Esempio n. 1
 def update_lstm(input, hiddens, cells):
     change  = np.tanh(concat_and_multiply(params['change'], input, hiddens))
     forget  = sigmoid(concat_and_multiply(params['forget'], input, hiddens))
     ingate  = sigmoid(concat_and_multiply(params['ingate'], input, hiddens))
     outgate = sigmoid(concat_and_multiply(params['outgate'], input, hiddens))
     cells   = cells * forget + ingate * change
     hiddens = outgate * np.tanh(cells)
     return hiddens, cells
Esempio n. 2
 def update_lstm(input, hiddens, cells, forget_weights, change_weights,
                                        ingate_weights, outgate_weights):
     """One iteration of an LSTM layer."""
     change  = np.tanh(activations(change_weights, input, hiddens))
     forget  = sigmoid(activations(forget_weights, input, cells, hiddens))
     ingate  = sigmoid(activations(ingate_weights, input, cells, hiddens))
     cells   = cells * forget + ingate * change
     outgate = sigmoid(activations(outgate_weights, input, cells, hiddens))
     hiddens = outgate * np.tanh(cells)
     return hiddens, cells
    def __init__(self,**kwargs):        
        # set default values for layer sizes, activation, and scale
        activation = 'relu'

        # decide on these parameters via user input
        if 'activation' in kwargs:
            activation = kwargs['activation']

        # switches
        if activation == 'linear':
            self.activation = lambda data: data
        elif activation == 'tanh':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.tanh(data)
        elif activation == 'relu':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.maximum(0,data)
        elif activation == 'sinc':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.sinc(data)
        elif activation == 'sin':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.sin(data)
        elif activation == 'maxout':
            self.activation = lambda data1,data2: np.maximum(data1,data2)
        # select layer sizes and scale
        self.layer_sizes = kwargs['layer_sizes']
        self.scale = 0.1
        if 'scale' in kwargs:
            self.scale = kwargs['scale']
        # assign initializer / feature transforms function
        if activation == 'linear' or activation == 'tanh' or activation == 'relu' or activation == 'sinc' or activation == 'sin':
            self.initializer = self.standard_initializer
            self.feature_transforms = self.feature_transforms
        elif activation == 'maxout':
            self.initializer = self.maxout_initializer
            self.feature_transforms = self.maxout_feature_transforms
 def tanh_predict(self, pt, w):
     # linear combo
     val = w[0] + sum([
         w[i] * np.tanh(self.R[i - 1, 0] + self.R[i - 1, 1] * pt)
         for i in range(1, self.D + 1)
     return val
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if 'layer_sizes' in kwargs:
            self.layer_sizes = kwargs['layer_sizes']  # Set layer sizes
        else:  # Else create default setup
            N = 1  # Input dimensions
            M = 1  # Output dimensions
            U = 10  # 10-unit hidden layer
            self.layer_sizes = [
                N, U, M
            ]  # Build layer sizes to generate weight matrix

        if 'scale' in kwargs:
            self.scale = kwargs['scale']  # Set scale
            self.scale = 0.1

        a = 'relu'  # Set default activation to ReLU
        if 'activation' in kwargs:
            a = kwargs['activation']  # Manually set activation if present
            self.activation_name = a

            if a == 'relu':
                self.activation = lambda data: np.maximum(0, data)
            elif a == 'tanh':
                self.activation = lambda data: np.tanh(data)
            elif a == 'maxout':
                self.activation = lambda data1, data2: np.maximum(data1, data2)
                self.weight_matrix = self.maxout_init_weights
                self.transforms = self.maxout_feature_transforms
            else:  # Manual activation
                self.activation = kwargs['activation']

        if a in ['relu', 'tanh']:
            self.weight_matrix = self.init_weights
            self.transforms = self.feature_transforms
    def variational_log_density(params, samples):
        samples: [n_samples, D]
        u: [D,1]
        w: [D,1]
        b: [1]
        Returns: [num_samples]
        n_samples = len(samples)

        mean = params[0]
        log_std = params[1]
        u = params[2]
        w = params[3]
        b = params[4]

        # print (samples.shape)

        # samples = sample_diag_gaussian(mean, log_std, num_samples, rs)
        z_k = normalizing_flows(samples, u, w, b)

        logp_zk = logprob(z_k)
        logp_zk = np.reshape(logp_zk, [n_samples, 1])

        logq_z0 = diag_gaussian_log_density(samples, mean, log_std)
        logq_z0 = np.reshape(logq_z0, [n_samples, 1])

        # [n_samples, D]
        phi =,w)+b)**2), w.T)

        # [n_samples, 1]
        sum_nf = np.log(abs(, u)))

        # return logq_z0 - sum_nf
        return np.reshape(logq_z0 - sum_nf, [n_samples])
def planar_flow(z: np.ndarray,
                w: np.ndarray,
                u: np.ndarray,
                b: Union[int, float],
                h=np.tanh) -> np.ndarray:
    """Apply a planar flow to each element of `samples`

    :param z: numpy array, samples to be transformed
        Shape: (n_samples, n_dim)
    :param u: numpy array, parameter of flow (N, D)
    :param w: numpy array, parameter of flow (N, D)
    :param b: numeric, parameter of flow (N,)
    :param h: callable, non-linear function (default tanh)
    :returns: numpy array, transformed samples

    Transforms given samples according to the planar flow
    :math:`f(z) = z + uh(w^Tz + b)`
    assert np.all(
        np.array([w.shape[0], u.shape[0], b.shape[0]]) ==
        z.shape[0]), 'Incorrect first dimension'
    assert np.all(np.array([w.shape[1], u.shape[1]]) ==
                  z.shape[1]), "Incorrect second dimension"

    u = _get_uhat(u, w)
    assert np.all(
        np.sum(u * w, axis=1)
    ) >= -1, f'Flow is not guaranteed to be invertible (u^Tw < -1: {w._value, u._value})'
    assert np.all(
        np.sum(u * w, axis=1)
    ) >= -1, f'Flow is not guaranteed to be invertible (u^Tw < -1: {w._value, u._value})'
    res = z + np.sum(u * np.tanh(np.sum(z * w, axis=1) + b).reshape(-1, 1),
                     axis=1).reshape(z.shape[0], -1)
    assert res.shape == z.shape, f'Incorrect output shape: {(res.shape)}'
    return res
def neural_net_predict(params, inputs, dropout, test_time = False):
    for W, b in params:
        outputs =, W) + b
        inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
        if dropout:
            inputs *= np.random.binomial([np.ones_like(inputs)],(1-dropout_rate))[0]/(1-dropout_rate)
    return outputs
    def normalizing_flows(z_0, norm_flow_params):
        z_0: [n_samples, D]
        u: [D,1]
        w: [D,1]
        b: [1]

        current_z = z_0
        all_zs = []
        for params_k in norm_flow_params:

            u = params_k[0]
            w = params_k[1]
            b = params_k[2]

            # Appendix equations
            m_x = -1. + np.log(1.+np.exp(,u)))
            u_k = u + (-1. + np.log(1.+np.exp(,u))) -,u)) *  (w/np.linalg.norm(w))
            # u_k = u

            # [D,1]
            term1 = np.tanh(,w)+b)
            # [n_samples, D]
            term1 =,u_k.T)
            # [n_samples, D]
            current_z = current_z + term1

        return current_z, all_zs
Esempio n. 10
 def update_rnn(input, hiddens):
     Calculate the hidden states, given the inputs and previous hidden states at this time step.
     @input: The stacked inputs at this time step.
     @hiddens: The hiddens at this timestep.
     return np.tanh(concat_and_multiply(params['change'], input, hiddens))
Esempio n. 11
 def predictions(W_vect, inputs, alpha):
     outputs = 0
     for W, b in unpack_layers(W_vect):
         prev_outputs = outputs
         outputs =, W) + b
         inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
     return sigmoid(alpha) * outputs + (1 - sigmoid(alpha)) * prev_outputs
Esempio n. 12
def test_function_overloading():
    a = pe.pseudo_Obs(17, 2.9, 'e1')
    b = pe.pseudo_Obs(4, 0.8, 'e1')

    fs = [
        lambda x: x[0] + x[1], lambda x: x[1] + x[0], lambda x: x[0] - x[1],
        lambda x: x[1] - x[0], lambda x: x[0] * x[1], lambda x: x[1] * x[0],
        lambda x: x[0] / x[1], lambda x: x[1] / x[0], lambda x: np.exp(x[0]),
        lambda x: np.sin(x[0]), lambda x: np.cos(x[0]), lambda x: np.tan(x[0]),
        lambda x: np.log(x[0]), lambda x: np.sqrt(np.abs(x[0])),
        lambda x: np.sinh(x[0]), lambda x: np.cosh(x[0]),
        lambda x: np.tanh(x[0])

    for i, f in enumerate(fs):
        t1 = f([a, b])
        t2 = pe.derived_observable(f, [a, b])
        c = t2 - t1
        assert c.is_zero()

    assert np.log(np.exp(b)) == b
    assert np.exp(np.log(b)) == b
    assert np.sqrt(b**2) == b
    assert np.sqrt(b)**2 == b

    np.arcsin(1 / b)
    np.arccos(1 / b)
    np.arctan(1 / b)
    np.arctanh(1 / b)
    np.sinc(1 / b)

Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # set default values for layer sizes, activation, and scale
        activation = 'relu'

        # decide on these parameters via user input
        if 'activation' in kwargs:
            activation = kwargs['activation']

        # switches
        if activation == 'linear':
            self.activation = lambda data: data
        elif activation == 'tanh':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.tanh(data)
        elif activation == 'relu':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.maximum(0, data)
        elif activation == 'sinc':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.sinc(data)
        elif activation == 'sin':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.sin(data)
        else:  # user-defined activation
            self.activation = kwargs['activation']

        # select layer sizes and scale
        N = 1
        M = 1
        U = 10
        self.layer_sizes = [N, U, M]
        self.scale = 0.1
        if 'layer_sizes' in kwargs:
            self.layer_sizes = kwargs['layer_sizes']
        if 'scale' in kwargs:
            self.scale = kwargs['scale']
Esempio n. 14
    def plot_fit(self, plotting_weights, **kwargs):
        # construct figure
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 4))

        # create subplot with 2 panels
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[1, 5, 1])
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
        ax = plt.subplot(gs[1])
        ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2])

        # set plotting limits
        xmax = copy.deepcopy(max(self.x))
        xmin = copy.deepcopy(min(self.x))
        xgap = (xmax - xmin) * 0.25
        xmin -= xgap
        xmax += xgap

        ymax = max(self.y)
        ymin = min(self.y)
        ygap = (ymax - ymin) * 0.25
        ymin -= ygap
        ymax += ygap

        # initialize points

        # clean up panel
        ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
        ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])

        # label axes
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize=12)
        ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', rotation=0, fontsize=12)

        # create fit
        s = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 300)
        colors = ['k', 'magenta']
        if 'colors' in kwargs:
            colors = kwargs['colors']

        transformers = [lambda a: a for i in range(len(plotting_weights))]
        if 'transformers' in kwargs:
            transformers = kwargs['transformers']

        for i in range(len(plotting_weights)):
            weights = plotting_weights[i]
            transformer = transformers[i]

            # plot approximation
            l = weights[0] + weights[1] * transformer(s)
            t = np.tanh(l).flatten()
            ax.plot(s, t, linewidth=2, color=colors[i], zorder=2)
Esempio n. 15
 def update_rnn(input, hiddens):
     Calculate the hidden states, given the batch inputs and previous hidden states at this time step.
     @input: The stacked inputs at this time step, shape (batchSize x numChannels) "numExamples" aka batchSize
     @hiddens: The hidden states at this timestep, shape (batchSize x hdim)
     return np.tanh(concat_and_multiply(params['change'], input, hiddens))
 def tanh_feats(self,D):
     F = [np.ones((len(self.x)))]
     for deg in range(D):
         F.append(np.tanh(self.R[deg,0] + self.R[deg,1]*self.x))
     F = np.asarray(F)
     F.shape = (D+1,len(self.x))
     return F.T
Esempio n. 17
    def plot_fit(self,w,model,**kwargs):        
        # construct figure
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,4))

        # create subplot with 2 panels
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[1,5,1]) 
        ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]); ax.axis('off')
        ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[2]); ax2.axis('off')
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]);
        view = [20,20]
        if 'view' in kwargs:
            view = kwargs['view']

        ##### plot left panel in original space ####
        # scatter points
        xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = self.scatter_pts_2d(self.x,ax1)

        # clean up panel

        # label axes
        ax1.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize = 16)
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'$y$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 16,labelpad = 10)
        # create fit
        s = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,300)[np.newaxis,:]
        normalizer = lambda a: a
        if 'normalizer' in kwargs:
            normalizer = kwargs['normalizer']

        t = np.tanh(model(normalizer(s),w))
        ax1.plot(s.flatten(),t.flatten(),linewidth = 2,c = 'lime')    
Esempio n. 18
 def tanh_least_squares(self, w):
     cost = 0
     for p in range(0, len(self.y)):
         x_p = self.x[p, :]
         y_p = self.y[p]
         a_p = w[0] + np.sum([u * v for (u, v) in zip(x_p, w[1:])])
         cost += (np.tanh(a_p) - y_p)**2
     return cost
Esempio n. 19
    def act(self, ob):
        ob = self.observation_filter(ob, update=self.update_filter)
        inputs = ob.copy()
        for W, b in self.weights:
            outputs =, W) + b
            inputs = anp.tanh(outputs)

        return outputs
Esempio n. 20
 def update_hidden(self, weights, input, hidden, cells):
     concated_input = agnp.concatenate((input, hidden), axis=2)
     W_change, b_change = self.unpack_change_params(weights)
     change = agnp.tanh(
         agnp.einsum('pdh,pnd->pnh', W_change, concated_input) + b_change)
     W_forget, b_forget = self.unpack_forget_params(weights)
     forget = self.hidden_nonlinearity(
         agnp.einsum('pdh,pnd->pnh', W_forget, concated_input) + b_forget)
     W_ingate, b_ingate = self.unpack_ingate_params(weights)
     ingate = self.hidden_nonlinearity(
         agnp.einsum('pdh,pnd->pnh', W_ingate, concated_input) + b_ingate)
     W_outgate, b_outgate = self.unpack_outgate_params(weights)
     outgate = self.hidden_nonlinearity(
         agnp.einsum('pdh,pnd->pnh', W_outgate, concated_input) + b_outgate)
     cells = cells * forget + ingate * change
     hidden = outgate * agnp.tanh(cells)
     return hidden, cells
def neural_net_predict(params, inputs, dropout=True):
    """Implements a deep neural network for classification. params is a list of (weights, bias) tuples.
       inputs is an (N x D) matrix. returns normalized class log-probabilities."""
    for W, b in params:
        outputs =, W) + b
        inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
        if dropout: np.random.binomial([np.ones_like(inputs)], 0.8)[0] / (0.8)
    return outputs
Esempio n. 22
def a_fb(sqrtshalf, gf):
    MZ = 90
    GFNom = 1.0
    sqrts = sqrtshalf * 2.
    A_FB_EN = np.tanh((sqrts - MZ) / MZ * 10)
    A_FB_GF = gf / GFNom

    return 2 * A_FB_EN * A_FB_GF
def lastlayer(params, inputs):
    i = 0
    for W, b in params:
        outputs =, W) + b
        i = i + 1
        if i == len(params)-1:
        inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
    return outputs
Esempio n. 24
def neural_net_predict(params, inputs):
    """Implements a logistic regression model for classification.
       params is a list of (weights, bias) tuples.
       inputs is an (N x D) matrix.
       returns normalized class log-probabilities."""
    for W, b in params:
        outputs =, W) + b
        inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
    return sigmoid(outputs)
Esempio n. 25
 def prediction_loss_check(x, y, W, V, b, c):
     Compute loss with respect to the given forward propagation
     l1_out =, x) + b
     l1_act = np.tanh(l1_out)
     final_out =, l1_act) + c
     L = -final_out[y][0] + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(final_out)))
     return L
Esempio n. 26
 def tanh_feats(self,D):
     F = [np.ones((len(self.y),1))]
     for deg in range(D):
         f = np.tanh(self.R[deg,0] + self.R[deg,1]*self.x[:,0] + self.R[deg,2]*self.x[:,1])
         f.shape = (len(f),1)
     F = np.asarray(F)
     F = F[:, :, 0]
     return F.T
Esempio n. 27
def neural_net_predict(params, inputs):
    """Implements a deep neural network for classification.
       params is a list of (weights, bias) tuples.
       inputs is an (N x D) matrix.
       returns normalized class log-probabilities."""
    for W, b in params:
        outputs =, W) + b
        inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
    return outputs - logsumexp(outputs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
Esempio n. 28
 def autograd_rnn(params, x, label, n):
     W, b, Wout, bout = params
     h1 = x
     for i in range(n):
         h1 = np.tanh(, W) + b)
     logit =, Wout) + bout
     loss = -np.sum(label * logit -
                    (logit + np.log(1 + np.exp(-logit))))
     return loss
 def _update_hidden_state_batched(self, inputs, h, weights):
     W_hh, W_xh, b_h, W_hy, b_y = weights
     for t in range(self.number_of_steps):
         x = np.array([char_to_one_hot(c) for c in inputs[:, t]])
         x = x.reshape((self.batch_size, -1, 1))
         h = h.reshape((self.batch_size, self.hidden_size, 1))
         h = np.squeeze(
             np.tanh(W_hh @ h + W_xh @ x + np.reshape(b_h, (-1, 1))))
     return h
Esempio n. 30
def test_make_ggnvp_broadcasting():
  A = npr.randn(4, 5)
  x = npr.randn(10, 4)
  v = npr.randn(10, 4)

  fun = lambda x: np.tanh(, A))
  res1 = np.stack([_make_explicit_ggnvp(fun)(xi)(vi) for xi, vi in zip(x, v)])
  res2 = make_ggnvp(fun)(x)(v)
  check_equivalent(res1, res2)
Esempio n. 31
def neural_net_predict(params, inputs):
    """Implements a deep neural network for classification.
       params is a list of (weights, bias) tuples.
       inputs is an (N x D) matrix.
       returns normalized class log-probabilities."""
    for W, b in params:
        outputs =, W) + b
        inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
    return outputs - logsumexp(outputs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
Esempio n. 32
def test_make_ggnvp():
    A = npr.randn(5, 4)
    x = npr.randn(4)
    v = npr.randn(4)

    fun = lambda x:, x)
    check_equivalent(make_ggnvp(fun)(x)(v), _make_explicit_ggnvp(fun)(x)(v))

    fun2 = lambda x: np.tanh(, x))
    check_equivalent(make_ggnvp(fun2)(x)(v), _make_explicit_ggnvp(fun2)(x)(v))
Esempio n. 33
def test_make_jvp():
    A = npr.randn(3, 5)
    x = npr.randn(5)
    v = npr.randn(5)
    fun = lambda x: np.tanh(, x))

    jvp_explicit = lambda x: lambda v:, v)
    jvp = make_jvp(fun)

    check_equivalent(jvp_explicit(x)(v), jvp(x)(v))
Esempio n. 34
def test_make_ggnvp_broadcasting():
    A = npr.randn(4, 5)
    x = npr.randn(10, 4)
    v = npr.randn(10, 4)

    fun = lambda x: np.tanh(, A))
    res1 = np.stack(
        [_make_explicit_ggnvp(fun)(xi)(vi) for xi, vi in zip(x, v)])
    res2 = make_ggnvp(fun)(x)(v)
    check_equivalent(res1, res2)
Esempio n. 35
def test_make_ggnvp():
    A = npr.randn(5, 4)
    x = npr.randn(4)
    v = npr.randn(4)

    fun = lambda x:, x)
    check_equivalent(make_ggnvp(fun)(x)(v), _make_explicit_ggnvp(fun)(x)(v))

    fun2 = lambda x: np.tanh(, x))
    check_equivalent(make_ggnvp(fun2)(x)(v), _make_explicit_ggnvp(fun2)(x)(v))
Esempio n. 36
    def build_velocity_fun(self, input):

        z_fun = lambda x: self.sigmoid(x @ self.U_z + self.z_projection_b)
        r_fun = lambda x: self.sigmoid(x @ self.U_r + self.r_projection_b)
        g_fun = lambda x: np.tanh(r_fun(x) * (x @ self.U_h) + self.g_projection_b)

        fun = lambda x: 1/self.n_hidden * np.sum(((- x + z_fun(x) * x + (1 - z_fun(x)) * g_fun(x)) ** 2), axis=1)

        return fun
Esempio n. 37
def test_jacobian_against_wrapper():
    A = npr.randn(3, 3, 3)
    fun = lambda x: np.einsum('ijk,jkl->il', A,
                              np.sin(x[..., None] * np.tanh(x[None, ...])))

    B = npr.randn(3, 3)
    jac1 = jacobian(fun)(B)
    jac2 = old_jacobian(fun)(B)

    assert np.allclose(jac1, jac2)
Esempio n. 38
 def predicted_class_logprobs(self, W_vect, inputs):
     for W, b in self.unpack_layers(W_vect):
         outputs =, W) + b
         if self.activation_type == 'tanh':
             inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
         elif self.activation_type == 'relu':
             inputs = relu(outputs)
             raise ValueException('unknown activation_type {}'.format(self.activation_type))
     return outputs - logsumexp(outputs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
Esempio n. 39
def test_make_jvp():
    A = npr.randn(3, 5)
    x = npr.randn(5)
    v = npr.randn(5)
    fun = lambda x: np.tanh(, x))

    jvp_explicit = lambda x: lambda v:, v)
    jvp = make_jvp(fun)

    check_equivalent(jvp_explicit(x)(v), jvp(x)(v)[1])
Esempio n. 40
def test_jacobian_against_wrapper():
    A = npr.randn(3,3,3)
    fun = lambda x: np.einsum(
        A, np.sin(x[...,None] * np.tanh(x[None,...])))

    B = npr.randn(3,3)
    jac1 = jacobian(fun)(B)
    jac2 = old_jacobian(fun)(B)

    assert np.allclose(jac1, jac2)
def SimpleRNN(Params, u, x):
    """Implements a first-order recurrent neural network, with tanh activation function.
       params is a list of (weights, bias) tuples.
       inputs is an (N x D) matrix."""

    x =, Params[1][0]) +, Params[0][0]) + Params[1][1]
    x = np.tanh(x)

    y =, Params[-1][0]) + Params[-1][1]

    return y, x
Esempio n. 42
File: Progetto: hal3/aglols
 def _apply_nonlinearity(self, nonlin, res):
     if nonlin == 'none' or nonlin == 'linear':
         return res
     if nonlin == 'relu':
         return 0.5 * (res + np.abs(res))
     if nonlin == 'tanh':
         return np.tanh(res)
     if nonlin == 'softmax':
         res -= res.max()
         res = np.exp(res)
         return res / res.sum()
     raise Exception('unknown nonlinearity: "%s"' % nonlin)
Esempio n. 43
def test_make_ggnvp_nondefault_g():
    A = npr.randn(5, 4)
    x = npr.randn(4)
    v = npr.randn(4)

    g = lambda y: np.sum(2.*y**2 + y**4)

    fun = lambda x:, x)
    check_equivalent(make_ggnvp(fun, g)(x)(v), _make_explicit_ggnvp(fun, g)(x)(v))

    fun2 = lambda x: np.tanh(, x))
    check_equivalent(make_ggnvp(fun2, g)(x)(v), _make_explicit_ggnvp(fun2, g)(x)(v))
Esempio n. 44
 def predictions(W_vect, X):
     """Outputs normalized log-probabilities."""
     cur_units = X
     N_iter = len(layer_sizes) - 1
     for i in range(len(layer_sizes) - 1):
         cur_W = parser.get(W_vect, ('weights', i))
         cur_B = parser.get(W_vect, ('biases', i))
         cur_units =, cur_W) + cur_B
         if i == (N_iter - 1):
             cur_units = cur_units - logsumexp(cur_units, axis=1)  # Normalize last layer.
             cur_units = np.tanh(cur_units)
     return cur_units
Esempio n. 45
def mlp_decode(z, phi, tanh_scale=10., sigmoid_output=True):
    nnet_params, ((W_mu, b_mu), (W_sigma, b_sigma)) = phi[:-2], phi[-2:]
    z = z if z.ndim == 3 else z[:,None,:]  # ensure z.shape == (T, K, n)

    nnet = compose(tanh_layer(W, b) for W, b in nnet_params)
    mu = linear_layer(W_mu, b_mu)
    log_sigmasq = linear_layer(W_sigma, b_sigma)

    nnet_outputs = nnet(np.reshape(z, (-1, z.shape[-1])))
    mu = sigmoid(mu(nnet_outputs)) if sigmoid_output else mu(nnet_outputs)
    log_sigmasq = tanh_scale * np.tanh(log_sigmasq(nnet_outputs) / tanh_scale)

    shape = z.shape[:-1] + (-1,)
    return mu.reshape(shape), log_sigmasq.reshape(shape)
Esempio n. 46
def test_jacobian_against_stacked_grads():
    scalar_funs = [
        lambda x: np.sum(x ** 3),
        lambda x: + np.sin(x)),
        lambda x: grad(lambda y: np.exp(y) * np.tanh(x[0]))(x[1]),

    vector_fun = lambda x: np.array([f(x) for f in scalar_funs])

    x = npr.randn(5)
    jac = jacobian(vector_fun)(x)
    grads = [grad(f)(x) for f in scalar_funs]

    assert np.allclose(jac, np.vstack(grads))
Esempio n. 47
    def normalizing_flows(z_0, u, w, b):
        z_0: [n_samples, D]
        u: [D,1]
        w: [D,1]
        b: [1]

        # [D,1]
        term1 = np.tanh(,w)+b)
        # [n_samples, D]
        term1 =,u.T)
        # [n_samples, D]
        z_1 = z_0 + term1

        return z_1
Esempio n. 48
    def forward_pass(self, X):
        self.last_input = X
        n_samples, n_timesteps, input_shape = X.shape
        states = np.zeros((n_samples, n_timesteps + 1, self.hidden_dim))
        states[:, -1, :] = self.hprev.copy()
        p = self._params

        for i in range(n_timesteps):
            states[:, i, :] = np.tanh([:, i, :], p['W']) +[:, i - 1, :], p['U']) + p['b'])

        self.states = states
        self.hprev = states[:, n_timesteps - 1, :].copy()
        if self.return_sequences:
            return states[:, 0:-1, :]
            return states[:, -2, :]
Esempio n. 49
    def variational_log_density(params, samples):
        samples: [n_samples, D]
        u: [D,1]
        w: [D,1]
        b: [1]
        Returns: [num_samples]
        n_samples = len(samples)

        mean = params[0]
        log_std = params[1]
        norm_flow_params = params[2]

        z_k, all_zs = normalizing_flows(samples, norm_flow_params)

        logp_zk = logprob(z_k)
        logp_zk = np.reshape(logp_zk, [n_samples, 1])

        logq_z0 = diag_gaussian_log_density(samples, mean, log_std)
        logq_z0 = np.reshape(logq_z0, [n_samples, 1])

        sum_nf = np.zeros([n_samples,1])
        for params_k in range(len(norm_flow_params)):
            u = norm_flow_params[params_k][0]
            w = norm_flow_params[params_k][1]
            b = norm_flow_params[params_k][2]

            # Appendix equations
            m_x = -1. + np.log(1.+np.exp(,u)))
            u_k = u + (m_x -,u)) *  (w/np.linalg.norm(w))
            # u_k = u

            # [n_samples, D]
            phi =[params_k],w)+b)**2), w.T)
            # [n_samples, 1]
            sum_nf = np.log(np.abs(, u_k)))
            sum_nf += sum_nf

        # return logq_z0 - sum_nf
        log_qz = np.reshape(logq_z0 - sum_nf, [n_samples])
        return log_qz
Esempio n. 50
def test_tanh():
    fun = lambda x : 3.0 * np.tanh(x)
    d_fun = grad(fun)
    check_grads(fun, npr.randn())
    check_grads(d_fun, npr.randn())
Esempio n. 51
 def nonlinearity(self, x):
     return np.tanh(x)
Esempio n. 52
 def predictions(W_vect, inputs):
     outputs = 0
     for W, b in unpack_layers(W_vect):
         outputs =, W) + b
         inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
     return outputs
Esempio n. 53
File: Progetto: hal3/aglols
def tanh(A, *args):
    return np.tanh(dots(A, *args))
Esempio n. 54
 def predicted_regression(self, W_vect, inputs):
     for W, b in self.unpack_layers(W_vect):
         outputs =, W) + b
         inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
     return outputs
Esempio n. 55
 def update(input, hiddens, change_weights):
     return np.tanh(activations(change_weights, input, hiddens))
Esempio n. 56
 def update_rnn(input, hiddens):
     return np.tanh(concat_and_multiply(params['change'], input, hiddens))
Esempio n. 57
def sigmoid(x): return 0.5*(np.tanh(x) + 1.0)   

def concat_and_multiply(weights, *args):
Esempio n. 58
def sigmoid(x):
    return 0.5*(np.tanh(x) + 1.0)   # Output ranges from 0 to 1.
def sigmoid(x):    return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x) + 1.0)
def logsigmoid(x): return x - np.logaddexp(0, x)
def neural_network(x, theta):
    w1, b1, w2, b2 = theta
    return np.tanh(,w1) + b1)), w2) + b2)