from math import pi from aquacore.msg import AutopilotModes from autopilot_client import AutopilotClient import dynamic_reconfigure.client if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('choreography_node') depth_params = {} depth_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH angle_params = {} angle_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(angle_params) forward_speed = 0.8 loop_duration = 20.0 print 'Vertical Loop' yaw_rate = 0.0 pitch_rate = 360.0 / loop_duration roll_rate = 0.0 ac.smoothly_changing_forward_trajectory(loop_duration, forward_speed, roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate) print 'Sideways Looping Corkscrew' yaw_rate = 360.0 / loop_duration roll_rate = 20.0 ac.smoothly_changing_forward_fixed_depth_trajectory(
import tf from math import pi from aquacore.msg import AutopilotModes from autopilot_client import AutopilotClient if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('lateral') dt_in_sec = rospy.Duration(float(rospy.get_param('~duration', 15))) params = {} params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH #params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(params) roll_in_deg = 90 pitch_in_deg = 0 try: print 'Going laterally' rpy_from_imu_to_global = ac.get_rpy_of_imu_in_global() target_depth = ac.current_depth target_angles = [ roll_in_deg, pitch_in_deg, rpy_from_imu_to_global[2] * 180 / pi ] vx = 0 vz = -0.8
def get_target_angles(rpy_from_imu_to_global, roll_in_deg): target_angles_in_deg = [ roll_in_deg, 0, rpy_from_imu_to_global[2] * 180 / pi ] return target_angles_in_deg if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('uturn') params = {} params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH #params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(params) roll_in_deg = 0 try: print 'Going straight' rpy_from_imu_to_global = ac.get_rpy_of_imu_in_global() target_depth = ac.current_depth target_angles = get_target_angles(rpy_from_imu_to_global, roll_in_deg) dt_in_sec = rospy.Duration(10) vx = 0.8 vz = 0 ac.do_straight_line(dt_in_sec, target_angles, target_depth, vx, vz) print 'Now turning 180 in yaw'
import roslib roslib.load_manifest('aquaautopilot') import rospy import tf from math import pi from aquacore.msg import AutopilotModes from autopilot_client import AutopilotClient if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('corkscrew') params = {} params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH #params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(params) try: rpy_from_imu_to_global = ac.get_rpy_of_imu_in_global() target_depth = ac.current_depth wx_in_deg_per_sec = 40 dt_in_sec = rospy.Duration(30) vx = 0.8 vz = 0 ac.do_corkscrew(dt_in_sec, target_depth, vx, vz, wx_in_deg_per_sec) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: print e
roslib.load_manifest('aquaautopilot') import rospy import tf from math import pi from std_srvs.srv import Empty as EmptySrv from aquacore.srv import IsCalibrated from aquacore.msg import AutopilotModes from autopilot_client import AutopilotClient if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('coverage_ap_controller') params = {} params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH #params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(params) # check if is calibrated '''doesn't always work correctly in the water, and will always be manually calibrated, so leave this out for now -- arnold ''' '''rospy.loginfo('Waiting for /aqua/calibrate and /aqua/is_calibrated...') rospy.wait_for_service('/aqua/calibrate') rospy.wait_for_service('/aqua/is_calibrated') call_calibrate = rospy.ServiceProxy('/aqua/calibrate', EmptySrv) call_is_calibrated = rospy.ServiceProxy('/aqua/is_calibrated', IsCalibrated) try: resp = call_is_calibrated() if not resp.value: rospy.loginfo('autocalibrating robot...') call_calibrate() else:
from math import pi from aquacore.msg import AutopilotModes from autopilot_client import AutopilotClient import dynamic_reconfigure.client if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('choreography_node') depth_params = {} depth_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH angle_params = {} angle_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(angle_params) client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client("/localAP", timeout=5) roll_in_deg = 90 pitch_in_deg = 0 knife_edge_params = { 'ROLL_P_GAIN': 1.0, 'PITCH_P_GAIN': 2.0, 'YAW_P_GAIN': -3.5, 'ROLL_D_GAIN': 0.0, 'PITCH_D_GAIN': 0.0, 'YAW_D_GAIN': -1.5, 'KDEPTH': -1.3, 'DEPTH_D_GAIN': -1.5,
from autopilot_client import AutopilotClient import dynamic_reconfigure.client square_side_duration = 5.0 square_side_speed = 0.9 if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('choreography_node') depth_params = {} depth_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH angle_params = {} angle_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(angle_params) client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client("/localAP", timeout=5) roll_in_deg = 90 pitch_in_deg = 0 knife_edge_params = { 'ROLL_P_GAIN': 1.0, 'PITCH_P_GAIN': 2.0, 'YAW_P_GAIN': -3.5, 'ROLL_D_GAIN': 0.0, 'PITCH_D_GAIN': 0.0, 'YAW_D_GAIN': -1.5, 'KDEPTH': -1.3, 'DEPTH_D_GAIN': -1.5,
from autopilot_client import AutopilotClient import dynamic_reconfigure.client if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('tag_trajectory_node') trajectory_filename = rospy.get_param('~trajectory_filename') depth_params = {} depth_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH angle_params = {} angle_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(angle_params) client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client("/localAP", timeout=5 ) knife_edge_params = { 'ROLL_P_GAIN' : 1.0, 'PITCH_P_GAIN' : 2.0, 'YAW_P_GAIN' : -3.5, 'ROLL_D_GAIN' : 0.0, 'PITCH_D_GAIN' : 0.0, 'YAW_D_GAIN' : -1.5, 'KDEPTH' : -1.3, 'DEPTH_D_GAIN' : -1.5, 'DEPTH_D_FILTER_PERIOD' : 0.6 } client.update_configuration(knife_edge_params)
def __init__(self, speed, forward_swim_time, sea_floor_depth, deck_depth, hold_depth, tag_dead_zone, do_swimmer_turn): rospy.loginfo('In ShipProgram init') self.depth_params = {} self.depth_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH self.angle_params = {} self.angle_params[ 'mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST = AutopilotClient(self.depth_params) self.client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client("/localAP", timeout=5) self.knife_edge_params = { 'ROLL_P_GAIN': 1.0, 'PITCH_P_GAIN': 2.0, 'YAW_P_GAIN': -3.5, 'ROLL_D_GAIN': 0.0, 'PITCH_D_GAIN': 0.0, 'YAW_D_GAIN': -1.5, 'KDEPTH': -1.3, 'DEPTH_D_GAIN': -1.5, 'DEPTH_D_FILTER_PERIOD': 0.6 } self.behaviour_dict = { 0: ['flip_turn', 'forward'], 1: ['right_turn', 'forward'], 2: ['knife_edge', 'forward'], 3: ['flatten', 'forward'], 4: ['left_turn', 'forward'], 5: ['park'] # [ 'up_to_deck', 'forward' ], # [ 'forward_timed', 'down_to_sea_floor', 'forward' ] # [ 'dance', 'forward' ] # [ 'forward_timed', 'down_to_hold', 'forward_timed', 'up_to_deck', 'forward] } self.client.update_configuration(self.knife_edge_params) self.target_depth = self.rpy_from_imu_to_global = self.current_roll_deg = self.rpy_from_imu_to_global[0] * 180.0 / pi self.current_pitch_deg = self.rpy_from_imu_to_global[1] * 180.0 / pi self.current_yaw_deg = self.rpy_from_imu_to_global[2] * 180.0 / pi # Choose a trajectory file based on parameter and send it to the ap_client function self.active_command = None self.command_list = [] self.command_endtime = None # TODO make params self.sea_floor_depth = sea_floor_depth self.deck_depth = deck_depth self.hold_depth = hold_depth self.forward_swim_time = forward_swim_time self.speed = speed self.tag_dead_zone = tag_dead_zone self.do_swimmer_turn = do_swimmer_turn self.last_tag_time = None rospy.Subscriber("/tags", Tags, self.tag_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/aqua/state", StateMsg, self.state_callback) rospy.loginfo('Finished constructor')
class ShipProgram(object): def __init__(self, speed, forward_swim_time, sea_floor_depth, deck_depth, hold_depth, tag_dead_zone, do_swimmer_turn): rospy.loginfo('In ShipProgram init') self.depth_params = {} self.depth_params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_FIXED_DEPTH self.angle_params = {} self.angle_params[ 'mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST = AutopilotClient(self.depth_params) self.client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client("/localAP", timeout=5) self.knife_edge_params = { 'ROLL_P_GAIN': 1.0, 'PITCH_P_GAIN': 2.0, 'YAW_P_GAIN': -3.5, 'ROLL_D_GAIN': 0.0, 'PITCH_D_GAIN': 0.0, 'YAW_D_GAIN': -1.5, 'KDEPTH': -1.3, 'DEPTH_D_GAIN': -1.5, 'DEPTH_D_FILTER_PERIOD': 0.6 } self.behaviour_dict = { 0: ['flip_turn', 'forward'], 1: ['right_turn', 'forward'], 2: ['knife_edge', 'forward'], 3: ['flatten', 'forward'], 4: ['left_turn', 'forward'], 5: ['park'] # [ 'up_to_deck', 'forward' ], # [ 'forward_timed', 'down_to_sea_floor', 'forward' ] # [ 'dance', 'forward' ] # [ 'forward_timed', 'down_to_hold', 'forward_timed', 'up_to_deck', 'forward] } self.client.update_configuration(self.knife_edge_params) self.target_depth = self.rpy_from_imu_to_global = self.current_roll_deg = self.rpy_from_imu_to_global[0] * 180.0 / pi self.current_pitch_deg = self.rpy_from_imu_to_global[1] * 180.0 / pi self.current_yaw_deg = self.rpy_from_imu_to_global[2] * 180.0 / pi # Choose a trajectory file based on parameter and send it to the ap_client function self.active_command = None self.command_list = [] self.command_endtime = None # TODO make params self.sea_floor_depth = sea_floor_depth self.deck_depth = deck_depth self.hold_depth = hold_depth self.forward_swim_time = forward_swim_time self.speed = speed self.tag_dead_zone = tag_dead_zone self.do_swimmer_turn = do_swimmer_turn self.last_tag_time = None rospy.Subscriber("/tags", Tags, self.tag_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/aqua/state", StateMsg, self.state_callback) rospy.loginfo('Finished constructor') def clamp180(self, angle): while angle > 180.0: angle = angle - 360.0 while angle < -180.0: angle = angle + 360.0 return angle def tag_callback(self, tag): rospy.loginfo('Tag callback.') if len(tag.tags) > 0: rospy.loginfo('Saw a tag.') else: return # A small delay after seeing a tag so that double detections dont hurt us if (self.last_tag_time == None ) or ( - self.last_tag_time) > rospy.Duration( self.tag_dead_zone): self.last_tag_time = # Handle the tag based on its ID: if not self.behaviour_dict.has_key(tag.tags[0].id): rospy.loginfo('Unrecognized tag: ' + str(tag.tags[0].id) + ' detected.') else: self.command_list.extend(self.behaviour_dict[tag.tags[0].id]) rospy.loginfo('Read tag: ' + str(tag.tags[0].id) + ' to make action list: ' + str(self.command_list)) def state_callback(self, event): rospy.loginfo('State callback. Current command is: ' + str(self.active_command)) new_command = False if self.active_command == None: new_command = True else: if self.active_command == 'up_to_deck': if <= self.deck_depth: new_command = True elif self.active_command == 'forward_timed': if self.command_endtime <= new_command = True elif self.active_command == 'down_to_sea_floor': if >= self.sea_floor_depth: new_command = True elif self.active_command == 'down_to_hold': if >= self.hold_depth: new_command = True else: rospy.loginfo('Error, command unknown: ' + str(self.active_command)) if new_command: if len(self.command_list) > 0: self.active_command = self.command_list.pop(0) if self.active_command == 'forward': # Implementation of "flat swim" rospy.loginfo('Switching to command forward') # The behaviour is immediate, so can unset active command self.active_command = None self.current_pitch_deg = 0.0 if self.active_command == 'right_turn': self.current_yaw_deg = self.current_yaw_deg - 90.0 # The behaviour is immediate, so can unset active command self.active_command = None if self.active_command == 'left_turn': self.current_yaw_deg = self.current_yaw_deg + 90.0 # The behaviour is immediate, so can unset active command self.active_command = None if self.active_command == 'knife_edge': self.current_roll_deg = 90.0 # The behaviour is immediate, so can unset active command self.active_command = None if self.active_command == 'flatten': self.current_roll_deg = 0.0 # The behaviour is immediate, so can unset active command self.active_command = None if self.active_command == 'dance': rospy.Duration(20), 0.8, 0.0,, 18.0) self.active_command = None if self.active_command == 'flip_turn': # This is the implementation of the awkward turn. Just 180 yaw and let the robot swim rospy.loginfo('Switching to command flipturn') if self.do_swimmer_turn:, self.speed, self.current_yaw_deg) self.current_yaw_deg = self.current_yaw_deg + 180.0 # The behaviour is immediate, so can unset active command self.active_command = None elif self.active_command == 'forward_timed': rospy.loginfo('Switching to command forward timed') self.current_pitch_deg = 0.0 self.command_endtime = + rospy.Duration( self.forward_swim_time) elif self.active_command == 'up_to_deck': rospy.loginfo('Switching to command up to deck') self.current_pitch_deg = -90.0 self.target_depth = self.deck_depth elif self.active_command == 'down_to_sea_floor': rospy.loginfo('Switching to command down to sea floor') self.current_pitch_deg = 90.0 self.target_depth = self.sea_floor_depth elif self.active_command == 'down_to_hold': rospy.loginfo('Switching to command down to hold') self.current_pitch_deg = 90.0 self.target_depth = self.hold_depth elif self.active_command == 'park': rospy.loginfo('Switching to command park') rospy.loginfo( 'Exiting the autopilot run because a park action is finishing. See you next year!' ) rospy.signal_shutdown('Tag asked robot to park.') else: rospy.loginfo('Unreckognized action: ' + str(self.active_command)) try: target_angles_deg = [ self.current_roll_deg, self.current_pitch_deg, self.current_yaw_deg ], target_angles_deg, self.target_depth) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: print e
import roslib roslib.load_manifest('aquaautopilot') import rospy import tf from math import pi from aquacore.msg import AutopilotModes from autopilot_client import AutopilotClient if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('somersault') params = {} params['mode'] = AutopilotModes.AP_GLOBAL_ANGLES_LOCAL_THRUST ac = AutopilotClient(params) try: rpy_from_imu_to_global = ac.get_rpy_of_imu_in_global() wy_in_deg_per_sec = -20 dt_in_sec = rospy.Duration(30) vx = 0.8 vz = 0 ac.do_somersault(dt_in_sec, vx, vz, wy_in_deg_per_sec) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: print e