class AppContext(SurrogatePK, Model): """A context for an APP""" __tablename__ = 'app_contexts' name = Column(db.String(80), unique=True, nullable=False) _context_credentials = Column(db.Text, nullable=False) application_id = reference_col('applications', nullable=True) application = relationship('Application', backref='app_contexts') created_on = Column(db.DateTime, last_update = Column(db.DateTime, is_active = Column(db.Boolean, default=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create instance.""" db.Model.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def context_credentials(self): return json.loads(s.loads(self._context_credentials)) @context_credentials.setter def context_credentials(self, value): self._context_credentials = s.dumps(json.dumps(json.loads(value))) @property def serialized(self): return serialize_object(self, self.__class__, context_credentials=self.context_credentials) def __repr__(self): """Represent instance as a unique string.""" return '<AppContext({name})>'.format(
class Application(SurrogatePK, Model): """A category for scopes.""" __tablename__ = 'applications' name = Column(db.String(80), unique=True, nullable=False) _white_listed_ips = Column(db.Text, default="[]") created_on = Column(db.DateTime, last_update = Column(db.DateTime, def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create instance.""" db.Model.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def white_listed_ips(self): return json.loads(self._white_listed_ips) @white_listed_ips.setter def white_listed_ips(self, value): self._white_listed_ips = json.dumps(json.loads(value)) @property def serialized(self): print(self.white_listed_ips, type(self.white_listed_ips)) return serialize_object(self, self.__class__, white_listed_ips=self.white_listed_ips) def __repr__(self): """Represent instance as a unique string.""" return '<Application({name})>'.format(
class Category(SurrogatePK, Model): """A category for scopes.""" __tablename__ = 'categories' name = Column(db.String(80), unique=True, nullable=False) created_on = Column(db.DateTime, last_update = Column(db.DateTime, def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create instance.""" db.Model.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def serialized(self): return serialize_object(self, self.__class__) def __repr__(self): """Represent instance as a unique string.""" return '<Category({name})>'.format(
class UserScopeMapping(SurrogatePK, Model): """A user_scope_mapping for a user.""" __tablename__ = 'user_scope_mappings' role = Column(db.String(80), nullable=False) scope_id = reference_col('scopes', nullable=False) scope = relationship('Scope', backref='user_scope_mappings') created_on = Column(db.DateTime, last_update = Column(db.DateTime, def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create instance.""" db.Model.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def serialized(self): return serialize_object(self, self.__class__) def __repr__(self): """Represent instance as a unique string.""" return '<UserScopeMapping({role} on {scope})>'.format(role=self.role, scope=self.scope)
class InvalidToken(SurrogatePK, Model): """A category for scopes.""" __tablename__ = 'invalid_tokens' token = Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create instance.""" db.Model.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): """Represent instance as a unique string.""" return '<InvalidToken({name})>'.format(name=self.token)
class Scope(SurrogatePK, Model): """A scope which is hierarchical model.""" __tablename__ = 'scopes' id = Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(db.String(80), nullable=False) parent_scope_id = Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) created_on = Column(db.DateTime, last_update = Column(db.DateTime, parent = relationship('Scope', lazy="joined", join_depth=8, backref='children', remote_side=id) category_id = reference_col('categories', nullable=True) category = relationship('Category', backref='scopes') def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create instance.""" db.Model.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def serialized(self): return serialize_object(self, self.__class__) def tree_serialized(self, user): return serialize_object(self, self.__class__, children=[ child.tree_serialized(user) \ if user.can.view.scope_id( \ else {'id':, 'error': 'not authorized'} \ for child in self.children]) def __repr__(self): """Represent instance as a unique string.""" return '<Scope({name}:{id})>'.format(,
class User(UserMixin, SurrogatePK, Model): """A user of the app.""" __tablename__ = 'users' username = Column(db.String(80), unique=True, nullable=False) first_name = Column(db.String(80)) last_name = Column(db.String(80)) mobile_number = Column(db.String(80)) created_on = Column(db.DateTime, last_update = Column(db.DateTime, is_deleted = Column(db.Boolean, default=False) email_verified = Column(db.Boolean, default=False) email = Column(db.String(80), unique=True, nullable=False) #: The hashed password password = Column(db.Binary(128), nullable=True) user_scope_mappings = relationship("UserScopeMapping", secondary=rel_users_user_scope_mappings, backref="users") app_user = False def __init__(self, password=None, app_user=False, **kwargs): """Create instance.""" db.Model.__init__(self, **kwargs) if password: self.set_password(password) else: self.password = None """If a new user object is created as an app_user like `user = User(app_user=True)` then this user will automatically have root admin permissions. This user cannot be saved to the database and only exists for the length of a request. It is a 'Ghost' user designed to give an application the same kind of permission calls as a regular user without needing to store it in the database.""" self.app_user = app_user def traverse_up_tree_from_node(self, starting_node): """Starting at the `starting_node` we walk up the node (scope) tree by calling `starting_node.parent` to go up one level checking for the correct permission at each level. If nothing is found by the time we reach the root node (no parent) then we return False as the permission doesn't exist.""" for user_scope_mapping in starting_node.user_scope_mappings: for user in user_scope_mapping.users: if user == self and user_scope_mapping.role in self.permission_types: print(user, 'has permission on', starting_node) return True if starting_node.parent: return self.traverse_up_tree_from_node(starting_node.parent) else: return False @property def is_root_admin(self): root_scope = Scope.query.filter_by(parent_scope_id=None).first() for user_scope_mapping in root_scope.user_scope_mappings: for user in user_scope_mapping.users: if user == self: return True return self.app_user or False @property def can(self): self.permission_types = [] return self @property def view(self): self.permission_types = ['READ', 'READ-WRITE', 'ADMIN'] return self @property def modify(self): self.permission_types = ['READ-WRITE', 'ADMIN'] return self @property def delete(self): self.permission_types = ['ADMIN'] return self def user_id(self, _user_id): """If a user has no user_scope_mappings for any scope they are 'free-floating' users and only super admins and the user themself should be able to edit them or view them. If a user has at least one user_scope_mapping then we can look at all of their user_scope_mappings and check to see that we have permission in at least one of those user_scope_mappings to do the requested action.""" # Must be admin to do anything with users self.permission_types = ['ADMIN'] user = self.query.filter_by(id=_user_id).first() if not self.is_root_admin: if self == user: return True else: return False # Free floating user if not user.user_scope_mappings: # Users can always have access to themselves if user == self: return True # ADMIN users on the root node can also have access for user_scope_mapping in self.user_scope_mappings: # user has access to the root node with the correct permission if not user_scope_mapping.scope.parent and user_scope_mapping.role in \ self.permission_types: return True else: return False user_scope_mappings_with_permission = [] for user_scope_mapping in user.user_scope_mappings: if self.traverse_up_tree_from_node(user_scope_mapping.scope): user_scope_mappings_with_permission.append(user_scope_mapping.scope) return self.app_user or (True if user_scope_mappings_with_permission else False) def user_scope_mapping_id(self, _user_scope_mapping_id): """Start with the user_scope_mapping to be modified, and use the attached scope as the starting scope for determining permission to modify the user_scope_mapping.""" # Must be admin to do anything with user_scope_mappings self.permission_types = ['ADMIN'] user_scope_mapping = UserScopeMapping.query.filter_by(id=_user_scope_mapping_id).first() if not user_scope_mapping: return False if in [ for user in user_scope_mapping.users]: return True return self.app_user or self.traverse_up_tree_from_node(user_scope_mapping.scope) def scope_id(self, _scope_id): """Start with the scope to be read/modified/deleted and go up the tree looking for permissions on the target scope or any parent. The _scope_id passed in here is the parent scope of whatever scope is being modified.""" # Must be admin to do anything with scopes self.permission_types = ['ADMIN'] scope = Scope.query.filter_by(id=_scope_id).first() # Scope must always have a parent unless it is the root scope if not scope: return False return self.app_user or self.traverse_up_tree_from_node(scope) def category_id(self, _category_id): """The approach here is to find every scope that is being used by the category in question. The user would have to have the right permission on every scope attached to the category in orer to modify/read/delete the category.""" category = Category.query.filter_by(id=_category_id).first() scopes_with_permission = [] if not category.scopes: return self.app_user or self.is_root_admin for scope in category.scopes: if self.traverse_up_tree_from_node(scope): scopes_with_permission.append(scope) return self.app_user or scopes_with_permission def set_password(self, password): """Set password.""" self.password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(password) def check_password(self, value): """Check password.""" return bcrypt.check_password_hash(self.password, value) def generate_auth_token(self): s = Serializer(Config.SECRET_KEY) return s.dumps(, salt='recover-key') @staticmethod def verify_auth_token(token): s = Serializer(Config.SECRET_KEY) try: email = s.loads(token, salt="recover-key", max_age=3600) except SignatureExpired: return None # valid token, but expired except BadSignature: return None # invalid token return User.query.filter_by(email=email).first() @property def full_name(self): """Full user name.""" return '{0} {1}'.format(self.first_name, self.last_name) @property def serialized(self): return serialize_object(self, self.__class__, is_root_admin=self.is_root_admin) def __repr__(self): """Represent instance as a unique string.""" return '<User({username!r})>'.format(username=self.username)