Esempio n. 1
    def _test_helper(self, f, x, u, df_dx, df_du, debug=False):
        if debug:

        f_xu = f(x, u)

        input_x = x
        input_u = u

        with auto_diff.AutoDiff(x, u) as (x, u):
            y, (J_fx, J_fu) = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobians(f(x, u))
        self._assertAllClose(y, f_xu)
        self._assertAllClose(J_fx, df_dx)
        self._assertAllClose(J_fu, df_du)

        u = input_u
        with auto_diff.AutoDiff(input_x) as x:
            y, J_fx = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(f(x, u))
        self._assertAllClose(y, f_xu)
        self._assertAllClose(J_fx, df_dx)

        x = input_x
        with auto_diff.AutoDiff(input_u) as u:
            y, J_fu = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(f(x, u))
        self._assertAllClose(y, f_xu)
        self._assertAllClose(J_fu, df_du)

        # Some bugs only appeared with rectangular Jacobians.
        A_x = np.random.rand(input_x.shape[0], 3 * input_x.shape[0])
        b_x = np.random.rand(input_x.shape[0], 1)
        affine_x = np.linalg.lstsq(A_x, input_x - b_x, rcond=None)[0]

        A_u = np.random.rand(input_u.shape[0], 3 * input_x.shape[0])
        b_u = np.random.rand(input_u.shape[0], 1)
        affine_u = np.linalg.lstsq(A_u, input_u - b_u, rcond=None)[0]

        df_dx = df_dx @ A_x
        df_du = df_du @ A_u

        with auto_diff.AutoDiff(affine_x, affine_u) as (x, u):
            y, (J_fx, J_fu) = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobians(
                f(A_x @ x + b_x, A_u @ u + b_u))

        self._assertAllClose(y, f_xu)
        self._assertAllClose(J_fx, df_dx)
        self._assertAllClose(J_fu, df_du)

        with auto_diff.AutoDiff(affine_x) as x:
            y, J_fx = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(
                f(A_x @ x + b_x, A_u @ affine_u + b_u))

        self._assertAllClose(y, f_xu)
        self._assertAllClose(J_fx, df_dx)

        with auto_diff.AutoDiff(affine_u) as u:
            y, J_fu = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(
                f(A_x @ affine_x + b_x, A_u @ u + b_u))

        self._assertAllClose(y, f_xu)
        self._assertAllClose(J_fu, df_du)
    def _test_out(self, f, x, df_dx, debug=False):
        if debug:
        input_x = x
        f_x = f(input_x)

        with auto_diff.SparseAutoDiff(input_x) as x:
            out_dest = np.empty(f_x.shape)
            f(x, out=out_dest)
            y, Jf = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(out_dest)
            f(x, out=out_dest)
            y2, Jf2 = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(out_dest)

        self._assertAllClose(f_x, y)
        self._assertAllClose(Jf, df_dx)
        self._assertAllClose(f_x, y2)
        self._assertAllClose(Jf2, df_dx)
Esempio n. 3
    def _test_helper(self, f, x, df_dx, debug=False):
        if debug:

        input_x = x
        f_x = f(input_x)
        with auto_diff.AutoDiff(input_x) as x:
            y, Jf = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(f(x))

        self._assertAllClose(y, f_x)
        self._assertAllClose(Jf, df_dx)

        # Some bugs only appeared with rectangular Jacobians.
        A = np.random.rand(input_x.shape[0], 3 * input_x.shape[0])
        b = np.random.rand(input_x.shape[0], 1)
        x = np.linalg.lstsq(A, input_x - b, rcond=None)[0]

        df_dx = df_dx @ A

        with auto_diff.AutoDiff(x) as x:
            y, Jf = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(f(A @ x + b))

        self._assertAllClose(y, f_x)
        self._assertAllClose(Jf, df_dx)
Esempio n. 4
import auto_diff
import numpy as np

def fs(x):
    # From Example 1
    # f0 = 3*x_0 - cos(x_1*x_2)--1.5
    # f1 = 4*x_0^2-625*x_1^2+2*x-1
    # f2 = 20*x_2+exp(-x_0*x_1)+9
    f0 = 3 * x[0] - np.cos(x[1] * x[2]) - 3 / 2  # Equation 1
    f1 = 4 * x[0]**2 - 625 * x[1]**2 + 2 * x[2] - 1  # Equation 2
    f2 = 20 * x[2] + np.exp(-x[0] * x[1]) + 9  # Equation 3
    res = [f0, f1, f2]  # Create Array of Results
    return res  # Return Jax Array

x = [0, 0, 0]

with auto_diff.AutoDiff(x) as x:
    f_eval = fs(x)
    y, Jf = auto_diff.get_value_and_jacobian(f_eval)
# print(auto_diff.jacobian(fs))