Esempio n. 1
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = copy.deepcopy(self.datalist[idx])
        img_id, img_name, cam_param, bbox, smpl_param, img_shape = data[
            'img_id'], data['img_name'], data['cam_param'], data['bbox'], data[
                'smpl_param'], data['img_shape']
        flip, rot = augm_params(is_train=(self.data_split == 'train'))

        # smpl coordinates
        smpl_mesh_coord_cam, smpl_joint_coord_cam = self.get_smpl_coord(
        smpl_coord_cam = np.concatenate(
            (smpl_mesh_coord_cam, smpl_joint_coord_cam))
        smpl_coord_img = cam2pixel(smpl_coord_cam, cam_param['focal'],
        joint_coord_img = smpl_coord_img[self.smpl_vertex_num:][:, :2]

        # vis_2d_pose(joint_coord_img, img_path, self.smpl_skeleton, prefix='gt')

        # root relative cam coord
        smpl_coord_cam = smpl_coord_cam - smpl_coord_cam[
            self.smpl_vertex_num + self.smpl_root_joint_idx]
        mesh_coord_cam = smpl_coord_cam[:self.smpl_vertex_num]
        joint_coord_cam = smpl_coord_cam[self.smpl_vertex_num:]

        if not cfg.DATASET.use_gt_input:
            # train / test with 2d dection input
            det_data = self.datalist_pose2d_det[idx]
            assert img_id == det_data['img_id']
            joint_coord_img = det_data['img_joint']

        # vis_2d_pose(joint_coord_img, img_path, self.smpl_skeleton, prefix='det')
        # vis_3d_pose(joint_coord_cam, self.smpl_skeleton, joint_set_name='smpl')

        # make new bbox
        bbox = get_bbox(joint_coord_img)
        bbox = process_bbox(bbox.copy())

        # aug
        joint_coord_img, trans = j2d_processing(
            (cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]), bbox, rot,
            flip, self.flip_pairs)
        joint_coord_cam = j3d_processing(joint_coord_cam, rot, flip,

        #  -> 0~1
        joint_coord_img = joint_coord_img[:, :2]
        joint_coord_img /= np.array(
            [[cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]]])

        # normalize loc&scale
        mean, std = np.mean(joint_coord_img, axis=0), np.std(joint_coord_img,
        joint_coord_img = (joint_coord_img.copy() - mean) / std

        if == 'pose2mesh_net':
            # default valid
            mesh_valid = np.ones((len(mesh_coord_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            reg_joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_coord_cam), 1),
            lift_joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_coord_cam), 1),

            inputs = {'pose2d': joint_coord_img}
            targets = {
                'mesh': mesh_coord_cam / 1000,
                'lift_pose3d': joint_coord_cam,
                'reg_pose3d': joint_coord_cam
            meta = {
                'mesh_valid': mesh_valid,
                'lift_pose3d_valid': lift_joint_valid,
                'reg_pose3d_valid': reg_joint_valid

        elif == 'posenet':
            # default valid
            joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_coord_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            return joint_coord_img, joint_coord_cam, joint_valid

        return inputs, targets, meta
Esempio n. 2
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = copy.deepcopy(self.datalist[idx])
        img_id, bbox, smpl_param, cam_param, img_shape = data['img_id'], data['bbox'].copy(), data['smpl_param'].copy(), data['cam_param'].copy(), data['img_hw']
        flip, rot = augm_params(is_train=(self.data_split == 'train'))

        # smpl coordinates
        mesh_cam, joint_cam_smpl = self.get_smpl_coord(smpl_param, cam_param)

        # regress coco joints
        joint_cam_coco, joint_img_coco = self.get_coco_from_mesh(mesh_cam, cam_param)
        # h36m joints from datasets
        joint_cam_h36m, joint_img_h36m = data['joint_cam'], data['joint_img'][:, :2]

        # root relative camera coordinate
        mesh_cam = mesh_cam - joint_cam_h36m[:1]
        # joint_cam_smpl = joint_cam_smpl - joint_cam_h36m[:1]
        joint_cam_coco = joint_cam_coco - joint_cam_coco[-2:-1]
        joint_cam_h36m = joint_cam_h36m - joint_cam_h36m[:1]

        # joint_cam is PoseNet target
        if self.input_joint_name == 'coco':
            joint_img, joint_cam = joint_img_coco, joint_cam_coco
        elif self.input_joint_name == 'human36':
            joint_img, joint_cam = joint_img_h36m, joint_cam_h36m

        # make new bbox
        bbox = get_bbox(joint_img)
        bbox = process_bbox(bbox.copy())

        # aug
        joint_img, trans = j2d_processing(joint_img.copy(), (cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]),
                                          bbox, rot, flip, self.flip_pairs)
        joint_cam = j3d_processing(joint_cam, rot, flip, self.flip_pairs)

        if not cfg.DATASET.use_gt_input:
            joint_img = self.replace_joint_img(idx, img_id, joint_img, bbox, trans)

        # vis
        # img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)
        # new_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, trans, (cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        # vis_2d_pose(joint_img, new_img, self.human36_skeleton, prefix='detection')
        # vis_3d_pose(joint_cam, self.human36_skeleton, joint_set_name='human36', gt=True)

        #  -> 0~1
        joint_img = joint_img[:, :2]
        joint_img /= np.array([[cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]]])

        # normalize loc&scale
        mean, std = np.mean(joint_img, axis=0), np.std(joint_img, axis=0)
        joint_img = (joint_img.copy() - mean) / std

        if == 'pose2mesh_net':
            # default valid
            mesh_valid = np.ones((len(mesh_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            reg_joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam_h36m), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            lift_joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            # if fitted mesh is too far from h36m gt, discard it
            error = self.get_fitting_error(joint_cam_h36m, mesh_cam)
            if error > self.fitting_thr:
                mesh_valid[:] = 0
                if self.input_joint_name == 'coco':
                    lift_joint_valid[:] = 0

            inputs = {'pose2d': joint_img}
            targets = {'mesh': mesh_cam / 1000, 'lift_pose3d': joint_cam, 'reg_pose3d': joint_cam_h36m}
            meta = {'mesh_valid': mesh_valid, 'lift_pose3d_valid': lift_joint_valid, 'reg_pose3d_valid': reg_joint_valid}

            return inputs, targets, meta

        elif == 'posenet':
            # default valid
            joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            # if fitted mesh is too far from h36m gt, discard it
            error = self.get_fitting_error(joint_cam_h36m, mesh_cam)
            if (error > self.fitting_thr) and (self.input_joint_name == 'coco'):
                joint_valid[:] = 0

            return joint_img, joint_cam, joint_valid
Esempio n. 3
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = copy.deepcopy(self.datalist[idx])
        flip, rot = augm_params(is_train=(self.data_split == 'train'))

        # get smpl mesh, joints
        smpl_param, cam_param, img_shape = data['smpl_param'], data[
            'cam_param'], data['img_shape']
        mesh_cam, joint_cam_smpl = self.get_smpl_coord(smpl_param, cam_param)

        # regress coco joints
        joint_cam_h36m, joint_img_h36m = self.get_joints_from_mesh(
            mesh_cam, 'human36', cam_param)
        joint_cam_coco, joint_img_coco = self.get_joints_from_mesh(
            mesh_cam, 'coco', cam_param)
        # debug vis
        # vis_3d_pose(joint_cam_coco, self.coco_skeleton, joint_set_name='coco', prefix=f'coco_joint_cam_{idx}')
        # img = np.zeros((int(img_shape[0]), int(img_shape[1]), 3))
        # vis_2d_pose(joint_img_coco, img, self.coco_skeleton, prefix='coco joint img')

        # root relative camera coordinate
        mesh_cam = mesh_cam - joint_cam_h36m[:1]
        joint_cam_coco = joint_cam_coco - joint_cam_coco[-2:-1]
        joint_cam_h36m = joint_cam_h36m - joint_cam_h36m[:1]

        # joint_cam is PoseNet target
        if self.input_joint_name == 'coco':
            joint_img, joint_cam = joint_img_coco, joint_cam_coco
        elif self.input_joint_name == 'human36':
            joint_img, joint_cam = joint_img_h36m, joint_cam_h36m

        # make new bbox
        tight_bbox = get_bbox(joint_img)
        bbox = process_bbox(tight_bbox.copy())

        # aug
        joint_img, trans = j2d_processing(
            (cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]), bbox, rot, 0,
        if not cfg.DATASET.use_gt_input:
            joint_img = self.replace_joint_img(joint_img, tight_bbox, trans)
        if flip:
            joint_img = flip_2d_joint(joint_img, cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1],
        joint_cam = j3d_processing(joint_cam, rot, flip, self.flip_pairs)

        #  -> 0~1
        joint_img = joint_img[:, :2]
        joint_img /= np.array(
            [[cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]]])

        # normalize loc&scale
        mean, std = np.mean(joint_img, axis=0), np.std(joint_img, axis=0)
        joint_img = (joint_img.copy() - mean) / std

        if == 'pose2mesh_net':
            # default valid
            mesh_valid = np.ones((len(mesh_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            reg_joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam_h36m), 1),
            lift_joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)

            inputs = {'pose2d': joint_img}
            targets = {
                'mesh': mesh_cam / 1000,
                'lift_pose3d': joint_cam,
                'reg_pose3d': joint_cam_h36m
            meta = {
                'mesh_valid': mesh_valid,
                'lift_pose3d_valid': lift_joint_valid,
                'reg_pose3d_valid': reg_joint_valid

            return inputs, targets, meta

        elif == 'posenet':
            # default valid
            joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            return joint_img, joint_cam, joint_valid
Esempio n. 4
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = copy.deepcopy(self.datalist[idx])
        img_shape, bbox, dp_data, smplify_result = data['img_shape'], data[
            'bbox'], data['dp_data'], data['smplify_result']
        flip, rot = augm_params(is_train=(self.data_split == 'train'))
        # img_name = img_path.split('/')[-1][:-4]

        smpl_param, cam_param = smplify_result['smpl_param'], smplify_result[
        # regress h36m, coco joints
        mesh_cam, joint_cam_smpl = self.get_smpl_coord(smpl_param)
        joint_cam_h36m, joint_img_h36m = self.get_joints_from_mesh(
            mesh_cam, 'human36', cam_param)
        joint_cam_coco, joint_img_coco = self.get_joints_from_mesh(
            mesh_cam, 'coco', cam_param)
        # vis_2d_pose(joint_img_h36m, img_path, self.human36_skeleton, prefix='h36m joint')
        # vis_2d_pose(joint_img_coco, img_path, self.coco_skeleton, prefix='coco joint')
        # vis_3d_pose(joint_cam_h36m, self.human36_skeleton, 'human36', gt=True)

        # root relative camera coordinate
        mesh_cam = mesh_cam - joint_cam_h36m[:1]
        joint_cam_coco = joint_cam_coco - joint_cam_coco[-2:-1]
        joint_cam_h36m = joint_cam_h36m - joint_cam_h36m[:1]

        if self.input_joint_name == 'coco':
            joint_img, joint_cam = joint_img_coco, joint_cam_coco
        elif self.input_joint_name == 'human36':
            joint_img, joint_cam = joint_img_h36m, joint_cam_h36m

        # make new bbox
        tight_bbox = get_bbox(joint_img)
        bbox = process_bbox(tight_bbox.copy())

        # aug
        joint_img, trans = j2d_processing(
            (cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]), bbox, rot, 0,
        if not cfg.DATASET.use_gt_input:
            joint_img = self.replace_joint_img(joint_img, tight_bbox, trans)
        if flip:
            joint_img = flip_2d_joint(joint_img, cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1],
        joint_cam = j3d_processing(joint_cam, rot, flip, self.flip_pairs)

        #  -> 0~1
        joint_img = joint_img[:, :2]
        joint_img /= np.array(
            [[cfg.MODEL.input_shape[1], cfg.MODEL.input_shape[0]]])

        # normalize loc&scale
        mean, std = np.mean(joint_img, axis=0), np.std(joint_img, axis=0)
        joint_img = (joint_img.copy() - mean) / std

        if == 'pose2mesh_net':
            # default valid
            mesh_valid = np.ones((len(mesh_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            reg_joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam_h36m), 1),
            lift_joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            error = self.get_fitting_error(tight_bbox, data['joint_img'],
            if error > self.fitting_thr:
                mesh_valid[:], reg_joint_valid[:], lift_joint_valid[:] = 0, 0, 0

            inputs = {'pose2d': joint_img}
            targets = {
                'mesh': mesh_cam / 1000,
                'lift_pose3d': joint_cam,
                'reg_pose3d': joint_cam_h36m
            meta = {
                'mesh_valid': mesh_valid,
                'lift_pose3d_valid': lift_joint_valid,
                'reg_pose3d_valid': reg_joint_valid

            return inputs, targets, meta

        elif == 'posenet':
            # default valid
            joint_valid = np.ones((len(joint_cam), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            # compute fitting error
            error = self.get_fitting_error(tight_bbox, data['joint_img'],
            if error > self.fitting_thr:
                joint_valid[:, :] = 0

            return joint_img, joint_cam, joint_valid