Esempio n. 1
            def R_cb(x):
                def sf_func(params):
                    return self.dist.sf(x - self.gamma, *params)
                jac = np.atleast_2d(jacobian(sf_func)(np.array(self.params)))

                # Second-Order Taylor Series Expansion of Variance
                var_R = []
                for i, j in enumerate(jac):
                    j = np.atleast_2d(j).T * j
                    j = j[np.triu_indices(j.shape[0])]
                    var_R.append(np.sum(j * pvars))

                # First-Order Taylor Series Expansion of Variance
                # var_R = (jac**2 * np.diag(hess_inv)).sum(axis=1).T

                R_hat = self.sf(x)
                if bound == 'two-sided':
                    diff = (z(alpha_ci / 2)
                            * np.sqrt(np.array(var_R))
                            * np.array([1., -1.]).reshape(2, 1))
                elif bound == 'upper':
                    diff = z(alpha_ci) * np.sqrt(np.array(var_R))
                    diff = -z(alpha_ci) * np.sqrt(np.array(var_R))

                exponent = diff / (R_hat * (1 - R_hat))
                R_cb = R_hat / (R_hat + (1 - R_hat) * np.exp(exponent))
                return R_cb.T
Esempio n. 2
    def grad_like(self, r, eps):
        Gradient of likelihood w.r.t variational parameters
            r (): Transformed random sample
            eps (): Random sample

        Returns: gradient w.r.t covariance, gradient w.r.t mean

        if self.obs_idx is not None:
            r_obs = r[self.obs_idx]
            r_obs = r
        dr = self.likelihood_grad(r_obs, self.y)
        dr[np.isnan(dr)] = 0.
        self.dr = dr
        grads_R = []
        for d in range(len(self.Rs)):
            Rs_copy = deepcopy(self.Rs)
            n = Rs_copy[d].shape[0]
            grad_R = np.zeros((n, n))
            for i, j in zip(*np.triu_indices(n)):
                R_d = np.zeros((n, n))
                R_d[i, j] = 1.
                Rs_copy[d] = R_d
                dR_eps = kron_mvp(Rs_copy, eps)
                if self.obs_idx is not None:
                    dR_eps = dR_eps[self.obs_idx]
                grad_R[i, j] = np.sum(np.multiply(dr, dR_eps))
        grad_mu = np.zeros(self.n)
        grad_mu[self.obs_idx] = dr

        return grads_R, grad_mu
Esempio n. 3
def params2chol(params, D):
    R = np.zeros((D, D))
    triu_inds = np.triu_indices(D)
    diag_inds = np.diag_indices(D)
    R[triu_inds] = params.copy()
    R[diag_inds] = np.exp(R[diag_inds])
    return R
Esempio n. 4
def U_to_vec(U):
    Convert an upper triangular matrix to a vector.
    **Does not** include diagonal.
    Returned vector is read out from U by rows.
    Assumes matrix is **first two** dimensions of passed array.
    r, c = np.triu_indices(U.shape[0], k=1)
    return U[r, c, ...]
Esempio n. 5
def pdists_vec_to_sym(v, n):
    r"""Aranges the :math:`\frac{n (n - 1)}{2}` distances in a symmetric matrix
    with zeros on the diagonal.
    x = np.zeros(shape=(n, n))
    x[np.triu_indices(n, 1)] = v
    x = x + x.T

    return x
Esempio n. 6
def calc_potential_energy(scalings, X):
    X = get_points(X, scalings)

    i, j = anp.triu_indices(len(X), 1)
    D = squared_dist(X, X)[i, j]

    if np.any(D < 1e-12):
        return np.nan, np.nan

    return (1 / D).mean()
Esempio n. 7
def derivative_names(ndim):
    """Iterate over derivative speficiations and their names."""
    # Note: len(list(derivative_names(ndim)) == triangular(ndim + 1).
    yield (), 'f'  # Function value.
    for i in range(ndim):
        yield (i, ), 'df/d%i' % i  # First derivative along an axis.
    for i in range(ndim):
        yield (i, i), 'd^2f/d%i^2' % i  # Second derivative along an axis.
    for i, j in zip(*np.triu_indices(ndim, k=1)):
        # Second derivarive along mixed axes.
        yield (int(i), int(j)), 'd^2f/(d%i d%i)' % (i, j)
Esempio n. 8
def symmetric_matrix(arr, n):
    if len(arr) != n * (n + 1) / 2:
        raise Exception("Array must have dimensions n*(n+1)/2")
    ret = np.zeros((n, n))
    idx = np.triu_indices(n)

    ret[idx] = arr
    ret[tuple(reversed(idx))] = arr

    assert np.all(ret == ret.T)
    return ret
Esempio n. 9
def vec_to_U(v):
    Convert a vector to an upper triangular matrix.
    Vector **does not** include diagonal entries.
    Matrix is filled in by rows.
    # get matrix size
    N = v.size
    d = int((1 + np.sqrt(1 + 8 * N)) / 2)
    U = np.zeros((d, d))
    U[np.triu_indices(d, 1)] = v
    return U
Esempio n. 10
    def R_cb(self, t, cb=0.05):
        def ssf(params):
            params = np.reshape(params, (self.m, self.dist.k + 1))
            F = np.zeros_like(t)
            for i in range(self.m):
                F = F + params[i, 0] * self.dist.ff(t, *params[i, 1::])
            return 1 - F

        pvars = self.hess_inv[np.triu_indices(self.hess_inv.shape[0])]
        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
            jac = jacobian(ssf)(self.res.x)

        var_u = []
        for i, j in enumerate(jac):
            j = np.atleast_2d(j).T * j
            j = j[np.triu_indices(j.shape[0])]
            var_u.append(np.sum(j * pvars))
        diff = (z(cb / 2) * np.sqrt(np.array(var_u)) *
                np.array([1., -1.]).reshape(2, 1))
        R_hat = self.sf(t)
        exponent = diff / (R_hat * (1 - R_hat))
        R_cb = R_hat / (R_hat + (1 - R_hat) * np.exp(exponent))
        return R_cb.T
Esempio n. 11
 def grad_KL_R(self):
     Gradient of KL divergence w.r.t variational covariance
     Returns: returns gradient
     grad_Rs = []
     for d in range(len(self.Rs)):
         R_d = self.Rs[d]
         n = R_d.shape[0]
         grad_R = np.zeros((n, n))
         R_inv = np.linalg.inv(R_d)
         K_inv_R = self.K_invs[d].dot(R_d)
         for i, j in zip(*np.triu_indices(n)):
             grad_R[i, j] = - R_inv[i, j] + \
                     / self.traces[d] * \
                              K_inv_R[i, j]
     return grad_Rs
Esempio n. 12
def taylor_approx(target, stencil, values):
    """Use taylor series to approximate up to second order derivatives.

    target: An array of shape (..., n), a batch of n-dimensional points
      where one wants to approximate function value and derivatives.
    stencil: An array of shape broadcastable to (..., k, n), for each target
      point a set of k = triangle(n + 1) points to use on its approximation.
    values: An array of shape broadcastable to (..., k), the function value at
      each of the stencil points.

    An array of shape (..., k), for each target point the approximated
    function value, gradient and hessian evaluated at that point (flattened
    and in the same order as returned by derivative_names).
    # Broadcast arrays to their required shape.
    batch_shape, ndim = target.shape[:-1], target.shape[-1]
    stencil = np.broadcast_to(stencil,
                              batch_shape + (triangular(ndim + 1), ndim))
    values = np.broadcast_to(values, stencil.shape[:-1])

    # Subtract target from each stencil point.
    delta_x = stencil - np.expand_dims(target, axis=-2)
    delta_xy = np.matmul(np.expand_dims(delta_x, axis=-1),
                         np.expand_dims(delta_x, axis=-2))
    i = np.arange(ndim)
    j, k = np.triu_indices(ndim, k=1)

    # Build coefficients for the Taylor series equations, namely:
    #   f(stencil) = coeffs @ [f(target), df/d0(target), ...]
    coeffs = np.concatenate(
            np.ones(delta_x.shape[:-1] + (1, )),  # f(target)
            delta_x,  # df/di(target)
            delta_xy[..., i, i] / 2,  # d^2f/di^2(target)
            delta_xy[..., j, k],  # d^2f/{dj dk}(target)

    # Then: [f(target), df/d0(target), ...] = coeffs^{-1} @ f(stencil)
    return np.squeeze(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(coeffs), values[...,
Esempio n. 13
def myqr_vjp(g, ans, x):
    from autograd.numpy import matmul as m
    from autograd.numpy.linalg import inv
    gq = g[0]
    gr = g[1]
    q = ans[0]
    r = ans[1]

    rt = r.T
    rtinv = inv(rt)
    qt = q.T
    grt = gr.T
    gqt = gq.T

    mid = m(r,grt) - m(gr,rt)+ m(qt,gq)- m(gqt,q)

    n = mid.shape[0]
    indices = np.triu_indices(n, k = 0)
    tmp = np.ones([n,n])
    tmp[indices] = 0
    return m(q, gr + m(mid*tmp, rtinv)) + m((gq-m(q,m(qt,gq))),rtinv)
Esempio n. 14
def main():
    r"""Main entry point in the graph embedding procedure."""
    args = config_parser().parse_args()

    g_pdists = load_pdists(args)
    n = g_pdists.shape[0]
    d = args.manifold_dim

    # we are actually using only the upper diagonal part
    g_pdists = g_pdists[np.triu_indices(n, 1)]
    g_sq_pdists = g_pdists**2

    # read the graph
    # the distortion cost
    def distortion_cost(X):
        man_sq_pdists = manifold_pdists(X, squared=True)

        return np.sum(np.abs(man_sq_pdists / g_sq_pdists - 1))

    # the manifold, problem, and solver
    manifold = PositiveDefinite(d, k=n)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=distortion_cost, verbosity=2)
    linesearch = ReduceLROnPlateau(start_lr=2e-2,
    solver = ConjugateGradient(linesearch=linesearch, maxiter=1000)

    # solve it
    with Timer('training') as t:
        X_opt = solver.solve(problem, x=sample_init_points(n, d))

    # the distortion achieved
    man_pdists = manifold_pdists(X_opt)
    print('Average distortion: ', average_distortion(g_pdists, man_pdists))
    man_pdists_sym = pdists_vec_to_sym(man_pdists, n, 1e12)
    print('MAP: ', mean_average_precision(g,
Esempio n. 15
def manifold_pdists(X, squared=False):
    r"""Computes the pairwise distances between N points on the SPD manifold.
    It uses a faster approach than calling
    :math:`\frac{n (n + 1)}{2}`-times. It uses the fact that the inverse of the
    square root of a SPD matrix can be computed via Cholesky decomposition and
    inversion, and this needs to be done only once for each matrix.

    The distance function is

    .. math::
        d(A, B) = \lVert \log(A^{-1/2} B A^{-1/2}) \rVert_F

    X : numpy.ndarray
        The SPD matrices to compute distances between, given as an
        (n,d,d)-shaped array.
    squared : bool
        Whether the squared distances should be returned. This is given as a
        parameter as opposed to leaving it up to the caller to square because
        returning the squared distances directly is better for automatic
        differentiation than returning the distances and manually squaring.
    mask = np.triu_indices(X.shape[0], 1)

    # -> first, compute X_i^{-1/2} X_j X_i^{-1/2} for 1<=i<j<= n
    C = np.linalg.cholesky(X)
    C_inv = np.linalg.inv(C)
    C_mul = C_inv[mask[0], :, :]  # avoids duplicating the following --
    X_mul = X[mask[1], :, :]  # computations and does not mess up autograd
    A = np.einsum('mij,mjk,mlk->mil', C_mul, X_mul, C_mul)

    # -> then, compute the matrix logarithm and its squared Frobenius norm
    A_log = multilog(A)
    pdists = (A_log**2).sum(axis=(1, 2))

    return pdists if squared else np.sqrt(pdists)
Esempio n. 16
def mat_from_diag_triu_tril(diag, tri_upp, tri_low):
    """Build matrix from given components.

    Forms a matrix from diagonal, strictly upper triangular and
    strictly lower traingular parts.

    diag : array_like, shape=[..., n]
    tri_upp : array_like, shape=[..., (n * (n - 1)) / 2]
    tri_low : array_like, shape=[..., (n * (n - 1)) / 2]

    mat : array_like, shape=[..., n, n]
    n = diag.shape[-1]
    (i, ) = np.diag_indices(n, ndim=1)
    j, k = np.triu_indices(n, k=1)
    mat = np.zeros(diag.shape + (n, ))
    mat[..., i, i] = diag
    mat[..., j, k] = tri_upp
    mat[..., k, j] = tri_low
    return mat
Esempio n. 17
def genConstraints(prng, label, alpha, beta, num_ML, num_CL, start_expert = 0, \
    """ This function generates pairwise constraints (ML/CL) using groud-truth
    cluster label and noise parameters
    label: shape(n_sample, )
        cluster label of all the samples
    alpha: shape(n_expert, )
        sensitivity parameters of experts
    beta: shape(n_expert, )
        specificity parameters of experts
    num_ML: int
    num_CL: int
    flag_same: True if different experts provide constraints for the same set
    of sample pairs, False if different experts provide constraints for
    different set of sample pairs
    S: shape(n_con, 4)
        The first column -> expert id
        The second and third column -> (row, column) indices of two samples
        The fourth column -> constraint values (1 for ML and 0 for CL)
    n_sample = len(label)
    tp = np.tile(label, (n_sample, 1))
    label_mat = (tp == tp.T).astype(int)

    ML_set = []
    CL_set = []
    # get indices of upper-triangle matrix
    [row, col] = np.triu_indices(n_sample, k=1)
    # n_sample * (n_sample-1)/2
    for idx in range(len(row)):
        if label_mat[row[idx], col[idx]] == 1:
            ML_set.append([row[idx], col[idx]])
        elif label_mat[row[idx], col[idx]] == 0:
            CL_set.append([row[idx], col[idx]])
            print "Invalid matrix entry values"

    ML_set = np.array(ML_set)
    CL_set = np.array(CL_set)

    assert num_ML < ML_set.shape[0]
    assert num_CL < CL_set.shape[0]

    # generate noisy constraints for each expert
    assert len(alpha) == len(beta)
    n_expert = len(alpha)

    # initialize the constraint matrix
    S = np.zeros((0, 4))

    # different experts provide constraint for the same set of sample pairs
    if flag_same == True:
        idx_ML = prng.choice(ML_set.shape[0], num_ML, replace=False)
        idx_CL = prng.choice(CL_set.shape[0], num_CL, replace=False)
        ML = ML_set[idx_ML, :]
        CL = CL_set[idx_CL, :]
        for m in range(n_expert):
            val_ML = prng.binomial(1, alpha[m], num_ML)
            val_CL = prng.binomial(1, 1 - beta[m], num_CL)
            Sm_ML = np.hstack((np.ones((num_ML,1))*(m+start_expert), ML, \
                    val_ML.reshape(val_ML.size,1) ))
            Sm_CL = np.hstack((np.ones((num_CL,1))*(m+start_expert), CL, \
                    val_CL.reshape(val_CL.size,1) ))
            S = np.vstack((S, Sm_ML, Sm_CL)).astype(int)
    # different experts provide constraints for different sets of sample pairs
        for m in range(n_expert):
            prng = np.random.RandomState(1000 + m)
            idx_ML = prng.choice(ML_set.shape[0], num_ML, replace=False)
            idx_CL = prng.choice(CL_set.shape[0], num_CL, replace=False)
            ML = ML_set[idx_ML, :]
            CL = CL_set[idx_CL, :]
            val_ML = prng.binomial(1, alpha[m], num_ML)
            val_CL = prng.binomial(1, 1 - beta[m], num_CL)
            Sm_ML = np.hstack((np.ones((num_ML,1))*(m+start_expert), ML, \
                    val_ML.reshape(val_ML.size,1) ))
            Sm_CL = np.hstack((np.ones((num_CL,1))*(m+start_expert), CL, \
                    val_CL.reshape(val_CL.size,1) ))
            S = np.vstack((S, Sm_ML, Sm_CL)).astype(int)

    return S
Esempio n. 18
def calc_potential_energy(A, d):
    i, j = anp.triu_indices(len(A), 1)
    D = anp.sqrt(squared_dist(A, A)[i, j])
    energy = anp.log((1 / D**d).mean())
    return energy
Esempio n. 19
def triu_to_vec(x, k=0):
    """ """
    n = x.shape[-1]
    rows, cols = triu_indices(n, k=k)
    return x[..., rows, cols]
Esempio n. 20
 def unpack_params(self, params):
     tri = np.zeros((self.n_tasks, self.n_tasks))
     tri[np.triu_indices(self.n_tasks, 1)] = params
Esempio n. 21
def genConstraints(prng, label, alpha, beta, num_ML, num_CL, start_expert = 0, \
    """ This function generates pairwise constraints (ML/CL) using groud-truth
    cluster label and noise parameters
    label: shape(n_sample, )
        cluster label of all the samples
    alpha: shape(n_expert, )
        sensitivity parameters of experts
    beta: shape(n_expert, )
        specificity parameters of experts
    num_ML: int
    num_CL: int
    flag_same: True if different experts provide constraints for the same set
    of sample pairs, False if different experts provide constraints for
    different set of sample pairs
    S: shape(n_con, 4)
        The first column -> expert id
        The second and third column -> (row, column) indices of two samples
        The fourth column -> constraint values (1 for ML and 0 for CL)
    n_sample = len(label)
    tp = np.tile(label, (n_sample,1))
    label_mat = (tp == tp.T).astype(int)
    ML_set = []
    CL_set = []
    # get indices of upper-triangle matrix
    [row, col] = np.triu_indices(n_sample, k=1)
    # n_sample * (n_sample-1)/2
    for idx in range(len(row)):
        if label_mat[row[idx],col[idx]] == 1:
            ML_set.append([row[idx], col[idx]])
        elif label_mat[row[idx],col[idx]] == 0:
            CL_set.append([row[idx], col[idx]])
            print "Invalid matrix entry values"

    ML_set = np.array(ML_set)
    CL_set = np.array(CL_set)

    assert num_ML < ML_set.shape[0]
    assert num_CL < CL_set.shape[0]
    # generate noisy constraints for each expert
    assert len(alpha) == len(beta)
    n_expert = len(alpha)
    # initialize the constraint matrix
    S = np.zeros((0, 4))
    # different experts provide constraint for the same set of sample pairs
    if flag_same == True:
        idx_ML = prng.choice(ML_set.shape[0], num_ML, replace=False)
        idx_CL = prng.choice(CL_set.shape[0], num_CL, replace=False)
        ML = ML_set[idx_ML, :]
        CL = CL_set[idx_CL, :]
        for m in range(n_expert):
            val_ML = prng.binomial(1, alpha[m], num_ML)
            val_CL = prng.binomial(1, 1-beta[m], num_CL)
            Sm_ML = np.hstack((np.ones((num_ML,1))*(m+start_expert), ML, \
                    val_ML.reshape(val_ML.size,1) ))
            Sm_CL = np.hstack((np.ones((num_CL,1))*(m+start_expert), CL, \
                    val_CL.reshape(val_CL.size,1) ))
            S = np.vstack((S, Sm_ML, Sm_CL)).astype(int)
    # different experts provide constraints for different sets of sample pairs
        for m in range(n_expert):
            prng = np.random.RandomState(1000 + m)
            idx_ML = prng.choice(ML_set.shape[0], num_ML, replace=False)
            idx_CL = prng.choice(CL_set.shape[0], num_CL, replace=False)
            ML = ML_set[idx_ML, :]
            CL = CL_set[idx_CL, :]
            val_ML = prng.binomial(1, alpha[m], num_ML)
            val_CL = prng.binomial(1, 1-beta[m], num_CL)
            Sm_ML = np.hstack((np.ones((num_ML,1))*(m+start_expert), ML, \
                    val_ML.reshape(val_ML.size,1) ))
            Sm_CL = np.hstack((np.ones((num_CL,1))*(m+start_expert), CL, \
                    val_CL.reshape(val_CL.size,1) ))
            S = np.vstack((S, Sm_ML, Sm_CL)).astype(int)

    return S
Esempio n. 22
 def _construct_H_from_triu(self, h):
     H = np.zeros((self.N_parameters, self.N_parameters))
     H[np.triu_indices(self.N_parameters)] = h
     H = H + H.T - np.diag(H)
     return H
Esempio n. 23
def symmetric_matrix(arr, n):
    if len(arr) != n * (n + 1) / 2:
        raise Exception("Array must have dimensions n*(n+1)/2")
    ret = np.zeros((n, n))
    idx = np.triu_indices(n)

    ret[idx] = arr
    ret[tuple(reversed(idx))] = arr

    assert np.all(ret == ret.T)
    return ret

defvjp(symmetric_matrix, lambda ans, arr, n: lambda g: g[np.triu_indices(n)])
#symmetric_matrix.defgrad(lambda ans, arr, n: lambda g: g[np.triu_indices(n)])
#symmetric_matrix.defvjp(lambda g, ans, vs, gvs, arr, n: g[np.triu_indices(n)])

def slogdet_pos(X):
    sgn, slogdet = np.linalg.slogdet(X)
    if sgn <= 0:
        raise Exception("X determinant is nonpositive")
    return slogdet

def log_wishart_pdf(X, V, n, p):
    # correct up to constant of proportionality
    return (n - p - 1) / 2 * slogdet_pos(X) - n / 2 * slogdet_pos(
        V) - 0.5 * np.trace(, X))
Esempio n. 24
def potential_energy(x):
    _x = x / x.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
    D = ((_x[:, None] - _x[None, :])**2).sum(axis=2)
    D = D[anp.triu_indices(len(_x), 1)]
    return (1 / D).mean()
Esempio n. 25
def chol2params(chol, dchol, D):
    triu_inds = np.triu_indices(D)
    diag_inds = np.diag_indices(D)
    dchol[diag_inds] = chol[diag_inds] * dchol[diag_inds]
    params = dchol[triu_inds].copy()
    return params
Esempio n. 26
    def cb(self, t, on='R', alpha_ci=0.05, bound='two-sided'):
        Confidence bounds of the ``on`` function at the ``alpa_ci`` level of
        significance. Can be the upper, lower, or two-sided confidence by
        changing value of ``bound``.


        x : array like or scalar
            The values of the random variables at which the confidence bounds
            will be calculated
        on : ('sf', 'ff', 'Hf'), optional
            The function on which the confidence bound will be calculated.
        bound : ('two-sided', 'upper', 'lower'), str, optional
            Compute either the two-sided, upper or lower confidence bound(s).
            Defaults to two-sided.
        alpha_ci : scalar, optional
            The level of significance at which the bound will be computed.


        cb : scalar or numpy array
            The value(s) of the upper, lower, or both confidence bound(s) of
            the selected function at x

        if self.method != 'MLE':
            raise Exception('Only MLE has confidence bounds')

        hess_inv = np.copy(self.hess_inv)

        pvars = hess_inv[np.triu_indices(hess_inv.shape[0])]
        old_err_state = np.seterr(all='ignore')

        if hasattr(self.dist, 'R_cb'):
            def R_cb(x):
                return self.dist.R_cb(x - self.gamma,

            def R_cb(x):
                def sf_func(params):
                    return self.dist.sf(x - self.gamma, *params)
                jac = np.atleast_2d(jacobian(sf_func)(np.array(self.params)))

                # Second-Order Taylor Series Expansion of Variance
                var_R = []
                for i, j in enumerate(jac):
                    j = np.atleast_2d(j).T * j
                    j = j[np.triu_indices(j.shape[0])]
                    var_R.append(np.sum(j * pvars))

                # First-Order Taylor Series Expansion of Variance
                # var_R = (jac**2 * np.diag(hess_inv)).sum(axis=1).T

                R_hat = self.sf(x)
                if bound == 'two-sided':
                    diff = (z(alpha_ci / 2)
                            * np.sqrt(np.array(var_R))
                            * np.array([1., -1.]).reshape(2, 1))
                elif bound == 'upper':
                    diff = z(alpha_ci) * np.sqrt(np.array(var_R))
                    diff = -z(alpha_ci) * np.sqrt(np.array(var_R))

                exponent = diff / (R_hat * (1 - R_hat))
                R_cb = R_hat / (R_hat + (1 - R_hat) * np.exp(exponent))
                return R_cb.T

        # Default cb is R
        cb = R_cb(t)

        if (on == 'ff') or (on == 'F'):
            cb = 1. - cb

        elif on == 'Hf':
            cb = -np.log(cb)

        elif on == 'hf':
            def cb_hf(x):
                out = []
                for v in x:
                    out.append(jacobian(lambda x: -np.log(R_cb(x)))(v))
                return np.concatenate(out)
            cb = cb_hf(t)

        elif on == 'df':
            def cb_df(x):
                out = []
                for v in x:
                    out.append(jacobian(lambda x: (-np.log(R_cb(x)))(v)
                                        * self.sf(v)))
                return np.concatenate(out)
            cb = cb_df(t)

        return cb