Esempio n. 1
def getUpdateScheme(configOptions):
    """Return an UpdateScheme as specified by the user configOptions.


        configOptions (XML object, defined in xmlbase):
            An XML element of type "Blending"; either
            <ConsumerBlending/> or <ProducerBlending/>; containing the
            weightings and default settings for the model update schemes.
    if configOptions is None:
        return UpdateScheme("unweighted")

    params = configOptions.attrib.copy()
    scheme = "unweighted"
    if "method" in params:
        scheme = params["method"]

        if scheme == "computerTimeWindowSeconds":
            raise NotImplementedError

        elif scheme == "eventTimeWindow":
            scheme = "synchronized"

        del params["method"]

    if "windowLag" not in params:
        if scheme not in ("unweighted", "exponential"):
            params["windowLag"] = 0

    return UpdateScheme(scheme, **params)
Esempio n. 2
    def _getUpdateScheme(self, configuration):
        """Return an UpdateScheme as specified by the user configuration.


            configuration (XML object, defined in xmlbase):
                An XML element of type "Blending"; either
                <ConsumerBlending/> or <ProducerBlending/>; containing the
                weightings and default settings for the model update schemes.

        if configuration is None: return UpdateScheme("unweighted")

        params = dict(configuration.attrib)
        scheme = "unweighted"

        if "method" in params:
            scheme = params["method"]
            if scheme == "eventTimeWindow": scheme = "synchronized"
            del params["method"]

        if scheme in ("window", "synchronized") and "windowLag" not in params:
            params["windowLag"] = 0

        return UpdateScheme(scheme, **params)
Esempio n. 3
    def initialize(self):
        """Initialize a baseline consumer.

        Unlike other consumers, this creates the score function
        dynamically, depending on the type of testStatistic.

        testDistributions = self.segmentRecord.pmmlModel.child(
        self.field = testDistributions.attrib["field"]
        testStatistic = testDistributions.attrib["testStatistic"]

        # updating can be configured in the Augustus configuration file and in the "windowSize" attribute in this segment
        # I will assume that the "windowSize" attribute can override CUSUM and GLR only

        # (the only other baseline consumer that has an intermediate state is chiSquareDistribution, which only makes
        # sense as UpdateScheme("synchronized"), and that one depends on the configuration of syncNumber, not in PMML)

        # the general case:
        self.updateScheme = self.engine.consumerUpdateScheme
        # the special case:
        if testStatistic in ("CUSUM", "GLR"):
            if "windowSize" in testDistributions.attrib and testDistributions.attrib[
                    "windowSize"] != 0:
                self.updateScheme = UpdateScheme(

        if testStatistic == "CUSUM":
            self.baseline = testDistributions.child(pmml.Baseline).child()
            self.alternate = testDistributions.child(pmml.Alternate).child()
            self.updator = self.updateScheme.updator(CUSUM)
            self.updator.resetValue = testDistributions.attrib["resetValue"]
            self.score = self.scoreCUSUM

            extension = testDistributions.child(pmml.Extension,
            if extension is not None:
                init = extension.child(pmml.X_ODG_CUSUMInitialization,
                if init is not None:
                    self.updator.initialize({CUSUM: [init.attrib["value"]]})

            self.pseudoField = self.field
            self.pseudoOutputAll = True

        elif testStatistic == "zValue":
            self.baseline = testDistributions.child(pmml.Baseline).child()
            if isinstance(self.baseline, pmml.GaussianDistribution):
                self.score = self.scoreZValueGaussian
                self.score = self.scoreZValue

            self.pseudoField = self.field
            self.pseudoOutputAll = True

        elif testStatistic in ("chiSquareDistribution", "scalarProduct"):
            self.updators = {}
            self.countTable = testDistributions.child(pmml.Baseline).child()

            if "weightField" in testDistributions.attrib:
                self.weightField = testDistributions.attrib["weightField"]
                self.weightField = None

            if "normalizationScheme" not in testDistributions.attrib:
                self.normalizationScheme = None
            elif testDistributions.attrib[
                    "normalizationScheme"] == "Independent":
                self.normalizationScheme = self.INDEPENDENT
            elif testDistributions.attrib[
                    "normalizationScheme"] == "SizeWeighted":
                self.normalizationScheme = self.SIZEWEIGHTED

            self.testStatistic = {
                "chiSquareDistribution": self.CHISQUAREDISTRIBUTION,
                "scalarProduct": self.SCALARPRODUCT,

            self.score = self.scoreHistogram

            self.pseudoField = (self.field, self.weightField)
            self.pseudoOutputAll = False

            # ODG extensions
            self.binsOfInterest = testDistributions.descendant(
                pmml.X_ODG_BinsOfInterest, exception=False)

        elif testStatistic == "chiSquareIndependence":
            self.baseline = testDistributions.child(pmml.Baseline)
            self.fields = None
            self.countTable = None
            self.score = self.scoreChiSquareIndependence

            self.pseudoField = None
            self.pseudoOutputAll = True

        # ODG extensions
        elif testStatistic == "GLR":
            self.baseline = testDistributions.child(pmml.Baseline).child()
            if not isinstance(
                (pmml.GaussianDistribution, pmml.PoissonDistribution)):
                raise NotImplementedError, "GLR has only been implemented for Gaussian and Poisson distributions"

            self.updator = self.updateScheme.updator(GLR)
            self.score = self.scoreGLR

            self.pseudoField = self.field
            self.pseudoOutputAll = False