Esempio n. 1
def main():
    with autobus2.Bus() as bus:
        with bus.connect_to({"autobus.example": "testobjectserver1"}) as connection:
            connection.watch_object("test", changed)
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    global state_object
    with Bus() as bus:
        service = bus.create_service({"type": "flipflop"}, active=False, use_py_object=Service())
        state_object = service.create_object("state", 1, "The current state.")
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    with Bus() as bus:
        server = atomically(Server)
        autobus_service = SixjetService()
        atomically(lambda: server.provider_list.append(autobus_service))
        bus.create_service({"type": "sixjet"}, autobus_service)
    def _():
        server.running = False
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    global pp
    print "Welcome to Sixjet Server."
    print ""
    print "Connecting to the parallel port..."
    pp = Parallel()
    print "Resetting jets..."
    print "Starting the sixjet autobus 2 service..."
    with Bus() as bus:
        bus.create_service({"type": "sixjet"}, from_py_object=Service())
        print "Sixjet has started up. Use ^C to stop it."
        print "Shutting down the sixjet autobus 2 service..."
    print "Sixjet Server has shut down."
Esempio n. 5
def run(bus_to_use):
    global bus
    global speak
    global rpc
    global timer_object
    global startup_object
    global timer_beeping_event
    global state_change_event
    global manual_state_change_event
    bus = bus_to_use
    speak = bus.get_service_proxy({"type": "speak"}, multiple=True)
    rpc = RPC()
    service = bus.create_service({"type": "timer"}, from_py_object=rpc, active=False)
    timer_object = service.create_object("timers", {}, "This object is a map of "
            "maps. The outer map maps timer numbers to maps representing "
            "those timers. Each timer's map contains a number of keys which "
            "will be described at some point (Alex: TODO: write this), which "
            "contain the timer's info.")
    startup_object = service.create_object("startup", 0, "The number of seconds since "
            "timerd started up.")
#    timer_beeping_event = bus.add_event("timer", "beeping", "This event is "
#            "fired whenever a timer that is counting down reaches zero and "
#            "has its state reset to stopped. It is passed one parameter, "
#            "the number of the timer that just went off. The event is fired "
#            "before the timer object is updated to reflect that the timer is "
#            "now stopped.")
#    state_change_event = bus.add_event("timer", "state_change", "This event "
#            "is fired whenever a timer changes state, both when a user "
#            "manually changes the timer's state and when the state changes "
#            "due to the timer reaching zero. This event is passed two "
#            "parameters: the number of the timer whose state changed and the "
#            "new state of the timer.")
#    manual_state_change_event = bus.add_event("timer", "manual_state_change",
#            "This event is fired whenever a timer's state is changed "
#            "manually by a call to either the set or set_attribute functions. "
#            "This event is passed the same set of parameters that "
#            "state_change is passed.")
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    with Bus() as bus:
        with bus.get_service_proxy({"autobus.example": "testobjectserver2"},
                multiple=True) as proxy:
            proxy.watch_object("test", changed)
Esempio n. 7
def main():
    with Bus() as bus:
        bus.create_service({"type": "examples.hello"}, HelloService())
Esempio n. 8
    def update_flash_time(self, delta):
        Adds the specified number of seconds to the current flash time. This
        can be negative to subtract from the current flash time.
        self.flash_time += delta

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with Bus() as bus:
        server = SixjetServer(ParallelBackend(Parallel().setData), bus)
        print "Shutting down server..."
        print "Shutting down bus..."
    print "Server has shut down."

Esempio n. 9
def main():
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.mode is None and args.type is None:
        print "Use autosend2 --help for more information."
    if args.mode == "help":
        print parser.format_help().replace("!!!INFO!!!", description.strip())

    mode = args.mode
    if mode is None:
        # Type, at least, will be present, since the "Use autosend2 --help ..."
        # message will have stopped us if it wasn't. So basically we need to
        # check to see if name is present, and if it is, then we call the
        # specified function, and if it isn't, then we search for the
        # introspection service and print a list of all supported functions.
        if is not None:
            mode = "call"
            mode = "list"

    # Parse out the info filer from the arguments
    info_filter = parse_info_filter(args)

    # Now create a bus.
    with Bus() as bus:
        if mode == "discovery":
            # Print the discovery table header
            print discovery_mode_header
            # Add a listener listening for services that will print out
            # information to stdout
            bus.add_service_listener(partial(discovery_mode_listener, args), info_filter=info_filter, initial=True)
            # Wait until we're interrupted
            # This empty print is to add a new line after the one with ^C on it
            # so that things look a bit prettier when all of the REMOVED
            # messages are printed.
        if mode == "call":
            if not
                print "You need to specify the name of the function to call."
            if args.multiple:  # Open a multiple-service proxy, with a
                # bind_function that will call the requested function whenever
                # it binds to a service. The advantage of doing this instead of
                # creating the service proxy, waiting a few seconds, then
                # calling the function on it is that the function is called
                # nearly immediately instead of after a delay.
                with bus.get_service_proxy(
                    info_filter, bind_function=partial(call_mode_onbind, args), multiple=True
                ) as proxy:
                    # Wait a few seconds before stopping the service proxy
            else:  # Open a single-service proxy, wait for it to bind to
                # something, then call the function and pass the result to
                # call_mode_print_result, which prints it out.
                with bus.get_service_proxy(info_filter) as proxy:
                    except Exception as e:
        if mode == "list":
            # Open a service proxy on the available introspection services.
            # Note that we use a multiple service proxy here regardless of
            # what the user requested as we've no guarantee that the first
            # introspection service discovered will provide a service matching
            # the requested criteria. TODO: Perhaps consider watching the proxy
            # in the future if a single-service lookup has been requested to
            # immediately return once a suitable service is found.
            with bus.get_service_proxy({"type": "autobus.details"}, multiple=True) as proxy:
                # Wait a few seconds for the proxy to bind
                # Call the introspection function to get information about the
                # services
                int_results = proxy["get_details"]()
                # int_results will be a dict whose keys are the service ids of
                # the introspection services and whose values are dicts whose
                # keys are the actual service ids. We need to translate this
                # into results, which is simply a dict whose keys are service
                # ids and whose values are services. We also need to strip out
                # entries whose info objects don't match what we're looking for.
                results = {}
                # Iterate over the introspection services
                for _, services_dict in int_results.items():
                    # Iterate over the services this introspector knows about
                    for service_id, service in services_dict.items():
                        # See if the service matches our filter, and see if
                        # we've either specified --all or this service isn't
                        # an introspection service
                        if filter_matches(service["info"], info_filter) and (
                            args.all or not service["info"].get("type", "").startswith("autobus.")
                            # It matches, so add it to the results
                            results[service_id] = service
                # We've got the actual results. Now print a message if there
                # weren't any.
                if len(results) == 0:
                    print "No matching services available."
                # If there were results, print them.
                for i, (service_id, service) in enumerate(results.items()):
                    if i > 0:
                        print "#" * 70

                    print "Service %s on %s (%s) -- %r:" % (
                        service["info"].get("type", "<unknown>"),
                        service["info"].get("hostname", "<unknown>"),
                    if service.get("doc", None):
                        print "\n" + service["doc"]
                    print "=" * 70
                    functions = filter_hidden(args, service["functions"])
                    if len(functions) == 0:
                        print "No functions available on this service."
                    for j, (name, function) in enumerate(functions.items()):
                        if j > 0:
                            print "-" * 70
                        print "Function " + name + ":"
                        if function.get("doc", None):
                            print "\n" + function["doc"]
                    print "=" * 70
                    events = filter_hidden(args, service["events"])
                    if len(events) == 0:
                        print "No events available on this service."
                    for j, (name, event) in enumerate(events.items()):
                        if j > 0:
                            print "-" * 70
                        print "Event " + name + ":"
                        if event.get("doc"):
                            print "\n" + event["doc"]
                    print "=" * 70
                    objects = filter_hidden(args, service["objects"])
                    if len(objects) == 0:
                        print "No objects available on this service."
                    for j, (name, object) in enumerate(objects.items()):
                        if j > 0:
                            print "-" * 70
                        print "Object " + name + ":"
                        if object.get("doc"):
                            print "\n" + object["doc"]
        print "Unsupported mode used: " + str(mode)
Esempio n. 10
 def main(self):
     with Bus() as bus:
         proxy = bus.get_service_proxy({"sixjet.provides": "states"}, multiple=True)
         proxy.watch_object("sixjet_states", self.receive_change)