Esempio n. 1
 def test_StreamCollection(self):
     a = Stream([0, 1, 2, 3])
     b = Stream([5, 6, 7, 8])
     c = Stream([-1, -2, -3])
     coll = StreamCollection([a, b, c])
     self.assertEquals(a.peek(4), coll.take(4))
     self.assertEquals(b.peek(4), coll.take(4))
     self.assertEquals(c.peek(3), coll.take(3))
Esempio n. 2
def get_fundfreq(fs, audio, order=12, mode='covariance'):
    import audiolazy as AL
    from audiolazy import Stream

    modes = {'covariance', 'autocorrelation'}
    if mode not in modes:
        raise Exception(
            "The value for mode needs to be either 'covariance' or 'autocorrelation'"
    if mode == 'covariance':
        filt_func = AL.lpc.covariance
    if mode == 'autocorrelation':
        filt_func = AL.lpc.autocorrelation

    inv_filt = filt_func(audio, order)
    sig = audio.copy()
    sig_ = inv_filt(Stream(sig)).take(len(sig))
    sub = sig - sig_
    autocorr = np.correlate(sub, sub, 'same')
    autocorr = autocorr[int(len(autocorr) / 2):]
    ind_locmax = np.squeeze(argrelextrema(autocorr, np.greater))
    locmax = autocorr[ind_locmax]
    pitch_period = ind_locmax[np.argmax(locmax)]
    fundamental_freq = fs / pitch_period

    return fundamental_freq
def taylor(f, n=2, **kwargs):
  Taylor/Mclaurin polynomial aproximation for the given function.
  The ``n`` (default 2) is the amount of aproximation terms for ``f``. Other
  arguments are keyword-only and will be passed to the ``f.series`` method.
    return sum(Stream(f.series(n=None, **kwargs)).limit(n))
def get_peaks(blk, neighbors=2):
  Get all peak indices in blk (sorted by index value) but the ones at the
  vector limits (first and last ``neighbors - 1`` values). A peak is the max
  value in a neighborhood of ``neighbors`` values for each side.
  size = 1 + 2 * neighbors
  pairs = enumerate(Stream(blk).blocks(size=size, hop=1).map(list), neighbors)
  for idx, nbhood in pairs:
    center = nbhood.pop(neighbors)
    if all(center >= el for el in nbhood):
      yield idx
      next(pairs) # Skip ones we already know can't be peaks
Esempio n. 5
def mgl_seq(x):
  Sequence whose sum is the Madhava-Gregory-Leibniz series.

    [x,  -x^3/3, x^5/5, -x^7/7, x^9/9, -x^11/11, ...]

    An endless sequence that has the property
    ``atan(x) = sum(mgl_seq(x))``.
    Usually you would use the ``atan()`` function, not this one.

  odd_numbers = thub(count(start=1, step=2), 2)
  return Stream(1, -1) * x ** odd_numbers / odd_numbers
Esempio n. 6
def test(filepath):
    fs, audio = wavread(filepath)
    # IPython.display.Audio(filepath)
    import audiolazy as AL
    from audiolazy import Stream
    filt = AL.lpc.covariance(audio, order=10)
    sig = audio.copy()
    s = Stream(audio.copy())
    sig_ = filt(s).take(len(sig))
    N = -600
    plt.plot(sig[N:], linewidth=0.5, label='Original signal $s[n]$')
             label=u'Filtered $\hat{s}[n]$',
    plt.plot(sig[N:] - sig_[N:], linewidth=0.5, label=u'$s[n] - \hat{s}[n]$')
Esempio n. 7
def limiter(sig, threshold=.1, size=256, env=envelope.rms, cutoff=pi / 2048):
    sig = thub(sig, 2)
    return sig * Stream(1. if el <= threshold else threshold / el
                        for el in maverage(size)(env(sig, cutoff=cutoff)))
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
LPTV (Linear Periodically Time Variant) filter example (a.k.a. PLTV)

from audiolazy import sHz, sinusoid, Stream, AudioIO, z, pi, chunks
import time, sys

# Basic initialization
rate = 44100
s, Hz = sHz(rate)

# Some time-variant coefficients
cycle_a1 = [.1, .2, .1, 0, -.1, -.2, -.1, 0]
cycle_a2 = [.1, 0, -.1, 0, 0]
a1 = Stream(*cycle_a1)
a2 = Stream(*cycle_a2) * 2
b1 = sinusoid(18 * Hz)  # Sine phase
b2 = sinusoid(freq=7 * Hz, phase=pi / 2)  # Cosine phase

# The filter
filt = (1 + b1 * z**-1 + b2 * z**-2 + .7 * z**-5)
filt /= (1 - a1 * z**-1 - a2 * z**-2 - .1 * z**-3)

# A really simple input
input_data = sinusoid(220 * Hz)

# Let's play it!
api = sys.argv[1] if sys.argv[1:] else None  # Choose API via command-line
chunks.size = 1 if api == "jack" else 16
with AudioIO(api=api) as player:
def dft_pitch(sig, size=2048, hop=None):
    for blk in Stream(sig).blocks(size=size, hop=hop):
        dft_data = rfft(blk)
        idx, vmax = max(enumerate(dft_data),
                        key=lambda el: abs(el[1]) / (2 * el[0] / size + 1))
        yield 2 * pi * idx / size
Esempio n. 10
def overlap_correlation(wnd, hop):
    """ Overlap correlation percent for the given overlap hop in samples. """
    return sum(wnd * Stream(wnd).skip(hop)) / sum(el**2 for el in wnd)
Esempio n. 11
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# MIT Licenced
# @authors: Danilo J. S. Bellini
#           Eduardo F. Mendes
#           Renato G. Rodrigues
#           Victor Mendizabal
#           Otto Heringer
#           Danilo Vieira
# Regular time-alternated one-LED blinking with AudioLazy for Raspberry Pi

import RPi.GPIO as gpio
from time import sleep
from audiolazy import Stream

gpio.setup(11, gpio.OUT)

for idx, delay in enumerate(Stream(1, 2, 2, 1)):
    gpio.output(11, int(idx % 2 == 0))
    sleep(delay * .2)