Esempio n. 1
def handle_auction_server_callback(auction_req):

  # update number of messages in parameter server
    if rospy.has_param('/num_messages'):
        num_messages = rospy.get_param('/num_messages')
        num_messages += 2
        rospy.set_param('/num_messages', num_messages)

    # Create a bid messsage to put an offer for the item in auction_req!    
    bid_response = auction_msgs.msg.Bid()
    bid_response.header.frame_id = 'base_link' # to be rechecked
    bid_response.header.stamp =
    bid_response.buyer_id = rospy.get_name()          
    if auction_req.auction_data.metrics == "distance":
        # to be given by the cost to go to position of the ocurring event
        # the cost for the metrics==distance is calculated using the euclidean
        # distance between the parameter position of the node and the task_position
        # given in the auction_req
        node_position = eval(rospy.get_param('~position'))
        x = float(node_position[0])-auction_req.auction_data.task_location.x
        y = float(node_position[1])-auction_req.auction_data.task_location.y
        z = float(node_position[2])-auction_req.auction_data.task_location.z
        bid_response.cost_distance = float(math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z))
        rospy.loginfo("Metrics unkown")
        bid_response.cost_distance = 999999;

    # Relay information to neighbour nodes!
    neighbour_nodes_relay_list = auction_common.create_neighbour_nodes_list(auction_req)
    if neighbour_nodes_relay_list:              

        # Prepare auction information
        if auction_req.auction_data.command == 'join_auction':
            role = 'be_buyer'
            role = 'none'
        auction_req.sending_node = rospy.get_name()

        # updated nodes_collected
        if rospy.has_param('/nodes_collected'):
            auction_req.nodes_collected = rospy.get_param('/nodes_collected')+','+rospy.get_name()
            auction_req.nodes_collected = rospy.get_param('~neighbour_nodes_list')

        # call the Auction Service from each neighbour of the node
        for node in neighbour_nodes_relay_list:                  
            # obtain response from neighbour buyer node (in k=1)                 
            bid_response_neighbour_node = auction_common.neighbour_node_auction_client(node,auction_req)
            if bid_response_neighbour_node.cost_distance < bid_response.cost_distance:
                bid_response.buyer_id= bid_response_neighbour_node.buyer_id
                bid_response.cost_distance= bid_response_neighbour_node.cost_distance
    # return best bid
    return {'response_info': 'valid'+rospy.get_name(), 'bid_data':bid_response}
Esempio n. 2
def handle_auction_server_callback(auction_req):

    # update number of messages in parameter server
    if rospy.has_param('/num_messages'):
        num_messages = rospy.get_param('/num_messages')
        num_messages += 2
        rospy.set_param('/num_messages', num_messages)

    # Create a bid messsage to put an offer for the item in auction_req!
    bid_response = auction_msgs.msg.Bid()
    bid_response.header.frame_id = 'base_link'  # to be rechecked
    bid_response.header.stamp =
    bid_response.buyer_id = rospy.get_name()

    if auction_req.auction_data.metrics == "distance":
        # to be given by the cost to go to position of the ocurring event
        # the cost for the metrics==distance is calculated using the euclidean
        # distance between the parameter position of the node and the task_position
        # given in the auction_req
        node_position = eval(rospy.get_param('~position'))
        x = float(node_position[0]) - auction_req.auction_data.task_location.x
        y = float(node_position[1]) - auction_req.auction_data.task_location.y
        z = float(node_position[2]) - auction_req.auction_data.task_location.z
        bid_response.cost_distance = float(math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z))
        rospy.loginfo("Metrics unkown")
        bid_response.cost_distance = 999999

    # Relay information to neighbour nodes!
    neighbour_nodes_relay_list = auction_common.create_neighbour_nodes_list(

    if neighbour_nodes_relay_list:

        # Prepare auction information
        if auction_req.auction_data.command == 'join_auction':
            role = 'be_buyer'
            role = 'none'
        auction_req.sending_node = rospy.get_name()

        # updated nodes_collected
        if rospy.has_param('/nodes_collected'):
            auction_req.nodes_collected = rospy.get_param(
                '/nodes_collected') + ',' + rospy.get_name()
            rospy.set_param('/nodes_collected', auction_req.nodes_collected)
            auction_req.nodes_collected = rospy.get_param(

        # call the Auction Service from each neighbour of the node
        for node in neighbour_nodes_relay_list:
            # obtain response from neighbour buyer node (in k=1)
            bid_response_neighbour_node = auction_common.neighbour_node_auction_client(
                node, auction_req)

            if bid_response_neighbour_node.cost_distance < bid_response.cost_distance:
                bid_response.buyer_id = bid_response_neighbour_node.buyer_id
                bid_response.cost_distance = bid_response_neighbour_node.cost_distance

    # return best bid
    return {
        'response_info': 'valid' + rospy.get_name(),
        'bid_data': bid_response
def handle_auction_server_callback(auction_req):

    # define global variables
    global winner_id
    global winner_cost    

    # update number of messages in parameter server
    if rospy.has_param('/num_messages'):
        num_messages = rospy.get_param('/num_messages')
        num_messages += 2
        rospy.set_param('/num_messages', num_messages)

    # check for auction_req.auction_data.command (if close_auction -> clear role assignment
    if auction_req.auction_data.command == 'close_auction':
        auction_req.role = 'none'
        # Calculates its own bid offer for the item in auction_req
        #return {'response_info': 'invalid_bid'}

    elif auction_req.auction_data.command == 'join_auction':         
        # Obtain nodes list to relay information with k=1
        neighbour_nodes_relay_list = auction_common.create_neighbour_nodes_list(auction_req)        
        # Change sending_node in auction_req to be sent to neighbour nodes
        auction_req.sending_node = rospy.get_name()

        # updated nodes_collected
        if rospy.has_param('/nodes_collected'):
            auction_req.nodes_collected = rospy.get_param('/nodes_collected')+','+rospy.get_name()
            auction_req.nodes_collected = rospy.get_param('~neighbour_nodes_list')

        auction_req.role = "be_buyer"
        # Call the Auction Service from each neighbour node
        for node in neighbour_nodes_relay_list:
            # obtain response from neighbour buyer node (in k=1), relaying auction_req
            bid_response = auction_common.neighbour_node_auction_client(node, auction_req)

            # Evaluate bids, Min(cost_distance)    
            if winner_cost >= bid_response.cost_distance:
                if bid_response.buyer_id != '':
                    winner_cost = bid_response.cost_distance
                    winner_id = bid_response.buyer_id
                # log info for momentary winner
                # rospy.loginfo("(winning at the moment) %s with offer %d",winner_id, winner_cost)
        # verbose for auction status (received all the bids)
        rospy.loginfo("winner was: %s with offer %d",winner_id, winner_cost)

        # (close auction and inform winner) 
        # (client to neighbour nodes with close_auction req)
        # (in close_auction req the nodes reset their roles!!)
        # Change the command in auction_req to be sent to neighbour nodes
        auction_req.auction_data.command = "close_auction"
        # Call the Auction Service Reset from each neighbour node
        for node in neighbour_nodes_relay_list:
            # obtain response from neighbour buyer node (in k=1), relaying auction_req
            reset_response = auction_common.neighbour_node_auction_client(node, auction_req)

            # Ok, now we can reset our role
            role_assigned = False
            node_role = 'none'
        return {'response_info': 'valid', 'bid_data':bid_response}
    # return response
    # return auction_srvs.srv.AuctionServiceResponse(bid_response)
    return {'response_info': 'valid', 'bid_data':bid_response}