Esempio n. 1
    def f(self, x, uu):
        u = np.clip(uu, -6, 6)
        g = x[0:16].reshape((4, 4))
        R, p = TransToRp(g)

        omega = x[16:19]
        v = x[19:]
        twist = x[16:]

        # u[0] *= 0.8
        F = self.kt * (u[0] + u[1] + u[2] + u[3])
        M = np.array([
            self.kt * self.arm_length * (u[1] - u[3]),
            self.kt * self.arm_length * (u[2] - u[0]),
   * (u[0] - u[1] + u[2] - u[3])

        inertia_dot_omega =, omega)
        inner_rot = M + cross(inertia_dot_omega, omega)

        omegadot =,
                          inner_rot) - self.ang_damping * omega

        vdot = self.inv_mass * F * np.array([0., 0., 1.]) - cross(
            omega, v) - 9.81 *, np.array([0., 0., 1.
                                                     ])) - self.vel_damping * v

        dg =, VecTose3(twist)).ravel()

        return np.concatenate((dg, omegadot, vdot))
Esempio n. 2
    def look_at(self, world_position):
        world_position = self.get_world_position()[:3]
        eye = world_position
        target = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        up = np.array([0, 1, 0])

        zaxis = (target - eye) / np.linalg.norm(target - eye)
        xaxis = (np.cross(up, zaxis)) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(up, zaxis))
        yaxis = np.cross(zaxis, xaxis)

        R = np.eye(4)
        R = np.array([[xaxis[0], yaxis[0], zaxis[0], 0],
                      [xaxis[1], yaxis[1], zaxis[1], 0],
                      [xaxis[2], yaxis[2], zaxis[1], 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        R = np.array([[xaxis[0], xaxis[1], xaxis[2], 0],
                      [yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2], 0],
                      [zaxis[0], zaxis[1], zaxis[2], 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        t = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)  # translation
        t[:3, 3] = -eye

        self.R = R

        self.Rt =, t)
        self.t = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
        self.t[:3, 3] = self.Rt[:3, 3]
Esempio n. 3
def calc_dihedral(coords3d, dihedral_ind, cos_tol=1e-9):
    m, o, p, n = dihedral_ind
    u_dash = coords3d[m] - coords3d[o]
    v_dash = coords3d[n] - coords3d[p]
    w_dash = coords3d[p] - coords3d[o]
    u_norm = np.linalg.norm(u_dash)
    v_norm = np.linalg.norm(v_dash)
    w_norm = np.linalg.norm(w_dash)
    u = u_dash / u_norm
    v = v_dash / v_norm
    w = w_dash / w_norm
    phi_u = np.arccos(, w))
    phi_v = np.arccos(, v))
    uxw = np.cross(u, w)
    vxw = np.cross(v, w)
    cos_dihed =, vxw) / (np.sin(phi_u) * np.sin(phi_v))

    # Restrict cos_dihed to [-1, 1]
    if cos_dihed >= 1 - cos_tol:
        dihedral_rad = 0
    elif cos_dihed <= -1 + cos_tol:
        dihedral_rad = np.arccos(-1)
        dihedral_rad = np.arccos(cos_dihed)

    if dihedral_rad != np.pi:
        # wxv = np.cross(w, v)
        # if < 0:
        if < 0:
            dihedral_rad *= -1
    return dihedral_rad
Esempio n. 4
    def dihedrals(self):
        d_angles = []

        for quad in self.psf.dihedrals:
            a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4 = quad.atom1, quad.atom2, quad.atom3, quad.atom4
            v1 = np.array(self.positions[a_2]) - np.array(self.positions[a_1])
            v2 = np.array(self.positions[a_3]) - np.array(self.positions[a_1])
            n1 = np.cross(v1, v2)

            v3 = np.array(self.positions[a_4]) - np.array(self.positions[a_3])
            v4 = -v2
            n2 = np.cross(v3, v4)

            prod =, n2)

            if prod == 0:
                angle = 0
                prod /= (np.linalg.norm(n1) * np.linalg.norm(n2))
                prod = np.clip(prod, -1, 1)
                angle = np.arccos(prod)

            d_angles.append([(a_1.type, a_2.type, a_3.type, a_4.type),

        return d_angles
    def look_at(self, world_position):

        :param world_position:
        cam_world_position = self.get_world_position()  # used to set new cam.t
        #self.set_R_mat(Rt_matrix_from_euler_t.R_matrix_from_euler_t(0.0, 0, 0)) # first we need to set new R
        world_position = self.get_world_position()[:3]
        eye = world_position
        target = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        up = np.array([0, 1, 0])
        if np.linalg.norm(target - eye) == 0:  # avoid cam position in [0,0,0]
            zaxis = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
            zaxis = (target - eye) / np.linalg.norm(target - eye)
        if zaxis[1] == -1.:  # handle cam position on Y-axis
            xaxis = np.array([-1., 0., 0.])
            xaxis = (np.cross(up, zaxis)) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(up, zaxis))
        yaxis = np.cross(zaxis, xaxis)

        R = np.eye(4)
        R = np.array([[xaxis[0], yaxis[0], zaxis[0], 0],
                      [xaxis[1], yaxis[1], zaxis[1], 0],
                      [xaxis[2], yaxis[2], zaxis[2], 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        # R = np.array([[xaxis[0], xaxis[1], xaxis[2], 0],
        #              [yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2], 0],
        #              [zaxis[0], zaxis[1], zaxis[2], 0],
        #              [       0,        0,        0, 1]])
        R = R.T  # R is rotation matrix from camera to world coordinate not from world to camera coordinate!!!
        self.R = R
        self.set_t(cam_world_position[0], cam_world_position[1],
                   cam_world_position[2], 'world')  # !!! set new t
Esempio n. 6
    def getHOD_basic(self, a_norm, z_body, j_des, s_des):
        a_norm_dot =
        z_body_dot = (j_des - a_norm_dot * z_body) / a_norm
        theta_vel = np.cross(z_body, z_body_dot)

        a_norm_ddot = +
        z_body_ddot = (s_des - a_norm_ddot * z_body -
                       2 * a_norm_dot * z_body_dot) / a_norm
        theta_acc = np.cross(z_body, z_body_ddot)

        return theta_vel, theta_acc
Esempio n. 7
    def dVelocityVectordh(self, x, mu):
        derivatives of Velocity vector wrt angular momentum vector
        TA = x[5]
        sTA = np.sin(TA)
        cTA = np.cos(TA)
        h = self.hVector(x)
        e = self.eVector(x, mu)
        eCross = self.mathUtil.crossmat(e)
        hMag = np.linalg.norm(h)
        eMag = np.linalg.norm(e)
        eUnit = e / eMag
        crossProduct = np.cross(h, e)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)

        factor1 = 1.0 / hMag**3
        term1 = factor1 * (-np.outer(
            sTA * eUnit - ((eMag + cTA) / crossProductMag) * crossProduct, h))
        factor2 = (-(eMag + cTA)) / (hMag * crossProductMag)
        term2 = factor2 * (-eCross + (1.0 / crossProductMag**2) *
            np.outer(crossProduct, crossProduct), eCross))

        dvdh = -mu * (term1 + term2)
        return dvdh
Esempio n. 8
    def f_scp(self, s, a):
        # input:
        # 	s, nd array, (n,)
        # 	a, nd array, (m,1)
        # output
        # 	dsdt, nd array, (n,1)

        dsdt = agnp.zeros(self.n)
        q = s[6:10]
        omega = s[10:]

        # get input
        a = agnp.reshape(a, (self.m, ))
        eta =, a)
        f_u = agnp.array([0, 0, eta[0]])
        tau_u = agnp.array([eta[1], eta[2], eta[3]])

        # dynamics
        # dot{p} = v
        dpdt = s[3:6]
        # mv = mg + R f_u
        dvdt = self.g + qrotate(q, f_u) / self.mass

        # dot{R} = R S(w)
        # to integrate the dynamics, see
        #, and
        qnew = qintegrate(q, omega, self.ave_dt)
        qnew = qnormalize(qnew)
        # transform qnew to a "delta q" that works with the usual euler integration
        dqdt = (qnew - q) / self.ave_dt

        # mJ = Jw x w + tau_u
        dwdt = self.inv_J * (agnp.cross(self.J * omega, omega) + tau_u)
        return agnp.concatenate((dpdt, dvdt, dqdt, dwdt))
Esempio n. 9
    def solve(self, angles0, target):
        joint_indexes = list(reversed(self._fk_solver.joint_indexes))
        angles = angles0[:]
        pmap = {
            'x': [1., 0., 0., 0.],
            'y': [0., 1., 0., 0.],
            'z': [0., 0., 1., 0.]
        prev_dist = sys.float_info.max
        for _ in range(self.maxiter):
            for i, idx in enumerate(joint_indexes):
                axis = self._fk_solver.solve(
                pj = self._fk_solver.solve(angles, index=idx)
                ee = self._fk_solver.solve(angles)
                eorp = self.p_on_rot_plane(ee, pj, axis)
                torp = self.p_on_rot_plane(target, pj, axis)
                ve = (eorp - pj) / np.linalg.norm(eorp - pj)
                vt = (torp - pj) / np.linalg.norm(torp - pj)
                a = np.arccos(, ve))
                sign = 1 if, np.cross(ve, vt)) > 0 else -1
                angles[-(i + 1)] += (a * sign)

            ee = self._fk_solver.solve(angles)
            dist = np.linalg.norm(target - ee)
            delta = prev_dist - dist
            if delta < self.tol:
            prev_dist = dist

        return angles
Esempio n. 10
    def tVector_derivs(self, x):
        derivatives of the T unit vector
        # choose the reference vector here
        k = self.mathUtil.k_unit()
        referenceVector = k
        dreferenceVectordx = np.zeros(
             6))  # for k reference vector (or any constant reference vector)

        s = self.sVector(x)
        crossProduct = np.cross(s, referenceVector)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)
        dcrossProductds, dcrossProductdreferenceVector = self.mathUtil.d_crossproduct(
            s, referenceVector)

        dsdx = self.sVector_derivs(x)
        dtdxNotUnit =, dsdx) +
            dcrossProductdreferenceVector, dreferenceVectordx)
        dOneByCrossProductMagdx = (-1.0 / crossProductMag**3) *
            crossProduct, dtdxNotUnit)
        dtdx = (1.0 / crossProductMag) * dtdxNotUnit + np.outer(
            crossProduct, dOneByCrossProductMagdx)

        return dtdx
Esempio n. 11
    def hVector(self, r, v):
        angular momentum vector

        h = np.cross(r, v)
        return h
Esempio n. 12
    def rVector_derivs(self, x):
        bplane R unit vector derivatives

        s = self.sVector(x)
        t = self.tVector(x)
        crossProduct = np.cross(s, t)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)
        dcrossProductds, dcrossProductdt = self.mathUtil.d_crossproduct(s, t)
        dsdx = self.sVector_derivs(x)
        dtdx = self.tVector_derivs(x)
        dRdxNotUnit =, dsdx) +
            dcrossProductdt, dtdx)
        dOneByCrossProductMagdx = (-1.0 / crossProductMag**3) *
            crossProduct, dRdxNotUnit)
        dRdx = (1.0 / crossProductMag) * dRdxNotUnit + np.outer(
            crossProduct, dOneByCrossProductMagdx)

        #term1 = (1.0 / crossProductMag) * dRdxNotUnit
        #term2 = np.outer(crossProduct, dOneByCrossProductMagdx)
        #print('crossProduct: ', crossProduct)
        #print('dRdxNotUnit column1: ', dRdxNotUnit[0:3,1])
        #print(crossProduct[0]*dRdxNotUnit[0,1], crossProduct[1]*dRdxNotUnit[1,1])
        #print(crossProduct[2], dOneByCrossProductMagdx[1])
        #print(dRdxNotUnit[2,1], term2[2,1])
        return dRdx
Esempio n. 13
    def dVelocityVectorde(self, x, mu):
        derivatives of Velocity vector wrt eccentricity vector
        TA = x[5]
        sTA = np.sin(TA)
        cTA = np.cos(TA)
        h = self.hVector(x)
        e = self.eVector(x, mu)
        hCross = self.mathUtil.crossmat(h)
        hMag = np.linalg.norm(h)
        eMag = np.linalg.norm(e)
        crossProduct = np.cross(h, e)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)

        term1 = sTA * (1.0 / eMag) * (np.identity(3) -
                                      (1.0 / eMag**2) * np.outer(e, e))
        term21 = np.outer((1.0 / crossProductMag) * crossProduct,
                          (1.0 / eMag) * e)
        term22 = (eMag + cTA) * (1.0 / crossProductMag) * (
            hCross - (1.0 / crossProductMag**2) *
  , crossProduct), hCross))
        term2 = -(term21 + term22)

        factor = -mu / hMag

        dvde = factor * (term1 + term2)
        return dvde
Esempio n. 14
    def dPositionVectordh(self, x, mu):
        derivatives of position vector wrt angular momentum vector
        TA = x[5]
        cTA = np.cos(TA)
        sTA = np.sin(TA)
        h = self.hVector(x)
        e = self.eVector(x, mu)
        hMag = self.hMag(x)
        eMag = self.eMag(x, mu)
        eUnit = e / eMag
        crossProduct = np.cross(h, e)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)

        factor = 1.0 / (mu * (1.0 + eMag * cTA))

        term1 = cTA * np.outer(eUnit, 2.0 * h)
        #term2 = sTA * / crossProductMag) * (np.identity(3) - (1.0 / crossProductMag**2) * np.outer(crossProduct, crossProduct)), -self.mathUtil.crossmat(e))

        term2 = (sTA / crossProductMag) * (
            2. * np.outer(crossProduct, h) + hMag**2 *
                (-np.identity(3) + (1. / crossProductMag**2) * np.outer(
                    crossProduct, crossProduct)), self.mathUtil.crossmat(e)))
        drdh = factor * (term1 + term2)
        return drdh
Esempio n. 15
 def rVectorNotUnit(self, r, v, mu):
     bplane R vector
     s = self.sVector(r, v, mu)
     t = self.tVector(r, v, mu)
     R = np.cross(s, t)
     return R
Esempio n. 16
 def nVector(self, r, v, mu):
     not the node vector: h cross e; i think battin calls it p
     h = self.hVector(r, v)
     e = self.eVector(r, v, mu)
     n = np.cross(h, e)
     return n
Esempio n. 17
 def rVectorNotUnit(self, x):
     bplane R vector
     s = self.sVector(x)
     t = self.tVector(x)
     R = np.cross(s, t)
     return R
Esempio n. 18
 def hUnit(self, x):
     angular momentum unit vector
     b = self.bVector(x)
     s = self.sVector(x)
     hUnit = np.cross(b, s)
     hUnit = hUnit / np.linalg.norm(hUnit)
     return hUnit
Esempio n. 19
    def get_neighs(vertex, r):
        verts = list()

        # level_0
        v = vertex

        # find closest point in level 1
        if sparse.issparse(adj_mtx):
            nz = adj_mtx.tolil().rows
            ix_list = nz[v]
            row = adj_mtx[v]
            ix_list = np.nonzero(row)
            ix_list = ix_list[0]

        dists = []
        for j in ix_list:
            d = get_dist(coords, v, j)
        ix_min = ix_list[dists.index(min(dists))]
        closest_ix = ix_min

        # levels_>=1
        for i in range(1, r + 1):
            # this is the closest vertex of the new level
            # find the ordering of the level
            arr = get_order(adj_mtx, coords, ix_list, closest_ix, verts)
            verts = verts + arr
            # get next level: for each in ix_list, get neighbors that are not in <verts>, then add them to the new list
            next_list = []
            for j in ix_list:
                if sparse.issparse(adj_mtx):
                    new_row = nz[j]
                    new_row = adj_mtx[j]
                    new_row = np.nonzero(new_row)
                    new_row = new_row[0]

                for k in new_row:
                    if k not in verts:
            next_list = list(set(next_list))

            # find starting point of next level using line eq
            c1 = coords[vertex]
            c2 = coords[closest_ix]
            line_dists = []
            for j in next_list:
                c3 = coords[j]
                line_dist = LA.norm(np.cross(c2 - c1, c1 - c3)) / LA.norm(
                    c2 - c1)  # calculate distance to line
            ix_list = next_list
            closest_ix = next_list[line_dists.index(min(line_dists))]
        return verts
Esempio n. 20
 def tVectorNotUnit(self, x):
     T vector, not necessarily as a unit vector
     s = self.sVector(x)
     k = self.mathUtil.k_unit()
     #h = self.hVector(x)
     referenceVector = k
     t = np.cross(s, referenceVector)
     return t
Esempio n. 21
    def calculate_normal(self, tri_ind_info, centroid, q):
    #     normal_xyz = np.zeros((h, w, 3))
    #     normal_sph = np.zeros((h, w, 2))
        normal_xyz = {}
        normal_sph = {}

        for i in range(self.h):
            for j in range(self.w):
                normal_xyz[(i,j)] = 0
                normal_sph[(i,j)] = 0
                tri_ver = q[self.tri_mesh_data[tri_ind_info[i, j]-1, :],:]
                a = tri_ver[0,:]
                b = tri_ver[1,:]
                c = tri_ver[2,:]
                normal_xyz[(i,j)] = np.cross(a-b, b-c)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a-b, b-c))
                if, 0)-centroid, normal_xyz[(i,j)])<0:
                    normal_xyz[(i,j)] *= -1
                normal_sph[(i,j)] = self.cart2sph(normal_xyz[(i,j)])
        return normal_sph
Esempio n. 22
    def tVectorNotUnit(self, r, v, mu):
        t vector

        # reference vector is chosen here
        k = self.mathUtil.k_unit()
        referenceVector = k

        h = self.hVector(r, v)
        s = self.sVector(r, v, mu)
        t = np.cross(s, referenceVector)
        return t
Esempio n. 23
def syncRot(T):
    returns the rotation matrix of the approximation of the projector created by proj_deformable_approx
    :param T : the motion matrix calculated in PoseFromKpts_WP
    :return : [R,C] the rotation matrix and the values of a sorte of norm that is do not really understand
    [_, L, Q] = proj_deformable_approx(np.transpose(T))
    s = np.sign(L[0])
    C = s * L[0]
    R = np.zeros((3, 3))
    R[0:2, 0:3] = s * np.transpose(Q)
    R[2, 0:3] = np.cross(Q[0:3, 0], Q[0:3, 1])

    return R, C
Esempio n. 24
    def dPositionVectorde(self, x, mu):
        derivatives of position vector wrt eccentricity vector
        TA = x[5]
        cTA = np.cos(TA)
        sTA = np.sin(TA)
        h = self.hVector(x)
        e = self.eVector(x, mu)
        hMag = self.hMag(x)
        eMag = self.eMag(x, mu)
        eUnit = e / eMag
        crossProduct = np.cross(h, e)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)
        crossProductUnit = crossProduct / crossProductMag
        factor = hMag**2 / mu
        #term1_old = np.outer((-cTA / ((1.0 + eMag * cTA)**2)) * eUnit, eUnit * cTA + crossProduct / crossProductMag * sTA)

        term1 = (-cTA / (1. + eMag * cTA)**2) * np.outer(
            cTA * eUnit + sTA * crossProductUnit, eUnit)

        factor2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + eMag * cTA)
        #term2_old = factor2 * ((cTA / eMag) * (np.identity(3) - (1.0 / eMag**2) * np.outer(e, e)) + (sTA / crossProductMag) * - (1.0 / crossProductMag**2) * np.outer(crossProduct, crossProduct)), self.mathUtil.crossmat(h)))

        term2 = factor2 * (
            (cTA / eMag) * (np.identity(3) - (1. / eMag**2) * np.outer(e, e)) +
            (sTA / crossProductMag) *
                (np.identity(3) - (1. / crossProductMag**2) * np.outer(
                    crossProduct, crossProduct)), self.mathUtil.crossmat(h)))

        #term2 = term2_old
        # print(term1_old)
        # print("\n")
        # print(term1)
        # print("\n")
        # print("\n")
        # print("\n")
        # print("\n")
        # print(term2_old)
        # print("\n")
        # print(term2)
        # print("\n")
        # print(term3)
        # print("\n")

        drde = factor * (term1 + term2)
        return drde
Esempio n. 25
    def compute_rotation_velocity_geometry_axes(self, points):
        # Computes the effective velocity due to rotation at a set of points.
        # Input: a Nx3 array of points
        # Output: a Nx3 array of effective velocities
        angular_velocity_vector_geometry_axes = np.array(
            [-self.p, self.q,
             -self.r])  # signs convert from body axes to geometry axes
        angular_velocity_vector_geometry_axes = np.expand_dims(
            angular_velocity_vector_geometry_axes, axis=0)

        rotation_velocity_geometry_axes = np.cross(
            angular_velocity_vector_geometry_axes, points, axis=1)

        rotation_velocity_geometry_axes = -rotation_velocity_geometry_axes  # negative sign, since we care about the velocity the WING SEES, not the velocity of the wing.

        return rotation_velocity_geometry_axes
Esempio n. 26
def initial_state(Xa, Xg):
    """ estimate initial orientation and biases given a series of measurements
    during which the IMU was stationary """

    g = 9.81
    bg = np.mean(Xg, axis=0)

    a = np.mean(Xa, axis=0)
    na = np.linalg.norm(a)
    sa = g / na
    a /= na

    rot = np.cross(np.array([0, 0, -1.0]), a)

    # print 'accel scale', sa
    # print 'gyro bias', bg
    # print 'initial orientation', rot
    # print, np.array([0, 0, -1.0])), a
    return sa, bg, rot
Esempio n. 27
def initial_state(Xa, Xg):
    """ estimate initial orientation and biases given a series of measurements
    during which the IMU was stationary """

    g = 9.81
    bg = np.mean(Xg, axis=0)

    a = np.mean(Xa, axis=0)
    na = np.linalg.norm(a)
    sa = g / na
    a /= na

    rot = np.cross(np.array([0, 0, -1.0]), a)

    # print 'accel scale', sa
    # print 'gyro bias', bg
    # print 'initial orientation', rot
    # print, np.array([0, 0, -1.0])), a
    return sa, bg, rot
Esempio n. 28
 def hUnit_derivs(self, x):
     derivatives of angular momentum unit vector
     b = self.bVector(x)
     s = self.sVector(x)
     crossProduct = np.cross(b, s)
     crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)
     dcrossProductdb, dcrossProductds = self.mathUtil.d_crossproduct(b, s)
     dbdx = self.bVector_derivs(x)
     dsdx = self.sVector_derivs(x)
     dhdxNotUnit =, dbdx) +
         dcrossProductds, dsdx)
     dOneByCrossProductMagdx = (-1.0 / crossProductMag**3) *
         crossProduct, dhdxNotUnit)
     dhUnitdx = (1.0 / crossProductMag) * dhdxNotUnit + np.outer(
         crossProduct, dOneByCrossProductMagdx)
     return dhUnitdx
Esempio n. 29
def get_ceq(x):
    n = (x.shape[0] - 1) // 4

    tk, xk, yk, thetak = split_state(x)
    xk = np.concatenate(([start_x], xk, [goal_x]))
    yk = np.concatenate(([start_y], yk, [goal_y]))
    thetak = np.concatenate(([start_theta], thetak, [goal_theta]))

    dx = xk[1:] - xk[0:-1]
    dy = yk[1:] - yk[0:-1]
    dk = np.array([dx, dy, np.zeros(n + 1)]).T

    # constant curvature (trapezoidal collocation, see teb paper)
    ceq = np.array([
        np.cos(thetak[0:-1]) + np.cos(thetak[1:]),
        np.sin(thetak[0:-1]) + np.sin(thetak[1:]),
        np.zeros(n + 1)
    ceq = np.fabs(np.cross(ceq, dk, axisa=1, axisb=1)[:, 2])
    return ceq
Esempio n. 30
    def impropers(self):
        i_angles = []

        for quad in self.psf.impropers:  # a_1 bonded to a_2, a_1 is central atom
            a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4 = quad.atom1, quad.atom2, quad.atom3, quad.atom4
            v1 = np.array(self.positions[a_3]) - np.array(self.positions[a_1])
            v2 = np.array(self.positions[a_4]) - np.array(self.positions[a_1])
            n = np.cross(v1, v2)

            v3 = np.array(self.positions[a_2]) - np.array(self.positions[a_1])
            prod =, v3)

            if prod == 0:
                angle = np.pi / 2
                prod /= (np.linalg.norm(n) * np.linalg.norm(v3))
                prod = np.clip(prod, -1, 1)
                angle = np.pi / 2 - np.arccos(prod)

            i_angles.append([(a_1.type, a_2.type, a_3.type, a_4.type),

        return i_angles
Esempio n. 31
    def f(self, s, a):
        # input:
        # 	s, nd array, (n,)
        # 	a, nd array, (m,1)
        # output
        # 	dsdt, nd array, (n,1)

        dsdt = np.zeros(self.n)
        q = s[6:10]
        omega = s[10:]

        # get input
        a = np.reshape(a, (self.m, ))
        eta =, a)
        f_u = np.array([0, 0, eta[0]])
        tau_u = np.array([eta[1], eta[2], eta[3]])

        # dynamics
        # dot{p} = v
        dsdt[0:3] = s[3:6]
        # mv = mg + R f_u
        dsdt[3:6] = self.g + rowan.rotate(q, f_u) / self.mass

        # dot{R} = R S(w)
        # to integrate the dynamics, see
        #, and
        qnew = rowan.calculus.integrate(q, omega, self.ave_dt)
        qnew = rowan.normalize(qnew)
        if qnew[0] < 0:
            qnew = -qnew
        # transform qnew to a "delta q" that works with the usual euler integration
        dsdt[6:10] = (qnew - q) / self.ave_dt

        # mJ = Jw x w + tau_u
        dsdt[10:] = self.inv_J * (np.cross(self.J * omega, omega) + tau_u)
        return dsdt.reshape((len(dsdt), 1))
Esempio n. 32
    def __init__(self, NSIDE, npix, clv=True):
            NSIDE (int) : the healpix NSIDE parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30
            npix (int) : number of pixel in the X and Y axis of the final projected map
            rot_velocity (float) : rotation velocity of the star in the equator in km/s
        self.NSIDE = int(NSIDE)
        self.npix = int(npix)
        self.hp_npix = hp.nside2npix(NSIDE)

        # self.rot_velocity = rot_velocity
        self.clv = clv

# Generate the indices of all healpix pixels
        self.indices = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE), dtype='int')
        self.n_healpix_pxl = len(self.indices)

# Define the orthographic projector that generates the maps of the star on the plane of the sky
        self.projector = hp.projector.OrthographicProj(xsize=int(self.npix))

# This function returns the pixel associated with a vector (x,y,z). This is needed by the projector
        self.f_vec2pix = lambda x, y, z: hp.pixelfunc.vec2pix(int(self.NSIDE), x, y, z)

# Generate a mesh grid of X and Y points in the plane of the sky that covers only the observed hemisphere of the star
        x = np.linspace(-2.0,0.0,int(self.npix/2))
        y = np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,int(self.npix/2))
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)

# Rotational velocity vector (pointing in the z direction and unit vector)
        omega = np.array([0,0,1])

# Compute the radial vector at each position in the map and the projected velocity on the plane of the sky
        radial_vector = np.array(self.projector.xy2vec(X.flatten(), Y.flatten())).reshape((3,int(self.npix/2),int(self.npix/2)))        
        self.vel_projection = np.cross(omega[:,None,None], radial_vector, axisa=0, axisb=0)[:,:,0]

# Compute the mu angle (astrocentric angle)
        self.mu_angle = radial_vector[0,:,:]        
# Read all Kurucz models from the database. Hardwired temperature and mu angles
        print("Reading Kurucz spectra...")
        self.T = 3500 + 250 * np.arange(27)
        self.mus = np.array([1.0,0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6,0.5,0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1,0.05,0.02])[::-1]

        for i in tqdm(range(27)):
            f = 'kurucz_models/RESULTS/T_{0:d}_logg4.0_feh0.0.spec'.format(self.T[i])
            vel, _, spec = _read_kurucz_spec(f)

            if (i == 0):
                self.nlambda, self.nmus = spec.shape
                self.velocity = np.zeros((self.nlambda))
                self.spectrum = np.zeros((27,self.nmus,self.nlambda))

            self.velocity = vel
            self.spectrum[i,:,:] = spec[:,::-1].T

# Generate a fake temperature map in the star using spherical harmonics
        # self.temperature_map = 5000 * np.ones(self.npix)
        # self.temperature_map = 5000 + 250 * hp.sphtfunc.alm2map(np.ones(10,dtype='complex'),self.NSIDE) #np.random.rand(self.n_healpix_pxl) * 2000 + 5000 #

        self.temperature_map = 5000 * np.ones(self.hp_npix)
        self.coeffs = hp.sphtfunc.map2alm(self.temperature_map)

        self.velocity_per_pxl = self.velocity[1] - self.velocity[0]

        self.freq_grid = np.fft.fftfreq(self.nlambda)

        self.gradient = value_and_grad(self.loss)