Esempio n. 1
def test_atan2_f64():
    grad_test(lambda x: ti.atan2(0.4, x),
              lambda x: np.arctan2(0.4, x),
    grad_test(lambda y: ti.atan2(y, 0.4),
              lambda y: np.arctan2(y, 0.4),
Esempio n. 2
def get_angles(sin_theta, cos_theta):
    theta = np.arctan2(sin_theta, cos_theta)
    if theta > 0:
        alpha = (-np.pi + theta)
        alpha = (np.pi + theta)
    return alpha, theta
Esempio n. 3
    def m_step(self, expectations, datas, inputs, masks, tags, **kwargs):

        x = np.concatenate(datas)
        weights = np.concatenate([Ez for Ez, _, _ in expectations])  # T x D
        assert x.shape[0] == weights.shape[0]

        # convert angles to 2D representation and employ closed form solutions
        x_k = np.stack((np.sin(x), np.cos(x)), axis=1)  # T x 2 x D

        r_k = np.tensordot(weights.T, x_k, axes=1)  # K x 2 x D
        r_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(r_k, 2), axis=1))  # K x D

        mus_k = np.divide(r_k, r_norm[:, None])  # K x 2 x D
        r_bar = np.divide(r_norm, np.sum(weights, 0)[:, None])  # K x D

        mask = (r_norm.sum(1) == 0)
        mus_k[mask] = 0
        r_bar[mask] = 0

        # Approximation
        kappa0 = r_bar * (self.D + 1 - np.power(r_bar, 2)) / (
            1 - np.power(r_bar, 2))  # K,D

        kappa0[kappa0 == 0] += 1e-6

        for k in range(self.K):
            self.mus[k] = np.arctan2(*mus_k[k])  #
            self.log_kappas[k] = np.log(kappa0[k])  # K, D
Esempio n. 4
def generate_candidate_edge(cinfo_a, cinfo_b):

    # we want a left of b (so a's successor will be b and b's
    # predecessor will be a) make sure right endpoint of b is to the
    # right of left endpoint of a.
    if cinfo_a.point0[0] > cinfo_b.point1[0]:
        tmp = cinfo_a
        cinfo_a = cinfo_b
        cinfo_b = tmp

    x_overlap_a = cinfo_a.local_overlap(cinfo_b)
    x_overlap_b = cinfo_b.local_overlap(cinfo_a)

    overall_tangent = -
    overall_angle = np.arctan2(overall_tangent[1], overall_tangent[0])

    delta_angle = max(angle_dist(cinfo_a.angle, overall_angle),
                      angle_dist(cinfo_b.angle, overall_angle)) * 180/np.pi

    # we want the largest overlap in x to be small
    x_overlap = max(x_overlap_a, x_overlap_b)

    dist = np.linalg.norm(cinfo_b.point0 - cinfo_a.point1)

    if (dist > EDGE_MAX_LENGTH or
            x_overlap > EDGE_MAX_OVERLAP or
            delta_angle > EDGE_MAX_ANGLE):
        return None
        score = dist + delta_angle*EDGE_ANGLE_COST
        return (score, cinfo_a, cinfo_b)
Esempio n. 5
def avg_angle(th1, th2):
    x = np.cos(th1) + np.cos(th2)
    y = np.sin(th1) + np.sin(th2)
    if (x == 0 and y == 0):
        return 0
        return np.arctan2(y, x)
Esempio n. 6
 def vInfRA(self, r, v, mu):
     right ascension of v infinity
     s = self.sVector(r, v, mu)
     RA = np.arctan2(s[1], s[0])
     return RA
Esempio n. 7
    def m_step(self, expectations, datas, inputs, masks, tags, **kwargs):
        from autograd.scipy.special import i0, i1
        x = np.concatenate(datas)

        weights = np.concatenate([Ez for Ez, _, _ in expectations])

        # convert angles to 2D representation and employ closed form solutions
        x_k = np.stack((np.sin(x), np.cos(x)), axis=1)

        r_k = np.tensordot(weights.T, x_k, (-1, 0))

        r_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(r_k**2, 1))
        mus_k = r_k / r_norm[:, None]
        r_bar = r_norm / weights.sum(0)[:, None]

        # truncated newton approximation with 2 iterations
        kappa_0 = r_bar * (2 - r_bar**2) / (1 - r_bar**2)

        kappa_1 = kappa_0 - ((i1(kappa_0)/i0(kappa_0)) - r_bar) / \
                  (1 - (i1(kappa_0)/i0(kappa_0)) ** 2 - (i1(kappa_0)/i0(kappa_0)) / kappa_0)
        kappa_2 = kappa_1 - ((i1(kappa_1)/i0(kappa_1)) - r_bar) / \
                  (1 - (i1(kappa_1)/i0(kappa_1)) ** 2 - (i1(kappa_1)/i0(kappa_1)) / kappa_1)

        for k in range(self.K):
            self.mus[k] = np.arctan2(*mus_k[k])
            self.log_kappas[k] = np.log(kappa_2[k])
Esempio n. 8
def ur5fk(thetas):
    thetas_0 = anp.array([0, pi / 2, 0, pi / 2, pi])
    thetas = thetas + thetas_0
    #thetas = thetas._value
    d0 = 0.3
    d1 = 8.92e-2
    d2 = 0.11
    d5 = 9.475e-2
    #d6 = 7.495e-2
    d6 = 1.1495e-1
    a2 = 4.251e-1
    a3 = 3.9215e-1
    #All = np.zeros((6, 4, 4))
    #All[:, 3, 3] = 1
    A1 = anp.array([[anp.cos(thetas[0]), -anp.sin(thetas[0]), 0, 0],
                     anp.cos(thetas[0]), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, d1], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    A2 = anp.array([[anp.cos(thetas[1]), -anp.sin(thetas[1]), 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, -1, -d2],
                     anp.cos(thetas[1]), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    A3 = anp.array([[anp.cos(thetas[2]), -anp.sin(thetas[2]), 0, a2],
                     anp.cos(thetas[2]), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    A4 = anp.array([[anp.cos(thetas[3]), -anp.sin(thetas[3]), 0, a3],
                     anp.cos(thetas[3]), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    A5 = anp.array([[anp.cos(thetas[4]), -anp.sin(thetas[4]), 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, -1, -d5],
                     anp.cos(thetas[4]), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    A6 = anp.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, -d6], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    A0 = anp.zeros((4, 4))
    A0[0, 1] = 1
    A0[1, 0] = -1
    A0[2, 2] = 1
    A0[2, 3] = d0
    A0[3, 3] = 1
    #A0[2, 3] = 0
    A = A0 @ A1 @ A2 @ A3 @ A4 @ A5 @ A6
    eular = anp.array([
        anp.arctan2(A[2, 1], A[2, 2]),
        anp.arctan2(-A[2, 0], anp.sqrt(A[2, 1]**2 + A[2, 2]**2)),
        anp.arctan2(A[1, 0], A[0, 0])
    return anp.concatenate([A[:3, 3], eular])
Esempio n. 9
 def bTheta(self, r, v, mu):
     b plane theta (clock angle)
     BR = self.bDotR(r, v, mu)
     BT = self.bDotT(r, v, mu)
     theta = np.arctan2(BR, BT)
     return theta
Esempio n. 10
    def TE_angle(self):
        # Returns the trailing edge angle of the airfoil, in degrees
        upper_TE_vec = self.coordinates[0, :] - self.coordinates[1, :]
        lower_TE_vec = self.coordinates[-1, :] - self.coordinates[-2, :]

        return np.degrees(np.arctan2(
            upper_TE_vec[0] * lower_TE_vec[1] - upper_TE_vec[1] * lower_TE_vec[0],
            upper_TE_vec[0] * lower_TE_vec[0] + upper_TE_vec[1] * upper_TE_vec[1]
Esempio n. 11
 def _g(self, z, i):
     xydiff = self.beacons[i] - z[:2]
     if np.linalg.norm(xydiff) <= self.max_radar_range:
         range_ = np.linalg.norm(xydiff)
         bearing = modpi2pi(np.arctan2(xydiff[1], xydiff[0]) - z[2])
             f"DiffDrive {} observations: range {range_} / bearing {bearing}"
         return np.array([range_, bearing])
     return None
Esempio n. 12
    def angle_between_2_vectors(self, x, y):
        """Calculate angle between 2 3D vectors in rad"""

        c =, y)  # cosine is the dot product
        xcy =,
                     y)  # sine is the norm of the cross product
        s = self.column_vector_norm2(
            xcy)  # sine is the norm of the cross product

        if (s == 0. and c == 0.):
            angle = 0.  # degenerate case
            angle = np.arctan2(s, c[0, 0])

        return angle
Esempio n. 13
    def evaluate(variable_values, parameters):
        ax = variable_values[parameters["ax"]]
        bx = variable_values[parameters["bx"]]
        dx = bx - ax
        ay = variable_values[parameters["ay"]]
        by = variable_values[parameters["by"]]
        dy = by - ay

        angle = numpy.arctan2(dy, dx)
        error1 = angle - parameters["angle"]

        # Normalize the angular differnce using
        # (a + 180°) % 360° - 180°
        return numpy.remainder(error1 + math.pi, 2 * math.pi) - math.pi
Esempio n. 14
    def obstaclePathCallback(self, msg):
        Stores the obstacle avoidance path generated by the path planner for
        determining where to update the final point of the path in order to
        accomodate the robots pose at the end of the obstacle path and the start
        of the maneuver's first segment.

        msg: nav_msgs/Path object

        if (self.update_obstacle_end_pose):
            # Calculate the pose from the last two points in the path
            x_1 = msg.poses[-2].pose.position.x
            y_1 = msg.poses[-2].pose.position.y
            x_2 = msg.poses[-1].pose.position.x
            y_2 = msg.poses[-1].pose.position.y
            theta_obstacle_path = np.arctan2((y_2 - y_1), (x_2 - x_1))

            # Find the heading error for the first maneuver segment
            theta_error = self.pose_s.theta - theta_obstacle_path
            direction = np.sign(theta_error)

            # Place end point at appropriate position along the minimum turning radius based on heading error
            center_point = np.array([self.pose_s.x, self.pose_s.y])
            R_s = rotZ2D(self.pose_s.theta)
            new_target = center_point +
                    self.min_radius * np.cos(-direction *
                                             (np.pi / 2) - theta_error),
                    self.min_radius * np.sin(-direction *
                                             (np.pi / 2) - theta_error)

            # Update target position for obstacle avoidance path
            rospy.set_param("/control_panel_node/goal_x", float(new_target[0]))
            rospy.set_param("/control_panel_node/goal_y", float(new_target[1]))
            self.update_obstacle_end_pose = False
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, contour, rect, mask):

        self.contour = contour
        self.rect = rect
        self.mask = mask, self.tangent = blob_mean_and_tangent(contour)

        self.angle = np.arctan2(self.tangent[1], self.tangent[0])

        clx = [self.proj_x(point) for point in contour]

        lxmin = min(clx)
        lxmax = max(clx)

        self.local_xrng = (lxmin, lxmax)

        self.point0 = + self.tangent * lxmin
        self.point1 = + self.tangent * lxmax

        self.pred = None
        self.succ = None
Esempio n. 16
    def inverse_dynamics(self, x, u):
        u = np.clip(u, -self._umax, self._umax)

        g, m, l = 9.80665, 1., 1.

        # transfer to th/thd space
        sth, cth, dth = x
        _x = np.hstack((np.arctan2(sth, cth), dth))

        def f(x, u):
            th, dth = x
            return np.hstack((dth, -3. * g / (2. * l) * np.sin(th + np.pi) +
                              3. / (m * l ** 2) * (u - self._k * dth)))

        k1 = f(_x, u)
        k2 = f(_x - 0.5 * self.dt * k1, u)
        k3 = f(_x - 0.5 * self.dt * k2, u)
        k4 = f(_x - self.dt * k3, u)

        _xn = _x - self.dt / 6. * (k1 + 2. * k2 + 2. * k3 + k4)
        xn = np.array([np.cos(_xn[0]), np.sin(_xn[0]), _xn[1]])

        xn = np.clip(xn, -self._xmax, self._xmax)
        return xn
Esempio n. 17
def d_z_d_t_numpy_batchs(x, y, z, t, params, ode_params):
    a_p, a_q, a_r, a_s, a_t = params[0], params[3], params[6], params[
        9], params[12]

    b_p, b_q, b_r, b_s, b_t = params[1], params[4], params[7], params[
        10], params[13]

    theta_p, theta_q, theta_r, theta_s, theta_t = params[2], params[5], params[
        8], params[11], params[14]

    theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
    delta_theta_p = np.fmod(theta - theta_p, 2 * math.pi)
    delta_theta_q = np.fmod(theta - theta_q, 2 * math.pi)
    delta_theta_r = np.fmod(theta - theta_r, 2 * math.pi)
    delta_theta_s = np.fmod(theta - theta_s, 2 * math.pi)
    delta_theta_t = np.fmod(theta - theta_t, 2 * math.pi)

    z_p = a_p * delta_theta_p * \
        np.exp((- delta_theta_p * delta_theta_p / (2 * b_p * b_p)))

    z_q = a_q * delta_theta_q * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_q * delta_theta_q / (2 * b_q * b_q)))

    z_r = a_r * delta_theta_r * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_r * delta_theta_r / (2 * b_r * b_r)))

    z_s = a_s * delta_theta_s * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_s * delta_theta_s / (2 * b_s * b_s)))

    z_t = a_t * delta_theta_t * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_t * delta_theta_t / (2 * b_t * b_t)))

    z_0_t = (ode_params.A * np.sin(2 * math.pi * ode_params.f2 * t))

    f_z = -1 * (z_p + z_q + z_r + z_s + z_t) - (z - z_0_t)
    return f_z
Esempio n. 18
    def maneuverIneqConstraints(self, x, params):
        Optimization inequality constraint function. scipy.optimize.minimize
        defines the constraints as c_j >= 0.

        subject to:
        1) -obstaclesInManeuver() >= 0
        2) abs(r_1) - min_radius >= 0

        x: [x_s, y_s]
        x_s: forklift starting 'x' position of maneuver
        y_s: forklist starting 'y' position of maneuver

        params: {"obstacles" : obstacles, "min_radius" : min_radius}
        "obstacles" : obstacles: mx2 numpy array of obstacle locations (x,y)
        "min_radius" : min_radius: the minimum allowable turning radius

        C: number of obstacles in the bounding box
        # Unpack variables and parameters
        x_s = x[0]
        y_s = x[1]
        # Point the pose towards the center of the roll
        theta_s = np.arctan2(self.target_y - y_s, self.target_x - x_s)

        # Convert states to poses
        pose_s = Pose2D(x_s, y_s, theta_s)

        # Frist constraint
        C = -self.obstaclesInManeuver(pose_s, params["obstacles"])

        return C
Esempio n. 19
         octave, layer, scale = unpackSIFTOctave(keypoints[0][j].octave)
         theta = keypoints[0][j].angle
         dx_, dy_ = np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)), -np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta))
         x_0, y_0, _ = tuple(
             h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 + s * dx_, y0 + s * dy_, 1)))
         x_1, y_1, _ = tuple(
             h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 - s * dy_, y0 + s * dx_, 1)))
         x_2, y_2, _ = tuple(
             h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 + s * dy_, y0 - s * dx_, 1)))
         x_3, y_3, _ = tuple(
             h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 - s * dx_, y0 - s * dy_, 1)))
         s_new = np.mean([
             np.linalg.norm((x_0 - x_3, y_0 - y_3)) / 2,
             np.linalg.norm(((x_1 - x_2, y_1 - y_2))) / 2
         angle_new = np.arctan2(-y_0 + y_3, x_0 - x_3)
         angle_new = np.rad2deg(angle_new + 2 * np.pi * (angle_new < 0))
         myplot.append((s_new, s, octave, layer, scale, theta, angle_new))
 # Angles
 a_orig = np.array([x[5] for x in myplot])
 a_new = np.array([x[6] for x in myplot])
 plt.scatter(a_orig, a_new)
 plt.title('Angle differences')
 # Plot sizes and octaves
 z = np.array([0 for x in myplot])
 sorig = np.array([x[1] for x in myplot])
 snew = np.array([x[0] for x in myplot])
Esempio n. 20
    def test_bfgs_linear_speed(self):
        for _ in range(10):
            h = 0.1

            x0, y0 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1 - h, (2,))
            x1, y1 = x0 + h, y0 + h
            x, y = x0 - h, y0

            vx, vy = np.random.uniform(-0.05, 0.05, (2,))
            s_gt = get_linear_speed_s(vx, vy)
            slow = sjs.get_linear_speed_field2(vx, vy)

            tau_Omega = get_linear_speed_tau(vx, vy)
            tau = lambda lam, mu: tau_Omega(
                (1 - lam)*x0 + lam*x1,
                (1 -  mu)*y0 +  mu*y1
            grad_tau = autograd.grad(lambda args: tau(args[0], args[1]))
            hess_tau = autograd.hessian(lambda args: tau(args[0], args[1]))
            tau_x = lambda lam, mu: grad_tau(np.array([lam, mu]))[0]
            tau_y = lambda lam, mu: grad_tau(np.array([lam, mu]))[1]
            tau_xy = lambda lam, mu: hess_tau(np.array([lam, mu]))[1][0]

            data = np.array([
                [  tau(0., 0.),    tau(0., 1.),  tau_y(0., 0.),  tau_y(0., 1.)],
                [  tau(1., 0.),    tau(1., 1.),  tau_y(1., 0.),  tau_y(1., 1.)],
                [tau_x(0., 0.),  tau_x(0., 1.), tau_xy(0., 0.), tau_xy(0., 1.)],
                [tau_x(1., 0.),  tau_x(1., 1.), tau_xy(1., 0.), tau_xy(1., 1.)],
            bicubic = sjs.Bicubic(data)
            T = bicubic.get_f_on_edge(sjs.BicubicVariable.Lambda, 0)
            Tx = bicubic.get_fx_on_edge(sjs.BicubicVariable.Lambda, 0)
            Ty = bicubic.get_fy_on_edge(sjs.BicubicVariable.Lambda, 0)

            a_T = np.array([T.a[i] for i in range(4)])
            a_Tx = np.array([Tx.a[i] for i in range(4)])
            a_Ty = np.array([Ty.a[i] for i in range(4)])

            p, p0, p1 = np.array([x, y]), np.array([x0, y0]), np.array([x0, y1])
            context_gt = F4(s_gt, a_T, a_Tx, a_Ty, p, p0, p1)

            xy = sjs.Dvec2(*p)
            xy0 = sjs.Dvec2(*p0)
            xy1 = sjs.Dvec2(*p1)

            context = sjs.F4Context(T, Tx, Ty, xy, xy0, xy1, slow)

            context3 = sjs.F3Context(T, xy, xy0, xy1, slow)
            def F3(eta):
                return context3.F3
            def F3_eta(eta):
                return context3.F3_eta
            if np.sign(F3_eta(0.)) == np.sign(F3_eta(1.)):
                argeta3 = 0. if F3(0.) < F3(1.) else 1.
                argeta3 = brentq(F3_eta, 0, 1)
            lp = (p - p0 - argeta3*(p1 - p0))
            lp /= np.linalg.norm(lp)
            argth3 = np.arctan2(*reversed(lp))

            xk_gt = np.array([argeta3, argth3])

            eps = 1e-7

            hess_gt = context_gt.hess_F4(xk_gt)
            hess_fd = context.hess_fd(argeta3, argth3, eps)

            self.assertTrue(abs(hess_gt[0, 0] - hess_fd[0, 0]) < eps)
            self.assertTrue(abs(hess_gt[1, 0] - hess_fd[1, 0]) < eps)
            self.assertTrue(abs(hess_gt[0, 1] - hess_fd[0, 1]) < eps)
            self.assertTrue(abs(hess_gt[1, 1] - hess_fd[1, 1]) < eps)

            gk_gt = context_gt.grad_F4(xk_gt)
            Hk_gt = np.linalg.inv(hess_gt)

            xk, gk, Hk = context.bfgs_init(*xk_gt)

            eps = 1e-6
            self.assertTrue(abs(Hk_gt[0, 0] - Hk[0, 0]) < eps)
            self.assertTrue(abs(Hk_gt[1, 0] - Hk[1, 0]) < eps)
            self.assertTrue(abs(Hk_gt[0, 1] - Hk[0, 1]) < eps)
            self.assertTrue(abs(Hk_gt[1, 1] - Hk[1, 1]) < eps)
Esempio n. 21
def rayIntersectsSegment(point_in, segment):
    Determines whether a given point with a ray shooting in the positive X
    direction intersects a line segment specifiec by two points. Returns 0 if it
    does not intersect, 1 if it does intersect, 2 if it is on the segment.

    point_in: 2x1 numpy array containing an (x,y) position
    segment: 2x2 numpy array containing 2 (x,y) points that define a line

    intersect: 0 if no intersection, 1 if intersects but not on the segment, 2
               if on the segment


           |     /T
       G   |  ? / |
       o   |   /  | -> Bad
       o   |  / ? |
       d   |B/    |

      point   o
        o    /T
       /   /
      / \/ point angle
     / /  \
    // \   |
    B  segment angle
    # If the point is equal to one of the vertices, return 2 for "on the segment"
    point = copy.copy(point_in)  # this keeps "point_in" from being altered

    if ((point[0] == segment[0, 0] and point[1] == segment[0, 1])
            or (point[0] == segment[1, 0] and point[1] == segment[1, 1])):
        return 2

    # If the point is equal with one of the points in the Y dimension, increase
    # its Y position by a small amount
    if (point[1] == segment[0, 1] or point[1] == segment[1, 1]):
        point[1] = point[1] + 0.000001

    # Find the top and bottom points in the Y direction
    if (segment[0, 1] > segment[1, 1]):
        top = segment[0, :]
        bottom = segment[1, :]
        top = segment[1, :]
        bottom = segment[0, :]

    # Get min and max values
    x_max = max(segment[0, 0], segment[1, 0])
    x_min = min(segment[0, 0], segment[1, 0])
    y_max = top[1]
    y_min = bottom[1]

    # Check if point is in the "Bad" region
    if (point[0] > x_max or point[1] < y_min or point[1] > y_max):
        return 0
    # Check if point is in the "Good" region
    elif (point[0] < x_min):
        return 1
    # Check if point is in the "?" region
        # Calculate the angle of the segment and the angle of the point with the
        # segment's bottom point. If the point angle is larger than the segment
        # angle, then the ray crosses the segment. If they are equal, the point
        # is on the segment. If the point angle is smaller, the ray does not
        # cross.
        # # NOTE: use these equations for normal operation
        # segment_angle = np.arctan2(top[1] - bottom[1], top[0] - bottom[0])
        # point_angle = np.arctan2(point[1] - bottom[1], point[0] - bottom[0])
        # NOTE: use these equations for autograd automatic differentiation
        segment_angle = anp.arctan2(top[1] - bottom[1], top[0] - bottom[0])
        point_angle = anp.arctan2(point[1] - bottom[1], point[0] - bottom[0])

        # Check angle between point, bottom of segment, and positive X direction
        if (point_angle > segment_angle):
            return 1
        elif (point_angle < segment_angle):
            return 0
            return 2
Esempio n. 22
def test_atan2():
  grad_test(lambda x: ti.atan2(0.4, x), lambda x: np.arctan2(0.4, x))
  grad_test(lambda y: ti.atan2(y, 0.4), lambda y: np.arctan2(y, 0.4))
Esempio n. 23
def reconstruct_ptychography(
        # ______________________________________
        # |Raw data and experimental parameters|________________________________
        fname, probe_pos, probe_size, obj_size, theta_st=0, theta_end=PI, n_theta=None, theta_downsample=None,
        energy_ev=5000, psize_cm=1e-7, free_prop_cm=None,
        # ___________________________
        # |Reconstruction parameters|___________________________________________
        n_epochs='auto', crit_conv_rate=0.03, max_nepochs=200, alpha_d=None, alpha_b=None,
        gamma=1e-6, learning_rate=1.0, minibatch_size=None, multiscale_level=1, n_epoch_final_pass=None,
        initial_guess=None, n_batch_per_update=1, reweighted_l1=False, interpolation='bilinear',
        # ___________________________
        # |Finite support constraint|___________________________________________
        finite_support_mask_path=None, shrink_cycle=None, shrink_threshold=1e-9,
        # ___________________
        # |Object contraints|
        # _______________
        # |Forward model|_______________________________________________________
        forward_algorithm='fresnel', binning=1, fresnel_approx=False, pure_projection=False, two_d_mode=False,
        probe_type='gaussian', probe_initial=None,
        # _____
        # |I/O|_________________________________________________________________
        save_path='.', output_folder=None, save_intermediate=False, full_intermediate=False, use_checkpoint=True,
        # _____________
        # |Performance|_________________________________________________________
        cpu_only=False, core_parallelization=True, shared_file_object=True, n_dp_batch=20,
        # __________________________
        # |Object optimizer options|____________________________________________
        # _________________________
        # |Other optimizer options|_____________________________________________
        optimize_probe_defocusing=False, probe_defocusing_learning_rate=1e-5,
        # ________________
        # |Other settings|______________________________________________________
        dynamic_rate=True, pupil_function=None, probe_circ_mask=0.9, dynamic_dropping=False, dropping_threshold=8e-5,
        # ______________________________________________________________________

        1. Input data are assumed to be contained in an HDF5 under 'exchange/data', as a 4D dataset of
           shape [n_theta, n_spots, detector_size_y, detector_size_x].
        2. Full-field reconstruction is treated as ptychography. If the image is not divided, the programs
           runs as if it is dealing with ptychography with only 1 spot per angle.
        3. Full-field reconstruction with minibatch_size > 1 but without image dividing is not supported.
           In this case, minibatch_size will be forced to be 1, so that each rank process only one
           rotation angle's image at a time. To perform large fullfield reconstruction efficiently,
           divide the data into sub-chunks.
        4. Full-field reconstruction using shared_file_mode but without image dividing is not recommended
           even if minibatch_size is 1. In shared_file_mode, all ranks process data from the same rotation
           angle in each synchronized batch. Doing this will cause all ranks to process the same data.
           To perform large fullfield reconstruction efficiently, divide the data into sub-chunks.

    def calculate_loss(obj_delta, obj_beta, probe_real, probe_imag, probe_defocus_mm, probe_pos_offset, this_i_theta, this_pos_batch, this_prj_batch):

        if optimize_probe_defocusing:
            h_probe = get_kernel(probe_defocus_mm * 1e6, lmbda_nm, voxel_nm, probe_size, fresnel_approx=fresnel_approx)
            probe_complex = probe_real + 1j * probe_imag
            probe_complex = np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(probe_complex)) * h_probe))
            probe_real = np.real(probe_complex)
            probe_imag = np.imag(probe_complex)

        if optimize_probe_pos_offset:
            this_pos_batch = this_pos_batch + probe_pos_offset[this_i_theta]
        if not shared_file_object:
            obj_stack = np.stack([obj_delta, obj_beta], axis=3)
            if not two_d_mode:
                obj_rot = apply_rotation(obj_stack, coord_ls[this_i_theta])
                # obj_rot = sp_rotate(obj_stack, theta, axes=(1, 2), reshape=False)
                obj_rot = obj_stack
            probe_pos_batch_ls = []
            exiting_ls = []
            i_dp = 0
            while i_dp < minibatch_size:
                probe_pos_batch_ls.append(this_pos_batch[i_dp:min([i_dp + n_dp_batch, minibatch_size])])
                i_dp += n_dp_batch

            # Pad if needed
            obj_rot, pad_arr = pad_object(obj_rot, this_obj_size, probe_pos, probe_size)

            for k, pos_batch in enumerate(probe_pos_batch_ls):
                subobj_ls = []
                for j in range(len(pos_batch)):
                    pos = pos_batch[j]
                    pos = [int(x) for x in pos]
                    pos[0] = pos[0] + pad_arr[0, 0]
                    pos[1] = pos[1] + pad_arr[1, 0]
                    subobj = obj_rot[pos[0]:pos[0] + probe_size[0], pos[1]:pos[1] + probe_size[1], :, :]

                subobj_ls = np.stack(subobj_ls)
                exiting = multislice_propagate_batch_numpy(subobj_ls[:, :, :, :, 0], subobj_ls[:, :, :, :, 1], probe_real,
                                                           probe_imag, energy_ev, psize_cm * ds_level, kernel=h, free_prop_cm=free_prop_cm,
                                                           obj_batch_shape=[len(pos_batch), *probe_size, this_obj_size[-1]],
                                                           fresnel_approx=fresnel_approx, pure_projection=pure_projection)
            exiting_ls = np.concatenate(exiting_ls, 0)
            loss = np.mean((np.abs(exiting_ls) - np.abs(this_prj_batch)) ** 2)

            probe_pos_batch_ls = []
            exiting_ls = []
            i_dp = 0
            while i_dp < minibatch_size:
                probe_pos_batch_ls.append(this_pos_batch[i_dp:min([i_dp + n_dp_batch, minibatch_size])])
                i_dp += n_dp_batch

            pos_ind = 0
            for k, pos_batch in enumerate(probe_pos_batch_ls):
                subobj_ls_delta = obj_delta[pos_ind:pos_ind + len(pos_batch), :, :, :]
                subobj_ls_beta = obj_beta[pos_ind:pos_ind + len(pos_batch), :, :, :]
                exiting = multislice_propagate_batch_numpy(subobj_ls_delta, subobj_ls_beta, probe_real,
                                                           probe_imag, energy_ev, psize_cm * ds_level, kernel=h,
                                                           obj_batch_shape=[len(pos_batch), *probe_size,
                pos_ind += len(pos_batch)
            exiting_ls = np.concatenate(exiting_ls, 0)
            loss = np.mean((np.abs(exiting_ls) - np.abs(this_prj_batch)) ** 2)
            # dxchange.write_tiff(abs(exiting_ls._value[0]), output_folder + '/det/det', dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
            # raise

        # Regularization
        if reweighted_l1:
            if alpha_d not in [None, 0]:
                loss = loss + alpha_d * np.mean(weight_l1 * np.abs(obj_delta))
            if alpha_b not in [None, 0]:
                loss = loss + alpha_b * np.mean(weight_l1 * np.abs(obj_beta))
            if alpha_d not in [None, 0]:
                loss = loss + alpha_d * np.mean(np.abs(obj_delta))
            if alpha_b not in [None, 0]:
                loss = loss + alpha_b * np.mean(np.abs(obj_beta))
        if gamma not in [None, 0]:
            if shared_file_object:
                loss = loss + gamma * total_variation_3d(obj_delta, axis_offset=1)
                loss = loss + gamma * total_variation_3d(obj_delta, axis_offset=0)

        # Write convergence data
        global current_loss
        current_loss = loss._value
        f_conv.write('{},{},{},'.format(i_epoch, i_batch, current_loss))

        return loss

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    n_ranks = comm.Get_size()
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    t_zero = time.time()

    timestr = str(
    timestr = timestr[:timestr.find('.')]
    for i in [':', '-', ' ']:
        if i == ' ':
            timestr = timestr.replace(i, '_')
            timestr = timestr.replace(i, '')

    # ================================================================================
    # Create pointer for raw data.
    # ================================================================================
    t0 = time.time()
    print_flush('Reading data...', 0, rank)
    f = h5py.File(os.path.join(save_path, fname), 'r')
    prj = f['exchange/data']
    if n_theta is None:
        n_theta = prj.shape[0]
    if two_d_mode:
        n_theta = 1
    prj_theta_ind = np.arange(n_theta, dtype=int)
    theta = -np.linspace(theta_st, theta_end, n_theta, dtype='float32')
    if theta_downsample is not None:
        theta = theta[::theta_downsample]
        prj_theta_ind = prj_theta_ind[::theta_downsample]
        n_theta = len(theta)
    original_shape = [n_theta, *prj.shape[1:]]

    print_flush('Data reading: {} s'.format(time.time() - t0), 0, rank)
    print_flush('Data shape: {}'.format(original_shape), 0, rank)

    not_first_level = False
    stdout_options = {'save_stdout': save_stdout, 'output_folder': output_folder, 
                      'timestamp': timestr}

    n_pos = len(probe_pos)
    probe_pos = np.array(probe_pos)

    # ================================================================================
    # Batching check.
    # ================================================================================
    if minibatch_size > 1 and n_pos == 1:
        warnings.warn('It seems that you are processing undivided fullfield data with'
                      'minibatch > 1. A rank can only process data from the same rotation'
                      'angle at a time. I am setting minibatch_size to 1.')
        minibatch_size = 1
    if shared_file_object and n_pos == 1:
        warnings.warn('It seems that you are processing undivided fullfield data with'
                      'shared_file_object=True. In shared-file mode, all ranks must'
                      'process data from the same rotation angle in each synchronized'

    # ================================================================================
    # Set output folder name if not specified.
    # ================================================================================
    if output_folder is None:
        output_folder = 'recon_{}'.format(timestr)
        if abs(PI - theta_end) < 1e-3:
            output_folder += '_180'
    print_flush('Output folder is {}'.format(output_folder), 0, rank)

    if save_path != '.':
        output_folder = os.path.join(save_path, output_folder)

    for ds_level in range(multiscale_level - 1, -1, -1):

        # ================================================================================
        # Set metadata.
        # ================================================================================
        ds_level = 2 ** ds_level
        print_flush('Multiscale downsampling level: {}'.format(ds_level), 0, rank, **stdout_options)

        prj_shape = original_shape

        if ds_level > 1:
            this_obj_size = [int(x / ds_level) for x in obj_size]
            this_obj_size = obj_size

        dim_y, dim_x = prj_shape[-2:]
        if minibatch_size is None:
            minibatch_size = n_pos

        # ================================================================================
        # Create output directory.
        # ================================================================================
        if rank == 0:
                print('Target folder {} exists.'.format(output_folder))

        # ================================================================================
        # Create object function optimizer.
        # ================================================================================
        if optimizer == 'adam':
            opt = AdamOptimizer([*this_obj_size, 2], output_folder=output_folder)
            optimizer_options_obj = {'step_size': learning_rate,
                                     'shared_file_object': shared_file_object}
        elif optimizer == 'gd':
            opt = GDOptimizer([*this_obj_size, 2], output_folder=output_folder)
            optimizer_options_obj = {'step_size': learning_rate,
                                     'dynamic_rate': True,
                                     'first_downrate_iteration': 20 * max([ceil(n_pos / (minibatch_size * n_ranks)), 1])}
        if shared_file_object:
            if use_checkpoint:

        # ================================================================================
        # Read rotation data.
        # ================================================================================
            coord_ls = read_all_origin_coords('arrsize_{}_{}_{}_ntheta_{}'.format(*this_obj_size, n_theta),
            if rank == 0:
                print_flush('Saving rotation coordinates...', 0, rank, **stdout_options)
                save_rotation_lookup(this_obj_size, n_theta)
            coord_ls = read_all_origin_coords('arrsize_{}_{}_{}_ntheta_{}'.format(*this_obj_size, n_theta),

        # ================================================================================
        # Unify random seed for all threads.
        # ================================================================================
        seed = int(time.time() / 60)

        # ================================================================================
        # Get checkpointed parameters.
        # ================================================================================
        starting_epoch, starting_batch = (0, 0)
        needs_initialize = False if use_checkpoint else True
        if use_checkpoint and shared_file_object:
                starting_epoch, starting_batch = restore_checkpoint(output_folder, shared_file_object)
                needs_initialize = True

        elif use_checkpoint and (not shared_file_object):
                starting_epoch, starting_batch, obj_delta, obj_beta = restore_checkpoint(output_folder, shared_file_object, opt)
                needs_initialize = True

        # ================================================================================
        # Create object class.
        # ================================================================================
        obj = ObjectFunction([*this_obj_size, 2], shared_file_object=shared_file_object,
                             output_folder=output_folder, ds_level=ds_level, object_type=object_type)
        if shared_file_object:
            if needs_initialize:
                obj.initialize_file_object(save_stdout=save_stdout, timestr=timestr,
                                           not_first_level=not_first_level, initial_guess=initial_guess)
            if needs_initialize:
                obj.initialize_array(save_stdout=save_stdout, timestr=timestr,
                                     not_first_level=not_first_level, initial_guess=initial_guess)
       = obj_delta
                obj.beta = obj_beta

        # ================================================================================
        # Create gradient class.
        # ================================================================================
        gradient = Gradient(obj)
        if shared_file_object:
            gradient.initialize_array_with_values(np.zeros(this_obj_size), np.zeros(this_obj_size))

        # ================================================================================
        # If a finite support mask path is specified (common for full-field imaging),
        # create an instance of monochannel mask class. While finite_support_mask_path
        # has to point to a 3D tiff file, the mask will be written as an HDF5 if
        # share_file_mode is True.
        # ================================================================================
        mask = None
        if finite_support_mask_path is not None:
            mask = Mask(this_obj_size, finite_support_mask_path, shared_file_object=shared_file_object,
                        output_folder=output_folder, ds_level=ds_level)
            if shared_file_object:
                mask_arr = dxchange.read_tiff(finite_support_mask_path)

        # ================================================================================
        # Initialize probe functions.
        # ================================================================================
        print_flush('Initialzing probe...', 0, rank, **stdout_options)
        probe_real, probe_imag = initialize_probe(probe_size, probe_type, pupil_function=pupil_function, probe_initial=probe_initial,
                             save_stdout=save_stdout, output_folder=output_folder, timestr=timestr,
                             save_path=save_path, fname=fname, **kwargs)

        # ================================================================================
        # generate Fresnel kernel.
        # ================================================================================
        voxel_nm = np.array([psize_cm] * 3) * 1.e7 * ds_level
        lmbda_nm = 1240. / energy_ev
        delta_nm = voxel_nm[-1]
        h = get_kernel(delta_nm * binning, lmbda_nm, voxel_nm, probe_size, fresnel_approx=fresnel_approx)

        # ================================================================================
        # Create other optimizers (probe, probe defocus, probe positions, etc.).
        # ================================================================================
        opt_arg_ls = [0, 1]
        if probe_type == 'optimizable':
            opt_probe = GDOptimizer([*probe_size, 2], output_folder=output_folder)
            optimizer_options_probe = {'step_size': probe_learning_rate,
                                      'dynamic_rate': True,
                                      'first_downrate_iteration': 4 * max([ceil(n_pos / (minibatch_size * n_ranks)), 1])}
            opt_arg_ls = opt_arg_ls + [2, 3]

        probe_defocus_mm = np.array(0.0)
        if optimize_probe_defocusing:
            opt_probe_defocus = GDOptimizer([1], output_folder=output_folder)
            optimizer_options_probe_defocus = {'step_size': probe_defocusing_learning_rate,
                                               'dynamic_rate': True,
                                               'first_downrate_iteration': 4 * max([ceil(n_pos / (minibatch_size * n_ranks)), 1])}

        probe_pos_offset = np.zeros([n_theta, 2])
        if optimize_probe_pos_offset:
            opt_probe_pos_offset = GDOptimizer(probe_pos_offset.shape, output_folder=output_folder)
            optimizer_options_probe_pos_offset = {'step_size': 0.5,
                                                  'dynamic_rate': False}

        # ================================================================================
        # Get gradient of loss function w.r.t. optimizable variables.
        # ================================================================================
        loss_grad = grad(calculate_loss, opt_arg_ls)

        # ================================================================================
        # Save convergence data.
        # ================================================================================
        if rank == 0:
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_folder, 'convergence'))
        f_conv = open(os.path.join(output_folder, 'convergence', 'loss_rank_{}.txt'.format(rank)), 'w')

        # ================================================================================
        # Create parameter summary file.
        # ================================================================================
        print_flush('Optimizer started.', 0, rank, **stdout_options)
        if rank == 0:
            create_summary(output_folder, locals(), preset='ptycho')

        # ================================================================================
        # Start outer (epoch) loop.
        # ================================================================================
        cont = True
        i_epoch = starting_epoch
        m_p, v_p, m_pd, v_pd = (None, None, None, None)
        while cont:
            n_pos = len(probe_pos)
            n_spots = n_theta * n_pos
            n_tot_per_batch = minibatch_size * n_ranks
            n_batch = int(np.ceil(float(n_spots) / n_tot_per_batch))

            t0 = time.time()
            spots_ls = range(n_spots)
            ind_list_rand = []

            t00 = time.time()
            print_flush('Allocating jobs over threads...', 0, rank, **stdout_options)
            # Make a list of all thetas and spot positions'
            if not two_d_mode:
                theta_ls = np.arange(n_theta)
                theta_ls = np.linspace(0, 2 * PI, prj.shape[0])
                theta_ls = abs(theta_ls - theta_st) < 1e-5
                i_theta = np.nonzero(theta_ls)[0][0]
                theta_ls = np.array([i_theta])

            # ================================================================================
            # Put diffraction spots from all angles together, and divide into minibatches.
            # ================================================================================
            for i, i_theta in enumerate(theta_ls):
                spots_ls = range(n_pos)
                # ================================================================================
                # Append randomly selected diffraction spots if necessary, so that a rank won't be given
                # spots from different angles in one batch.
                # When using shared file object, we must also ensure that all ranks deal with data at the
                # same angle at a time.
                # ================================================================================
                if not shared_file_object and n_pos % minibatch_size != 0:
                    spots_ls = np.append(spots_ls, np.random.choice(spots_ls,
                                                                    minibatch_size - (n_pos % minibatch_size),
                elif shared_file_object and n_pos % n_tot_per_batch != 0:
                    spots_ls = np.append(spots_ls, np.random.choice(spots_ls,
                                                                    n_tot_per_batch - (n_pos % n_tot_per_batch),
                # ================================================================================
                # Create task list for the current angle.
                # ind_list_rand is in the format of [((5, 0), (5, 1), ...), ((17, 0), (17, 1), ..., (...))]
                #                                    |___________________|   |_____|
                #                       a batch for all ranks  _|               |_ (i_theta, i_spot)
                #                    (minibatch_size * n_ranks)
                # ================================================================================
                if i == 0:
                    ind_list_rand = np.vstack([np.array([i_theta] * len(spots_ls)), spots_ls]).transpose()
                    ind_list_rand = np.concatenate(
                        [ind_list_rand, np.vstack([np.array([i_theta] * len(spots_ls)), spots_ls]).transpose()], axis=0)
            ind_list_rand = split_tasks(ind_list_rand, n_tot_per_batch)

            print_flush('Allocation done in {} s.'.format(time.time() - t00), 0, rank, **stdout_options)

            current_i_theta = 0
            for i_batch in range(starting_batch, n_batch):

                # ================================================================================
                # Initialize.
                # ================================================================================
                print_flush('Epoch {}, batch {} of {} started.'.format(i_epoch, i_batch, n_batch), 0, rank, **stdout_options)
                opt.i_batch = 0

                # ================================================================================
                # Save checkpoint.
                # ================================================================================
                if shared_file_object:
                    save_checkpoint(i_epoch, i_batch, output_folder, shared_file_object=True,
                                    obj_array=None, optimizer=opt)
                    save_checkpoint(i_epoch, i_batch, output_folder, shared_file_object=False,
                                    obj_array=np.stack([, obj.beta], axis=-1), optimizer=opt)

                # ================================================================================
                # Get scan position, rotation angle indices, and raw data for current batch.
                # ================================================================================
                t00 = time.time()
                if len(ind_list_rand[i_batch]) < n_tot_per_batch:
                    n_supp = n_tot_per_batch - len(ind_list_rand[i_batch])
                    ind_list_rand[i_batch] = np.concatenate([ind_list_rand[i_batch], ind_list_rand[0][:n_supp]])

                this_ind_batch = ind_list_rand[i_batch]
                this_i_theta = this_ind_batch[rank * minibatch_size, 0]
                this_ind_rank = np.sort(this_ind_batch[rank * minibatch_size:(rank + 1) * minibatch_size, 1])
                this_pos_batch = probe_pos[this_ind_rank]
                print_flush('Current rank is processing angle ID {}.'.format(this_i_theta), 0, rank, **stdout_options)

                t_prj_0 = time.time()
                this_prj_batch = prj[this_i_theta, this_ind_rank]
                print_flush('  Raw data reading done in {} s.'.format(time.time() - t_prj_0), 0, rank, **stdout_options)

                # ================================================================================
                # In shared file mode, if moving to a new angle, rotate the HDF5 object and saved
                # the rotated object into the temporary file object.
                # ================================================================================
                if shared_file_object and this_i_theta != current_i_theta:
                    current_i_theta = this_i_theta
                    print_flush('  Rotating dataset...', 0, rank, **stdout_options)
                    t_rot_0 = time.time()
                    obj.rotate_data_in_file(coord_ls[this_i_theta], interpolation=interpolation, dset_2=obj.dset_rot)
                    # opt.rotate_files(coord_ls[this_i_theta], interpolation=interpolation)
                    # if mask is not None: mask.rotate_data_in_file(coord_ls[this_i_theta], interpolation=interpolation)
                    print_flush('  Dataset rotation done in {} s.'.format(time.time() - t_rot_0), 0, rank, **stdout_options)

                if ds_level > 1:
                    this_prj_batch = this_prj_batch[:, :, ::ds_level, ::ds_level]

                if shared_file_object:
                    # ================================================================================
                    # Get values for local chunks of object_delta and beta; interpolate and read directly from HDF5
                    # ================================================================================
                    t_read_0 = time.time()
                    obj_rot = obj.read_chunks_from_file(this_pos_batch, probe_size, dset_2=obj.dset_rot)
                    print_flush('  Chunk reading done in {} s.'.format(time.time() - t_read_0), 0, rank, **stdout_options)
                    obj_delta = np.array(obj_rot[:, :, :, :, 0])
                    obj_beta = np.array(obj_rot[:, :, :, :, 1])
                    opt.get_params_from_file(this_pos_batch, probe_size)
                    obj_delta =
                    obj_beta = obj.beta

                # Update weight for reweighted L1
                if shared_file_object:
                    weight_l1 = np.max(obj_delta) / (abs(obj_delta) + 1e-8)
                    if i_batch % 10 == 0: weight_l1 = np.max(obj_delta) / (abs(obj_delta) + 1e-8)

                # ================================================================================
                # Calculate object gradients.
                # ================================================================================
                t_grad_0 = time.time()
                grads = loss_grad(obj_delta, obj_beta, probe_real, probe_imag, probe_defocus_mm, probe_pos_offset, this_i_theta, this_pos_batch, this_prj_batch)
                print_flush('  Gradient calculation done in {} s.'.format(time.time() - t_grad_0), 0, rank, **stdout_options)
                grads = list(grads)

                # ================================================================================
                # Reshape object gradient to [y, x, z, c] or [n, y, x, z, c] and average over
                # ranks.
                # ================================================================================
                if shared_file_object:
                    obj_grads = np.stack(grads[:2], axis=-1)
                    this_obj_grads = np.stack(grads[:2], axis=-1)
                    obj_grads = np.zeros_like(this_obj_grads)
                    comm.Allreduce(this_obj_grads, obj_grads)
                obj_grads = obj_grads / n_ranks

                # ================================================================================
                # Update object function with optimizer if not shared_file_object; otherwise,
                # just save the gradient chunk into the gradient file.
                # ================================================================================
                if not shared_file_object:
                    effective_iter = i_batch // max([ceil(n_pos / (minibatch_size * n_ranks)), 1])
                    obj_temp = opt.apply_gradient(np.stack([obj_delta, obj_beta], axis=-1), obj_grads, effective_iter,
                    obj_delta = np.take(obj_temp, 0, axis=-1)
                    obj_beta = np.take(obj_temp, 1, axis=-1)
                    t_grad_write_0 = time.time()
                    gradient.write_chunks_to_file(this_pos_batch, np.take(obj_grads, 0, axis=-1),
                                                  np.take(obj_grads, 1, axis=-1), probe_size,
                    print_flush('  Gradient writing done in {} s.'.format(time.time() - t_grad_write_0), 0, rank, **stdout_options)
                # ================================================================================
                # Nonnegativity and phase/absorption-only constraints for non-shared-file-mode,
                # and update arrays in instance.
                # ================================================================================
                if not shared_file_object:
                    obj_delta = np.clip(obj_delta, 0, None)
                    obj_beta = np.clip(obj_beta, 0, None)
                    if object_type == 'absorption_only': obj_delta[...] = 0
                    if object_type == 'phase_only': obj_beta[...] = 0
           = obj_delta
                    obj.beta = obj_beta

                # ================================================================================
                # Optimize probe and other parameters if necessary.
                # ================================================================================
                if probe_type == 'optimizable':
                    this_probe_grads = np.stack(grads[2:4], axis=-1)
                    probe_grads = np.zeros_like(this_probe_grads)
                    comm.Allreduce(this_probe_grads, probe_grads)
                    probe_grads = probe_grads / n_ranks
                    probe_temp = opt_probe.apply_gradient(np.stack([probe_real, probe_imag], axis=-1), probe_grads, **optimizer_options_probe)
                    probe_real = np.take(probe_temp, 0, axis=-1)
                    probe_imag = np.take(probe_temp, 1, axis=-1)

                if optimize_probe_defocusing:
                    this_pd_grad = np.array(grads[opt_probe_defocus.index_in_grad_returns])
                    pd_grads = np.array(0.0)
                    comm.Allreduce(this_pd_grad, pd_grads)
                    pd_grads = pd_grads / n_ranks
                    probe_defocus_mm = opt_probe_defocus.apply_gradient(probe_defocus_mm, pd_grads,
                    print_flush('  Probe defocus is {} mm.'.format(probe_defocus_mm), 0, rank,

                if optimize_probe_pos_offset:
                    this_pos_offset_grad = np.array(grads[optimize_probe_pos_offset.index_in_grad_returns])
                    pos_offset_grads = np.zeros_like(probe_pos_offset)
                    comm.Allreduce(this_pos_offset_grad, pos_offset_grads)
                    pos_offset_grads = pos_offset_grads / n_ranks
                    probe_pos_offset = opt_probe_pos_offset.apply_gradient(probe_pos_offset, pos_offset_grads,

                # ================================================================================
                # For shared-file-mode, if finishing or above to move to a different angle,
                # rotate the gradient back, and use it to update the object at 0 deg. Then
                # update the object using gradient at 0 deg.
                # ================================================================================
                if shared_file_object and (i_batch == n_batch - 1 or ind_list_rand[i_batch + 1][0, 0] != current_i_theta):
                    coord_new = read_origin_coords('arrsize_{}_{}_{}_ntheta_{}'.format(*this_obj_size, n_theta),
                                                   this_i_theta, reverse=True)
                    print_flush('  Rotating gradient dataset back...', 0, rank, **stdout_options)
                    t_rot_0 = time.time()
                    # dxchange.write_tiff(gradient.dset[:, :, :, 0], 'adhesin/test_shared_file/grad_prerot', dtype='float32')
                    # gradient.reverse_rotate_data_in_file(coord_ls[this_i_theta], interpolation=interpolation)
                    gradient.rotate_data_in_file(coord_new, interpolation=interpolation)
                    # dxchange.write_tiff(gradient.dset[:, :, :, 0], 'adhesin/test_shared_file/grad_postrot', dtype='float32')
                    # comm.Barrier()
                    print_flush('  Gradient rotation done in {} s.'.format(time.time() - t_rot_0), 0, rank, **stdout_options)

                    t_apply_grad_0 = time.time()
                    opt.apply_gradient_to_file(obj, gradient, **optimizer_options_obj)
                    print_flush('  Object update done in {} s.'.format(time.time() - t_apply_grad_0), 0, rank, **stdout_options)

                # ================================================================================
                # Apply finite support mask if specified.
                # ================================================================================
                if mask is not None:
                    if not shared_file_object:
                    print_flush('  Mask applied.', 0, rank, **stdout_options)

                # ================================================================================
                # Update finite support mask if necessary.
                # ================================================================================
                if mask is not None and shrink_cycle is not None:
                    if i_batch % shrink_cycle == 0 and i_batch > 0:
                        if shared_file_object:
                            mask.update_mask_file(obj, shrink_threshold)
                            mask.update_mask_array(obj, shrink_threshold)
                        print_flush('  Mask updated.', 0, rank, **stdout_options)

                # ================================================================================
                # Save intermediate object.
                # ================================================================================
                if rank == 0 and save_intermediate:
                    if shared_file_object:
                        dxchange.write_tiff(obj.dset[:, :, :, 0],
                                            fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'intermediate', 'current'.format(ds_level)),
                                            dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                                            fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'intermediate', 'current'.format(ds_level)),
                                            dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                print_flush('Minibatch done in {} s; loss (rank 0) is {}.'.format(time.time() - t00, current_loss), 0, rank, **stdout_options)
                f_conv.write('{}\n'.format(time.time() - t_zero))

            if n_epochs == 'auto':
                if i_epoch == n_epochs - 1: cont = False

            i_epoch = i_epoch + 1

            average_loss = 0
                'Epoch {} (rank {}); Delta-t = {} s; current time = {} s,'.format(i_epoch, rank,
                                                                    time.time() - t0, time.time() - t_zero), **stdout_options)
            if rank == 0 and save_intermediate:
                if shared_file_object:
                    dxchange.write_tiff(obj.dset[:, :, :, 0],
                                        fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'delta_ds_{}'.format(ds_level)),
                                        dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                    dxchange.write_tiff(obj.dset[:, :, :, 1],
                                        fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'beta_ds_{}'.format(ds_level)),
                                        dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                    dxchange.write_tiff(np.sqrt(probe_real ** 2 + probe_imag ** 2),
                                        fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'probe_mag_ds_{}'.format(ds_level)),
                                        dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                    dxchange.write_tiff(np.arctan2(probe_imag, probe_real),
                                        fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'probe_phase_ds_{}'.format(ds_level)),
                                        dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                                        fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'delta_ds_{}'.format(ds_level)),
                                        dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                                        fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'beta_ds_{}'.format(ds_level)),
                                        dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                    dxchange.write_tiff(np.sqrt(probe_real ** 2 + probe_imag ** 2),
                                        fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'probe_mag_ds_{}'.format(ds_level)),
                                        dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
                    dxchange.write_tiff(np.arctan2(probe_imag, probe_real),
                                        fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'probe_phase_ds_{}'.format(ds_level)),
                                        dtype='float32', overwrite=True)
            print_flush('Current iteration finished.', 0, rank, **stdout_options)
Esempio n. 24
def test_atan2_f64():
    grad_test(lambda x: ti.atan2(0.4, x), lambda x: np.arctan2(0.4, x))
    grad_test(lambda y: ti.atan2(y, 0.4), lambda y: np.arctan2(y, 0.4))
Esempio n. 25
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

pp = PdfPages('mog_advi.pdf')

fracs = np.argsort(pi)[-5:]
mus = mus[fracs, :]
taus = taus[fracs]

circle = []
true_circle = []
for n, color in enumerate(colors):
    v, w = np.linalg.eigh(taus[n] * np.eye(k))
    v_true, w_true = np.linalg.eigh(ts[n] * np.eye(k))
    u = w[0] / np.linalg.norm(w[0])
    u_true = w_true[0] / np.linalg.norm(w_true[0])
    angle = np.arctan2(u[1], u[0])
    angle_true = np.arctan2(u_true[1], u_true[0])
    angle = 180 * angle / np.pi
    angle_true = 180 * angle_true / np.pi
    v = 2. * np.sqrt(2.) * np.sqrt(v)
    v_true = 2. * np.sqrt(2.) * np.sqrt(v_true)
        plt.Circle(mus[n], v[0], color=color, fill=False, linestyle='dashed'))
    true_circle.append(plt.Circle(ms[n], v_true[0], color='black', fill=False))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(75.0 / 25.4, 75 / 25.4))
ax = plt.gca()
ax.cla()  # clear things for fresh plot

ax.set_xlim((-6, 6))
Esempio n. 26
    def func():
        y[0] = x[0] % 3

    def func2():
        ti.atomic_add(y[0], x[0] % 3)



@pytest.mark.parametrize('tifunc,npfunc', [
    (lambda x: ti.atan2(0.4, x), lambda x: np.arctan2(0.4, x)),
    (lambda y: ti.atan2(y, 0.4), lambda y: np.arctan2(y, 0.4)),
def test_atan2(tifunc, npfunc):
    grad_test(tifunc, npfunc)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('tifunc,npfunc', [
    (lambda x: ti.atan2(0.4, x), lambda x: np.arctan2(0.4, x)),
    (lambda y: ti.atan2(y, 0.4), lambda y: np.arctan2(y, 0.4)),
@ti.test(require=ti.extension.data64, default_fp=ti.f64)
def test_atan2_f64(tifunc, npfunc):
Esempio n. 27
def getRadialMonotonicWeights(shape,
    """Create the weights used for the Radial Monotonicity Operator
    This version of the radial monotonicity operator selects all of the pixels closer to the peak
    for each pixel and weights their flux based on their alignment with a vector from the pixel
    to the peak. In order to quickly create this using sparse matrices, its construction is a bit opaque.
    if center is None:
        center = ((shape[0] - 1) // 2, (shape[1] - 1) // 2)
    name = "RadialMonotonicWeights"

    key = tuple(shape) + tuple(center) + (useNearest, minGradient)

        cosNorm = Cache.check(name, key)
    except KeyError:

        # Center on the center pixel
        py, px = int(center[0]), int(center[1])
        # Calculate the distance between each pixel and the peak
        x = np.arange(shape[1])
        y = np.arange(shape[0])
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        X = X - px
        Y = Y - py
        distance = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)

        # Find each pixels neighbors further from the peak and mark them as invalid
        # (to be removed later)
        distArr, mask = diagonalizeArray(distance, dtype=np.float64)
        relativeDist = (distance.flatten()[:, None] - distArr.T).T
        invalidPix = relativeDist <= 0

        # Calculate the angle between each pixel and the x axis, relative to the peak position
        # (also avoid dividing by zero and set the tan(infinity) pixel values to pi/2 manually)
        inf = X == 0
        tX = X.copy()
        tX[inf] = 1
        angles = np.arctan2(-Y, -tX)
        angles[inf & (Y != 0)] = 0.5 * np.pi * np.sign(angles[inf & (Y != 0)])

        # Calcualte the angle between each pixel and it's neighbors
        xArr, m = diagonalizeArray(X)
        yArr, m = diagonalizeArray(Y)
        dx = (xArr.T - X.flatten()[:, None]).T
        dy = (yArr.T - Y.flatten()[:, None]).T
        # Avoid dividing by zero and set the tan(infinity) pixel values to pi/2 manually
        inf = dx == 0
        dx[inf] = 1
        relativeAngles = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
        relativeAngles[inf & (dy != 0)] = 0.5 * np.pi * np.sign(
            relativeAngles[inf & (dy != 0)])

        # Find the difference between each pixels angle with the peak
        # and the relative angles to its neighbors, and take the
        # cos to find its neighbors weight
        dAngles = (angles.flatten()[:, None] - relativeAngles.T).T
        cosWeight = np.cos(dAngles)
        # Mask edge pixels, array elements outside the operator (for offdiagonal bands with < N elements),
        # and neighbors further from the peak than the reference pixel
        cosWeight[invalidPix] = 0
        cosWeight[mask] = 0

        if useNearest:
            # Only use a single pixel most in line with peak
            cosNorm = np.zeros_like(cosWeight)
            columnIndices = np.arange(cosWeight.shape[1])
            maxIndices = np.argmax(cosWeight, axis=0)
            indices = maxIndices * cosNorm.shape[1] + columnIndices
            indices = np.unravel_index(indices, cosNorm.shape)
            cosNorm[indices] = minGradient
            # Remove the reference for the peak pixel
            cosNorm[:, px + py * shape[1]] = 0
            # Normalize the cos weights for each pixel
            normalize = np.sum(cosWeight, axis=0)
            normalize[normalize == 0] = 1
            cosNorm = (cosWeight.T / normalize[:, None]).T
            cosNorm[mask] = 0

        Cache.set(name, key, cosNorm)

    return cosNorm
Esempio n. 28
 def decompose_thrustvector(self, acc_vec):
     a_norm = np.linalg.norm(acc_vec)
     z_body = acc_vec / a_norm
     theta = np.arctan2(z_body[1], z_body[0]) - np.pi / 2
     #theta = np.arcsin(-z_body[0])
     return a_norm, z_body, theta
Esempio n. 29
def d_z_d_t_numpy(x, y, z, t, params, ode_params):
    A = ode_params.A
    f2 = ode_params.f2
    a_p, a_q, a_r, a_s, a_t = params[:,
                                     0], params[:,
                                                3], params[:,
                                                           6], params[:,
                                                                      9], params[:,

    b_p, b_q, b_r, b_s, b_t = params[:,
                                     1], params[:,
                                                4], params[:,
                                                           7], params[:,
                                                                      10], params[:,

    theta_p, theta_q, theta_r, theta_s, theta_t = params[:,
                                                         2], params[:,
                                                                    5], params[:,
                                                                               8], params[:,
                                                                                          11], params[:,

    a_p = a_p.reshape((-1, 1))
    a_q = a_q.reshape((-1, 1))
    a_r = a_r.reshape((-1, 1))
    a_s = a_s.reshape((-1, 1))
    a_t = a_t.reshape((-1, 1))

    b_p = b_p.reshape((-1, 1))
    b_q = b_q.reshape((-1, 1))
    b_r = b_r.reshape((-1, 1))
    b_s = b_s.reshape((-1, 1))
    b_t = b_t.reshape((-1, 1))

    theta_p = theta_p.reshape((-1, 1))
    theta_q = theta_q.reshape((-1, 1))
    theta_r = theta_r.reshape((-1, 1))
    theta_s = theta_s.reshape((-1, 1))
    theta_t = theta_t.reshape((-1, 1))

    logging.debug("theta p shape: {}".format(theta_p.shape))
    theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
    logging.debug("theta shape: {}".format(theta.shape))
    logging.debug("delta before mod: {}".format((theta - theta_p).shape))
    delta_theta_p = np.fmod(theta - theta_p, 2 * math.pi)
    logging.debug("delta theta shape: {}".format(delta_theta_p.shape))
    delta_theta_q = np.fmod(theta - theta_q, 2 * math.pi)
    delta_theta_r = np.fmod(theta - theta_r, 2 * math.pi)
    delta_theta_s = np.fmod(theta - theta_s, 2 * math.pi)
    delta_theta_t = np.fmod(theta - theta_t, 2 * math.pi)

    z_p = a_p * delta_theta_p * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_p * delta_theta_p / (2 * b_p * b_p)))

    z_q = a_q * delta_theta_q * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_q * delta_theta_q / (2 * b_q * b_q)))

    z_r = a_r * delta_theta_r * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_r * delta_theta_r / (2 * b_r * b_r)))

    z_s = a_s * delta_theta_s * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_s * delta_theta_s / (2 * b_s * b_s)))

    z_t = a_t * delta_theta_t * \
          np.exp((- delta_theta_t * delta_theta_t / (2 * b_t * b_t)))

    z_0_t = (A * np.sin(2 * math.pi * f2 * t))

    z_p = z_p
    z_q = z_q
    z_r = z_r
    z_s = z_s
    z_t = z_t
    z_0_t = z_0_t

    f_z = -1 * (z_p + z_q + z_r + z_s + z_t) - (z - z_0_t)
    return f_z
Esempio n. 30
    def optimizeManeuver(self):
        Sets up the optimization problem then calculates the optimal maneuver
        poses. Publishes the resulting path if the optimization is successful.

        msg: ROS Bool message

        path: the optimal path as a ROS nav_msgs/Path message
        # Make sure a target pose exists
        if (self.target_x is not None):
            # Grab the current pose from the recent transform if there is no 'odom' topic being published to
            if (self.current_pose is None):
                # DEBUG:
                    "No 'odom' message received. Waiting for transform from 'odom' to 'base_link'..."
                listener = tf.TransformListener()
                    listener.waitForTransform('/odom', '/base_link',
                     rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/odom', '/base_link',

                    self.current_pose = Pose()
                    self.current_pose.position.x = trans[0]
                    self.current_pose.position.y = trans[1]
                    self.current_pose.position.z = trans[2]
                    self.current_pose.orientation.x = rot[0]
                    self.current_pose.orientation.y = rot[1]
                    self.current_pose.orientation.z = rot[2]
                    self.current_pose.orientation.w = rot[3]
                except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
                    return False, "Error looking up transform from 'odom' to 'base_link'"

            # DEBUG:
            print("Running maneuver optimization...")
            # Initial value for optimization
            x0 = [self.start_x_s, self.start_y_s]
            lower_bounds = [-2, -16]
            upper_bounds = [20, 5]

            # Set params
            # TODO: add the forklifts current pose from "/odom"
            current_pose2D = Pose2D()
            current_pose2D.x = self.current_pose.position.x
            current_pose2D.y = self.current_pose.position.y
            euler_angles = euler_from_quaternion([
            current_pose2D.theta = euler_angles[2]

            params = {
                [current_pose2D.x, current_pose2D.y, current_pose2D.theta],
                "forklift_length": (self.base_to_back + self.base_to_clamp),
                "weights": [10, 1, 0.1, 1],

            print("Using optimization method: %d" % self.optimization_method)

            # vvv Add Autograd gradient functions here if you get to it vvv
            # Generate Gradient Functions
            self.grad_maneuverObjective = grad(
                lambda x: self.maneuverObjective(x, params))
            self.hessian_maneuverObjective = hessian(
                lambda x: self.maneuverObjective(x, params))
            self.jac_maneuverIneqConstraints = jacobian(
                lambda x: self.maneuverIneqConstraints(x, params))
            self.hessian_maneuverIneqConstraints = hessian(
                lambda x: self.maneuverIneqConstraints(x, params))

            # # Test Gradients against finite difference method
            # delta = 0.0000001
            # x = np.array([self.start_x_s, self.start_y_s], dtype=np.float)
            # dx = deepcopy(x)
            # dx[0] = x[0] + delta
            # print("Objective: ")
            # print(self.maneuverObjective(x, params))
            # print(self.maneuverObjective(dx, params))
            # print("Autograd:")
            # print(self.grad_maneuverObjective(x))
            # print("Finite Difference:")
            # print((self.maneuverObjective(dx, params) - self.maneuverObjective(x, params))/delta)
            # print("Hessian:")
            # print(self.hessian_maneuverObjective(x))
            # print("Autograd con:")
            # print(self.jac_maneuverIneqConstraints(x))
            # print("Constraint Jacobian:")
            # print(self.gradManeuverIneqConstraints(x, params))
            # print("Hessian con:")
            # print(self.hessian_maneuverIneqConstraints(x))
            # ^^^ Add Autograd gradient functions here if you get to it ^^^

            # scipy.optimize.minimize optimizer
            if (self.optimization_method == 1):
                # Set up optimization problem
                obj = lambda x: self.maneuverObjective(x, params)
                obj_bfgs = lambda x: self.maneuverObjective(x, params)
                ineq_con = {
                    'type': 'ineq',
                    'fun': lambda x: self.maneuverIneqConstraints(x, params),
                    'jac': None
                bounds = [(lower_bounds[0], upper_bounds[0]),
                          (lower_bounds[1], upper_bounds[1])]

                # Optimize
                tic = time.time()
                #res = minimize(obj, x0, jac=self.grad_maneuverObjective, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=ineq_con)
                #res = minimize(obj, x0, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=ineq_con)
                res = minimize(obj_bfgs,
                toc = time.time()

                # DEBUG:
                print("===== Optimization Results =====")
                print("time: %f(sec)" % (toc - tic))
                print("Success: %s" % res.success)
                print("Message: %s" % res.message)
                print("Results:\n  x: %f,  y: %f" % (res.x[0], res.x[1]))

                # Store result
                x_s = res.x[0]
                y_s = res.x[1]

                # Update starting point to be the current result
                self.start_x_s = x_s
                self.start_y_s = y_s

                self.optimization_success = res.success
                message = res.message
            # scipy.optimize.minimize optimizer

            # IPOPT Optimizer
            if (self.optimization_method == 2):
                # Initial value for optimization
                x0_ip = np.array([x0[0], x0[1]])

                nvar = 2
                x_L = np.array(lower_bounds, dtype=np.float_)
                x_U = np.array(upper_bounds, dtype=np.float_)

                ncon = 1
                g_L = np.array([0], dtype=np.float_)
                g_U = np.array([0], dtype=np.float_)

                nnzj = nvar * ncon
                nnzh = nvar**2

                def eval_f(x):
                    return self.maneuverObjective(x, params)

                def eval_grad_f(x):
                    return self.grad_maneuverObjective(x)

                def eval_g(x):
                    return self.maneuverIneqConstraints(x, params)

                def eval_jac_g(x, flag):
                    if flag:
                        rows = np.concatenate(
                            (np.ones(nvar) * 0, np.ones(nvar) * 1))
                        cols = np.concatenate(
                            (np.linspace(0, nvar - 1, nvar),
                             np.linspace(nvar, 2 * nvar - 1, nvar)))
                        return (rows, cols)
                        return self.jac_maneuverIneqConstraints(x)

                def eval_h(x, lagrange, obj_factor, flag):
                    if flag:
                        rows = np.array([])
                        for i in range(nvar * ncon):
                            rows = np.concatenate((rows, np.ones(nvar) * i))
                        cols = np.array([])
                        for i in range(nvar * ncon):
                            cols = np.concatenate(
                                (cols, np.linspace(0, nvar - 1, nvar)))
                        return (rows, cols)
                        constraint_hessian = self.hessian_maneuverIneqConstraints(
                        constraint_sum = lagrange[0] * constraint_hessian[
                            0, :, :]
                        constraint_sum = constraint_sum + lagrange[
                            1] * constraint_hessian[1, :, :]
                        return obj_factor * self.hessian_maneuverObjective(
                            x) + constraint_sum

                # Not using hessian, remove this line when using it
                nnzh = 0
                nlp = pyipopt.create(nvar, x_L, x_U, ncon, g_L, g_U, nnzj,
                                     nnzh, eval_f, eval_grad_f, eval_g,

                tic = time.time()
                x, zl, zu, constraint_multipliers, obj, status = nlp.solve(
                toc = time.time()

                def print_variable(variable_name, value):
                    for i in range(len(value)):
                        print("{} {}".format(
                            variable_name + "[" + str(i) + "] =", value[i]))

                print("Solution of the primal variables, x")
                print_variable("x", x)
                # print("Solution of the bound multipliers, z_L and z_U")
                # print_variable("z_L", zl)
                # print_variable("z_U", zu)
                # print("Solution of the constraint multipliers, lambda")
                # print_variable("lambda", constraint_multipliers)
                # print("Objective value")
                # print("f(x*) = {}".format(obj))

                # DEBUG:
                print("===== Optimization Results (IPOPT) =====")
                print("time: %f" % (toc - tic))
                print("Success: %s" % status)
                print("Message: %s" % "")
                print("Results:\n  x: %f,  y: %f" % (x[0], x[1]))

                # Store result
                x_s = x[0]
                y_s = x[1]

                self.optimization_success = (status > 0)
                message = "ipopt optimization finished with status: {0:d}".format(
            # IPOPT Optimizer

            # Use hardcoded value
            if (self.optimization_method == 0):
                x_s = x0[0]
                y_s = x0[1]

                self.optimization_success = 1
                message = "used hardcoded starting value"
            # Use hardcoded value

            # Print optimized point
            print("Approach starting point: (%0.4f, %0.4f)" % (x_s, y_s))

            # Set initial pose angle for the forklift to be the direction facing the roll
            theta_s = np.arctan2(self.target_y - y_s, self.target_x - x_s)

            # Initialize path messages
            current_time =
            path1_msg = Path()
            path2_msg = Path()
            path1_gear_msg = PathWithGear()
            path2_gear_msg = PathWithGear()
            path1_msg.header.stamp = current_time
            path1_msg.header.frame_id = "odom"
            path2_msg.header.stamp = current_time
            path2_msg.header.frame_id = "odom"
            path1_gear_msg.path.header.stamp = current_time
            path1_gear_msg.path.header.frame_id = "odom"
            path2_gear_msg.path.header.stamp = current_time
            path2_gear_msg.path.header.frame_id = "odom"

            # Publish first segment of maneuver
            # NOTE: Just set the path to be a single point at the current position. This will make the master controller work the same and quickly move through the two maneuver paths
            point = PoseStamped()
            point.header.frame_id = "odom"
            point.pose.position.x = self.current_pose.position.x
            point.pose.position.y = self.current_pose.position.y
            # Set gear, positive alpha = forward gear
            path1_gear_msg.gear = 1

            # Publish second segment of maneuver
            point = PoseStamped()
            point.header.frame_id = "odom"
            point.pose.position.x = self.current_pose.position.x
            point.pose.position.y = self.current_pose.position.y
            # Set gear, positive alpha = forward gear
            path2_gear_msg.gear = 1

            if (self.optimization_success):
                # If optimization was successful, publish the new target
                # position for the A* algorithm (you will want to make this a
                # separate "goal" value distinct from the roll target position)
                rospy.set_param("/control_panel_node/goal_x", float(x_s))
                rospy.set_param("/control_panel_node/goal_y", float(y_s))
                self.update_obstacle_end_pose = False

                # Publish the starting pose for the approach b-spline path
                approach_start_pose = PoseStamped()
                approach_start_pose.header.frame_id = "/odom"
                approach_start_pose.pose.position.x = x_s
                approach_start_pose.pose.position.y = y_s
                quat_forklift = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, wrapToPi(theta_s))
                approach_start_pose.pose.orientation.x = quat_forklift[0]
                approach_start_pose.pose.orientation.y = quat_forklift[1]
                approach_start_pose.pose.orientation.z = quat_forklift[2]
                approach_start_pose.pose.orientation.w = quat_forklift[3]


            return self.optimization_success, message

            return False, "No target pose exists"
Esempio n. 31
    def __init__(self, vec, referenceCurv=None, v_des_func=None, **kwargs):
        vec is the vector with half of it x and half of it y
        dt is the dt between two time points in the list

        v_lim is the desired speed of the car, Now the default value is the m/s for 25 mile/hour

        referenceCurv is the reference curve, [n,i] n is the nth point, i is eigher x or y

        the private functions returns functions 

        v_des_func: a function that outputs desired speed given location
        dt = DT
        v_lim = VLIM
        self.vec = vec

        self.vectors = {
        }  # vectors[n] is the information of the n'th derivative, for example pos, velocity, acceleration, jerk

        self.vec_len = int(vec.shape[0] / 2)
        self.dt = dt
        # self.inputVector = np.concatenate([self._x(2),self._y(2)]) # the action space is the acceleration of the car
        self._x = lambda vec: vec[:self.vec_len]
        self._y = lambda vec: vec[self.vec_len:]
        self._vx = self._diffdt(self._x)
        self._vy = self._diffdt(self._y)
        self._theta = lambda vec: np.arctan2(self._vx(vec), self._vy(vec))
        self._v = self._distance(self._vx, self._vy)
        self._ax = self._diffdt(self._vx)
        self._ay = self._diffdt(self._vy)
        self._ds = self._distance(self._diff(self._x), self._diff(self._y))
        self._a = self._distance(self._ax, self._ay)

        self._s = self._cumsum(self._ds)

        self._alon = self._normalize(self._aPlon(self._x, self._y),
                                         self._v))  # (a_x*v_x + a_y*v_y) / v
        self._alat = self._normalize(self._crossMul(self._x, self._y),
                                         self._v))  # (a_x*v_x + a_y*v_y) / v

        self._jlon = self._normalize(self._jPlon(self._x, self._y),
                                         self._v)))  # (a_x*v_x + a_y*v_y) / v
        # smooth J_lon
        # self._jlon = self._normalize(self._jPlon(self._avrun(self._avrun(self._x)),self._avrun(self._avrun(self._y))), self._avrun(self._avrun(self._avrun(self._avrun(self._v))))) # (a_x*v_x + a_y*v_y) / v
        self._jlat = self._normalize(self._crossMul(self._vx, self._vy),
                                         self._a))  # (a_x*v_x + a_y*v_y) / v
        self._kappa = self._kappa_(self._x, self._y)

        self.referenceCurv = referenceCurv  # the raw points of the reference Curv

        # self._ref_ds = self._ref_ds_()
        self._ref_ds = LazyFunc(self._ref_ds_)
        # self._ref_d = self._ref_d_() # the deviation with the reference curve
        self._ref_d = LazyFunc(self._ref_d_)
        self._ref_s = self._cumsum(self._ref_ds)
        self.v_lim = v_lim

        self._final_v = lambda vec: self._v(vec)[-1]  # the finale speed

        self._ref_sinphi = self._normalize(
            self._ref_ds, self._ds
        )  # the sin of angel formed between the car trajectory and the ref trajectory
        self.features = {
            self._L2(self._alon, self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._alon, self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._alon, self._const(0)),
            self._L2(self._alat, self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._alat, self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._alat, self._const(0)),
            self._L2(self._jlon, self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._jlon, self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._jlon, self._const(0)),
            self._L2(self._jlat, self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._jlat, self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._jlat, self._const(0)),

            # Note: `v_des` and `abs_v_des` are identical, they are used interchangablly for historical reason
            self._L2(self._v, self._const(self.v_lim)),
            self._L1(self._v, self._const(self.v_lim)),
            self._Linf(self._v, self._const(self.v_lim)),
                    self._add(self._neg(self._v), self._const(self.v_lim))),
                    self._add(self._neg(self._v), self._const(self.v_lim))),
                    self._add(self._neg(self._v), self._const(self.v_lim))),
            self._L2(self._ref_d, self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._ref_d, self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._ref_d, self._const(0)),
            self._L2(self._diffdt(self._ref_d), self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._diffdt(self._ref_d), self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._diffdt(self._ref_d), self._const(0)),
            self._L2(self._diff(self._ref_ds), self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._diff(self._ref_ds), self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._diff(self._ref_ds), self._const(0)),
            self._L2(self._ref_sinphi, self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._ref_sinphi, self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._ref_sinphi, self._const(0)),
            self._L2(self._final_v, self._const(0)),
            self._L1(self._final_v, self._const(0)),
            self._Linf(self._final_v, self._const(0))

        if (v_des_func is not None):
            self.features["L2_v_des_func"] = self._v_des_delta_(
                v_des_func, self._L2)
            self.features["L1_v_des_func"] = self._v_des_delta_(
                v_des_func, self._L1)
            self.features["Linf_v_des_func"] = self._v_des_delta_(
                v_des_func, self._Linf)