def getGroups(includes=None): if includes: includeString = '?' for r in includes: includeString = includeString + str(r) + str('=True&') return authAPI(endpoint='userGroup'+includeString, method='get', token=session['token']) else: return authAPI(endpoint='userGroup', method='get', token=session['token'])
def getCurrentTenant(): tok = session['token'] tenant = authAPI(endpoint='returnCurrentTenant', method='post', token=session['token']) if 'success' in tenant: tenant_uuid = tenant['success'] return authAPI(endpoint='tenant/'+unicode(tenant_uuid), method='get', token=session['token'])['tenant'] else: return tenant
def getUser(id, includes=None): if includes: includeString = '?' for r in includes: includeString = includeString + str(r) + str('=True&') return authAPI(endpoint='user/'+str(id)+includeString, method='get', token=session['token']) else: return authAPI(endpoint='user/'+str(id), method='get', token=session['token'])
def getUsers(includes=None): if includes: includeString = '?' for r in includes: includeString = includeString + unicode(r) + unicode('=True&') return authAPI(endpoint='user'+includeString, method='get', token=session['token']) else: return authAPI(endpoint='user', method='get', token=session['token'])
def getGroup(uuid, includes=None): if includes: includeString = '?' for r in includes: includeString = includeString + unicode(r) + unicode('=True&') return authAPI(endpoint='group/' + unicode(uuid) + includeString, method='get', token=session['token']) else: return authAPI(endpoint='group/' + unicode(uuid), method='get', token=session['token'])
def confirmEmailView(token): session.clear() req = authAPI('confirm', method='post', token=token) if 'error' in req: if req['error'] == 'User already confirmed': if req['mustSetPass'] == 'True': successMessage( 'Account confirmed, please set new password (the password your enter here will be your new password to the system)' ) return redirect( url_for('authBP.setPasswordView', tok=req['token'])) else: errorMessage('Your profile has already been confirmed') else: errorMessage(req['error']) elif 'success' in req: if req['mustSetPass'] == 'True': return redirect(url_for('authBP.setPasswordView', tok=req['token'])) else: successMessage('Your profile has already been confirmed') return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) return redirect(url_for('indexView'))
def loginView(): if not 'token' in session: kwargs = {'formWidth': 300, 'contentTitle': 'Login'} form = loginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): regNo = email = password = dataDict = {'regNo': regNo, 'email': email, 'password': password} req = authAPI('login', method='post', dataDict=dataDict) if 'success' in req: session['token'] = req['token'] session['email'] = req['email'] session['roles'] = req['roles'] successMessage('You are now logged in') return redirect(url_for('indexView')) else: errorMessage('User / password combination error') return render_template('auth/loginForm.html', form=form, **kwargs) else: errorMessage('You are already logged into the system') return redirect(url_for('indexView'))
def confirmEmailView(token): session.clear() req = authAPI('confirm', method='post', token=token) if 'error' in req: if req['error'] == 'Could not identify access token': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req['error'] == 'Could not identify Platform': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req['error'] == 'User must set password': errorMessage('Please set your password') return redirect(url_for('authBP.setPasswordView', tok=req['token'])) elif req['error'] == 'User already confirmed': errorMessage('Your profile has already been confirmed') return redirect(url_for('indexView')) else: errorMessage(req['error']) elif 'success' in req: if req['mustSetPass'] == 'True': successMessage( 'Your profile has been confirmed, please set your new password' ) return redirect(url_for('authBP.setPasswordView', tok=req['token'])) else: successMessage('Your profile has been confirmed, please login') return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) return redirect(url_for('indexView'))
def loginView(lang='dk'): if not 'token' in session: g.lang = lang kwargs = {'formWidth':300, 'contentTitle':messageText('newPassword'), 'breadcrumbs': breadCrumbs('authBP.loginView')} form = loginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): regNo = email = password = dataDict = {'regNo':regNo, 'email':email, 'password':password} req = authAPI('login', method='post', dataDict=dataDict) if 'success' in req: session['token'] = req['token'] session['email'] = req['email'] session['roles'] = req['roles'] flashMessage('loginSuccess') return redirect(url_for('indexView', lang=lang)) else: print req flashMessage('loginError') return render_template(lang+'/auth/loginForm.html', form=form, **kwargs) else: flashMessage('alreadyLoggedIn') return redirect(url_for('indexView', lang=lang))
def postUser(dataDict): req = authAPI(endpoint='user', method='post', dataDict=dataDict, token=session['token']) print req if 'success' in req: return req else: if req['error'] == 'Could not identify access token': return {'error':req['error']} elif req['error'] == 'Could not identify Platform': return {'error':req['error']} elif req['error'] == 'You are not authorized to view this content': return {'error':req['error']} elif req['error'] == 'User already exist': return {'error':req['error']} elif req['error'] == 'Not valid email-address': return {'error':req['error']} elif req['error'] == 'Internal server error': return {'error':req['error']} elif req['error'] == 'Invalid access token': return {'error':req['error']}
def confirmEmailView(token): if 'token' in session: errorMessage('Please log out before confirming a new account') return redirect(url_for('indexBP.indexView')) else: req = authAPI('confirm', method='post', token=token) if 'error' in req: usrConf = userCrud.confirmUser(uuid=req['user_uuid'], tenant_uuid=req['tenant_uuid']) if 'success' in usrConf: if req['error'] == 'User must set password': successMessage('Your profile has been confirmed, please set your new password') return redirect(url_for('authBP.setPasswordView', tok=req['token'])) else: errorMessage(req['error']) else: errorMessage(req['error']) elif 'success' in req: usrConf = userCrud.confirmUser(uuid=req['user_uuid'], tenant_uuid=req['tenant_uuid']) if 'success' in usrConf: successMessage('Your profile has been confirmed, please login') return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) else: errorMessage(userConf['error']) return redirect(url_for('indexBP.indexView')) return redirect(url_for('indexBP.indexView'))
def registerView(): if not 'token' in session: # universal variables form = registerForm() kwargs = {'formWidth': 400} if form.validate_on_submit(): dataDict = { 'regNo':, 'companyName':, 'userName':, 'email':, 'password': } req = authAPI('register', method='post', dataDict=dataDict) if 'error' in req: if req['error'] == 'Could not identify Platform': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req['error'] == 'Request data incomplete': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req['error'] == 'Reg/VAT number already exist': errorMessage( 'An account using this Reg/VAT number already exist') elif req['error'] == 'Invalid email-address': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req[ 'error'] == 'Illegal null values present in request data': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req['error'] == 'Internal server error': errorMessage(req['error']) elif 'success' in req: # send email confirmation subject = u'Please confirm your account' tok = req['token'] email = req['email'] confirm_url = url_for('authBP.confirmEmailView', token=tok, _external=True) html = render_template('email/verify.html', confirm_url=confirm_url) sendMail(subject=subject, sender='Henrik Poulsen', recipients=[email], html_body=html, text_body=None) successMessage( 'You have successfully registered your account, please check your email for confirmation.' ) return redirect(url_for('indexView')) return render_template('auth/registerForm.html', form=form, **kwargs) else: errorMessage('alreadyRegistered') return redirect(url_for('indexView'))
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if not 'token' in session: return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) req = authAPI(endpoint='checkPassword', method='post', token=session['token']) if 'error' in req: return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def putGroup(data, uuid): try: dataDict = { 'name': data['title'], 'desc': data['desc'], 'users': data['users'] } req = authAPI(endpoint='group/' + unicode(uuid), method='put', dataDict=dataDict, token=session['token']) if 'error' in req: return {'error': req['error']} else: grp = getGroup(uuid) changes = compareDict(row=grp, data=data)['modified'] try: currentUsers = [r.uuid for r in grp.users] except: currentUsers = [] try: newUsers = [ user.query.filter_by(uuid=unicode(r)).first().uuid for r in data['users'] ] except: newUsers = [] if currentUsers != newUsers: changes['users'] = (currentUsers, newUsers) grp.title = data['title'] grp.desc = data['desc'] grp.users = [ user.query.filter_by(uuid=unicode(r)).first() for r in data['users'] ] grp.modified = grp.modifiedBy = session['user_uuid'] try: db.session.commit() putLog(table='group', uuid=unicode(uuid), changes=changes) return {'success': 'Group has been modified'} except Exception as E: if 'unique constraint' in unicode(E): errorLog('Unique constraint', table='group') return {'error': 'Group already exist'} else: errorLog(unicode(E), table='group') return {'error': unicode(E)} except Exception as E: return {'error': unicode(E)}
def profileView(): user = authAPI(endpoint='user/' + session['user_uuid'] + '?includeRoles=True&includeGroups=True', method='get', token=session['token']) if 'user' in user: return render_template('user/profile.html', user=user['user']) else: errorMessage('Your user profile is not found') return redirect(url_for('indexBP.indexView'))
def setPasswordView(tok=None): form = setPasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): dataDict={'password'} req = authAPI('setPassword', method='post', dataDict=dataDict, token=tok) if 'error' in req: errorMessage(req['error']) elif 'success' in req: successMessage('Your password has now been set, please login') return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) return render_template('auth/setPassword.html', form=form)
def registerView(): form = registerForm() if 'token' in session: errorMessage('Please log out before registering a new account') return redirect(url_for('indexBP.indexView')) if form.validate_on_submit(): dataDict = {'regNo' :, 'companyName' :, 'userName' :, 'email' :, 'password' :} req = authAPI('register', method='post', dataDict=dataDict) if 'error' in req: errorMessage(req['error']) elif 'success' in req: data = {'uuid':req['user_uuid'], 'name', 'email', 'phone':'', 'role':'Administrator', 'contact':True, 'initials':'', 'tenant_uuid':req['tenant_uuid'], 'groups':[]} usr = userCrud.postUser(data=data) if 'error' in usr: errorMessage(usr['error']) else: # send email confirmation subject = u'Please confirm your account' tok = req['token'] email = req['email'] confirm_url = url_for('authBP.confirmEmailView',token=tok, _external=True) html = render_template('email/verify.html', confirm_url=confirm_url) sendMail(subject=subject, sender=os.environ['mailSender'], recipients=[email], html_body=html, text_body = None) successMessage('You have successfully registered your account, please check your email for confirmation.') return redirect(url_for('indexBP.indexView')) return render_template('auth/register.html', form=form)
def confirmEmailView(token, lang='dk'): g.lang = lang req = authAPI('confirm', method='post', token=token) if 'error' in req: if req['error'] == 'User already confirmed': flashMessage('alreadyConfirmed') elif 'success' in req: if req['mustSetPass'] == 'True': return redirect(url_for('authBP.setPasswordView', lang=lang, token=req['token'])) else: session['token'] = req['token'] flashMessage('profileConfirmed') return redirect(url_for('indexView', lang=lang))
def putUser(data, uuid): usr = getUser(uuid) changes = compareDict(row=row, data=data)['modified'] try: currentGroups = [r.uuid for r in usr.groups] except: currentGroups = [] try: newGroups = [group.query.filter_by(uuid=unicode(r)).first().uuid for r in data['groups']] except: newGroups = [] if currentGroups != newGroups: changes['groups'] = (currentGroups,newGroups) usr.groups = [group.query.filter_by(uuid=unicode(r)).first() for r in data['groups']] usr.initials = data['initials'] = data['name'] = data['email'] = data['phone'] usr.role = data['role'] usr.modified = usr.modifiedBy = session['user_uuid'] dataDict = {'name': data['name'], 'email': data['email'], 'phone': data['phone'], 'groups': data['groups'], 'roles': [data['role']]} try: db.session.add(usr) db.session.commit() req = authAPI(endpoint='user/'+unicode(uuid), method='put', dataDict=dataDict, token=session['token']) if not 'error' in req: putLog(table='user', uuid=unicode(uuid), changes=changes) return {'success':'User has been modified'} else: errorLog(req['error'], table='user') return {'error':req['error']} except Exception as E: if 'unique constraint' in unicode(E): errorLog('Unique constraint', table='user') return {'error': 'User already exist'} else: errorLog(unicode(E), table='user') return {'error': unicode(E)}
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if not 'token' in session: errorMessage( 'You are required to log into your account to view this content' ) return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) req = authAPI(endpoint='checkPassword', method='post', token=session['token']) if 'error' in req: errorMessage( 'You are required to log into your account to view this content' ) return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def changePasswordView(): kwargs = {'formWidth': 300, 'contentTitle': 'Change password'} form = changePasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): dataDict = {'password':} req = authAPI(endpoint='changePassword', method='put', dataDict=dataDict, token=session['token']) apiMessage(req) return render_template('user/changePasswordForm.html', form=form, **kwargs)
def registerView(lang='dk'): if not 'token' in session: # universal variables form = registerForm() kwargs = {'formWidth':400, 'breadcrumbs': breadCrumbs('authBP.registerView')} if g.sijax.is_sijax_request: g.sijax.register_callback('validate', validateCVR) return g.sijax.process_request() if form.validate_on_submit(): dataDict = {'regNo' :, 'companyName' :, 'userName' :, 'email' :, 'password' :} req = authAPI('register', method='post', dataDict=dataDict) if r.status_code == 409: flashmessage('accountExists') elif r.status_code == 404: flashmessage('cvrCheckError') elif 'error' in req: if req['error'] == 'Not valid email-address': flashMessage('validateEmail') elif 'success' in req: # send email confirmation subject = u'Bekræft tilmelding' tok = req['token'] email = req['email'] confirm_url = url_for('authBP.confirmEmailView',token=tok, _external=True, lang=lang) html = render_template(lang+'/email/verify.html', confirm_url=confirm_url) # sendMail(subject=subject, sender='Henrik Poulsen', recipients=[email], html_body=html, text_body = None) flashMessage('loginSuccess') return redirect(url_for('indexView', lang=lang)) return render_template(lang+'/auth/registerForm.html', form=form, **kwargs) else: flashMessage('alreadyRegistered') return redirect(url_for('indexView', lang=lang))
def setPasswordView(lang='dk', tok=None): g.lang = lang kwargs = {'formWidth':300, 'contentTitle':str(tok), 'title':messageText('setPasswordTitle'), 'breadcrumbs': breadCrumbs('authBP.setPasswordView')} form = setPasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): req = authAPI('setPassword', method='post', dataDict=dataDict, token=session['token']) if r.status_code == 404: flashMessage('userDoesNotExist') elif 'success' in req: flashMessage('passwordSet') return render_template(lang+'/auth/setPasswordForm.html', form=form, **kwargs)
def deleteUser(uuid): try: usr = getUser(uuid) req = authAPI(endpoint='user/'+unicode(uuid), method='delete', token=session['token']) if 'success' in req: try: db.session.delete(usr) db.session.commit() deleteLog(table='user', uuid=unicode(uuid)) return {'success': 'User has been activated'} except Exception as E: errorLog(unicode(E), table='user') return {'error':unicode(E)} else: errorLog(req['error'], table='user') return {'error':req['error']} except Exception as E: errorLog(unicode(E), table='user') return {'error':unicode(E)}
def unlockUser(uuid): try: usr = getUser(uuid) req = authAPI(endpoint='unlockUser/'+unicode(uuid), method='put', token=session['token']) if 'success' in req: try: usr.locked = False db.session.commit() logEntry('User unlocked: {}'.format(usr.uuid), table='user') return {'success': 'User can now use the system again'} except Exception as E: errorLog(unicode(E), table='user') return {'error':unicode(E)} else: errorLog(req['error'], table='user') return {'error': req['error']} except Exception as E: errorLog(unicode(E), table='user') return {'error':unicode(E)}
def logoutView(): logout = authAPI(endpoint='logout', method='post', token=session['token']) if ['error'] in logout: if req['error'] == 'Could not identify access token': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req['error'] == 'Could not identify Platform': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req['error'] == 'Internal server error': errorMessage(req['error']) elif req['error'] == 'Invalid access token': errorMessage(req['error']) else: session.clear() successMessage('You are now logged out of the system') return redirect(url_for('indexView'))
def deleteGroup(uuid): try: req = authAPI(endpoint='group/' + unicode(uuid), method='delete', token=session['token']) if 'error' in req: return {'error': req['error']} else: try: grp = getGroup(uuid) db.session.delete(grp) db.session.commit() deleteLog(table='group', uuid=unicode(uuid)) return {'success': 'Group has been deleted'} except Exception as E: errorLog(unicode(E), table='group') return {'error': unicode(E)} except Exception as E: errorLog(unicode(E), table='group') return {'error': unicode(E)}
def postGroup(data): try: dataDict = { 'name': data['title'], 'desc': data['desc'], 'users': data['users'] } req = authAPI(endpoint='group', method='post', dataDict=dataDict, token=session['token']) if 'error' in req: return {'error': req['error']} else: try: grp = group(uuid=req['uuid'], title=data['title'], desc=data['desc'], users=[ user.query.filter_by(uuid=unicode(r)).first() for r in data['users'] ], tenant_uuid=session['tenant_uuid'],, createdBy=session['user_uuid']) db.session.add(grp) db.session.commit() postLog(table='group', uuid=unicode(grp.uuid)) return {'success': 'Group has been added'} except Exception as E: if 'unique constraint' in unicode(E): errorLog('Unique constraint', table='group') return {'error': 'Group already exist'} else: errorLog(unicode(E), table='group') return {'error': unicode(E)} except Exception as E: return {'error': unicode(E)}
def changePasswordView(lang='dk'): g.lang = lang kwargs = { 'formWidth': 300, 'contentTitle': messageText('changePassword'), 'breadcrumbs': breadCrumbs('userBP.changePasswordView') } form = changePasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): dataDict = {'password':} req = authAPI(endpoint='changePassword', method='put', dataDict=dataDict, token=session['token']) flashMessage('passwordChanged') return render_template(lang + '/user/changePasswordForm.html', form=form, **kwargs)
def setPasswordView(tok): session.clear() kwargs = {'formWidth': 300, 'title': 'Set new password'} form = setPasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): dataDict = {'password':} req = authAPI('setPassword', method='post', dataDict=dataDict, token=tok) print str(req) if 'error' in req: errorMessage(req['error']) elif 'success' in req: successMessage('Your password has now been set, please login') return redirect(url_for('authBP.loginView')) return render_template('auth/setPasswordForm.html', form=form, **kwargs)