Esempio n. 1
    def expectedEmissionStats( self, t, ys, alphas, betas, conditionOnY=True ):
        # E[ x_t * x_t^T ], E[ y_t * x_t^T ] and E[ y_t * y_t^T ]

        # Find the expected sufficient statistic for N( y_t, x_t | Y )
        J_x, h_x, _ = np.add( alphas[ t ], betas[ t ] )

        if( conditionOnY == False ):
            J11 = self.J1Emiss
            J12 = -self._hy
            J22 = self.Jy + J_x
            D = J11.shape[ 0 ]
            J = np.block( [ [ J11, J12 ], [ J12.T, J22 ] ] )
            h = np.hstack( ( np.zeros( D ), h_x ) )

            # This is a block matrix with block E[ y_t * y_t^T ], E[ y_t * x_t^T ]
            # and E[ x_t * x_t^T ]
            E, _ = Normal.expectedSufficientStats( nat_params=( -0.5 * J, h ) )

            Eyt_yt, Eyt_xt, Ext_xt = toBlocks( E, D )
            Ext_xt, E_xt = Normal.expectedSufficientStats( nat_params=( -0.5 * J_x, h_x ) )
            Eyt_yt = np.einsum( 'mi,mj->ij', ys[ :, t ], ys[ :, t ] )
            Eyt_xt = np.einsum( 'mi,j->ij', ys[ :, t ], E_xt )

        return Eyt_yt, Eyt_xt, Ext_xt
Esempio n. 2
 def Jv(self, X):
     mat_lin = self.C_perturbed
     mat = np.block([[np.zeros([self.d, self.d]), mat_lin],
                     [-mat_lin.T, np.zeros([self.d, self.d])]])
     noise = np.random.randn(2 * self.d) * self.sigma
     return mat, mat @ X + noise
Esempio n. 3
def func7(x):
    Q1 = np.array([[12,8,7,6],
    Q2 = np.array([[3,2,1,0],
    Q3 = np.array([[2,1,0,0],
    Q4 = np.eye(4)

    Q = np.block([[Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4],

    b = -np.array([1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0])

    xLen = np.shape(x)[0]
    qLen = np.shape(Q)[1]
    assert xLen == qLen, "Input should be a vector of length {}, received".format(qLen, xLen)
    a = 0.5*(np.transpose(x) @ Q @ x)
    c = + b @ x
    return  a + c
Esempio n. 4
def _rmsprop_filtered(g,
                      alpha=lambda t: 0.1,
                      gamma=lambda t: 0.9,
	Implements the Kalman RMSProp algorithm from

    # Initialize the Kalman filter
    N = len(x)

    dx = g(x)
    r = np.ones(len(x))  #should be ones.
    z_0 = np.hstack([r, x, dx]).reshape(3 * N, 1)

    Q = sigma_Q * np.eye(3 * N)  #dynamics noise
    R = sigma_R * np.eye(N)  #observation noise
    C = np.hstack([np.zeros((N, 2 * N)), np.eye(N)])

    kf = Kalman(init_state=z_0,
                init_cov=np.eye(3 * N) * 0.01,

    for t in range(num_iters):
        # evaluate the gradient
        dx = g(x)

        #construct transition matrix
        beta_t = alpha(t) / np.sqrt((gamma(t) * r + (1 - gamma(t)) *
                                     (dx**2)) + eps)

        A_t = np.block([[
            np.eye(N) * gamma(t),
            np.zeros((N, N)), (1 - gamma(t)) * np.diag(dx)
        ], [np.zeros((N, N)), np.eye(N), -beta_t * np.eye(N)],
                        [np.zeros((N, N)),
                         np.zeros((N, N)),

        #increment the kalman filter
        z_hat = kf.filter(dx.T.reshape(N, 1), A_t=A_t)
        r_hat, x_hat, dx_hat = z_hat[:N], z_hat[N:2 * N], z_hat[2 * N:]

        #perform the Kalman RMSProp update
        r = gamma(t) * r + (1 - gamma(t)) * dx_hat.flatten()**2
        x += -alpha(t) / (np.sqrt(r) + eps) * dx_hat.flatten()

        if callback: callback(x, t, dx_hat.reshape(x.shape))

    return x
Esempio n. 5
def _momgd_filtered(g,
                    alpha=lambda t: 0.1,
                    mu=lambda t: 0.9,
	Implements the Kalman Gradient Descent + momentum algorithm from

    # Initialize the Kalman filter
    N = len(x)

    dx = g(x)
    v = np.zeros(len(x))
    z_0 = np.hstack([v, x, dx]).reshape(3 * N, 1)

    Q = sigma_Q * np.eye(3 * N)  #dynamics noise
    R = sigma_R * np.eye(N)  #observation noise
    C = np.hstack([np.zeros((N, 2 * N)), np.eye(N)])

    kf = Kalman(init_state=z_0,
                init_cov=np.eye(3 * N) * 0.01,

    for t in range(num_iters):
        # evaluate the gradient
        dx = g(x)

        #construct transition matrix
        A_t = np.block(
            [[np.eye(N) * mu(t),
              np.zeros((N, N)), (1 - mu(t)) * np.eye(N)],
                 -alpha(t) * np.eye(N),
                 np.eye(N), -alpha(t) * (1 - mu(t)) * np.eye(N)
             ], [np.zeros((N, N)),
                 np.zeros((N, N)),

        #increment the kalman filter
        z_hat = kf.filter(dx.T.reshape(N, 1), A_t=A_t)
        v_hat, x_hat, dx_hat = z_hat[:N], z_hat[N:2 * N], z_hat[2 * N:]

        if callback: callback(x, t, dx_hat.reshape(x.shape))

        #perform the KGD + momentum update
        v = mu(t) * v - (1 - mu(t)) * dx_hat.flatten(
        )  #don't flatte, use .reshpape(x.shape)
        x += alpha(t) * v

    return x
Esempio n. 6
def setup_CPn_cost(D, n):
    """Cost using chordal metric on CPn."""
    i_mtx = np.block([
        [np.zeros((n, n)), -np.eye(n)],
        [np.eye(n), np.zeros((n, n))]
    A = np.ones(D.shape)
    C = A - D
    def cost(X):
        F = np.linalg.norm((X.T @ X)**2 + (X.T @ (i_mtx@X))**2 - C)**2
        return F
    return cost
Esempio n. 7
    def toJoint( cls, u=None, params=None, nat_params=None ):
        # Given the parameters for P( y | A, sigma, x, u ),
        # return the natural parameters for P( [ y, x ] | A, sigma, u )
        assert ( params is None ) ^ ( nat_params is None )
        n1, n2, n3 = nat_params if nat_params is not None else cls.standardToNat( *params )

        _n1 = np.block( [ n1, 0.5 * n3.T ], [ 0.5 * n3, n2 ] )
        if( u is None ):
            _n2 = np.zeros( n1.shape[ 0 ] )
            _n2 = np.hstack( ( -2 * u ), u ) ) )

        return _n1, _n2
Esempio n. 8
	def step(self, x, dx, alpha=0.01, callback=None):

			[[np.eye(N) , -alpha*np.eye(N)],
			 # [np.zeros((N,N)) , 1-alpha*ddx]]
			 [np.zeros((N,N)) , np.eye(N)]]

		z_hat = self.kf.filter(dx.T.reshape(N,1), A_t=A_t)
		x_hat, dx_hat=z_hat[:N], z_hat[N:]
		if callback: callback(x, t, dx_hat.reshape(x.shape))

		# x+=-alpha*dx_hat.flatten()
		return x - alpha*dx_hat.flatten()
Esempio n. 9
    def expectedTransitionStatsBlock( self, t, alphas, betas, ys=None, u=None ):
        # E[ x_t * x_t^T ], E[ x_t+1 * x_t^T ] and E[ x_t+1 * x_t+1^T ]

        # Find the natural parameters for P( x_t+1, x_t | Y )
        J11, J12, J22, h1, h2, _ = self.childParentJoint( t, alphas, betas, ys=ys, u=u )

        J = np.block( [ [ J11, J12 ], [ J12.T, J22 ] ] )
        h = np.hstack( ( h1, h2 ) )

        # The first expected sufficient statistic for N( x_t+1, x_t | Y ) will
        # be a block matrix with blocks E[ x_t+1 * x_t+1^T ], E[ x_t+1 * x_t^T ]
        # and E[ x_t * x_t^T ]
        E, _ = Normal.expectedSufficientStats( nat_params=( -0.5 * J, h ) )

        D = h1.shape[ 0 ]
        Ext1_xt1, Ext1_xt, Ext_xt = toBlocks( E, D )

        return Ext1_xt1, Ext1_xt, Ext_xt
Esempio n. 10
	def step(self, x, dx, callback=None, 
		alpha=0.01, gamma=0.9, eps=1e-8):

		r = self._r
		N = self._N

		beta_t= alpha / np.sqrt((gamma*r + (1-gamma)*(dx**2) + eps ))

			[[np.eye(N) * gamma , np.zeros((N,N)),  (1-gamma)*np.diag(dx)],
			 [np.zeros((N,N)), np.eye(N), -beta_t * np.eye(N)],
			 [np.zeros((N,N)) , np.zeros((N,N)), np.eye(N)]]

		z_hat=self.kf.filter(dx.T.reshape(N,1), A_t=A_t)
		r_hat, x_hat, dx_hat=z_hat[:N], z_hat[N:2*N], z_hat[2*N:]
		r = gamma * r + (1-gamma)* dx_hat.flatten()**2

		self._r = r

		return x - alpha/(np.sqrt(r) + eps) * dx_hat.flatten()
Esempio n. 11
    def __make_Gi_block__(self) -> np.ndarray:
        Makes a block matrix of the MIMO impdeance + position

        Gi_block : np.ndarray.
        omega =
        num_freq = len(omega)
        Zi = self.hydro.Zi.values
        num_modes = Zi.shape[2]
        elem = [[0] * num_modes for i in range(num_modes)]

        for idx_mode in range(num_modes):
            for jdx_mode in range(num_modes):
                elem[idx_mode][jdx_mode] = np.diag(np.concatenate(([self.hydro.hydrostatic_stiffness.values[idx_mode,jdx_mode]], 1j * omega*Zi[:,idx_mode,jdx_mode])))
        Gi_block = sparse.dia_matrix(np.block(elem))

        return Gi_block
Esempio n. 12
    def __make_Zi_block__(self) -> np.ndarray:
        Makes a block matrix of the MIMO impdeance

        Zi_block : np.ndarray.
        omega =
        num_freq = len(omega)
        Zi = self.hydro.Zi.values
        num_modes = Zi.shape[2]
        elem = [[0] * num_modes for i in range(num_modes)]

        for idx_mode in range(num_modes):
            for jdx_mode in range(num_modes):
                elem[idx_mode][jdx_mode] = np.diag(Zi[:,idx_mode,jdx_mode])
        Zi_block = sparse.dia_matrix(np.block(elem))

        return Zi_block
Esempio n. 13
    [3, 2, 1, 0],
    [2, 3, 2, 1],
    [1, 2, 3, 2],
    [0, 1, 2, 3],
Q3 = np.array([
    [2, 1, 0, 0],
    [1, 2, 1, 0],
    [0, 1, 2, 1],
    [0, 0, 1, 2],
Q4 = np.eye(4)

Q = np.block([
    [Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4],
    [Q2, Q1, Q2, Q3],
    [Q3, Q2, Q1, Q2],
    [Q4, Q3, Q2, Q1],

b = -np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])

xLen = 16
initialX = np.random.uniform(interval[0], interval[1], size=(xLen))

times = 5
deltaFSum = []
for _ in range(times):
    # Q 6.1
    cd_alg = ConjugateGradient(function,
Esempio n. 14
    def reproduction(self, t, parameters, controls, solution):
        # effective reproduction number at time t
        # The construction of next-generation matrices for compartmental epidemic models

        t_set = t
        number_time = len(t)
        if number_time == 1:
            t_set = [t]

        Rt = np.zeros(number_time)
        for n_t in range(number_time):
            t = t_set[n_t]

            q, tau, HFR, kappa, beta, delta, sigma, eta_I, eta_Q, mu, gamma_I, gamma_A, gamma_H, gamma_Q = parameters
            # alpha, q, tau, HFR, kappa, beta, delta, sigma, eta_I, eta_Q, mu, gamma_I, gamma_A, gamma_H, gamma_Q = controls
            # alpha, q, tau, HFR, kappa, beta, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = controls

            alpha = self.interpolation(t, self.t_control, controls)

            # tau_p = self.interpolation(t - np.max(1./sigma), self.t_control, controls[2])
            # tau_p = self.interpolation(t, self.t_control, controls[2])

            # IHR = np.divide(kappa, np.max(kappa) + tau_p)

            IHR = kappa

            QHR = ewm(tau, IHR)

            pi = self.proportion2factor(IHR, eta_I, gamma_I)

            # transform the parameter in the vector format
            ones = np.ones(self.number_group)

            alpha, q, tau, pi, beta, delta, kappa, sigma, eta_I, eta_Q, mu, gamma_I, gamma_A, gamma_H, gamma_Q = \
            ewm(alpha,ones), ewm(q,ones), ewm(tau,ones), ewm(pi,ones), ewm(beta,ones), ewm(delta,ones), ewm(kappa,ones), \
            ewm(sigma,ones), ewm(eta_I,ones), ewm(eta_Q,ones), ewm(mu,ones), ewm(gamma_I,ones), ewm(gamma_A,ones), ewm(gamma_H,ones), ewm(gamma_Q,ones)

            # theta_I = 2 - tau
            # theta_A = 1 - tau

            theta_I = 1. - 0 * tau
            theta_A = 1. - 0 * tau
            delta = 1. + 0 * delta

            S = solution[n_t, :self.number_group]

            zeros = np.zeros((self.number_group, self.number_group))
            ItoS = np.diag(beta) * np.diag(1.-alpha) * np.diag(1.-q) * np.diag(delta) *, np.diag(theta_I)) * np.diag(np.divide(S, self.N_total))
            AtoS = np.diag(beta) * np.diag(1.-alpha) *, np.diag(theta_A)) * np.diag(np.divide(S, self.N_total))
            T = np.block([
                [zeros, AtoS, ItoS],
                [zeros, zeros, zeros],
                [zeros, zeros, zeros]

            Sigma = np.block([
                [-np.diag(sigma), zeros, zeros],
                [np.diag(1.-tau)*np.diag(sigma), -np.diag(gamma_A), zeros],
                [np.diag(tau)*np.diag(sigma), zeros, -np.diag(pi)*np.diag(eta_I)-np.diag(1.-pi)*np.diag(gamma_I)]

            w, _ = np.linalg.eig(, np.linalg.inv(Sigma)))

            Rt[n_t] = np.max(w)

        return Rt
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, q1 ,q2, n, t, N = 32):
        import autograd.numpy as np
        from scipy.linalg import expm
        from numpy import concatenate as c

        # Set constants
        self.q1 = q1
        self.q2 = q2
        self.n = n
        self.t = t
        self.N = N

        self.tau = t[1]-t[0]
        self.T = self.t[-1]        

        ## Build constant matrices
        a = np.ones(N,dtype=float)
        d = 4*np.ones(N-1,dtype=float)
        d = c(([2.],d))
        d = c((d,[2.]))
        # d = [2,4,4,...,4,4,2]

        # Linear spline matrix
        # M_{ij} = <psi_i,psi_j>_{L_2(0,1)}
        self.M = np.array( 1./(6.*N) * (np.diag(a, k=-1) + np.diag(d) + np.diag(a, k=1)), dtype=float)
        # Stiffness matrix
        # K_{ij} = <psi'_i,psi'_j>_{L_2(0,1)}
        self.K = np.array(np.multiply(N, (np.diag(-a,k=-1) + np.diag(d/2.) + np.diag(-a,k=1))), dtype=float)

        ## Compute dynamical system operators      
        self.AN = np.linalg.solve(- self.M,(self.q1*self.K + L),dtype=float)

        self.BN = np.array(np.linalg.solve(self.M,
        # Discrete-time evolution
        self.ANhat = expm(self.tau*self.AN)

        # Discrete-time input
        self.BNhat= (self.ANhat - np.eye(self.N + 1)) @ np.linalg.solve(self.AN,self.BN)
        # Discrete-time output
        self.CNhat = np.zeros(N+1,dtype=float)
        self.CNhat[-1] = 1.
        ## Gradient computation
        # Derivatives of system operators
        self.dAN_dq1 = np.linalg.solve(-self.M,self.K)        
        self.dBN_dq2 = np.array(np.linalg.solve(self.M,

        mm = np.block([[self.AN,self.dAN_dq1],[np.zeros((N+1,N+1)),self.AN]])
        mm = np.multiply(self.tau,mm)
        AdAExp = expm(mm)
        self.ANhat = AdAExp[:(N+1),:(N+1)];
        self.BNhat = (self.ANhat - np.eye(N+1)) @ np.linalg.solve(self.AN,self.BN)
        self.dANhat_dq1 = AdAExp[:(N+1),(N+2):]
        print(self.ANhat.shape, self.BNhat.shape, self.dANhat_dq1.shape)
        self.dBNhat_dq1 = self.linalg.solve(-self.AN,
                                       self.dAN_dq1 @ 
                                                          self.ANhat - np.eye(N+1))) - 
                                       self.dANhat_dq1) @ self.BN
        self.dBNhat_dq2 = np.linalg.solve(self.AN, (self.ANhat-np.eye(N+1)))*self.dBN_dq2

        # State
        X = np.zeros((N+1,n,m+1))
        for i in range(m+1):
            X[:,1,i] = np.multiply(self.BNhat , total_u[i,1])
            for j in range(1,n):
                X[:,j,i] = self.ANhat @ X[:,j-1,i] + self.BNhat @ total_u[i,j-1]
        # Initialize eta for adjoint method
        # goes from t=tau to t=tau*n. At t=0, everything is 0.
        eta = np.zeros[N+1,n+1,m+1]

        for i in range(m+1):
            eta[:,n,i] = (self.CNhat @ X[:,n,i]-Y[i,n]) @ CNhat.T
        # Compute gradient contributions
        dJN = np.zeros[1,2+P+1+1]
        # Adjoint method
        for j in range(n-1,0,-1):
            for i in range(m+1):
                eta[:,j,i] = self.ANhat.T @ eta[:,j+1,i] + (self.CNhat @ X[:,j,i]-Y[i,j]) @ self.CNhat.T
        # Gradient
        for j in range(n+1):
            for i in range(m+1):
                # Gradient of system parameters
                sc = m*(i==m+1)+(i<=m)
                if j>0:
                    for k in range(2):
                        dJN[k] = dJN[k] + sc*(eta[:,j,i].T @ (dAhat_dq(:,:,k)*X(:,j-1,i) + dBhat_dq(:,:,k)*total_u(i,j-1)));
                JN = JN + sc*(CNhat*X(:,j,i)-Y(i,j))^2;
            for r=0:P
                dJN(r+3) = dJN(r+3) + sc*(eta(:,j,m+1)'*Bhat*SplinesP_linear(r+1,j));
Esempio n. 16
 def cost(z):
     Q = np.diag([100, 1, 10, 1])
     R = np.diag([10])
     H = np.block([[Q, np.zeros([n, m])], [np.zeros([m, n]), R]])
     return,, z))