Esempio n. 1
    def update_response_map(self, request, response, append=False):
        """Record a response for a request.

        The response_map only contains requests that were either satisfied, or
        that ran into an exception. Often this translates to reserving hosts
        against a request. If the rdb hit an exception processing a request, the
        exception gets recorded in the map for the client to reraise.

        @param response: A response for the request.
        @param request: The request that has reserved these hosts.
        @param append: Boolean, whether to append new hosts in
                       |response| for existing request.
                       Will not append if existing response is
                       a list of exceptions.

        @raises RDBException: If an empty values is added to the map.
        if not response:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                'response_map dict can only contain '
                'valid responses. Request %s, response %s is invalid.' %
                (request, response))
        exist_response = self.response_map.setdefault(request, [])
        if exist_response and not append:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException('Request %s already has response %s '
                                         'the rdb cannot return multiple '
                                         'responses for the same request.' %
                                         (request, response))
        if exist_response and append and not isinstance(
                exist_response[0], rdb_hosts.RDBHost):
            # Do not append if existing response contains exception.
    def _check_line(self, line, key):
        """Sanity check a cache line.

        This method assumes that a cache line is made up of RDBHost objects,
        and checks to see if they all match each other/the key passed in.
        Checking is done in terms of host labels and acls, note that the hosts
        in the line can have different deps/acls, as long as they all have the
        deps required by the key, and at least one matching acl of the key.

        @param line: The cache line value.
        @param key: The key the line will be stored under.
        @raises rdb_utils.RDBException:
            If one of the hosts in the cache line is already leased.
            The cache already has a different line under the given key.
            The given key doesn't match the hosts in the line.
        # Note that this doesn't mean that all hosts in the cache are unleased.
        if any(host.leased for host in line):
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException('Cannot cache leased hosts %s' % line)

        # Confirm that the given line can be used to service the key by checking
        # that all hosts have the deps mentioned in the key, and at least one
        # matching acl.
        h_keys = set([self.get_key(host.labels, host.acls) for host in line])
        for h_key in h_keys:
            if (not h_key.deps.issuperset(key.deps)
                    or not key.acls.intersection(h_key.acls)):
                raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                    'Given key: %s does not match key '
                    'computed from hosts in line: %s' % (key, h_keys))
        if self._cache_backend.has_key(key):
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                'Cannot override a cache line. It '
                'must be cleared before setting. Key: %s, hosts %s' %
                (key, line))
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     for key,value in kwargs.iteritems():
         except TypeError as e:
             raise rdb_utils.RDBException('All fields of a %s must be. '
                     'hashable %s: %s, %s failed this test.' %
                     (self.__class__, key, type(value), value))
         self._request = self.template(**kwargs)
     except TypeError:
         raise rdb_utils.RDBException('Creating %s requires args %s got %s' %
                 (self.__class__, self.template._fields, kwargs.keys()))
    def set_line(self, key, hosts):
        """Cache a list of similar hosts.

        set_line will no-op if:
            The hosts aren't all unleased.
            The hosts don't have deps/acls matching the key.
            A cache line under the same key already exists.
        The first 2 cases will lead to a cache miss in the corresponding get.

        @param hosts: A list of unleased hosts with the same deps/acls.
        @raises RDBException: If hosts is None, since None is reserved for
            key expiration.
        if hosts is None:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException('Cannot set None in the cache.')

        # An empty list means no hosts matching the request are available.
        # This can happen if a previous request leased all matching hosts.
        if not hosts or not self.use_cache:
            self._cache_backend.set(key, [])
            self._check_line(hosts, key)
        except rdb_utils.RDBException as e:
            self._cache_backend.set(key, set(hosts))
Esempio n. 5
    def testResponseMapChecking(self):
        """Test response map sanity check.

        Test that adding the same RDBHostServerWrapper for 2 requests will
        raise an exception.
        # Assign the same host to 2 requests and check for exceptions.
        request_1 = self.get_hosts_manager.request_queue[0]
        request_2 = self.get_hosts_manager.request_queue[1]
        response = [rdb_testing_utils.FakeHost(hostname='host', host_id=1)]

        self.handler.update_response_map(request_1, response)
        self.handler.update_response_map(request_2, response)
        self.assertRaises(rdb_utils.RDBException, self.handler.get_response)

        # Assign the same exception to 2 requests and make sure there isn't a
        # an exception, then check that the response returned is the
        # exception_string and not the exception itself.
        self.handler.response_map = {}
        exception_string = 'This is an exception'
        response = [rdb_utils.RDBException(exception_string)]
        self.handler.update_response_map(request_1, response)
        self.handler.update_response_map(request_2, response)
        for response in self.handler.get_response().values():
            self.assertTrue(response[0] == exception_string)
Esempio n. 6
    def valid_host_assignment(cls, request, host):
        """Check if a host, request pairing is valid.

        @param request: The request to match against the host.
        @param host: An RDBServerHostWrapper instance.

        @return: True if the host, request assignment is valid.

        @raises RDBException: If the request already has another host_ids
            associated with it.
        if request.host_id and request.host_id !=
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                'Cannot assign a different host for request: %s, it '
                'already has one: %s ' % (request,

        # Getting all labels and acls might result in large queries, so
        # bail early if the host is already leased.
        if host.leased:
            return False
        # If a host is invalid it must be a one time host added to the
        # afe specifically for this purpose, so it doesn't require acl checking.
        acl_match = (request.acls.intersection(host.acls) or host.invalid)
        label_match = (request.deps.intersection(host.labels) == request.deps)
        return acl_match and label_match
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         kwargs['payload'] = HashableDict(kwargs['payload'])
     except (KeyError, TypeError) as e:
         raise rdb_utils.RDBException('Creating %s requires args %s got %s' %
                 (self.__class__, self.template._fields, kwargs.keys()))
     super(UpdateHostRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Esempio n. 8
    def schedule_host_job(cls, host, queue_entry):
        """Schedule a job on a host.

        Scheduling a job involves:
            1. Setting the active bit on the queue_entry.
            2. Scheduling a special task on behalf of the queue_entry.
        Performing these actions will lead the job scheduler through a chain of
        events, culminating in running the test and collecting results from
        the host.

        @param host: The host against which to schedule the job.
        @param queue_entry: The queue_entry to schedule.
        if queue_entry.host_id is None:
        elif != queue_entry.host_id:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                'The rdb returned host: %s '
                'but the job:%s was already assigned a host: %s. ' %
                (host.hostname, queue_entry.job_id,
        queue_entry.update_field('active', True)

        # TODO: The host scheduler should only be assigning
        # jobs to hosts, but the criterion we use to release hosts depends
        # on it not being used by an active hqe. Since we're activating the
        # hqe here, we also need to schedule its first prejob task. OTOH,
        # we could converge to having the host scheduler manager all special
        # tasks, since their only use today is to verify/cleanup/reset a host.'Scheduling pre job tasks for entry: %s', queue_entry)
Esempio n. 9
    def _record_exceptions(self, request, exceptions):
        """Record a list of exceptions for a request.

        @param request: The request for which the exceptions were hit.
        @param exceptions: The exceptions hit while processing the request.
        rdb_exceptions = [rdb_utils.RDBException(ex) for ex in exceptions]
        self.update_response_map(request, rdb_exceptions)
Esempio n. 10
    def batch_validate_hosts(self, requests):
        """Validate requests with hosts.

        Reserve all hosts, check each one for validity and discard invalid
        request-host pairings. Lease the remaining hsots.

        @param requests: A list of requests to validate.

        @raises RDBException: If multiple hosts or the wrong host is returned
            for a response.
        # The following cases are possible for frontend requests:
        # 1. Multiple requests for 1 host, with different acls/deps/priority:
        #    These form distinct requests because they hash differently.
        #    The response map will contain entries like: {r1: h1, r2: h1}
        #    after the batch_get_hosts call. There are 2 sub-cases:
        #        a. Same deps/acls, different priority:
        #           Since we sort the requests based on priority, the
        #           higher priority request r1, will lease h1. The
        #           validation of r2, h1 will fail because of the r1 lease.
        #        b. Different deps/acls, only one of which matches the host:
        #           The matching request will lease h1. The other host
        #           pairing will get dropped from the response map.
        # 2. Multiple requests with the same acls/deps/priority and 1 host:
        #    These all have the same request hash, so the response map will
        #    contain: {r: h}, regardless of the number of r's. If this is not
        #    a valid host assignment it will get dropped from the response.
        for request in sorted(self.response_map.keys(),
                              key=lambda request: request.priority,
            hosts = self.response_map[request]
            if len(hosts) > 1:
                raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                    'Got multiple hosts for a single '
                    'request. Hosts: %s, request %s.' % (hosts, request))
            # Job-shard is 1:1 mapping. Because a job can only belongs
            # to one shard, or belongs to master, we disallow frontend job
            # that spans hosts on and off shards or across multiple shards,
            # which would otherwise break the 1:1 mapping.
            # As such, on master, if a request asks for multiple hosts and
            # if any host is found on shard, we assume other requested hosts
            # would also be on the same shard.  We can safely drop this request.
            ignore_request = _is_master and any(
                [host.shard_id for host in hosts])
            if (not ignore_request
                    and (self.valid_host_assignment(request, hosts[0])
                         and self.lease_hosts(hosts))):
            del self.response_map[request]
            logging.warning('Request %s was not able to lease host %s',
                            request, hosts[0])
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            kwargs['deps'] = frozenset(kwargs['deps'])
            kwargs['preferred_deps'] = frozenset(kwargs['preferred_deps'])
            kwargs['acls'] = frozenset(kwargs['acls'])

            # parent_job_id defaults to NULL but always serializing it as an int
            # fits the rdb's type assumptions. Note that job ids are 1 based.
            if kwargs['parent_job_id'] is None:
                kwargs['parent_job_id'] = 0
        except (KeyError, TypeError) as e:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException('Creating %s requires args %s got %s' %
                    (self.__class__, self.template._fields, kwargs.keys()))
        super(AcquireHostRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Esempio n. 12
    def lease(self):
        """Set the leased bit on the host object, and in the database.

        @raises RDBException: If the host is already leased.
        if self.leased:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException('Host %s is already leased' %
        self.leased = True
        # TODO: Avoid leaking django out of rdb.QueryManagers. This is still
        # preferable to calling save() on the host object because we're only
        # updating/refreshing a single indexed attribute, the leased bit.
Esempio n. 13
    def get_required_fields_from_host(cls, host):
        """Returns all required attributes of the host parsed into a dict.

        Required attributes are defined as the attributes required to
        create an RDBHost, and mirror the columns of the host table.

        @param host: A host object containing all required fields as attributes.
        required_fields_map = {}
            for field in cls.required_fields:
                required_fields_map[field] = getattr(host, field)
        except AttributeError as e:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException('Required %s' % e)
        required_fields_map['id'] =
        return required_fields_map
Esempio n. 14
    def _check_response_map(self):
        """Verify that we never give the same host to different requests.

        @raises RDBException: If the same host is assigned to multiple requests.
        unique_hosts = set([])
        for request, response in self.response_map.iteritems():
            # Each value in the response map can only either be a list of
            # RDBHosts or a list of RDBExceptions, not a mix of both.
            if isinstance(response[0], rdb_hosts.RDBHost):
                if any([host in unique_hosts for host in response]):
                    raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                        'Assigning the same host to multiple requests. New '
                        'hosts %s, request %s, response_map: %s' %
                        (response, request, self.response_map))
                    unique_hosts = unique_hosts.union(response)
Esempio n. 15
    def response(self):
        """Execute the api call and return a response for each request.

        The order of responses is the same as the order of requests added
        to the queue.

        @yield: A response for each request added to the queue after the
            last invocation of response.
        if not self.request_queue:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException('No requests. Call add_requests '
                    'with the appropriate kwargs, before calling response.')

        result = self.api_call(self.request_queue)
        requests = self.request_queue
        self.request_queue = []
        for request in requests:
            yield result.get(request) if result else None
Esempio n. 16
    def _update(self, payload):
        """Send an update to rdb, save the attributes of the payload locally.

        @param: A dictionary representing 'key':value of the update required.

        @raises RDBException: If the update fails.
        """'Host %s in %s updating %s through rdb on behalf of: %s ',
                     self.hostname, self.status, payload, self.dbg_str)
        for response in self.update_request_manager.response():
            if response:
                raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                    'Host %s unable to perform update '
                    '%s through rdb on behalf of %s: %s', self.hostname,
                    payload, self.dbg_str, response)
        super(RDBClientHostWrapper, self)._update_attributes(payload)
Esempio n. 17
    def refresh(self, fields=None):
        """Refresh the attributes on this instance.

        @param fields: A list of fieldnames to refresh. If None
            all the required fields of the host are refreshed.

        @raises RDBException: If refreshing a field fails.
        # TODO: This is mainly required for cache correctness. If it turns
        # into a bottleneck, cache host_ids instead of rdbhosts and rebuild
        # the hosts once before leasing them out. The important part is to not
        # trust the leased bit on a cached host.
        fields = self.required_fields if not fields else fields
            refreshed_fields = afe_models.Host.objects.filter(
        except django_exceptions.FieldError as e:
            raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
                'Couldn\'t refresh fields %s: %s' % fields, e)
Esempio n. 18
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     if self.required_fields - set(kwargs.keys()):
         raise rdb_utils.RDBException(
             'Creating %s requires %s, got %s ' %
             (self.__class__, self.required_fields, kwargs.keys()))