Esempio n. 1
    def register_structure_hook(self, cl: Any, func: Callable[[Any, Type[T]],
        """Register a primitive-to-class converter function for a type.

        The converter function should take two arguments:
          * a Python object to be converted,
          * the type to convert to

        and return the instance of the class. The type may seem redundant, but
        is sometimes needed (for example, when dealing with generic classes).
        if attrs_has(cl):
        if is_union_type(cl):
            self._union_struct_registry[cl] = func
            self._structure_func.register_cls_list([(cl, func)])
Esempio n. 2
 def gen_structure_attrs_fromdict(self, cl: Type[T]) -> T:
     attribs = fields(cl)
     if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attribs):
         # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved.
     attrib_overrides = { self.type_overrides[a.type]
         for a in attribs if a.type in self.type_overrides
     h = make_dict_structure_fn(
     # only direct dispatch so that subclasses get separately generated
     return h
Esempio n. 3
    def gen_unstructure_attrs_fromdict(self, cl: Type[T]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        origin = get_origin(cl)
        if origin is not None:
            cl = origin
        attribs = fields(cl)
        if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attribs):
            # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved.
        attrib_overrides = {
            for a in attribs if a.type in self.type_overrides

        h = make_dict_unstructure_fn(cl,
        return h
Esempio n. 4
 def structure_attrs_fromdict(
     self, obj: Mapping[str, Any], cl: Type[T]
 ) -> T:
     attribs = fields(cl)
     if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attribs):
         # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved.
     attrib_overrides = { self.type_overrides[a.type]
         for a in attribs
         if a.type in self.type_overrides
     h = make_dict_structure_fn(cl, self, **attrib_overrides)
         [(cl, h)], no_singledispatch=True
     # only direct dispatch so that subclasses get separately generated
     return h(obj, cl)
Esempio n. 5
    def unstructure_attrs_asdict(self, obj: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        attribs = fields(obj.__class__)
        if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attribs):
            # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved.
        attrib_overrides = {
            for a in attribs
            if a.type in self.type_overrides

        h = make_dict_unstructure_fn(
        self.register_unstructure_hook(obj.__class__, h)
        return h(obj)
    def test_forward_reference(self, slots):
        Forward references can be resolved.

        @attr.s(slots=slots, auto_attribs=True)
        class A:
            a: typing.List["B"]  # noqa: will resolve below

        @attr.s(slots=slots, auto_attribs=True)
        class B:
            a: A

        assert typing.List["B"] == attr.fields(A).a.type
        assert A == attr.fields(B).a.type

        attr.resolve_types(A, globals(), locals())

        assert typing.List[B] == attr.fields(A).a.type
        assert A == attr.fields(B).a.type
    def test_basic_resolve(self):
        Resolve the `Attribute.type` attr from basic type annotations.
        Unannotated types are ignored.

        class C:
            x: "int" = attr.ib()
            y = attr.ib(type=str)
            z = attr.ib()

        assert "int" == attr.fields(C).x.type
        assert str is attr.fields(C).y.type
        assert None is attr.fields(C).z.type


        assert int is attr.fields(C).x.type
        assert str is attr.fields(C).y.type
        assert None is attr.fields(C).z.type
Esempio n. 8
    def attrs_hook_factory(cls: Type[Any],
                           gen_fn: Callable[..., Callable[[Any], Any]],
                           structuring: bool) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
        base = get_origin(cls)
        if base is None:
            base = cls
        attribs = fields(base)
        # PEP563 postponed annotations need resolving as we check Attribute.type below
        kwargs: dict[str, bool | AttributeOverride] = {}
        if structuring:
            kwargs["_cattrs_forbid_extra_keys"] = conv.forbid_extra_keys
                "_cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters"] = conv._prefer_attrib_converters
            kwargs["_cattrs_omit_if_default"] = conv.omit_if_default
        for a in attribs:
            if a.type in conv.type_overrides:
                # cattrs' gen_(un)structure_attrs_fromdict (used by default for attrs
                # classes that don't have a custom hook registered) check for any
                # type_overrides (Dict[Type, AttributeOverride]); they allow a custom
                # converter to omit specific attributes of given type e.g.:
                # >>> conv = GenConverter(type_overrides={Image: override(omit=True)})
                attrib_override = conv.type_overrides[a.type]
                # by default, we omit all Optional attributes (i.e. with None default),
                # overriding a Converter's global 'omit_if_default' option. Specific
                # attibutes can still define their own 'omit_if_default' behavior in
                # the Attribute.metadata dict.
                attrib_override = override(
                                                   a.default is None or None),
              [1:] if[0] == "_" else None),
                    omit=not a.init,
            kwargs[] = attrib_override

        return gen_fn(cls, conv, **kwargs)
    def test_resolve_types_auto_attrib(self, slots):
        Types can be resolved even when strings are involved.

        @attr.s(slots=slots, auto_attribs=True)
        class A:
            a: typing.List[int]
            b: typing.List["int"]
            c: "typing.List[int]"

        assert typing.List[int] == attr.fields(A).a.type
        assert typing.List["int"] == attr.fields(A).b.type
        assert "typing.List[int]" == attr.fields(A).c.type

        # Note: I don't have to pass globals and locals here because
        # int is a builtin and will be available in any scope.

        assert typing.List[int] == attr.fields(A).a.type
        assert typing.List[int] == attr.fields(A).b.type
        assert typing.List[int] == attr.fields(A).c.type
Esempio n. 10
def make_dict_structure_fn(cl: Type, converter, **kwargs):
    """Generate a specialized dict structuring function for an attrs class."""
    cl_name = cl.__name__
    fn_name = "structure_" + cl_name
    globs = {"__c_s": converter.structure, "__cl": cl}
    lines = []
    post_lines = []

    attrs = cl.__attrs_attrs__

    if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attrs):
        # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved.

    lines.append(f"def {fn_name}(o, _):")
    lines.append("  res = {")
    for a in attrs:
        an =
        override = kwargs.pop(an, _neutral)
        type = a.type
        ian = an if an[0] != "_" else an[1:]
        kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename
        globs[f"__c_t_{an}"] = type
        if a.default is NOTHING:
            lines.append(f"    '{ian}': __c_s(o['{kn}'], __c_t_{an}),")
            post_lines.append(f"  if '{kn}' in o:")
                f"    res['{ian}'] = __c_s(o['{kn}'], __c_t_{an})")
    lines.append("    }")

    total_lines = lines + post_lines + ["  return __cl(**res)"]

    eval(compile("\n".join(total_lines), "", "exec"), globs)

    fn = globs[fn_name]

    return fn
Esempio n. 11
    y: int

@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
class ProtectedFields:
    public: str
    _protected: str

class MyEnum(Enum):
    VALUE1 = 1
    VALUE_WHAT = 1337
    ENUM_NAMES_YEEE = 25252


# Needed for attr.s(slots=True), and __subclasses__ to work correctly.

TEST_DATA: List[Tuple[TypeOrGeneric, Any, Any]] = [
    (int, 5, 5), (str, 'lel', 'lel'), (bool, True, True),
    (type(None), None, None), (List[int], [2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4]),
    (List[List[int]], [[2], [3, 4]], [[2], [3, 4]]),
    (Tuple[int, str, int], (2, '1234', 4), [2, '1234', 4]),
    (Tuple[int, Tuple[str, int],
           int], (2, ('1234', 5), 4), [2, ['1234', 5], 4]),
    (Tuple[int, List[Tuple[str, int]],
           int], (2, [('1234', 5),
                      ('abcd', 15)], 4), [2, [['1234', 5], ['abcd', 15]], 4]),
    (Tuple[int, ...], (2, 3, 4), [2, 3, 4]),
Esempio n. 12
def make_dict_structure_fn(cl: Type, converter, **kwargs):
    """Generate a specialized dict structuring function for an attrs class."""

    mapping = None
    if is_generic(cl):
        base = get_origin(cl)
        mapping = generate_mapping(cl, mapping)
        cl = base

    for base in getattr(cl, "__orig_bases__", ()):
        if is_generic(base) and not str(base).startswith("typing.Generic"):
            mapping = generate_mapping(base, mapping)

    if isinstance(cl, TypeVar):
        cl = getattr(mapping, cl.__name__, cl)

    cl_name = cl.__name__
    fn_name = "structure_" + cl_name

    # We have generic paramters and need to generate a unique name for the function
    for p in getattr(cl, "__parameters__", ()):
        # This is nasty, I am not sure how best to handle `typing.List[str]` or `TClass[int, int]` as a parameter type here
        name_base = getattr(mapping, p.__name__)
        name = getattr(name_base, "__name__", str(name_base))
        name = re.sub(r"[\[\.\] ,]", "_", name)
        fn_name += f"_{name}"

    globs = {"__c_s": converter.structure, "__cl": cl, "__m": mapping}
    lines = []
    post_lines = []

    attrs = cl.__attrs_attrs__

    if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attrs):
        # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved.

    lines.append(f"def {fn_name}(o, *_):")
    lines.append("  res = {")
    for a in attrs:
        an =
        override = kwargs.pop(an, _neutral)
        type = a.type
        if isinstance(type, TypeVar):
            type = getattr(mapping, type.__name__, type)

        ian = an if an[0] != "_" else an[1:]
        kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename
        globs[f"__c_t_{an}"] = type
        if a.default is NOTHING:
            lines.append(f"    '{ian}': __c_s(o['{kn}'], __c_t_{an}),")
            post_lines.append(f"  if '{kn}' in o:")
                f"    res['{ian}'] = __c_s(o['{kn}'], __c_t_{an})"
    lines.append("    }")

    total_lines = lines + post_lines + ["  return __cl(**res)"]

    eval(compile("\n".join(total_lines), "", "exec"), globs)

    return globs[fn_name]
Esempio n. 13
 def hook(cls, attribs):
     attr.resolve_types(cls, attribs=attribs)
     return [a.evolve(converter=a.type) for a in attribs]
Esempio n. 14
 def hook(cls, attribs):
     attr.resolve_types(cls, attribs=attribs)
     return [a for a in attribs if a.type is not int]
Esempio n. 15
 def hook(cls, attribs):
     attr.resolve_types(cls, attribs=attribs)
     results[:] = [(, a.type) for a in attribs]
     return attribs
Esempio n. 16
def make_dict_structure_fn(
    cl: Type,
    converter: "Converter",
    _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: bool = False,
    _cattrs_use_linecache: bool = True,
    _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters: bool = False,
    """Generate a specialized dict structuring function for an attrs class."""

    mapping = {}
    if is_generic(cl):
        base = get_origin(cl)
        mapping = _generate_mapping(cl, mapping)
        cl = base

    for base in getattr(cl, "__orig_bases__", ()):
        if is_generic(base) and not str(base).startswith("typing.Generic"):
            mapping = _generate_mapping(base, mapping)

    if isinstance(cl, TypeVar):
        cl = mapping.get(cl.__name__, cl)

    cl_name = cl.__name__
    fn_name = "structure_" + cl_name

    # We have generic parameters and need to generate a unique name for the function
    for p in getattr(cl, "__parameters__", ()):
        # This is nasty, I am not sure how best to handle `typing.List[str]` or `TClass[int, int]` as a parameter type here
        name_base = mapping[p.__name__]
        name = getattr(name_base, "__name__", None) or str(name_base)
        name = re.sub(r"[\[\.\] ,]", "_", name)
        fn_name += f"_{name}"

    globs = {"__c_s": converter.structure, "__cl": cl}
    lines = []
    post_lines = []

    attrs = adapted_fields(cl)
    is_dc = is_dataclass(cl)

    if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attrs):
        # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved.

    lines.append(f"def {fn_name}(o, *_):")
    lines.append("  res = {")
    for a in attrs:
        an =
        override = kwargs.pop(an, _neutral)
        t = a.type
        if isinstance(t, TypeVar):
            t = mapping.get(t.__name__, t)
        elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t):
            concrete_types = tuple(
                mapping.get(t.__name__, t) if isinstance(t, TypeVar) or (
                    getattr(t, "__name__", None) and is_generic(t)) else t
                for t in get_args(t))
            t = copy_with(t, concrete_types)

        # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now.
        # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be
        # regenerated.
        if a.converter is not None and _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters:
            handler = None
        elif (a.converter is not None and not _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters
              and t is not None):
            handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(t)
            if handler == converter._structure_error:
                handler = None
        elif t is not None:
            handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(t)
            handler = converter.structure

        struct_handler_name = f"structure_{an}"
        globs[struct_handler_name] = handler

        ian = an if (is_dc or an[0] != "_") else an[1:]
        kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename
        globs[f"type_{an}"] = t
        if a.default is NOTHING:
            if handler:
                    f"    '{ian}': {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], type_{an}),"
                lines.append(f"    '{ian}': o['{kn}'],")
            post_lines.append(f"  if '{kn}' in o:")
            if handler:
                    f"    res['{ian}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], type_{an})"
                post_lines.append(f"    res['{ian}'] = o['{kn}']")

    lines.append("    }")
    if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys:
        allowed_fields = { for a in attrs}
        globs["__c_a"] = allowed_fields
        post_lines += [
            "  unknown_fields = set(o.keys()) - __c_a",
            "  if unknown_fields:",
            "    raise Exception(",
            f"      'Extra fields in constructor for {cl_name}: ' + ', '.join(unknown_fields)"
            "    )",

    total_lines = lines + post_lines + ["  return __cl(**res)"]

    fname = _generate_unique_filename(cl,
    script = "\n".join(total_lines)
    eval(compile(script, fname, "exec"), globs)
    if _cattrs_use_linecache:
        linecache.cache[fname] = len(script), None, total_lines, fname

    return globs[fn_name]
Esempio n. 17
    EVERYONE_MENTIONS = 'everyone'

class AllowedMentions:
    #: An array of allowed mention types to parse from the contentyping.
    parse: typing.List[AllowedMentionTypes]
    #: Array of role_ids to mention (Max size of 100)
    roles: typing.List[Snowflake]
    #: Array of user_ids to mention (Max size of 100)
    users: typing.List[Snowflake]
    #: For replies, whether to mention the author of the message being replied
    #: to (default false)
    replied_user: bool

class ResponseBody:
    #: the private, archived threads the current user has joined
    threads: typing.List[Channel]
    #: a thread member object for each returned thread the current user has
    #: joined
    members: typing.List[ThreadMember]
    #: whether there are potentially additional threads that could be returned
    #: on a subsequent call
    has_more: bool

# TODO: blocked on
attr.resolve_types(Channel, globals(), locals())
Esempio n. 18
def make_dict_structure_fn(cl: Type,
                           _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: bool = False,
    """Generate a specialized dict structuring function for an attrs class."""

    mapping = None
    if is_generic(cl):
        base = get_origin(cl)
        mapping = generate_mapping(cl, mapping)
        cl = base

    for base in getattr(cl, "__orig_bases__", ()):
        if is_generic(base) and not str(base).startswith("typing.Generic"):
            mapping = generate_mapping(base, mapping)

    if isinstance(cl, TypeVar):
        cl = getattr(mapping, cl.__name__, cl)

    cl_name = cl.__name__
    fn_name = "structure_" + cl_name

    # We have generic parameters and need to generate a unique name for the function
    for p in getattr(cl, "__parameters__", ()):
        # This is nasty, I am not sure how best to handle `typing.List[str]` or `TClass[int, int]` as a parameter type here
        name_base = getattr(mapping, p.__name__)
        name = getattr(name_base, "__name__", str(name_base))
        name = re.sub(r"[\[\.\] ,]", "_", name)
        fn_name += f"_{name}"

    globs = {"__c_s": converter.structure, "__cl": cl, "__m": mapping}
    lines = []
    post_lines = []

    attrs = adapted_fields(cl)
    is_dc = is_dataclass(cl)

    if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attrs):
        # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved.

    lines.append(f"def {fn_name}(o, *_):")
    lines.append("  res = {")
    for a in attrs:
        an =
        override = kwargs.pop(an, _neutral)
        type = a.type
        if isinstance(type, TypeVar):
            type = getattr(mapping, type.__name__, type)

        # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now.
        # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be
        # regenerated.
        if type is not None:
            handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(type)
            handler = converter.structure

        struct_handler_name = f"__cattr_struct_handler_{an}"
        globs[struct_handler_name] = handler

        ian = an if (is_dc or an[0] != "_") else an[1:]
        kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename
        globs[f"__c_t_{an}"] = type
        if a.default is NOTHING:
                f"    '{ian}': {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], __c_t_{an}),")
            post_lines.append(f"  if '{kn}' in o:")
                f"    res['{ian}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], __c_t_{an})"
    lines.append("    }")
    if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys:
        allowed_fields = { for a in attrs}
        globs["__c_a"] = allowed_fields
        post_lines += [
            "  unknown_fields = set(o.keys()) - __c_a",
            "  if unknown_fields:",
            "    raise Exception(",
            f"      'Extra fields in constructor for {cl_name}: ' + ', '.join(unknown_fields)"
            "    )",

    total_lines = lines + post_lines + ["  return __cl(**res)"]

    eval(compile("\n".join(total_lines), "", "exec"), globs)

    return globs[fn_name]
Esempio n. 19
        return cls(

# This converts the field Provenance.dep_digests from a forward reference to a real
# type; if we don't do this, cattr will fail to handle it properly. (This could also be
# resolved by adding a structure hook for ForwardReference('ProvenanceDigest'), but
# that isn't available in Python 3.6. It can be accessed as _ForwardReference, but that
# seemed to cause the interpreter to abort unpredictably in our tests so I didn't want
# to use it. Similarly, we can use `from __future__ import annotations` to remove
# the need forward references, but that also isn't available in 3.6.)
METADATA_CONVERTER = cattr.Converter()

# TODO It would be nice if this contained an Artifact object instead of the separate
# URL and hash, but that will require changing the cache schema. Maybe we can do this
# along with the next schema-breaking change.
class ArtifactMetadataRecord:
    Describes a persisted artifact.  Intended to be stored as a YAML file.

    artifact: Artifact = attr.ib()
    descriptor: str = attr.ib()
    provenance: Provenance = attr.ib()
Esempio n. 20
    voice_media: Optional[VoiceMediaItem] = None
    animated_media: Optional[AnimatedMediaItem] = None
    visual_media: Optional[VisualMedia] = None
    media_share: Optional[MediaShareItem] = None
    direct_media_share: Optional[DirectMediaShareItem] = None
    reel_share: Optional[ReelShareItem] = None
    story_share: Optional[StoryShareItem] = None
    location: Optional[Location] = None
    reactions: Optional[Reactions] = None
    like: Optional[str] = None
    link: Optional[LinkItem] = None
    clip: Optional[ClipItem] = None
    felix_share: Optional[FelixShareItem] = None
    profile: Optional[ProfileItem] = None

    def deserialize(cls, data: JSON, catch_errors: bool = True) -> Union["ThreadItem", Obj]:
        if not catch_errors:
            return _dict_to_attrs(cls, data)
            return _dict_to_attrs(cls, data)
        except SerializerError:
            log.debug("Failed to deserialize ThreadItem %s", data)
            return Obj(**data)

# This resolves the 'ThreadItem' string into an actual type.
# Starting Python 3.10, all type annotations will be strings and have to be resolved like this.
# TODO do this automatically for all SerializableAttrs somewhere in mautrix-python
Esempio n. 21
    guild_id: Snowflake
    #: all active threads in the given channels that the current user can
    #: access
    threads: typing.List[Channel]
    #: all thread member objects from the synced threads for the current user,
    #: indicating which threads the current user has been added to
    members: typing.List[ThreadMember]
    #: the parent channel ids whose threads are being synced. If omitted, then
    #: threads were synced for the entire guild. This array may contain
    #: channel_ids that have no active threads as well, so you know to clear
    #: that data.
    channel_ids: Unknownish[typing.List[Snowflake]] = UNKNOWN

# TODO: blocked on

class ThreadMemberUpdateEvent(ThreadMember):
    guild_id: Snowflake

class ThreadMembersUpdateEvent:
    #: the id of the thread
    id: Snowflake
    #: the id of the guild
    guild_id: Snowflake
    #: the approximate number of members in the thread, capped at 50
    member_count: int