def get_pose(self, key): obj_id = self._key_to_id[key] obj_t, obj_q_xyzw = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation(obj_id, physicsClientId=self._physics_client) obj_q_wxyz = np.roll(obj_q_xyzw, 1) pose = RigidTransform(rotation=obj_q_wxyz, translation=obj_t, from_frame='obj', to_frame='world') pose = self._deconvert_pose(pose, self._key_to_com[key]) return pose
def get_camera_external_param(self, pos_data): rotation_quaternion = np.asarray([pos_data.pose.pose.orientation.w, pos_data.pose.pose.orientation.x, pos_data.pose.pose.orientation.y, pos_data.pose.pose.orientation.z]) translation = np.asarray([pos_data.pose.pose.position.x, pos_data.pose.pose.position.y, pos_data.pose.pose.position.z]) T_qua2rota = RigidTransform(rotation_quaternion, translation) self.external_mat = np.zeros((3, 4)) self.external_mat[:, :3] = T_qua2rota._rotation self.rotation_mat = T_qua2rota._rotation self.external_mat[:, 3] = T_qua2rota._translation
def only_catch_full(catching_speed): y.set_v(catching_speed) write_log.write_log(1, 2, catching_speed, 1, time_diff) y.right.goto_pose( RigidTransform(translation=[0.3, 0, 0.2], rotation=robot_action.rpy_to_wxyz(90, 0, 90))) robot_action.plate_catch(y) time.sleep(5) y.reset_home() y.right.open_gripper()
def only_give_empty(giving_speed): y.set_v(giving_speed) write_log.write_log(2, 1, giving_speed, 1, time_diff) y.right.goto_pose( RigidTransform(translation=[0.3, 0, 0.2], rotation=robot_action.rpy_to_wxyz(90, 0, 90))) robot_action.plate_drop(y) time.sleep(5) y.reset_home() y.right.open_gripper()
def matrixToPoseStamped(mat): rot_mat = mat[:3, :3] trans = mat[:3,3] rigid_transform = RigidTransform(rot_mat, trans, from_frame='from', to_frame='to') pose = RigidTransformToPoseStamped(rigid_transform) return pose
def lookup_transform(to_frame, from_frame='base'): """ Returns the AR tag position in world coordinates Parameters ---------- to_frame : string examples are: ar_marker_7, gearbox, pawn, ar_marker_3, etc from_frame : string lets be real, you're probably only going to use 'base' Returns ------- :obj:`autolab_core.RigidTransform` AR tag position or object in world coordinates """ tag_rot = None tag_pos = None print('CALLING lookup_transform') print('to_frame: {}, from_frame: {}'.format(to_frame, from_frame)) if not ros_enabled: print 'I am the lookup transform function! ' \ + 'You\'re not using ROS, so I\'m returning the Identity Matrix.' return RigidTransform(to_frame=from_frame, from_frame=to_frame) print('initializing transformlistener') listener = tf.TransformListener() attempts, max_attempts, rate = 0, 10, rospy.Rate(1.0) while attempts < max_attempts: print('attempt {}'.format(attempts)) try: t = listener.getLatestCommonTime(from_frame, to_frame) tag_pos, tag_rot = listener.lookupTransform( from_frame, to_frame, t) except Exception as e: print(e) rate.sleep() attempts += 1 tag_rot = np.array([tag_rot[3], tag_rot[0], tag_rot[1], tag_rot[2]]) rot = RigidTransform.rotation_from_quaternion(tag_rot) return RigidTransform(rot, tag_pos, to_frame=to_frame, from_frame=from_frame)
def visualize_test(): I = RigidTransform() g_ab = RigidTransform() g_ab.translation = np.array([0.05, 0, 0]) g_ab.rotation = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) q_a = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) p_b = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) p_a = apply_transform(p_b, g_ab) print('g_ab = \n{}'.format(g_ab.matrix)) vis3d.pose(I, alpha=0.01, tube_radius=0.001, center_scale=0.001) vis3d.points(q_a, color=(1, 0, 0), scale=0.005) vis3d.pose(g_ab, alpha=0.01, tube_radius=0.001, center_scale=0.001) vis3d.points(p_a, color=(0, 1, 0), scale=0.005)
def _compute_scene_bounds(self): """The axis aligned bounds of the scene. Returns ------- (2,3) float The bounding box with [min, max] coordinates. """ lb = np.array([np.infty, np.infty, np.infty]) ub = -1.0 * np.array([np.infty, np.infty, np.infty]) for on in self.scene.objects: o = self.scene.objects[on] poses = [ RigidTransform(from_frame=o.T_obj_world.from_frame, to_frame=o.T_obj_world.to_frame) ] if isinstance(o, InstancedSceneObject): # Cheat for instanced objects -- just find the min/max translations and create poses from those # Complile translations translations = np.array([p.translation for p in o.poses]) min_trans = np.min(translations, axis=0) max_trans = np.max(translations, axis=0) poses = [ RigidTransform(translation=min_trans, from_frame=o.poses[0].from_frame, to_frame=o.poses[0].to_frame), RigidTransform(translation=max_trans, from_frame=o.poses[0].from_frame, to_frame=o.poses[0].to_frame) ] for pose in poses: tf_verts = pose.matrix[:3, :3].dot( o.mesh.vertices.T).T + pose.matrix[:3, 3] tf_verts = o.T_obj_world.matrix[:3, :3].dot( tf_verts.T).T + o.T_obj_world.matrix[:3, 3] lb_mesh = np.min(tf_verts, axis=0) ub_mesh = np.max(tf_verts, axis=0) lb = np.minimum(lb, lb_mesh) ub = np.maximum(ub, ub_mesh) if np.any(lb > ub): return np.array([[-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]) return np.array([lb, ub])
def test_inverse(self): R_a_b = RigidTransform.random_rotation() t_a_b = RigidTransform.random_translation() T_a_b = RigidTransform(R_a_b, t_a_b, 'a', 'b') T_b_a = T_a_b.inverse() # multiple with numpy arrays M_a_b = np.r_[np.c_[R_a_b, t_a_b], [[0, 0, 0, 1]]] M_b_a = np.linalg.inv(M_a_b) self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(T_b_a.matrix - M_b_a)) < 1e-5, msg='Inverse gave incorrect transformation') # check frames self.assertEqual(T_b_a.from_frame, 'b', msg='Inverse has incorrect input frame') self.assertEqual(T_b_a.to_frame, 'a', msg='Inverse has incorrect output frame')
def __init__(self, name, ar_marker, R_ar_obj=np.eye(3), t_ar_obj=np.zeros(3)): = name self.ar_marker = ar_marker self.T_ar_obj = RigidTransform(rotation=R_ar_obj, translation=t_ar_obj, from_frame=name, to_frame=ar_marker)
def set_graspable_object(self, graspable, T_obj_world=RigidTransform(from_frame='obj', to_frame='world')): """ Adds and sets the target object in the environment. Parameters ---------- graspable : :obj:`GraspableObject3D` the object to grasp """ self.set_object(graspable.key, graspable.model_name, T_obj_world) self.set_target_object(graspable.key)
def pose(self, grasp_approach_dir=None): """Computes the 3D pose of the grasp relative to the camera. If an approach direction is not specified then the camera optical axis is used. Parameters ---------- grasp_approach_dir : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Approach direction for the grasp in camera basis (e.g. opposite to table normal). Returns ------- :obj:`autolab_core.RigidTransform` The transformation from the grasp to the camera frame of reference. """ # Check intrinsics. if self.camera_intr is None: raise ValueError( "Must specify camera intrinsics to compute 3D grasp pose") # Compute 3D grasp center in camera basis. grasp_center_im = center_px_im = Point(grasp_center_im, frame=self.camera_intr.frame) grasp_center_camera = self.camera_intr.deproject_pixel( self.depth, center_px_im) grasp_center_camera = # Compute 3D grasp axis in camera basis. grasp_axis_im = self.axis grasp_axis_im = grasp_axis_im / np.linalg.norm(grasp_axis_im) grasp_axis_camera = np.array([grasp_axis_im[0], grasp_axis_im[1], 0]) grasp_axis_camera = grasp_axis_camera / np.linalg.norm( grasp_axis_camera) # Convert to 3D pose. grasp_rot_camera, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(grasp_axis_camera.reshape(3, 1)) grasp_x_camera = grasp_approach_dir if grasp_approach_dir is None: grasp_x_camera = np.array([0, 0, 1]) # Align with camera Z axis. grasp_y_camera = grasp_axis_camera grasp_z_camera = np.cross(grasp_x_camera, grasp_y_camera) grasp_z_camera = grasp_z_camera / np.linalg.norm(grasp_z_camera) grasp_y_camera = np.cross(grasp_z_camera, grasp_x_camera) grasp_rot_camera = np.array( [grasp_x_camera, grasp_y_camera, grasp_z_camera]).T if np.linalg.det(grasp_rot_camera) < 0: # Fix reflections due to SVD. grasp_rot_camera[:, 0] = -grasp_rot_camera[:, 0] T_grasp_camera = RigidTransform(rotation=grasp_rot_camera, translation=grasp_center_camera, from_frame="grasp", to_frame=self.camera_intr.frame) return T_grasp_camera
def __init__(self, rosnode_name='franka_arm_client', ros_log_level=rospy.INFO, robot_num=1): self._execute_skill_action_server_name = \ '/execute_skill_action_server_node_'+str(robot_num)+'/execute_skill' self._robot_state_server_name = \ '/get_current_robot_state_server_node_'+str(robot_num)+'/get_current_robot_state_server' self._robolib_status_server_name = \ '/get_current_robolib_status_server_node_'+str(robot_num)+'/get_current_robolib_status_server' self._connected = False self._in_skill = False # set signal handler to handle ctrl+c and kill sigs signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._sigint_handler_gen()) # init ROS rospy.init_node(rosnode_name, disable_signals=True, log_level=ros_log_level) rospy.wait_for_service(self._robolib_status_server_name) self._get_current_robolib_status = rospy.ServiceProxy( self._robolib_status_server_name, GetCurrentRobolibStatusCmd) self._state_client = FrankaArmStateClient( new_ros_node=False, robot_state_server_name=self._robot_state_server_name) self._client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( self._execute_skill_action_server_name, ExecuteSkillAction) self._client.wait_for_server() self.wait_for_robolib() # done init ROS self._connected = True # set default identity tool delta pose self._tool_delta_pose = RigidTransform(from_frame='franka_tool', to_frame='franka_tool_base')
def get_hand_pose(self, start, end): def get_hand_rot(): """ Computes the pose of the hand to be perpendicular to the direction of the push Parameters ---------- start : 3x' :obj:`numpy.ndarray` end : 3x' :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- 3x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray` 3D Rotation Matrix """ # z = normalize(end - start) # y = normalize(np.cross(z, -up)) # x = normalize(np.cross(z, -y)) # y = normalize(start - end) # z = normalize(np.cross(y, up)) # x = normalize(np.cross(y, z)) # x = normalize(start - end) x = normalize(end - start) y = normalize(np.cross(x, up)) z = normalize(np.cross(x, y)) return np.hstack((x.reshape((-1,1)), y.reshape((-1,1)), z.reshape((-1,1)))) R_push = get_hand_rot() start_pose = RigidTransform( rotation=R_push, translation=start, from_frame='grasp', to_frame='world' ) end_pose = RigidTransform( rotation=R_push, translation=end, from_frame='grasp', to_frame='world' ) return start_pose, end_pose
def sample_scene_objs(self): model_pose = RigidTransform( rotation=np.eye(3), translation=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), from_frame='obj', to_frame='world') #model is already transformed for mesh, model_name in self.sample_models_set(): model_material = self.sample_model_material() model_obj = SceneObject(mesh, model_pose, model_material) grip_obj = SceneObject(get_top_surface(mesh), model_pose, model_material) yield model_obj, grip_obj, model_name
def T_grasp_obj(self): """ Rigid transformation from grasp frame to object frame. Rotation matrix is X-axis along approach direction, Y axis pointing between the jaws, and Z-axis orthogonal. Translation vector is the grasp center. Returns ------- :obj:`RigidTransform` transformation from grasp to object coordinates """ T_grasp_obj = RigidTransform(self.rotated_full_axis,, from_frame='grasp', to_frame='obj') return T_grasp_obj
def add_graspable_object(self, graspable, T_obj_world=RigidTransform(from_frame='obj', to_frame='world')): """ Adds the target object to the environment. Parameters ---------- graspable : :obj:`GraspableObject3D` the object to add T_obj_world : :obj:`autolab_core.RigidTransform` the transformation from obj to world frame """ self.set_object(graspable.key, graspable.model_name, T_obj_world)
def camera_pose(): CAMERA_ROT = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) theta = np.pi / 3 c = np.cos(theta) s = np.sin(theta) CAMERA_ROT = np.array([[c, 0, -s], [0, 1, 0], [s, 0, c]]).dot(CAMERA_ROT) CAMERA_TRANS = np.array([-.25, -.25, .35]) CAMERA_TRANS = 1.5 * np.array([-.4, 0, .3]) return RigidTransform(CAMERA_ROT, CAMERA_TRANS, from_frame='camera', to_frame='world')
def scroll(self, clicks): """Zoom using a mouse scroll wheel motion. Parameters ---------- clicks : int The number of clicks. Positive numbers indicate forward wheel movement. """ target = self._target ratio = 0.90 z_axis = self._n_T_camera_world.matrix[:3, 2].flatten() eye = self._n_T_camera_world.matrix[:3, 3].flatten() radius = np.linalg.norm(eye - target) translation = clicks * (1 - ratio) * radius * z_axis t_tf = RigidTransform(translation=translation, from_frame='world', to_frame='world') self._n_T_camera_world = z_axis = self._T_camera_world.matrix[:3, 2].flatten() eye = self._T_camera_world.matrix[:3, 3].flatten() radius = np.linalg.norm(eye - target) translation = clicks * (1 - ratio) * radius * z_axis t_tf = RigidTransform(translation=translation, from_frame='world', to_frame='world') self._T_camera_world =
def test_composition(self): R_a_b = RigidTransform.random_rotation() t_a_b = RigidTransform.random_translation() R_b_c = RigidTransform.random_rotation() t_b_c = RigidTransform.random_translation() T_a_b = RigidTransform(R_a_b, t_a_b, "a", "b") T_b_c = RigidTransform(R_b_c, t_b_c, "b", "c") # multiply with numpy arrays M_a_b = np.r_[np.c_[R_a_b, t_a_b], [[0, 0, 0, 1]]] M_b_c = np.r_[np.c_[R_b_c, t_b_c], [[0, 0, 0, 1]]] M_a_c = # use multiplication operator T_a_c = T_b_c * T_a_b self.assertTrue( np.sum(np.abs(T_a_c.matrix - M_a_c)) < 1e-5, msg="Composition gave incorrect transformation", ) # check frames self.assertEqual( T_a_c.from_frame, "a", msg="Composition has incorrect input frame" ) self.assertEqual( T_a_c.to_frame, "c", msg="Composition has incorrect output frame" )
def rotate(self, azimuth, axis=None): """Rotate the trackball about the "Up" axis by azimuth radians. Parameters ---------- azimuth : float The number of radians to rotate. """ target = self._target y_axis = self._n_T_camera_world.matrix[:3, 1].flatten() if axis is not None: y_axis = axis x_rot_mat = transformations.rotation_matrix(-azimuth, y_axis, target) x_rot_tf = RigidTransform(x_rot_mat[:3, :3], x_rot_mat[:3, 3], from_frame='world', to_frame='world') self._n_T_camera_world = y_axis = self._T_camera_world.matrix[:3, 1].flatten() if axis is not None: y_axis = axis x_rot_mat = transformations.rotation_matrix(-azimuth, y_axis, target) x_rot_tf = RigidTransform(x_rot_mat[:3, :3], x_rot_mat[:3, 3], from_frame='world', to_frame='world') self._T_camera_world =
def go2start(fa, joint_gains=None, cart_gains=None): """ Resets joints to home and goes to starting position near door Inputs: fa: franka arm object joint_gains (list): list of 7 joint impedances to use for inital movements cart_gains (list): list of 6 cartesian impedances to use for rest of movements to door, [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw] Notes: Start position: start joints: [ 2.28650215 -1.36063288 -1.4431576 -1.93011263 0.23962597 2.6992652 0.82820212] start pose: Tra: [0.60516914 0.33243171 0.45531707] Rot: [[ 0.99917643 -0.02115786 0.03434495] [-0.03350342 0.03890612 0.99868102] [-0.02246619 -0.99900921 0.03816595]] """ if cart_gains is None: cart_gains = [1000,1000,1000,50,50,50] if joint_gains is None: joint_gains = [500,500,500,500,500,500,500] reset_from_door(fa) #pose1 joints1 = [1.25932568, -0.90343739, -1.24127123, -2.00878656, 0.1644398, 1.77009426, 0.7167884] fa.goto_joints(joints1, duration=5, joint_impedances=joint_gains) #pose2 joints2 = [1.77866878, -1.45379609, -1.45567126, -1.91807283, 0.11080599, 2.21234057, 0.91823287] fa.goto_joints(joints2, duration=5, joint_impedances=joint_gains) #go to start pose print("Going to start position...") desired_tool_pose = RigidTransform( rotation=np.array([[0.99917643, -0.02115786, 0.03434495], [-0.03350342, 0.03890612, 0.99868102], [-0.02246619, -0.99900921, 0.03816595]]), translation=np.array([0.60516914, 0.33243171, 0.45531707]), from_frame='franka_tool', to_frame='world') fa.goto_pose_with_cartesian_control(desired_tool_pose, duration=10.0, cartesian_impedances=cart_gains) joints3 = [2.28650215, -1.36063288, -1.4431576, -1.93011263, 0.23962597, 2.6992652, 0.82820212] fa.goto_joints(joints3, duration=5, joint_impedances=joint_gains)
def find_stable_poses_mesh(mesh): stable_poses, probs = mesh.compute_stable_poses() assert len(stable_poses) == len(probs) # Find the most probable stable pose i, value = max(enumerate(probs), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) best_pose = stable_poses[i] # Visualize the mesh in the most probable stable state rotation = np.asarray(best_pose[:3, :3]) translation = np.asarray(best_pose[:3, 3]) rt = RigidTransform(rotation, translation, from_frame='obj', to_frame='world') # vis3d.mesh(mesh, rt) # return best_pose, rt
def gripper_on_object(gripper, grasp, obj, stable_pose=None, T_table_world=RigidTransform(from_frame='table', to_frame='world'), gripper_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), object_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), style='surface', plot_table=True, table_dim=0.15): """ Visualize a gripper on an object. Parameters ---------- gripper : :obj:`dexnet.grasping.RobotGripper` gripper to plot grasp : :obj:`dexnet.grasping.Grasp` grasp to plot the gripper in obj : :obj:`dexnet.grasping.GraspableObject3D` 3D object to plot the gripper on stable_pose : :obj:`autolab_core.RigidTransform` stable pose of the object on a planar worksurface T_table_world : :obj:`autolab_core.RigidTransform` pose of table, specified as a transformation from mesh frame to world frame gripper_color : 3-tuple color of the gripper mesh object_color : 3-tuple color of the object mesh style : :obj:`str` color of the object mesh plot_table : bool whether or not to plot the table table_dim : float dimension of the table """ if stable_pose is None: Visualizer3D.mesh(obj.mesh.trimesh, color=object_color, style=style) T_obj_world = RigidTransform(from_frame='obj', to_frame='world') else: T_obj_world = Visualizer3D.mesh_stable_pose(obj.mesh.trimesh, stable_pose, T_table_world=T_table_world, color=object_color, style=style, plot_table=plot_table, dim=table_dim) DexNetVisualizer3D.gripper(gripper, grasp, T_obj_world, color=gripper_color)
def get_friction_cone_basis(vertex, normal, num_facets, mu): axes_rot_3d = look_at_general(vertex, normal) axes_rt = RigidTransform(rotation=axes_rot_3d, translation=vertex) y_axis = axes_rt.y_axis angle = np.arctan(mu) rot = quaternion_matrix(quaternion_about_axis(angle, y_axis)) cone_vector = cone_basis_vecs = [] for angle in np.linspace(0, 2. * np.pi - 1e-8, num_facets): cone_basis_vec = quaternion_matrix(quaternion_about_axis( angle, normal)).dot(cone_vector) cone_basis_vecs.append(cone_basis_vec) return np.array(cone_basis_vecs).reshape((3, num_facets))
def process_action_data(action_data): """ returns in x,y,z, quat form """ fourbyfour = action_data.reshape((action_data.shape[0], 4, 4)) trans = fourbyfour[:, -1, 0:3] quats = [] for i in range(action_data.shape[0]): rot = RigidTransform(rotation=fourbyfour[i, :3, :3]) quat = rot.quaternion quats.append(quat) quat = np.vstack(quats) return np.hstack([trans, quat])
def object_pose_from_json(scene_object_json): # type: (dict) -> (np.array, np.array) """ Parses object pose from "location" and "quaternion_xyzw". :param scene_object_json: JSON fragment of a single scene object :return (translation, rotation) in meters """ quaternion_xyzw = np.array(scene_object_json['quaternion_xyzw']) quaternion_wxyz = np.roll(quaternion_xyzw, 1) rotation = RigidTransform.rotation_from_quaternion(quaternion_wxyz) translation = np.array(scene_object_json['location']) return translation, rotation
def test_bad_transformation(self, num_points=10): R_a_b = RigidTransform.random_rotation() t_a_b = RigidTransform.random_translation() T_a_b = RigidTransform(R_a_b, t_a_b, "a", "b") # bad point frame caught_bad_frame = False try: x_c = np.random.rand(3) p_c = Point(x_c, "c") T_a_b * p_c except ValueError: caught_bad_frame = True self.assertTrue( caught_bad_frame, msg="Failed to catch bad point frame" ) # bad point cloud frame caught_bad_frame = False try: x_c = np.random.rand(3, num_points) pc_c = PointCloud(x_c, "c") T_a_b * pc_c except ValueError: caught_bad_frame = True self.assertTrue( caught_bad_frame, msg="Failed to catch bad point cloud frame" ) # illegal input caught_bad_input = False try: x_a = np.random.rand(3, num_points) T_a_b * x_a except ValueError: caught_bad_input = True self.assertTrue( caught_bad_input, msg="Failed to catch numpy array input" )
def object_to_camera_pose(self, radius, elev, az, roll, x, y): """ Convert spherical coords to an object-camera pose. """ # generate camera center from spherical coords delta_t = np.array([x, y, 0]) camera_center_obj = np.array([sph2cart(radius, az, elev) ]).squeeze() + delta_t camera_z_obj = -np.array([sph2cart(radius, az, elev)]).squeeze() camera_z_obj = camera_z_obj / np.linalg.norm(camera_z_obj) # find the canonical camera x and y axes camera_x_par_obj = np.array([camera_z_obj[1], -camera_z_obj[0], 0]) if np.linalg.norm(camera_x_par_obj) == 0: camera_x_par_obj = np.array([1, 0, 0]) camera_x_par_obj = camera_x_par_obj / np.linalg.norm(camera_x_par_obj) camera_y_par_obj = np.cross(camera_z_obj, camera_x_par_obj) camera_y_par_obj = camera_y_par_obj / np.linalg.norm(camera_y_par_obj) if camera_y_par_obj[2] > 0: camera_x_par_obj = -camera_x_par_obj camera_y_par_obj = np.cross(camera_z_obj, camera_x_par_obj) camera_y_par_obj = camera_y_par_obj / np.linalg.norm( camera_y_par_obj) # rotate by the roll R_obj_camera_par = np.c_[camera_x_par_obj, camera_y_par_obj, camera_z_obj] R_camera_par_camera = np.array([[np.cos(roll), -np.sin(roll), 0], [np.sin(roll), np.cos(roll), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) R_obj_camera = t_obj_camera = camera_center_obj # create final transform T_obj_camera = RigidTransform(R_obj_camera, t_obj_camera, from_frame=self.frame, to_frame='obj') return T_obj_camera.inverse()
def grasp(grasp, T_obj_world=RigidTransform(from_frame='obj', to_frame='world'), tube_radius=0.002, endpoint_color=(0, 1, 0), endpoint_scale=0.004, grasp_axis_color=(0, 1, 0)): """ Plots a grasp as an axis and center. Parameters ---------- grasp : :obj:`dexnet.grasping.Grasp` the grasp to plot T_obj_world : :obj:`autolab_core.RigidTransform` the pose of the object that the grasp is referencing in world frame tube_radius : float radius of the plotted grasp axis endpoint_color : 3-tuple color of the endpoints of the grasp axis endpoint_scale : 3-tuple scale of the plotted endpoints grasp_axis_color : 3-tuple color of the grasp axis """ g1, g2 = grasp.endpoints center = g1 = Point(g1, 'obj') g2 = Point(g2, 'obj') center = Point(center, 'obj') g1_tf = T_obj_world.apply(g1) g2_tf = T_obj_world.apply(g2) center_tf = T_obj_world.apply(center) grasp_axis_tf = np.array([,]) mlab.points3d([0],[1],[2], color=endpoint_color, scale_factor=endpoint_scale) mlab.points3d([0],[1],[2], color=endpoint_color, scale_factor=endpoint_scale) mlab.plot3d(grasp_axis_tf[:, 0], grasp_axis_tf[:, 1], grasp_axis_tf[:, 2], color=grasp_axis_color, tube_radius=tube_radius)