Esempio n. 1
    def play_interval(self, interval):
        # Finds 2 note frequencies in Hz with the given configuration
        if self.is_up is None:
            direction = random.choice([-1, 1])
            direction = 1 if self.is_up else -1
        note1 = lz.MIDI_A4 + random.randint(-15, 5) # Semitones (MIDI pitch)
        note2 = note1 + interval * direction
        freq1 = lz.midi2freq(note1) * Hz
        freq2 = lz.midi2freq(note2) * Hz

        # Creates the audio generators for each note
        audio1 = SYNTH_ENVELOPE * synth_table(freq1)
        audio2 = SYNTH_ENVELOPE * synth_table(freq2)

        # Play it in another thread
        audio = lz.chain(audio1, audio2, SYNTH_PAUSE_AT_END), rate=rate)
Esempio n. 2
def makeit(midipitches, rhythm, truetempo, tunenumber):
    frequencies = []
    for i in range(len(midipitches)):
    times = []
    for j in range(len(rhythm)):
        times.append((60 / truetempo) * 4 * rhythm[j])

    thestring = "OHz=["
    for k in range(len(frequencies)):
        thestring = thestring + " " + str(frequencies[k])
    thestring = thestring + ";"
    for l in range(len(times)):
        thestring = thestring + " " + str(times[l])
    thestring = thestring + "]"
    tunenumber += 1
    with open("tunes/matricies/tune" + str(tunenumber) + ".txt",
              "w") as matrix_file:
Esempio n. 3

from audiolazy import (str2midi, midi2freq, saw_table, sHz, Streamix, Stream,
                       line, AudioIO, chunks)
import sys
    import tkinter
except ImportError:
    import Tkinter as tkinter

keys = "awsedftgyhujkolp;"  # Chromatic scale
first_note = str2midi("C3")

pairs = list(enumerate(keys.upper(), first_note + 12)) + \
        list(enumerate(keys, first_note))
notes = {k: midi2freq(idx) for idx, k in pairs}
synth = saw_table

txt = """
Press keys

W E   T Y U   O P
A S D F G H J K L ;

The above should be
seen as piano keys.

Using lower/upper
letters changes the
Esempio n. 4

from audiolazy import (str2midi, midi2freq, saw_table, sHz, Streamix, Stream,
                       line, AudioIO, chunks)
import sys
  import tkinter
except ImportError:
  import Tkinter as tkinter

keys = "awsedftgyhujkolp;" # Chromatic scale
first_note = str2midi("C3")

pairs = list(enumerate(keys.upper(), first_note + 12)) + \
        list(enumerate(keys, first_note))
notes = {k: midi2freq(idx) for idx, k in pairs}
synth = saw_table

txt = """
Press keys

W E   T Y U   O P
A S D F G H J K L ;

The above should be
seen as piano keys.

Using lower/upper
letters changes the
def GenerateOpenSCAD(var, cs, SA, HL, pipe, TU, SD, M, F, T):
    SEGMENTS = 48  # solidpython variable

    for midinr in var:
        inputorder = var.index(midinr)
        f = midi2freq(int(midinr))  # get frequency by midi nr
        WL = cs / f  # wavelength in mm
        ILA = WL / 2  # internal length
        L69 = ((cs / midi2freq(69)) / 2)  # internal length of midi nr 69
        IW = L69 * 2**((69 - int(midinr)) / M) / 12  # internal width
        IL = cs / (2 * f)  # calculate internal length

        def openclosedmeasurements():
            if pipe == "Closed":
                l = 0.52 * IL + IW + F
                mh = (3.018 - (0.233 * (math.log(f))))**5
                return l, mh
            elif pipe == "Open":
                l = 1.03 * IL - IW + F
                mh = 550 / 2**(math.log(f))
                return l, mh

        L, MH = openclosedmeasurements()  # L = length; MH=Mouth Height

        a, b, c, A, B, C = solve(a=T - HL, A=SA * degree, B=90 * degree)
        LL = c  # length labium

        Wb = IW + 2 * T  # width back
        Ws = IW  # width sides

        BPl = F + IW  # bottom plug length
        BPw = IW  # bottom plug width
        BPt = IW  # bottom plug thickness

        Cl = F + IW  # cover length
        Cw = IW + 2 * T  # cover width

        Gl = F + 2 * IW  # gasket length
        Gw = IW + 2 * T  # gasket width

        Fl = L - MH - F - IW  # Front length

        if inputorder == 0:
            startpoint = 0
            scadcode = assembly(startpoint, Wb, L, T, Ws, Cw, Cl, Fl, HL, LL,
                                IW, TU, SD, pipe)
            startpoint = 2 * Wb + 2 * Ws + IW + 5 * 10
            scadcode = scadcode.add(
                assembly(startpoint, Wb, L, T, Ws, Cw, Cl, Fl, HL, LL, IW, TU,
                         SD, pipe))
            startpoint = startpoint + (2 * Wb + 2 * Ws + IW + 5 * 10)

    scad_string_dirty = scad_render(scadcode)
    scad_string = scad_string_dirty.replace(
        scad_string_dirty[scad_string_dirty.find("<") +
        basename(scad_string_dirty[scad_string_dirty.find("<") +

    static_directory = '/static'
    out_dir = os.getcwd() + static_directory
    in_memory = io.BytesIO()
    z = zipfile.ZipFile(in_memory, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
    z.writestr('pipes.scad', scad_string)
    z.write(os.path.join(out_dir, "prism.scad"), "prism.scad")
    return (in_memory)
Esempio n. 6
  inoisy_thub = thub(inoisy_stream.append(0).limit(beat_duration),
  inoisy = chain.from_iterable(repeat(inoisy_thub).limit(starting_beats))
  smix.add(.1 * s, inoisy)
  smix.add(starting_beats * beat_duration - dur, []) # Event timing

# Wavetable lookup initialization
square_table = TableLookup([1] * 256 + [-1] * 256)
harmonics = dict(enumerate([1, 3, 2, 1, .3, .1, .7, .9, 1, 1, .5, .4, .2], 1))
table = sin_table.harmonize(harmonics).normalize()
mem_table = (3 * saw_table + (sin_table - saw_table) ** 3).normalize()

# Notes synth
midi_tuning = str2midi([gs.tune for gs in guitar])
midi_pitches = [midi_tuning[string_idx] + fret for string_idx, fret in notes]
for freq in midi2freq(midi_pitches):
  ks_memory = .1 * gauss_noise() + .9 * mem_table(freq * Hz)
  ks_snd = distortion(karplus_strong(freq * Hz,
                                     tau=.2 * s,
  tl_snd = .5 * table(freq * Hz) * env
  smix.add(dur, .5 * ks_snd + .5 * tl_snd)

# Shows synthesis wavetables
pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)
pylab.title("Table lookup waveform")
pylab.axis(xmax=len(table) - 1)
pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
pylab.title("Karplus-strong memory (besides noise)")
Esempio n. 7
    inoisy_thub = thub(
        inoisy_stream.append(0).limit(beat_duration), starting_beats)
    inoisy = chain.from_iterable(repeat(inoisy_thub).limit(starting_beats))
    smix.add(.1 * s, inoisy)
    smix.add(starting_beats * beat_duration - dur, [])  # Event timing

# Wavetable lookup initialization
square_table = TableLookup([1] * 256 + [-1] * 256)
harmonics = dict(enumerate([1, 3, 2, 1, .3, .1, .7, .9, 1, 1, .5, .4, .2], 1))
table = sin_table.harmonize(harmonics).normalize()
mem_table = (3 * saw_table + (sin_table - saw_table)**3).normalize()

# Notes synth
midi_tuning = str2midi([gs.tune for gs in guitar])
midi_pitches = [midi_tuning[string_idx] + fret for string_idx, fret in notes]
for freq in midi2freq(midi_pitches):
    ks_memory = .1 * gauss_noise() + .9 * mem_table(freq * Hz)
    ks_snd = distortion(karplus_strong(freq * Hz, tau=.2 * s,
    tl_snd = .5 * table(freq * Hz) * env
    smix.add(dur, .5 * ks_snd + .5 * tl_snd)

# Shows synthesis wavetables
pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)
pylab.title("Table lookup waveform")
pylab.axis(xmax=len(table) - 1)
pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
pylab.title("Karplus-strong memory (besides noise)")
pylab.axis(xmax=len(mem_table) - 1)