def test_audio_io(): from aukit.audio_io import load_wav, save_wav, anything2bytesio, anything2wav, anything2bytes, Dict2Obj, _sr out = anything2bytes(_wav, sr=_sr) assert len(out) == len(_wav_bytes) out = anything2wav(_wav_bytes, sr=_sr) assert len(out) == len(_wav) my_obj = Dict2Obj({"my_key": "my_value"}) assert my_obj.my_key == "my_value"
my_hp = { "n_fft": 1024, "hop_size": 256, "win_size": 1024, "sample_rate": _sr, "fmin": 0, "fmax": _sr // 2, "preemphasize": False, 'symmetric_mels': True, 'signal_normalization': False, 'allow_clipping_in_normalization': False, 'ref_level_db': 0, '__file__': __file__ } melgan_hparams = {} melgan_hparams.update(default_hparams) melgan_hparams.update(my_hp) melgan_hparams = Dict2Obj(melgan_hparams) _pad_len = (default_hparams.n_fft - default_hparams.hop_size) // 2 def wav2mel(wav, hparams=None): # mel = Audio2Mel().cuda()(src) # return mel hparams = hparams or melgan_hparams wav = np.pad(wav.flatten(), (_pad_len, _pad_len), mode="reflect") mel = mel_spectrogram(wav, hparams) mel = mel / 20 return mel def load_vocoder_melgan(load_path):
"win_size": 1024, # 800 "sample_rate": _sr, # 16000 "fmin": 0, # 55 "fmax": _sr // 2, # 7600 "preemphasize": False, # True 'symmetric_mels': True, # True 'signal_normalization': False, # True 'allow_clipping_in_normalization': False, # True 'ref_level_db': 0, # 20 'center': False, # True '__file__': __file__ } synthesizer_hparams = {k: v for k, v in default_hparams.items()} synthesizer_hparams = {**synthesizer_hparams, **my_hp} synthesizer_hparams = Dict2Obj(synthesizer_hparams) def melspectrogram_torch(wav, hparams=None): """mel_output: torch.FloatTensor of shape (B, n_mel_channels, T)""" mel = melspectrogram(wav, hparams) mel_output = torch.from_numpy(mel).type(torch.FloatTensor) return mel_output def linearspectrogram_torch(wav, hparams=None): """spec_output: torch.FloatTensor of shape (B, n_spec_channels, T)""" spec = linearspectrogram(wav, hparams) spec_output = torch.from_numpy(spec).type(torch.FloatTensor) return spec_output
hparams = Dict2Obj( dict( encoder_path=r"../models/encoder/saved_models/", # Comma-separated list of cleaners to run on text prior to training and eval. For non-English # text, you may want to use "basic_cleaners" or "transliteration_cleaners". cleaners="chinese_cleaners", center=True, # If you only have 1 GPU or want to use only one GPU, please set num_gpus=0 and specify the # GPU idx on run. example: # expample 1 GPU of index 2 (train on "/gpu2" only): CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python # --model="Tacotron" --hparams="tacotron_gpu_start_idx=2" # If you want to train on multiple GPUs, simply specify the number of GPUs available, # and the idx of the first GPU to use. example: # example 4 GPUs starting from index 0 (train on "/gpu0"->"/gpu3"): python # --model="Tacotron" --hparams="tacotron_num_gpus=4, tacotron_gpu_start_idx=0" # The hparams arguments can be directly modified on this file instead of being # specified on run if preferred! # If one wants to train both Tacotron and WaveNet in parallel (provided WaveNet will be # trained on True mel spectrograms), one needs to specify different GPU idxes. # example Tacotron+WaveNet on a machine with 4 or plus GPUs. Two GPUs for each model: # CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --model="Tacotron" # --hparams="tacotron_gpu_start_idx=0, tacotron_num_gpus=2" # Cuda_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3 python --model="WaveNet" # --hparams="wavenet_gpu_start_idx=2; wavenet_num_gpus=2" # IMPORTANT NOTE: If using N GPUs, please multiply the tacotron_batch_size by N below in the # hparams! (tacotron_batch_size = 32 * N) # Never use lower batch size than 32 on a single GPU! # Same applies for Wavenet: wavenet_batch_size = 8 * N (wavenet_batch_size can be smaller than # 8 if GPU is having OOM, minimum 2) # Please also apply the synthesis batch size modification likewise. (if N GPUs are used for # synthesis, minimal batch size must be N, minimum of 1 sample per GPU) # We did not add an automatic multi-GPU batch size computation to avoid confusion in the # user"s mind and to provide more control to the user for # resources related decisions. # Acknowledgement: # Many thanks to @MlWoo for his awesome work on multi-GPU Tacotron which showed to work a # little faster than the original # pipeline for a single GPU as well. Great work! # Hardware setup: Default supposes user has only one GPU: "/gpu:0" (Tacotron only for now! # WaveNet does not support multi GPU yet, WIP) # Synthesis also uses the following hardware parameters for multi-GPU parallel synthesis. tacotron_gpu_start_idx= 0, # idx of the first GPU to be used for Tacotron training. tacotron_num_gpus= 1, # Determines the number of gpus in use for Tacotron training. split_on_cpu=True, # Determines whether to split data on CPU or on first GPU. This is automatically True when # more than 1 GPU is used. ########################################################################################################################################### # Audio # Audio parameters are the most important parameters to tune when using this work on your # personal data. Below are the beginner steps to adapt # this work to your personal data: # 1- Determine my data sample rate: First you need to determine your audio sample_rate (how # many samples are in a second of audio). This can be done using sox: "sox --i <filename>" # (For this small tuto, I will consider 24kHz (24000 Hz), and defaults are 22050Hz, # so there are plenty of examples to refer to) # 2- set sample_rate parameter to your data correct sample rate # 3- Fix win_size and and hop_size accordingly: (Supposing you will follow our advice: 50ms # window_size, and 12.5ms frame_shift(hop_size)) # a- win_size = 0.05 * sample_rate. In the tuto example, 0.05 * 24000 = 1200 # b- hop_size = 0.25 * win_size. Also equal to 0.0125 * sample_rate. In the tuto # example, 0.25 * 1200 = 0.0125 * 24000 = 300 (Can set frame_shift_ms=12.5 instead) # 4- Fix n_fft, num_freq and upsample_scales parameters accordingly. # a- n_fft can be either equal to win_size or the first power of 2 that comes after # win_size. I usually recommend using the latter # to be more consistent with signal processing friends. No big difference to be seen # however. For the tuto example: n_fft = 2048 = 2**11 # b- num_freq = (n_fft / 2) + 1. For the tuto example: num_freq = 2048 / 2 + 1 = 1024 + # 1 = 1025. # c- For WaveNet, upsample_scales products must be equal to hop_size. For the tuto # example: upsample_scales=[15, 20] where 15 * 20 = 300 # it is also possible to use upsample_scales=[3, 4, 5, 5] instead. One must only # keep in mind that upsample_kernel_size[0] = 2*upsample_scales[0] # so the training segments should be long enough (2.8~3x upsample_scales[0] * # hop_size or longer) so that the first kernel size can see the middle # of the samples efficiently. The length of WaveNet training segments is under the # parameter "max_time_steps". # 5- Finally comes the silence trimming. This very much data dependent, so I suggest trying # preprocessing (or part of it, ctrl-C to stop), then use the # .ipynb provided in the repo to listen to some inverted mel/linear spectrograms. That # will first give you some idea about your above parameters, and # it will also give you an idea about trimming. If silences persist, try reducing # trim_top_db slowly. If samples are trimmed mid words, try increasing it. # 6- If audio quality is too metallic or fragmented (or if linear spectrogram plots are # showing black silent regions on top), then restart from step 2. inv_mel_basis=None, mel_basis=None, num_mels= 80, # Number of mel-spectrogram channels and local conditioning dimensionality # network rescale=True, # Whether to rescale audio prior to preprocessing rescaling_max=0.9, # Rescaling value # Whether to clip silence in Audio (at beginning and end of audio only, not the middle) # train samples of lengths between 3sec and 14sec are more than enough to make a model capable # of good parallelization. clip_mels_length=True, # For cases of OOM (Not really recommended, only use if facing unsolvable OOM errors, # also consider clipping your samples to smaller chunks) max_mel_frames=900, # Only relevant when clip_mels_length = True, please only use after trying output_per_steps=3 # and still getting OOM errors. # Use LWS ( for STFT and phase reconstruction # It"s preferred to set True to use with # Does not work if n_ffit is not multiple of hop_size!! use_lws=False, # Only used to set as True if using WaveNet, no difference in performance is observed in # either cases. silence_threshold= 2, # silence threshold used for sound trimming for wavenet preprocessing # Mel spectrogram n_fft= 800, # Extra window size is filled with 0 paddings to match this parameter hop_size=200, # For 16000Hz, 200 = 12.5 ms (0.0125 * sample_rate) win_size= 800, # For 16000Hz, 800 = 50 ms (If None, win_size = n_fft) (0.05 * sample_rate) sample_rate= 16000, # 16000Hz (corresponding to librispeech) (sox --i <filename>) frame_shift_ms= None, # Can replace hop_size parameter. (Recommended: 12.5) # M-AILABS (and other datasets) trim params (these parameters are usually correct for any # data, but definitely must be tuned for specific speakers) trim_fft_size=512, trim_hop_size=128, trim_top_db=23, # Mel and Linear spectrograms normalization/scaling and clipping signal_normalization=True, # Whether to normalize mel spectrograms to some predefined range (following below parameters) allow_clipping_in_normalization= True, # Only relevant if mel_normalization = True symmetric_mels=True, # Whether to scale the data to be symmetric around 0. (Also multiplies the output range by 2, # faster and cleaner convergence) max_abs_value=4., # max absolute value of data. If symmetric, data will be [-max, max] else [0, max] (Must not # be too big to avoid gradient explosion, # not too small for fast convergence) normalize_for_wavenet=True, # whether to rescale to [0, 1] for wavenet. (better audio quality) clip_for_wavenet=True, # whether to clip [-max, max] before training/synthesizing with wavenet (better audio quality) # Contribution by @begeekmyfriend # Spectrogram Pre-Emphasis (Lfilter: Reduce spectrogram noise and helps model certitude # levels. Also allows for better G&L phase reconstruction) preemphasize=True, # whether to apply filter preemphasis=0.97, # filter coefficient. # Limits min_level_db=-100, ref_level_db=20, fmin=55, # Set this to 55 if your speaker is male! if female, 95 should help taking off noise. (To # test depending on dataset. Pitch info: male~[65, 260], female~[100, 525]) fmax=7600, # To be increased/reduced depending on data. # Griffin Lim power=1.5, # Only used in G&L inversion, usually values between 1.2 and 1.5 are a good choice. griffin_lim_iters=30, # 60, # Number of G&L iterations, typically 30 is enough but we use 60 to ensure convergence. ########################################################################################################################################### # Tacotron outputs_per_step=2, # Was 1 # number of frames to generate at each decoding step (increase to speed up computation and # allows for higher batch size, decreases G&L audio quality) stop_at_any=True, # Determines whether the decoder should stop when predicting <stop> to any frame or to all of # them (True works pretty well) embedding_dim=one * 4, # 512, # dimension of embedding space (these are NOT the speaker embeddings) # Encoder parameters enc_conv_num_layers=3, # number of encoder convolutional layers enc_conv_kernel_size=( 5, ), # size of encoder convolution filters for each layer enc_conv_channels=one * 4, # 512, # number of encoder convolutions filters for each layer encoder_lstm_units=one * 2, # 256, # number of lstm units for each direction (forward and backward) # Attention mechanism smoothing= False, # Whether to smooth the attention normalization function attention_dim=one * 1, # 128, # dimension of attention space attention_filters=32, # number of attention convolution filters attention_kernel=(31, ), # kernel size of attention convolution cumulative_weights=True, # Whether to cumulate (sum) all previous attention weights or simply feed previous weights ( # Recommended: True) # Decoder prenet_layers=[ one * 2, one * 2 ], # [256, 256], # number of layers and number of units of prenet decoder_layers=2, # number of decoder lstm layers decoder_lstm_units=one * 8, # 1024, # number of decoder lstm units on each layer max_iters=2000, # Max decoder steps during inference (Just for safety from infinite loop cases) # Residual postnet postnet_num_layers=5, # number of postnet convolutional layers postnet_kernel_size=( 5, ), # size of postnet convolution filters for each layer postnet_channels=one * 4, # 512, # number of postnet convolution filters for each layer # CBHG mel->linear postnet cbhg_kernels=8, # All kernel sizes from 1 to cbhg_kernels will be used in the convolution bank of CBHG to act # as "K-grams" cbhg_conv_channels=one * 1, # 128, # Channels of the convolution bank cbhg_pool_size=2, # pooling size of the CBHG cbhg_projection=one * 2, # 256, # projection channels of the CBHG (1st projection, 2nd is automatically set to num_mels) cbhg_projection_kernel_size=3, # kernel_size of the CBHG projections cbhg_highwaynet_layers=4, # Number of HighwayNet layers cbhg_highway_units=one * 1, # 128, # Number of units used in HighwayNet fully connected layers cbhg_rnn_units=one * 1, # 128, # Number of GRU units used in bidirectional RNN of CBHG block. CBHG output is 2x rnn_units in # shape # Loss params mask_encoder=True, # whether to mask encoder padding while computing attention. Set to True for better prosody # but slower convergence. mask_decoder=False, # Whether to use loss mask for padded sequences (if False, <stop_token> loss function will not # be weighted, else recommended pos_weight = 20) cross_entropy_pos_weight=20, # Use class weights to reduce the stop token classes imbalance (by adding more penalty on # False Negatives (FN)) (1 = disabled) predict_linear=False, # Whether to add a post-processing network to the Tacotron to predict linear spectrograms ( # True mode Not tested!!) ########################################################################################################################################### # Tacotron Training # Reproduction seeds tacotron_random_seed=5339, # Determines initial graph and operations (i.e: model) random state for reproducibility tacotron_data_random_state= 1234, # random state for train test split repeatability # performance parameters tacotron_swap_with_cpu=False, # Whether to use cpu as support to gpu for decoder computation (Not recommended: may cause # major slowdowns! Only use when critical!) # train/test split ratios, mini-batches sizes tacotron_batch_size= 64, # number of training samples on each training steps (was 32) # Tacotron Batch synthesis supports ~16x the training batch size (no gradients during # testing). # Training Tacotron with unmasked paddings makes it aware of them, which makes synthesis times # different from training. We thus recommend masking the encoder. tacotron_synthesis_batch_size=128, # DO NOT MAKE THIS BIGGER THAN 1 IF YOU DIDN"T TRAIN TACOTRON WITH "mask_encoder=True"!! tacotron_test_size=None, # 0.05 # % of data to keep as test data, if None, tacotron_test_batches must be not None. (5% is # enough to have a good idea about overfit) tacotron_test_batches=2, # number of test batches. # Learning rate schedule tacotron_decay_learning_rate=True, # boolean, determines if the learning rate will follow an exponential decay tacotron_start_decay= 10000, # 50000, # Step at which learning decay starts tacotron_decay_steps= 10000, # 50000, # Determines the learning rate decay slope (UNDER TEST) tacotron_decay_rate=0.5, # learning rate decay rate (UNDER TEST) tacotron_initial_learning_rate=1e-3, # starting learning rate tacotron_final_learning_rate=1e-5, # minimal learning rate # Optimization parameters tacotron_adam_beta1=0.9, # AdamOptimizer beta1 parameter tacotron_adam_beta2=0.999, # AdamOptimizer beta2 parameter tacotron_adam_epsilon=1e-6, # AdamOptimizer Epsilon parameter # Regularization parameters tacotron_reg_weight= 1e-7, # regularization weight (for L2 regularization) tacotron_scale_regularization=False, # Whether to rescale regularization weight to adapt for outputs range (used when reg_weight is # high and biasing the model) tacotron_zoneout_rate= 0.1, # zoneout rate for all LSTM cells in the network tacotron_dropout_rate= 0.5, # dropout rate for all convolutional layers + prenet tacotron_clip_gradients=True, # whether to clip gradients # Evaluation parameters natural_eval=False, # Whether to use 100% natural eval (to evaluate Curriculum Learning performance) or with same # teacher-forcing ratio as in training (just for overfit) # Decoder RNN learning can take be done in one of two ways: # Teacher Forcing: vanilla teacher forcing (usually with ratio = 1). mode="constant" # Curriculum Learning Scheme: From Teacher-Forcing to sampling from previous outputs is # function of global step. (teacher forcing ratio decay) mode="scheduled" # The second approach is inspired by: # Bengio et al. 2015: Scheduled Sampling for Sequence Prediction with Recurrent Neural Networks. # Can be found under: tacotron_teacher_forcing_mode="constant", # Can be ("constant" or "scheduled"). "scheduled" mode applies a cosine teacher forcing ratio # decay. (Preference: scheduled) tacotron_teacher_forcing_ratio=1., # Value from [0., 1.], 0.=0%, 1.=100%, determines the % of times we force next decoder # inputs, Only relevant if mode="constant" tacotron_teacher_forcing_init_ratio=1., # initial teacher forcing ratio. Relevant if mode="scheduled" tacotron_teacher_forcing_final_ratio=0., # final teacher forcing ratio. Relevant if mode="scheduled" tacotron_teacher_forcing_start_decay=10000, # starting point of teacher forcing ratio decay. Relevant if mode="scheduled" tacotron_teacher_forcing_decay_steps=280000, # Determines the teacher forcing ratio decay slope. Relevant if mode="scheduled" tacotron_teacher_forcing_decay_alpha=0., # teacher forcing ratio decay rate. Relevant if mode="scheduled" ########################################################################################################################################### # Tacotron-2 integration parameters train_with_GTA=False, # Whether to use GTA mels to train WaveNet instead of ground truth mels. ########################################################################################################################################### # Eval sentences (if no eval text file was specified during synthesis, these sentences are # used for eval) sentences=["你好语音克隆模型。"], ### SV2TTS ### speaker_embedding_size=256, silence_min_duration_split= 0.4, # Duration in seconds of a silence for an utterance to be split utterance_min_duration= 1., # Duration in seconds below which utterances are discarded ))