Esempio n. 1
def isomorphism(gra1, gra2, backbone_only=False, stereo=True, dummy=True):
    """ Obtain an isomorphism between two graphs

    This should eventually replace the other isomorphism functions.

    :param backbone_only: Compare backbone atoms only?
    :type backbone_only: bool
    :param stereo: Consider stereo?
    :type stereo: bool
    :param dummy: Consider dummy atoms?
    :type dummy: bool
    :returns: The isomorphism mapping `gra1` onto `gra2`
    :rtype: dict
    if backbone_only:
        gra1 = implicit(gra1)
        gra2 = implicit(gra2)

    if not stereo:
        gra1 = without_stereo_parities(gra1)
        gra2 = without_stereo_parities(gra2)

    if not dummy:
        gra1 = without_dummy_atoms(gra1)
        gra2 = without_dummy_atoms(gra2)

    return _isomorphism(gra1, gra2)
Esempio n. 2
def is_stereo_compatible(tra, sgr1, sgr2):
    """ is this transformation compatible with the reactant/product stereo
    cgr1 = without_stereo_parities(sgr1)
    cgr2 = without_stereo_parities(sgr2)
    atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(apply(tra, cgr1), cgr2)

    # determine the stereo centers which are preserved in the transformation
    sgr1 = _relabel(sgr1, atm_key_dct)
    atm_keys = sorted(atom_stereo_keys(sgr1) & atom_stereo_keys(sgr2))
    bnd_keys = sorted(bond_stereo_keys(sgr1) & bond_stereo_keys(sgr2))

    atm_pars1 = dict_.values_by_key(atom_stereo_parities(sgr1), atm_keys)
    atm_pars2 = dict_.values_by_key(atom_stereo_parities(sgr2), atm_keys)
    bnd_pars1 = dict_.values_by_key(bond_stereo_parities(sgr1), bnd_keys)
    bnd_pars2 = dict_.values_by_key(bond_stereo_parities(sgr2), bnd_keys)

    atm_ngb_keys_dct1 = atom_neighbor_keys(sgr1)
    atm_ngb_keys_dct2 = atom_neighbor_keys(sgr2)

    ret = True

    for atm_key, par1, par2 in zip(atm_keys, atm_pars1, atm_pars2):
        atm_ngb_keys1 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr1, atm_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct1[atm_key])
        atm_ngb_keys2 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr2, atm_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct2[atm_key])

        if _permutation_parity(atm_ngb_keys1, atm_ngb_keys2):
            ret &= (par1 == par2)
            ret &= (par1 != par2)

    for bnd_key, par1, par2 in zip(bnd_keys, bnd_pars1, bnd_pars2):
        atm1_key, atm2_key = bnd_key

        atm1_ngb_key1 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr1, atm1_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct1[atm1_key] - {atm2_key})[0]
        atm2_ngb_key1 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr1, atm2_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct1[atm2_key] - {atm1_key})[0]
        atm1_ngb_key2 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr2, atm1_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct2[atm1_key] - {atm2_key})[0]
        atm2_ngb_key2 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr2, atm2_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct2[atm2_key] - {atm1_key})[0]

        if not ((atm1_ngb_key1 != atm1_ngb_key2) ^
                (atm2_ngb_key1 != atm2_ngb_key2)):
            ret &= (par1 == par2)
            ret &= (par1 != par2)

    return ret
Esempio n. 3
def set_stereo_from_geometry(gra, geo, geo_idx_dct=None):
    """ set graph stereo from a geometry

    (coordinate distances need not match connectivity -- what matters is the
    relative positions at stereo sites)
    gra = without_stereo_parities(gra)
    last_gra = None

    atm_keys = sorted(atom_keys(gra))
    geo_idx_dct = (geo_idx_dct if geo_idx_dct is not None else
                   {atm_key: idx
                    for idx, atm_key in enumerate(atm_keys)})

    # set atom and bond stereo, iterating to self-consistency
    atm_keys = set()
    bnd_keys = set()
    while last_gra != gra:
        last_gra = gra
        gra = _set_atom_stereo_from_geometry(gra, atm_keys, geo, geo_idx_dct)
        gra = _set_bond_stereo_from_geometry(gra, bnd_keys, geo, geo_idx_dct)

    return gra
Esempio n. 4
def atom_groups(gra, atm, stereo=False):
    """ return a list of groups off of one atom
    if not stereo:
        gra = without_stereo_parities(gra)
    adj_atms = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
    keys = []
    for atmi in adj_atms[atm]:
        key = [atm, atmi]
        key = frozenset(key)
    gras = remove_bonds(gra, keys)
    return connected_components(gras)
Esempio n. 5
def stereomers(tsg):
    """ Expand all possible stereo assignments for the reactants in this TS
    graph. (Ignores stereo assignments already present, if any.)

    :param tsg: The TS graph, without stereo assignments.
    :returns: All possible TS graphs with stereo assignments for the reactants.
    rcts_gra = reactants_graph(tsg)
    frm_bnd_keys = forming_bond_keys(tsg)
    brk_bnd_keys = breaking_bond_keys(tsg)

    rcts_gra = without_stereo_parities(rcts_gra)
    rcts_sgrs = _stereomers(rcts_gra)
    ste_tsgs = tuple(
        graph(rcts_sgr, frm_bnd_keys, brk_bnd_keys) for rcts_sgr in rcts_sgrs)
    return ste_tsgs
Esempio n. 6
def compatible_reverse_stereomers(ste_tsg):
    """ Given a TS graph with stereo assignments, expand all possible reverse
    graphs compatble with the forward graph.

    :param ste_tsg: The TS graph, with stereo assignments.
    :returns: All possible reverse TS graphs.
    frm_bnd_keys = forming_bond_keys(ste_tsg)
    brk_bnd_keys = breaking_bond_keys(ste_tsg)
    _, des_ste_atm_keys = nonconserved_atom_stereo_keys(ste_tsg)
    _, des_ste_bnd_keys = nonconserved_bond_stereo_keys(ste_tsg)
    cons_atm_keys = sorted(atom_stereo_keys(ste_tsg) - des_ste_atm_keys)
    cons_bnd_keys = sorted(bond_stereo_keys(ste_tsg) - des_ste_bnd_keys)

    # 1. Determine index-based stereo assignments for conserved stereo centers
    idx_tsg = to_index_based_stereo(ste_tsg)
    cons_idx_atm_pars = dict_.values_by_key(
        atom_stereo_parities(idx_tsg), cons_atm_keys)
    cons_idx_bnd_pars = dict_.values_by_key(
        bond_stereo_parities(idx_tsg), cons_bnd_keys)

    # 2. Determine all possible index-based stereo assignments for the reverse
    #    reaction.
    prds_gra = without_stereo_parities(products_graph(ste_tsg))
    prds_sgrs = _stereomers(prds_gra)
    prds_idx_sgrs = list(map(_to_index_based_stereo, prds_sgrs))
    rev_idx_tsgs_pool = [
        graph(p, brk_bnd_keys, frm_bnd_keys) for p in prds_idx_sgrs]

    # 3. Find possibilities which match the assignments for the conserved
    #    stereo centers.
    rev_idx_tsgs = []
    for rev_idx_tsg in rev_idx_tsgs_pool:
        rev_cons_idx_atm_pars = dict_.values_by_key(
            atom_stereo_parities(rev_idx_tsg), cons_atm_keys)
        rev_cons_idx_bnd_pars = dict_.values_by_key(
            bond_stereo_parities(rev_idx_tsg), cons_bnd_keys)
        if (rev_cons_idx_atm_pars == cons_idx_atm_pars and
                rev_cons_idx_bnd_pars == cons_idx_bnd_pars):

    # 4. Convert the matching reverse graphs back from index-based stereo
    #    assignments to absolute stereo assignments.
    rev_ste_tsgs = list(map(from_index_based_stereo, rev_idx_tsgs))
    return rev_ste_tsgs
Esempio n. 7
def _stereo_corrected_geometry(sgr, geo, geo_idx_dct):
    """ correct the stereo parities of a geometry

    (works iterately to handle cases of higher-order stereo)
    assert sgr == explicit(sgr)
    gra = without_stereo_parities(sgr)

    if has_stereo(sgr):
        full_atm_ste_par_dct = atom_stereo_parities(sgr)
        full_bnd_ste_par_dct = bond_stereo_parities(sgr)

        atm_keys = set()
        bnd_keys = set()

        last_gra = None

        while last_gra != gra:
            last_gra = gra


            atm_ste_par_dct = {
                atm_key: full_atm_ste_par_dct[atm_key]
                for atm_key in atm_keys
            bnd_ste_par_dct = {
                bnd_key: full_bnd_ste_par_dct[bnd_key]
                for bnd_key in bnd_keys
            geo, gra = _atom_stereo_corrected_geometry(gra, atm_ste_par_dct,
                                                       geo, geo_idx_dct)
            geo, gra = _bond_stereo_corrected_geometry(gra, bnd_ste_par_dct,
                                                       geo, geo_idx_dct)

    return geo
Esempio n. 8
def stereomers(gra):
    """ all stereomers, ignoring this graph's assignments
    bool_vals = (False, True)

    def _expand_atom_stereo(sgr):
        atm_ste_keys = stereogenic_atom_keys(sgr)
        nste_atms = len(atm_ste_keys)
        sgrs = [
                                     dict(zip(atm_ste_keys, atm_ste_par_vals)))
            for atm_ste_par_vals in itertools.product(bool_vals,
        return sgrs

    def _expand_bond_stereo(sgr):
        bnd_ste_keys = stereogenic_bond_keys(sgr)
        nste_bnds = len(bnd_ste_keys)
        sgrs = [
                                     dict(zip(bnd_ste_keys, bnd_ste_par_vals)))
            for bnd_ste_par_vals in itertools.product(bool_vals,
        return sgrs

    last_sgrs = []
    sgrs = [without_stereo_parities(gra)]

    while sgrs != last_sgrs:
        last_sgrs = sgrs
        sgrs = list(itertools.chain(*map(_expand_atom_stereo, sgrs)))
        sgrs = list(itertools.chain(*map(_expand_bond_stereo, sgrs)))

    return tuple(sorted(sgrs, key=frozen))
Esempio n. 9
def from_index_based_stereo(sgr):
    """ Convert a graph from index-based stereo assignments back to absolute
    stereo assignments, where parities are independent of atom ordering.

    :param sgr: a graph with index-based stereo assignments
    :returns: a graph with absolute stereo assignments
    assert sgr == explicit(sgr), ("Not an explicit graph:\n{}".format(
        string(sgr, one_indexed=False)))

    gra = without_stereo_parities(sgr)

    if has_stereo(sgr):
        atm_keys_pool = atom_stereo_keys(sgr)
        bnd_keys_pool = bond_stereo_keys(sgr)

        idx_atm_ste_par_dct = atom_stereo_parities(sgr)
        idx_bnd_ste_par_dct = bond_stereo_parities(sgr)

        atm_ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(sgr)

        atm_keys = set()
        bnd_keys = set()

        last_gra = None

        # Do the assignments iteratively to handle higher-order stereo
        while last_gra != gra:
            last_gra = gra

            abs_atm_ste_par_dct = {}
            abs_bnd_ste_par_dct = {}

            atm_keys.update(stereogenic_atom_keys(gra) & atm_keys_pool)
            bnd_keys.update(stereogenic_bond_keys(gra) & bnd_keys_pool)

            # Determine absolute stereo assignments for atoms
            for atm_key in atm_keys:
                abs_srt_keys = atom_stereo_sorted_neighbor_atom_keys(
                    gra, atm_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct[atm_key])
                idx_srt_keys = sorted(abs_srt_keys)

                if automol.util.is_even_permutation(idx_srt_keys,
                    abs_atm_ste_par_dct[atm_key] = (
                    abs_atm_ste_par_dct[atm_key] = (
                        not idx_atm_ste_par_dct[atm_key])

            # Determine absolute stereo assignments for bonds
            for bnd_key in bnd_keys:
                atm1_key, atm2_key = sorted(bnd_key)

                atm1_abs_srt_keys = atom_stereo_sorted_neighbor_atom_keys(
                    gra, atm1_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct[atm1_key] - bnd_key)
                atm2_abs_srt_keys = atom_stereo_sorted_neighbor_atom_keys(
                    gra, atm2_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct[atm2_key] - bnd_key)
                atm1_idx_srt_keys = sorted(atm1_abs_srt_keys)
                atm2_idx_srt_keys = sorted(atm2_abs_srt_keys)

                if not ((atm1_idx_srt_keys[0] != atm1_abs_srt_keys[0]) ^
                        (atm2_idx_srt_keys[0] != atm2_abs_srt_keys[0])):
                    abs_bnd_ste_par_dct[bnd_key] = (
                    abs_bnd_ste_par_dct[bnd_key] = (
                        not idx_bnd_ste_par_dct[bnd_key])

            gra = set_atom_stereo_parities(gra, abs_atm_ste_par_dct)
            gra = set_bond_stereo_parities(gra, abs_bnd_ste_par_dct)

    atm_ste_keys = atom_stereo_keys(gra)
    bnd_ste_keys = bond_stereo_keys(gra)
    assert atm_ste_keys == atm_keys_pool, (
        "Index-based to absolute stereo conversion failed:\n"
        "{} != {}".format(str(atm_ste_keys), str(atm_keys_pool)))
    assert bnd_ste_keys == bnd_keys_pool, (
        "Index-based to absolute stereo conversion failed:\n"
        "{} != {}".format(str(bnd_ste_keys), str(bnd_keys_pool)))

    return gra