*(d**0.5)

    def densityCe(r):
      a=1556.80263774 #tmpa #55,100//0.00002,0.0001
      return (a/(r**m))#*0.5*(1+erf(20*(r-1.5)))

    def densityO(r):
      a=106.855913747 #tmpa #55,100//0.00002,0.0001
      return (a/(r**m))#*0.5*(1+erf(20*(r-1.5)))

    functionO_Ce = zw(, 0.380516580733, 0.0), morse(1.86874578949, 2.35603812582, 0.719250701502)))
    functionO_O = zw(potentials.buck(830.283447557, 0.352856254215, 3.88437209048))
    functionCe_Ce = zw(potentials.buck(18600.0, 0.26644, 0.0))

    potO_O = potentials.Potential('O', 'O', functionO_O)
    potO_Ce = potentials.Potential('O', 'Ce', functionO_Ce)
    potCe_Ce = potentials.Potential('Ce', 'Ce', functionCe_Ce)

    eampotCe = potentials.EAMPotential('Ce', 92, 238, embedCe, zw(densityCe))
    eampotO = potentials.EAMPotential('O', 8, 16, embedO, zw(densityO))

    self.eampots = [eampotCe, eampotO]
    self.pairpots = [potO_O, potO_Ce, potCe_Ce]