Esempio n. 1
    # "track_distance_projected_along_half_angle_vec_exit",
    "lane_distance_along_curve_secant_entry",   # Distance of lane center line to curve secant ceter point at 0 degree angle
    # "lane_distance_along_curve_secant_exit",    # Distance of lane center line to curve secant ceter point at 180 degree angle
    # "oneway_entry",                             # Is entry way a oneway street?
    # "oneway_exit",                              # Is exit way a oneway street?
    "curvature_entry",                          # Curvature of entry way over INT_DIST
    # "curvature_exit",                           # Curvature of exit way over INT_DIST
    "vehicle_speed_entry",                      # Measured vehicle speed on entry way at INT_DIST
    # "vehicle_speed_exit",                       # Measured vehicle speed on exit way at INT_DIST
    # "lane_count_entry",                         # Total number of lanes in entry way
    # "lane_count_exit",                          # Total number of lanes in exit way
    # "has_right_of_way",                         # Does the vehicle with the respective manoeuver have right of way at the intersection?

kitti_samples = automatic_test.load_samples('../data/training_data/samples_kitti/samples.pickle')
darmstadt_samples = automatic_test.load_samples('../data/training_data/samples_darmstadt/samples.pickle')
samples = kitti_samples + darmstadt_samples
select_label_method(samples, 'y_distances')
sub_samples, test_samples = automatic_test.get_partitioned_samples(samples, 0.8)
train_samples, validation_samples = automatic_test.get_partitioned_samples(sub_samples, 0.75)
# train_samples, validation_samples = automatic_test.get_cross_validation_samples(sub_samples, 4)

rf_algo = regressors.RandomForestAlgorithm(feature_list, single_target_variable=False, random_state=random, n_estimators=27, max_features=12, max_leaf_nodes=5)
rf_algo2 = regressors.RandomForestAlgorithm(feature_list2, single_target_variable=False, random_state=random, n_estimators=35, max_features=5, max_leaf_nodes=8)
algos = [rf_algo, rf_algo2]
results = automatic_test.test(algos, train_samples, test_samples, cross_validation=False)
# automatic_test.show_intersection_plot(results, test_samples, which_samples="best-worst-case", orientation="curve-secant")
automatic_test.show_intersection_plot(results, validation_samples, which_samples="all", orientation="curve-secant")
        "maxspeed": "30",
        "name": "Heinheimer Stra\u00dfe"
    "exit_way": {
        "highway": "residential",
        "maxspeed": "30",
        "name": "Vogelsbergstra\u00dfe"

# Create number of LineString serving as way data
angles = np.linspace(-3*np.pi/8, 11*np.pi/8, 15)
scale = 50.0
coords = [[(0,0),(0,1*scale),(np.cos(a)*scale,(1+np.sin(a))*scale)] for a in angles]
labels = ["Test way %.2f°" % (a/np.pi*180.) for a in angles]
lines = [LineString(c) for c in coords]
test_samples = []
# Create synthetic samples
for line, label in zip(lines, labels):
    int_sit, osm = create_intersection_data(line, 0.5, normalized=True, tags=tags)
    sample = create_sample(int_sit, osm, label, output="console")
train_samples = automatic_test.load_samples('../data/training_data/samples_23_09_15/samples.pickle')
# train_samples = automatic_test.normalize_features(samples)
# Load algorithm with train samples and test the synthetic ones
rf_algo = regressors.RandomForestAlgorithm()
automatic_test.train([rf_algo], train_samples)
results = automatic_test.predict([rf_algo], test_samples)
automatic_test.show_intersection_plot(results, test_samples, orientation="curve-secant")
Esempio n. 3
import automatic_test
import regressors
import reference_implementations

feature_list = [
    "intersection_angle",                       # Angle between entry and exit way
    "maxspeed_entry",                           # Allowed maximum speed on entry way
    "maxspeed_exit",                            # Allowed maximum speed on exit way
    # "lane_distance_entry_exact",                # Distance of track line to curve secant center point at 0 degree angle
    # "lane_distance_exit_exact",                 # Distance of track line to curve secant center point at 180 degree angle
    "lane_distance_entry_lane_center",          # Distance of lane center line to curve secant ceter point at 0 degree angle
    "lane_distance_exit_lane_center",           # Distance of lane center line to curve secant ceter point at 180 degree angle
    "oneway_entry",                             # Is entry way a oneway street?
    "oneway_exit",                              # Is exit way a oneway street?
    "vehicle_speed_entry",                      # Measured vehicle speed on entry way at INT_DIST
    "vehicle_speed_exit"                        # Measured vehicle speed on exit way at INT_DIST
rf_algo = regressors.RandomForestAlgorithm(feature_list)
rfc_algo = regressors.RFClassificationAlgorithm(feature_list, bin_num=20, min_radius=6.0, max_radius=28.0, n_estimators=80)
#ispline_algo = reference_implementations.InterpolatingSplineAlgorithm()
algos = [rf_algo, rfc_algo]
samples = automatic_test.load_samples('../data/training_data/samples.pickle')
samples = automatic_test.normalize_features(samples)
train_samples, test_samples = automatic_test.get_partitioned_samples(samples, 0.8)
automatic_test.train(algos, train_samples)
results = automatic_test.predict(algos, test_samples)
results_proba = automatic_test.predict_proba([rfc_algo], test_samples)
automatic_test.show_intersection_plot(results, test_samples, results_proba, which_samples="best-worst-case", orientation="curve-secant")
# automatic_test.show_graph_plot(results, test_samples, results_proba, which_samples="best-worst-case")
Esempio n. 4
# Simple test with RandomForestRegressor and RandomForestClassifier
import sys
import automatic_test
import regressors
import reference_implementations

feature_list = [
    "intersection_angle",                       # Angle between entry and exit way
    "maxspeed_entry",                           # Allowed maximum speed on entry way
    "maxspeed_exit",                            # Allowed maximum speed on exit way
    # "lane_distance_entry_exact",                # Distance of track line to curve secant center point at 0 degree angle
    # "lane_distance_exit_exact",                 # Distance of track line to curve secant center point at 180 degree angle
    "lane_distance_entry_lane_center",          # Distance of lane center line to curve secant ceter point at 0 degree angle
    "lane_distance_exit_lane_center",           # Distance of lane center line to curve secant ceter point at 180 degree angle
    "oneway_entry",                             # Is entry way a oneway street?
    "oneway_exit",                              # Is exit way a oneway street?
    "vehicle_speed_entry",                      # Measured vehicle speed on entry way at INT_DIST
    "vehicle_speed_exit"                        # Measured vehicle speed on exit way at INT_DIST
rf_algo = regressors.RandomForestAlgorithm(feature_list)
rfc_algo = regressors.RFClassificationAlgorithm(feature_list, bin_num=20, min_radius=6.0, max_radius=28.0)
#ispline_algo = reference_implementations.InterpolatingSplineAlgorithm()
algos = [rf_algo, rfc_algo]
samples = automatic_test.load_samples('../data/training_data/samples.pickle')
samples = automatic_test.normalize_features(samples)
train_samples, test_samples = automatic_test.get_partitioned_samples(samples, 0.8)
automatic_test.train(algos, train_samples)
results = automatic_test.predict(algos, test_samples)
automatic_test.show_intersection_plot(results, test_samples, which_samples="best-worst-case")