Esempio n. 1
def prox_sdss_symmetry(X, step):
    """SDSS/HSC symmetry operator

    This function uses the *minimum* of the two
    symmetric pixels in the update.
    Xs = np.fliplr(np.flipud(X))
    X[:] = np.min([X, Xs], axis=0)
    return X
Esempio n. 2
def fft_convolve2d(x, y):
    """ 2D convolution, using FFT"""
    fr = fft.fft2(x)
    fr2 = fft.fft2(np.flipud(np.fliplr(y)))
    m, n = fr.shape
    cc = np.real(fft.ifft2(fr * fr2))
    cc = np.roll(cc, -int(m / 2) + 1, axis=0)
    cc = np.roll(cc, -int(n / 2) + 1, axis=1)
    return cc
Esempio n. 3
def f_symmetry(dof, Mx, My, xsym, ysym, Nlayer=1):
    out = []
    for i in range(Nlayer):
        df = np.reshape(dof[i * Mx * My:(i + 1) * Mx * My], (Mx, My))
        if xsym == 1:
            df = np.hstack((df, np.fliplr(df)))
        if ysym == 1:
            df = np.vstack((df, np.flipud(df)))
    return np.concatenate(np.array(out))
Esempio n. 4
def prox_soft_symmetry(X, step, strength=1):
    """Soft version of symmetry
    Using a `sigma` that varies from 0 to 1,
    with 0 meaning no symmetry enforced at all and
    1  being completely symmetric, the user can customize
    the level of symmetry required for a component
    Xs = np.fliplr(np.flipud(X))
    X[:] = 0.5 * strength * (X + Xs) + (1 - strength) * X
    return X
Esempio n. 5
def projectSimplex(mat):
    """ project each row vector to the simplex
    nPoints, nVars = mat.shape
    mu = np.fliplr(np.sort(mat, axis=1))
    sum_hist = np.cumsum(mu, axis=1)
    flag = (mu - 1./np.tile(np.arange(1,nVars+1),(nPoints,1))*(sum_hist-1) > 0)
    f_flag = lambda flagPoint: len(flagPoint) - 1 - \
    lastTrue = map(f_flag, flag)
    sm_row = sum_hist[np.arange(nPoints), lastTrue]
    theta = (sm_row - 1)*1./(np.array(lastTrue)+1.)
    w = np.maximum(mat - np.tile(theta, (nVars,1)).T, 0.)
    return w
Esempio n. 6
def projectSimplex(mat):
    """ project each row vector to the simplex
    nPoints, nVars = mat.shape
    mu = np.fliplr(np.sort(mat, axis=1))
    sum_hist = np.cumsum(mu, axis=1)
    flag = (mu - 1. / np.tile(np.arange(1, nVars + 1),
                              (nPoints, 1)) * (sum_hist - 1) > 0)

    f_flag = lambda flagPoint: len(flagPoint) - 1 - \
    lastTrue = map(f_flag, flag)

    sm_row = sum_hist[np.arange(nPoints), lastTrue]

    theta = (sm_row - 1) * 1. / (np.array(lastTrue) + 1.)

    w = np.maximum(mat - np.tile(theta, (nVars, 1)).T, 0.)

    return w
Esempio n. 7
 def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.fliplr(x))
 d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
Esempio n. 8
 def fun(x):
     return to_scalar(np.fliplr(x))
Esempio n. 9
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, shift, axis=None: anp.roll(g, shift, axis=axis))
anp.array_split.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, ary, idxs, axis=0: anp.
                       array_split(g, idxs, axis=axis))
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, ary, idxs, axis=0: anp.split(g, idxs, axis=axis))
anp.vsplit.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, ary, idxs: anp.vsplit(g, idxs))
anp.hsplit.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, ary, idxs: anp.hsplit(g, idxs))
anp.dsplit.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, ary, idxs: anp.dsplit(g, idxs))
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, order=None: anp.ravel(g, order=order))
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, axis: anp.expand_dims(g, axis))
anp.squeeze.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, axis=None: anp.squeeze(g, axis))
anp.diag.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, k=0: anp.diag(g, k))
anp.flipud.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, : anp.flipud(g))
anp.fliplr.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, : anp.fliplr(g))
anp.rot90.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, k=1: anp.rot90(g, k))
anp.trace.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, offset=0: anp.trace(g, offset))
anp.full.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, shape, fill_value, dtype=None: anp.
                full(shape, g, dtype),
anp.triu.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, k=0: anp.triu(g, k=k))
anp.tril.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, k=0: anp.tril(g, k=k))
anp.clip.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, a_min, a_max: g * anp.logical_and(
    ans != a_min, ans != a_max))
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x, axis1, axis2: anp.swapaxes(g, axis1, axis2))
    lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, a, axis, start=0: anp.rollaxis(g, axis, start))
anp.real_if_close.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x: npg.match_complex(vs, g))
anp.real.defjvp(lambda g, ans, gvs, vs, x: anp.real(g))
Esempio n. 10
 def fun(x): return np.fliplr(x)
 mat = npr.randn(10, 11)
Esempio n. 11
 def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.fliplr(x))
 d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
Esempio n. 12
 def fun(x):
     return np.fliplr(x)