def download_all(dic_download: dict, sent: int, output_path: str, opt: str) -> list:

        sent: int, could be 1 or 2, corresponds for the sensor parameter
        output_path: string, path to the directory where the zip image is going to be download

        a list of strings which is
    """:param dic_download : a dict with key the name of the image and the value the date of the image"""
    proxy = None
    urlOpener = makeUrlOpener(proxy)
    l_url = []
    for image_name in dic_download:
        date = dic_download[image_name]
        dict_param = {"startDate": next_string_date(date, -1), "completionDate": next_string_date(date, 1)}
        zip_url = get_download_zip_url(image_name, dict_param, sent)
        l_url += [zip_url]
        download_url(zip_url, output_path, opt)
    return l_url
Esempio n. 2
def mainRoutine():
    Main routine
    cmdargs = getCmdargs()
    urlOpener = saraclient.makeUrlOpener(proxy=cmdargs.proxy)
    numTests = 0
    countPassed = 0
    # test Sentinel-1
    ok = testSearch(urlOpener, 1, "2017-01-08")
    numTests += 1
    if ok:
        countPassed += 1

    # test Sentinel-2
    ok = testSearch(urlOpener, 2, "2017-01-05")
    numTests += 1
    if ok:
        countPassed += 1

    # test Sentinel-3
    ok = testSearch(urlOpener, 3, "2017-01-08")
    numTests += 1
    if ok:
        countPassed += 1

    print("\n\nPassed {} tests of {}".format(countPassed, numTests))
def main():
    proxy = None
    urlOpener = makeUrlOpener(proxy)
    image_id_test = "S1B_IW_GRDH_1SSH_20200322T220406_20200322T220435_020810_027767_839F"
    # dict_param={"startDate":"2020-03-22","completionDate":"2020-03-23","productType": "GRD", "sensorMode": "IW", "instrument": "C-SAR"}
    dict_param2 = {"startDate": "2020-03-22", "completionDate": "2020-03-23"}
    zip_url = get_download_zip_url(image_id_test, dict_param2, 2)
    output_path = "/root/code/sent2-cloud-remover/test_data/" + image_id_test + ".zip"
Esempio n. 4
def collection_info():
    List the available collections and their products.
    collections_url = ""
    url_opener = saraclient.makeUrlOpener()
    info, err = saraclient.readJsonUrl(url_opener, collections_url)

    if err is None:
        return info
        raise Exception(err)
Esempio n. 5
def mainRoutine():
    Main routine
    cmdargs = getCmdargs()

    urlOpener = saraclient.makeUrlOpener(cmdargs.proxy)

    excludeSet = loadExcludeList(cmdargs.excludelist)
    if cmdargs.polygonfile is not None:
        geomList = readPolygonFile(cmdargs.polygonfile)
        geomList = [None]

    queryParamList = cmdargs.queryparam
    results = []
    # Loop over each polygon in the input polygonfile
    for geom in geomList:
        tmpParamList = copy.copy(queryParamList)
        if geom is not None:
        tmpResults = saraclient.searchSara(urlOpener, cmdargs.sentinel,

    # Remove any duplicates from images which intersect multiple geometries in geomlist
    tmpResults = []
    idSet = set()
    for r in results:
        esaid = saraclient.getFeatAttr(r, saraclient.FEATUREATTR_ESAID)
        if esaid not in idSet:
    results = tmpResults

    # Restrict further by additional search options
    results = [
        f for f in results if saraclient.getFeatAttr(
            f, saraclient.FEATUREATTR_ESAID) not in excludeSet

    if cmdargs.urllist is not None:
        writeUrllist(cmdargs.urllist, results)
    if cmdargs.curlscript is not None:
        writeCurlScript(cmdargs, results)
    if cmdargs.jsonfeaturesfile is not None:
        writeJsonFeatures(cmdargs.jsonfeaturesfile, results)
    if cmdargs.simplejsonfile is not None:
        writeSimpleJsonFile(cmdargs.simplejsonfile, results)
Esempio n. 6
def query(collection, query_params, polygon_fname=None):
    Submit the query to SARA and return a GeoJSON document.

    :param collection:
        A string containing the Collection as defined in SARA.

    :param query_params:
        A list containing additional query parameters to be used in
        querying SARA.

    :param polygon_fname:
        A string containing the full file pathname of an OGR compliant
        vector file. Ideally the vector file will contain a single
        polygon defining the Region Of Interest (ROI) to spatially
        constrain the search to.
    # search by polygon, startDate, completionDate, collection, productType
    url_opener = saraclient.makeUrlOpener()

    params = copy.copy(query_params)

    if polygon_fname is not None:
        # only deal with the first feature at this point in time
        with, 'r') as src:
            feature = src[0]

        geom = shape(feature['geometry'])

    # the searchSara api requires 1, 2 or 3, not S1, S2, or S3
    sentinel_number = collection[1]
    results = saraclient.searchSara(url_opener, sentinel_number, params)

    json_doc = {
        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "properties": {},
        "features": results

    return json_doc
def get_download_zip_url(path_image_name, dict_param, sent=1):
    image_name = path_image_name.split("/")[-1]
    # dict_param.update(S1_OPTPARAM) # update the parameters with d
    if sent == 1:
    if sent == 2:
    proxy = None
    urlOpener = makeUrlOpener(proxy)
    lparam = []
    for key in dict_param:
        lparam += [transformfilter2query(key, dict_param[key])]
    allfeatures = searchSara(urlOpener, sent, lparam)
    df = pd.DataFrame(allfeatures)
    df = reformat_dataframe(df)
    final_df = get_image_download_path(df, image_name)
    if final_df.shape[0] == 0:
        print("NO image found with {}".format(lparam))
        return None
        print(get_image_download_path(df, image_name).iloc[0])
        return get_image_download_path(df, image_name).iloc[0]